4 minute read
How to keep your plants alive
Keren Goldman, founder of Keren’s Garden shares her tips and tricks
Many feel intimidated taking the responsibility of growing plants because of past failures. As a plant lover, I believe that confidence in growing plants comes with time and the right information. It’s important to know and understand a plant’s specific needs before buying them:
1. Location, location, location
Often, we also miscalculate the amount of light our indoor plants receive, which can cause the healthiest plant to drop its leaves or die. The distance from a window affects how much light the plant gets, so even though your apartment might be very airy and bright, over two-meters from the window is usually medium to low light for a plant and not bright. Once settled, avoid moving your plant, as they find it stressful.
2. Watering
Over watering is the number one killer for most plants. Each plant has different watering needs and prefers the soil to dry between watering, if the soil is constantly wet it often causes root rot and there’s no way back from that. Always check the soil before watering, the best tool to do this is with your finger.
3. The right pot
Make sure any pot you choose has a drain hole. We do not recommend “self-watering” pots as they don’t have a drain hole and keep water inside of a double bottom. Plastic pots aren’t ideal, as they can’t insulate temperature well. Ceramic pots are great to lower the temperature difference and keep the soil. Terracotta pots are best for plants that need to breathe, such as orchids.
4. Temperature
Air conditioning, fans, dehumidifiers and even being near a window determine the temperature that your plant is affected by. Most plants don’t like direct wind, but air flow is important, the temperature also affects the speed soil dries, so in hot spots, check the soil more often and in cooler spots avoid overwatering, as mushrooms and fungi love dark moist areas.
5. Plant food
All plants need extra supplements. Often potted plants, when given too much water, have the nutrients washed out of the pot through the drain hole. Choose a slow release fertiliser that melts slowly with each watering. It’s very important not to overdo it with fertiliser, as it can burn the plants so read the instructions carefully.
Make sure you ask your plant shop all this information before buying a plant and choose wisely. Happy plant growing!
Ask a vet...
Dr Pauline Taylor answers your questions on fleas and flea prevention
What are some signs I should look for if my pet has fleas?
If your dog appears restless and seems to be shaking its head and scratching a lot, especially using their hind legs to scratch along their abdomen, fleas should be considered. They are blood sucking parasites that carry and pass on diseases and irritate in the process. One adult flea can produce around 2000 eggs that can, in the right environmental conditions, hatch to produce flea larva. These eggs or larva hide in waiting for a warm blooded host e.g. your dog to come along and within a short time of this, hatch to produce a hungry flea.
Are there certain locations or seasons where my pet is more prone to picking them up?
Flea eggs tend to lie dormant in darker areas, in your home under sofas or tables where there isn’t a lot of movement or traffic. Outdoors where your pet lies a lot, and when the environmental conditions are right for the eggs to hatch.
Many different species of flea exist but in general dog fleas prefer dogs and cat fleas prefer cats. They prefer animal hosts but will resort to biting people when animals are unavailable. In Hong Kong we should expect fleas most months of the year.
What are some of the ways I can prevent my pet from getting fleas?
Prevention is important and involves measures in/on your dog and its environment. You must attempt to break the life cycle of the flea and different anti flea products attack this at different places. This can be achieved by 1. Regular in-home cleaning especially under tables and chairs and on carpets. In-home infestation pest control companies can be employed to spray your home using pet friendly products. 2. Treating your pet. Many anti flea products exist nowadays and it’s a good idea to discuss which one is best for your pet with its vet. Flea shampoos, washes, spotton type on
Dr Pauline, Pets Central veterinarian
products to the skin and even yummy treats now exist laced with flea killing parasiticides. They usually need to be given monthly all year round.
What are some of the negative side effects of having fleas?
Many dogs are allergic to flea bites, which can cause intense scratching, red and flaky skin, scabs, hot spots and hair loss. Fleas can also transport tapeworms and cause anaemia. They really are not pleasant but as they have been around for thousands of years fleas do know how to survive the odds. Good luck keeping them at bay.