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Living Stones: Building for Ministry, our capital campaign to preserve and renew Saint Mark’s Cathedral, was officially launched on September 14. Our goal for the campaign is to raise sufficient funds to renovate and enhance our Cathedral. By improving our building, we will preserve the legacy we have inherited from previous generations of worshippers, while creating a space that supports a sustainable future for our parish, nurtures our many ministries, and proclaims a joyous welcome to the city of Seattle and the Northwest. The impetus behind this campaign is compelling: our building is in urgent need of repairs. Beyond this, we will implement energy-efficient building enhancements, and ultimately create a more welcoming entrance to our Cathedral that mirrors the welcome we extend to all who approach our doors. In late July, our Vestry approved the designs and budget estimates presented by the architectural firm Olson Kundig, which were showcased in a parish forum on July 13. These projects include cladding the exterior cathedral walls in limestone, replacing the nave windows with energy efficient models, installing radiant floor heating, creating a beautiful glass narthex for the east entrance

LIKE LIVING STONES, LET YOURSELVES BE BUILT INTO A SPIRITUAL HOUSE , TO BE A HOLY PRIESTHOOD, TO OFFER SPIRITUAL SACRIFICES ACCEPTABLE TO GOD THROUGH JESUS CHRIST. 1 PETER 2 : 5 and a new ancillary building for the southeast corner, and re‑landscaping the front garden. To this end, we have established the Living Stones: Building for Ministry capital campaign, which we will combine with our annual stewardship program. This fall, we will think and pray about our gifts to support both of these campaigns. In December, we will all be asked to make both a oneyear annual pledge and a special pledge (up to three years) for the capital campaign. After establishing strong support for Living Stones: Building for Ministry in our parish, we will reach out to our diocese and the broader community in 2015.

There are many different ways to participate in the campaign. Campaign Co-chairs John and Carol Hoerster are happy to explore roles that match your interests. They can be reached at: 206·323·2475 or via e-mail: or

Campaign Co-chairs John & Carol Hoerster

Honorary Co-chairs Cabby & Hyde Tennis

Honorary Co-chairs Mary Coon & Mel Butler




Campaign Consecration

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 10:10–10:50 a m

Bible Study Forum (2 Cor. 8–9) led by Marc Rieke, Campaign Consultant


Next Steps Parties

sign up at church services to attend one! SUNDAYS, OCTOBER 12, 19, & 26 NOVEMBER 2, 9, 16, & 23, 10:10–10:50 a m

Bible Study Forums: “Living Our Faith”

a seven-part series led by Saint Mark’s staff and clergy—the October 26 forum will be led by Rev. Michael “Corky” Carlisle TUESDAYS, OCTOBER 21 & 28 NOVEMBER 4, 11, & 18, 7:30–9:00 p m

Book Study: Money and the Meaning of Life by John Needleman

This fall, we will offer opportunities for spiritual development, fellowship, and fun, all centered on our theme from 1 Peter 2:5, “Like living stones, let yourselves be built into a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” Our regular Sunday morning adult forums (10:10–10:50 am) are focusing on stewardship and the capital campaign. Dean Thomason kicked off the events with “Cathedral Jeopardy” at the adult forum on September 14. The following Sunday, the Wardens and Vestry members discussed the campaign and the ministries they lead. Now we will continue

led by parishioner Doug Thorpe, Professor of English at Seattle Pacific University SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1,

starting at noon

24-Hour Prayer Vigil

continuous prayer in the Nave through noon on Sunday, November 2 NOVEMBER 2–25

Advance commitments visits

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 5:00–7:00 p m

Advance Commitments Gathering with wine and cheese

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 6:00–9:00 p m

All-Cathedral Banquet & Children’s Party

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14, 8 a m , 9 a m , & 11 a m

Commitment Sunday pledges received at all services

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 8 a m , 9 a m , & 11 a m

Celebration Sunday

campaign totals announced and celebrated

THE CAMPAIGN LEADERSHIP TEAM Co& Neal Sullins, Karen Knudson, and Heather Ho Visits: Carolyn Blount, Mac Brown, and Randy R & Youth: Cherie Bradshaw, Malcolm McLaurin, Banquet: Susan Knirk and Susan & Peter McClun Rev. Steven L. Thomason, Dean & Rector, and Th

PRAYING, AND PLAYING the conversation—details are included in the calendar (see inset). Highlights include campaign consultant Marc Rieke of The Enrichment Group leading a Bible Study entitled The Joy of Generosity on September 28, the Rev. Michael “Corky” Carlisle (a nationally recognized stewardship educator) preaching and leading the adult forum on October 26, and a sevenweek study series, Living Our Faith, led by Saint Mark’s staff and clergy.

▶ N E XT ST E PS PARTIES For those wanting to learn more about Living Stones: Building for Ministry, we are hosting a number of Next Steps Parties throughout October. Please join us to step into the future of Saint Mark’s!

These small parties at parishioners’ homes will be mainly informational in nature, with simple refreshments and a maximum time of two hours. Next Steps Parties will be held at locations throughout Seattle and on the Eastside. We will show a short DVD, distribute handouts, and invite a representative of the Capital Campaign Committee to answer questions. Sign-up sheets will be available on Sunday mornings, or on our website. Want more information? Contact Virginia Lenker at 206·265·3443 or nextsteps@, or visit http:// CapitalCampaign.php

-chairs: John & Carol Hoerster; Honorary Co-chairs: Rt. Rev. Cabell Tennis & Hyde Tennis; Mel Butler & Mary Coon; Advance Commitments: Nan odsdon; Next Step Parties: Virginia Lenker and Donna Martin; Communications & Audio-Visual: Maria Coldwell and John Neitzel; Commitment Revelle; Planned Giving: Jean Leed; Resources: Barbara Erickson and Kathy Sodergren; Design: Walter Stuteville and Herb Williams; Children and Cindy Spencer; Bible Study: Jo Ann Bailey and Doug Thorpe; Prayer Vigil: Mary Coon, Heidi Geis, Norva Osborn, and Kathleen Tyrrell; ng; Hospitality: Scott Kovacs and John Selberg; Continuation: Greg Simon; Staff Support: Erik Donner and Liz Sloat; Clergy Leadership: The Very The Rev. Canon Dr. Nancee Martin, Associate Rector; Campaign Consultant: Marc Rieke of the Enrichment Group. Photos by Kevin Johnson.

TUESDAY EVENING BOOK STUDY MONEY AND THE MEANING OF LIFE BY JACOB NEEDLEMAN “If we understood the true role of money in our lives, we would not think simply in terms of spending it or saving it. Money exerts a deep emotional influence on who we are and what we tell ourselves we can never have. Our long unwillingness to understand the emotional and spiritual effects of money on us is at the heart of why we have come to know the price of everything, and the value of nothing.” Jacob Needleman is a Professor of Philosophy at San Francisco State University. In his book, he brings a unique perspective to the relationship between money and the spiritual life.

1245 Tenth Avenue East Seattle, WA 98102-4323 ph: 206·323·0300 fax: 206·323·4018

Starting on October 21, Doug Thorpe, Professor of English at Seattle Pacific University and a member of Saint Mark’s, will lead a five-week study of “Money and the Meaning of Life” on Tuesday evenings, from 7:30–9:00 pm in Bloedel Hall. Doug will also lead the Sunday morning forum on October 12, presenting an introduction to this book and answering questions about the series. This book is available from the Cathedral Shop. For additional information, please contact Doug Thorpe, dthorpe@, or Jo Ann Bailey, jbailey@

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