Ignatian #1 2013

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Ig nati a n

Mid Year 2013 Ed it ion Volu me 22 Nu mb er 1

w w w. r ive r v i e w. n s w. e d u . a u

Editorial Staff:

Editor: Peter Herington Journalist & Media Co-ordinator: Lauren Sykes Administration: Suzie Marks Design & Layout: Peter Barker

Alumni & Special Events Manager:

Christine Zimbulis Telephone: (02) 9882 8595 cszimbulis@riverview.nsw.edu.au


Please forward to: development@riverview.nsw.edu.au or Fax: (02) 9882 8200

Published by:

Saint Ignatius’ College, Riverview Tambourine Bay Road, LANE COVE, NSW 2066

Front Cover:

‘Founders window’ in the Dalton Memorial Chapel

Fr Ross Jones Rector SJ telling stories to Regis students in his office.

Stories and storytellers


his edition of the Ignatian continues the themes of the new windows in the Dalton Memorial Chapel; specifically the Founders window.

This window uses a very simple metaphor which supposes that things do not simply appear but are built upon, a sentiment most appropriately described in the College motto: ‘As much as you can do, so much dare to do’. And the College similarly did not, just, ‘simply appear’. The foundations of this place are obviously its buildings, grounds and the founding fathers and others who created them. But, perhaps more importantly, they are also the ethos, the guiding beliefs, traditions and ideals that have been built along with that fabric and are woven into it, which truly characterise the institution. There is a richness of fabric, a texture and orientation of how things are done, and said, at this College that is unique and is captured only in the telling. So, in no lesser way, the foundations of this place are, in part, its stories and its storytellers. We have sought to reflect the ‘foundations’ of Riverview through a focus on stories and storytelling. Storytelling predates writing. We use it as a means of sharing and interpreting experiences. Contemporary storytelling is a vital educational tool, not only for the retention and dissemination of contextual and factual information but also to ensure the historiographical process is complete. It can effectively teach ethics, values, cultural norms and differences.

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So our stories are of people in the Riverview community who have focused on what they are able to add to this place. There are stories of great and interesting Jesuits – the teachers, the builders, the coaches; there are stories of those who have seen the value in providing a Riverview education for those far less fortunate than themselves; there are stories of those who have achieved much and those who have not. It is the people in these accounts, and the myriad others who have passed through these gates, who have forged the physical, intellectual and rational fabric of Saint Ignatius’ College, Riverview as it is today. We trust you enjoy this interpretation of our ‘Founders’. Peter Herington, Editor


Quantum Potes Tantum Aude

In this edition

Around the College

2 4 6 8

From the Rector From the Principal As much as you can do From the Province

30 32 36 37 40 42 44

Thankyou and Farewell Kokoda Immersion Academic Results Dux of the College 2012 Be the Change Agriculture Showteam Summer Sport

Around the Community

10–19 Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile

The influence and contribution of the Jesuits at Riverview

48 From the OIU President 50 A tribute to Louis Kelly 51 Reunions 56 Community News 56 Past Parents 57 Parents & Friends 59 Resquiescant in Pace



Dare to dream, dare to do

The key to finding happiness

Riverview Bursary Program

28 Ecological sustainability Environmental initiatives

Ignatian Children’s Holiday Camp 2012

34 College Musical West Side Story

44 Summer sport Season Highlights

Ignatian 1

There were these three Irishmen . . .


t sounds like the beginning of a humorous yarn, does it not? But Riverview’s foundation springs largely from the intersecting lives of three Irishmen.

John Joseph Therry hailed from Cork, and was ordained a diocesan priest in 1815, only a year after the Jesuits returned to Ireland following the forty-year suppression. As a young priest, he did a stint of parish work in Dublin and would have encountered the Jesuits there. Therry might have met or at least heard reports of the new Provincial of Ireland, a Fr Peter Kenny, reputedly one of the most learned and eloquent priests in Ireland. Fr Kenny spoke at many fora throughout the country. Whatever of those possible influences, Therry soon set sail for the colony of NSW to minister as chaplain to the largely poor and illiterate Irish Catholics, many former convicts or their descendants. Therry was tireless in his ministry and travelled so extensively that it

Sir Roger Therry

2 Ignatian

was not uncommon for him to exhaust three or four horses each day to cover the distance. He was respected by the Protestants and much loved by his Irish flock – an arbitrator, advocate, adviser, spiritual director and community leader. In a time of religious bigotry and sectarian suspicion, he was often a controversial figure, fighting for civil liberties for Catholics and for the Aboriginal cause. He was adviser to Caroline Chisholm, that outstanding woman, the so-called ‘migrant’s friend’, who waited at the docks for the boatpeople of her day, but offering devotion rather than detention. One of our Houses at Riverview is named for her. Nine years after Fr Therry’s arrival in the colony, a fellow Corkman came to Sydney. Roger (later Sir Roger) Therry may well have been a relative. Now he was a product of the first graduating year of our new Clongowes Wood College, out of Dublin. A gifted man, he came to NSW with his wife and was a successful barrister. Soon after, he was appointed AttorneyGeneral, then became a Supreme Court judge. In this time, he emerged as a loyal supporter and confidant of Fr John and it is not unreasonable to suspect that he informed

Fr Joseph Dalton SJ

John of the very positive influence of the Society in the land of his birth. Now as a consequence of his many ministries and the esteem in which he was held, Fr Therry, a diocesan priest, (with no vow of poverty) became a substantially wealthy man. At the time of his death, Therry owned farms in Van Diemen’s Land and New South Wales, part of the present suburb of Lidcombe, and 1500 acres at Pittwater. But Therry left no less than fifteen wills. Discernment seems not to have been one of his strengths! And on his deathbed in 1864, he dictated yet another will to his housekeeper. This was the conclusion of that testament:

I desire, without the slightest want of respect for the ecclesiastical authorities of this colony [now that is either Irish humour or a thinly-disguised lie], that Irish Jesuits and they alone should have the management of the whole of my property for the purpose of appropriating its proceeds … for religious, charitable, and educational purposes. It is now eleven o’clock and I must retire but shall in the name of our most merciful Lord sign this document before I do so.

He did, and he died. Needless to say, the very-English Archbishop of Sydney at the time, John Bede Polding, little impressed

From the Rector This ‘founding father’ also established the North Sydney parish. Parish schools as well. Such an energetic man. The only foundation of his that was to fail was St Aloysius’ College and Parish in Dunedin, New Zealand, which operated between 1878 and 1889.

that such an estate was leaving his Archdiocese and going to the Irish, approached the Church’s ecclesiastical court in Rome to overturn it, but the appeal was quite rightly dismissed. When the Irish Provincial of the Jesuits received the windfall, it was just at the time that a mission was being prepared for Australia. A generous act and vision, for that struggling new Irish Province possessed fewer than 70 priests, yet sent five of those men, men of talent and potential, and the bulk of that Therry estate, to a new mission in Australia. Enter our third Irishman. Joseph Dalton was born at Waterford, just after the Jesuit restoration. He joined the Society and was Rector of two Jesuit Colleges in Ireland before being sent to Australia, aged fifty, with two other Jesuits, as superior of the new Mission to Australia. In pre-Suez Canal days, the good ship Great Britain took the passage around the Cape. By all reports, it was a tough journey. Passengers did not see land after leaving Wales until they sighted Australia. En route, there was a duel on board and even a case of smallpox. A cow below decks to provide milk for First Class passengers died of seasickness after only one week offshore. The Second Class crowd rejoiced maliciously. But then the vacant cow stall was used to lock up troublesome passengers of the lower classes. Perhaps the cow had the last laugh. The three Jesuits were quite active on board and we are told there were ‘three converts to the Faith’ whilst at sea. The three arrived in Melbourne to join two confreres already there in 1866. Fr Dalton was a dozen years at St Patrick’s College, East Melbourne, and then purchased land for the new Xavier College at Kew. He established the two parishes at Hawthorn and Richmond. Then he moved to Sydney in 1879 amid a great deal of anti-Jesuit feeling here and campaigns to thwart the Jesuits’ arrival. Even Archbishop

Fr John Joseph Therry

Vaughan who had invited the Jesuits to Sydney was advised by his own brother, a Bishop in Manchester, that in welcoming the Jesuits to his Archdiocese, he was only ‘creating a rod for his own back’. A number of NSW parliamentarians were on the offensive. Parliamentarian Sir Henry Parkes, who feared Catholic ambitions to seize political hegemony, was less than keen on the arrival of Irish Jesuit schoolmen. ‘Let them come, let them do their best or their worst,’ he said, ‘We are still a free British community … we shall be able to deal with any evil that may arise in the country.’ Some Catholic quarters were also suspicious. Nevertheless, Dalton did come and he purchased St Kilda House in Woolloomooloo (which was to become St Aloysius’ College). When they first arrived in Sydney, he and his brethren lived in a fourroomed shanty built of corrugated iron and flattened kerosene tins. They were tough times. Dalton was Rector at St Aloysius’ for one year before purchasing 118 acres to establish yet another school here at Riverview.

Fr Dalton remained at Riverview the rest of his life. Despite all those earlier misgivings and distrust of Jesuits, in his lifetime Dalton had become the friend and confidant of many members of the hierarchy, as well as earning the respect of vice-regals and parliamentarians. His pupils loved him. He died at Riverview in 1905, aged 87, and was buried from St Mary’s North Sydney. The funeral was huge. His body was first interred at the Jesuit plot, Gore Hill, and then subsequently reburied in the chapel built by the students who held him in such affection, and named in his memory. A brass plaque marks the place of his final resting. As a Jesuit on mission, Dalton benefitted from the estate of Fr Therry who saw great possibilities in this re-established Jesuit order. Supported, too, by those like Roger Therry, grateful and successful alumni, who were advocates and benefactors. Just as ours is a story today of colleagues and partners in mission. A story of blessings and graces received. When we look back on our graced history, we see God’s traces. God’s goodness revealed in human history. God found at work in the heroes of the past. We ought regularly to look at where we have been, who we are and where we are going. Our story recalled. Our story lived out now. And then turn in hope to our story yet to be written by the boys currently in our care. And not for our, but only for God’s greater glory. Fr Ross Jones SJ, Rector

Ignatian 3

An audacious dream


t is an honour to pen some words for this publication, one which has developed from a humble distribution of a few hundred back in 1988 to a readership of over 12,000 in the current context – be they immediate members of the school community or part of the expansive network of alumni that have moved to the many corners of the world. In the case of the latter, the College recently had contact from both an Old Ignatian and a current parent, both living in Dubai, with a request to be kept informed of the many events that are part of the educational program and the activities of the old scholars.

Statue of Saint Ignatius of Loyola at Riverview

As part of my preparation to take up the role of Principal of Riverview, I was blessed with the opportunity to read deeply and widely about the nature of Ignatian spirituality, from its foundational roots through to its contemporary expression. And, there is no doubt that the current emphases in the College are fully congruent with the principles upon which Saint

Ignatius founded his schools: places where the values of the Gospel would find expression in the educational program and promote young men and women imbued with a commitment to serve others. It is no accident of history that the founding fathers moved into the institution of education, for they clearly had, in the modern parlance, a strategic plan. It was not only to

Why did the Jesuits become involved in schools?


have recently had two completely different people pose the same question: Why did Saint Ignatius decide to start up schools? My answers were inadequate at the time. Caught on the hop, I gave some anodyne reply that didn’t even enlighten me. So, here’s a better attempt at a response. ‘It just kind of happened’, writes Chris Lowney in his Heroic Leadership. That doesn’t appear to be particularly helpful either but it’s as close to the truth as any other explanation. The first Jesuits saw themselves as ‘itinerant ministers of the word’ writes William Barry SJ in Contemplatives

4 Ignatian

in Action. There were some early colleges, set up for training young Jesuits, which also admitted some non-Jesuits. And St Francis Xavier, arriving at Goa, then capital of Portugese India, in May 1542, gave much time to teaching children, especially at St Paul’s College, ‘the first Jesuit-operated school of its kind anywhere in the world’; Francis informed Ignatius by letter that he had launched a school! But in January 1548, Fr Jerome Nadal SJ, one of the earliest Jesuits, was asked by Ignatius to open a mixed college for young Jesuits and non-Jesuits at Messina in Sicily. This was a change of mind on the part of Ignatius. ‘From his attitude of

opposition to teaching as a Jesuit activity, Ignatius was dislodged by the pressure of events’, writes James Broderick SJ in The Origin of the Jesuits. What pressure? What events? As the number of his companions rapidly increased, Ignatius was hit with requests from all parts of Europe and the Sicilian civil authorities approached Ignatius. They needed a school for boys to help evangelise the island. They needed educated priests. When Ignatius hesitated, they brought in the ‘heavy hitters’; the Viceroy of Spain in Sicily, the Spanish Ambassador in Rome, and Pope Paul III himself all supported the appeal. Faced with such a range of

From the Principal inculcate values synonymous with the Christian gospels, but through them – again in the modern vernacular, an action plan to see them find expression through the virtue of social justice. Saint Ignatius believed his schools were the nativity of social change, a place where the primacy of learning would produce graduates who would enter all levels of religious, civic, political, academic, commercial and public life, and in so doing, become agents of change in the world.Not only would Ignatian graduates become doctors, lawyers, engineers, finaciers – even Popes (!), but, they would carry with them values that would take their professions to new heights and engage in social action that would change the communities in which they lived. It was, by any standards, an extravagant vision but one that has impelled the cause of Ignatian education throughout the world for the best part of half a millennium. I am very sure that if Saint Ignatius were alive today he would be humbled by the extent of the works

of the Society of Jesus, be they in education, welfare, social justice or advocacy; the latter of significance in its own right in the realm of politics and government in many disparate jurisdictions across the globe. Saint Ignatius died over two centuries before Australia was settled and over three centuries before Riverview was founded. But, it is not surprising that the pioneers at Riverview, Frs Dalton, Therry and Vaughn, settled on a school motto which encapsulated the original vision – ‘Quantum potes, tantum aude’: As much as you can do, so much dare to do. Two things stem from this compelling vision: that students at Riverview are encouraged to do much, and, in a variety of ways. Ignatian education is holistic, in the sense that it aims to develop the spiritual, intellectual, social, psychological, artisitic and physical abilities of all the boys. While some boys will have talents in particular areas, it is incumbent upon all young men who walk across the threshold of the driveway, to participate in a broad range of experiences that will

enable them to grow into men, in the broadest and richest sense. It was and remains an audacious dream that combines the here and now with what the future holds, and, the imperatives that reside within both. And so, the young men of Riverview are asked to know the vision and to respond to it in a personal way, both in the years that they have the fortune to experience the educational program as a student, and in the post-schooling years as part of the professions, institutions and conventions of life that they will enter. As I commit these thoughts to this publication, I am reminded about the strength of the Ignatian tradition, both at Riverview and in the many schools and institutes that involve hundreds of thousands of young people across the world. Let us hope and pray, that our young men can honour the vision of Fr Dalton, Fr Therry and Fr Vaughn, and, be bold in their desire to aim high and impact positively at all levels, both now and into the future. Paul A Hine, Principal

So, as Lowney observes, the Jesuit work ‘somehow morphed into Jesuit staffed, Jesuit-run Colleges serving lay students.’ Ignatius, caught by the passion of the cause, then approved nearly 40 new Colleges in the last ten years of his life. ‘Jesuit spirituality was strongly influenced by this turn to the schools’, writes Fr Barry. ‘From this time it became much entwined with the intellectual culture of the world.’ And so, there’s the answer. Now we know!

Ignatius the scholar

united opinion, it is said that Ignatius ‘recognised the will of God for his Order’. Nadal and his brother Jesuits then set the standards for generations

of teachers in Jesuit schools since. Nadal himself taught Theology, Hebrew and Mathematics and they looked after 238 students.

From an initially hesitant change of direction grew a ministry and practice of education, founded on an Ignatian spirituality that now educates over a million students throughout the world. James Rodgers, Associate to the Rector and Principal

Ignatian 5

As much as you can do, so much dare to do


uring the first 25 years of its existence Saint Ignatius’ College, Riverview, did not attempt to give compact, symbolic expression to its special ethos. It did of course have the well-known Jesuit motto, Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam, as all Jesuit schools had, but it had nothing specific to itself. In 1906, however, Fr Thomas Gartlan SJ the fourth successor to the College founder, Fr Joseph Dalton SJ, who had died in the Silver Jubilee Year, 1905, chose an official Riverview badge (the two old coats of arms, representing the two sides of the family of Saint Ignatius) and Quantum potes tantum aude as our College motto. How did this choice of motto come about? The answer may be found in a letter sent to Riverview by an old Irish priest from Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin. (At the Cornelius time the castle was O’Donovan a House of Studies for young Jesuit scholastics attending University College, Dublin. It was well known to Australian Jesuits of an earlier generation, who studied there.) In this letter, dated 20 May 1964, Fr William Stephenson SJ, thanks the then Rector, Fr Gorman, for the ‘Alma’ he had received some time previously and had ‘devoured’. Fr Stephenson then asks especially to be remembered to Fr F X O’ Brien SJ, and wonders if Fr O’Brien remembers that it was he, Stephenson, who suggested the motto, Quantum potes to Fr Gartlan, ‘when they were racking their brains for a motto’. William Stephenson had arrived in Riverview in 1905 as a scholastic and he remained there until 1911. He was the first sacristan of the Dalton Chapel and was also in charge of the boats! He and his Jesuit companions would have been

6 Ignatian

quite familiar with Lauda Sion, having recited and sung it often. For them it would also have happily echoed the Ignatian magis (‘more’). Fr Stephenson died in 1980, aged 98, after spending 82 years in the Jesuits. On Saturday evening, 16 November, 1906, the 10th annual dinner of the Old Boys’ Union was held at Baumann’s Café. Fr Gartlan was unable to attend the dinner, but he sent the Old Boys a letter in which, among other things, he said: During the year we have adopted as the College crest the coat of arms of Saint Ignatius’ noble house and on it we have inscribed as our motto Quantum potes tantum aude.

Without indicating the source of the motto, and obviously feeling no need to translate it, Fr Gartlan continued: May I suggest to you my dear ‘old boys’ that one and all of you could do no better than make these words the guiding headlines of your lives. Whatever you can do to help one another, whatever you can do for your old school, whatever you can do for the progress and prosperity of your grand country, and above all and before all whatever you can do to safeguard and advance the sacred interests of your faith, do, and do with all your might.

I wonder if Fr Gartlan ever actually declared an official or semi-official translation of the College motto. His, ‘Whatever you can do . . . , do, and do with all your might’ would have been quite inspiring. Did he use these same words repeatedly during his remaining years as Rector (1906– 1911; 1913–1919)?

Loyola Coat of Arms

An interesting question is: how did Rectors and Headmasters translate the motto between Fr Gartlan’s time and the early 1980s? Fr Robert Bruce SJ, who was at school in Riverview from 1946–1950, recalls no regular appeal to the motto during those years and believes it was just quietly taken for granted. This seems very likely, considering the large number of Jesuits on the staff at that time. James Rodgers, who was at school in Riverview from 1966–1971 and returned as a teacher in 1978, recalls being told, probably by one of his Latin teachers, to translate the motto: ‘As much as you are able to do, so much (or ‘thus much’) dare to do’, which of course is very close to our latest translation. He believes that while he was at school the motto was assimilated by osmosis and that the openly motivational appeal began with Fr Greg O’Kelly SJ (Headmaster 1982–1993). In his history of the College, published in 2005, Fr David Strong SJ writes that in the centenary year, 1980, at the reunion of the 1955 Leaving Certificate class, Old Ignatian scholar, Christopher Flynn, used the translation, ‘If you can do something, do it’. The first College calendar, in 1982, says that the motto ‘may be translated, “Dare to do, as much as you can”, or more briefly, “Strive your hardest”.’ Then it continues:

Our College Motto From 1984 to 1993 the official translation of the College motto was, ‘All that is within you thus much dare.’ Was this Fr O’ Kelly attempting to suggest some deeper meaning for the motto? If so, would he have been happy with the change that was made in 1994 to ‘Dare to do your best’, which remained the official translation until 2005?

Onaz Coat of Arms

‘Therefore the badge and its motto stress the traditions of Riverview and the qualities expected of every boy and man who passes through its doors: generosity, courage, determination – in sport, in work, and above all in the service of God. In the words of Scripture ‘Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might’.’ (Ecclesiastes IX, 10). It is interesting to note that Fr Gartlan, a renowned lover of sport, mentioned in order ‘one another’, ‘your old school’, ‘your grand country’, ‘above all . . . your faith’, whereas the order here is ‘sport’, ‘work’ ‘above all . . . the service of God.’

Around the middle of 2004, the question arose whether, given the profoundly Christological origin of our College motto, ‘Dare to do your best’ was the most appropriate translation of Quantum potes tantum aude. Was it too easy to say? Was it too easy to trivialise, to reduce in meaning to ‘train as hard as you can’, ‘study as hard as you can’ ‘get the best results you can, so that you can get the best jobs you can’ and so on? Would it be better to preserve the rhythm and balance of the Latin? In order to have it said with genuine meaning, would it perhaps be better to make the translation of the motto hard to say fast? So what about, ‘As much as you can do, so much dare to do’? It certainly takes longer to say properly, since it demands a pause at the comma, a stress on ‘As much’ and a balancing stress on ‘so much’. The original challenge of Lauda Sion is to

try, as much as we can, to widen and deepen our understanding and love of the Word of God made man. This is an important part of the lifelong challenge of ‘Faith–seeking–understanding’, which we would like our boys to accept and cherish. And so, after some reflection, at the beginning of our celebration of 125 years in existence, the official translation of the College motto was changed to ‘As much as you can do, so much dare to do’. In conclusion, it seems worth noting that St Aloysius’ College has no comparable problem with its motto, Ad maiora natus. The English translation, ‘Born for greater things’, no less than the Latin original, is spontaneously challenging and uplifting: whether self-attentively adverted to or not, the comparative ‘greater’ raises the question ‘greater than what?’ and in the context of an Ignatian school it suggests the answer, ‘greater than the common goals of sporting, academic and economic success.’ It is then perhaps not surprising that there has been at Riverview an ongoing quest for a translation that might bring out more clearly the deep challenge that our College motto offers in its original context. Cornelius O’Donovan, Ignatian Centre

The College Crest is made up of two Coats of Arms, representing both sides of the family of St Ignatius Loyola. Some time during the 13th century the Loyola and the nearby Onaz families intermarried and when the Onaz branch died out the Loyolas inherited their name and property. So, the coats of arms of the two families were united in the badge that is so familiar to us today.

Original College Badge, 1906

The Seven Bars represents the badge of the Onaz family which was seven red diagonal bands, on a field of gold. The bars were said to have been granted by the King of Spain in recognition of the bravery of seven brothers or heroes of the family who distinguished themselves in battle, probably against the Moors, or at Beotibar in 1321.

The grey, rampant wolves and cauldron derive from the the coat of arms of the Loyola family. Local tradition says that the Spanish word for ‘wolf’ is lobo and ‘cauldron’ is olla; so a wolf and a cauldron is lobo-y-olla which is contracted into ‘Loyola’. This badge was taken

to refer to the great generosity of the Loyola family which, in feudal times, kept bands of followers in case of war, and was always so liberal to them that even the wolves always found something to feast on after the soldiers had their fill.

The College Motto: Quantum Potes Tantum Aude ‘As much as you can do, so much dare to do’. Taken from the 13th Century eucharistic hymn, Lauda Sion Salvatorem, composed by Thomas Aquinas, the hymn for the feast of Corpus Christi.

Ignatian 7

Opening up new horizons


t Ignatius of Loyola College has sprung up in the hills of Kasait, a half-hour drive from Dili in East Timor. Each morning, its 83 students get up before sunrise and travel long distances to get there; they spend long hours in concentrated study before making their way home by nightfall.

But when asked if they would prefer to attend a school closer to home, the youngsters all insist that they are staying put. These Year 7 students comprise the first enrolments at the newly-built school, a project which has evolved largely with the support of Australian Jesuit schools, parishes and Jesuit Mission. The secondary college is the first phase of a broader development which will include a teacher training college and will be collectively known as the Colégio Santo Inácio de Loiola, Kasait. The institute is a godsend in a country where 40% of families live on less than US$1 a day, and where quality education is almost impossible to come by. ‘Imagine a country without an education system, without teachers, text books, curriculum, even a language of instruction – that was Timor Leste in 1999 when the Indonesians left and destroyed much of the civil apparatus they had built over 24 years of occupation’, explains Fr Mark Raper SJ, Acting Regional Superior of Timor-Leste.

Despite tireless efforts to rebuild the education system, the majority of teachers in East Timor still lack formal training, and almost 50% of the population is illiterate. Many children fail to go on to high school. It was this urgent and obvious need that prompted the Jesuits to establish an institute that would serve as an invaluable resource for both secondary and tertiary students. ‘The teacher education program being built now by the Jesuits, with the collaboration of many partners, will contribute to the development of a national education system, offering teachers an opportunity to serve throughout the country. This small institution targets one of the greatest contemporary needs of Timor Leste’, Fr Raper says. The school opened its doors in January this year, and students have already completed their second semester. While they are uniformly grateful to have received the opportunity to undertake their schooling at the college, they acknowledge the challenge that

comes with adjusting to a rigorous curriculum and doing so under difficult living conditions. While most students in East Timor attend school for four hours each day, the school day at St Ignatius of Loyola College lasts much longer than that. ‘Most of them live very far from the school and have to get up very early in the morning in order to get to school by 8 o’clock each morning’, says Fr Quyen Vu SJ, Assistant Director of St Ignatius of Loyola College. Most of the students complain that they have too much homework and that they have very few playtimes during the week.

It’s through such rigour that the school aims to imbue its students with strong academic values in the hope that they might one day use their education in turn to underpin the growth and development of their fledgling nation. We’ve completed the first trimester examinations, and when we asked some of the students about this experience of sitting for examinations compared to their previous schools they all said that the examinations are much harder. Despite this difficulty they are keen about the school and wouldn’t want to go to any other school closer to their homes.

The Kasait teacher training institute will open in January 2014. Jesuit Mission is currently raising money for a scholarship fund for St Ignatius of Loyola College, Kasait. The fund will ensure that no child is unable to attend school due to the poverty of his or her family. Contributions can be made at: www.jesuitmission.org.au For more on the project see: www.jceao.net/jesuit-education-timor-leste St Ignatius of Loyola College students are welcomed to their new school.

8 Ignatian

Reprinted from ‘Companions’ magazine

From the Province Ministries Fundraising focus


aint Ignatius’ College, Riverview, along with the other Australian Jesuit schools, has responded to a request from the Jesuit Provincial to support the development of the Kasait secondary school and teacher training college. Over the next five years Riverview will look to contribute $100 000 per year to Jesuit Mission who have the carriage of developing Kasait. Along with an extension of the immersion program to East Timor, which draws together the two communities and extendsunderstanding, there are already visits from teacher trainees from East Timor to the College. A financial commitment to support the development and building work will deepen these connections. From 2014, for a period of five years, the primary target of staff and

Thomas Flannery, William Thackray, David Cistulli, Henry Gallagher, Matthew Brooks, Tomas Masi and James Harrington (members of the 1st and 2nd VIII Rowing crews) on completion of the Half Marathon in May, which raised funds for the new Jesuit school project in Timor Leste.

student fundraising at Riverview will be the Kasait school. While the precise details of this commitment are yet to be finalised, and will be announced during Term 4, they are

62nd Indian Bazaar All proceeds in aid of Jesuit Mission’s work in the developing world.

‘in all things to love and to serve

Sydney Old Xaverians’ Raffle to be drawn at the Indian Bazaar on Saturday 14 September 2013.

Saint Ignatius’ College, Riverview – Saturday 14 September 2013, 9am–5pm

TICKETS: $20 each 1st Prize: Nissan Micra 5-door Hatch – supplied by Mildren Nissan; 2nd Prize: Travel Vouchers; 3rd Prize: Premium Wines.

Guest of Honour: Fr Quyen Vu SJ

Transport A public shuttle bus will run between Riverview and Lane Cove Post Office. Fun and activities for the whole family Food and Wine, Rides, Amusements, Raffles (Including Car Raffle), Toys, Clothes and Gift Items to buy, Musical Performances Masses held throughout the day Prepaid All Day Children’s Rides $35 online (+ $0.30 booking fee), or $40 on the day available at: www.trybooking.com/53783

not intended to negatively impact the Year 12 student leadership goals or focus but will give a greater degree of clarity around fundraising by staff and students.

For Kids like us! Showcasing ‘Who’s Got Talent?’ Gartlan Centre

Enquiries: Jesuit Mission Office, PO Box 193, North Sydney, NSW 2059 Telephone: 9955 8585

Come and join in the fun and support Jesuit Mission Making a difference! Ignatian 9

Peter Herington reflects on the profound influence and contribution of the Jesuits at Riverview

‘Most beautiful situation – commanding a really grand view – completely isolated, and central in the parish.’ Fr Dalton’s Diary Aerial view of the College, taken in 1922, by Milton Kent.

‘Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile’

Albert Einstein


eflecting on what makes the Jesuits ‘different,’ our own Gerard Windsor (OR61) opined in 2004: ‘There is no separation between the spiritual and the practical. To live and work within the Jesuit tradition is to find God in all things, to be contemplative in action, to show love in deeds rather than words’. So have they done, for over 470 years.

In having built such a lasting, meaningful history, they are truly a unique group. But they are also unique individuals. And, as educationalists, builders, coaches and spiritual leaders, Riverview has enjoyed some of the Society’s finest over the past 133 years. 10 Ignatian

So profound has been the influence and contribution of the Jesuit Fathers and Brothers who have walked the grounds and corridors of Saint Ignatius’ College, Riverview since 1880 that the concept of defining among them some of the ‘foundations’ of this place, is

well past daunting. Every Jesuit who has spent time here has added their own colour and influence and left their own legacies. Below are some of the more illustrious, memorable and interesting men whose characters have founded and shaped this great College.

Jesuits at Riverview

Standing on the shoulders of giants ‘If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants’ Isaac Newton

The Crocodile is an example of Br Forster’s enduring contribution to the College.


hey were often referred to as the ‘Giants’ – the Jesuit Brothers of Riverview – of whom Bros Doyle, Forster and O’Brien left the most lasting impressions. The life of a Jesuit Lay Brother is not an easy one and often not spectacular; and it takes a man of strong character and faith to spend his life in that way. But without the assistance of such Brothers, the history of Riverview would have been much the poorer. Br Bernard Doyle came to Riverview in 1889 and here spent the remainder of his life, 47 years, first as cook then in charge of stores and staff and finally, aged 75, care of the farm, dairy and garden. He was punctilious, organised and efficient but the boys and staff remember him most for his piety, unfailing charity and his kindly interest in everyone. In the late 1920s bronze plaques appeared around the College in almost plague proportions; the East Wing of the

Br Doyle spent 47 years at the College, first as cook, then in charge of stores and staff, finally taking care of the farm, dairy and garden

College, the Chapel organ, the hot water systems for Second and Third Divisions and the drinking fountains for all Divisions were all presented by ‘A Friend of Brother Doyle’. It has been suggested that the latter was Br Doyle himself though in his long capacity as storemaster he made numerous business friends, past students and others, throughout Sydney. Only the plaque on the Doyle Wing remains. If Br Doyle looms large in the history of Riverview then Br Thomas Forster was a ‘giant’. Tall, handsome and with a twinkle in his eye, he was a master builder in a former life and the brother of an earlier Rector of St Aloysius’ College. Br Forster was, it seemed, capable of turning his hand to any kind of construction; and so he did in his 32 years at Riverview from 1897 to 1929. Most of the older buildings and almost all the garden ‘follies’ bear his mark; the Observatory, the second and third storeys of the west wing of the Main building, the iconic Band House on the foreshore (the most iconic of Br Forster’s creations, built in 1908), extensions to the Dalton Memorial Chapel (1928–29), the Tea House (1909), the Gardener’s Cottage (1909), the Crocodile and (now lost) Spearman who greeted students returning by ferry from holidays, are

all examples of Br Forster’s work. The last of the giants was Br Michael O’Brien who, after early years at Sevenhill and Xavier College, came to Riverview in 1924 for the remaining 35 years of his life. He wasn’t very well educated but he had a great influence among the boys who saw him as something of a cult figure; his spirituality was based on simple faith. He ran the farm (the dairy and the piggery) and he had a lot of fowls as well. There was seemingly nothing Br O’Brien couldn’t do; plumbing, masonry, carpentry, tending cattle, mending watches and a caesarean section on his much-loved Fox terrier, ‘Spotty’, using a razor, needle and black cotton, were all within his abilities. He built roads, the handball courts and most of Third (now Gorman) Field, as well as completing work on the seismology pit at the Observatory. He was legendary for his great feats of strength, for his devotion to serving early morning Mass almost every single day he was at Riverview, for his succinct and sometimes taciturn turns of phrase and for his legendary ‘feud’ with Fr Fraser in Riverview’s own version of the ‘War of the Roses’ (see page 19). Overall, Br O’Brien’s contribution to the material well-being of Riverview was inestimable.

Ignatian 11

The Humanist

fluently spoke French, German nd Italian. An early life in various parts of Europe and the United States gave him a certain urbanity that all appreciated and warmed to. In 1924, an Old Boy spoke of ‘the great Fr Keating, gentleman to the fingertips, debonair always, his day’s work mapped out almost to the second for every day of the year, equally great as a scholar, as a teacher and as an athlete.’

Humani nil alienum a me puto ‘I consider nothing human foreign to me’, Terence, circa 160 bc


erence’s quote became something of a watchword of the Renaissance Humanisti, and that viewpoint partially formed St Ignatius’ education in the early 16th century – and all subsequent Jesuit formation and education. From Mateo Ricci to Pedro Arrupe, there have been numerous classical humanists amongst the Jesuits; they have demonstrated a belief in both the practical and humanizing potential of a Jesuit education, as well as the underlying concern for the individuals’ beliefs and behaviour. When Fr Patrick Keating SJ died in 1913, only a year into his second term as Rector of Riverview, his funeral was spectacularly large. It seemed that most of Sydney, certainly all the significant schools, of all denominations, the significant burghers, the government and the parish of North Sydney were all proudly represented. At the time of his death, Fr Keating was one of the most accomplished Irish Jesuits to come to Australia. He was gifted spiritually,

The Intellectual ‘A man paints with his brain and not with his hands’ Michelangelo


he ranks of the Jesuits have always been blessed with men of exceptional intellect and enquiry.

Among many other achievements, Jesuits have discovered quinine (called ‘Jesuit bark’ in the 16th century); located the source of the Blue Nile, and charted large stretches of the Amazon and Mississippi Rivers; the moon has 35 craters named for Jesuit scientists. Athanasius Kircher, a 17th century Jesuit scientist, often called ‘the last man to know everything,’ was an Egyptologist, mathematician,

12 Ignatian

Fr Patrick Keating SJ Rector / Headmaster 1888–90

administratively, intellectually, and athletically. He taught at Riverview under Fr Joseph Dalton as Rector from 1883–1888 then succeeded Fr Dalton as Rector from 1888–1890, then became mission superior, living at Riverview until 1894 before being appointed provincial of Ireland in that year. He returned to Australia in 1901, to Xavier and then North Sydney parish before returning to Riverview as rector in 1912. He died in office only a short year later. Fr Keating was a man of great culture and charming personality. He was a master of Latin and Greek and

biologist, physicist, volcanologist and inventor of the megaphone. Fr Edward Pigot SJ, a practising medico in Dublin before joining the Society of Jesus at the age of 27, was a tall and lanky but frail man, often in weak health (reportedly pulmonary tuberculosis) who came to Riverview initially as a physics and physiology teacher from 1886–92. It was, however, not in the teaching arena that Fr Pigot was to leave his mark on Riverview but rather in the establishment of what was at the time a world-recognised centre of excellence for scientific research and for ‘his eagerness and enthusiasm in discussing plans for the better pursuit of scientific truth’. Whilst a fine priest, a ‘great and

Everyone who knew Fr Keating intimately loved him but no more so than the boys themselves. They appeared largely mesmerised by him and his willingness to engage with them at their level. Perhaps the key to his charm lay in the simple childlike, single view of all, which gave him a zest for life. In his inaugural assembly as Rector he encouraged the boys to ‘look upon him as their friend and whenever any of them had anything to say, either against himself or the College, let him come to the office and discuss the matter’. Christopher Brennan the great Australian poet and Riverview Old Boy paid him an outstanding tribute in saying that he believed him to be ‘the most distinguished personality that I have ever met’ and praised his ‘rare qualities of gentleness and sympathetic comprehension’.

friendly man’ and consummate pastoral care worker, there was debate on his teaching efficacy. He was reported to have taught physiology, chemistry and physics ‘with great success’ by the government’s Bursary Endowment Board, though he was considered by (at least some) students to be an ‘awful teacher’ however a sensitive, passionate man with a temperament he often found difficult to control. There is little doubt that it was Fr Pigot’s internationally recognised skills in astronomy, seismology and meteorology rather than his teaching or his quirky dress sense (which saw him wear a boater, scarf and academic gown, all clothed in the same Irish tweed coat, 11 months of the year) which earns him a pride

The funeral of Rector / Headmaster Fr Patrick Keating in 1913 was spectacularly large, with the significant schools, of all denominations, the burghers, the government and the Parish of North Sydney all proudly represented.

This openness, this appeal to reason, the ready belief in humanity’s essential goodness and rationality, all suggest the humanist.

of place amongst Riverview Jesuits. Fr Pigot had studied meteorology and astronomy in Shanghai and Manila and seismology in Samoa before returning to Riverview in 1908 where, over the next 21 years he established a world-class observatory and seismic recording station, both of which remain as official stations today. He sought, and obtained, the very best of equipment: telescopes, seismometers, meteorological instruments of all kinds, a wireless installation, a solar radiation station and an extensive scientific library. His ‘office’ was the Riverview Observatory mostly built, to exacting standards, by the indefatigable Br Forster.

He kept well-informed about contemporary ideas in education and continuously stressed the traditional classical education of the Jesuits,

constantly concerned about lifting the quality of teachers at Riverview to ensure boys achieved good examination results.

Fr Pigot’s work at Riverview included working on scientific problems with the Sydney Harbour Bridge, the construction of Burrenjuck Dam, geophysical issues at the Cobar mines and pendulum experiments at the Queen Victoria Market buildings in Sydney. He was highly regarded by his colleagues for his friendship, high scholarship, modest and unassuming demeanour and ‘nobility of character’. These qualities were later to earn him the deep respect of all and, upon his death, letters to the rector of Riverview describing Fr Pigot as one of NSW’s ‘most distinguished citizens’ and ‘surely there never was any scientific man so well loved as he’.

Fr Edward Pigot SJ established a world-renowned centre of excellence for scientific research at Riverview

Ignatian 13

The Pragmatists ‘A Franciscan, a Dominican, and a Jesuit were sitting in a room when the lights went out. The Franciscan said, “My brothers, let us take this opportunity to consider the debt we owe to our sister, the light.” The Dominican said, “Yes, but let us also take this opportunity to contemplate the difference between light and dark.” Meanwhile, the Jesuit went to the basement, found the fuse box, and reset the circuit breaker.’ (Fr James Martin SJ)


rom the very beginning, Saint Ignatius saw his ‘band of brothers’ and the Society working outside the formal lines of the Church including, if needed, overstepping the boundaries set by Rome. There was a focus on outreach, on intellectual pursuit, on excellence, but also on a pragmatic approach to the issues confronting them. It’s a point of pride among some Jesuits that they frequently challenge authority and seem to have a predisposition for colouring outside the lines.

The Main Building, foreshore and river, from Hunters Hill – one of Fr Lockington’s magic lantern slides.

Riverview has had more than its fair share of pragmatists in its time. One of them was Fr William Lockington SJ, a New Zealander who only came to Riverview as Rector late in 1923. Despite not being a man of great learning or intellect and one who cared little for pomp and circumstance, with no humour and little wit, he was not a popular Rector but was respected, trusted and even revered.

Over the next eight years, he was generally thought to have built the College from a small school into a ‘Great Public’ school, completing the main front building, establishing the legendary openair dormitories and levelling the roadways and (now) Gorman Field. His hobby was to get into working clothes and help his beloved Fr Lockington during a cycling tour of New Zealand, in 1893.

14 Ignatian

Br O’Brien reshape the grounds. Internally, he reformed the choir and the performance of the liturgy; he revived the tradition of drama. Fr Lockington had a name as a great lecturer, earned well before his Riverview days. In his day, a thrilling, convicted speaker with a slow, deliberate, well-modulated tone but a powerful, compelling voice and used ‘modern’ technology in the form of a projector (in those days it was called a ‘magic lantern’) extensively. His passion for social justice, deep sympathy for women – in 1916 he formed the Catholic Women’s Social Guild – and his Holy Land and Lourdes lectures were stuff of local legend. Here was a man who understood the balance between the spiritual needs of the boys and their clamour to be young men in a post-war Australia struggling for it’s national identity. His method was to expect many things of them but, at the same time, give them a ‘home’ at the College of which they could be proud. He treated them as such and reaped great rewards for having done so.

Jesuits at Riverview


n Australia Day, 26 January 2013, one of Riverview’s ‘Jesuit giants’ passed on. The funeral of Fr Thomas Francis O’Donovan SJ, OAM was peppered with stories – tall tales and true – of his legendary life. Old Boys from Riverview, St Aloysius’ and Xavier filled the church to overflowing to say goodbye to their beloved ‘Toddy’. The following is an edited tribute by former student, teacher and author, Peter Fleming (OR78): He was a giant, and a moral one, known affectionately as ‘Toddy’. He was a rowing master who could equally pour water gently over a baby’s forehead in baptism. At first, when I was in primary school, he was a headmaster to be feared, but later in secondary school, he was a

schoolmaster to be admired. His voice was a clarion, a trumpet, but a trumpet of the heart. He used to keep close watch over details such as a school shirt untucked, but he could also give the wisest advice a young student might ever hear. He was probably the greatest man his students would ever meet.

His common technique was to begin with a suspenseful story from history, or an anecdote, sharply portrayed, taken from recent public events, and then, with directness and without ostentatiousness, to make a connection directly to the liturgical readings of the day. As such, he was a great analogist.

Fr O’Donovan was born in Brunswick, Victoria, in September 1921. He was ordained priest at St Mary’s Catholic Church North Sydney in 1952. Amongst other roles in education, he was Prefect of Studies at Xavier College and Rector at Loyola College in Victoria and at St Aloysius College here in Sydney, before moving on to a wide variety of duties at Saint Ignatius’ College, Riverview. He spent the years 1974 to 1990 at Riverview.

Fr O’Donovan always deflected praise, and he carried his greatest accomplishments with humility. In 1996, the beloved Toddy was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia for services to Religion and Education. Although he would have been inwardly gratified that Christian service had been acknowledged by the award, he never once mentioned it.

At Riverview, Fr O’Donovan was Religious Education Co-ordinator, Year 12 Coordinator, Director of Liturgy and Music, Rowing Master, and often-time director of Gilbert and Sullivan productions and musicals. He also taught Religion, Latin and English. He was a stickler, he hated disorder and he wielded power, but his use of both order and power showed the young students that authority could be selfeffacing, a form or service, and born of a great love. He was the first staff member you saw early in the morning, walking silently in the cloisters, reading his breviary, the Jesuits’ book of personal prayer and reflection. This seemed to be his wellspring, sustenance for the day ahead. And it was a long day. At night, after a school play or other extracurricular event, he could be seen locking up the school, the last to leave. All in all, his was a full load, but then one of his favourite sayings of Christ was, ‘My yoke is easy and my burden is light.’ He exuded a joy which came from a sure sense that this was the life he was meant to lead. Arguably his greatest gift was the power of speech-making. He spoke his sermons in elegant and sustained sentences, and with a master’s skill of gentle anaphora and peroration. In countless addresses to school assemblies and in thousands of sermons, he never bored once.

Fr O’Donovan had an enormous influence on the boys whom he taught. He was interested in them, enjoyed their company, had clear and high expectations of them, and had idiosyncrasies they could imitate. He enthused with a student’s enthusiasm, he grieved at a student’s grief. Seemingly a traditionalist, Fr O’Donovan nonetheless knew that rules were made for people, not people for rules; he believed that Catholicism was the best way, and its disciplines were to be respected, but universal compassion and outreach were the signs of its true spirit. Even in his last years, as his memory failed, he greeted everyone he met with the most lively interest.

Fr Thomas Francis O’Donovan SJ

Ignatian 15

The Legends ‘Heroes get remembered; Legends never die’ (anon)


he decades of the 1950s to 1980s was a period when the physical shape of the College changed; sporting successes were at last realised; enrolment numbers changed significantly. It was a period of growth for Riverview. But the traditional business of educating boys to men (in fact, gentlemen) continued. It was also the period when some of the most memorable and influential Jesuits lay their stamp on the ‘modern’ Riverview and those years would have seen a committed, lively and challenging community. Among them was Fr John Xavier Ramsay SJ, the oldest of four children who undertook his secondary education as a boarder at Saint Ignatius’ College, Riverview, 1944–50, where he distinguished himself as a leader among his peers. He was captain of the school in 1950, as well as president of the Sodality of Our Lady, and senior cadet lieutenant in the Cadet Corps. Fr Ramsay never lost his love of all matters military, and Field-Marshal Erwin Rommel was his special hero as a leader. Throughout his Jesuit life, Fr Ramsay was involved in leadership seminars for school leaders which participants found informative and helpful.

The Pedagogue

The fundamental characteristics of Jesuit education have a clear purpose: the development of a well-rounded Christian person of competence, conscience and compassion, who will be of service in the world and has the generosity to make a contribution. It encourages study that will promote the search for God in all things. For senior school, the Jesuits considered the humanities —literature, language, and history —to be the most important. The emphasis on these subjects, without absolutely excluding others, contributed to the balanced formation of the human being.

16 Ignatian

For Fr John Ramsay rowing was a spiritual experience.

Fr Ramsay was universally loved at Riverview; for his dedication to rowing, his teaching, his firm but fair direction of Second Division, his universally wise counsel and sense of humour and self. Fr Ramsay entered the Society of Jesus, on 1 February 1952, at Loyola College, Watsonia, beginning a commitment from which he never wavered, despite some uncertainty he felt on behalf of the Society when it delayed his entry and extended his noviciate. He was not an academic, finding studies very difficult, but he was always keen to be sufficiently well informed to be a wise counsellor. Nevertheless, Fr Ramsay was a born teacher, and he and his pupils enjoyed engagement in war


ince winning its first GPS debating competition in 1935, Riverview has won the trophy 40 times including an unprecedented run when, over the 17 year period from 1963 to 1979, Riverview was in the final every year and won the title 14 times. That was the period that Fr Charles McDonald SJ was the debating master. Teacher, educator, retreat director, team man; from an intellectually inclined family (his father was Chancellor of Sydney University) he was also a member of the Riverview 1sts debating team in 1945, despite failing to matriculate because he failed to complete one of his Leaving papers.

games and other exciting ventures in his history classes. Fr Ramsay was at Riverview from 1969–81, 1983–984 and again from 1996 until his passing in 1999. In the interim, he spent most of his time at Xavier College. His classes were never dull with the telling of war stories and fascinating theories of history and life. He challenged each student to pursue the best level of achievement of which he was capable. Fr Ramsay’s passion for rowing developed during his years at Riverview. He rowed in the 1st VIII 1949–50, and coached the Riverview’s 3rd and 4th IVs to victory at the Head of the River, in 1951. He coached the Riverview winning 2nd VIII at the Ordained in 1959, Fr McDonald spent from 1962 until 1980 at Riverview before moving to join the Ignatian spirituality team at Canisius College, Pymble as a retreat director, a role he embraced with enthusiasm and dedication, and which he much enjoyed. He died, unexpectedly, during a retreat he was leading back at Riverview, in 1982. He had come home, aged only 54. An urbane, friendly and positive figure, Fr McDonald was ‘a man of taste, scholarship, disorder, one for meticulous detail and with a love for his family’. Despite his lack of formal qualifications, he was naturally drawn to the most challenging of the inter-GPS challenges –

Jesuits at Riverview GPS Head of the River in 1974 and the 1st VIII in 1975, which later represented NSW in the youth VIIIs at the Australian Championships. Students involved with rowing were particularly fond of Fr Ramsay; he understood, challenged and supported them in their sporting and personal needs. Yet rowing was also a source of tension; its administration was always political for him. He found it difficult to reconcile his caring interest in each member of a crew with the need from time to time to speak strongly to anyone who seemed to be giving less than full effort and co-operation. He also found it hard to balance enjoyment of victory, frustration at avoidable failure and the Jesuit realisation that the deepest success occurs in an individual’s own growth to that maturity which inspires him to do God’s work in fields beyond the world of rowing. As the official starter during the athletics season, proudly decked out in his red blazer, red cap and starting gun, Fr Ramsay was a figure of great authority on the starter’s stand. In whatever Fr Ramsay was involved, there was high drama and excitement. Politics and intrigue were never far from his dealings with groups, and the Jesuit community enjoyed the field of oration and debate. Why? He saw it as an important part of the Jesuit tradition; for him, the principles of eloquentia perfecta and quantum potes tantum aude were the embodiment of the way to extend a young man’s horizons, to express one’s self effectively, to have the courage to develop one’s talents to the fullest, to argue in favour of those less privileged, to stand apart from one’s own prejudices, to control one’s emotions, to have integrity and develop sound judgement. Extraordinary teacher and coach that he was, Fr Charles McDonald was no pedant or dogmatist. Highly personally engaging, amusing and with a deep love and respect for his

listening as his strategies evolved, especially with rowing. Many of his activities were reduced from a few days before Christmas in 1985 when he suffered a major heart attack. He survived this crisis, but was forced to moderate his lifestyle. He enjoyed the daily challenges and lived it to the full, still teaching religion to the senior boys and heavily involved with coaching and organising rowing. He was able to continue his role as master of ceremonies at liturgical functions, an imposing figure of authority on the sanctuary with a red stole. With the glance of an eye, an admonitory finger, the move of an eyebrow, everyone was kept in order. There was something of his love for the military and protocol that gave him great enjoyment in this work. When Fr Ramsay returned to Riverview in 1996 the move was seen by many as a final home-coming. During these later years he taught religion, supervised classes, and held court in his office for the boys that sought his company daily. He tutored a small group from Cheshire House and carefully followed their achievements. They were devoted to him. In the last few year of his life he was appointed a popular Rector of the College. The Jesuit community appreciated his care of them.

In whatever community Fr Ramsay lived, it was livelier because of his presence. Fr Ramsay made people feel happy to be at home, and when he was absent, it is noticed. He was a great source of fun, telling all that he went out to consult with his doctor, when really he was having a dinner party with the kind man, or that he was going out to work for the Headmaster, which was another subterfuge for a good night out with friends. His reference to superiors as the ‘high command’ and wondering why ‘they’ did not do something was always a source of fun. But this changed in 1998, when he became a superior himself and he changed the conversation from ‘they’ to ‘we’ with some reverence. Fr Ramsay enjoyed attending meetings of the Sydney superiors’ even when quite ill because, as he said, he wanted to know what was happening. Fr Ramsay was always the priest who had a love of the Eucharist. In remembering the reverence and care with which he said the prayers of the Mass, it was sensed that talking to God was not just the recitation of a ritual. Weddings and baptisms were an important part of his ministry. (continued overleaf)

students, he became an inspiration to many. He was universally recognised as a genuinely joyous and happy man. He translated those qualities to his priesthood and to his students and fellow teachers. It became enthusiasm; it was channeled to be strength; it remained as motive and inspiration; it showed itself in kindness and compassion. It was generally considered infectious. And it showed, in his teaching of English, coaching of his Under 14s football teams and in his selection of films for the boarders. Fr McDonald is remembered through the naming of the main lecture theatre, the scene of many debates, in his name.

Fr Charles McDonald SJ

Ignatian 17

Fr Ramsay took great care in the preparation of his sermons ever reading and pondering possibilities, while his delivery in a stentorian voice easily held his audience. His ANZAC Day sermon, which combined detailed knowledge of the wars with great eloquence, was particularly impressive. One devoted student believed that if God had a new human form it was when Fr John Ramsay preached. His life came to an end suddenly late one Wednesday afternoon after a staff meeting and refreshments and he died some time later peacefully in his brother Paul’s private hospital at North Shore. The vigil Mass was held at Riverview, and the funeral Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral, which was filled to capacity. Our Jesuit schools lost an educator with an unusual flair for inspiring young people, and the Jesuits lost a good friend. The main hall of the College was named the Ramsay Hall, when completed in 1995 and, in 2013, the new Father John X Ramsay Boat Shed will be completed.


f Riverview boys ever had a truly great friend, it was Fr Tom McLoughlin SJ, the irrepressible ‘Father Mac’. Fr Mac was 76 when he died on the feast of Corpus Christi 1963, having served as a Jesuit for 59 years, of which 37 were spent at Riverview. His special place in the annals of Riverview largely stem from two unique contributions he made to the life of the College; his editorship of Our Alma Mater from 1936 until 1962 has held a special place in the historiography of Riverview that still pervades the annual magazine, and his seemingly inexhaustible ability to connect with students whilst they were at school and to maintain that contact with them as Old Boys. Fr Mac loved his Religious Order; he loved the work given him to do; he loved the boys and the men into which they grew; and he loved his God. And he was a friend to everyone. But that friendliness was not based on

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Father Mac with his ‘Rogues Gallery’ of past students. The 10 gallon school hat, which he kept, was signed by many Old Ignatians.

sentiment but on a sense of duty and a realisation that if he remained in touch with the boys when they left then they would stay in touch with their school and what it sought to teach them. He was often quoted as saying, in relation to comments that a particular Old Boy might not have turned out exactly as one might desire, ‘He may not be better than he ought to be – so what? There is good in him and I am going to stick with him to the end’. Fr Mac’s work ethic was legendary. He taught French, with some considerable success, but, night after night, he would have to mark over 250 exercises, as well as prepare five class lessons for the following day. Except for about an hour and a half each afternoon, when he wandered down to the fields to watch boys playing cricket or football, he spent almost all his time at his desk, reading, correcting, preparing, writing articles or letters. His letters to Old Boys were the stuff of legend and during World War II he wrote thousands of letters to Old Boys serving in the various theatres of war and at home. In one war-time edition of Our Alma Mater there were notes concerning the whereabouts, health or passing of over 2,000 Old Ignatians. Fr Mac’s funeral was one of the largest for a priest ever seen in Sydney. As the

cortege entered the Gore Hill Cemetery, cars were still lined up as far back as St Mary’s in North Sydney, where the funeral had been conducted. The Father Mac Pavilion, overlooking First Field, is his enduring legacy, erected in his honour by the Old Boys, in 1974.


r Charles ‘Charlie’ Fraser SJ should be far better known than for Riverview’s own version of the ‘War of the Roses’, which seems to be his lasting legacy. And among those who knew him, were taught, guided, chided and abided by him, so he was. But it’s the issue of the roses that remains. As Fr Fraser himself said at a dinner to celebrate 60 years as a Jesuit, the garden was where he achieved ‘the only notoriety of my entire life’. Known as ‘Chisel’ by generations of students, perhaps for his distinctive, dry, rasping voice, or perhaps his sometimes flint-like, tough exterior, Fr Charlie Fraser was Jesuit, classicist, Socratist, larrikin and more. He loved Jesuit life and his vocation as a priest; he taught Latin and Greek, and sometimes English, with a demanding, classical stance; he exuded an intense, ethical devotion to the search for truth through testing one’s own beliefs; could be unforgiving, ironic, sceptical, sardonic and dismissive. He didn’t suffer fools easily. It was not just Fr Fraser who described himself as a ‘cantankerous old bugger.’

Jesuits at Riverview But at the same time he was revered for his scholarship, was a humble man who shunned publicity, had an extraordinary interest in, and devotion to, individuals; played squash with the boys in the handball courts almost every afternoon; travelled extensively to the homes of country boarders; edited Our Alma Mater for more than 20 years endearing himself to generations of former students as he tracked their progress post school. He had a soft spot for those who broke the rules – the rebels, the larrikins and those who regularly got into trouble. He set the standards for the current Bursary Program by ‘enabling’ the enrolment of countless boys for whose families the school fees were otherwise impossible. His friendships, particularly among the semi-professional classes of the Old Boys (business men not academics, accountants not judges) were wide and varied. People sought out his company. He was a masterful storyteller with a sharp and accurate wit. Charlie Fraser insisted his life was unremarkable. He was wrong. Born in 1914 and ordained as a priest in 1946, Fr Charles Fraser passed into eternal life in February 2004, one month short of his 91st birthday. For most of the 20th and the first decade of the 21st centuries, he spent some time in residence at Saint Ignatius’ College, Riverview. As Gerard Windsor has so poetically put it: It was ‘an extraordinary grafting of one man to an institution, a unique embedding of one man in a community’. If nothing else, Fr Fraser’s lasting legacy was his rose garden, planted from 1953 along the lines of gardens that had existed on that site in front of the main building since the 1860’s. It was his pride and joy and where he spent a great deal of his time. Until 1957 a herd of cows roamed the property and had a habit of getting into the rose garden and destroying some of the roses. Fr Charles ‘Charlie’ Fraser in the Rose Garden

In 1955, they were under the care of Brother Michael O’Brien and although Fr Fraser protested again and again nothing was done. Early one morning Fr Fraser saw about eight cows on his rose beds. He went down to the cadets’ armoury, loaded a .303 rifle and went out and shot two of the cows dead. The news spread like wildfire and in his first class that morning Fr Fraser was faced with a drawing on the board, put there by (the later famous) Robert Hughes, of a huge cow, four feet in the air and a hole through the middle of its stomach. Underneath was written: ‘I didn’t know the gun was loaded’. To this day roses cut from that garden are presented by graduating Year 12 students to their mothers at each Valete dinner. He was a country boy raised in Tumut and completed his Leaving Certificate at Riverview in 1931, entering the Society of Jesus the next year. He returned as a scholastic to teach at Riverview from 1940–43, was again on the staff at Riverview from 1953–55, and then from 1958–2001. While never formally teaching religion at Riverview, nor having direct responsibility for the boys’ spiritual care, he was coach, chaplain and father – figure to thousands. His expectations of his Latin and Greek

students were discipline, method and precision, rather than the literary niceties of the texts. Yet a striking number of his classics students went on to literary careers – the historian and critic Robert Hughes, the playwrights Nick Enright and Justin Fleming, the poet Peter Boyle, author Gerard Windsor. He regarded Socrates as second only to St Paul as the greatest mere human who had ever lived, that empathy stemming in part from the innate scepticism about the world he shared with his role model. As Socrates said ‘know yourself’. It was a credo Chisel easily applied to his charges at Riverview, to his friendships with all and sundry, and to himself, perhaps the most quintessential and numinous of Riverview’s ‘greats’. At Fr Fraser’s 70th anniversary as a priest, Justin Fleming (OR70) summed up Charlie Fraser’s relationship to Riverview when he said: Charles Fraser was a soldier of Christ, a priest of learning, a man for all Ignatians. He has been the heart and soul of this College. He has been a friend to many who could otherwise not send their sons here. How Saint Ignatius of Loyola must smile upon him, for despite Fr Fraser’s renowned humility, in the face of recognition, he has been nothing less than a giant in the landscape.

Most recently, the ‘Fraser Walk’ in the Rose Garden has been dedicated in his name.


he accounts above owe much to a number of people and archival sources, particularly The Australian Dictionary of Jesuit Biography 1848–1998 by Fr David Strong SJ, All that Brothers should be by Justin Fleming, Speech – the Mirror of the Soul by Most Reverend Anthony Fisher OP and James Rodgers, Riverview: A History’ by Errol LeaScarlett, various pieces penned by Gerard Windsor, Peter Fleming and James Rodgers, numerous editions of Our Alma Mater and auditory and written recollections of contemporaries. However, all errors, omissions and interpretations are those of the author.

Dare to dream, dare to do ‘The

true meaning of life is to plant trees under whose shade you do not expect to sit’


Saint Ignatius wrote that Jesuit schools were to be open to ‘rich and poor alike, without distinction’.

Nelson Henderson

hen writing to his Jesuits in Perugia in 1552, Saint Ignatius made it clear that Jesuit schools were to be open to ‘rich and poor alike, without distinction’.

Riverview has also looked to live up to that maxim. There have always been those who have attended Riverview through the largesse of others; the current Rector, Fr Ross Jones SJ, often quotes an Old Boy who told him that ‘Riverview is not a schooI of privilege but a school of obligation’. The true numbers of boys who have attended

here on ‘bursaries’, ‘fees forgiven’, or ‘on scholarship’ since 1880 will never be truly known but since records for the Riverview College Foundation have been kept there is a little more knowledge. In 1992 there were 10 boys on bursaries; in 2002, 40. In 2013 we are able to financially assist 84 boys to attend the College

The Riverview College Foundation 2012 T he question of ongoing funding for independent schools is a lot older than the current Gonski debate. It was an issue during the early 1980s and, to Peter Cahill meet the possibility of government freezing levels of funding at that time, Riverview followed a number of independent schools by establishing the Riverview College Foundation, in 1985. The Foundation is a public company

with a mandate to support the work of the Jesuit Community and the Province in ensuring Saint Ignatius’ College, Riverview remained at the forefront of education in NSW and Australia. Essentially, the work of the Foundation is to raise funds to provide the College with capital, which is invested to maintain a buffer against the effects of rising fees and, by so doing, provide needs-based bursaries for needy students and their families and develop and maintain the

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current standards of College facilities. The Foundation also oversees the Voluntary Gift donations included on tuition fees notices and which are intended to assist the College with the necessary – and ongoing – upkeep of current facilities

The Foundation’s motto, ‘Affection for the school and enthusiasm for its well-being’ remains its cornerstone and its principal driver. There have been a number of very successful capital appeals and, since 2001, over $33 million has been raised by the Foundation through major Capital Appeals, direct donations or interest on the Foundation’s corpus, all of which has contributed significantly to a wide range of building activities and the successful growth of the Bursary Program. These projects would not have been possible without the generosity of the wider Riverview community: parents – past and present Old Boys and friends of the College. The last major Capital Appeal held at the College was in 2007/ 2008. By any measure this was a significant success and laid the basis for successfully helping

to fund the building of the Christopher Brennan Library, the renovation of the Dalton Memorial Chapel and the establishment of a fund to assist the redevelopment of the boatshed. That Appeal raised over $4 million for capital works, primarily in pledges over the 2007 – 2012 period. The ongoing willingness of donors to continue to meet their pledges has been a hallmark of its success. Overall, less than 6% of pledges have not been forthcoming, an outstanding result and a great tribute to the Riverview donor community. In addition to the Capital Appeal funds raised, the 2007–08 Appeal also generated pledges in favour of the Bursary Program totaling $2.1 million over the 2007–12 period. Every one of these pledges has been met to date. 2012 in Review The Foundation reports on a calendar year basis. In total for 2012, excluding the Voluntary Gift donations of $487 000 (down $70 000 from 2011), the Foundation raised $2.35 million in donations (down from $3.0 million in 2011 which, however, included $0.64

Riverview Bursary Program In fact, it was not a Jesuit who set this pattern at Riverview. In 1820 a 30 year old Catholic priest named John Therry came to Sydney on a convict ship. He was passionate, prodigiously energetic, argumentative, financially disorganised but an unfailing advocate for convicts in Australia and a very early advocate for providing education to the local aboriginal population. And he had an ambition to bring the Irish Jesuits to Australia. On his death in 1864 he bequeathed much of the property he had received from grateful convicts turned freemen to the Jesuits with an expectation that they provided for the education of children of lesser means. That bequest later became the establishment of Saint Ignatius’ College, Riverview and the notion of the Riverview Bursary Program was born. The Bursary Program at Riverview has always relied on gifts and bequests

from those who are far- seeing enough to recognise the value in providing a sound education to those of lesser means or those facing hardship. There are very many generous donors, large and small, who keep this dream alive. It is a defining difference about the Riverview community; the generosity of spirit and philanthropy that so willingly assists to provide a Jesuit education to those far less fortunate than many at this College. In a will dated 1 August 1881, the Very Rev William Dunne, one of the pioneers of catholicity in Australia (who had previously purchased land at Richmond, near Hobart, intending to establish a Jesuit College there), among various bequests made the following:

I declare that one thousand pounds shall be paid to the Very Rev. Joseph Dalton, S.J., Principal of Saint Ignatius College, Sydney, or other the Principal for the time being of the said College, for the establishment of a Bourse in

million of 2007/ 2008 building pledges and investments not repeated in 2012). Of the total amount received, annual (new) donations to the Bursary Program were up $300 000 to $1.17 million. A further $0.6 million for the Bursary Fund was raised from bequests, the OIU, the P&F and the Past Parents. After allowing for investment revaluations and disbursements, the Foundation added $1.17 million to total reserves during the year. Donations to the Voluntary Gift in 2012 have primarily been used for the completion of the long-overdue repointing and cleaning of the College’s Main Building – a project that will add another 130 years to the life of that magnificent structure. Funds were also used to undertake urgent plumbing and drainage remediation on old mains and to provide improvements to the St John’s boarding house. The Bursary Program at Riverview continues to draw most favourable commentary from a wide selection of observers. In 2012 the Indigenous Bursary Fund assisted the education of 33 indigenous boys at Riverview on needs-based bursaries. Of these nine

the said institution, eligible only for Natives of Tasmania.

Thus was established the Dunne Bursary which for more than the next 50 years brought to Riverview Tasmanian boys of promise, including among their number one of Riverview’s greatest luminaries, Dr Kevin Fagan, the ‘angel of mercy’ to prisoners of war on the Burma Railway. In more recent times the Foundation has also benefited from a number of bequests from former students, their families and friends. Some recent bequest stories are recounted below. They represent the foundations of the Jesuit ethos of men (and women) for others, they honour and enrich the life and tradition of this College and they provide the shade under which others can sit. On the following pages are stories of some donors to the Bursary Program in recent times. Peter Herington

Sons of Old Boys, country boys and others from needy backgrounds made up the bulk of bursary places in 2012 and these were strongly supported by the OIU’s Class Bursary Program, the Parents and Friends and other community benefactors. The Foundation and the Development Office received the prestigious Educate Plus award for best Fundraising Publications 2012, for the Journeys Bursary Pack, which can be viewed at: www.riverview.nsw.edu.au Development Office > Bursaries

Fraser Walk students came to us through fully-funded scholarships provided by Yalari, an independent, indigenous-led group. In addition, 2012 saw the establishment of a most generous cornerstone endowment for the provision of bursaries for refugees, from Africa and elsewhere. This has now been built on by other donors.

During 2012 the ‘Fraser Walk’ paving project, an initiative of the Foundation, continued to show good growth in donations with, by year’s end, a reasonable proportion of the total project cost of approximately $120,000 being covered. Work will commence and complete in the first quarter of 2013. The Foundation, through the Development Office, continues to identify a need to provide guidance and assistance to Bursary boys who are graduating from Year 12 and may find the immediate transitional experience to work or further education challenging. Peter Cahill (OR65) Chair, Riverview College Foundation

Ignatian 21

Courage, spirit, inspiration David Brendan Gorman (OR71)


orty-two years ago, in 1971, we finished our schooling at Riverview. On 7 March 2013 one of our classmates, David Brendan Gorman, died aged 59. Twelve of the 1971 year of 120 have gone to God before their 60th birthdays.

What enamoured David to all of us was his courageous physical fight against a very rare disease – syringomyelia – that wracked him over the years. Eight in every 100,000 people are affected by this condition which involves the formation of a fluid-filled cyst (syrinx) within the

spinal cord which gradually interferes with the transmission of nerve impulses. David was trapped inside a body that was wasting away, but his spirit seemed to grow ever larger. One of the prayers offered at his Requiem Mass says it all: We thank God who creates from perfection and endows each of us with that potential. We give thanks for those among us who realise that potential to a high degree and who enter our lives as teachers.

Beyond the call of duty Clem (Or37) & Rosalie Lacy


y the turn of the 20 century, Harold Lacy (1879– 1924) was running the local store and butchery at Johns River on the NSW mid-north coast between Crowdy and Diamond Heads. Harold built the family home there (which still stands) after marrying Elizabeth Tobin (1894–1939). Together they had five sons, Frank, born 1915, Kevin (1918), Clem (1920), Leo (1922), and Kieran (1924). Harold died before Kieran was born leaving their mother pregnant aged 30, with four other boys under the age of 9. th

Elizabeth was a devout Catholic and all the boys were boarders at the Catholic convent school at Taree. 
The local parish priest recommended the boys to Riverview and Kevin (OR36), Clem (OR37) and Kieran (OR42) were all accepted by the Jesuits as boarders on bursaries. Elizabeth remarried, to John Sliney, but died prematurely at the age of 45 and her second husband inherited

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the shop and all her savings, leaving nothing for the Lacy boys. They were made of sterner stuff however. Kevin Lacy was a boarder at Riverview where he was a prefect and in the 1st XV Rugby side and in the GPS rowing VIIIs. He served his war with the AIF in the 8th Division. Kevin was a prisoner of war, initially in Changi and then Malaya and Thailand. He worked on the railway at Kanchanburi, Tarsau and Hintok in Thailand, surviving all. Kieran Lacy was also a boarder at Riverview and his war was as a pilot with the RAAF. On returning home he worked as a Surveyor with the Lands Department. Clem Lacy left Riverview having been Dux in 1937. He went on to join the Department of Main Roads in 1938 where he worked before enlisting in the RAAF on 28 March 1942. During the war years Clem served as an air gunner in the Pathfinders in the European

Clem Lacy was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for exceptional valour.

theatre, locating targets for the bombers and earning the rank of Flight Lieutenant. During this time he received the Distinguished Flying Cross, awarded for exceptional valour, courage or devotion to duty whilst flying in active operations against the enemy. Clem’s medal is now in the Riverview archives and the citation reads, in part:

Pilot Officer Lacy has taken part in flying operations against many heavily defended targets in Germany.

Riverview Bursary Program We love and give profound thanks for David Gorman who has touched each of us intimately as a teacher. We have lived with a man who chose to live in his spirit rather than in his body. His life was an inspiration forcing us to realise it matters not what happens to us. What matters is the privilege we are given to choose what we do with it. He has been a powerful teacher. We give profound thanks for the time he spent in our lives. We will never forget his lessons. David continues to teach after he has gone. There were many and varied causes in David’s life but no greater than his dedication to the classmates he loved from the school of his

boyhood. His love of Riverview and all it stood for, as well as his friends, was unrivalled. David connected with us all. He kept our Year together, never more so than when he produced the booklet and Dvd we used at our 40 year reunion in 2011. David had done this by pecking away at the keyboard with a stick held in his mouth. By that stage, he had no movement in his arms. He wanted no sympathy, just an exchange of the friendship he offered to everybody. Most importantly, and generously, he gave significantly and graciously to the ‘1971 Class Bursary’ to ensure that Riverview boys of the future could receive the benefits of the education which he had cherished. David had spent some time in 2010 and 2011 learning of the needs, hopes and

His generosity seemed to be limitless. He ensured that his former carer was set up for life with accommodation and he left an irreplaceable legacy with each of us; he was an inspiration to each of us. There will be no grand obituaries, just heartfelt expressions of thanks for his generous life. We take comfort in our faith, which David shared. There is hope that one day we will see David again and once again enjoy his friendship. James Rodgers (OR71)

by friends and family and died in mid 2012 at the age of 97.

He has, at all times, displayed fine fighting spirit and by coolness and co-operation with his pilot and fellow gunners has frequently enabled the aircraft to avoid encounters with enemy fighters. This officer has also done valuable work in training new air gunners.

On demobilisation in 1946, Clem rejoined the Department of Main Roads as a survey assistant; he then worked with the DMR as a Principal Surveyor and Property Officer until his retirement in 1980. Clem’s nickname was the ‘Bomber’ and it wasn’t just because of his wartime service. He was known as a man who didn’t hit often but when he did, he hit hard. It was the same with everything he did; his language was moderate but occasionally punctuated by flashes of colourful outbursts. He enjoyed a beer but didn’t drink regularly. His love of horses was legendary and his study of the form absorbing. He was always conscious of physical fitness, often seen walking a long way from where he lived. He met Rosalie Gwynne, the love of his life, and they married in 1962, but they never had children. It is most

outcomes of the Bursary program at Riverview; he saw the opportunity for educating those less fortunate than most as being somewhat reflective of his own struggle. It was at that stage that he determined to leave a bequest to the Riverview Bursary Program.

Clem and Rosalie Lacy.

likely that Rosalie was too old to have children (she was 47 when they married) and she had kept her true age a secret from the wider family, being actually 10 years older than everyone thought (a fact only revealed upon her death). So, when the family celebrated her 80th birthday it was actually her 90th. The Lacy family remained close and there are many fond memories of Rosy who was generally seen as a ‘mad Aunt who would burst into song, always ready for a laugh’. Rosalie lived a great life surrounded

Clem never forgot the opportunities in life his Riverview education had afforded him, nor those of his brothers Kevin and Kieran. When Clem passed away in 1992, at the age of 72, he and Rosalie had already provided in their wills for a third of any proceeds from their estate on their deaths to pass to Riverview. Rosalie kept close contact with Riverview, regularly attending the annual Loyola lunch for widows of Old Boys until very recent years, and she recommitted to the undertaking she and Clem had made to the College, in a new will, in 2000. They had done well in the intervening years and, during 2013, the Riverview Foundation will be the beneficiary of the single largest bequest ever made to the College. The Lacy estate requires the bequest to be used in part for Bursaries and is also available for improving College facilities, yet to be determined.

Ignatian 23

A class act John Edwin Powell (OR50)


ome people do everything in style. John Powell was one of them. He was known to apply antifoul to his yacht, dressed in a Van Heusen shirt and Gucci tie, to mow the lawn resplendent in an all white tuxedo complete with cummerbund and suspenders, or clean a storm drain in a gorgeous three-piece Brooks Bros suit. He was a larrikin, a prankster, a joker, but was equally well known and loved for his strong belief in God, his humility, his care for others, his kindness to all and his generosity of spirit. He was a true Old Ignatian product. John was also a very successful businessman and celebrated a life full of beauty, riches and excitement. A great sports enthusiast, he was good at most things. Born in 1931 he lived most of his early life in India, attending the Jesuit St Joseph’s

John Powell (OR50) with his Porsche

College at Darjeeling before moving to Sydney and attending Riverview 1948 – 1950. Never having played rugby he managed to play centre in the 1950 1st XV, was a regular in the 1st X1 in 1949 and 1950, ran the hurdles at the GPS athletics and was a good tennis player. Later in life, it was hockey, ocean racing and golf. And always the cars – each one new and different but he never forgot the

most lasting influences on his life; the Jesuits and Riverview. He always loved the Jesuits and credited them with his education, saying he could not have done it without them. His unremarkable Leaving Certificate lead him to postschool roles as an agricultural sales, and then veterinary supplies, representative in Orange and Scone. In 1965, he moved to the United States and became professionally very successful working

A College of obligation, not of privilege T he Riverview Bursary Program is consistent with the Jesuit mission statement of living a faith that does justice. The education of young men, no matter who they are or what they can afford, has been at the core of the Jesuit mission for centuries across the globe. So providing assistance to families for the education of their sons is central to our mission. All bursaries at Riverview are funded by donation and are entirely financially-needs based. In 2013, 86 boys attend Riverview through the generosity of donors. It is our desire to continue to make a difference to the lives of these young men, and to extend the program over the coming year to include even more boys. All donations, large or small, make a difference in the life of a bursary recipient. Former bursary students are living proof of the real success of our program. We encourage you to read their stories and share their journeys and hope that you will feel

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compelled to make a contribution. Visit www.bursary2013.com.au or use a smartphone to scan the QR code (above).

Bequests: investing in our future


ince its foundation in 1880, the College has been committed to providing an all-round education for boys that inspires them to a lifelong development of their faith; to be men for others; to strive for justice. To this day, we are challenged by this commitment: ever increasing

demands in our curriculums, our culture and our world provide a continuing need for new and improved facilities, new resources, and to sustain our all-important Bursary Program, which allows us to continue the Jesuit Mission of providing an education for all.

We are deeply appreciative of the support we receive from the Riverview community in assisting us to achieve this. For many reasons, though, people may not be in a position to make a donation to the College during their lifetime. Bequests are one of the ways community members can contribute materially to the future of the College, and its mission. Bequests can be made in a variety of ways to reflect a donor’s wishes; they may be untied as to use or intended for a specific purpose, such as resources, tuition and boarding fees, building projects and so on.

Riverview Bursary Program with Zimmer Medical Products and then securing the west coast distributorship as Zimmer – Powell, selling artificial limbs, prosthesis and so on and which he ran for 25 years until he retired in 1995. Always popular and a great advocate of Riverview and his time here, he stayed in touch with old friends during all this time and often returned to Australia for Old Boy reunions and to catch up with his many friends. Following his untimely death in 2011, it emerged that he had planned and left a substantial Trust in favour of the Riverview Foundation. Following discussions with his only family, his sister Janet, some funds were used as seed capital to commence the ‘Fraser Walk’ Rose Garden paving project with the bulk of funds going into the Bursary Fund to educate those less fortunate than John. Janet knew that John would hope that others could wring as much out of a Jesuit and Riverview education and experience as he had.

Incorporated into wills, bequests can be made in a variety of ways to reflect a donor’s wishes, and should always be made following consultation with a solicitor. To discuss the option of a bequest with the Foundation, please contact Peter McLean in the Development Office on (02) 9882 8574.

‘A Man for Others’ Michael Andrew Smith (OR71)


ichael (Smithy) was born in Sydney in 1953 and moved in 1960 to colonial Fiji where his father established the cement manufacturing industry. Smithy’s primary years were an active outdoor life which fed a lifetime’s interest in many sports, notably his passion for rugby union and participation in water sports. His parents ensured their children understood that they enjoyed privileges that were not shared by many in this developing country.

In 1966 Michael began six years as an international boarder at Riverview where he made important lifelong mates. He loved rowing, but was most proud of his position on the 1st XV Rugby team and his hero was Coach Les Kirkpatrick. He was also no stranger to the Rector’s office, but for less glorious reasons! He returned regularly to Old Boy reunions where inevitably someone from the class of ’71 would retell the story of the day that Smithy dropped the ball against Joeys.

Michael Smith ‘A Man for Others’.

Smithy worked hard and played hard, never motivated by status or material possessions. Moving to Cairns, shortly after turning 50, Smithy exited the rapidly changing computer industry. But within three years he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Smithy used that time to travel, make important reconnections with special people and places and the inevitable reflection on his life and legacy.

Smithy began to study law but soon decided to apply his analytical mind to the fledgling computer industry, forging a career as a talented mainframe programmer and systems analyst. He remained a competitive oarsman and swimmer, winning gold at the National Masters Swimming competition in 1993.

Sadly, until almost the very end, Mike wrestled with how to share his death sentence with his heartbroken family. Their grief was consoled by the loyal and affectionate support he received from his Riverview mates during this final chapter. The Old Boys exemplified the Ignatian spirit. Michael died in September 2006 and his ashes were later scattered from the Riverview pier onto the Lane Cove River. He was only 53.

Here was a multi-faceted character. A great friend and fun to be with, he was also something of a loner. He was a party animal, who also relished quiet time; although always popular with the girls, he never married.

Michael Smith bequeathed his estate to establish The Smithy Bursary, so that others less fortunate might also share the Ignatian spirit. A final act befitting of an Old Ignatian. Truly, ‘A Man for Others’.

Ignatian 25

The key to finding happiness


t the end of last year, a number of Year 12 students from the class of 2012 became full time companions for disabled children on the Ignatian Children’s Holiday Camp. There were over 40 children with a wide range of disabilities who became their charges for four days and nights. Joined by girls from Loreto Kirribilli, Loreto Normanhurst and Monte Sant’ Angelo Mercy, the companions gave the children a wonderful experience that they will treasure for many years. The companions gained an insight into what it is like to care for a child with a disability. They also learnt a lot from the children themselves about gratitude and making the most of life. Following are some reflections shared by the companions at the end of the Camp: ‘My camper taught me the simplicity of life, and in some ways provided me with a key to finding happiness. The fact that she was restricted to a chair yet was so able in a million other ways gave me as

A newfound appreciation of existence


eflections on the 15th Ignatian Children’s Holiday Camp, held in December, 2012. ‘At the end of the camp I was absolutely exhausted and emotional. But I had a newfound appreciation of existence. I understand how God creates every person individually. My camper and everyone on the camp are special and have their own talents and abilities and are beautiful in their own special ways. She had an amazing imagination and was so full of life!’ Brooklyn Newey

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Both carers and campers gained a wonderful experience they will treasure for many years.

an onlooker an insight as to how frustrating having a disability must be. However she faced her adversity with such patience and never muttered a word of complaint. She taught me that it is the little things in life that bring your heart happiness at the end of the day. Whether it was singing Footloose five times a day or reading an endless array of books Hannah

‘On reflection, I am both incredibly moved and enlightened by what I have seen, heard and lived in the last week (that of the ICHC camp). ICHC provided the opportunity to serve with genuine and passionate enthusiasm and experience a world of adversity in insightful ways. I can’t explain how much the bond created between my camper and I has touched my life and outlook on the world. It has further encouraged me to pursue a career in mentoring for ‘disabled’ children . . . I was moved by the humble nature of my child’s parents. I know how tired and sore my back was after four days of caring for my beautiful girl and can’t imagine the adversity they must face every day. However as I said at the reflection, I would be so so happy if I had a kid as wonderful as she is. Her ability to face adversity

showed me that it was things that we take for granted that provide us with level of happiness.’ ‘The camp was the most challenging four days of my life, but also the most rewarding. It is an experience that I will never forget, both for its struggles and the joy that Melissa and I shared with Anthea.’

is inspiring and her connection with people around her is overwhelming. She is the type of girl that made everyone feel special and welcome. She is the type of girl that is clearly loved at home by her mother father and sister and shows the result of love and care in a family.’ James Kelly ‘Right now I’m feeling completely lost without my child. Over the past few days, I have constantly been on high alert, always conscious about anything in our surroundings that could potentially be a threat to him. Whether that be loud noises, a

Carers and campers at the 15th Ignatian Children’s Holiday Camp held in December 2012

‘I saw God today in Hope . . . who is Alex’s 24 year old sister who is also his guardian. She cares for two of her younger sisters as well and is getting married next week. Despite her situations, she is so optimistic (hopeful one might say), loving, competent, understanding and an inspirational young woman. I saw God in my peers who coped so well under pressure

palette of paint or even a stray finger bun, there are so many things that either distress him or are an easy target for his lightning-quick fingers. My partner, Josh, and I have come to know him so well, his James with his camper

movements, his habits, his likes and dislikes, that it is now almost automatic to scan a room and make a decision about how to ensure that he is safe and happy. Over the past few days, looking after

and stress and committed themselves wholly to their task. The humility and gratitude they have displayed has been strengthgiving. I saw God in a little boy who just wanted a friend to give him all the attention he never had. A boy who marvelled in the little things. I found God in all the team that gave themselves to this mammoth undertaking.’

our camper has been my entire focus. Now that he has left, that strong and gratifying sense of purpose has been removed temporarily so that I feel like, despite the difficulties, I wish I could relive the whole experience. I have been challenged so much by this camp. It has been confronting and at times isolating to care for a child, as loving as he is, with such a severe disability. However, it is because of how difficult the camp has been that I am now able to sit here and feel such a sense of fulfilment. The difference I have managed to make, however small, in the lives of our child and his family is something to be proud of. To see him wake up this morning, giggling (the only easily distinguishable communicative noise that he makes), made my heart melt. I am so fortunate to have been part of such a special

The Children’s Camp was a huge success and would not be possible without the dedication of the College staff, parents and past companions who give so generously of their time to make it all happen. We offer you our deepest thanks. Carmel Shaw, Director of Religious Formation

experience, to have been trusted with the care of someone else’s child.’ Dominique Denniss ‘My daughter Michala Rothpletz-Tatt was extremely fortunate to attend the Sony camp for special needs children, at Saint Ignatius’ College, Riverview, just before Christmas. I can’t thank you enough for the amazing time she experienced with you and the very high level of care that was provided by all. Julia from Monte was a perfect match for Michala and she still has her picture next to her bed and talks about all the wonderful things she did with everyone. Michala will show her special memory book Julia made her to anyone who crossed her path with great pride.’ Karla Rothpletz-Tatt

Ignatian 27

Fr Burke-Gaffney taught nature studies to the younger boys during the 1920s. They spent many happy hours roaming the foreshore observing plants, cicadas, lizards and snakes.

Our vision for Ecological Sustainability


n 28 June 1878, Fr Joseph Dalton SJ concluded arrangements for the purchase of the Riverview Estate. What a vast expanse of natural, wild beauty he must have witnessed upon his first visit in 1877. Remnants of the ancient timber forests; the magnificent view of the Lane Cove River; the sheer cliff faces, all set amongst the wild scrub of the bush.

Today, our image of Saint Ignatius’ College, Riverview is still entwined with the natural landscape upon which it sits. Though advances in technology have enabled us to extend and, in many ways, improve our commitment to sustainability, preservation and conservation of our ecology has long been an important part of the College’s mission and purpose. Not surprisingly, the importance of care for the environment that has existed throughout the College’s history has deep foundations in

28 Ignatian

Ignatian thought. In an address entitled ‘Our Responsibility for God’s Creation’, delivered in 1998 to students at a Jesuit school in Zimbabwe, the then-Superior General, Fr Peter-Hans Kolvenbach SJ, addressed the need for renewing our commitment to caring for the earth in the midst of mounting environmental crises, and explained how caring for ecology is central to ‘finding God in all things’: In the environment, the human person finds the Creator ‘in all things’ . . . He is one with them in his relationship with

God which God lovingly established for us in union with our environment.

Environmental conservation and sustainability practices have changed significantly since the 1990s, and a formal plan of environment conservation most likely did not exist at Riverview until some 100 years after the College’s foundation. Further, between the 1890s and 1930s a sense of stewardship of the environment at the College was demonstrated through tedious care, extension and rejuvenation of the College’s gardens and shrubbery.

Reconciliation with Creation And so we are brought to the present day. Riverview’s commitment to ecology has never been stronger. The environment is a core object in the College’s ‘Preferred Futures Project’. In 2007 the College established an Environment Committee, comprised of students, staff and parents which has been the driver of a significant number of environmental programs since. In 2010 the College funded a part-time Environmental Officer to oversee those programs. The College earned a Sustainable Schools Program Award from Lane Cove Council in 2012 in recognition of its considerable environmental focus. In the same year, the first annual Sustainable Living Festival was held; the 2012 Walk to School Day became the most successful yet; and the College was declared a plastic bottle-free zone, replacing all vending machines and drinks sold at the canteen with drink refilling stations and saving 410L of oil and 1,480kgs of CO2 in 100 days.

listened to media personality, Indira Naidoo, and Lendlease’s National Sustainability Manager, Ann Austin, give different perspectives on sustainability; the worm farm continues to give staff rich fertiliser for their home gardens; and the College continues to host, celebrate and participate in events such as the Sustainable Living Festival, World Environment Day and Walk Safely to School Day. Most recently there have been two major new developments. The College will install a Pulpmaster in the Senior Canteen, which will recycle food waste and will have an enormous impact on the College’s general waste output. With a focus on renewable energies, all lighting in the Gartlan Sports Centre has been upgraded to become energy efficient and the College has had a development proposal approved by Lane Cove Council in order to install solar panels on the roof of the same complex. This is a significant step towards making the College wholly energy efficient.

In 2013 the College has continued its commitment to reducing waste; 55 tonnes of E-waste was diverted from landfill at the E-waste collection day in March; more than 200 delegates attended the fifth Earth Hour Breakfast and

These initiatives are a small glimpse of Riverview’s Ecological Sustainability Vision, and the College will continue to commit to Creating a Better ‘View well into the future. Lauren Sykes, Journalist and Media Co-ordinator

Some environmental highlights: 1890s: Major efforts to improve riverbank areas by Fr Joseph Tuite SJ. 1905: Fr Edward Pigot SJ begins meteorological observations. College becomes official weather, observatory and seismology centre. 1910: Alfred Cole, Australian gardening author, plants many species looking to take the gardens back to a ‘semi-natural state’. 1930–1940s: Rejuvenation of the Lane Cove foreshore and Top Field laid with grass. 1970s: Landscaping and gardening classes and boys clear foreshore undergrowth. Ornithological Club contributes a great amount of research. Second Division boys cultivate a vegetable garden. 1980: Riverview commissions and registers the Riverview rose. 1994: Seismography equipment records the Cessnock earthquake. 2007: The environment is listed as a key focus of the College’s strategic plan, the Preferred Futures Project: Riverview 2025. Environment Committee established. 2009: Earth Hour is commemorated for the first time and is marked by an inaugural Earth Hour Breakfast. 2010: Malcolm Lynch (OR2006) becomes the first Indigenous Australian to set foot on Antarctica and phones in to Riverview from aboard a Russian icebreaker in the Drake Passage.

Ignatian 29

Provincial Fr Steve Curtin SJ (OR74) conducted the Farewell Mass for former Headmaster Shane Hogan.

Thankyou and farewell


consider that Shane Hogan will stand for all ages as one of the giants of Riverview’s leaders. Never once did he take on something that was second best. He always saw the big picture that defines and enriches and changes a school.

Under Shane’s leadership, Riverview has been even more outward looking, even more tolerant, even more provocative, even more competitive. He earned the respect and trust and admiration of our Riverview community because he was with us when we most needed his strength and leadership and humanity.

Through the deaths, through life, through tragedy, through celebration, through tribulation, through triumph, Shane held us together with his credo ringing in our ears: ‘we are here to save souls’. And with his emphatic and practical ability to help us all to ‘see God in all things’.

Citation for the Insignis Award made to Shane Hogan, former Headmaster of Saint Ignatius’ College, Riverview


or the past 33 years, of boys. He is especially Shane Hogan has taught interested in the key roles in Jesuit schools. Initially that fathers play in the at St Aloysius’ College, Milsons education of their sons and he Point, he rose to become Deputy has developed considerable Headmaster. He then joined insights and expertise in the Saint Ignatius’ College, this influential area. It is also Riverview community in 1994 part of Shane’s philosophy of when he was appointed Deputy education that a young man Headmaster (Administration). will not learn unless he is Later, in 2000, he was promoted From left to right: John Wilcox, College Council, Shane happy, and Riverview has been to Head of School and, two years Hogan, former Headmaster, Fr Steve Curtin SJ, Provincial a place where students feel safe and Paul Robertson AM Chair, College Council. later, became Riverview’s first lay and accepted, as well as being Headmaster in 2002. challenged academically Shane has always had a strong Throughout his teaching career, commitment to the education and spiritually.

30 Ignatian

Students formed a Guard of Honour from Ramsay Hall to Gorman Field as part of their emotional farewell tribute to Shane Hogan.

The farewells to Shane were emotional because he touched us all. They were heartfelt because he, and his family, especially his wife and constant companion, Catherine, were the heart and soul of our school. They were a resounding tribute to one of Riverview’s greats. On his final day, we - the whole school – gathered for Mass to say thanks, to honour and to celebrate his leadership, his companionship and his affection for us all. The Mass was celebrated by our Jesuit

Shane is a leader steeped in the Ignatian pedagogical tradition. He has frequently participated in Ignatian Formation programs, both in Australia and abroad, and has also been active in developing and promoting professional programs and Ignatian experiences for lay teachers at Riverview and in the Asia-Pacific Assistancy. An unambiguous Ignatian charism in the school has always characterised his direction of the school. Shane has been an exemplary leader and under his guidance the College has flourished, ensuring that every student has had the opportunity to discover and achieve his God-given potential. Shane’s transformation of student boarding facilities, and the

priests, led by Fr Steve Curtin SJ, the Provincial of the Society of Jesus in Australia. So, the Mass – the central part of our belief The Jesuits – the centre of our schools Shane – for so long, the centre of this school. At the Mass, Riverview’s legendary Mr Les Kirkpatrick, our longest serving teacher here, read this prayer on our behalf, which says it all.

‘We pray for Shane. May he meet the new challenge of his work with energy. May he always feel welcome in this community and find a home here. May he take with him memories of his great achievements in this place as teacher, coach, headmaster and friend. Sustain and encourage him in the love and justice that has been planted and grown here by his gentle compassion.’ James Rodgers, Associate to the Rector and Principal

physical and co-curricular landscape of the College has been remarkable.

wider Ignatian perspective are qualities that have set him apart at Riverview.

Through Shane’s dedication, the College has become a place of genuine care and commitment to the poor and the marginalised. Today some 90 students whose circumstances would otherwise have precluded them from enriching our community – amongst them indigenous and refugee boys – are presently at Riverview. The Bursary Program bears testimony to Shane’s keen sense of justice and boundless energy.

For Saint Ignatius, an insignis was the type of person he wished to call into his company. It means an influential leader, a discerning person of virtue and talent, one who would leave a mark on their ministry, a person of unambiguous faith.

Shane’s love for the College and for Jesuit education, his deep affection for the staff and especially the students, and his ability to always focus on the

We are delighted to make this Ignatian “Insignis Award” – the highest honour that the College can bestow on one of its companions in ministry to our retiring Headmaster, Mr Shane Hogan.’ Mr Paul Robertson AM Chairman of College Council, & Fr Ross Jones SJ, Rector

Ignatian 31

This is what it was really like


n 15 April students, staff and parents of Riverview set out from Sydney airport to tackle the Kokoda Track. This was going to be as much a mental challenge as it was as a physical challenge. The College motto of ‘As much as you can do, so much dare to do’ rang true with many of us nine days later as we arrived at Owers Corner. The Kokoda Track is a historically important aspect of Australia’s young history. The sacrifice of the Australian Militia and Australian Imperial Force along with the local Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels meant that the Imperial Japanese Army never invaded Australia. Once we arrived in Kokoda Village and visited the Kokoda Plateau this sacrifice in the face of a superior and much greater force became apparent. Whilst the group were in great spirits and eager to start tackling the formidable 96 kilometre track across the Owen Stanley Range, the mood became quite sombre as we started to appreciate the difficulty that our

One of the many river crossings along the Kokoda track

soldiers faced in 1942. The students started to gain an appreciation for the world they live in as they began to realise that the majority of those who fought here were only a few years older than they are now. As we followed in the footsteps of the Australian fighting retreat towards Imita Ridge, we were fortunate to have the historical knowledge of our guides to educate us about the fighting that took place along the track and hold memorial services at the Isurava memorial and at Brigade

Hill, scenes of great loss of Australian soldiers and tragedy, such as that suffered by the Bisset brothers. We were fortunate to have Fr Edward Dooley SJ with us on the track, and on our ‘rest’ day in the Village of Menari we were able to have a Mass for the whole group with Peter Colledge leading the hymns with his ukulele. After Mass, the group made its way to the local school where we spent the next three hours getting to know the students and learning about their lives.

Dawn Service – Pre dawn view over the 3500 who gave their lives defending Australia, Bomana War Cemetery

32 Ignatian

Kokoda Immersion 2013 We donated much needed supplies to the school, as it is located in the middle of the track getting things is difficult and expensive. Students appreciated the opportunity to stop here, ‘we were able to build volleyball courts. Playing with the villagers gave us a sense of achievement, great pride and purpose’. That afternoon was a mentally challenging one for the whole group, as this was the really the only time that we were caught out in the rain whilst still walking to camp. Up until this point, the students found the track physically demanding, but this changed things for them realising ‘. . . this is what it was really like for the soldiers’ and ‘. . . we gained an appreciation for what the soldiers had to fight through the sludge that was often at least ankle deep’. Our last night camping was on the banks of the Goldie River. This gave us an opportunity to say good bye to our porters and take stock of what we had all achieved. ANZAC Day was a moving day for us all, as we attended the dawn service at Bomana War Cemetery, where as a group we were able to reflect on the sacrifice that we learnt about over the previous nine days and pay our

Departing Kokoda Village to tackle the Owen Stanley Range

respects to the four Old Ignatians buried there.

not sure where their limits and boundaries are now.

The College motto ‘As much as you can do, so much dare to do’ was evident amongst the group when we returned to Sydney and we had the opportunity to reflect on the Immersion with many students commenting that they weren’t sure if they would be able to be mentally strong enough to complete the track prior to leaving. However, they are

I would like to thank the students and parents who made this Immersion the great success that it was and in particular like to thank Peter Kovacs, Peter Colledge, Dane Inman and Fr Edward Dooley SJ for their immense help and support in preparing the boys and caring for them on the trip. Trent McAllan, History Faculty

Celebrating ANZAC Day at Bomana War Cemetery with Governor-General, Her Excellency the Honourable Quentin Bryce AC CVO.

Ignatian 33


his production of West Side Story, was yet another outstanding achievement for Saint Ignatius’ College, Riverview.

Josh proved that he was as they say in the industry a ‘triple threat’, being unparalleled in his dancing, singing and acting. He was a pleasure to watch, portraying the complex character of Tony with ease, poise and precision.

The production team and students involved are to be commended for constructing a wonderful piece of theatre from this Broadway classic and bringing it to life on the Riverview stage.

Gabrielle Chantiri’s role as the leading lady Maria was a performance that was truly moving. In the final acts of the show she had many of the audience in tears. She mesmerised all who sat and listened to her distinct and beautiful voice.

Joshua McElroy displayed the protagonist of Tony, proudly and marvelously. Congratulations are due for his prodigious performances.

Bailey Elith was perfect for the role of the young gun Riff, leader of the Jets, and held an incredible presence.

Elijah Williams was a perfect casting for the role of Bernardo, the leader of the Sharks. Elijah’s command of the stage was spell-binding. Veronica Costi, whose Sophia Vegara-esque accent, pitch-perfect singing and superb dancing shook me to my bones, played the role of Anita. Both Elijah and Veronica stole the show with their dancing, comic relief and singing. The acting right down to the very last cast member was impeccable, directed by Roger Wise, who brought real depth to the drama on stage. A major contribution to the success of these Riverview productions as always,

College Musical

Dev Gopalasamy, as Producer and Head of Performing Arts at Riverview, commented on how grateful the school was to all the parents who helped with the costumes, set, props, catering and fund-raising. He added that without the support of parents, shows like these would not be a feasible under-taking.

Credit must also be given to Pamela French, the choreographer, whose dedication and vision allowed for the musical to be brought to life with the superb show of dancing and movement.

Joshua De Angelis (OR2012)

Costuming, as always, was outstanding. The always-dedicated Myriam Moysey, aided by Kathleen Hunt and a team of dedicated mothers produced exuberant and dazzling costumes that made you believe that you were witnessing the turbulent times of post-war 1950s America. The set design was the work of Kirk Hume, who together with Riverview’s always-willing parents constructed a set that was magnificent. The stage crew, were also faultless in the execution of their duties, and together with the brilliant sound and lights made for a night to remember.

All praise and recognition must go to the cast, orchestra, pit-choir, stage crew and production team who made this show the success it truly was.

Some of the accolades received: ‘The show was absolutely fantastic. I overheard some people saying it was better than a professional production of West Side Story that they had previously seen!’ ’What a wonderful production. The orchestra sounded so professional.

We could hardly believe it was a school orchestra.’ ‘Thank you for giving our son the opportunity to be a part of such a wonderful production. I’m sure he will always remember as one of the best things he did whilst at Riverview.’ ‘The student orchestra was amazing! The costumes were authentic and complemented the time and setting. The set was perfect, very functional and it transported to the time and place.’ ‘I laughed, I cried and I have been singing the songs all weekend.’ ‘It’s hard to remember that the cast and orchestra are only 15, 16, 17 and 18 year olds!’ ‘Wow! The vibrant energy and talent of the performers, their projection and openness was amazing. I closed my eyes and listened to the talented players, then had to open them again to see what was happening on stage.’ ‘I had to use all my powers not to get up and dance in the aisles at some points in the story.’ and weep bitterly in others. Brilliant, amazing young people.’

Greg Skeed

is the orchestra under the baton of Dev Gopalasamy, the show’s Producer and Musical Director. The orchestra was astounding and stayed true to the original Bernstein score with the mainly all-student 45-piece orchestra and pit-choir. A delight to see that all instruments in the score were presented in their acoustic form without the use of electronic synthesisers. It was pleasure to watch the audience being captivated by the music being played so perfectly by the orchestra.

‘Great performances from all the cast members, an exciting dynamic performance by the orchestra of what is a particularly challenging score’

Ignatian 35

Around the College

Continuing academic excellence HSC Results, 2012 Riverview Students sat the HSC in 2012, 229 of whom were Year 12 students with another 75 Year 11 students accelerating in Studies of Religion 1 unit, Mathematics and Information Processes and Technology. The students achieved exceptional results, well in line with the achievement of previous years. Overall, the College finished in the top 50 schools in the State, a significant achievement for a non-selective boys’ school, offering no scholarships and with an extensive indigenous and refugee program.

College, Riverview’s educational process is to promote an education that assists in the full development of all the God-given talents of each person as a member of society.


In so doing, this process encourages a life-long openness to growth, an openness to change, a striving for the magis (‘more’) through a pace suited to individual ability and the characteristics of each boy’s own personality. Riverview recognises that within the community of students there are many groups that require specialist policies and programs that meet the specific learning needs of the student.

Riverview students earned high placings across the State in a number of subjects. Andrew Barnes, Nicholas Chan and Seth Godlewski were all ranked highly in Chinese Extension, and Tom Cutler in Modern History.

Those students who possess superior learning abilities and potential for outstanding achievements in comparison with the total school population make up such a group. Therefore, they need differentiated educational opportunities if they are to reach their potential.

12 students were recognised as Top All Rounders (with ten or more units in Band 6, or a mark over 90%). Top All Rounders (with ten or more units in Band 6, or a mark over 90%). These students are: Henry Back, Joseph Baine, Leo Chan, James Connolly, James Fick, Seth Godlewski, Patrick Hall, Michael O’Sullivan, Maxfield Peres, Hugh Raisin, Martin Ryan and Joseph Wehbe.

Riverview acknowledges these needs and has implemented programs of enrichment and acceleration that are specifically devised to meet the needs of gifted and talented students.

Our students gained 266 Band 6 results, the second highest number ever, and 48 Band E4 (the highest band for extension subjects), giving 314 in total, the third 350 highest on record. 300

36 Ignatian

E4 Band 6 Total


Special Education Programs Saint Ignatius’ College, Riverview is a non-selective Catholic boys’ school, drawing students from a variety of educational backgrounds. All children and students have the right to the most appropriate educational programs available to meet their individual needs. Students with disabilities, learning difficulties and behaviour disorders often need specialised support services to provide them with the opportunities to achieve their potential and to become contributing members of society in a dignified and meaningful way. Riverview is committed to providing Special Education services to meet the needs of all these students in accordance with the characteristics of Jesuit education and philosophy. Students with special needs form an integral part of the school’s population and their educational needs are to be catered for in that context, as part of the whole school. Therefore, the responsibility for the needs of these students is met by all staff in conjunction with the Centre for Teaching and Learning Support.

200 150 100 50












Advanced Learner Programs The general aim of Saint Ignatius’

HSC Band 6 / E4 Count


These results are a credit to the hard work and dedication of the students, their parents and guardians, and to all College Staff who have taught them throughout their years of schooling.

Such programs commence in the primary levels of the College and spread across many disciplines in all levels in the school. The aim of such programs is an attempt to continue

to provide a stimulating, purposeful and goal oriented environment in which gifted students can achieve academic milestones commensurate with their educational capability and demographic background.

Students with special needs include those with a disability defined as sensory, physical, psychological, intellectual or emotional, thus reducing their ability to participate in mainstream educational programs. Peter McLean Director of Senior Schooling

Academic Excellence

Lessons for life


he following is an excerpt from the address to the College Assembly on 6 February, 2012 by James Fick, 2012 Dux of the College. It has been said, ‘Education is what remains after you have forgotten what you have learnt in school’. Einstein was making the point that facts and figures are easily forgotten but what is hard to forget, or leave behind, are those experiences that teach you lessons for life. In this regard, Riverview is a land of opportunity; the kind of opportunity that forges friendship, develops one’s talents and cultivates a faith that does justice. I am fortunate to have gone to Riverview because it provided such opportunity; and I’d like to share what I have learnt along the way. From the first day to the last day, the people you meet are companions on the journey. Education is about reflecting upon experiences and Riverview, as a Jesuit school, aspires to educate the whole person. Although I find it hard to express the entire breadth of opportunity that Riverview has to offer, it is these experiences that are far more significant and rewarding than any exam result. Like many others in my grade, I was able to join an immersion while at the College. Going to Central Australia and to Cambodia are two experiences that shall always remain with me. In Central Australia, we immersed ourselves in a remote group of Aboriginal communities that reside in the APY lands. A year later in Cambodia, we were given the task of teaching English to young children. In doing this our group realised that these students had very limited opportunity through no fault of their own. Immersions, and by extension service, are opportunities to learn. A form of learning that forces you to

Emmalene Fick, John Fick, Anne Turner Fick, James Fick (Dux for 2012), Genevieve Fick and Marianne Fick

question what you value and what you aspire to. These are lessons and experiences, which have been at the heart of my Riverview education. Riverview wouldn’t be Riverview without co-curricular activities. When your team salvages a draw with the last kick of the game or when you’re navigating a dangerous freezing white water rapids, in a canoe that might capsize at any moment, you recognise the strength of endurance and teamwork. Sport also teaches the meaning of community support; seeing your friends represent the College on the football field is a highlight of senior school that shouldn’t be sacrificed for study. Spiritual formation offers another opportunity to learn and grow. A highpoint for me was going on a Kairos retreat. More than just understanding faith, Riverview encourages a proactive ‘faith that does justice’. In Year 12, I was fortunate to be a part of re-establishing the College’s social justice group, the AT Thomas Advocacy Group, which encourages students to give a voice to the voiceless regarding the rights and liberties that we take for granted. Nonetheless, all those hours in the classroom aren’t for nothing. If we go back to when I was in Year 5; I wasn’t an all A student. Indeed, in primary school I had learning difficulties until Year 3. I was never Dux of my grade from Year 5 to Year 11, and I think a lot of my teachers are surprised, almost as much as I am, today. So I

think the three tips I have to make are relevant to all. Firstly, realise that the school wants to help you reach your potential. Teachers enjoy seeing students learn and succeed. So whether your best is 55, or 95, don’t be afraid to ask a teacher for some extra support. Secondly, work with others. Having been a boarder since Year 9, I owe much to the boarders who have helped me along the way. Even in Year 12, my best work was achieved, like many, when studying with others. Sharing ideas, whether it’s maths or history, challenges your ideas and consolidates your understanding. Thirdly, be patiently committed. Churchill defined success as ‘the ability to go from failure to failure without any loss of enthusiasm’. This time last year I was in the top ten for only one subject; but I didn’t just sit still and hope for the best; you have to stay committed. Realising that the school wants to help you succeed, collaborating with others and being patiently committed are three lessons I have learnt. They seem obvious but should never be underestimated. I’d like to congratulate . . . all the other boys in my grade for their HSC results and wish them good luck for whatever comes next. Every good wish to this year’s Year 12 for the HSC. But more importantly, every good wish for the more significant things: Immersions and Service, the Co-Curricular and, of course, recognising God along the way.

Ignatian 37

Around the College

Sorry Day


t was a privilege to attend the Sorry Day Ceremony at the College in May and to be stirred by the depth of emotion that was apparent in the rich display of pride through culture, so wonderfully owned and delivered by the indigenous boys. Readings from scripture were animated by traditional dance which was set against the haunting tones of Anthony Treacy’s mastery of the didgeridoo. To say that the performance of the boys was compelling was an understatement: one so strongly felt by the entire school community. Among many presentations was Lincoln Whiteley’s personal response to the dispossession and marginalisation of Indigenous Australians, so keenly felt through his 85 year old grandmother and that which has become part of his personal life story. Another of the captivating moments belonged to member of staff and parent,

College Principal Paul Hine with indigenous students at the Sorry Day Ceremony.

is a moment that beckons the vigilance of Australian values, the contemporary index of which is measured through the way that we treat each other. Special thanks are extended to the indigenous boys for the education that they provided on this significant occasion, and to Ms Jo Kenderes and Kaleb Tucker who co-ordinated the program.

Ms Malarndirri McCarthy, who reflected, among other things, on the release of the Aboriginal Deaths in Custody Report in 1998, and then 10 years on, Kevin Rudd’s apology in the National Parliament on 13 February 2008. Malarndarri’s words resonated strongly throughout the auditorium, when she reminded the assembled that Sorry Day

Paul A Hine


Recent staff leavers

The Trials of Robin Hood Year 9 Play


ongratulations to the cast and crew of the Year 9 Play The Trials of Robin Hood. Audiences were raving about the quality of the acting, costumes and sets. Each night the O’Kelly Theatre was full of laughter and rapturous applause.

38 Ignatian

Damien Thompson

Teacher – Science

Edward Crematy

Teacher – Science

Michael Brake

Year 11 Co-ordinator / Geography

Monica Appleby

Teacher – LOTE

Brock Butler

ICT Client Services Officer

John Olsen

Maintenance Manager

Carlos Bartelme

Year 5 Homeroom Teacher – Regis

Sally Egan

Head of Learning & Innovation

Chris Farnsworth

Indigenous Co-ordinator

Margaret Molloy


Thomas Hughes

Maintenance – Trades Assistant

Lisa Hopper

Teacher – Visual Arts

Caterina Troncone

Teacher – English

Jennifer Richardson

Head of Professional Learning

Alex Rybak

Teacher – English

June Wall

Head of Digital Learning & Info Services

Rosanne Pietsch

Teacher – Music

College News


he ANZAC Day Memorial held in Ramsay Hall on the first Monday of Term 2, which honoured not only the 118 Riverview boys who made the ultimate sacrifice in the service of their country, but all of those who have served Australia’s interest in the protection of the nation, was a solemn way to begin a new period of schooling. It was abundantly clear as a newcomer that the history of this distinguished school is synonymous with the landmarks that have forged the nation and it was particularly revealing to see the boys so respectful and moved by the solemnity of the occasion.

College Principal Paul Hine lays a wreath to commemorate Old Ignatians who fought and died during both World Wars.

Paul A Hine

Trop Jr winner


ongratulations to Year 7 student Ben McCarthy, whose claymation film Bumper won the 2013 Trop Jr competition, which is the junior component of the Tropfest annual short film festival. Tropfest typically attracts a live national audience of more than 150,000 people on a single night, each year.

Daily Telegraph


Ben McCarthy’s Claymation film ‘Bumper’ won the Trop Jr competition

Trop Jr entrants must be under 15 years of age, and adhere to the same rules as other Tropfest filmmakers: the film must be seven minutes or less, made specifically for the competition, and contain a signature item specified by the film’s organisers— this year’s item was ‘JUMP’. Bumper was the only claymation film that made the cut this year and it took Ben six months to create. The synopsis is as follows: ‘A frog not jumping is like a bird not flying or a fish not swimming. How can Bumper find his place in the world and achieve greatness? And who will help him?’

Ignatian 39

Around the College

Will Hayes

Xavier Wilson

Charlie Hoffman

Be the change


or some time now, each year of student leaders at Riverview have sought to put their own stamp on their final year by championing a cause or charity. This year’s student leaders chose a maxim of Mahatma Gandhi, ‘be the change you wish to see in the world’. The paraphrased, ‘Be the change’ is the College theme for the year. Indeed, when you visit the College next you will notice this theme displayed at a number of strategic locations to remind those in our community of the significant individual responsibility each of us has to

40 Ignatian

demonstrate leadership. In manyways, Gandhi epitomises servant leadership. His humility ensured that he was extremely self-aware and his leadership was marked by courage. A very Ignatian concept, proudly supported by the College student leadership under College Captain Harry Gaynor. As part of the promotion of that theme, last year’s Year 7 students were encouraged to submit entries as part of their Religious Education / ICT project last year. Staff and students then voted on the best entries, of which the top three were Will Hayes (7.6), Xavier Wilson (7.5) and Charlie Hoffman (7.6). Their entries are exhibited above.

College News

Learning ancient and modern languages


hen students learn a new language, it is essential that they engage fully and authentically with that language and with the culture it represents, be it that of our Asian neighbours, or of the ancient Roman and Greek civilisations. Such learning promotes a spirit of enquiry, deeper understanding and empathy. This is what makes learning an experience, rather than a purely intellectual exercise. This semester, our language students have been challenged in a number of areas, through class activities, assignments and external competitions. For their assignment, our Year 8 Latin students were asked to choose an artefact that an archaeologist might find in a ‘dig’ at Pompeii, create a replica of it and write a report. The definition of ‘artefact’ was left deliberately wide: specific buildings, objects from daily life, jewellery, coins, amphora, pottery, gladiatorial and military armour, body casts, statues, mosaics, wall paintings and other artworks.

established knowledge, analysis and exercise of the imagination to interpret their ‘find’. In the Year 9 Latin course, students have been Replicas of Roman artefacts, created by Year 8 Latin students. exploring the Roman invasion resources it offered. Selecting a site and settlement of Britain. Taking on that did not already have a fort on it the persona of an expert advisor to was in itself a challenge! the governor, they were asked to think The Year 9 Classical Greek class in turn produced film documentaries on areas of special interest: slavery, the role of the hoplites and the structure of Athenian society were some of the topics featured.

Firing mechanism of a ballista

strategically and to present plans for the construction of a new Roman fort. They had to justify fully the choice of fort type, troop type and location, basing their selection on research into Roman military activity, interaction with the local tribes, as well as the geographical landscape of the time and Front (from left to right) Eduardo Taranto, Dashiell Upton, James Chung; the natural Back: Max Pollard with gold and Michael Norton with a bronze medal.

They were also encouraged to think like an archaeologist, combining

In modern languages, the challenge is to provide students with authentic and meaningful opportunities to practise their speaking skills. French and Italian classes have turned to social media, engaging in conversation through chat forums set up by their teachers. The Chinese students in turn have honed their oral skills by taking part in the National Chinese Eisteddfod, a yearly event designed to promote the Chinese language and cultural awareness. After weeks of training, under the expert guidance of Ms Jiewen Liu, on Saturday 18 May 2013, 14 boys from Years 5–10 represented Riverview, winning three medals: Max Pollard Year 6 – Gold in the 8–12 years old group; Michael Norton Year 6 – Bronze in the 8–12 years old group; Samuel Rigney Year 8 - Bronze in 13–16 years old group. All activities have been embraced by our students with a high level of engagement and enthusiasm. Louella Perrett, Head of Languages

Ignatian 41

The Agriculture Showteam at the Royal Easter Show

Agriculture Showteam


he College Agriculture Showteam experienced a very busy Term 1 this year with the preparation of six donated steers for parading and showing at Castle Hill Show and the Royal Show. It was at the Castle Hill Show where both Edward Hunter (Year 11) and George Goodfellow (Year 9) had earned first and second place ribbons respectively in the merino fleece judging competition. At he Royal Easter Show, Hamish Markey (Year 10) competed in the ‘School Cattle Paraders’ competition which consisted of 39 other paraders in his age group. Hamish managed to gain a second place ribbon in his heat which made the Ag Showteam as a whole very proud of him. The students and staff feel very fortunate to have been provided with such an opportunity to work with the different breeds of cattle which have all been very generously donated by the Sykes Family, Lott Family, Waldren Family, Fuller Family, Wallis Family and the McLachlan Group. It was the Angus steer donated by the Fuller family that gained second place

42 Ignatian

and the Shorthorn steer donated by the Waldren family gained third place in the virtual taste competition of the steers on the hook. Also, the Angus steer donated by the Sykes family gained a total point score of 81.5 for carcass results which is also a great achievement. To try something new this year both William Cooper (Year 10) and Jack Todhunter (Year 10) took part in the Meat Bird Pairs Competition. The boys needed to basically observe and care for the weight gain of a dozen meat birds of which two female and male birds were judged as a part of a carcass competition. It was an interesting experience which did provide all the agriculture students involved a different perspective on animal preparation and showing. As always, for all the positive show experiences to happen, a lot of assistance is so generously provided by the Ag Showteam members and their parents (Mr Fuller for clipping the steers), Miss Venta Protas (for staying on-site) and Mr Kieran Coffey (for being the bus driver this year amongst other duties).

Hamish Markey, Year 10

A very special thanks to all the visiting parents: Mr and Mrs Fuller, Mr Markey, Mr and Mrs Waldren, Mr and Mrs Lott, Mr O’Connor to the shows and to Mr and Mrs Hine for coming out to see how the boys parade the steers on the cattle lawns. With the early show season behind us, the boys are beginning to prepare a couple of steers kindly donated by the Buttenshaw and Goodfellow Families to compete at the Central Coast Beef Show in early August. Christina Mikan, Agriculture Teacher

College News CIS representatives


T20 Cricket


ongratulations to James Rodgers and the Ist XI for their T20 Charity Cricket Match, raising funds for the Life for Koori Kids program. This year saw our Invitational XI consist of celebrities Wendell Sailor, Michael Bevan, Dominic Thornely, Matthew Nicholson, Tim Cruickshank and Waverley Stanley along with Riverview staff members, Mr James Rodgers, Mr Mark White and Headmaster Shane Hogan in his final outing for the College.

There were many highlights throughout the game with the invitational team featuring three indigenous players. The standout player was Wendell Sailor of Rugby League and Rugby Union fame who is also an outstanding cricketer. The Ist XI fought back from 4 for 8 to record an impressive win. The 1st XI took the match in a close encounter that saw Wendell Sailor take a classic catch. The day helped raise close to $15,000. I would like to thank all the boys for their hard work during training and playing the game in great spirits.

he College has hit something of a milestone with 5 members of the 1st XI being selected in the team to represent the Combined Independent Schools at the All Schools Football Championships. One or two players have been selected in previous seasons, but five is unprecedented. These players were nominated by the College to go to a GPS selection trial to play for the GPS in the CIS round robin, from which they gained selection in the CIS squad. They are Thomas Keenan, Neil McCraith, Caleb Russell, Edmond Scougall and Daniel Stuart. This year the CIS and GPS representative fixtures clash, so selection in both is not possible, but it is likely that these players would have been selected in the GPS teams. However, Billy Bellew and Daniel Drakopoulos have been chosen to represent the GPS in its representative fixtures with the CAS and ISA association teams. Peter Steffan, MIC Football


years); Angus Callister and Oscar Dean (18 years). Special mention to the 15–16 years his recent season was a 4x50m Freestyle Relay team of particularly successful one Christopher Dwyer, Gianluca for the Riverview swim team. Taranto, Thomas O’Reilly and The Open and Intermediate Charlie Vaux, and the 17–18 teams won their respective years Freestyle Relay team of GPS Championships—the Angus Hannan, Matthew King, 15–16 Years 4x50 metres Freestyle Relay Team: culmination of an outstanding Lincoln Whitely, and Angus Charlie Vaux, Thomas O’Reilly, Christopher Callister, which both placed third team effort, where many boys Dwyer, Gianluca Taranto swam personal bests. Following and qualified for the NSW All the GPS Championships, 17 Christopher Dwyer, Peter Marley, Schools Championships. Further, boys represented the College Gianluca Taranto, Charlie Vaux, Jesse Dibley, Samuel Fitzgerald and and GPS at the CIS Swimming Jock Windsor, Thomas O’Reilly Matthew King also represented the Championships, including Thomas (16 years); Jesse Dibley, Angus College in individual events at the Hughes, Joseph Walsh (13 years); Hannan, Mathew King, Matthew same Championships. Samuel Fitzgerald (15 years); Millikin, Lincoln Whitely (17 Michael Webb, MIC Swimming


Ignatian 43

Around the College Cricket


iverview Cricket experienced one of its most successful seasons on and off the field, with eight teams going through undefeated. Our 1st XI lost only two games and was awarded by having four boys make the Combined GPS Cricket Team. Congratulations to Jordan Farrell who ended the season with a batting average of 77.00. Before the official GPS season started the 1st XI began on a high note winning the GPS T20 Tournament. They continued their good form when Riverview hosted the annual Jesuits Cricket Carnival winning the Percy McDonnell Cup. Chris Spratt was awarded Player of the Carnival averaging 152.00 with the bat that included two centuries from four innings. The 2nd XI lost only one game for the GPS season, narrowly missing out on the GPS

premiership that has eluded us since 1994. The 2nd XI went down to Canberra Grammar for their annual Cricket Festival and came back with the trophy. Throughout all the age groups Riverview had four players score a century and seven players taking five or more wickets in an innings. Riverview are proud to have 14 boys from U13 to U19 try out


considerable improvement, winning eight of their next eleven games.


layed on our home court in the Gartlan, and with our premiership winning team from 1978 in attendance, the 14th and final round of the season culminated in three thrilling wins for the 1sts, 2nds and 3rds. The wins secured an undefeated season for the 3rds and ensured a second place finish for the 2nd V behind Sydney High School. The 1st V secured a share of third place, with Shore School, behind Newington College and the undefeated GPS Champions, The Scots College. With thirteen Open teams, our senior boys won 80 of the 124 games they played. The Under 16 age group found the competition a little tougher, winning 51% of their games for the season. Clearly the season highlight for the Under 16s was their performance against Newington College, where the boys went undefeated across the two rounds. It was a great season

44 Ignatian

for the NSW Academy, four of them making the squad. One of our biggest highlights comes from a Riverview Old Boy, Jackson Bird (OR2004) by becoming the College’s first ever Test player. I would also like to thank all the coaches for their efforts in making sure all the boys had an enjoyable experience. Geoff Tesoriero, MIC Cricket

for the Under 15s, winning 70% of games, as they boasted undefeated performances against both St Joseph’s College, and Sydney Grammar School. It was a tough season for the Under 14s as they failed to win a game against both Scots and Shore. There was some bright news, as across the season the boys won six of the eight games played with both St Joseph’s, and Sydney Boys High School. After three consecutive losses to start the season, the 14As displayed

In a short five round season, our Under 13s were clearly, the superstar age group. There were undefeated seasons for the 13As, Bs, Cs, Es, Fs and Gs. The Ds, Hs and Is all experienced just one loss. All up, they won 34 of the 37 games they played with GPS and CAS schools, and against our fellow GPS schools, they won 29 of the 30 games contested. The single loss being to the 13Ds in a 2 point loss to Newington College. In quick succession, all nine teams went undefeated against King’s School, Sydney Grammar, St Joseph’s and Shore. Without question, it was a magnificent performance by Year 7, and bodes well for the continued success of basketball at the College. Congratulations to Captain of Basketball, Matthew McElhone, on his selection in the GPS 1st V, and Sam Neal on his selection in the GPS 2nd V. Chris Baxter, MIC Basketball

Summer Sport Rowing


he results from last season moulded the squad to ensure us with the best possible opportunity to gain success for the college. This led us into a number of new initiatives for winter training, and Dan Noonan’s appointment as Rowing Coaching Director presented a fresh direction that reassured everyone of a competitive season. Although the racing season may not reflect our work, determination or a well-deserved result, I feel we have created something much greater then simple results on paper. We have created a new culture at the shed. Coming into this season Dan said to

us, ‘if we were going to be successful we are going to have create a new culture at the shed and that’s what we will do’. I feel both confident and proud to say that I think we have improved this culture. I have no doubt in my mind that the deserved success will come for the Riverview Rowing program in coming years. I would like to thank all the parents for their support—none of this

Track & Field

Will Thackray, Captain of Boats An extract from his Head of the River Dinner Speech, 2013 and guidance of head sprint coach Cathy Walsh, Riverview displayed dominance in the sprint events for the second year in a row. The spectators witnessed victories in four straight 100m titles—U15 and U16 Division and Championship— along with wins in two 4x400m relay and three 4x100m relay events.


here had been eight solid months of training; a grueling pre-season competition schedule; and two holiday training camps—the large squad of Riverview athletes were well and truly primed for the 118th Annual AAGPS Athletics Championships held at Sydney Olympic Park in May. There were a number of exceptional performances: U15 competitor Louis Stenmark (pictured) stunned a packed grandstand with his extraordinary athleticism, breaking three GPS records in the 100m, 200m and 400m events; in his first season, U13 competitor Romone Lewin equaled the GPS long jump record with a jump of 5.77m; the Intermediate 4x400m Relay team comprising Ned Croston, Paul Salem, Lachlan Archer and Henry Hutchison smashed the GPS record by 11 seconds; and one of the most inspiring runs of the day

would be possible without you and we can’t thank you enough. To the Parent Support Committee, particularly Hanja Bicknell and Jane Thackray, thanks for making sure that there was always food and we were always organised. Thanks to all the parents who spent their afternoons down at the shed to make sure we were always well catered for. I would also like to thank Richard and Doug Meagher for their filming of racing, this is an incredibly tiresome job that often goes unrecognised, thank you.

from an U16 competitor—Martin Wood carried a casted broken arm and timed his run perfectly to narrowly edge out St Joseph’s in his 800m event. Once again, under the leadership

Overall, the event was a very successful one. Riverview won the Intermediate pointscore, the first premiership win since 2007. We placed a very commendable second in the Senior competition and fourth in the Juniors. Of course, without the encouragement from the Riverview supporters, who were in full voice all throughout the day, the athletes would not have been able to lift to new heights. Many personal bests were run, jumped and thrown, which led to the overall success of the team, and to Riverview claiming the ‘unofficial’ combined pointscore of the day. Kate Hilyard, MIC Track & Field

Ignatian 45

Around the College Sailing


reflection on five years of sailing at Riverview.

I have been sailing with the Riverview Sailing club since 2008 and have seen much change in the sport. In my first season I had a coach who was an Old Boy and was a successful sailor with the College in his day. Back then I learnt to sail in Pacers that were a little worse for wear. Almost all the boats had holes in them and the shed was falling to pieces. Senior Coach Larry Cargill, however, never took no for an answer and saw these boats not as a set back but as a challenge. His belief was that if you could sail these boats well then it would be second nature in a new boat. I credit him to the commitment I have to sailing now as he showed me the challenges of sailing and taught me to compete at levels I never thought

possible. His hard line with the boys taught me respect and responsibility and his faith in me gave me strength. It was at the end of my first season that I was moved to the senior squad and began sailing full time under Larry, competitively racing every weekend. He pushed me to achieve consistently well every week. This discipline also transferred across to my school work and I began to



he 2012/2013 golf season was one of excitement, successes and a dash of disappointment. The Interschool handicapped match play Golf Series, in its ninth season, was a great success. Throughout the whole series we led the field until the wet weather intervened late in the season. Unfortunately this meant that we had to rely on Knox losing in the last round as we had the bye. Knox played strongly and secured the trophy by just one point. They are to be congratulated! Out team of Harry Carr (Hcp 5); Michael Collins (Hcp 18); Patrick Neary (Hcp 19); Kristopher Silitonga (Hcp 21) were outstanding throughout the season. Although we had more wins than anyone else we lost a couple of the really tight matches that cost us in the

46 Ignatian

end. Michael Collins was our most successful golfer in the Series. Harry Carr is also to be congratulated on gaining selection into the CIS Golf team. The qualifying rounds were played at Windsor Golf Club and selection requires an outstanding round of golf. Harry was able to produce this effort on the day! The College Golf Championships were played over two rounds at Northbridge Golf Club. All 16 golfers performed well, some improving by more than 10 shots from the first round. It just goes to show how important practice is! The College

commit more whole heartedly to everything I did because Larry had shown me what commitment would help you to achieve. At the end of the 2010 season there was a period of instability for the sailing community at Riverview with Larry leaving and no capable hands readily available to become the Master in Charge (MIC) of sailing for the following season. It was in this

Golf Champion was Harry Carr with a scratch score of 143, 27 shots better than his nearest opponent. At one stage in the second round he was 4 under par after 10 holes! The Net Winner was Kristopher Silitonga (Captain of Golf) with a net score of 121 followed by Michael Collins one shot behind. Golf continues to attract boys from all years in the school. The Year 12 boys of recent years have been a great example to the younger ones. Of special note is Simon Chapman who arrived at the College five years ago as a member of the SEIP program and joined the golf team the same year. At this year’s CoCurriculum Assembly he receives a special award for ‘His Contribution to Golf at the College’. An award Simon thoroughly deserves! Marty Collins, MIC Golf

Summer Sport dark time for the club that I witnessed something impressive and special, showing the true Ignatian values of the wider Riverview community. The boys continued to train and continued to compete at sailing as usual. Andrew Picton, the Captain at the time, shouldered many responsibilities usually taken by the MIC.

training. His determination to make the Sailing Club succeed was evident every time he was down at the shed; building benches, sorting sails and boats, putting systems in place that would further the sailing experience for the boys.

It was the parents however that showed the true strength and tightknit nature of the sailing community. They came together, drawing up a new direction for the club and putting systems in place for the further growth of sailing in the future. Coaches were hired, students were enrolled and a new MIC was put in place.

I have had the privilege to form tight bonds with people in my year, the years above and the years bellow. I have become good friends with a wide range of people. The boys in the Riverview Sailing team are all extremely talented with three being members of State and / or National squads. These people have taught me a lot about sailing, which I would most definitely not have learnt if it wasn’t for this great group of guys.

As the Captain of Sailing for the 2011–2012 season, I have been privileged to work along side the MIC Paul Collins for two years observing him and offering assistance as he constantly looked for way to improve the boats, the shed, our competitiveness and our

We have achieved great success competitively, consistently winning the Tri-Series each year in every division and reaching the semi finals in only our second appearance in the NSW Schools Teams Racing Championships and subsequently

Water Polo

I am still a long way of being the best I can be at sailing because there is just so much to learn and there are always goals that can be achieved. As much as you are competing against others I found that I am more often than not looking to improve myself, watching others and learning from their successes but also from their failures. It is a sport that cannot be mastered to perfection and never stops giving. Sailing at Riverview has been an experience for me that I will never forget and has encouraged me to continue the sport outside of school. Theodore Lewis, Captain of Sailing 2011-12

season for us in a sport where we are used to winning premierships and producing state and national players; it may have been a season where some teams faced the relentlessness of losses, week after week. Nevertheless each team we fielded was successful because they gave as much as was within them. So there was the excitement of the draw between the Riverview 1sts and the Waverley 1sts; the close victory over Scots; the crushing loss at the hands of Newington and then the pride displayed to lose to Newington only by one goal in the Thomas Whalen Cup.


t is difficult to define success, even more difficult to identify it. Is success ‘coming first’ among others? That has never been the Ignatian understanding of success. Our school motto in fact gives a standard by which events and undertakings can be measured in terms of success – as much as is within you, thus much dare to do. So if one strives to do as much as is within one, one has succeeded in one’s particular mission. However if a group or an individual puts in a half-hearted effort, then irrespective of the result no success has occurred. This season, the Water Polo teams fielded by Riverview were all successful. In the First Grade Competition we drew for third place with St Aloysius’ College; in the Second Grade Competition we came third outright; and in the

being offered a position at the national competition, which we unfortunately had to turn down. It is not the success of the team that has made me come back each season but it is the competitiveness of sailing on the water and the mateship off the water that has kept me coming back.

16A we came seventh out of nine but that success lay in the fact that the young men who elected to play Water Polo gave it their all. This may not have been a premiership

In the final analysis the most important signs from this season are the prizes given at the CoCurricular assembly day – the prizes for ‘Best and Fairest’ and ‘Most Improved’ player, because these prizes reflect the Ignatian ideal of success that, in the end, is the only one that will last. Tom Reimer and Kurt Bartelme

Ignatian 47

Around the Community

First ponder, then dare


have recently become a fan of Twitter. From time to time I tweet the daily saying sent out by the Just Leadership enterprise – part of Jesuit Social Services. ‘There is your brother, naked and crying! And you stand confused over an attractive choice of floor covering.’ St Ambrose (circa 340-397 ad) I noted that not many tweets received the amount of attention that #TheAncientStruggle saying did. The majority of comments were centered around the date of the comment (one assumes from circa 360 ad onwards) and that nothing much had changed. One of the best things for the soul and to help put things in perspective in the ancient struggle is to start a new year at Riverview being part of the OIU Cana Holiday Camp. In its ninth year, in January the OIU facilitates the coming together of 30 or so homeless and marginalised members of Cana Communities, the College donates its best quality accommodation in Kevin Fagan House for three nights and along with 30+ Year 11 students from Riverview and Loreto Normanhurst (and hopefully other girls’ schools soon) and we give the Cana people, and their volunteer carers, who themselves richly deserve a holiday. The run of the school . . . pool, playing fields, boatshed, refectory, bbq, trivia nights, singsongs, dancing, reflection, boating, touch footy, fishing, walking, warm comfortable beds, plenty of food, chatting, listening, connecting, learning. This year’s was one of the best. Thanks to the Year 12 leaders from both schools and the parents, OIU members and other volunteers. We are planning now for the 10 year birthday bash. 2014 Year 11 students will be notified in October for

48 Ignatian

Participants in the OIU Indigenous Mentor Program farewell Chris Farnsworth.

applications – admission by quality of application – places limited. It is at events like The OIU Cana Holiday camp that the ancient struggle is being won – in favour of your brother, naked and crying. Funerals There have been too many funerals to date this year. Being part of the organisation (in a small way) of some of the funerals was not part of the job description – but something I’ve come to be honoured to be part of. We have said goodbye to too many good men who were important and influential in the Ignatian and Riverview communities, with Fr Tom O’Donovan SJ and Phil De Baun being the most notable. Others who were not so influential, or well known, but whose premature and untimely deaths have reached us with sadness have given us fresh resolve to assist all OIU members and their families as best we can. Ignatian Service Association (ISA) The ISA deals with Social Justice issues and activities. Membership is not limited to OIU members and there is a growing number of younger members both old boys and current students. ALL are welcome to attend to get involved in the following activities. For more information, email Peter Hartman Hartman4@det.nsw.edu.au

Indigenous Mentor program This year started with 35 boys in the program, which continues to be the benchmark for indigenous mentoring for school students in Australia. The introduction to mentoring received by the boys gives the best description what the program means to them and why it is so successful. What is a Mentor? • Someone to be your ‘friend & guide’ while you are at Riverview and in the initial few years after you leave ‘View. Kind of like an uncle. What will having a Mentor do for me? • Someone to listen to me when I want to talk, email, text or call. • Someone to ask a favour of if I need help with school – teachers, bullies, sport, etc. • Someone to hang out with on weekends for a break. • Someone who is ‘on my side’. • Someone who is honest with me. The year’s activities have started well with a most memorable BBQ held to honour and say farewell to the retiring Mr Chris Farnsworth, who had been an integral part of the program as co-ordinator, since its inception. Mr Anthony Reilly has taken over his role. All are welcome to attend the Term 3 BBQ on Friday 13 September and the three day camp in November. For more information, email John Allen jpa.joniti@gmail.com

From the OIU President OIU BBQs We have five rounds at school this season and five opportunities to raise extra funds for bursaries. The OIU has agreed to guarantee all net funds raised at Rugby BBQs will go to the Class Bursary Program, where a class or classes come together and help us run the BBQ. A perfect opportunity to get your mates together for a mini-reunion watching great rugby and raising much-needed funds for the Class Bursary Program. Everyone in the school community is invited to assist at the OIU BBQs. For more information, email Charlie Pidcock Charlie.Pidcock@aggreko.com.au Ignatian Service Opportunities Cana Farm opportunities have been organised. Notification of these will be released to the various year groups by The Ignatian Centre. Open days for the Middle School and specific Senior School service days will be organised for Term 3 working directly with the homeless, marginalised including refugees on the farm – a very rewarding experience for everyone. Teresa House remains a great opportunity for senior students and their parents to get the rewards from giving meaningful Ignatian Service. If your family is involved the younger students can assist in preparing a meal. For more information, contact Dan Moran daniel.moran@puregen.com.au OIU Members in Gaol We aim to assist Old Boys who have found themselves in difficulties with the law and / or are in gaol. The most public example of this is the significant support and publicity generated around the plight of Jock Palfreyman. The OIU has and is working with family members and directly with those in gaol to give as much support as possible. Should you know of any Old Boy in this predicament please contact us, in confidence if needs be. Rob Hartman rhartman@stentoncreed.com The Cardoner Project The OIU has been supporting the setup and establishment of this

Brand new OIU website! We have just launched a new OIU website. • A one-stop shop for Old Boys; • Easily update your contact details; • Reconnect with classmates; • Keep up-to-date with the latest OIU news. Many of you would have received an email with your automated password. If you have not yet received that email, we encourage you to register – simply log on to the usual address: www.oiu.org and click ‘Register’ from the Login dialogue box in the top right hand corner. Questions, problems, suggestions? Email: oiu@riverview.nsw.edu.au new initiative of the Jesuits. Led by David Braithwaite SJ (OR90) a building at 202 Broadway has been purchased and is being fitted out for the Project. Cardoner is the name of the river which flows through the city of Manresa, in Spain. The building will house offices on the ground floor for the administration of overseas volunteer immersion programs for university-age students from Riverview and St Aloysius, as well as longer-term volunteering opportunities with disadvantaged peoples in Vietnam and Thailand. The program will gradually expand to include other countries. The offices will also be dedicated to arranging local volunteering opportunities for students, by building relationships with existing NGOs with a focus on indigenous youth. The space will also be used for meetings to raise awareness of various issues of social justice and fundraising activities associated with these projects. There will be space for young adults to meet and interact in an open plan office layout. Students will also live on-site in student-style accommodation. The first students, including Kir Deng

(OR2008) have moved in and, apart from living their student lives, have been assisting to renovate the ground floors. Applications for immersions are now open. More information from David Braithwaite SJ dbraithwaite@jtc.edu.au OIU Assistance in SEIP Program The Riverview Special Education Inclusion Program (SEIP) is being supported by the OIU. Boys in the program are looking for employment after they leave school and the OIU is working with the school to try to assist this. The boys have been taught skills over their time at school to enable them to become valuable members of a working team. For more information and assistance, please contact Tim Gavan oiupresident@ riverview.nsw.edu.au Save the Dates The first JSS / OIU Just Leadership Breakfast will be held on July 23 at the Union Club from 7.00am. Our inaugural guest speaker is Mr Michael Traill. More details on this exciting new breakfast format: http://www.jss.org.au/justleadership/422-breakfast-series-2012 Back to ‘View: The annual dinner of the Old Ignatians’ Union members and friends at Ramsay Hall on Friday 30 August from 7pm. A dinner to replace the Long-Lunch and to say farewell to ‘The Kirk’, Mr Les Kirkpatrick, who will be hanging up his boots and chalk (though not his humour and dedication) for the last time this year. Prepare your class and premiership winning tables now. OIU Melbourne Cup: The whole Riverview community is welcome to attend this inaugural event on Tuesday 5 November at Doltone House, Jones Bay Wharf. For more information, contact Tim Gavan oiupresident@riverview.nsw.edu.au ‘First ponder, then dare’ Helmuth von Moltke Tim Gavan, OIU President Mobile: 0410 611962 ctait@christaitandassociates.com.au

Ignatian 49

Around the Community

A challenging tribute to Louis Kelly Riverview Old Boy Louis Kelly (OR2011) sadly passed away after Christmas 2012, at the age of 19, from an aggressive brain tumour. His cousin, Gervaise (Chevy) Kelly, the son of Austin Kelly (OR68) and nephew of Louis’ father Rob (OR65) has lived in the UK for 11 years. Chevy is currently chasing a target of $24 000 by completing 12 Physical Challenges in 12 Months for the Sydney Neuro-Oncology Group (SNOG) a charity which is close to the Kelly family’s heart.

Louis Kelly and his sister Zoe, with Chevy’s son Harley

Chevy’s story is below:


he Kelly Gang is a close one and even though I am about 16,000 kilometres away, I wanted to be able to give back to the wonderful people that had helped Louis and will continue to help the victims and their families affected when brain cancer is diagnosed. Importantly, I want to help fund the wonderful research with a view to eradicating this terrible cancer in the future. When I attended Louis’ funeral I was greatly inspired by his mates and the Riverview community who really showed some overwhelming support for the Kelly family.

Chevy Kelly ‘enjoying’ the Rat Race Dirty Weekend.

Louis was a really special person. He was a very kind, talented artist who had strong convictions and wasn’t afraid to stand up for what he thought was right. The very fact that he would often give his bus money to the homeless and take a long walk home instead gives a glimmer of his selfless nature. The planet needs people like him to stick around for longer and make it a better place to live. This wasn’t to be but it does not mean his legacy can’t live on. As a parent myself I can only imagine the grief of Louis’ parents Rob and Lucy Kelly and his sisters Imogen, Madeline and Zoe and admire their incredible strength. 12 challenges over 12 months As of May, I have completed five of the challenges and raised over $10,300. Besides Rugby and Rowing training back at school I admit to not really having run more than 10kms, nor had the desire to do so. Whilst keeping reasonably fit from school

The ‘Iceman’

days I decided to really step it up in the hope each month would be seen as a real challenge. Not a scratch on the challenge Louis and his family faced but a challenge nevertheless’. You can contribute to SNOG through Chevy’s link at: https//give.everydayhero. com/au/chevy-gervaise-kelly

Completed Challenges in 2013 January

The Iceman

16km mud run in near freezing temperatures


Brighton Half Marathon

Running with an Army Captain and friend helped Chevy cross in 1 Hour and 32 Mins.


The Nuts Challenge

4 Laps of a 8.3km course and 240 obstacles through water and mud at 3 Degrees. Chevy managed sixth out of the seven that finished from a field of 70. The majority of the field retired due to hyperthermia.


Brighton Marathon

Chevy achieved his goal of beating the 4 hour mark by falling over the line in 3 hours and 45 mins


Rat Race DIrty Weekend

Coined ‘the Longest Assault Course in the World’, 33km and 200 obstacles.

Future Challenges in 2013 June

London to Brighton

100km Walk in 24 hours


The Swiss Alpine Marathon

A Marathon at altitude, Davos, Switzerland


Paddling a kayak across the English Channel

September–December challenges to be confirmed

50 Ignatian

Community News Australia Day Honours

We congratulate the following members of the Riverview Family. Officer of the Order of Australia Paul William Dyer AO (OR76), brother of Anthony (OR77)

For distinguished service to the performing arts, particularly orchestral music as a director, conductor and musician, through the promotion of educational programs and support for emerging artists.

Member of the Order of Australia Paul Murray Redmond AM, father of Andrew (OR89) and Luke (OR93)

For significant service to the law through contributions to legal education and professional bodies.

Michael Edward Garraway AM, father of Thomas (Year 10) and Angus (Year 8)

For exceptional service in the field of officer career management in 2009 and as Commanding Officer, 7th Battalion, the Royal Australian Regiment, from 2010 to 2012.

Medal of the Order of Australia Norma Alice Castaldi OAM, Mother of Julien (OR88) and Andre (OR90)

For service to the community as a fundraiser and volunteer.

Queen’s Birthday Honours

Member of the Order of Australia Paul Salteri AM, father of Anthony (OR 2000) and uncle of Ian (OR 2009) and Sam (OR 2010) Salteri

For significant service to the building and construction industry, and to philanthropy

For service to the Polish community of Victoria

Medal of the Order of Australia Fr Wieslaw Antoni (Tony ) Slowik SJ OAM, Rector of the Polish Catholic Community in Australia,

Old Ignatians’ Union Inc 2013 Annual General Meeting


otice is hereby given of the 116th Annual General Meeting of the Old Ignatians’ Union to be held on Friday 22 November 2013 at 7.00pm at The Royal Automobile Club of Australia, 89 Macquarie Street, Sydney.

The Agenda for the Annual General Meeting will be; • Apologies • Adoption of the minutes of the 115th AGM President’s Report • Adoption of the President’s Annual report • Annual Financial Report – Hon Treasurer • Adoption of the Annual Financial Report • Report on College Matters • Formal Election of Office Bearers for 2013: President, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Assistant Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Twenty-two (22) Committee Members • General Business For the Old Ignatians’ Union Inc, Tim Gavan, President

2013 Reunions Reunion




Function Date

5 Year Reunion

Class of 2008

Ed Morgan


Saturday 17 August

10 Year Reunion

Class of 2003

Tom van Beek


Saturday 24 August

15 Year Reunion

Class of 1998

Held 14 & 15 June

20 Year Reunion

Class of 1993

Held 14 June

25 Year Reunion

Class of 1988

30 Year Reunion

Class of 1983

40 Year Reunion

Class of 1973

Peter Baudish


Saturday 24 August

45 Year Reunion

Class of 1968

Michael Shepherd


Friday 26 July

50 Year Reunion

Class of 1963

John Hayes


Friday 27 September

60 Year Reunion

Class of 1953

Newcastle Reunion

Andrew Flitcroft


Saturday 7 September TBC Held 15 June

Held 25 June jlhayes@bigpond.com

John Hayes


35 Year Reunion (Class of 1978) For further enquiries, or if you would like to co-ordinate your class reunion for 2013 please contact Christine Zimbulis on (02) 9882 8595 or email: cszimbulis@riverview.nsw.edu.au

Community Events

Riverview in Singapore

Christine Zimbulis


Thursday 17 October

Riverview in Hong Kong

Christine Zimbulis


Saturday 19 October

Riverview in the Hunter

Christine Zimbulis


Sunday 10 November

Riverview in Harden

Christine Zimbulis


Postponed to 2014

Ignatian 51

Around the Community

Our rural tapestry

Tom (Year 9) and Harry (Year 6) Ballhausen, and finally Joshua (Year 11) and Matthew (Year 9) McElroy. It is a colourful tapestry of lives and of families, woven through both the bush and this special community, their second home.


he air had a bite to it in the Central West over the weekend, but the welcome was warm at the Dubbo country reunion. With a team from Riverview, I was fortunate enough to join the Boarding Expo. It was followed by a dinner at Lazy River on Saturday night (our hosts being Pam and Peter Scott, parents of Jackson in Year 10), then a brunch at Mike and Cathy Anderson’s (parents of Louis, Year 11) home on Sunday. I have quickly learned that in the regional surrounds of Dubbo, there are family trees that could be better termed ‘family forests’ with generational branches that weave in and out of Riverview over the century. The McAlarys are a case in point. Dan and Martha McAlary arrived from Ireland in the 1840s. Daniel ‘Black Dan’ was born soon after and eventually settled in Warren. His seven sons were educated at Riverview between 1902 and 1929. Subsequent generations have launched a legion of Ignatian boarders. Grafted to that tree are the McKay stock, also represented regularly at the College.

The Veech stained glass window in the Dalton Memorial Chapel

Currently we have thirteen greatgrandsons of those seven sons at the College: Charles McKay (Year 12) Louis Anderson (Year 11), Harry (Year 12) and Max (Year 8) Gaynor (this year, Harry will graduate exactly one hundred years after his great grandfather), John McKay (Year 10), Andrew O’Malley-Jones (Year 11), William (Year 11) and Matthew (Year 7) Dutallis, Jock Windsor (Year 10),

Riverview in Dubbo


ver the weekend of 17–18 May, the College drew together the Riverview Community in the Dubbo region with an excellently attended dinner. Over 100 Old Boys, current and past parents from a 200 km radius of Dubbo met at the Lazy River Estate, run by current parents Peter and Pam Scott (Jackson Year 10) and met the Principal, Paul Hine and his wife Ann, as well as the Rector Fr Ross Jones. The following day, a smaller group gathered for lunch at the home of Michael (OR75) and Cathy Anderson. The Anderson and (earlier), related McAlary families have a connection to Riverview stretching back to the early years of the 20th century.

52 Ignatian

Of so many sons of Central West, one has a special place in our memory. Bryan Aloysius Veech boarded here between 1906 and 1911. He hailed from Neura Creek via Dripstone near Wellington, the second of the Veech sons to join us. Brian played in the 1st XV Rugby for no less than four seasons, captaining the team in 1910. In summer, Brian rowed, being Captain of Rowing for three successive years, selected for the Combined All Schools team in 1910 and 1911, and was a member of the First All Schools crew for four years. Known as a young man committed to prayer and charitable works, he was very active in the Sodality and noted as ‘a boy of exceptional talent’. Bryan went on to study medicine, and he practiced his profession with all the skill and generosity that his life as a student had promised. But his career was to be cut so sadly short and he died after a four-month illness, aged only thirty. His family and his mates were quick to see that his memory not be lost. An annual prize for French,

Reunions poor and abandoned to hospices where they could at least spend their last hours sustained by love and care. Here he found the ongoing sign of the cross amid a suffering and tormented humanity. And he died, aged only twenty-four, because of that loving commitment. There was a similar practical loving in Bryan Aloysius’ calling. His obituary from Our Alma Mater of the year of his death, penned by someone who knew him well, reads:

still awarded, was established in his name. Then the Veech window in the Dalton Chapel was donated by his brother, Michael. That beautiful piece of glasswork is so appropriate. The central figures are of the young Aloysius Gonzaga receiving his First Holy Communion from his uncle, Cardinal Charles Borromeo. Both of them were later to be canonised. The window is studded with signs and symbols – an earlier version of the crest of Riverview and the eagled crest of the Gonzaga family. The fleur de lys and crown, symbols of Aloysius’ holiness (the lily) and his princely blood. The background image of the crucifixion recalls St Aloysius’ particular devotion to the suffering Jesus – the historical Jesus and those who still suffered in his own time. There is more to the choice of this image than the mere sharing of that common name, Aloysius. St Aloysius had everything he could wish for at his feet – he was from one the richest and most influential families of his time, well-connected with the royal houses of Europe, possessing estates and one of the best art collections of the day. But he wanted more. He had a desire to do something more significant and profound. Priesthood appealed, but he did not go the way

Bryan Aloysius Veech In his last year at the College

of his good uncle, Charles. Charles had all the trappings of the Cardinals of that era – power, prestige and property. Aloysius shunned that to join the Jesuits, whose Constitutions excluded such ambitions. Bryan Aloysius had all the potential to track a lucrative and distinguished career in any of the nation’s big cities. But he chose to return to his roots where the need was great and the greater good could be done. The young Aloysius left his studies as a scholastic by night to care for victims of the plague in Rome. He would go where many others would not, bringing the sick

As a doctor he had just as much time for the swagman as for the richest man in Canowindra. He was known to go frequently, at his own expense, and bring in the poor from outlying districts to the hospital that they might have the best care and advice . . . The loss is all ours, the gain is all his.

Then it concluded with the prayer used in the Masses of Jesuit saints who had died young: Dilectus Deo et hominibus consummatus in brevi explevit tempora multa, ‘Beloved by God and men alike, coming to perfection in so short a time, he achieved a long life’. Now there is a model for any Riverview graduate to embrace through any of our 133 years. Academic excellence. Developing all of ones gifts. A compassionate heart. And a keen sense of vocation which is always directed to the other – especially the least, the lost, and the last. Fr Ross Jones SJ

Ignatian 53

Around the Community

Story time


he Development Office and the College Archivist have commenced a Social History project to deepen the stored knowledge, and the collection and study of historical information about individuals, families, important events, and everyday life, pertinent to Saint Ignatius’ College, Riverview. By collecting previously written stories, memoirs, audiotapes, videotapes, or transcriptions of interviews, we hope to better capture some of the experiences of ordinary people who have attended, worked at, or visited the College over the past 133 years.

media, it will also look to extend the range of archival material held in the College archives. Two specific projects to be completed during the year are interviews with each of the last five Headmasters of Riverview (Frs Greg Jordan SJ, Peter Quin SJ, Greg O’Kelly SJ, Chris Gleeson SJ and Mr Shane Hogan) and to extend the range of interviews commenced at this year’s Nostalgia Lunch, for Old Boys from 1928 to 1962.

Jock Wilcox (Year 10) talking to Jack Sheekey (OR28) at the Nostalgia Luncheon held in the Memorial Hall.

Both projects have been commenced. James Rodgers (OR71) has already spent some time recording an extended interview with Shane Hogan, prior to his departure. This has laid the foundation for the ‘Headmaster Project’. At this year’s Nostalgia lunch, Louise Darmody, current parent and former ABC journalist, kindly spent some considerable time interviewing a number of older Old Ignatians present, focusing Louise Darmody interviewing Ed Dearne (OR45) at on stories of their the Nostalgia Luncheon for graduates from 1928–1962.

While part of the project will include re-formatting of old tape and disc interviews and recordings already held in the archives to more stable

Riverview in Nowra

On Saturday 25 May Guy Masters and James Rodgers hosted an afternoon session for any families who wished to learn more about

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On page 55 is a short story told by John Ell (OR45), who recently passed on but whose daughter recorded John’s story which was read out at the Nostalgia Lunch. We are now planning on extending the reach of this ‘storytelling’ and invite any old boys or community members who might wish to send us their stories or recollections to do so. We will return original material sent. If you would rather record your memories, please feel free to contact our journalist, Lauren Sykes, on communications@riverview.nsw.edu.au or telephone (02) 9882 8321.

Rodgers spoke about what makes him proud to be a part of Riverview. Old Boy and current parent Mark Ryan (OR80) toasted the College. On the warm and sunny Sunday Mark and his wife Katja held a brunch at their beautiful family home, at which about 50 members of Riverview’s community were present.


e took Riverview ‘down south’ on a May weekend to host Riverview in Nowra, featuring various events for old and new friends of the College.

time here at the College. Some of the resulting material was outstanding. A very short, edited piece including some of these interviews is available on the College website under News / Updates.

Riverview and its Boarding program. Later that evening, 44 Old Ignatians, some current boarders, current, past, and future parents, and their guests, attended a dinner at which James

Thank you to all those who attended; the College is very fortunate to have a wonderful support network for the 17 families whose sons board far away at Riverview.

Reunions The boy in the cupboard


hen I was in 4th Form at Riverview we had a very strict Maths master, Tex Crowley, who wouldn’t let you get away with anything at all. One time he was away sick for a week or so, so we were minded by a substitute teacher instead. One day, one of the chaps in the B class, John Atherton, suggested to one of the boys in our A Class, Flapper Tom Byrne, that he come down to the B class and listen John Ell (OR45) in to old Brown Pants, their teacher. We had no idea what his real name was – we just called him old Brown Pants because he always wore brown pants. So, Tom went down to their class – he wasn’t missed by our minder and Old Brown Pants didn’t have a clue he had one extra. Then Tom told us how hilarious it was in their class with this silly old teacher, a change from Tex Crowley. Gradually, day by day, more and more boys joined Brown Pants’ class. I don’t know how I ever got there as well as I wasn’t very venturesome in those days. This was when the fun really began. Adrian Gray was one of the stowaways and at the beginning of the class he decided to hide in the cupboard at the back of the class. From there he could make rude

comments and give cheek, anonymously of course. Brown Pants would ask a question, like ‘What’s the square root of 64?’ and a voice would call out ‘who cares’ or something similar. Brown Pants would look around looking for who said that, but he couldn’t see a thing. This went on all lesson. Another question, another cheeky answer, and no one responsible for it. Poor old Brown Pants was going off his rocker trying to find the voice. ‘Who said that?’ But the class would be totally silent. Then they’d be another question and another rude comment. ‘Hands up the boy who heard that?’ he’d say, and of course everyone in the class would put their hand up. Then he thought he had a ventriloquist in the class. ‘There’s a ventriloquist here, isn’t there? I know there is. Who is it?’ This went on for days and eventually more and more came down from the A class to the B class to watch the fun. By the end of the week about a dozen of the A class had switched classrooms. Then came the knocking. Adrian would be back in the cupboard again and then someone would knock loudly on their desk. Someone would call out, ‘Someone at the door, Sir.’ ‘Answer it boy,’ Brown Pants would say, so someone would answer the door then announce, ‘Peter O’Sullivan wanted for piano lesson.’ ‘Right, off you go, Sullivan.’ So, Pete would leave and hide out in the toilets. So you see this set a precedent. Then there’d be another knock on a desk.

‘Someone at the door, Sir.’ ‘Well, answer it boy.’ ‘So and so wanted for violin practice, Sir.’ ‘Right, off you go then.’ And someone else would take off and join Pete in the toilets. This went on a couple of times with more and more boys disappearing. Then, there was another knock on a desk and another boy answered the door. This time he announced: ‘School band wanted for practice!’ Half the class suddenly stood up and left the room. While all this was going on Adrian was still in the cupboard giving cheek and calling out rude comments. Brown Pants was getting clever by now with only half his class left and thought he had it worked out. ‘I know where he is!’ He came striding down the classroom and walked up and down outside the cupboard. We thought this is it, he’s on to Adrian and we had to rescue him. So someone knocked on the door. ‘Father Rector at the door for you, Sir.’ Brown Pants had to go to the door, so Adrian quickly got out of the cupboard and hid behind the piano. Brown Pants came back very angry. ‘You tried to trick me – the rector’s not there at all.’ Then he stood in front of the cupboard, glaring at it. ‘Out you come, Son.’ he shouted. Then he flung open the door and there was no one there. Poor old Brown Pants didn’t have any idea what was going on. Next week, Mr Crowley came back and that was the end of that little adventure.

John Ell OR45, 1928–2012

A good time was had by all who attended the dinner on Saturday 25 May.

Ignatian 55

Around the Community ‘Neverland’ discovered at Riverview


everland’ is a fictional place featured in the works of J.M. Barrie, the home of Peter Pan, Tinker Bell, and the Lost Boys, and is most famously depicted through Barrie’s 1904 stage play and 1911 book Peter Pan (or The Boy Who Wouldn’t Grow Up).


Joshua De Angelis’ individual project for HSC Drama was one of only three selected from New South Wales for Writers on Stage. Joshua collaborated with the director and professional actors to produce a highly entertaining play, which was performed over three nights.

But ‘Neverland’ and Peter Pan came to Riverview early this year in the first (known) A scene from the ‘Peter Pan’ production public theatrical performance to use the magnificent College grounds. The play was produced by Old Boy Michael Sydes (OR2002) who, having worked on outdoor productions in the UK, returned to Sydney and thought Riverview was the perfect place for staging Peter Pan, which featured a number of Riverview students. The play was set over five different stage locations in the College grounds with scenes along the Lane Cove River, the Rose Garden and the finale in front of the Main Building. It was a great success. The weather was mostly kind for the 11 performances and good-sized, appreciative audiences, many dressed in period dress, enjoyed a picnic, live music and improvisations from the cast of characters. All proceeds from Peter Pan were donated to the Riverview Bursary Fund and Marist Youth Care.

Caption goes here

Joshua De Angelis (OR2012) receiving his award for Writers On Stage

There was a very good roll-up at the Past Parents Annual Mass and Lunch in February.

Past Parents


opportunity to farewell Headmaster Shane Hogan. As a result of the Past Parent fund raising activities a cheque for $8,000 was presented to the College Bursary Fund.

In Febuary 2013, the Annual Mass and light luncheon was very well attended and gave Past Parents the

The next Past Parent function will be lunch at the Four Seasons Hotel on Wednesday 28 August. This function is great opportunity for all past parents to reconnect with friends made during their son’s time at Riverview. A special invitation to those parents who have reached 5,

he annual Past Parents Mass and Dinner was held at the College in November highlighted by guest speaker Liz Heidenrich, the senior winemaker from Seven Hills Cellars, one of Australia’s oldest wineries, founded by the Jesuits in 1851.

56 Ignatian

10, and 15 year milestones of their son’s graduation from the College. For any past parent who wishes to be included on the Past Parent contact list, please contact Diane Edwards at redw3310@bigpond. net.au or Christine Zimbulis at cszimbulis@riverview.nsw.edu.au I look forward to seeing you at the Luncheon on 28 August. Diane Edwards, President Past Parents Association

Parents and Friends

‘The Times They Are A-Changing’


n this our 81st year since the Saint Ignatiius’ College, Riverview Parents & Friends was founded, we remain an integral part of the College community. Whilst the obvious role of raising funds and organising functions is the most visible of our activities, there are many things that happen in the background or ‘under the radar’. Essentially, we are a body that provides support to our parents in many ways, and it is often through the structure of the Executive Committee and the Year Co-ordinators that we can provide that support – we’re there to help when our community needs it. As you can imagine over 81 years we’ve needed to change as the times have changed. This year we decided, in consultation with the parent body, to change the functions we promote to raise funds for the College. For the first time ever, we have an event aimed solely at the Dads at the College, the Red, White & View Wine Auction and Dinner. We also, at the request of the College, put our support behind the inaugural Cocurricular lunch, an event aimed at raising funds to support the diverse co-curricular program the College offers our boys.

‘This year, we are looking to fund a number of Bursary positions (the exact number to be determined by the amount of funds available), which would be named after the P&F.’ These events have replaced, at least for this year, View Exhibits which has for a long time been an iconic event. Where our funds are directed was also reconsidered this year. For some time, we have split our funds 50/50 between the Bursary Program and the College, with the latter being spent at the College’s discretion. This year, we are looking to fund a number of Bursary positions (the exact number to be determined by the amount of funds available), which would be named after the P&F. This was seen as a way of providing support to the Bursary Program in a sustainable way (from their perspective) – by committing to a position (or positions) we are in fact agreeing to provide funding for a period of six years (ie: a position for a single boy from Year 7 through to Year 12), rather than a one off contribution.

Breast Cancer Charity Morning Tea

Looking at our history of funds raised over the past few years we feel that this is something we are capable of committing to without undue financial pressure. We also asked the College up front what they would like us to raise funds for and this year (through the Red, White & View function) are raising funds for a bus. This gives some focus to our fundraising and provides us with a target to aim for (which appeals to the competitive amongst us!). As we move forward, however, it is appropriate that we continue to revisit what we do and ‘change with the times’. To this end, similar to last year, we will be seeking the input of the parent body into our activities for 2014 and we welcome any feedback or suggestions you have. At the end of the day, it is by your support and hard work that we are able to fulfil our role and position in the College. We know that each family’s position is different and we welcome your support, whatever form that might take. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have committed time, effort and funds in support of the P&F activities this year and look forward to working with you during the remainder of the year. Matty Lunn, P&F President 2013

Red, White & ‘View Wine Auction and Dinner

Ignatian 57

Around the Community

Dare to do so much


hances are you don’t know anything about Stephen Foley’s days as a member of the Sydney University Cricket Club, and that’s understandable, since he played between 1934 and 1938, drifted between 2nds and 3rds, and never scored all that many runs. He sometimes kept wicket, and seems to have regarded cricket as an entertaining diversion from his medical studies. In 1940, having graduated, he became a Resident at St Vincent’s Hospital, after which he played no more than the occasional game of cricket. But Capt Stephen Foley Foley deserves to be remembered, because he was one of the many University cricketers who enlisted to fight in the war of 1939–45, and did not return. Dr Foley was married in April 1943; the following month he left Sydney on the Hospital Ship Centaur, bound for Port Moresby to evacuate wounded Australian troops. Two days into its voyage, the Centaur, which was brightly lit and marked clearly as a hospital ship, was hit by a torpedo from a Japanese submarine. It took three minutes for the ship to sink. Of the 332 men and women on board, only 64 survived. Under

World War II recruitment poster, which graphically portrays the sinking of the Hospital Ship ‘Centaur’

58 Ignatian

customary law, the sinking of a hospital ship was, and is, a war crime, but no prosecution was ever made in relation to the Centaur. Its wreck, Stephen Foley’s resting place, was not discovered until 2009. SUCC Life Member James Rodgers provides an account of Foley’s short life (he was 27 when he died) in his new book, Dare To Do So Much. This is a study of the 53 alumni of Saint Ignatius’ College, Riverview, who died in service during World War II. Having reached 27, Foley lived longer than most of the men whose stories are told here; the youngest, Brian Johnson, was 19 when he died. The book’s format is simple: each man (ordered alphabetically) is given a concise but very detailed study. James tells each of these tragic stories in studied, measured tones. At first, this restraint seems incongruous. By any standards, the story of Maurice Anivitti is heartbreaking; he had been married for barely a year when he was reported ‘missing’ after the bomber on which he was flying went down over Europe. His wife and family waited several months for news of his death, at the age of 27. Allan Belford (whose brother married Stephen Foley’s widow) died, not from the shell shock that incapacitated him, but from the effects of the primitive treatment he afterwards received. Thomas Coughlan was a victim of the horrific Sandakan marches. It isn’t easy to tell these stories dispassionately. And yet, as you read on, you realise that Rodgers has made a wise decision. The stories that he tells require no dramatisation or embellishment. Gradually, a picture emerges from the calm accretion of one awful fact after another, a picture of duty and waste. The young men Rodgers writes about went to fight as volunteers, compelled by nothing more than the sense that it

was the right thing to do, despite the terrible risks they undertook. And so many of them lost their lives for no good reason whatsoever. Brian Johnson, the 19 year old, was one of many who perished in an air accident, caused by the fact that so many poorly-maintained aircraft were sent on missions manned by terribly inexperienced crews. Graham Mareo seems to have been murdered in France, probably in the aftermath of an ill-advised romantic liaison. Dare To Do So Much is profusely illustrated and handsomely produced by the College. It will, of course, interest people who are connected with Riverview, where James has taught for so long and where he now serves as Associate to the Rector and Principal. It deserves, however, a wider audience. It is an object lesson in tireless, detailed research and disciplined, thoughtful writing. And, without ever being didactic, it provides a worthwhile reminder of a time when young men of undergraduate age were faced with questions of life and death which are barely imaginable to us now. Book review, written for the Sydney University Cricket Club Annual under the heading ‘Recent books written by SUCC former players’

Requiescant in Pace

Keeping the flame alive

timber plantation. Phil was a tough fellow, didn’t really worry about the luxuries in life. A typical meal for Phil would be a can of spaghetti, eaten cold and straight out of the can.


hil de Baun (OR55) died on 9 February 2013. Phil was a complex fellow. He could display a rough, gruff, and perhaps unpolished exterior. He had a strong sense of self, and never hesitated in proclaiming his opinions and, frankly, Phil never really embraced political correctness. But, there was another caring side to him, which often appeared to be outmuscled by the more obvious features of his personality. This less obvious side of Phil was evident in his rusted-on loyalty and service to those institutions and people he valued. Service towards others was a guiding principle for Phil. He had a tireless commitment to this place, Riverview, and the Old Ignatians Union. This school was truly like family to him. Phil was a long-standing and loyal member of the OIU Executive (the constitution of which he had an encyclopedic knowledge), and served two terms as Honorary Treasurer. At times he appeared pedantic, but Phil had firm beliefs in right and wrong and didn’t tolerate the idea of cutting corners. For over 25 years he gave his time collecting the money at all the Old Ignatians Union Golf days He later served as a member of the Nostalgia Committee. He attended over 200 country reunions over 40 years and loved being Fr Charlie Fraser’s unofficial chauffeur to most of these. He spent countless hours assisting in the Development Office, and worked tirelessly in tracking down Riverview Old Boys. Phil believed in the values of Riverview, and passionately believed in the importance of connections between Old Ignatians, especially those from the country; ‘keeping the flame’, as he described it. He was made a Life Member of the OIU in 2001.

Phil De Baun with Shark Bell

Phil was born 75 years ago in Mosman, and he never really left. He attended St Aloysius College and then moved to Riverview from 1951 to 1955, and when the family home was demolished to build a block of units in Prince Albert Street, he just moved into one of the units. After school Phil worked for the Bank of NSW for many years, with the highlight of his career probably being the day he foiled a bank robbery. The Telegraph the next day announced him a ‘Bloody Hero’. One of Phil’s other great loves was anything to do with trains. He would keenly attend any major train crash enquiry held in Sydney, and he’d combine country and overseas trips with train visits. He volunteered a lot of time to the Oberon-Tarana Heritage Railway. He didn’t seem to mind that Oberon is probably the second coldest place in Australia. The only place colder is the shack Phil built out of town, where he had his

Phil was a keen member of the Military History Society of NSW and the Mosman sub-branch of the RSL, and regularly attended meetings of the Mosman History Society. He volunteered on the buses during the Sydney Olympic Games, ensuring the drivers didn’t get lost, and managed to resist taking over when they didn’t listen. Phil was a powerhouse until a few years ago, probably the strongest man I’ve ever met. He was our go-to man whenever a seemingly immovable object needed shifting, and he always arrived with the necessary tool at the vital moment. In many ways, Phil lived in suburbia as if he were on the land: rabbit traps in the cupboard, and tools everywhere. Finally, we come to his other great love, the Balmoral Beach Club. This Club, and all its wonderful members, sustained Phil for many years. The Club gave him enormous enjoyment and a true sense of belonging. It truly was his home. Phil was a member for over 40 years. He swam just about every day of the year, and he had a nice, neat style. Phil became a keeper of the Club’s memorabilia; he loved the Beach Club and its members, and his tireless work there was rewarded with a Life Membership. Phil in many ways was an enigma. A crusty, tough exterior; a huge, hulk of a man; he could be abrupt, and he could be incredibly fixed in his ideas. But he was an unpretentious man, he valued the history of things, loved practical jokes, Australiana, funny anecdotes, the Jesuits, and hearing about family news. And he practiced resolutely the Jesuit ethic of service towards others. It takes fortitude to be who you want to be, and this is how Phil lived his life.

Phil De Baun, in 1957

Lewis Macken (Nephew of Phil De Baun)

Ignatian 59

Around the Community George Ignatius Bryant (OR38) died on 3 May 2013. Late of

Greenethorpe and Young. He was the eldest brother of nine, only three of whom are still living. His surviving brothers, are John (OR49), and Kevin (OR56). One of George’s nephews is Richard Bryant (OR91) (who taught at Riverview, Loyola Mount Druitt, St Ignatius’ Adelaide and now Xavier, uncle of Mark Bryant (OR86), grand uncle of Charles Bryant (Year 10).

Kevin Edward G Byrne (OR40)

died on 17 November 2012. Husband of Patricia (deceased); father of Kevin (OR72) and Brendan (OR83); brother of John (deceased) (OR43) and Roger (OR45).

Robert Frederick Hansen (OR41) died on 7 September 2012.

Father of Ian (OR70) and Mark (OR76) and grandfather of Chris (OR89), Alex (OR98), Jeremy (OR2000) and Murray (OR2006).

Bruno (Bunny) da Roza (OR42)

died on 24 April 2013. Husband of Joan; father of Geoffrey (OR69), Chris (OR79) and Timothy (OR81); brother of Manuel (deceased) (OR43), Denis (deceased) (OR45) and Peter (OR51).

Robert Eric (Eric) Lenehan (OR43) died on 26 June 2012.

Husband of Judy; brother of Peter (OR56); grandson of Bob (deceased) (OR1883) and nephew of Eric (deceased) (OR1909). Eric’s grandfather Robert William Lenehan was one of the College’s first pupils, the inaugural President of the OIU and the first Old Boy married in the College chapel. Although he was a third generation student, Eric’s time at Riverview was cut short by the wartime priority for food production causing him to leave after just three years to help on the family farm at Emerald Hill where, in post war years, he became a successful farmer on his own account. Eric and Judith were married by Father ‘Mac’ in August 1950 in a ceremony of ecumenical significance for its time as the first mixed

60 Ignatian

denominational marriage celebrated before the altar at St Mary’s Cathedral. In 1974 Eric and the family left the dust and heat of farming at Emerald Hill in favour of the clear sky and fresh air of grazing at Guyra, where he became very well known as a super fine merino wool grower and producer of fat lambs. Eric’s passion for agriculture was almost matched by his interest in sport, particularly racing. Over the years he raced a number of horses and enjoyed considerable success especially with Steelswitch with which he won 34 races in the country, including wins at Rosehill. Eric is survived by Judith, their children Catherine, Robert and Jane, six grandchildren and younger brother Peter (OR56). Peter Lenehan

John Peter (Peter) Doherty (OR45) died on 20 April 2013.

Husband of Margaret; brother of Mons Tony Doherty (OR50).

Vincent John (John) Ell (OR45)

died on 22 December 2012. Husband of Anne; father of Michael (OR75) and brother of Brian (OR48).

Peter McWilliam (OR45) died on 3 April 2013. Husband of Wendy. Eugene (Peter) O’Sullivan (OR45) died on 30 April 2013.

Husband of Karen.

Peter Campbell John Curtis (OR47), HE Former Ambassador

of Australia, Chevalier de la Legion d’Honneur, died on 5 March 2013, father of Christopher (OR72), Nick (OR74) and Anthony (OR81), grandfather of Oliver (OR2003), cousin of Fr David Strong SJ. Peter was truly one of Riverview’s finest Ignatian products and his farewell was appropriately held in the Dalton Memorial Chapel. Losing his beloved Mother Alice tragically at age five and his Father Billy Curtis at age eight he was an orphan here at Riverview, his real home for his formative childhood and teenage

years, many of them the difficult years of the war. This was Peter’s home for 10 years and he is possibly the boy who spent the longest of any at the College. It was the Jesuits who cared for him even during the holidays. Fr Charles Fraser particularly was a devoted mentor to Peter. After Peter left school he kept contact with the College and, in later years, through his sons and grandson, Oliver, and always sought news about the College in more recent times. Even as a boy at school he already showed the qualities of leadership and commitment. In his final year at school, 1947, he was a prefect and vice-captain of the school, captain of the lst XV, captain of the 2nd XI, and a member of the senior debating team. He was also a member of the lst division Sodality of Our Lady. In addition, he was a brilliant student. He was trained as a lawyer at Sydney University where he was also President of the SRC. His sense of duty was what ultimately made him devote his life to the service of the people of Australia as a Diplomat for over forty years, and an Ambassador for 25 of those including as Ambassador to France, Consul General to New York and High Commissioner in India. Being first appointed Ambassador at age 39, he is understood to be the youngest appointment as an Ambassador in Australian History. The eulogies at Peter’s funeral were given by three of his sons, Nick, Tim and Anthony. They were truly moving reflections given by genuinely grateful and loving children and simply cannot be given justice in the space available here. They are to be taken as a whole, not piecemeal, as Peter did his life. The following excerpts are, however, indicative of their depth and meaning. My father was a great man. He had no need for the light to shine upon his greatness; he was just a great man. He learnt and truly understood the complexity of the world. He knew and could identify the face of evil, but

Requiescant in Pace he held firm in his belief in goodness and fairness. He wanted to contribute to making the world a safe and peaceful place. Nick Dad, I look inside, deep inside, myself. But I cannot find much of any value that didn’t come from you. Anthony Most especially thank you Dad for your wonderfully wicked and clever humour, always sharpened and ready to pounce. You teased those who you liked, and in so doing you entered their hearts. You used humour as a brilliant tool for sorting what really matters from that which is just ephemeral Tim

Peter Alfred Dunstan (OR48)

died on 21 February 2013 . Father and father-in-law of Michelle and John Wilcox (OR75) (College Council); grandfather of George (OR2009) and Jock (Year 10); brother of Russell (OR50) and John (OR56).

Roger Martin Meagher (OR48)

died on 6 December 2012. Husband of Frances and father of Patrick (OR91).

Noel Yates (OR48) died on 17

April. Husband of Dorothy; father of Michael (OR81) and Timothy (OR84); brother of Fr Brian (OR47).

John Harrop Crellin (OR50) died

on 17 February. John married Winkie Meagher in 1967 and worked as an accountant in Sydney until he retired to the NSW mid-north coast. Upon Winkie’s death in 1999, John moved to Sawtell where he enjoyed the latter years of his retirement. He is survived by his three sons, Paul, Bruce and David and their respective families.

Brian Cusack (OR50) died

in December 2012. Husband of Bernadette; father of Andrew (OR82).

Malcolm James Rankin (OR67),

died on 24 February 2013. Husband of Catherine, father of Tom (OR99), Edward (OR2002) and Angus (OR2004); brother of Stephen (deceased) (OR61), brother-in-law of Sandy Rankin (former Boarding secretary and

Sacristan) and uncle of John (OR97).

Peter Frederick Harrowsmith (OR69) died on 8 April 2013.

Husband of Lesley; father of Matthew (OR97), Kathryn, Patrick (OR2007) and Anthea. Peter and Lesley welcomed a number of our boarders and day boys into their home close to the College in Lane Cove.

community, serving on the committee for St Vincent de Paul and board of trustees of the Sandgate Cemetery. He believed in and ‘acted out his faith ‘ as a catholic and attended mass and communion every week, and he always sang the praises of Riverview whenever the opportunity was given .

Timothy Rex Laurie Gray (OR71) died on 5 January 2013.

He is survived by Maire, a very courageous and loving wife, and Mary, John and Anthony together with grandchildren. Terry A Pfafflin (OR54

Andrew James Russell (OR90),

Fr Tom O’Donovan SJ died quietly

Husband of Elaine; father of Alistair (OR2002); brother of Angus (OR93). died on 21 February 2013. Son of Norah and James; brother of David (OR88), Peter (OR92), Hamish (OR94) and Luke (OR98).

Louis Clayton Kelly (OR2011)

died on 29 December 2012. Son of Robert (OR65) and Lucy and Grandson of Jack (OR31).

David Brendan Morgan Gorman (OR71) died 5 March 2013

(See his story on page 22).

John Paul Ratcliffe Deppe (OR53), died unexpectedly in

Newcastle 30 November 2012, having attended Riverview from 1945-1953. John was a private man , but a very good man , a man who lived the Ignatian ethos of modesty , humility , and a concern for others . In addition he was an outstanding athlete - and champion athlete in 1953. He rates with the great athletes of the 50s of Roger Burge, Prue Prost, Paddy Meagher, Brian Ross, John Thorpe and Jim Lenehan. I never saw a sprinter who worked so hard at running as he did. He was never boastful of his achievements but ‘downplayed’ them; a very likable man because of his unpretentiousness and genuine friendliness; ‘a true gentleman’, working most of his life as manager of AF Bambachs in their branch in Newcastle He was a good business man in the Newcastle area and contributed to the

on 26 January 2013, aged 92.

Kevin Garrity, who passed away

peacefully on 22 March 2013 was a teacher for 25 years at Riverview (1966 – 1991) and retired as Head of Mathematics. He loved the teaching, he enjoyed the youngsters he taught, among them not a few luminaries, like one Tony Abbott. Kevin could have taught most subjects, but his specialty was Mathematics. There is a whole army of professional men – doctors, scientists, lawyers, economists, financiers, teachers and more – who all came out of that school in that generation, and built a career on their mathematical skills developed so powerfully by Kevin’s sure touch as a teacher; but also as a model of what it was to be a man of Catholic convictions.

Kevin relished his school life. He set himself very high standards both in the classroom and in the school generally; and he resisted any tendency to relax standards. He was a model staff member. He enjoyed the boys in all their moods and stages, and he excelled as a cricket and rugby coach of the 2nds. He was not merely a technician, confining himself to teaching a discipline and going no further. He was a man of integrity, and that was evident across the board at every stage of school life. Kevin is survived by his second wife, Glennis. Fr Gregory Jordan, SJ

The College extends its sympathy to all members of the Riverview family who have lost loved ones. While every care is taken with the accuracy of these obituaries we cannot accept responsibility for errors in material provided in good faith.


Quantum potes tantum aude As much as you can do, so much dare to do


he Founders’ Window uses a very simple metaphor, which supposes that things do not simply appear but are built upon. This sentiment is most appropriately described in the school motto As much as you can do, so much dare to do, which appears in relatively bold text cast into the glass surface, in both Latin and English. Fr John Joseph Therry was an Irish diocesan priest who set sail for the colony of New South Wales, as chaplain to the Irish Catholic community. On his arrival, it is reported that Fr Therry had a vision of a mighty church of golden stone, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, with twin spires rising above the city of Sydney, a vision which came to pass 180 years later.

Fr Andy Bullen SJ

At the time of his death, Fr Therry left a considerable fortune to the Irish Jesuits ‘for religious, charitable and educational purposes’. The bulk of his fortune was used to finance a new Jesuit mission in Australia, including the purchase of the Riverview estate. Roger William Bede Vaughan, an Englishman, became Archbishop of Sydney in 1877. An educationalist at heart he introduced regular part-time theological training for the clergy, who were mostly Irish. He also provided patronage for Mother Mary MacKillop and the Sisters of St Joseph and established the fund to allow the rebuilding of St Mary’s Cathedral, destroyed by fire in 1869. A Benedictine, Vaughan worked assiduously on expanding the number of Catholic schools and it was he who invited the Jesuits to open secondary schools in Sydney, in 1877. After the passage of the Public Education Act of 1880, the provision of religious teaching orders to staff the new schools became one of his highest priorities. He had a strong belief in the value of Jesuit education, first formed from a meeting with the General in Rome in 1869 and furthered that understanding through a friendship with Fr Joseph Dalton SJ, Superior of the Sydney Jesuits.

Artist’s preliminary drawing for the ‘Founders’ Window’ stained glass window in the Dalton Memorial Chapel

Fr Joseph Dalton SJ was 49 years old, and had been a Jesuit for 30 years, when he was sent to Melbourne, as Superior of the newly-formed Mission of Irish Jesuits in Australia. With courage and foresight, Fr Dalton purchased the 90 acre Riverview estate, followed by an additional 20 acres three months later. As Fr Dalton wrote in his diary, Riverview had a ‘Most beautiful situation – commanding a really grand view – completely isolated and central in the parish’. Fr Dalton became the Foundation Rector Headmaster of Saint Ignatius’ College, Riverview, which opened on 12 February 1880, with two students. Fr Dalton had boundless confidence in God and the future of Catholicism in Australia. St Michael’s House, the oldest surviving building at Riverview, was dedicated on 29 September, 1880 the Feast of St Michael and All Angels, by Archbishop Roger Vaughan, who had found a kindred spirit in Fr Dalton. Between them, the two visionaries changed the face of Catholic education within the Archdiocese of Sydney.


uantum Potes Tantum Aude As much as you can do, so much dare to do.

College Motto

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