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Study Acceleration: Gaining Excellence (SAGE) Program

Jessica Traurig, jtraurig@francis.edu,

(814) 472-3173, Scotus

Hall 322A

The SAGE Program is designed for students who are experiencing academic difficulties. All students on academic probation are required to participate and meet all of the requirements of the program throughout the semester. Students in good academic standing may also choose to participate in the program or may be required to do so as a requirement of their academic warning status. The program provides students with a structured study environment for six hours weekly under the supervision of University faculty and staff who serve as their SAGE Coach. In addition, services that include study skills seminars, peer tutoring, academic counseling, and basic study skills assessment are available each semester. While SAGE is not mandatory for part-time students, those students are encouraged to participate. Students will sign an agreement at the beginning of the semester that outlines the expectations for program participation. Students who do not comply with the requirements of the program may be subject to dismissal.

Higher Education Equal Opportunity (ACT 101) Program

April Fry, afry@francis.edu, (814) 472-3176, Scotus Hall 323C

The ACT 101 Program was created as a result of the Pennsylvania Higher Education Equal Opportunity Act 101 in 1971 and focuses on serving undergraduate students in order to make the ideal educational opportunity a reality for all qualified students.

Support services include access to free textbooks through our lending library, assistance with class registration, free peer and group tutoring, workshops, and academic and career counseling.

To be eligible, students must be:

•Resident of Pennsylvania

•Economically disadvantaged

•Educationally disadvantaged

•Enrolled as a full-time student (carrying at least 12 credits in a semester) or as a part time student (carrying at least 6, but less than 12, credits in a semester).

ACT 101 students are eligible for support services at the University as long as he or she is enrolled at the institution and has signed the student contract at the beginning of each academic year.

You will be automatically notified of eligibility by the ACT 101 Coordinator.

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