December 2013 Ed it ion Volu me 22 Nu mb er 2
w w w. r ive r v i e w. n s w. e d u . a u
Editorial Staff:
Editor: Lauren Sykes Administration: Suzie Marks Design & Layout: Peter Barker Alumni & Special Events Manager: Christine Zimbulis Telephone: (02) 9882 8595 cszimbulis@riverview.nsw.edu.au
Please forward to: development@riverview.nsw.edu.au or Fax: (02) 9882 8200
Published by:
Saint Ignatius’ College, Riverview Tambourine Bay Road, LANE COVE, NSW 2066
Front Cover:
The ‘Magis window’ in the Dalton Memorial Chapel
Passing the pen I
am very excited to be bringing you this edition of the Ignatian, my first as editor. Publications can be so deceptive. All too often the clean, shiny pages and the engaging stories of our community can mask the arduous slog of putting together a magazine such as this. My sincere gratitude to former editor of the Ignatian and former Director of Development Peter Herington, who really did make the process look and feel easy, and to whom I owe much. Peter’s influence Lauren Sykes over the College while he was here was far-reaching. Though he has left the College and the Ignatian behind, I hope that his influence over this publication is still easily recognised. In recognition of Peter’s contribution to Riverview, James Rodgers has penned this short biography: Peter Herington began at Riverview as Director of Development in February 2008. His association with Riverview, however, stretches back to 1995 when he and his wife, Hélène, sent first son, Renaud, to Riverview. Renaud was then followed by Pascal, who graduated in 2003. Peter was a member of the College Finance Committee from 2001 and played a significant role in developing the economic and commercial case for Mirrabrook and was subsequently the Riverview Commercial Project Director during construction of Riverview’s early childhood centre. As Director of Development, Peter has built understanding (through communications), community (through the Alumni, Past Parents and current parents) and sustainability through fundraising. In particular, the Bursary Program was dear to Peter’s heart and his empathy with many of these families ensure that the program has flourished. As a member of the College Executive, Peter brought calm, measured wisdom to meetings and conversations. We wish Peter and Hélène every happiness in their future endeavours.
The MAGIS This issue is the last in our series on the windows installed into the Dalton Memorial Chapel in 2009, and considers the magis—the more. A key tenet of Jesuit Education and Ignatian thought, the magis suggests doing something better; going that further mile; it is qualitative, not quantitative. In this issue, we take a look at the magis in a number of contexts: Jesuit scholarship and academia; personal service and dedication; serving others who are less fortunate, both in a national and global context. They are stories of selfless giving, but too, they’re the stories of Riverview. I sincerely hope you enjoy reading this edition of the Ignatian. Lauren Sykes, Editor
The text paper in this magazine is chorine free. The paper manufacturer has been independently certified in accordance with the rules of the Forest Stewardship Council
Earlier editions of the ‘Ignatian’ based on the themes portrayed in the Chapel windows
Printed on FSC certified paper
The Magis
In this edition
Around the College
2 4 6 8
From the Rector From the Principal Immersions Around the Province
14 Insignis Recipient 16 World Chinese Bridge Competition 21–25 Student Work 26–27 Performing Arts 28–33 Winter Sport 34–35 Cross Seasonal Sport
Around the Community
2–11 The Magis
The influence and contribution of the Jesuits at Riverview
36–37 From the OIU President 38–39 Where are they now? 41 Past Parents 42–43 Reunions 44 Family Celebrations 45 Parents & Friends 47 Resquiescant in Pace
Farewell Tributes
Pastoral Care Restructure
Fr David Strong SJ & Les Kirkpatrick
22–25 Student Work
Question everything
Changes coming to Riverview in 2014
26–29 Performing Arts
Drama & Music highlights
36–Inside Back Around the Community
A year of growth and achievement IGNATIAN 1
The Magis – challenge and caution
gnatius is known for his rallying cry and rule-of-thumb, the magis. It is a Latin term meaning ‘the more’. It suggests doing something better, opting for the greater good, making that choice which will be more influential in the long term. But the magis always comes with a caution. It is never to be a recipe for burnout. The magis is always qualitative, not quantitative. So much did Ignatius endorse this yardstick that it introduces his Spiritual Exercises where Ignatius offers the person who is directing another in a retreat some guidelines. Ignatius adopted an idiom of his time, non multa, sed multum from the humanist Quintilian: ‘don’t do many things superficially, but fewer things more deeply’. He wrote: It is not many things that satisfy, but rather doing fewer things more deeply. For, what fills and satisfies the soul consists, not in knowing much but in our understanding the realities profoundly and savouring them interiorly.
I once heard a Jesuit educator say that in our schools, ‘We are not interested in covering the curriculum, but uncovering it’. In the Ignatian tradition, that was nicely put. The magis acts as an incentive. It was Somerset Maugham who wrote wittily that ‘only a mediocre person is always at his best’. To give anything less than your best, is to sacrifice the gift. But, at the same time, the magis is never about frenetic and unreflective activity. In his 2009 encyclical letter, Love in Truth, Benedict XVI offered a similar caution. He wrote; The vocation to progress drives us to ‘do more, know more, and have more in order to be more.’ But herein lies the problem: what does it mean to ‘be more’? Paul VI answers the question by indicating the esential quality of
The ‘magis’ makes a bold statement in the grounds of Jesuit Sophia Fukuoka High School, Japan ‘authentic’ development: it must be ‘integral, that is, it has to promote the good of every man and of the whole man’.
That is to say, an unreflective drivenness to what is bigger, slicker or more novel, to be a slave to the technological imperative of ‘we can do this, so let us do it’, or to be seduced by acquisitiveness is a travesty of the magis. Especially when it does not promote the common good. In his detailed tome of the Constitutions, Ignatius has a large section containing guidelines employed for choosing works which Jesuits might undertake, when there are many possibilities to choose from. They are really guidelines for discernment. The leitmotif of the magis runs through them all: Do whatever is ‘conducive to the greater service of God and the universal good’, or ‘for the greater glory of God’, and ‘go where there is greater need’ and where ‘the greater fruit is to be reaped’, or ‘where the door is more widely open’, where people evidence ‘greater devotion and desire’ and where they are ‘more capable of making progress’. Be bold enough ‘to go where no one else will go’. Choose works that ‘continue longer and are permanently profitable’. Finally and centrally, understand that ‘the more universal the good is, the more it is divine’. In our seminal document on The Characteristics of Jesuit Education, penned some 30 years ago, our best international educators wrote about the magis applied to a student’s formation: ‘More’ does not imply comparison
with others or measurement of progress against an absolute standard; rather it is the fullest possible development of each person’s individual capacities at each stage of life, joined to the willingness to continue this development throughout life and the motivation to use those developed gifts for others.
A more recent General Congregation of the Jesuits, turned its attention to this central notion of the magis. In a section entitled Ever Searching for the ‘Magis’, they documented: The magis is not simply one among others in a list of Jesuit characteristics. It permeates them all. The entire life of Ignatius was a search for the magis, the ever greater glory of God, the ever fuller service of our neighbour, the more universal good, the more effective apostolic means. Mediocrity has no place in Ignatius’ world view. Jesuits are never content with the status quo, the known, the tried, the already existing. We are constantly driven to discover, re-define, and reach out for the magis. For us, frontiers and boundaries are not obstacles or ends, but new challenges to be faced, new opportunities to be welcomed. Indeed, ours is a holy boldness, a certain apostolic aggressivity, typical of our way of proceeding.
I have always been drawn to that prayer, often attributed to St Ignatius, the Prayer for Generosity. It also seems to speak of the magis. The boys embrace it because it captures their youthful idealism, their desire to do something heroic, to leave their stamp on the world in a selfless way. But as a novice I was curious that I could never find that prayer in any collection
From the Rector of Ignatius’ writings. An expected Latin version was never to be seen. So I wrote to Fr General’s Secretary for Ignatian Spirituality in Rome. He replied saying this also puzzled him. Not only did he not believe Ignatius penned it (he suggested it was by an anonymous English Jesuit) but he claimed it was very un-Ignatian! More recently, a Jesuit author wellversed in Ignatian spirituality has written that the prayer is ‘antithetical to Ignatius’ understanding of God’s ministry’. He argued that ‘to give and not to count the cost, to fight and not to heed the wounds, to toil and not to seek for rest’ are ‘alien’ to Ignatius’ desire that we strive to be contemplative in our action, to be firstly reflective persons. Such a prayer ignores prudent and temperate restraint. ‘It sounds’, claims
the author, ‘like an exhortation to unreflective and unrelenting action’. An unsettling claim in the face of all who have loved that prayer so much and for so long. Perhaps the writer is correct. But then many rallying cries do not always stand the test of critical textual analysis. Well, it may not stand the test of authenticity. It may miss some of the subtleties of Ignatian discernment and the authentic magis. But it still captures the boys’ imaginations and generous spirits. And I still like it. It seems to me that the source of the magis is God’s own bounty and blessing. God’s largesse and loving ways. The contemporary American poet, Robinson Jeffers, entertains this reflection and captures it in this poem entitled The Excesses of God:
Is it not by his high superfluousness we know Our God? For to equal a need Is natural, animal, mineral but to fling Rainbows over the rain And beauty above the moon, and secret rainbows On the domes of deep sea-shells, And make the necessary embrace of breeding Beautiful also as fire, Not even the weeds to multiply without blossom Nor the birds without music: There is the great humaneness at the heart of things, The extravagant kindness, the fountain Humanity can understand, and would flow likewise If power and desire were perch-mates.
And are we not also made in the image and likeness of God? And therefore called to be a people of the magis? Fr Ross Jones SJ, Rector
Jesuit Scholarship: invoking the Magis ‘In all its endeavours, Jesuit education is distinguished by intellectual excellence and academic rigour’. Hence, ‘ the schools set demanding standards for both students and faculty.’
hese sentiments impel Jesuit schools to be aspirational and pursue excellence through the primacy of scholarship subsumed in the academic program. It is for this reason that Saint Ignatius of Loyola was encouraged to move into the institution of education, for he believed it held the greatest potential to transform the individual and the social milieu to improve the human condition through learning, particularly for those who suffered the strongest adversity and marginalisation. At Riverview, this has been a feature of the very proud and distinctive history of the College. Boasting seven Rhodes Scholars, numerous Supreme Court Judges, Members of Parliament
Into the future
ver the next 12 months there will be a renewal of strategic planning. A process was undertaken in 2006 to identify the strategic futures that were considered important, resulting in Riverview 2025 – The Preferred Futures. This was refined into another entitled The First Five Years (2007–2011), which expired 18 months ago. It is timely to revisit the core principles that underpinned the considerations at the time with a view to making them contemporary. A Master Plan is being developed that takes account of the strategic futures the school wishes to pursue—those implicit to the academic, pastoral and co-curricular program, that ultimately need to be factored
(including the current Prime Minister), professors in universities throughout Australia and across the world, doctors, lawyers, bishops, priests and senior practitioners in every profession and field of commerce and banking, the College is proud of its record of achievement over the last 133 years. In this way, the vision of Saint Ignatius has been made manifest as boys become ‘men for others’ while at the College, and in the significant contributions that they make through scholarship to all walks of life beyond. Learning is expressed in a variety of ways and forms. Essentially, each and every boy who enrols is asked to apply himself fully to his spiritual, academic, physical, cultural and personal development. In scholarship,
into facilities provision over the years ahead. Part of the master planning process is to review the development of existing facilities for the way that they can and will continue to meet the ongoing needs of the College, particularly in context of curriculum delivery and resource deployment.
This is a preview of the new College branding to be rolled out early 2014
The College is concurrently working on two inter-related projects. The first is the consolidation of the Saint Ignatius’ College, Riverview brand, which will standardise the school crest, emblems and symbols that are synonymous with Riverview’s distinctive history. Over many years, a variety of images involving
this is expressed through the broadening of abilities and capacities, re-inforcement of core concepts in the learning program, intensive study and a genuine regard for research. Encapsulated in the concept of the magis, it is about going deeper and wider in a search for one’s personal best, so that through the activation of individual talents a culture of learning and achievement becomes emblematic of life at the College. In that way, a layer of achievement is registered across the range of faculties, from Literature and Science to the Creative and Performing Arts; all in support of an educational program that strives to give living witness to a scholastic philosophy so deeply embedded in the Jesuit tradition. Paul A Hine, Principal
subtle variations to the school crest have been used and Council believes it timely to make the brand consistent. This will be done with great sensitivity and respect for the past, so that the contemporary presentation of the College is fresh and clean but intimately connected to the force of history that has created and guided it. As part of that, Council has authorised the development of a new website that will have a cleaner operational use and one that will incorporate the many functionalities consistent with the most recent technology. To that end, a convenient user app is being developed to facilitate communication between the College and the home. It is hoped that both the consolidation of the new website and the app will be active by the beginning of Term 2 in 2014. Paul A Hine, Principal
From the Principal Farewell, Chair of Saint Ignatius’ College, Riverview Council
r Steve Curtin SJ, the Jesuit Provincial, has informed the College that Mr Paul Robertson AM has completed his appointment as Chair of the Saint Ignatius’ College Riverview Council at the end of this year, after 12 years of distinguished service. Mr John Wilcox, currently serving on College Council will take his place. Riverview’s stature as of one of the most highly regarded schools in the nation is in due proportion to Paul’s strong and principled leadership of the strategic affairs of Council. The effectiveness of Paul’s work is seen through burgeoning enrolments, sound financial stewardship, numerous John Wilcox Paul Robertson AM building programs, the expansion of the educational program – both academic and co-curricular, as well as an intensification of one of the most distinctive features of a Jesuit school – faith through service. The College would not be in the position that it is if it were not for Paul’s outstanding leadership. It is appropriate to acknowledge Paul’s broader contribution to the Jesuit Province across Australia, as well as his service to some of the most highly regarded health care institutions. In the case of the latter, he is the Chairman of St Vincent’s Health Australia, which includes the iconic St Vincent’s and Mater Hospitals. In the social change sector Paul chairs Social Ventures Australia. Paul presided as Chair of his final meeting of Council on Wednesday 27 November, after which he attended a dinner in his honour, as well as retiring member of Council Mr Michael Payten. Michael’s support for Council as a member from the boarding community who has travelled over 600kms to each and every meeting for the last six years, has become its own statement of commitment to Jesuit education and the affairs of Riverview. Deepest thanks are extended to Paul and Michael for their exemplary service to the College community. Paul’s contribution to the College was formally acknowledged at this year’s Speech Day, where he was awarded the Insignis – the highest honour the College can bestow on one of its companions. As a footnote, the Robertson and Payten families have very recently become in-laws as a result of the marriage of their children on 13 December – Tom Payten (OR 2001) to Amy Robertson. Very best wishes are extended to both families on this most significant occasion.
The bells, the bells! Riverview receives a new carillon
arly in Term 1 of 2012, we introduced a daily 12.00pm Examen prayer across all College campuses. At the time, Fr Ross Jones SJ requested that some sort of bell be installed on-site, one which could be heard throughout the main campus, but also at Regis, so as to alert all to the start time of the Examen. Capital Works Manager Bob Marsh was asked to investigate the fulfilment of this brief, and investigations have led to Tower Clock Services Australia, a company which has built several carillons in Australia.
Peter Barker
In a collaborative effort between Mr Marsh, Tower Clock Services Australia, College Architect Peter Mayoh, Structural Engineer John Williams from Mott MacDonald, and ACD Group, which constructed some steel supporting structures, the College now has a set of 13 bells, made in Belgium and very kindly donated by outgoing Chair of Council Paul Robertson and family.
Capital Works Manager Bob Marsh (second from left) overseeing the installation of a new carillon at the College, generously donated by outgoing Chair of College Council Paul Robertson and family
The larger bell of the set, measuring 653mm in diameter, 521mm in height and 171kgs in weight, swings when rung. The other 12 bells have a combined weight of 613kgs and ring in a variety of tones. The bells are controlled by an Apollo 2 bell controller, which stores up to 100 tunes in its memory, and GPS Syncronisation. The bells can be set to work automatically at a given time or tunes can be played on a keyboard.
Immersions and the Magis
mmersions are more than just a flying visit and certainly not ‘poverty tourism’. They are a genuine encounter with those whose lives we share. Our students have the opportunity to walk beside others to gain a practical insight into their joys and challenges, their hopes and desires. In extending the boys’ world it is an expression of the magis. A common response of those who take part in immersions is that it has been a sort of wake up call, putting into perspective the opportunities that they have and the need to give of themselves more fully to the life they have now. At the same time a seed is planted that will likely bear fruit in their adult lives as ‘men for others’. Immersions always raise the magis question: what more might I do? During the June / July holiday break students and staff took part in immersions to East Timor, Cambodia, Borroloola and Tanzania. In September, two groups travelled to Micronesia and the Philippines. The East Timor immersion involved two students from each of the Jesuit Schools and the partner schools across Australia. They were able to see first hand the beginnings of the new Jesuit School in Kasait, near Dili, the Colégio Santo Inácio de Loiola, which is being supported by the Australian Province. Two separate groups were immersed in the Cambodian culture. One of the groups travelled to Pailin, building on the connection made by Patrick Rodgers (OR2011) during his time of service in 2012, and both groups spent time with Jesuits in Battambang and Siem Reap. In Borroloola, we were able to begin exploring ways of deepening the relationship between our two communities, particularly with the Mabunji Board and the Waralungku Arts Centre. In Tanzania, a new friendship with the Lahunga Parish that was established last year continues to grow.
The 2013 Tanzania Immersion Group
TANZANIA Seeing people, who despite having nothing, tried their absolute best at whatever they did and participated in everything had a huge impact on my core values. At the Youth Festival in Lahunga Parish I was stunned to see that every member of the parish was involved, whether it be in supplying food or the various dances displayed. Everybody was active and engaged; nobody was lazy or disconnected, they were always trying. This caused me to re-evaluate my own participation in events and the amount I try. This event had a major
Timor-Leste Immersion
impact in changing these values and led me to attempt and participate in all of the opportunities available to me at Riverview. Nick Bosworth EAST TIMOR The immersion was one of the most amazing experiences in my entire life. It completely changed my perspective on many aspects of life. It was both troubling but inspiring to see the amount that the children went through on a day to day basis just to go to school and compare this to how we see our schooling lives. The kids in East Timor love to go to school and would even like to on weekends. It really made me rethink my attitude in and around the schooling community. Daniel Barnes MICRONESIA The richness of Micronesian culture was obvious during our visits to organisations and educational facilities such as Island Foods and Our Lady of Mercy High School, where during a home stay we met some incredible individual students and families. This experience was a particular highlight for myself and the rest of the boys as we came to
The Magis other. At first it was completely different to what I experienced at home, but then I became used to it. We had to learn how to serve these people, and once we joined them, we learned from them.
Cambodia Immersion Group
a realisation that whilst material possessions supposedly signify ‘happiness’ the strong faith and social loyalty the Micronesian people have for one another is a great example of the magis or ‘the more’. At Xavier High School in Chuuk, we were touched by the way in which we were accepted like brothers into the local community. We truly realised the genuine nature of these incredible people and how even though circumstances can be challenging, maintaining a relationship with God and each other makes them the most loving people you will ever meet. Will Evans CAMBODIA 1 I often thought we might be better off donating our travel costs directly to the charities we help, rather than spending the money on immersions. However, since going to Cambodia I have learned that this experience can be seen more as an investment in one’s character rather than just a holiday. Our experiences in the CVCD village, on the outskirts of Phnom Penh, where we stayed in for three days is like nothing you could ever experience at home. Here we taught prepared English lessons at three local schools. The willingness to learn shown in these committed youngsters opened our eyes immensely. The reason I see immersions as an investment is because now the majority if not all of the group are considering returning to the developing world after school, or at least continuing to sustain that relationship with the less fortunate. Experiences like this help us get to know ourselves through our actions and really remind us about the reality of the world. Tim Allen
CAMBODIA 2 In June of this year, I was lucky enough to be able to attend an immersion in Cambodia. This experience, as much as it is about good deeds, is about exploring a person’s own limits when faced with adversity, and especially that person’s own capacity for human kindness and inherent goodness. This experience itself has certainly helped me to understand my own place in the world and what I can do for the greater global community. I suppose I was always aware that I wanted to be able to help people. I think that my personal compass, untested as it has been in our lush North Shore locale was strengthened and reaffirmed in the things that we did: I really do still want to help people. Patrick Cain PHILIPPINES ‘Learning to Serve, Serving to Learn’ was what the immersion was all about. From my personal view, I think the second part of that mission statement is the more important part. To serve these people we had to learn their culture, their way of life. How they reacted to certain things, how they treated each
I think the best part of the immersion was the house-building at Gawad Kalinga on the edge of Manila. Through all the hard labour we did, we found an intimate connection between the people who lived there, especially the kids. They were always smiling and laughing and that made me feel that I was doing something good for and with them. I will never forget these experiences and I wish I could do it all again. The feelings I had are in some ways indescribable. But I know I feel more enlightened and awakened in life. I will miss this experience, but will carry the meaning. Josh Fish BORROLOOLA My time in Borroloola showed me another perspective on life through the Aboriginal community. My faith made me find God in the good things and the bad things. The remoteness and the facilities in the town, only one main road, a few shops and a swimming pool helped me to see how lucky we are to go to such a good school and be given so many opportunities. We as a group were welcomed by to the community and had to be ready to put our own comfort and egos aside. Tom Morgan
Borroloola Immersion Group outside Waralungku Arts with Miriam and Marlene
Around the Province
The annual Indian Bazaar, a high point in the College calendar, raises funds for Jesuit Mission’s work in the developing world
Indian Bazaar
he Community Celebration that is the Indian Bazaar has been a tradition at Riverview for the last 64 years. It’s a real high point of the College calendar, and this year’s event was certainly no exception.
There were simply too many highlights on the day to draw
Contributions can be made at: www.jesuitmission.org.au For more on the project see: www.jceao.net/jesuit-education-timor-leste Reprinted from ‘Companions’ magazine
Photographs: Peter Barker
On Saturday 14 September the grounds of the College were transformed into a scene of colour and activity, with countless stalls trading in a range of commodities that raised significant funds in support of orphanages and schools, both in Hazaribag in India and in Timor-Leste.
In the case of the latter, Riverview is working with other Jesuit schools from across Australia to build both a primary and secondary school as well as a teacher training college, to create a new educational resource for a country whose infrastructure was decimated by years of occupation and persecution.
attention to any in particular, from the strength of community to cameos such as Fr Ross on the dunking machine. All, of course, aimed to support the cause of those who have so little, so a heartfelt statement of thanks is extended to Mark White and Stuart Halsall who co-ordinated events on the day, the staff, students and parents who supported each and every event, and the wider community who, by their presence and generosity, produced such a great result. It is believed that combined efforts on the day raised in excess of $200,000! What a great statement of Ignatian solidarity and support.
Fun and activities for the whole family included amusement rides, the Old Xaverians’ Car Raffle and countless stalls
The Magis
Saint Ignatius’ Day Mass (centre) and community service
‘God exists in the spaces between us’
he College community celebrated the Feast Day of Saint Ignatius of Loyola on 31 July with a day of service. Saint Ignatius Day is a particularly obvious occasion where students are called to place the needs of others above their own. The morning mass was celebrated by Fr Steve Sinn SJ, who spoke of accompaniment and of the God who ‘exists in the spaces between us’. This resonated with the students in particular as they embarked on various journeys of service in the afternoon.
Sacred Heart
For many years, the Feast Day at Riverview was marked by a half-holiday. We celebrated this special Riverview Feast Day on Wednesday 5 June with a College Mass that encouraged the whole College community to consider the plight of the homeless who experience the
Greg Skeed
or 135 Years, the Sacred Heart Feast Day has had special meaning for Riverview. On the Feast of the Sacred Heart in 1878, Fr Joseph Dalton SJ, the first Rector of Riverview, purchased some of the property that Riverview now stands on. The statue of the Sacred Heart then stood, from 1888 until 1930, in the Quadrangle and, since 1930, in a commanding position in the Rose Garden. For 125 years, the statue has stood here as a symbol of open Year 7 students brought forward blankets, scarves and warm clothing for donation heartedness, large heartedness and welcome. Much of what we do here hardship of winter. The Mass was attended by a number is grounded on this image of Christ, showing his loving of guests from St Canice’s Parish in Kings Cross who affection for others. ‘educated’ students about some of the daily realities they confront. Prior to the Mass, Year 7 students brought along blankets, jackets, scarves and other items of warm clothing which were brought forward during the Offertory Procession, and collected for distribution to the homeless in and around Kings Cross.
Farewell Fr David Strong SJ
t the end of 2013, Fr David Strong will complete his 21st and final year at Saint Ignatius’ College, Riverview. The last 17 of those years he has been the Senior School chaplain. He will be moving to Arrupe House, Pymble, to continue his research on the history of the Society of Jesus in China, a lifelong passion. David’s commitment to the schools ministry began as a Regent at Saint Aloysius’ College, Milsons Point, in 1966–67. After ordination he resumed the schools ministry in 1973 at Saint Ignatius’ College in Adelaide as Prefect of Studies at the Athelstone campus. He moved from there to become co-ordinator of Religious Education and Vice-Principal at John XXIII College in Perth (1977–80). After a six year stint in the tertiary sector as Vice-Rector at Saint Thomas More College and Chaplain at the University of Western Australia (1981–86), he left Perth to become Headmaster at the Xavier College Preparatory School, Burke Hall, in Melbourne, where he remained for five years before being transferred to Riverview in 1992. Apart from a year in Canberra working at the Australian Institute of Jesuit Studies (1995), he has been at Riverview ever since. In sum, he has given his life to the ministry of education for 42 years. Alongside his work as teacher, administrator, coach and priest, he has continued to study, research and write. He has published Jesuits in Australia: An ethnographic history of the Society of Jesus in Australia (1996), The college by the harbour: the history of St Aloysius’ College, Milsons Point, New South Wales (1997) and The Australian Dictionary of Jesuit Biography, 1848-1998 (1999).
Fr David Strong SJ celebrating Mass at Montserrat, Spain during the inaugural European Football Tour this year
I first lived with David for two years when he was the Prefect of Studies at Saint Ignatius’ College – Athelstone and for the last two years we have lived in community at Riverview. I was young back in those days at Athelstone and had no idea of the demands that were placed on David at that time. The school was in its infancy and David had to navigate a very difficult path between those who wanted change and those who wanted things to remain the same. I want to honour the cost that David did not count then, the cost he never counted over the years. I saw then and now how he reaches out to the lost and wounded as a friend, priest and confidant – they instinctively know they will find in him kindness, acceptance and understanding. They know he is available for them. I want to honour his generosity, the gift he has made of his life to the ministry of
educating the boys entrusted to the care of the Society by their parents. David loves being a priest; he loves the Society of Jesus. He is a fount of knowledge and of stories of the Society and has done us the service of recording those memories. He will not want to be remembered for his time at Riverview, though he will be. He will be happy to have been given by his Lord a part, the unique part that only he could and did fulfil, in a great enterprise, the work of building God’s kingdom among the boys, staff and parents on that peninsula we now call Saint Ignatius’ College, Riverview. This enterprise was a daily calling to listen, firstly to his Lord; to celebrate the sacraments; to be there, alongside the boys, teachers and parents, as an alter Christus. It called for all and he gave his all. The culture, the ‘feel’ of the school, is founded on such generosity, availability and attentiveness. Fr Steve Sinn SJ, November 2013
The Magis Peter Barker
Farewell Les Kirkpatrick
iverview icon Les Kirkpatrick, fondly known as ‘The Kirk’ retired at the end of this year, 44 years after first coming to the College. Farewelled by Old Boys at their Annual Dinner, this is only a part of the speech given in his honour. Nicknames can either be a curse or a blessing. But the man we honour tonight has one of the most affectionate names that the boys here and the Old Boys use. We call him ‘The Kirk’. Two words—Kirk, another name for a church, a building of strength and solidarity and The Kirk— the only one, the one and only. And this is Les Kirkpatrick. In 1969, when he was enticed to Riverview from De La Salle Bankstown, and when he was offered a position as a teacher of Maths and Science for Year 7, this was surely one of the best appointments the school has ever made. Many of you, many of us, remember Les as a coach on the rugby fields or cricket pitch or on the water. On his first retirement from coaching the 1st XV, his 1984 side chaired him in triumph from the field. In all, he coached the 1st XV in 105 GPS games and 133 other games—238 games as coach, countless hours of training and planning. Three GPS Premierships (at a time when Riverview had won only one other GPS Rugby Premiership). Four times runner up. This is to say nothing of his cricket coaching, including a 2nd XI Premiership, his Rowing coaching and his seasons as coach of the Old Ignatians where there were further premierships. Through all this, Les worked with gentle persuasion, motivation and huge doses of encouragement. He related closely to his players and brought out the best in each player and in each team. They had spirit and morale and loyalty that won them so many close games—like the famous 8–6 win over Joeys at Hunters Hill in 1975 when Anthony Curtin scored
Les Kirkpatrick with his Year 10 Trigonometry Class, during Term 3 this year the winning try from a lineout. Or the gripping win in the last round to win the 1980 Premiership when Tom McKay slithered over the line for the only score of the game. The image of those years stays sharp: the infamous pale jacket, the face growing redder through the game, the mountain of ash at his feet. As Form Master, Les had one of the more sensitive jobs in the school. He had to be a disciplinarian of teenage boys. But those boys in those years did the right thing because they did it for Kirk. Les was fairness and justice personified. He inspired confidence in boys in their parents and in all of us. Then as Housemaster, Les was a charismatic figure who inspired enviable loyalty among all the boys, parents and tutors of Cheshire House. They had someone who listened, who never judged, who reached out to everyone because every one was important. What won’t be forgotten is who Les Kirkpatrick is: what will be remembered is his integrity, his sincerity, his humility, his modesty, his courtesy, his humour, his stories, his knowing each boy and each adult so that he makes everyone feel important, deserving and equal. He’s always favoured teaching maths to the lower classes, where he gave struggling boys confidence and where he reassured them that they could persevere and achieve heights they’d
never thought possible. They sat at his feet. They fell over each other to get into his classes because he was the one with the gentle word of encouragement that lit the spark of understanding and confidence. And his Year 12 RE classes were extraordinary. Boys actually lined up to be in Les’s classes because there they heard him speak unashamedly and without sentimentality of his own faith, his own love of the Mass, his own prayers, his own service of others, his own affection for Joy, his wife of so many years. At the end of this year, 44 years after starting here, Les will leave the classrooms, the playgrounds, the corridors, the common room, the fields, the Chapels, for the last time. No one is irreplaceable but I know he’ll leave a huge gap in our lives. We’re going to miss him greatly from Riverview. And, for the first time in 44 years, Riverview will be Les-less. But, Les, your influence will live on here in all of us, in all the thousands of boys who’ve turned into young men and then much older men who’ve come to revere you and to aspire to the highest standards that you set. We Old Boys have been blessed to have been here at Riverview with you, Les— one of the greatest schoolmasters that this great school has ever known. Les, we honour you tonight as one of the legends of Riverview.
James Rodgers, Associate to the Rector and Principal
Cura personalis: updating the Pastoral Care system
he House System has become an integral component of the fabric of the College since its inception in 1983. Cura personalis (care for the entire person) is a central tenet of Jesuit education and the House System is the key construct for the provision of this care in the senior school.
There are 12 Houses in the College, each House containing approximately 75 students from Years 9 to 12. Students remain in the same House during their entire time at the College and because many of the College activities are organised along House lines they develop a special identity with that House and the students within it. From Years 9 to 12 students are under the care of a Housemaster who comes to develop a special relationship with each boy and his family. With this relationship develops mutual trust and respect that will enable the student to find a genuine companion in learning and growing. The Housemaster is responsible for the overall formation of each student in the House. Within the House, each boy belongs to a Tutor Group. This smaller group of about 15 students is seen as an added support to the Housemaster and the student. The Tutor, with the
Housemaster, actively participates in the formation of each boy. This smaller group enables the senior students to meet informally with the younger students and gives them the opportunity to develop leadership skills. In this, its 30th year, the College has undertaken a process aimed to solidify and crystallise the role and purpose of the House System in the College, based on a year long review of our current structures and systems of pastoral care in the Senior School. The review process involved the following steps: • Feedback garnered from student and parent exit surveys and that of focus groups as part of the learning and innovation conversations last year. • An investigation of Pastoral Care systems and structures across a range of secondary schools (Jesuit and otherwise) in New South
Wales, ACT, Queensland, South Australia and Victoria, in addition to the United Kingdom, Ireland and the United States of America. • Ongoing, strategic conversations around our current Pastoral Care systems and structures with key pastoral staff (Housemasters, Year Co-ordinators and Counsellors) and the College Executive. • A series of open, staff forums to discuss our current systems and structures of Pastoral Care, subsequent to a presentation to all staff at the College to invite input and feedback. • Establishment of a Pastoral Care Restructure committee to formulate and submit a proposal to the College Executive. The New Pastoral Care system coming to Riverview in 2014 The outcome of this exhaustive process was a formal Pastoral Care
College News
Year Co-ordinator and Housemaster roles were dissolved.
restructure in the Senior School, with the proposal to move to a fully-fledged House System as the primary model of Pastoral Care.
• New structures of Pastoral Care have been created, including the establishment of new Head of House roles, Assistant Head of House roles and House Mentor roles.
The rationale for this shift is detailed below: • In a large school such as Riverview (which has grown to 938 students from Year • The House Centre will be 9–12), pastoral arrangements decentralised and Houses that cater for 75 students will be placed at various on a vertical basis, one that locations (House Areas) provides ongoing continuity around the Senior School, throughout the senior school, where the office of the Students in their House colours in 1983, are believed to be superior to respective Head of House a dual system of management the year the House System was first introduced. 2013 marks will be located. th the 30 anniversary of the House System at Riverview that spans 240 students across Under the new model, the any given year level. provision of student pastoral care Head of House becomes • The current systems and in line with best practice in a 21st the first point of call for students, structures are convoluted and century educational setting. This parents and staff for any matter ambiguous and preclude the has strong support at an empirical pertaining to the students’ education. primary responsibility for a and research level, which The aforementioned positions have student’s whole education from fundamentally aims for the House now been advertised and filled for belonging at one point, which to become a ‘community within a commencement in 2014. should be the House. The Year community’, based on this concept While the House System was at the System has run concurrently with of strong relationships and is ‘cutting edge’ of education 30 years the House System since 1983 congruent with best practice ago, it has been important to evaluate and this has created difficulties across a range of other schools. the provision and exercise of cura logistically, despite the best of • To create an enhanced personalis at the College. intentions. environment and context where The above represents a significant • To meet the needs of all students students can optimise their by providing a significantly shift in the provision of pastoral growth and ultimately fulfil the improved level of holistic care, care in the Senior School, which will mission of the College. acknowledging the symbiotic provide a far greater level of cura The outcomes of this shift relationship that exists between personalis, in relation to the students were as follows: student care and wellbeing and at the College. their learning and growth. • The current Year CoAdam Lewis, ordinator, Assistant Director of Students • To bring our practice around the
Insignis recipient 2013 Citation for Daniel Gray aint Ignatius was fond of echoing Christ’s hope ‘to cast fire on the earth’ and how he wished ‘it were blazing already’. Such a desire, of course, starts with ‘a fire in the belly’. A passion. A refining fire to purify and temper. A means to clear away the clutter that chokes or impedes. A rallying beacon. A fire of the Spirit’s presence. The Insignis Awardee today has such a fire.
Our Insignis Award is the highest honour that the College can bestow upon a young man as he brings to a close his days here. In sum, it recognises influence. It is awarded to a student who is remarkable for breadth of involvement and depth of reflection; one who has earned the esteem of both his contemporaries and his teachers; one for whom a robust spirituality is, and will be, at the core of his being.
Melba Studios
This year’s recipient is a fellow who is possessed of a deep and questing intellect, who is blessed with imagination and the creative spirit, who knows where his heart is, for whom the conscience is no stranger, and who has regularly committed his impressive gifts in the service of others.
Daniel Gray, Riverview Insignis recipient 2013
The twin poles of the mission statement for all Jesuit enterprises are ‘faith and justice’. These are the hallmarks of today’s Awardee which set him apart. He has attended Kairos Retreats, both as a participant and a leader. During Immersions, he developed strong relationships with the people of the Borroloola and Bowraville communities,
Welcome, leaders of 2013–14 ongratulations to Jonathan Crosby (College Captain), Gianni Taranto (Captain of Day Boys) and Patrick Weston (Captain of Boarders)—along with the students elected as House Captains and Vice House Captains, Prefects and Proctors— the College Leaders for 2013–14. There is no doubt that the school is in very good hands. Thankyou to the College Captains, House Captains, Prefects and Proctors of 2013 for the very fine manner in which they have conducted their office and for the noticeable contribution they have made to both the cause and the effect of
Greg Skeed
Director of Students, Adam Lewis, Rector, Fr Ross Jones SJ, Principal, Dr Paul Hine, (centre foreground) with 2013–14 College Leaders for 2013–14
leadership in the College over the last 12 months.
Farewell, Class of 2013 The exhilaration and emotion of graduation were clearly apparent in the final week of Term 3 as our Year 12 students were
formally presented to the College community at the Valete Assembly. Old Ignatian and Rhodes Scholar, Dr Imre Hunyor (OR97), delivered the Occasional Address with great conviction and effect, inspiring the boys to live out the values of their Ignatian education in the post schooling years. Congratulations to all of the students who took their
College News walking in their shoes with sensitivity, and learning from them. He has worked on behalf of the Cerebral Palsy Alliance, Life for Koori Kids, Cana Café, Canice’s Kitchen, the Lavender Bay Soup Kitchen and the Matthew Talbot Hostel for the homeless. To be drawn to those venues is very telling. The judgement scene in Matthew’s Gospel reiterates again and again, When I was in need, you cared for me’. If Ignatian spirituality styles itself as ‘finding God in all things’, then this young man, in the spirit of that Gospel passage, readily finds God in the needy and those on the margins and, at the same time, makes Christ palpably present there. The Jesuit school tradition has ever esteemed eloquentia perfecta, ‘a flawless eloquence’. A persuasiveness that seeks the truth and draws people to it. And it holds that drama and the stage not only entertain, but, more importantly, are each a medium for engaging with values, and wrestling with the big question of life. Today’s recipient has been active and at ease in each forum. Mediocrity has no place in the Ignatian world-view. Our Insignis recipient is a man of the magis. He will continue to grow into a person of integrity and generous compassion, living justly, building up his world – acutely aware of its inequalities, but with a restless commitment to play his part in redressing them. Observing what is, and asking what
place on the dais of graduation. There were a number of additional farewell gatherings during Term 3: the boarding community gathered in prayerful reflection in the Dalton Chapel and looked back on the highs and lows that formed part of the residential experience at Riverview, celebrating the strength of a community that has developed resilience, spirit, collegiality and friendship. The Blue and White Ball was an evening of celebration and glamour that saw the boys individually recognised as a graduate and a member of a very select group— OR 2013. Finally the Valete Mass and Dinner celebrated the richness of the faith experience the boys have been exposed to over their years at Riverview as well as the strength of community that has been part of it.
might be. He will be a man of the Spirit in service. He has indicated that ‘this [school] community will forever leave a deep imprint on my heart, mind and soul’. And he, in turn, has left his mark upon the College. As Vice Captain of the College this year, he has been the conscience for the Student Leadership Group, displaying a leadership style that is marked by courage and a necessary selflessness. He has a great affection for the College, a deep love of people, and a preferential love of the poor. He has committed himself unreservedly to all dimensions of his education – the academic and co-curricular, the spiritual, and in service. His engagement in the life of the College has been simply extensive. He was Equal Dux of Year 7, Dux of Year 8, Dux of 9, Dux of Year 10 and Proxime in Year 11. He is the recipient of countless academic prizes in his six years at the College. He has represented the College at the highest levels in football and debating. The College is pleased to present: the Stanley Ricketts Memorial Prize for English, the Rector’s Prize for Essay, the Patrick Ryan Prize for a Senior Student of Mandarin Chinese, the Prize for Chinese Extension, the Riverview Medal for Languages, the Father Charles McDonald Medal for Senior Debate, the Prize for Outstanding Academic Achievement and the Insignis Medal to Daniel John Gray. Fr Ross Jones SJ
Archbishop’s Award
ndrew Bouffler (Year 12 Southwell) was the most worthy recipient of the Archbishop’s Award, presented at St Mary’s Cathedral. Andrew has been an outstanding student Rachel Bouffler, His Eminence Cardinal over his time at the George Pell AC, Andrew Bouffler (Year 12) College and the citation attached to this award is below:
Andrew Bouffler is a Captain of Liturgy at Saint Ignatius’ College, Riverview. His leadership has been marked by humility and service. Andrew has been deeply involved in the co-curriculum, curriculum and spiritual life of the College. He is a Eucharistic Minister and is heavily involved in theCollege’s Social Justice advocacy group. Andrew has taken prominent roles in his own parish, St Peter Chanel, Hunters Hill and in December 2012, travelled to Cambodia to work in the villages. Andrew has embraced all opportunities with passion and used his talents and abilities for the service of others, in a faith that does justice.
Around the College
Third place in the 6th World Chinese Bridge Competition
rom 19 October through to 5 November, I was lucky enough to be competing for Australia at the 6th World Chinese Bridge Competition in Kunming, Yunnan Province, China. For those who are unaware of what the competition entails, it is a popular television show aired on CCTV4 in China which showcases the world’s best Chinese language students, and puts them through a series of language and cultural challenges until a winner emerges with the most points. It’s somewhat hard to relate to here in Australia—a TV show displaying the foreign world’s best English speakers would be laughed at. In fact, just meeting a foreigner who clearly isn’t a very practiced English speaker but can still construct a few vital sentences really doesn’t shock us to such a huge extent. It’s daily life. In countries like China, however, being able to speak their language makes any
At the Temple of Heaven with locals wearing the traditional dress of the Qing Dynasty
local gasp. Quite surprising considering it’s the most spoken language in the world. This is one of the many rewarding experiences of learning Chinese. The competition formed what I can confidently say was one of the best experiences of my life. The extraordinary range of people you meet is life changing. From 64 different countries, I made life-long friends with people my age from other parts of Australia, the UK, France, Russia, Serbia and Kazakhstan just to name a few. I made friends who I will keep for life. Though they may live in different cities, the bonds we formed could never be prevented by distance. My language skills noticeably improved, since being in a competition which was only spoken in Chinese forced your ear to become more refined to the language. Each team had only two competitors, and our Australian team was nowhere near the best at Chinese. We somehow gained a third place award, however, probably due to our Aussie confidence and cultural sporting prowess! Every competitor was awarded a six month scholarship to study Chinese in Beijing, and as part of our third place, all of our flights and extra expenses are accounted for as well.
I almost find it too good to be true the amount of opportunities that are being presented to myself and every other student of Chinese. Attending the competition was completely free, and to be selected for the team all I had to do was win one preliminary competition in Sydney which involved a prepared speech and a cultural performance. With that one speech and performance, I now have half of my gap year paid for and a direct path to Chinese fluency. I have no-one to thank more than my teacher, Mr Liu, who has constantly encouraged me to continue my studies and pushed me out of my comfort zone into competitions such as this. His daily phone calls to me to practise my speech were not for nothing. His unbeatable teaching style and positive classroom environment eventually develop into skills for life in his students. If I could end with one thing, it would be to encourage the younger boys at Riverview and their parents to very carefully consider Chinese. The amount of students I see in my grade who regret not choosing it is far too many. You will meet new people, expand your world and become gifted with the skill of speaking the most spoken language in the world. Xavier Eales (Year 10)
Xavier with Melbourne teammate Vidya before the Opening Ceremony
College News
Greg Skeed
The Cardinal’s Mass
Remembrance Day The Cardinal engaged in discussion with boarders in the College Quadrangle following Mass at Riverview
is Eminence, George Cardinal Pell, presided as the chief celebrant at the boarding community mass on Sunday 8 September. That the Cardinal chose to carve time out of a busy schedule to join the community is a statement of his commitment to Saint Ignatius’ College, Riverview and to the institution of Catholic education.
Lauren Sykes
Following mass, the Cardinal engaged in a number of discussions with the boarders and staff, obviously enjoying the conviviality of the evening. A small presentation was made to the Cardinal to thank him for his gracious presence on the night—a blue and white scarf with cerise tassels. This is so that he can feel very comfortable at the annual GPS Rugby contest between Riverview and Joeys, where by his attire, he can publicly proclaim allegiances to both schools!
Fr Ross Jones SJ, Dr Allan Passmore, Mrs Nano Passmore, Mrs Bobbie Brett, Mr Colin Brett and Dr Paul Hine, laying wreaths following the Remembrance Day ceremony at the College, which celebrated the lives of Private Noel Brett (OR37), Gunner Tom Coughlan (OR30) and Gunner Cecil Johnson (OR28), who died at Sandakan Prisoner of War Camp, Borneo, during World War II. The College was honoured to have with us, as our distinguished guests, Noel Brett’s nephew, Mr Colin Brett and his wife Mrs Bobbie Brett
Lazarus at our gate
harlie Vaux, Trey Petterson and Scott Newey, pictured here with Bishop Greg O’Kelly SJ, attended the launch of Lazarus at our Gate: A critical moment in the fight against poverty, this year’s Social Justice Sunday Statement. The Statement is released annually and is the work of the Australian Catholic Social Justice Council, a body set up by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference. As we move closer to the target date set for achieving the 9 Millennium Development Goals established in 2000, Lazarus at our Gate urges Australians to confront the challenge of world poverty.
Boys donned their bowties for Stella Fella Day, raising awareness about issues faced by women who work in maledominated environments, and encouraging young men to be good role models in their community. As well as holding an afternoon tea for all female staff, the College’s student leaders sold bow tie clips, with all proceeds going to Project Futures, a Sydney-based organisation which promotes the prevention of and education about human trafficking
Greg Skeed
Stella Fella Day
Around the College
Creating a better View
alking together has been a recurring theme of the work of the SIC Environment Committee in the past six months as we seek to become a sustainable school. One of our partners, the Freshie drink dispensing team, have worked closely with us to encourage the boys to act responsibly. Freshie helped us bring Tim Silverwood to the College to talk to the boys about Take 3 and the plastic problems in our oceans. Lane Cove Council bushland team has been supporting our Therry Bushcare team, creating a management plan for ongoing bush regeneration. We have joined with sister schools Abbotsleigh and Loreto Normanhurst as they host environment days and we have presented at environment
Tim Silverwood talked to students about new clean initiative Take3
conferences. Jack McDonagh, Lachlan Ingham and David Leister were panellists at the recent IEU environment conference. We are walking with the Project Green team at St Aloysius’ as they joined us at our joint committee meeting at the Coal Loader Sustainability Centre Waverton, in November this year. To celebrate Water Week we held our third annual Lane Cove River Catchment Day where we walked with the local catchment educators from Hunters Hill, Lane Cove, Ryde, Willoughby,
Ku-ring-gai, Hornsby and Field of Mars Environmental Education centre. Finally one of the most rewarding projects this year has been our survey seeking ideas and connections for the Environment Committee that went to the parent and Old Boy community. The positive response was uplifting and will see some great projects initiated next year including our tree planting program with some boarding parents. Together we are creating a better View. Sue Martin, Environmental Education Officer
I was a stranger and you welcomed me
group of Riverview students attracted national attention in August when the AT Thomas Advocacy Group (ATTAG), chaired by Henry Gallagher (pictured), penned a letter to Riverview Old Boys and members of the Liberal Party Tony Abbott and Barnaby Joyce, along with other Jesuiteducated Members of Parliament, to express disappointment over their handling of asylum seekers. The letter was signed by more than 450 students and reminded the MPs of their Jesuit education which taught them the core values of respect and compassion. An extract from the letter is as follows:
An Ignatian education has always embraced and esteemed growth in competence, conscience and compassion. The mission of the Jesuits and all their ministries is ‘the service of faith and the promotion of justice’. We share that with a passion. The currently proposed solutions to the so-called ‘refugee problem’ by both the Labor Party and Liberal-National Coalition are inhumane and unjust . . . We feel compelled to express our disappointment that,
as graduates of our Jesuit schools, you would allow those principles, cultivated in our common tradition, to be betrayed. We look for heroes among our alumni . . . instead we see only allegiances to parties that trade human lives for political expediency, that choose the lowest common denominator to woo the populace, and that speak of economic problems rather than the dignity of the human person, especially the most vulnerable.
College News
Hot Potato Shop R
iverview has been very lucky to have a number of esteemed speakers from a mix of fields visit the Hot Potato Shop in the past six months. Test cricketers Jackson Bird (OR 2004) and Ed Cowan shared their cricketing battle anecdotes, but also some advice on sacrifice, commitment and choice in achieving sporting goals; Supreme Court judge and Brayden Michael author, the Yoder Pembroke Honourable Justice Michael Pembroke (OR72), shared recollections of his school days, the impact a Jesuit education has had on his life, and some insights into his latest book Arthur Phillip—Sailor, Mercenary, Governor, Spy; and finally Brayden Yoder, ex-US Marine and short filmmaker shared some stories with staff and students about his tour of duty in Iraq as a supply convoy driver.
Sam Eaton, Ben O’Dea, Alex McGuire and Alex McManis won the CSDA State Finals
Debating success I
t was an enormously successful year for debating at the College, with a number of successes in a variety of competitions. The Year 10 Debating team, comprising Sam Eaton, Alex McManis, Alex McGuire and Ben O’Dea, won the CSDA regional finals, becoming the first Riverview team since 2002 to do so, and then continued on to win the state finals of the same competition. The Year 7, 8 and 10 teams won their grand finals in the SDN competition. Finally, Riverview were named this year’s Australian Jesuit Schools Debating champions, narrowly defeating Saint Ignatius’ Adelaide in a tightly fought debate that ‘Wikileaks is good for democracy’.
Making a difference
City2Surf n 11 August the teams ‘Wolves for Westmead’ (Year 8 Boarding Division) and ‘Andy’s Heroes’ (Year 12) participated in the City2Surf race in memory of Andy Jalloh and to raise funds for the Oncology Ward at Westmead Children’s Hospital. Collectively raising more than $17,000 towards the purchase of a ‘Flow Cytometer’, the boys were given a chance see how their fundraising had impacted the lives of so many when they visited the Hospital in October. The boys visited children in the oncology ward, and by chance encountered a Riverview Old Boy and paediatric surgeon, who gave a personal insight into his daily life at the hospital. Though confronting at times, it was an amazing and truly rewarding experience for all involved.
Sydney Tower Stair Challenge Congratulations to Year 9 boys Jack Hartland, James Hewat, Will Johnson and Varun George; Jeremy Bennett, Owen Housemaster; and Philip Dean, Finance Manager, who completed the 2013 Sydney Tower Stair Challenge and raised funds for Giant Steps, an organisation that provides support to families experiencing autism. Philip has a very personal connection with the cause: his daughter Shelby, who has autism, has attended Giant Steps for the past six years. Phil raised in excess of $4,700 —an enormous effort!
he depth of our community was on display in the Steve Waugh Room at the Sydney Cricket Ground at this year’s inaugural Masterclass luncheon. Aimed to profile the breadth and quality of the cocurricular program at the school, the event drew on a range of current parents and past students to attest to the importance of the wide range of experiences— from sports such as rugby, soccer and cricket to the craft of public oratory and debating, together with music and art, that promote the broad and holistic development of the young men entrusted to our collective care. Those who attended were treated to a truly memorable rendition of Puccini’s aria, O Mio Babbino Caro (My Beloved Father) by Principal Soprano of Opera Australia (and current parent) Amelia Farrugia. Andrew O’Keefe (OR89) compered a wonderful day that included a range of insights from those who have had distinguished careers in various fields: David Giffin (current parent, Rugby Union), Michael Fordham (OR87, Debating) and Steve Newnham (OR70), World Champion—Rowing). Save the Date: the 2014 Masterclass lunch will be held at the SCG on Friday 29 August.
Around the College Departures since mid 2013 Edward Codsi
Director of Middle Schooling
Director of Development
Director of Religious Formation
College Chaplain
Rory Hambly
Head of Faculty / History
Charles Rowe
Senior Housemaster Gonzaga Housemaster / PDHPE Teacher
Claver Housemaster / TAS Teacher
Dean Hargreaves
Cheshire Housemaster / PDHPE Teacher
Sebastian Trovato
More Housemaster / Commerce Teacher
Bernard Winters
MacKillop Housemaster / TAS Teacher
Junior Division Master
Year 8 Division Master / Maths Teacher
Stage 4 Curriculum Co-ordinator
Julie Crockett
SEIP Co-ordinator
Andrea Hogan
Library Manager
Lorraine Cushing
College Counsellor
Vanessa Wadih
College Counsellor
Elizabeth Copeman
Special Education Teacher
Nick Coplin
Learning Support Teacher
Drama Teacher
Mark Egger
English / RE Teacher
Sam Hague
English Teacher
Les Kirkpatrick
Maths Teacher
Anne-Marie Neylan
English Teacher
Warwick Percival
PDHPE Teacher
Jim Potts
PDHPE Teacher
Religious Education Teacher
Music Teacher
Teacher – Digital Learning Facilitator
Gap Year Facilities Assistant
Strength & Conditioning Co-ordinator
Technical Supervisor – Theatre
Admin Assistant Religious Formation
Gardens / Grounds Staff
Peter Herington Carmel Shaw Fr David Strong SJ Ed Codsi
Don Gock
Alex Damo Peter Herington
Carmel Shaw
Alex Damo
Brett Donohoe Ann Furlan
Michelle Deschamps
Florence Spencer-Phillips Iain Tallis Rose Whittingham Pat Benson Christopher Bartels Matthew Osborne Sarah Pratt
Brett Donohoe
Charlie Rowe
James Quiddington
Don Gock
Dean Hargreaves
Sab Trovato
Bernie Winters
Rory Hambly
Student Work
‘Question everything’
to the knowledge of truth. Allow deception in the world in order to find the truth by determining what is plausible and what is not.
number of Year 9 students participated in an enrichment course throughout Term 2 and 3, which led to an in-depth exploration of ‘truth’. The boys were introduced to several key philosophers, and even had the chance to communicate with Dr Sam Baron from Sydney University. What follows is a short sample from each student. Varun George One theory, complex in appearance, Was formed years ago and referred to as coherence. Exterior beliefs were key to this clue, Where if a thought were upheld, this would make it true. Time after time theories have been made, However after a while truths begin to fade, And what was once set out to do is soon non-existent, One’s initial beliefs, ever so distant.
Robbie Zammit Deceit and truth cannot exist without the other They are entwined just on par One could pair the other as a brother If they were not so dissimilar The answer is there is none at all Truth to prop you up Deceit to make you fall The truth is what you make it
Jonathon Crouch Aristotle once said, ‘All men by nature desire understanding’. I admire the complexity and core value of this statement. I also like to think that finding the truth is the more desirable part. I prefer to think that finding new ways to reach a destination makes the prize at the end of the road all the more sweet. The essence of truth, I find, is in the journey . . . Michael Crouch A shockingly central aspect of truth is the understanding of deceit and the importance of deception. A confronting statement ‘without truth there is no deception’. In what way is it possible to comprehend such a contradicting statement? Notions of deception are vital
Tom Osborne Many philosophers have sought the truth, sometimes in vain. Humans see and feel something everyday, as Aristotle pointed out, bias and prejudice are inevitable. No one can have an objective view because everyone experiences something and is influenced by something. And so we will never find an absolute truth.
Tom Murdoch What is truth in all its complexity? A theory? A fact of life? We will always encounter in our lives, but it is up to the individual to differentiate fiction from fact. Truth can build nations, and destroy governments; truth can create unity while segregating society. Truth shows us who we are, what relationships we can be in, and highlights our limitations. Perhaps our soul is the
truth, and we are nothing but the fictitious vessel in which it travels. Truth is an inescapable reality of life. Mark Rothery Truths can sometimes seem to be completely true, however, there is often no way of proving anything, famously illustrated in Descartes work, summarised by the famous quote ‘Cogito, ergo sum’ – ‘I think, therefore I am’. Some things can never be proved so it would be best if we abandoned this notion of absolute truth. Oliver Clarke Truth is what we know Truth is lies Truth is what we want But why do we disguise? His, hers and the truth Three stories to be told These various perspectives Allow verity to unfold. Truth is flexible Truth can be bent Truth is designed, To meet our heart’s content Teague Mirabelle Humans need truth Why? Our intelligence, our depth and capacity for emotional meaning and feelings, our need to connect – truth being the basis for connection, that which is self evident to one person allows connection with others who also feel the same sense of meaning in the world, meaning to our existence may that be scientific, factual or spiritual i.e. inner peace so different types of truth. Truth allows us to make sense of things, allows us to have faith in all.
‘Question everything’ Detail of the Alex Seton scupture in the Library foyer
Christopher Chung Truth is a key component to our daily lives. We rely on truth and deception, truth helps us understand our world further and gain a greater understanding of ourselves. We rely on truth throughout our lives, truth is what tells us what is real and what is not, it is a key component of existence.
2013 Visual Arts HSC bodies of work: the Magis
n late July, the 2013 HSC Bodies of Work exhibition was held in the College’s Memorial Hall. This year’s artworks evidenced student dedication to the achievement of excellence, and showed their unique ways of grasping the magis, within the practice of artmaking. The technical and conceptual proficiency resulted from each artmaker’s desire to extend their artistic capacities. The works represented the attainment of demanding aspirations, formed by an intricately linked process of thinking and action. Each work’s unique physical qualities present audiences with an array of layered and complex meanings, formed through continuous reflection and a desire to achieve the very best. They demonstrate each student’s relationship with his area of investigation and confidence in working with concepts and materials. In this way, the HSC bodies of work stood for intellectual and spiritual growth. The latter accomplished as a consequence of each boy moving outside of his comfort zone, to embrace immersion in an artistic practice, over a prolonged period of time. Student: Cormac Meehan Teacher: Ms Julie Stevens Title: Walking to Kinnegar; Waiting for the Tempest Media: Painting
Student: Thomas Knappick Teacher: Ms Julie Stevens Title: Shadows Within Media: Drawing
Thomas’ small, expressive, black and white ink Cormac’s body of work drawings of silhouetted commemorates the settings of figures comprise show his idyllic childhood holidays, the unexpected nature spent in a small Irish fishing of misadventure and village, for which he has an unruly human endeavour enduring love. The single to understand calamity. panel of Walking to Kinnegar Dominant frames, made of abuts against the horizontal rough, grey fence palings, diptych of Waiting for the Cormack Meehan: ‘Walking to Kinnegar’ / ‘Waiting for the Tempest’ present the scenarios Tempest to form a dramatic as boxed psychological sweep of landscape images. identities as media royalty, driven phenomena, symbolising constraints Azure, jewel-like seas and unsettled to attain the most advantageous and the challenges that must be dark tides are placed against richly outcomes for themselves and their conquered, in order to overcome coloured skies. Cormac’s innovative constituents. Alexander’s work is adversity. Jagged areas of white use of layers of impressionist colour clearly the result of a determination to repeatedly appear amongst the present his childhood holiday location develop his conceptual and technical smudged layers of charcoal and as a magnificent site. Such artistic gifts, in order to present a firmly graphite, suggesting the presence proficiency shows his engagement held belief. This work indicates that of hope and inevitable triumph of in artmaking to comprehend the Alexander’s academic journey in human optimism. Thomas’ work significance of the magis – the more. was driven by the desire to explore artmaking, has been underpinned by Student: Alexander Hutchinson an aspect of psychology. His careful a desire to grasp the meaning of the Teacher: Ms Julie Stevens investigation of his HSC body of work, magis – the more. Title: In the Interests of Interests clearly shows a commitment Media: Drawing to attempting to grasp the The connection between significance of the magis – politics, as portrayed in the more. the media, and the field of Student: Henry Gallagher economics, with its intrinsic Teacher: Ms Mary Dorahy focuses of want and selfTitle: 500K a body interest, form the conceptual Media: Sculpture basis of this work. Alexander’s Henry’s sculptural four pastel portraits present assemblage 500k a body world leaders as complex examines the illegal beings, highly proficient in trafficking of human organs managing a desire for power in China. As a founding alongside psychological member of the Saint frailties. The portraits Alexander Hutchinson: ‘In the Interest of Interests’ Ignatius’ College, represent current political
Student Work
Thomas Knappick: ‘Shadows Within’
Student: Luke Gummer Teacher: Ms Mary Dorahy Title: The untold story of Nonno’s arrival – the boat that wasn’t turned back Media: Drawing
Student: Thomas O’Brien Teacher: Ms Mary Dorahy Title: Interludes of Memory – my Papa 1930–2011 Media: Drawing
A current issue within Australian society, faced throughout the Western world, is immigration. Luke Gummer creates an artwork that delves into the debate about asylum seekers. Through his artwork, Luke endeavours to place a human face on what has become a depersonalised critique. Using a variety of drawing and printmaking techniques, Luke references his own family archives, citing photographs and immigration numbers, intentionally choosing to work in monotone, alluding to the black and white treatment of this complex issue. The arrangement of the larger works evinces a sense of journeying into unknown territory, suggesting God alone knows all the answers, but that we must seek to be Christ-like in our attitude and approach to all.
Thomas O’Brien’s series of drawings are a tribute to his paternal grandfather, who he saw as the embodiment of Ignatian values, capturing pivotal stages in grandfather’s life. These vignettes allude to the physical and temporal transition from boy to man, moving from the traditional three quarter portrait view to a more challenging and self-aware frontal pose, also implying his spiritual development. The repetitive nature of the line work in his drawings induced an almost meditative state in Thomas, enabling him to reflect and contemplate the very nature of his work and the meanings he wished to reveal. Julie Stevens, Head of Visual Arts and Mary Dorahy, Visual Arts Teacher
Photographs: Greg Skeed
AT Thomas Advocacy Group, Henry has demonstrated a keen interest in human rights. His artwork layers meaning through the use of a variety of media. Replica human organs sit on top of imitation ice, with price tags attached, placed inside a pod, representing the world. The surface of the pod is collaged with Chinese Yuan and newspaper headlines raising awareness of the issue. Studies by human rights groups suggest more than 90% of harvested organs are sourced from Chinese prisoners. Since the Chinese government made the practice illegal, the price for these organs has risen by 40%. By creating organs using plaster, ink and varnish, Henry captures the grisly nature of this practice. The price tags allude to the commodification of humanity. Degrading the organs to material objects, available for a price in our consumer society, provokes the audience to question; where is our Christianity, our sense of humanity, where is the magis?
Henry Gallagher: ‘500K a body’
Luke Gummer: ‘The untold story of Nonno’s arrival’
Thomas O’Brien: ‘Interludes of Memory – my Papa 1930–2011’
Industrial Technology HSC major works
ndustrial Technology is designed to develop knowledge and understanding of industry and its related technologies with an emphasis on design, management and production through practical applications. The class of 2013 at Saint Ignatius’ College, Riverview produced Major Works which are of an extremely high standard.
Matthew Brooks, Riverview NSW: Chess Table
A huge thank you must go to all the members of the TAS staff for their combined efforts in working with all the boys throughout this challenging but rewarding process. Gerard Carson, Industrial Technology Teacher Jack Gaudion, Hillston NSW:Acoustic Guitar and Stand
Lachlan Cahill, Hunters Hill NSW: Poker Table
Visual and Technical Excellence
he Regis Campus Art and Digital Media Exhibition held during October profiled the calibre of the work that is undertaken by the boys in Years 5 and 6. Attention to design, coloration, detail and form have enabled the boys to produce work of commendable quality. Congratulations are extended to the boys on their endeavor and on the overall quality of their work and sincere thanks are extended to Mr Ian McPherson and the Art Department for efforts to highlight the different elements of the exhibition. Simultaneously, the Regis Media and Visual Effects work was on display in the tech lab downstairs, featuring a live Green-Screen feed being broadcast into the exhibition by the media crew.
Student Work
Thomas Aney, Nowra NSW: Tool Cabinet
Timothy Moore, Kurrajong Heights NSW: Sideboard
Hamish Mort, Mudgee NSW: Chest of Drawers
Mitchell Butler, Girilambone NSW: Dining Table and Bench Seats
Charles Lott, Griffith NSW: Dining Table
Photos: Peter Barker & Peter Herington
Maxwell Gooden, Lindfield NSW: Dressing Table
At the same time a video loop of the students Adobe After Effects wizardry was on show with a whole gambit of special effects, titles and of course digitally remastered explosions. Also active at the show were working examples of the lunchtime Lego Inventions Group with electric guitars, wall climbing, line following and obstacle manoeuvring robots all made out of electronic Lego pieces. A micro-computing display with a Raspberry Pi, a $50 micro computer capable of running a variety of small software and coding projects, in this case the ever popular Minecraft. These micro-computers are forming a core part of this term’s after school Regis Tech Club where coding and programming are established as an entry in the ever expanding computer programming and design industry.
Around the College Inner Mind of a Teenager Year 12 Play
great play! Very touching and thought-provoking.’ ‘Inner Mind of a Teenager was exceptional. Thank you for creating a vehicle for dialogue between the generations’ ‘Powerful, provocative, searching. A great concept, expertly carried off.’ Congratulations to the entire cast and crew who were part of this amazing production. Their skill, talent and dedication were outstanding. Thank you for making a difference to many. Ms Belinda Clark, Theatre and Productions Manager
The cast of ‘Inner Mind of a Teenager’
Salem Year 10 Play
he grips my throat with her hands! She chokes me!”
19 people were executed for witchcraft in Salem, a village engulfed with fear, suspicion and accusations. But what is the truth behind the events in Salem?
The cast of the Year 10 Play ‘Salem’
Salem is a dramatic narrative, an imaginative work based on the historical events of Salem in 1692. The hysteria begins with a group of girls, but spread quickly throughout the whole community. The town is lunged into a paranoid nightmare. Who can be trusted? Explore the dangers of going along with the crowd in this spine-chilling rendition of events. Left: The Proctor Family: Sophia Barbour, Charles Vaux and Sarah Levins
Performing Arts The Government Inspector Year 11 Play ongratulations to the cast and crew of the hilarious, fast paced comedy, The Government Inspector. Led by Director Paul Bevis and Assistant Director Natalie Baines, this group of Year 11 students brought to life this witty play with energy, focus and well-timed comedy. The audience were treated to an amazing set designed by Kirk Hume and original and creative costumes by Myriam Moysey and Kathleen Hunt. All left with a smile on their faces having laughed at this high paced comedy. Thanks to all involved for making this play such a success.
Ms Belinda Clark, Theatre and Productions Manager
The hilarious, fast paced comedy ‘The Government Inspector’ was brought to life by Year 11 students, together with an amazing set and original costumes
Regis Performing Arts Festival
his Year saw the inaugural Regis Campus Performing Arts Festival. A packed Ramsay Hall enjoyed performances from each of the Homerooms in Years 5 and 6. The festival was based on the hope of giving all 200 boys the opportunity to perform on the evening. Each performance revolved around the central theme of accepting difference and included singing, dancing and original artwork of the class. The boys did themselves proud, with each performance delivered with confidence, wit and enthusiasm. The successful night was the result of a lot of hard work from the boys, teachers and parents. However, particular thanks must go to Mr Marty Collins, Ms Kate Moore, Mr Chris Haynes, Mrs Angela Newey, and Mr Ian McPherson
who worked with all of the Homerooms in preparing the performances. We would also like to thank all the supporters who attended the evening. Congratulations to all on establishing such a high standard for future events. Ed Codsi, Director of Middle Schooling
Around the College
Music highlights
t has been a busy second half of the year with the Chapel Concert, HSC Music Concert, HSC Composition recordings, HSC Practicals, Eisteddfods, the Regis Arts Festival, the Indian Bazaar, Co-Curricular Assembly, Grandparents’ Day Valete and Speech Day assemblies, Speech and Drama recitals, excursions to the Opera Tosca and the Sydney Symphony Orchestra, as well as the large number of other performances like luncheons, masses, assemblies and the MasterClass CoCurricular fundraiser event at the Sydney Cricket Ground. Year 12 students are to be congratulated on the high standard of performance and compositions this year. The HSC concert was outstanding as were the performances at the Trials and the HSC exams.
Tim Fisher is to be commended for his B+ in the 7th Grade AMEB Flute examination. Zac Roddy was awarded third place at the Loreto Kirribilli Battle of the Voices on Sunday 25 August at their Annual Spring Fair. Zac won $450 worth of recording with Motifex. This is quite an achievement as there were 30 contestants at the event from a large number of schools. At the Sydney Eisteddfod, Regis Percussion came first in their category and the Senior Percussion obtained third place.
HSC Music Concert
Congratulations to all the Riverview Students who took part in the 2013 Australian Percussion Eisteddfod recently. A large number of our students performed in solo events. Our College Drumline won third place in the Open Drumline Test Piece and first place in the Open Drumline Free Choice. They were nominated as
13 0 th Riverview
he 130th Riverview Gold Cup Regatta was held on Saturday 30 November involving 220 crews and over 1,200 athletes competing in 78 races. The Regatta has come along way from its beginning on 20 June 1885. The program that day included two races for Rowing Clubs, races for the members of the Saint Ignatius’ Rowing Club and an ‘All Schools Race’ for a valuable silver trophy. Until the 1930s the pattern of the Regatta remained the same with limited participation of other Schools, outside of All School Races that were held in the early years of the Regatta. In addition to the 3rd IV (pictured), other winning Riverview crews were the 4th IV (Charles Redden, Lachlan Cooksey, Dominic Tynan, Joshua Fish, Cox: Max Gaynor) 2nd Year 10 VIII (Oliver Thorne, James Hewat, Daniel Fish, Robbie Zammit, Brendan Smith, Scott Newey, Declan Schillert, Fraser Brooks, Cox: Joseph D’Arcy) and the Year 9 1st Quadruple Scull who won the Open Schoolboy Quadruple Sculls (Angus Pugh, Charles Rorke, Samuel Salter, Luke Rossi, Cox: Nicholas Stillone)
The winning 3rd IV receiving their Silver Oars from Fr Ross Jones SJ: Will Manton, Lachlan Ingham, Patrick Casey, Max Phelps and Ed Johnson
The success of the day is due to the input of a large band of people who each year give their time to ensure the Regatta remains a leading event on the NSW Rowing calendar. This year Sydney University won the Gold Cup for the sixth consecutive time while Mosman won the Women’s Open Eight for the second time. James Busteed, MIC Rowing
College News
The Chapel Concert features the Riverview Symphony Orchestra and the Ignatian Choir, with soloists from Senior Years
the Best Overall Drumline. In the Drumline section the visiting American Judge, Bill Bachman awarded individual Outstanding Performance Awards to Jono Barnes, Jim Osborne, Alex Parnell, Henry Sinclair, Liam Donohoe and Dominic Craven.
Our students were performing against performers from Brisbane, Melbourne, Canberra, Coffs Harbour and Sydney. Congratulations to all these students and to Mr Peter Neville, our percussion ensemble co-ordinator, and also to Mr Colin Rea who is our second Percussion and Drum teacher. Congratulations to the Saxophone
Provincial, Fr Steve Curtin SJ, and Rector, Fr Ross Jones SJ, blessing Cova Cottage Function Centre, Sculling & Sailing Shed
Quintet for their Diamond Award at the Yamaha Eisteddfod. The diamond award is rarely given out and this is testimony to the ensemble’s standard of excellence. Our String Ensemble won this award last year. Dev Gopalasamy, Head of Performing Arts
Dr Paul Hine, Fr Ross Jones SJ, Paul Ramsay AO and Provincial, Fr Steve Curtin SJ, at the Blessing of the Fr John X Ramsay Boat House
Photographs: Greg Skeed
Blessing of Cova Cottage and the Boathouse
he Provincial, Fr Steve Curtin SJ joined us to bless and open the new Cova Cottage and the extension to the newly renovated Boathouse. On the wall of the Boathouse is a large bronze image made by sculptor and former member of the Visual Arts Department, Mr Michael Christie. It is a copy of a very ancient stone carving found in Bantry Bay, Ireland, which portrays the voyage of 6th century St Brendan the Navigator and his monks.
The bronze portraying the voyage of 6th century St Brendan and his monks to America and back
Around the College AFL
saw our first foray into the newly created Independent Schools Competition in Years 5 and 6. In addition to this, we fielded teams in the Sydney Junior Club competition in U13s and U14s, two teams in Under 16s, and a Senior team in the Senior AFL Under 18 Division 1 competition. Throughout the season there were many notable achievements, events and players that deserve special mention. They are as follows: • A special training event at the SCG; • The grand final victory of our U16s Division 4 team against St Ives; • A grand final appearance for our U14s Division 3 team who lost narrowly to Baulkham Hills; • A final for our U16s Division 1 team who lost by two points to Baulkham Hills for a place in the grand final; • Ali Crawshaw-Tomlins was awarded third in the Association Best and Fairest in U13s Division 2;
Cross Country & ‘The Maillot Jaune’
chievement comes in all shapes and sizes, and recognising this is a key component of a Riverview education. The sport of Cross Country does not just fit with this theme, it shouts it from the rooftops. Cross Country teams train together, fast and slow, young and old. Cross Country teams support each other, the Opens turn up early to cheer on the juniors and intermediates; the juniors stick around to cheer home the
AFL students gather together after training at the Sydney Cricket Ground
• Ethan Harvey was awarded third in the Association Best and Fairest in U16s Division 1; • James McKenzie was awarded fourth in the Association Keeley Medal (Best and Fairest) in U18s Division 1; • James Loneragan and Luke Robertson were selected in the CIS U15s team who won the State Carnival; • James Loneragan was chosen in the NSW All Schools side to contest the
National Championships in Darwin in August; • Ethan Harvey, James Cubis and Andrew Sierakowski were selected in the Under 16 NSW side to contest the National Championships; • Alex Chisholm was selected to umpire in the U16 Australian Championships held in the July School holidays and is the only umpire from NSW. Matthew Robertson, MIC AFL and spent the next few minutes, once he got his breath back, enthusing about the drop in his PB. It didn’t matter that almost a hundred boys beat him home, not a bit, and I love that. In recognition of this trait we have introduced the ‘Maillot Jaune’ into the Cross Country setup.
intermediates and . . . well, you get the picture. The slowest runner in the field is celebrated across the line just as enthusiastically as number one—sometimes more. There is no secret behind this demonstration of sportsmanship and brotherhood; it is inbuilt in a sport that is not about competing with (or beating) each other, it’s about competing with yourself. I’ll give you an example. We had one young runner trailing home well down the pack but he crossed the line with a broad grin
Those who stay up late each year to follow ‘Le Tour’ will recognise the term as the yellow jersey that the race leader wears each year in France’s famed cycling extravaganza. In that context the fastest athlete in the field dons the yellow. For us, it is the athlete who has accomplished the greatest personal achievement that week—and the difference between the two is what Cross Country is all about. Rory Hambly, MIC Cross Country
Winter Sport Football
was a very successful season for Football at Riverview. With numbers of participants increasing, we fielded two more teams this year than last. Five teams completed the GPS competition undefeated: the 1st XI, 5th XI, 7th XI, 15A and 14A; the College contributed an unprecedented five players to the combined CIS team: Thomas Keenan, Neil McCraith, Caleb Russell, Edmond Scougall and Daniel Stuart. Finally, the 1st XI completed the season undefeated and were crowned Premiers for the tenth time in 15 years of GPS football—an outstanding achievement. In addition to our success in the GPS competition this year, Football can boast of another special achievement: Year 9 student Christopher Chung was selected to represent Hong Kong in the U16 Asia Cup Football. Qualifiers, and is one of a very small handful of Riverview boys to represent a national football team in an official FIFA / AFC Tournament. Special thanks to all who have assisted in this year’s activities: the Director of Co-Curriculum, Mr John Frare, and Sportsmaster, Mr Andrew Szabo, GPS Football Convenor, Mr Chris Kitching, as well as the College’s groundsmen and maintenance staff; Combined Independent Schools Cup Convenor, Mr Dominique Helene, Mr Stephen Lawson of St Andrew’s Cathedral School and GPS Coaches and Masters-in-Charge. Finally, it would be remiss not to recognise the efforts of the teachers, parents, players and other interested parties who have worked to build Football at Riverview to its current level of recognition.
The Riverview Football squad sitting on the steps at Santa Maria de Montserrat
Inaugural European Football Tour, April 2013 The Inaugural European Football Tour, undertaken in April 2013, provided students with an intensive insight into football undertaken on a global scale and a broad view of cultural differences and insight into Ignatian history and an opportunity to interact with individuals from a range of backgrounds. While football was the focus, the tour provided students with a broad-ranging international experience. The group participated in attending La Liga (Spanish first division) and EPL matches; training at senior club training facilities conducted by academy staff from leading Spanish and English clubs; matches with club and school teams in a variety of conditions; stadium, museum and merchandise store tours of major Spanish and English Football clubs; sightseeing in significant world cities, including guided tours. The tours pointed out features of significant interest—former bull fighting
venues, the neighbourhoods in which Northern Ireland’s troubles were located, and visiting other cultural and architectural highlights, such as the La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona. We also visited Manresa and Montserrat, including a visit to the Black Madonna, noted in the story of Saint Ignatius. The tour party also had the opportunity to make personal links with the community at the Jesuit Clongowes Wood College and Bishop Heber School and Wimbledon College (an additional contact with a Spanish school was planned but not able to be carried through). There was also contact with a primary school in Belfast, where the Riverview boys were able to share their love of football and some basic drills with the younger children at the school. The boys accompanying the tour behaved impeccably and staff received several complimentary comments from people who had interactions with, or observed, the squad. Peter Steffan, MIC Football
Around the College Futsal
he second season of Futsal proved to be another success. The Senior teams played in the Northern Beaches Futsal Association competition. The Views Blues finished first in the competition, but the Riverview Blues team won the title with a comprehensive 4–1 victory in the grand final. During the competition, the teams played against each other in the Gartlan Centre on two Friday afternoons in front of many fans including parents, students and staff. A big thank you to Mr Hogan and Fr Ross for their support and presence on these occasions, as both matches turned out to be an outstanding exhibition of Futsal. Our Under 16s teams, the Riverview Boarders and Riverview Blue, competed in a competition at Five Dock Leisure Centre, with Riverview
Zach Roddy, Andrew Kernahan and Ned Lindsay
Blue playing the in Division 1 competition. Though the Boarders team started slowly, with many of the boys in the team having never played Futsal before, the team developed a wonderful style of play that was highly entertaining, and made the semi-finals. Our Under 15s team was a committed bunch, and the boys were pipped at the post in the grand final, losing 0–1. Similarly, our youngest team, the Under 14
Riverview Juniors team, lost the grand final 3–4, but is to be congratulated on being undefeated all season. I would like to congratulate all our boys on the way they represented the sport. Moreover, I would like to thank the coaching staff who gave the players the skills and confidence to compete successfully in all competitions: Jimmy Magill, Rob Stuart and Bruno Jasmeick—a big thank you. Sab Trovato, Futsal Co-ordinator
he 2013 Season was the first time the GPS Rugby season was played over two rounds. This presented the players and coaches with a unique experience of home and away fixtures against the other GPS schools. After a thorough pre-season, the majority of teams were prepared for the first round against Newington. Boys in every team and every age group showed great skill development and developed their game understanding throughout the season. Particular focus was paid this year to developing teams tactically, to play smarter rugby, recognise strengths and play to them and use the ball effectively when in possession. The majority of teams adopted this College-wide approach to play a brand of rugby that focuses on the positive
principles of play and sets a platform for strong attacking and defensive patterns. With close to 900 boys playing rugby at the College the depth and quality of rugby throughout the season was of the highest standard and many thanks to the dedicated and driven coaching staff who ensured
that each boy received a rugby education. A big thank you also to the support of the College Sportsmaster, Mr Andrew Szabo, and Director of Co-Curriculum, Mr John Frare, in their unwavering support of Rugby at the College. Travis Partridge, MIC Rugby
Winter Sport Snowsports
inter 2013 will be remembered for how often, and how quickly, the snow came and went. There can be quite an element of luck when skiing in Australia, and all things considered, we were really quite lucky.
The College Snowsports Camp in Thredbo in late June was a massive success, involving 57 students from Years 5–11, six members of staff and some quality skiing. Two weeks later, 32 Riverview boys competed in the Sydney Interschools Championships to great success: all up we recorded 16 top 10 finishes and 18 boys qualified for the State Championships. Held in the third week of August at Perisher Valley, the NSW Interschools competition was held in some challenging blizzard conditions, with 50 competitors on average in each event.
Tom van Dongen
he 2013 Volleyball season began with the addition of a new Under 16s team. Over the past year Volleyball has been growing, with more than 60 students trying out for a spot in the limited three teams. This year, our players showed lots of potential and new found talent in the game. Expectations were quite high in the beginning, having a very athletic team, though as the season progressed, the players realised that athleticism is just a very small aspect in a game of volleyball.
All up, we recorded ten Top 10 finishes, with eight of these being in the top five. There are a number of people to thank: Mr John Frare for his unfailing support, and for his drive to see that Snowsports not only continues at the College, but ultimately moves on to bigger and better things; Mr Adam Lewis who was instrumental in ensuring that our most successful and talented skiers and boarders were given every opportunity to compete at the highest level; Anthony Cook, Aaron Hooper, Simon Causley, Peter Colledge, and Geoff Tesoriero, who made the Snowsports Camp such a success with non-stop smiles, around the clock care, and infectious humour; And then there is Mrs Leisa Griffin. The mother of Year 10 student and skier Luke, and ultimately the person most responsible for ensuring that in 2013 the College had both a competitive, and successful, Snowsports team.There is not the slightest doubt that without Leisa’s efforts, the College would not have been represented as a school team in Interschools competition this season. Chris Baxter, MIC Snowsports
The year culminated in our inclusion at the NSW Schools Cup in October. A team of six, comprising Kris Silitonga, Derrick Byimira, Andrew Wewege, Jamie Szabo, Charlie Vaux and James Hayward, played five tiring games of Volleyball against some of the state’s best teams and placed fourth, a commendable effort especially for those who hadn’t played for over six weeks. We are hopeful to see more fresh faces with the inclusion of the U14s, U15s and an Open 3rds team in the GPS competition in 2014. In 2013, our captain, Kristopher Silitonga, has lead the team by example with his dedication to training and
improving his skills, along with helping others learn the basics and refining their strengths. The expansion of the sport can only happen when the players, coaches and parents have worked well as a team, so thank you to all involved. In particular to Sarah Harrisson, Jason Chow, Oli Konakoff and Oscar Konakoff for their excellent guidance of the players throughout the year. I would also like to personally thank the parents who have come to support the players this year; now you can add Volleyball to your repertoire of sport rules and regulations! Maryanne O’Donoghue, MIC Volleyball
Around the College Cycling
he Riverview Cycling team has had another great year, with the number of boys choosing the sport growing each year. In Term 4, 2013 we had 35 boys competing each Saturday against Waverley College, Knox Grammar School, Barker College and now The King’s School who have just joined our competition. Hopefully this is just the start of many more schools joining us to eventually make a full-on GPS cycling competition. This fourth term has also been very eventful because we have moved into our new shed. Our new home is absolutely fantastic. Each bike has a separate hook, there is room for 50 bikes and we have new tools and workbenches, lights and power. Thanks must go to Bob Marsh for helping us acquire such a valuable cycling resource.
has seen an improvement in the calibre of fencing at Saint Ignatius’ College, Riverview. Throughout the year many students participated in numerous individual and team events. The first major competition for the Junior fencers was the NSW Roberta Nutt Shield, at which Joshua Bennett won a silver medal.
I would like to thank the maintenance team for all their hard work, help and advice, and for all their patience in helping me set up our new home. Robert Luttrell in particular was instrumental in setting up the shed. Without Rob’s ideas and knowledge we would not have this great facility, a great asset to the College that will last for many, many years. Thanks also to Michael Grant for his fantastic
The first competition for Senior fencers was the A J Ray Shield event, at which the Senior team won bronze. There were a number of other exceptional results throughout the season. Joshua McKenzie finished in the top 16 of 60 fencers at the NSW Senior Schools Championships. Matthew Goodson won bronze in the U13 Division comprising of 54 fencers. At the NSW Schools Team Championships, our U15 Division
work with the new sign depicting our cycling motto in both Latin and Spanish that reads, “let us rejoice and let us be daring”. The wisdom behind this phrase comes from many hours of work from Mr Cornelius O’Donovan. It is people such as these, in addition to our coaches and boys, who make our sport such an enjoyable and successful one. Jeremy Bennett MIC Cycling
team of Christian Damiano, Oscar Eggleton and Marcus Pannozzo finished sixth; and the U13 Division ‘A’ team of Matthew Goodson, Joshua Bennett and Sacha Sapsford won a silver medal; and while they didn’t place, the U/13 Division ‘B’ team of Michael Byrne, Dean Fisher, Niroshen Abbey and Charles Tennyson put in a commendable effort. The annual Saint Ignatius’ College, Riverview Championship in August was a huge success, with the overall results as follows, in order of place: Seniors—Joshua McKenzie, Matthew Goodson, Christian Damiano; U15—Matthew Goodson, Christian Damiano, Oscar Eggleton; U13—Matthew Goodson; Joshua Bennett; Sacha Sapsford. I would like to congratulate all fencers for their effort and determination throughout the year Andrew Szandurski, MIC Fencing
Cross Seasonal Sport Taekwondo / Martial Arts
he history of Tae Kwon Do highlights that this form of martial arts was devised through a collaborative effort of practitioners in Korea. Today, collaboration remains a salient feature of the sport—it is one of a handful at Riverview that brings together boys from all years in friendly competition. The chance to train and spar with students from Barker College, The Shore School and Sydney Grammar School has resulted in friendships across traditional boundaries. Though we finished in fourth place at the 21st All Schools’ Tae Kwon Do Tournament this year, we were happy to see our training partners from Sydney Grammar take first place. At the tournament Michael Rodgers and Carlos Toda were gilded with gold medals, Nicholas Bosworth,
Nicholas Lucchese, Timothy Egger and Jesse Smith received silver, and Simon Lee, Euan Smith and Jonathon Barnes earned bronze. This was an impressive effort given the heat and the quality of their respective opponents. Another great indicator of success this season has been the grading of four of our senior boys as black belts: Matthew Stow, Michael Rodgers, Nicholas Bosworth and Thomas Lucchese all achieved this distinction at the end of first term.
The boys have benefited from the perceptive tutelage of Mr Greg Wylie who ensures that there is always variety and a gentle competitive aspect in our training sessions. Lincoln Mark complements this with challenging training sessions during the week. Thanks also to the parents who support the team throughout the year and to Messrs Szabo and Frare for their ongoing support for the squad. Mark Egger, MIC Taekwondo / Martial Arts
highlight of this year’s Tennis season was the opportunity for our boys to participate in an Asia-Pacific Tennis League and Clinic. About 12 boys, mostly Year 10 players, participated in the event at Sydney University, which was primarily organised by past student and Vice President of Sydney University Tennis Club, Michael Power (OR2008). Firstly our students toured the sporting facilities at Sydney University, and then were given a presentation on the University’s Elite Athlete Program. Following the talk the boys played an exhibition match against The King’s School, and later watched the first two matches in the Asia-Pacific Tennis League. Three Riverview Old Boys from the Class of 2008 were participating in the
Tennis students participated in an Asia-Pacific Tennis League and Clinic
League: David Barclay for Macquarie University Warriors; Michael Power for Sydney University Lions; and Scott Brown for the defending Premiers, Next Gen Rebels. We have some players of great potential in our ranks. Hopefully, our day at Sydney University will inspire many of our boys to work harder
on the tennis courts, but also more consistently in the classroom. The life of an elite athlete at University or anywhere else is never easy and it involves many sacrifices. Perhaps, some of our players will go on to take up this challenge. Richard Hart, MIC Tennis
Around the Community
A year of change, growth and achievement
very morning the Just Leadership program of Jesuit Social Services sends out the saying of the day. One of the best of this year, and given our privileged position as leaders – one that applies to all of us, students, parents, teachers, Old Boys is this one – written from the perspective of those we lead (our children, younger students, young Old Boys, our workmates and the community in general). A Word from the Led
And in the end we follow them – Not because we are paid, Not because we might see some advantage, Not because of the things they have accomplished, Not even because of the dreams they dream But simply because of who they are: The man, the woman, the leader, the boss Standing up there when the wave hits the rock Passing out faith and confidence like life jackets Knowing the currents, holding their doubts, Imagining the delights and terrors of every landfall: Captain, pirate and parent by turns, The bearer of our countless hopes and expectations. We give them our trust. We give them our effort. What we ask in return is that they stay true. William Ayot
It’s improbable, but the first thing a new member of the Old Ignatians’ Union should do is to become
OIU Indigenous Mentor Program Camp, November 2013
President. From that ‘lofty’ height the young person would see first hand the embodiment of all the expectations and obligations that befall a former student of Saint Ignatius’ College, Riverview. They would see all the work their brother members and OIU Community sisters put into making their local and international communities better places. And I must say what a humbling experience it has been over these last 12 months to see this work. It would be a great thing for the young person to come to realise that all the Ignatian Service and personal effort they put into their own education and co-curricular activity over the years is just a preparation for how those things will be used upon leaving school. 2013 was a year of change, growth and great achievement in the OIU. The goal of creating a closer OIU Community made up of old boys, parents, past parents, teachers, Jesuits and other Jesuit Missions with a special focus on youth has been continued. Our saddest moment came when we lost one of our Committee Members, Peter Costa (OR84) after a brave fight with cancer. We also lost a long-time champion Phil De Baun (OR55), at whose remarkable funeral and wake.
14 present and past OIU Presidents attended to pay their last respects to a great supporter and tireless worker for the Union. At the end of the year we also lost Life Vice President Darcy Hall (OR59), tireless worker for OIU and Indian Bazaar. January began as it always does with the 9th annual OIU Cana Communities Holiday Camp. 30 homeless and marginalised people and their volunteers were given the free run of the facilities and are looked after by Year 11 students from Riverview and Loreto Normanhurst. A fun time had by all. March saw the running of the inaugural Riverview Junior Regatta and the OIU, with support from the 1st XI Cricket team and parents raised funds for Life for Koori Kids at the BBQ. Four Indigenous Mentor Program BBQs were held. The program goes from strength to strength, with support from the school, and 34 boys being mentored by the OIU community (Old Boys, parents and friends) throughout their school life to provide support for them in the transition from school to adult life. The program culminated in the camp, which was, from all reports from leader John Allen (OR81), ‘brilliant’.
From the OIU President The OIU joined forces with Jesuit Social Services to present the Just Leadership series of speeches and networking breakfasts. With Michael Traill and Danny Gilbert talking about the common theme of how to live a just life as a leader and the benefits of bringing social justice activities into your working life we have started what is expected to be a well-attended activity not just for Old Boys but for all Ignatian-based education schools, Jesuit Parishes and friends with a special emphasis on senior school and university students. An exciting series is planned for next year. The Careers Expo and lecture series was very well attended. Old Boy and parent experts in their fields come to lecture Year 10-12 students on their topic to provide an insight into that career. The lecture series goes in a three year cycle which commences again next year. Five BBQs were run at home games this year. With the support of members as well as fathers (and a few mothers!) valuable funds we raised for the Bursary scheme. For the first time the OIU has guaranteed a minimum annual payment of $20,000 to the Bursaries and the BBQs go a long way to underwrite that significant commitment. Throughout the year two members run the majority of roster and management commitments for the Cana Communities homeless accommodation – Theresa House. Michael Woodham (Honorary Old Boy) and Dan Moran (OR86) work tirelessly to provide the opportunity for students, teachers, support staff and parents of the OIU Community for Ignatian Service.
Kirkpatrick who hung up his boots and duster this year after more than 40 years service. During the year the OIU facilitated numerous Cana Farm days for boys to complete Ignatian Service. The Farm is a brilliant initiative which brings together homeless and marginalised with the school communities and other helpers for their mutual benefits. This video shows what can be achieved. http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=-OYsO2Pk9O8 The Melbourne Cup lunch and Calcutta was a great way to raise funds as well as to have a good time. The lunch was well-supported by the College and parents. Thankyou to all involved. Sponsorships The OIU sponsored young Old Boys to assist with Year 11 immersions; provided valuable seed-funding to The Cardoner Project, a facility and formation program for young Old Boys; Cana Communities was assisted with payment of rent; Manjeri was commenced by young Old Boys to help communities in Uganda through the establishment of a school and chicken farm; we also sponsored the Old Ignatians Sports Association (OIUSA). In Brief The OIU also assisted in finding employment for boys in the SEIP program; raised funds for the Black Dog Institute; ran a successful
Golf Day; assisted with reunions in Brisbane and Perth, supported Old Boys in gaol; launched the new OIU Community website; and countless small but important pieces of work which go unsung but help to make the fabric of the school what it is. 2014 will continue the themes of OIU community development and youth accompaniment. The latter is of prime importance. We take our lead from the school and it in turn from the Jesuits. In closing I would like to pay tribute to the tireless work of the OIU Executive and General Committees. Their help, support and advice enabled the OIU to achieve much in its role and association with the school and its community. We welcome three new members to the status of Life Vice President. Rex Hoeben (OR60), Rob Hartman (OR67) and John Allen (OR81). These men have been recognised for more than 15 years service to the OIU as General / Executive committee members. Congratulations gents and thank you for your good work. I also thank the many parents, friends, teachers, Fr A V Smith SJ, Chaplain to the OIU, students and other Old Boys for their assistance. Thanks also to the College Development Office. Peters Herington and McLean, Janelle Handley, Lauren Sykes and Suzie Marks have all been a tower of strength and tireless workers and supporters for the OIU.
The Long Lunch was replaced by The Annual Dinner called ‘Back to View’. Held Charles (OR65), Nick (OR91), Jonas (OR96), Sam (OR97) and in August the dinner was very Dominic (OR2003) Cushieri and Michael (OR68), Sam (OR91), well attended and paid tribute Ben (OR93), Tim (OR96) and Edward (OR2000) Shepherd pose for to Honorary Old Boy Mr Les a photograph with Les Kirkpatrick at the OIU Annual Dinner
Last but not least the inexhaustible, remarkably stable and unflappable (in the face of adversity) professional and gracious Christine Zimbulis deserves a great deal of credit for the successful year just had. Thanks. Tim Gavan, OIU President Mobile: 0404 043 888 oiupresident@riverview .nsw.edu.au
Around the Community
A new Prime Minister
ongratulations are extended to Mr Tony Abbott (OR75) on his election to the office of Prime Minister of Australia. The College community extends its best wishes to Mr Abbott, whose political career has been marked by dedication and resilience.
The photo above shows Andy Roberts (OR10) with Prime Minister Tony Abbott (OR75) together in Uruzgan, Afghanistan. Andy is indigenous and attended Riverview from Years 10–12. Now in the Army, he is part of the 7RAR task group based in Adelaide but currently serving in Afghanistan. He met Mr Abbott during the Prime Minister’s visit to Uruzghan for a recognition ceremony
Mr Abbott is Tony Abbott (OR75), at a ceremony in the city, notices students the first Prime from Riverview and introduces himself to Ben Juergens, Damien Hayson, Minister to have and Charlie Gundy who were on a Year 9 Challenge been educated at Riverview (see page 47 for his current NSW Legislative Assembly. recollection of being taught by Fr The first Old Boy to be elected to an Emmet Costello SJ) but is not the only Australian Parliament was Bernard Riverview Old Boy or Jesuit-educated Henry Corser (OR1897) who was a Member of Parliament. dairy farmer from Queensland; an Dr David Gillespie (OR1975) and articulate speaker with a popular Barnaby Joyce (OR1985)—and three sense of humour and he was a wellother graduates of Australian Jesuit respected local member. He served for schools—Joe Hockey (St Aloysius’ an extraordinary 42 years, firstly in College), Bill Shorten (Xavier College) the Queensland Parliament from 1912 and Christopher Pyne (Saint Ignatius’ when he joined his father, Edward College – Adelaide) are all currently Corser. Edward then went to the Members of the Australian Parliament. Federal Parliament as the Member for Riverview has now produced 21 Wide Bay from 1915 until his death Parliamentarians in the various in 1928, whereupon, his son Bernard, Australian Federal and State was elected for the same seat, which Parliaments, including four in the he then held until 1954.
International wheelchair basketball bronze medallist
rom Riverview to Turkey! CJ Grogan (OR2011) was a member of the U23 Wheelchair Basketball team that represented Australia in the International Wheelchair Basketball Federation’s U23 Championships. Held in Adana, Turkey, in September, CJ and the team won the bronze medal in a tightly contested third place playoff against Great Britain—clinching the title by a mere two points!
Where are they now? Art4Agriculture Young Farming Champions 2013
Photographs: Art4Agriculture
iverview: producing the next generation of . . . cotton farmers? Two former boarders at Riverview, Ben Egan (OR2006) and Martin Murray (OR2011) have recently been named as two of Art4Agrciulture’s Young Farming Champions for 2013 in the category of cotton. Ben, a sixth generation cotton farmer, works on his family’s farm in Warren, while Martin is working in Moree and studying Rural Science at University of New England. Passionate about the future of agriculture in Australia, the Young Farming Champion award enables both Ben and Martin to join a network of young people who share a passion to tell others about the pivotal role Australian farmers play in feeding the world—an important discussion to be had.
Ben Egan (OR2006)
Martin Murray (OR2011)
Educating hearts
any of our readers may remember Bob Hanley. Bob was a teacher here at Riverview for 30 years; arriving first in 1972. Since retiring, he has spent the last six years or so writing a book on education. Together with his friend, Anthony Maher, (who was an exchange teacher to Riverview from Stonyhurst in 1998), Bob has taken the characteristics of Jesuit education as a foundation and developed a challenging approach to education for all schools. During his 30 years here at the College he developed a love for the Ignatian philosophy and the Jesuit way of proceeding in schools. The book, entitled Educating Hearts: 7 Left to right: Riverview past parent Diedre Thompson, Liberal Member for Hornsby, and Riverview Old Boy Matthew Kean (OR99); Former Riverview teacher and co-author of characteristics of a good school is filled with Educating Hearts, Bob Hanley; former Councillor on Sydney City Council, former Deputy real life experiences from his 50 years of Chancellor at Bond University and representative on the Gonski Review Panel, Kathryn teaching. It questions contemporary schooling Greiner AO; co-author of Educating Hearts, Dr Anthony Maher; Nationals Member for that is becoming dominated by academic Murrumbidgee and Minister for Education The Hon. Adrian Piccoli; Dr Maher’s son Finan examinations and ‘test score’ productivity and emphasises the argument that the world needs more ‘good’ people, not necessarily more ‘clever’ people. Published by St Pauls Publication, Educating Hearts would be a valuable read for administrators, teachers and parents.
Around the Community
Loyola Mass and Lunch
Elijah Williams speaking at the Bursary Thankyou Celebration
Bursary Thankyou Function
he annual Bursary Donors’ Mass and Celebration was held at the College in November and was an opportunity for the College to thank all who had donated to the Riverview Bursary Program in the past year. With the attendance of more than 200 guests, all present were fortunate to hear personal accounts from Elijah Williams, Tyrrel Freeman-Mafi and Michael McManus, who recounted their personal stories as recipients of the Bursary Program.
In the footsteps of Saint Ignatius
ictured here are Seth Godlewski, Fraser Perrott and Michael O’Sullivan, all from the Class of 2012, at La Creu de Sant Miguel, above the monastery at Montserrat, Spain. The boys made a mini Ignatian pilgrimage to Montserrat and Manresa, following in the footsteps of Saint Ignatius.
he Loyola Mass and Lunch is a chance for the College to thank and acknowledge special friends whose husbands have passed away. The name of this association honours the family name of Saint Ignatius of Loyola. This year approximately 50 guests attended Mass in the Dalton Chapel, followed by a lunch in Memorial Hall, which was also attended by some Year 10 students. Many thanks to Zac Roddy, Year 9, who provided some musical entertainment on the day. Maryan Bryant, wife of Michael Bryant (dec) (OR55) and mother of Nicholas (OR93), Rich (OR91) and Michael (OR89) made a heart-warming toast to the College, an extract of which is published below: I pray that my sons and my daughters will always live the example set in stone for them, so long ago…that of their father. They are spiritual beings. I therefore pray they live lives of integrity, of honesty of justice and of humour. I hope they remain forever gentlemen. They give and not too often count the cost. They are so truly ‘Men for Others’. Their success is measured as able husbands and fathers. It is measured in the practice of their busy, productive, active, balanced and generous lives. Such growth was neither envisaged nor dreamt about when in 1984, the first of our sons began his school life here…I sincerely hope Riverview will long continue to flourish, moving in accordance with the demands of these extraordinary times. May it continue to beckon and to evolve, to embrace, to educate and to challenge.
Zac Roddy (Year 9) entertaining guests at the Loyola Lunch
Community News
Cova Cottage has recently been completely reconstructed with a Function Room and viewing deck on the first floor
Cova Cottage Function Centre available for hire
he College has recently completed the re-construction of Cova Cottage. Cova Cottage now houses a sculling & sailing shed on the ground floor and function room and viewing deck on the first floor. The facility has already hosted two wedding receptions and many other dinners. The room seats 80 to 100 for a sit down function and up to 150 for a cocktail function. The venue has extensive views of the Lane Cove River looking at the city in one direction and towards St Joseph’s College in the other direction. For a small to medium sized reception, Cova Cottage is an ideal location for you to celebrate your nuptials or other special occasions. For enquiries and bookings, please contact Mr Mark White, Facilities, Grounds and Gardens Manager on 0417 204 841 or mawhite@riverview.nsw.edu.au
Past Parents The Past Parents Annual Lunch was held at the Four Seasons hotel in August and was well attended by over 120 former Riverview parents. The 2003 parents used the occasion for their 10 year reunion and filled over three tables. Perhaps the 2004 parents can outdo this attendance next year. We were very fortunate to have Gail O’Brien as our guest speaker. Gail’s talk was motivating and inspiring to all of us.
Dalton at the end of this year. I would like to thank the committee for its great support and enthusiasm over the past two years and wish Anne and the committee every success in the future. David and Paula Rowe
Fr Ross Jones SJ introduced our new principal Dr Paul Hine who was also addressed the lunch participants. This is my last report as President as I will be handing over to Anne
Diary Date: the Mass and light luncheon will be held on Monday 17 Febuary. This is a great opportunity to revisit the college and catch up with other past parents. Diane Edwards, President Past Parents Association
Around the Community Class of 1953: 60 Year Reunion
small group from the Class of 1953, gathered for Mass and lunch. Some travelled from as far afield as the ACT, Dubbo and Wagga Wagga to spend the day with their classmates. They spoke of how proud they were to be back at the College, some for the first time in many years and all were keen to hear what’s happening around the College. Many have had sons attend Riverview and many are now grandparents of boys attending today. After such an enjoyable day the Class of 1953 is keen to catch up again in 2014.
Class of 1963: 50 Year Reunion
n 27 September about 30 of us gathered at Riverview for a pre-luncheon 90 minute walking tour of the College. Many had not been back for 20+ years, and a couple had never been back. Much reminiscing: and all were impressed with the refurbished old buildings and the new facilities.
Then we joined other classmates. About 60 sat down for lunch to celebrate our 50th Reunion in the new Cova Cottage Facility, built
Gregan McMahon proposed a toast to the College at the 60 Year Reunion
on the site of the old Cova Cottage above the College wharf. It was a magnificent lunch, and the casual day with great river views, and sparkling weather, provided the ingredients for much catching up and exchanging of contact addresses. Keith Hartman took many excellent photos and posted them to a Google website, so if anyone would like the link, email me at jlhayes@ bigpond.com We also had apologies from about 60 classmates, a very large number of whom were on overseas holidays. A few were not there because of poor health. We have been able to track down
most of our Classmates where we previously had no current address; and now have very few with ‘address unknown’. We also remembered 10 of our classmates who have died: Geoff Davidson, Roger Gerstel, Monte Gildea, Geoff Hartigan, Richard Healy John Jones, Bill McKenzie, Michael Montgomery, Terry Saleh and John Williams. We ended up making a surplus on the day, and so can now make a contribution to Class Bursaries of about $1,200. John L Hayes for the organising Committee
The Class of 1963 posed for a formal photograph on the College foreshore during their 50 Year Reunion
Reunions Class of 1973: 40 Year Reunion
he Class of 1973 held their 40 Year Reunion on 24 August 2013 at the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron at Kirribilli. The reunion was attended by 64 old boys out of a graduating class of approximately 100 students. We heard speeches from Peter Baudish, Myles Coolican and Jon Greathead. A minutes silence was held to acknowledge the passing of men from our class. We have now lost eight from our year. We were guests of John Maclurcan who is a Life Member of the Squadron and we were grateful to John for his invitation to hold the event there. We were provided with an area of our own and enjoyed cooking dinner with old friends at the bistro barbeque. There were
Riverview in Asia
ector Fr Ross Jones, Director of Boarding Mr Guy Masters and Principal Dr Paul Hine recently travelled to Hong Kong and Singapore to see the many alumni who form part of the extensive Jesuit community throughout the world. The purpose of the visit, entitled ‘Riverview in Asia’, was to join the wider Ignatian family, many of whom are current and future parents of boys in the boarding house at the College. 25 of the boys in boarding have parents who live in different parts of the world but
Leigh Dobson, Rick Randell, Peter Baudish and James De Siun at the 40 Year Reunion
a number pleasing aspects of the night. We were delighted to see that we had five Old Boys attending who had not previously been to a reunion. Barry Ryan continued his outstanding commitment to our year by travelling from Kenya for the fourth time in 40 years to attend. It is always a treat to hear of
Barry’s activities in Africa. The night was still firing along at 11.00pm and good group of us kicked on at the Kirribilli Hotel. Every reunion we are encouraged by the enthusiasm of the number who attend and look forward to the next one.
there is a concentration of Old Boys and current parents living in both Singapore and Hong Kong.There are also a number of parents who are Australian citizens who have expressed interest in attending a boarding forum, with a clear desire to join the Riverview community into the future. More than 50 alumni and parents attended the gathering in Hong Kong, and the visit has made it clear that Riverview commands a significant profile in South East Asia and that the College is held in a very high regard as a ‘school of excellence’—the latter a feature of Jesuit education throughout the world.
Riverview in the Hunter
n 10 November around 75 families attended the third annual Riverview in the Hunter Picnic Day at Ram Station, the home of current parents Andrew and Jo Melville. Jo and Andrew very kindly supplied a lamb for the spit, and many local community members helped out on the day. People came from as far as Dubbo and Warren, with Paul and Ann Hine and Gus and Anna Masters travelling from Sydney. Save the Date: Andrew and Jo have offered to host this event again in 2014 so put Sunday 9 November 2014 in your diaries!
Please enter the following dates in your diary: Friday 11 April 2014
Class of 1969 45 year reunion (Cova Cottage)
Saturday 17 May 2014
Riverview in Dubbo (venue to be announced)
Tuesday 27 May 2014
Class of 1928–1963 Nostalgia Mass & Lunch (Dalton Chapel / Memorial Hall)
Saturday 14 June 2014
Riverview in Harden (venue to be announced)
Tuesday 17 June 2014
Class of 1954: 60 Year Reunion (Dalton Chapel/Parlour)
Saturday 23 August 2014
Class of 1984: 30 Year Reunion (Cova Cottage)
Friday 26 September 2014
Class of 1954: 50 Year Reunion (Saint Ignatius’ College venue to be announced)
The Development Office can assist with the organisation of your reunion. For further information, contact Christine Zimbulis, Alumni & Special Events Manager on 02 9882 8595 or cszimbulis@riverview.nsw.edu.au
Family Celebrations Baptisms
JANUARY Mila, daughter of Nina and Christopher Dunn (OR92)
FEBRUARY Canice Kinnane (OR2000) and Edwina Biancardi
Hamish, son of Anne and Matthew Berry (OR98)
Timothy Corcoran (OR2003) and Laura Thomas
FEBRUARY Eva, daughter of Erin and Michael Webb (Staff)
MARCH Sam Fay (OR97) and Andrea Wang
Ormond, son of Camilla and Jason Keighery (OR91) George, son of Brooke and Michael Palmer (OR96)
Mark Story (OR2002) and Claire Wilkinson
MARCH Primrose, daughter of Pollyanna and Henry Burke (OR99)
Harriet, daughter of Rebecca and Samuel Cuschieri (OR97)
Lachlan, son of Tara and James Curtin (OR99)
OCTOBER Edward, son of Emma and Timothy Knapp (OR2000)
MAY Pia, daughter of Anna-Jean and Nicholas Byrne (OR94) Bianca, daughter of Nicole and James Wedesweiler (OR94) Valentina, daughter of Glorija and Davide Cantali (OR97) Alexandra, daughter of Patricia and Matthew Nichols (OR94) JUNE Kiera, daughter of Sarah and Lewis Speers (OR97) Andrew, son of Natalie and Andrew Lukas (OR97) JULY Henry, son of Cassandra and Liam Muller (Staff)
NOVEMBER William, son of Louwana (Staff) and Joseph Saba Thomas, son of Danielle and Damien Wardell (OR94)
APRIL Christopher Partington (OR2003) and Bianca Chidrawi JUNE Philip Montano (OR97) and Elizabeth Thomas JULY Patrick Mcglynn (OR96) and Anna O’Brien AUGUST Sean Timmony (OR95) and Emma Clack
William, son of Lara and Michael Cullen (OR94)
SEPTEMBER Patrick Hull (OR2005) and Josephine Douglas
Madeline, daughter of Claire and Nathan Orie (OR2001)
Mark Story (OR2002) and Claire Wilkinson
Sienna, daughter of Fiona and Paul Haycraft (OR98)
Damon Edmonds (OR2002) and Eve Kenny
DECEMBER Lachlan, son of Sarah and Damian Stephenson (OR97)
OCTOBER Rhys Tame (OR2003) and Justine Yates Daniel James (OR95) and Jillian McKay
Jessica, daughter of Catherine and Robert Ward (OR88)
Daniel Cook (OR98) and Sarah Gaydon
AUGUST Thomas, son of Hannah and Edward Flitcroft (OR85)
NOVEMBER Timothy Barry (OR97) and Loretta Bressi
Charles, son of Claudia and Andrew McInerney (OR93)
DECEMBER Thomas Payten (OR2001) and Amy Robertson
SEPTEMBER Nicholas, son of Philipa and Daniel Concannon (OR91) Elliott, son of Antonette and Daniel Johnston (OR94)
Daniel Johnston (OR94), Elliott, Harry and Antonette
David Buttenshaw (OR2000) and Chloe Finley
Parents and Friends
We should be proud of what we’ve achieved
t is amazing to think that it is almost a year since I took on the role of President of the P&F. In many speeches during that time and articles that I have written I have spoken of the spirit of ‘community’ being at the core of what we do in the P&F. One thing that is very clear to me having almost completed my term is that without that sense of community, of the banding together of people with a common cause, I could not have been able to fulfil my responsibilities as President. The year has been a great experience. The P&F took some different directions this year, and embarked upon a number of new fundraising events. The first of these was the Dad’s Wine Auction held at the end of May. Whilst there were times during the planning for the evening when we wondered if we would actually make it, the event ended up being a huge success. We raised over $81,000 on the evening with the funds being dedicated to the school for the purchase of a bus. Special mentioned should go to the organising committee ably led by the current year’s P&F Treasurer, Derek Lindsay, and the very generous donors to the evening which included Hugh Bonnefin who did all the wine logistics and donated the wine for consumption on the night, and Mark Rogers and Greg Mackay who donated all the beer on the evening. This event was followed by another first – a joint function between the College, the OIU and the P&F – the MasterClass Lunch at the SCG in July. The setting for the lunch was stunning and the event was a great success and raised over $65,000 to support our co-curriculum program at the school. Thanks
Year 12 mums in Orange
go to Michael Fahey who gave up a huge amount of his time to organise this event, and all the other donors and contributors. The Winter Canteens this year were also a great hit with the revised format of the GPS Rugby competition giving us more weekends to open the canteen at the Father Mac Pavilion. In total these raised approximately $16,000. The canteens were able organised and run by the Year Co-ordinators, led by Tricia Cobb (a tireless and on-going supporter of the P&F), and supported by Simone Robertson and her team from the College. The excellent performance at all of our events means that financially the P&F is in a strong position at the end of our financial year. Whilst at the
time of writing this article we have yet to have the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the P&F at which we will ratify the total funds to be donated to the College and the Bursary Program, our draft proposal is that a total of $145,000 will be donated, not including the approximately $33,000 already raised for the school through our involvement in the Co-curriculum lunch. We will also be leaving the P&F in a stronger financial position with an ending cash balance of over $32,000 ensuring that next year’s committee has a good start. Included in the proposed donation is a ‘P&F Bursary’ – this was a decision made at last year’s AGM and represents a six year commitment to the Bursary Program ($30,000 each year for a position from Year 7 through to Year 12 inclusive). Providing a named bursary position provides certainty to the Bursary program and reflects strong feedback that the Program is a worthy recipient of the P&F’s funds. In summary, we should all be proud of what the P&F has achieved this year – and we’ve done this as a community – that same word I used in the opening paragraph. Without the contributions by parents and friends of their time and effort, even if it is just helping out for a couple of hours at the View Café at the Indian Bazaar, or manning our tents at the Gold Cup, every little bit of effort adds up to one enormous result.
P&F President Matty Lunn (right) hands over cheques to Fr Ross Jones SJ worth $30,000 for the Bursary Program and to Dr Paul Hine worth $125,000, for the purchase of a bus for the College
I’d like to thank all of you who helped out during the year, and in particular the Executive Committee who supported me during my term. Matty Lunn, P&F President
Around the Community
‘The Matador’ from the Jesuits (The only Australian Professional Bullfighter)
t is extremely rare that one finds a man who is brilliant academically and at the same time brilliant as a sportsperson—such a person is Christopher D. Meagher (OR52). Chris was runner-up Dux in 1952 and received a maximum pass in the Leaving certificate (now HSC). From Riverview he proceeded to St John’s College, Sydney University to study Arts / Law where he always in the top three or four with Distinctions and High Distinctions. Of course one would expect this achievement academically as Chris is the brother of Roddy Meagher, distinguished Lawyer/ Judge of the Supreme Court and who received the University Medal for the Law Faculty. Chris’s younger brother Phillip was also a Lawyer and no slouch either. Peter, the eldest brother, was an outstanding businessman in the Riverina area and ran one of the John Meagher & Sons chain of stores in Temora. It seemed superlative talents ran in the family. Chris, with all the talents of his siblings, excelled more than the others in sport. At Riverview he was in the 1sts in football, cricket and athletics for two years. He was also tennis champion and is one of three of us in the 50s who attained four colors in four different sports in the one year. At University he was in the first football team and was University champion in boxing in three different weights: middle, lightheavy and heavy. He was an A grade squash and tennis player. There was nothing he could not excel in that he had not tried! Yet there was! He was to become the only Australian professional bullfighter in Spain for seven years in most of the major bullfighting arenas especially in Pamplona and Seville, he obtained 30 ears—worthy of any Spanish professional bullfighter. What an achievement! Most of us are horrified at the thought of getting into the ring with a savage bull, bred to kill. Not Chris! If ever there was an aphorism that lived up to the motto ‘Dare to achieve’ it was this intrepid man. Even more remarkable, unlike most matadors, he was not petite. Chris was 6’1” a strong build and a better target for those raging bulls. Because of his innate skills and courage he survived any very serious injury. He plays golf well at 78 years of age regularly at Royal Sydney Golf Club. Of all the brilliant men who have gone through Riverview, Chris rates as one of the most brilliant all-rounders —and, I have known most of them during the 1940s to the 70s. This story has not been told before probably because of Chris’s genuine modesty and being somewhat taciturn. He never brags about his outstanding and unique achievements. I had to cajole him somewhat to allow me to write this article for the Ignatian – but it needs to be told, not just for Old Ignatians of Chris’ era but for the current students who will be simply amazed. It is a pleasure and privilege as a friend to write about such feats. Terry A Pfafflin (OR54)
Requiescat in Pace Fr Emmet Costello SJ
he would continually assert, was the one permanent value in our lives. No one else ever spoke to me about those things, especially with regard to money.
or years we never really knew with Emmet; was he great or was he a bit of a crack-pot? He spoke of great things yet, like Don Quixote, so often appeared as almost a caricature of greatness. Yet as the years have passed most, if not all, remember him as a significant figure. His gestures, mannerisms and affectations seem to strike through years of memory with great clarity. Perhaps a reason for this was that Emmet was a man who spoke of, and was interested in, the grand gestures of life. When Emmet got up to give his homilies he would do so with the demeanour of a Napoleonic general. Emmet would deliver his ideas with emphatic clarity, having spent hours whittling his ideas down to a refined yet direct simplicity. He was labelled by many as a right wing, conservative, yet spoke with great contempt of the far right. He championed liberal moderates such as Cardinal Martini. When I asked him recently what he thought of the new pope, Francis, he replied, ‘Hopefully
Fr Emmet Costello SJ with Pope John Paul II
the Church will finally get the overhaul it’s been waiting for’. Perhaps the greatest criticism aimed at him was that he catered to the rich. Emmet had come from an immensely wealthy background and yet, had also left all that behind to live the life of poverty. Few of his detractors, as far as I could see, had made a sacrifice of that scale. There is no doubt Emmet loved to talk about money; however, for me, as a young man from a privileged background, his message was always about the transitory and fickle nature of money, here one day, gone the next, not its glory or shine. Christ,
There is also no doubt he was elitist. Though, what impressed me was not an elitism directed towards the rich and famous but rather to those who have achieved feats of greatness. Churchill, Talleyrand, St Thomas More, Napoleon . . . were talked about like old friends, yet their greatness paled in significance to what he considered the true greats in history, the saints. Ultimately, however, he always led his conversations to his greatest hero, the one he constantly encouraged us to consider as a brother, Christ. If Emmet sounded a bit crazy, disconnected to the everyday, or elitist, it’s because his eyes were focused on a reality of brilliance. Emmet believed in humanity and ardently believed that God had designed us to achieve great things. Laughable as this all may seem to be to most, many of us saw the twinkle in those eyes and loved him dearly for it. He shall be greatly missed. Daniel Dominguez (OR89)
The following is an extract of a piece written by Tony Abbott (OR75) which was published in The Australian. My first recollection of Emmet was his suggestion, wonderful to a sybaritic boy in Year 10, that going to Mass more often would be a far more worthy Lenten discipline than giving up chocolate. For me, this quickly developed into a settled practice of frequent Mass-going. Quite apart from any sacramental grace, particularly in tougher times, this regular period of calm has been an important element in mental health. These days, alas, the occasional weekday Mass has become something to offset against frequently missed Sunday Mass – and Emmet’s wise observation has become corrupted into a kind of self-serving bargain with God. For Emmet, religion was never a checklist of dos and don’ts. He had taken to heart the gospel message that God’s son had come on earth so that we ‘might have life and have it to the full’. He invariably had more time for youngsters who kicked over the traces from abundance of high spirits than for those who were less tempted to break the rules. In the end, he always seemed to imply, it was better to have a go at things, at the risk of making mistakes, than to dare little for fear of failure. The greatest sins were the result of hardness of heart: the ‘sins against love’, he called them. It was hardly textbook Catholicism but highly pastoral and kept many people going to Mass and in touch with their faith. To those assailed by doubt, he offered the centurion’s prayer: Lord I believe; help my unbelief. Emmet sometimes joked that celibacy meant that he hadn’t had to break women’s hearts. I suspect that the absence of children was what he found hardest to bear. On the other hand, not having a family of his own meant that everyone who needed his help could become his family. Emmet had a spiritual family, if you like, numbering in the tens of thousands. We are all the poorer for his passing but so much the richer for his living.
Requiescant in Pace Philip Patrick Kearins (OR40)
died on 22 July 2013. Husband of Phyllis.
Donal Anthony Nolan (OR40)
died on 17 August 2013. Donal (Don) Nolan, passed away peacefully at the RSL Remembrance Village Wagga Wagga. Formally of The Rock (NSW) Don is survived by his wife Helen, children Kerrie, Sally, John and Alex. Dad’s stories of his time at Riverview were many and varied and each time a new person walked into Dad’s life, they heard those stories, many of them multiple times! Dad would read his copy of the Ignatian from cover to back and would always share a story or two with Helen or his children. He was so proud to be a ‘Riverview Old Boy’. Dad was a wonderful husband, father, brother and friend to all who were fortunate to meet him. He was a gentle man who loved life and always had a smile on his face. He will be sadly missed by all.
Sally Nolan
Greg Heffernan (OR42) died on 28 October 2013. Husband of Geraldine; father of Garry (OR68) and Vince (OR82); brother of Frank (OR38), Patrick (OR39 deceased) and Laurence (OR48); Grandfather of Gregory (OR2010) and Alex (Year 11) Parnell. Thomas Gerald Quinn (OR42),
brother of Paul (OR48) (deceased), died on 14 November 2013.
John Eric Francis Gardener (OR46) died on 23 June 2013.
Brother of Justin (OR53) and uncle of Paul (OR83). The eldest of three boys, John was born in Hankow, China and boarded at Riverview during World War II, beginning in 1941 and staying until after 1945. Entering Sydney University after some time at Stonyhurst, John resided at St John’s College and completed a Bachelor of Science. He paid his own way through university by working as a Sydney trams conductor and selling ice-creams and chocolates in the cinemas. After graduating university John spent his life working as a geophysicist with the Bureau of Mineral Resources, spending much time on mineral exploration in the
Australian Outback and in Papua New Guinea. He loved this life, with its camaraderie in the quiet of the Australian bush with its unique birds and flora. After retiring, John moved to West Pymble to be closer to family. Diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 1999, he fought the pain and suffering valiantly. In August 2010, when he could no longer properly care for himself, he moved to Killara Gardens Aged Care, where he was loved for his quirky sense of humour and where he was well cared for by its staff. He was always quite content with his own company. He loved all the natural sciences, birds and the bush. He loved mathematical games, crosswords and chess, which he played to a high standard. He loved travelling and travelled extensively after he retired. Passionate about Classical instrumental music, he was a subscriber to the Sydney Symphony Orchestra and the Australian Chamber Orchestra. He was an avid reader of fiction, science fiction, history, travel, astronomy and science. John loved our family, my wife Anne, our children and grandchildren. He was highly intelligent, quiet, with a very enquiring mind and a dry wit. He never did anything without thinking through the consequences first. He was thoughtful, a good neighbour and a good man, who did no one harm. Justin Gardener (OR53)
Peter Eric Boon, OAM (OR47)
died on 9 June 2013.
Jacques (Jim) Faure-Brac (OR50) died on 1 March 2013. Father of Paul (OR82) and Gerard (OR89).
Richard Messenger (OR53)
Nephew of the great Dally Messenger, died 13 July 2013 on the Gold Coast, aged 77 years. In the 40s and 50s, Riverview was more a boarding school than a school for day pupils. So often, not by me, the boarders would look upon day pupils as secondrate students—they weren’t of course, and they certainly are not today. One of the prominent day pupils was Richard
(Dally) Messenger, nephew of famous Rugby player Dally Messenger. He was particularly gifted in maths and could recite the 13th & 14th tables, not just forward but backwards, at the age of 14 years. He was that clever he would do his homework on the bus, after writing notes on the back of his hand. He played A grade tennis on Saturdays and ‘Badge’, along with myself, at White City Club. He was clearly the best table tennis player at Riverview in 1953 and could teach Dave Ragg and myself a ‘trick or two’. His brother was the Aust Table Tennis Champion. However, for some reason or other, unlike his famous uncle, he did not play rugby. Richard (Dick) put his financial skills to good use on the stockmarket and Financial Ventures as well as being a successful punter. He could tell you off the top of his head what the odds ought to be at Randwick. He was popular at Riverview and in tennis circles and was a real character, often listening to the races on the portable while playing tennis. Vale. Terry A Pfafflin OR54
Michael ‘Mick’ Clifford (OR 54)
died on 2 October 2013 aged 76 years. It is easy to write nice things about a nice person—that is not to say that I do not feel a great deal of melancholy never the less. Michael Clifford was an outstanding man, and with an outstanding character—I don’t think he had a mean fibre in his body. I recall very vividly a ‘swim off’ we had for third place in the swimming team in 1954 (Lionel Bannister and Johnny Coombs were clearly the best swimmers and were numbers 1 and 2 in the team—there were only three in the team in those days). He beat me in the ‘swim off’ and said ‘Pfaff I’m sorry I beat you’! How many people would say that and genuinely mean it? But this was the pre-eminent quality of his character, his genuineness. He did not have an alter ego (protective blanket)—what you saw was what you got.
Requiescant in Pace Mick was generous, outgoing and gregarious and a very likable man, with a little bit of villainous about him. He was a good all-rounder not only in sport but academically. He played in most first teams, rugby and cricket, and was in the swimming team. Mick seemed to be always smiling and never had a bad word to say about anyone. He was popular with everyone and a shining example of a Jesuit-educated boy. His nickname was ‘Milky’, aptly named because of his white ‘milky’ hair (not grey!) Michael will be sorely missed by many of his friends from Riverview and the Pharmaceutical field. There were three generations of Cliffords who owned the Tumut Pharmacy—a highly respected and liked family. He leaves behind his loving and dedicated wife Anne, children Sam, Fi and Lu, a brother and sister and many grandchildren. RIP my dear friend. Terry A Pfafflin OR54
Anthony Christopher Coombes (OR54) died on 10 June 2013 in Toronto, Ontario.
Lloyd Patrick Ryan (OR56) died
on 31 August 2013. Husband of Sally and father of Justin (OR87). Lloyd commenced at Riverview as a boarder from Wagga Wagga in 1956. In his starting year he was a standout breakaway in our Third Division Black colour team and was instrumental in taking us through the Colour competition undefeated. He also played in the 13A team that year and was a member of A teams until his ability saw him play for the 1st XV. Lloyd’s tenacity, in spite of his comparatively small stature, saw him attain a high level of achievement in rugby, rowing and athletics and earned the highest respect from his fellow competitors and opponents. In military terms, you would like to have him with you ‘in the trenches’. He was quick-witted, gracious, thoughtful, mindful of others. He never shirked his responsibility and
was a whole-hearted and constructive contributor. In later years, Lloyd’s presence on the OIU golf tours organised by Tony Clark was looked forward to and appreciated, his comments in discussions around the dinner table inevitably added life to the evening’s procedures. Though his mobility was often restricted, he participated on the golf course wholeheartedly and fairly. Lloyd spent virtually all of his life after school in and around Wagga Wagga, where he was well respected by not just his beloved Wagga Waratahs team-mates, but by the community. He was a very successful grazier, stock breeder, trader and dealer and his opinions in those areas were highly sought after. Lloyd’s funeral at Saint Michael’s Cathedral in Wagga Wagga on 5 September 2013 was well attended by quite a diverse selection of people, all paying tribute to a man who will be sadly missed but fondly remembered. Many of Lloyd’s former class and schoolmates from Riverview attended to pay him the respect he so highly deserved. He is survived by his devoted and caring wife Sally, his daughters Victoria, Georgina and Emma-Kate and by his son Justin (OR87) and their families. Paul Sheridan (OR56)
James (Darcy) Hall (OR59)
died on 1 November 2013. Much loved husband of Lindy; loving father and father-in-law of Matthew (OR85) and Melinda, Samantha and Les, Chris (OR96) and Katie; loving grandfather of Jackson, Aubrie, Danica and Heidi; brother of Felicity, Mary, Robert and Michael.
John Joseph (OR69), died on 12
August aged 62. Husband of Annie. Father of Andrew (OR2000), David (OR2002), Tom (OR2004) and Lucy. Bother of Vincent (OR67) and Glen (OR72). He was related to the many Josephs who were at Riverview from the 1940s.
Richard (Rick) Randell (OR73)
died on 26 November 2013 in Brisbane. After leaving school, Rick studied accountancy part time whilst working at Colgate’s in Balmain. Soon after marrying in 1982 at Saint Ignatius’ College, Riverview he and Donna moved to Brisbane where they raised their four boys Damien, Matthew, Thomas and Cameron, who all attended St Joseph’s College (Gregory Terrace) with distinction.
Rick continued working as an accountant in Brisbane, the last 16 years being at Rivermount College where he become Bursar. Rick attended many Riverview reunions held in Brisbane, and the Class reunions in Sydney including his 40th in August just gone which he enjoyed immensely in spite of his illness. Rick is universally remembered by his classmates as having a great sense of humour, being a true gentleman, a gentle and good man, and are proud to be counted as his friends. Richard’s two sisters are Barbara Mulcahy (son Nick OR2011) and Virginia Greiner (son Simon OR98) who also have a long association with Riverview.
Daniel Kevin Batty (OR88)
died on 17 June 2012. Husband of Kerry and father of Alexia and Mitchell. Daniel went to University in Launceston Tasmania to study Air Sciences, and went on to become an Air Traffic Controller. After graduating he came home and spent some months at Sydney Airport, and was then transferred to Melbourne Airport, where he met his wife, and lived until his death in 2012.
Stephen Michael Haine (OR93) died on 5 January 2013. Son of Cleo and Michael, brother of Marnie and Ashley (OR91).
Oliver James Fox (OR2006) died on 18 October 2013. Son of Liz and Noel (OR74); brother of Sebastian (OR2008).
The College extends its sympathy to all members of the Riverview family who have lost loved ones. While every care is taken with the accuracy of these obituaries we cannot accept responsibility for errors in material provided in good faith.
Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam To the greater glory of God
he Magis Window is about aspiration, where seeking is a noble intent. It calls upon one to do more, always extending oneseld for the greater glory of God. It is an expression of aspiration and inspiration, to go beyond and accordingly the metaphorical symbol employed here is that of an opening flower, aspiring towards the light. The words ‘To the greater glory of God’ in relatively bold text are cast into the glass surface in both Latin and English. ‘Magis’ Magis is Latin for ‘more’, and asks individuals to question: what more can I do for God? What more can I do for others? Saint Ignatius of Loyola used the word to urge others to live more generously and in doing so give greater glory to God. In this way, the term is related to but not taken from, the Latin phrase Ad majorem Dei gloriam which means ‘For the greater glory of God’. Magis is best understood as a lifestyle rather than an act or series of acts which demonstrate a person’s commitment to the ‘more’. Magis is an Ignatian term, and for Ignatius it is a relationship word, meaning that it applies in personal relationships, both with God and with others, in terms of love. It is through this love that the proper meaning to ‘more’ is found, love given freely, in generosity, and always in reverence to God. Through discernment of spirits, as described in Ignatius’ Spiritual Exercises, one must order his or her desires so that they are in line with what God desires – both in what is desired and in the way that is desired. With an emphasis on aligning our desires with God’s, pursuit of magis can be for the greater glory of God rather than being driven by pride or selfishness. Aristotle’s virtue of the mean can be applied to Ignatius’ view of magis in which virtuous action is Artist’s preliminary drawing always an intermediate state between extremes. To embody magis, an individual for the ‘Magis’ Window’ stained glass window in the should not seek to be God nor be driven by the desire for more like we see Dalton Memorial Chapel in consumer society ‘have to do more, want to be more’, pride and upward mobility, but should try to love in the image of God and conform to the will of God in the way that it is possible for each individual. Magis is concerned that what we choose in our everyday lives will contribute to our life of love and service to God and others. In this sense magis is a ‘continuous quality improvement . . . suggesting the spirit of generous excellence in which ministry should be carried on’. Origin in the Spiritual Exercises The concept of magis is derived from the First Principle and Foundation from Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola. This principle states ‘The human person is created to praise, reverence, and serve God Our Lord, and by so doing to save his or her soul . . . We should desire and choose only what helps us more towards the end for which we are created.’ Though magis is never specifically mentioned in the Spiritual Exercises, it is seen through Saint Ignatius’ diction when using words such as more or greater. Throughout the rest of his Spiritual Exercises, Saint Ignatius encourages people to examine ‘What have I done for God? What am I doing for God? and What MORE can I do for God?’
Reprinted from the ‘Magis’ page: ignatianwiki
d Maiorem Dei Gloriam To the greater glory of God