3 minute read
Written in the stars
Letao Wang, The Kingdom Healer shares his insights on what the stars hold for you this month
Perseverance and discipline are the keys to your success during this period, Aquarius. Don’t try to escape your responsibilities or hand them over to a third party. The faster you get busy, the more you will close chapters in your life that need to end.
Your third eye is fully active, which is very conducive to pursuing artistic and spiritual activities. You will have creative inspirations that will guide all the decisions you make during this time, Pisces. Trust your intuition and follow your heart’s commands.
You may feel quite sensitive at this time, Aries. However, you will get protection from your loved ones and take confidence from a new group of friends. You might not feel in the mood to embark on demanding jobs. Choose peaceful solutions to conflicts and spend time with your family.
You will notice a capricious temperament regarding your relationships, thanks to the current planetary configuration. You will enjoy all the first stages of falling in love: flirting and seducing those around you. Before moving forward with a suitor, make sure that you will not lose interest once you conquer them.
You are usually pretty fast, Gemini but at this time your mental agility will be quicker than ever. Your communication is assertive and you will undertake different jobs that you will enjoy. If you are interested in starting a course, don’t hesitate to do so. You are the type of person who tends to opt for peaceful solutions. However, during this period, you will feel the need to defend your territory and fight for what is yours. Do not get carried away by other’s decisions and stand firm in your opinions. It is time to become independent and find your way.
Although it is an excellent time for social activities, you may feel a bit scattered at your workplace. If you want to focus on just one thing, you will probably find it impossible to concentrate. So, identify the goal and move toward it with determination. It is an excellent opportunity to review communicational projects and establish contact with old friends. Consider your options and reflect before making important decisions. Don’t get ahead of yourself, Virgo. This is not the time to start very ambitious projects. Take your time.
You’ve been through a lot Libra, but those years of experience have paid off. Your wisdom makes others seek your advice to encourage them in their lives. Your patience and affectionate sensitivity will get your friends and colleagues to invite you to various social events. Enjoy yourself in the company of your loved ones.
The emotional connection with your inner world promises a prosperous time in your relationships. You will find it very easy to connect with your friends. If you are beginning a romantic affair, it is a suitable time to deepen your link. Follow your intuition, as it is not likely to be wrong at this time.
If you feel distressed about a difficult situation, try not to dwell on it. Ask your spirit guides to help you and wait for things to work themselves out at their own pace. Take note of the visions and dreams you have during this time, they will give you clues as to the next steps on your path.
Something may be keeping you worried for longer than it should. Your rigid thinking may prevent you from finding solutions to your problems, Capricorn. Have confidence in the future. It’s not constructive for you to berate yourself for old decisions. Try to look ahead and take a more positive view of your life.