2 minute read
HK charity PathFinders celebrates working mums
Charmaine Ng chats with PathFinders CEO Catherine Gurtin about the organisation’s new campaign
Celebrating All Working Mothers in Hong Kong
PathFinders is the only Hong Kong charity that supports vulnerable children born to migrant domestic workers (MDW). Established in 2008, its founders discovered two babies and their MDW mothers living in extreme poverty in Chungking Mansions. Unlawfully fired upon becoming pregnant, the mothers could only afford to feed their babies rice water.
Identifying a gap in Hong Kong society where women and babies go undocumented and unprotected, PathFinders believes that all children matter and that every child deserves a fair start in life. All mothers and babies are provided care and counselling to ensure they can overcome their challenges and plan for a brighter future.
This year, the organisation is launching a new campaign called ‘Celebrating All Working Mothers in Hong Kong’, in an effort to empower all working mothers in the city. Catherine Gurtin, CEO of PathFinders, tells us about the campaign and how we can get involved.
“I’m a working mother, as are many of the team at PathFinders,” she begins. “As a group of working mothers serving migrant mothers daily, the theme of celebrating all working mothers in Hong Kong truly resonates with us.”
Indeed, the burden of being a working mother has never been greater in the face of the ongoing pandemic. Gurtin herself has been feeling the strain of being a working mother, as she struggles to cope with the demands of work, childcare and home-based schooling of her children.
“My team and I have read with great dismay how working mothers in many countries are dropping out of the workforce to support their children at home. It has deepened our respect for all working mothers – particularly the migrant mothers amongst us. These strong women spend most of their children’s lives working away from home to provide for their family. There is truly no better time than now to honour all the remarkable working mothers in Hong Kong.”
Taking part in PathFinders’ campaign is as simple as buying flowers or writing a letter expressing your gratitude for your/a working mother. Throughout the year, there will be events hosted by the organisation to celebrate these hard-working ladies. And if you’re feeling up to it, become a monthly donor and demonstrate your solidarity with all working mothers in Hong Kong – including MDW mothers.
Since 2008, PathFinders has helped over 7,800 babies, children and women who were not fully supported by Hong Kong’s public services, with advice and counselling, access to healthcare, emergency shelter, essential supplies and legal support. Find out more about its mission and services at pathfinders.org.hk

How to get involved
• On International Women’s Day (March 8), express your appreciation to working mothers on PathFinders’ Facebook page and be entered into its lucky draw to win a prize.
• On Mother’s Day (May 9), buy a working mum a PathFinders sunflower face mask.
• On Sons & Daughters Day (August 11), organise a family day at your office so working mothers (and fathers) can spend quality time with their children.