1 minute read


University community converged, and are illustrated in the 2022 President’s Report. It is with (appropriate) pride and gratitude that we tout the successes about which you will read. The now complete Francis 2020 strategic plan may now be categorized as a “fine accomplishment.” The University is blessed!

The successes of this past year enhanced the University’s 175th anniversary celebration. Thank you for your generous contributions to these efforts. May the Lord continue to bless us.


Very Rev. Malachi Van Tassell, T.O.R., Ph.D. President

It all began with six friars from Ireland...

Brother Giles Carroll along with five of his friar brothers from the Archdiocese of Tuam in Ireland requested permission from the Bishop of the Pittsburgh diocese to bring their dream, rooted in sharing the teachings of Saint Francis of Assisi, to fruition in the Americas.

Today we have a premier institution, with innovative programs that build ethical leaders who model Franciscan values.

In 1942 The Chapel of Mary Immaculate was lost in the fire that destroyed Old Main. A rebuilding process ensued with the construction of a new place of worship, the Immaculate Conception Chapel. The new chapel opened in 1957, yet much of the original design concept remained unfinished due to lack of funds.

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