SAP UNIT Testing Sample Template

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MIT SAP LIV Transaction Test Case Template Test Case Filename: CUR_AP_MIRO_0005

Date Created: 3/13/03


SAP Easy Access Menu Path: Office > Workplace > Inbox > Workflow 806 >Grouped according to task > Confirm Document Type/Enter R/3 Document



Purpose of Test Case: Test PO invoice posting with Logistics Invoice Verification. Targets Early Archive posting of invoice images with IXOS as well as Facilities workflow dual posting to control account. Step No.



Input Values to Execute Test Case (provide

Expected / Actual Results

Pass / Fail – Comments

screen shots if necessary)

Using the above menu path bring up the “Business Workplace” transaction screen.

The IXOS-ARCHIVE/vu – screen should pop up and display an image of a test invoice.

Double click the <execute> button to the left of the first item in the Document list with the Title: “Test IXOS & LIV……”.

Also a small SAP “Process document type” pop-up window will appear with the description: MM LIV Invoice - Post

Click the process

The “Enter Invoice” screen should pop up. (Transaction MIRO)


Cursor should move to the “Reference” field and an error message should appear at the bottom that reads: 3.


Type in today’s date in the “Invoice date” field and click <enter>.

Type in the test case filename = CUR_AP_MIRO_0005 in the “Reference” field and click <enter>.

For document type RN, an entry is required in field Reference number

All header fields are no longer grayed out.

File location: QA on R-Crew Server\CUR_Campus\Test Case Templates\Transaction Test Case Template

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Transaction MIRO. Select the appropriate dropdown menu options as follows: Transaction = Invoice Reference document category = Purchase order/scheduling agreement 5.


Indicator = Goods/service items Display variant = MIT AP PO Invoice Entry Type 200 in the “Amount” field and click <enter>.

All 4 fields should provide a list to pick from and allow you to change the default if necessary.

200.00 should fill in the “Amount” field.

Single click on the “Purchasing Document Number” field and click its match code button. 7.

The “Possible Entries for Purchasing Document” screen should pop up. Type 102847 in the “Vendor” field. Type CUR in the “Company code” field Click the selection flag on for “POs” & “Invoice expected”.

Leave all other fields blank. 8.





the “Blanket PO” 5510009976 and

click the


A list of “Possible Entries for Purchasing Document” should display. You will be returned to the “Enter Invoice” screen and the Blanket PO you selected should appear in the “PO number” field.

File location: QA on R-Crew Server\CUR_Campus\Test Case Templates\Transaction Test Case Template

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Click <enter>.

Blanket line item information should appear with open balance Amount and Quantity.

Type 200 in both the “Amount” and “Quantity” fields and change the control acct. cost center number from 1802900 to 1860100 and click

Debit = 200




the <simulate>

Click post



Credit = 200 Balance = 0

You return to the Business Workplace screen and a message should display at the bottom of your screen: Document no. 7XXXXXXXXX created.

Use the following SAP Easy Access Menu Path: Accounting > Financial Accounting > Accounts Payable > Document > Display Transaction = FB03 13.

And click the list


You are brought to the “Document List” screen.

Type in the following: Document type = SF Posting date = Today’s date 14.

Click the <execute>


At least 1 document should appear on the list with a “FI/AP” reference number and header text that reads: Ph.Plant Post to Ctl Acct Document Display screen should pop up with a record of a journal entry that matches the $amount of the invoice you have just posted. Debiting Ccenter 1802900 &


Double click on the document number.

Crediting Ccenter 1806900

File location: QA on R-Crew Server\CUR_Campus\Test Case Templates\Transaction Test Case Template

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Issue Severity

 Severe

 High

 Medium

 Low

Test  Unit

 Project  Integration

 Follow-up

 Upgrade

 Endorsement

 Volume

 Usability

 N/A


 SAP-dev (SF2)  SAP-tst (SF5)

 SAP-edu (SF6)

 Production (PS*)  Other

Company Code(s)  CUR





Windows XP


 Windows 2000

 Windows NT

 MAC OS 9.2

MAC OS 8.6

 Windows 98

 Windows – Other

 MAC - Other

Browser(s)  Netscape 6.2

 Communicator 4.6

 Communicator 4.78

 Internet Explorer 5.5

 Not Applicable

 Other

 Communicator 4.74

Business Area  AP


 AR

 Budget

 Cashier’s  Controlling Facilities

 Procurement  Data Warehouse

 R3Admin

 FSS  Human Resources  IS

 Travel Office

 Treasurer’s Office

 JV’s

 Sponsored Research

Type of Issue  Authorization/Profile

 Business Process

 Configuration

 Development

 Enhancement Request  Not Reproducible

 Occurs in Production

 Test Data  Training / Documentation

 User Error

 R3/Basis

 Display

 Duplicate

 Support Pack Related

 Other

File location: QA on R-Crew Server\CUR_Campus\Test Case Templates\Transaction Test Case Template

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Brief Description of the Issue

Describe in Detail how to reproduce the Issue

1. 2. 3.

File location: QA on R-Crew Server\CUR_Campus\Test Case Templates\Transaction Test Case Template

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