2 minute read

University’s 175th Anniversary

Many Gifts, One Spirit A Celebration 175 Years in the Making 2021-2022-2023

In 1847, stewarding the vision of the Troubadour from Assisi, six Franciscan brothers (Giles Carroll, Dominick Lee, Vincent Welstead, Joseph Corcoran, Peter McDermott, and Jerome O’Kieffe) departed Roundstone, Ireland to fulfill a dream, rooted in Francis’ teachings. As part of their spiritual mission to educate the local population, they cleared land in the forests of Loretto, Pennsylvania and built a school on top of the mountain.

Thanks to these friars, Saint Francis University, the oldest Franciscan college in the United States, is fast approaching its 175th anniversary.

To commemorate 175 years of rich educational and religious tradition, the University will host a multi-year celebration beginning later next year with the official Dodransbicentennial in 2022.

Anniversary Milestone Events

Mark your calendars for these milestone events. Additional details will be announced on the official

web page: francis.edu/175 2021 2022


Celebration Kick-Off (Fall Semester)

Official Mass of Celebration “The Dodrans” Class of 2022 Graduation Alumni Weekend Celebration

Closing Ceremony



Six Franciscan brothers from Roundstone, Ireland arrive in Loretto to found a school on land offered to them by the first bishop of Pittsburgh. Saint Francis Academy for Boys is established.


The Academy is granted a charter to award college degrees. Charles Schwab, the future steel tycoon, graduates from Saint Francis College and founds Bethlehem Steel in 1905. He builds his elaborate summer estate across from the college.


The Province of the Most Sacred Heart is established for the Loretto community of Friars in the Third Order Regular.


Emma Halley becomes the first woman to receive a degree from Saint Francis College, although women will not be admitted fulltime to the College until 1945. Saint Francis University was one of the first Catholic universities to become co-


1845 1855 1865


educational. 1885


Intercollegiate sports begin at Saint Francis College. 1905 1915

1908 1911

1925 1935

The name of the institution is officially changed to Saint Francis College.


Lord, make me an instrument of your peace: where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy.

O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand, to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.


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