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Community Engaged Courses
Building on the University’s Franciscan approach to teaching, service and scholarship, Faculty Senate approved the new community-engaged (CE) course designation December 2017. In a CE course, students apply what they are learning in class to meet a community need. The result is an in-depth exploration of an existing social, civil, or ethical problem through the lens of an academic discipline. CE course designation builds on a long-standing tradition of service-learning courses at the University. In 2018-19, a total of 23 courses were CE designated.
Students in “Exercise the Life Span” apply what they are learning in the course to plan and implement the physical education courses under the direction of Dr. Kris Wisniewski at Saint Michael School.
Over the past two years, students in the “Human Toxicology” and “Environmental Chemistry” courses went into the community and took paint and water samples, testing for lead and then offered some lead remediation options to community partners. One student said, “The research and projects that I have worked on in Dr. Samantha Radford’s courses have sparked my passion to pursue environmental chemistry in graduate school.”
Saint Michael School in Loretto and Cambria Care Center were the community partners for the “Franciscan Values for Today” Honors sections. Students were required to complete at least 20 hours at either or both sites, by helping young people with their homework after school, and/or visiting with CCC residents.
2018 -19 CE Courses
Shields School of Business
Be the Change: Social Entrepreneurship Marketing Management Marketing Research
School of Health Sciences & Education
Canine Learning & Behavior Exercise Across the Life Span Exercise Testing & Prescription Introduction to Medicine Occupational Therapy II Occupational Therapy III Research Methods & Statistics I Research Methods & Statistics II Social Work Process I Clinical Exercise Physiology Methods for Cancer Survivors I Patient Client Management V-Neurology 2
School of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Mathematics
Franciscan Goals for Today-Honors Human Sexuality & Christian Marriage Human Toxicology Principles of Spectroscopy