Living Stones Building for Ministry

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AND THE STONES KEPT PILING UP.... A pile of stones placed in front of the pulpit was the first, very visual notice that something was up—or rather, was falling down. Years of driving rain had rusted out the iron rebar, causing cement cladding to fall from the north and south exterior walls of the cathedral. This was in January 2013. We immediately fenced off the walls and instigated emergency repairs, but we realized the walls needed to be fixed permanently. Thus began the journey that has led us to our new capital campaign to make those repairs and much more.

We started by appointing a committee, which solicited proposals from six architectural firms. After a thorough bidding process, we selected Olson Kundig. The firm has designed major projects in the Pacific Northwest and worldwide. In addition, they designed our Century II renovations of the west wall and the cathedral infrastructure in the late 1990s. At the same time, a Design Committee was appointed to work with the architects. The Design Committee and Olson Kundig worked together during the spring and summer of this year to present ideas and solicit advice from our community. This culminated in the proposed design, which incorporates three elements: essential repairs, “sustainable/ green” building enhancements, and the vision of a future Saint Mark’s Cathedral with a new narthex and annex. Our Vestry unanimously approved the proposed plans in August 2014. The proposed plans cover three priority areas outlined below. We will focus on environmentallyfriendly building practices wherever possible. Copies of the plans are available on the Saint

Co-chairs of the Design Committee: Walter Stuteville and Herb Williams. Other members of the Design Committee are Bill Goodenough, Brandon Whittaker, Eliza Davidson, Pam Gray, Dean Steve Thomason, and Senior Warden Jo Ann Bailey

Mark’s website, and will soon be available in the nave. PRIORITY 1: IMPROVING STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY We will start with essential repairs to the walls and improvements to the energy efficiency of the building. We will seal the exterior walls and extend the limestone cladding that is on the west wall to the other walls. We’ll replace the windows with energy-efficient materials that reflect, wherever possible, the appearance of the existing windows. We’ll repair the roof and soffits. (Continued next page)


Next Steps Parties

Sign up at church services to attend one! SUNDAYS, OCTOBER 12, 19, & 26 NOVEMBER 2, 9, 16, & 23, 10:10–10:50 a m

Bible Study Forums: “Living Our Faith”

a seven-part series led by Saint Mark’s staff and clergy—the October 26 forum will be led by Rev. Michael “Corky” Carlisle TUESDAYS, OCTOBER 21 & 28 NOVEMBER 4, 11, & 18, 7:30–9:00 p m

Book Study: Money and the Meaning of Life by Jacob Needleman led by parishioner Doug Thorpe, Professor of English at Seattle Pacific University


starting at noon

24-Hour Prayer Vigil

continuous prayer in the Nave through noon on Sunday, November 2 NOVEMBER 2–25

Advance commitments visits

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 5:00–7:00 p m

Advance Commitments Gathering with wine and cheese

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 6:00–9:00 p m

All-Cathedral Banquet & Children’s Party

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14, 8 a m , 9 a m , & 11 a m

Commitment Sunday pledges received at all services

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 8 a m , 9 a m , & 11 a m

Celebration Sunday

campaign totals announced and celebrated

(Continued from front page) PRIORITY 2: IMPROVING SUSTAINABILITY AND ACCESSIBILITY We will focus on energy efficiencies and accessibility. We’ll replace the original boiler system with a fuel-efficient model; install a new, heated floor in the nave and narthex; and add an elevator to connect Bloedel Hall and the nave. There are also plans to upgrade the sound system and improve to the grounds and parking. PRIORITY 3: CREATING A MORE INVITING ENTRY We hope to make Saint Mark’s feel more welcoming, to reflect the invitation we extend to everyone to join us (as our Dean so often says) “…wherever you are on your journey of faith.” Plans include transforming the narthex into a beautiful, light and spacious gathering area, with a spectacular entrance that proclaims our welcoming presence to people on the street. We also hope to replace the wainscoting in the nave and to build a new annex to house music rehearsal, child care, a new kitchen, and additional elevators! Our work moves forward with energy, hope for great things, and a deep thankfulness to God that our community is ready to complete our much beloved “Holy Box.” To learn more, please check out the Saint Mark’s website and come to a Next Steps Party! To contact the Design Committee directly, email contact co-chairs Walter Stuteville ( and Herb Williams (hwilliams@caseygrants. org). —Walter Stuteville

STEWARDSHIP IS DIFFERENT THIS YEAR Fall is stewardship season, but this fall at Saint Mark’s will be different. Our Living Stones: Building for Ministry campaign this year includes both our annual stewardship program (to support our year-round ministries and mission) and our capital campaign (to preserve and transform our cathedral). Each of us will be asked to make an annual financial pledge as we do every year. In addition, each of us will be asked to make a financial pledge to support the capital campaign—pledged this year, but fulfilled over a three-year period. Stewardship is still stewardship. Our gifts to support Saint Mark’s year-round programs and our gifts to the capital campaign come from the same spiritual source. We give as a natural response to God’s abundance. We give to Saint Mark’s because this is where God’s abundant Kingdom enters our hearts and transforms our lives. LIKE LIVING STONES, LET YOURSELVES BE BUILT INTO A SPIRITUAL HOUSE, TO BE A HOLY PRIESTHOOD, TO OFFER SPIRITUAL SACRIFICES ACCEPTABLE TO GOD THROUGH JESUS CHRIST. 1 PETER 2:5

If you already make a regular financial pledge to support our ministries and mission, please do continue that annual spiritual practice. More than 75 percent of the funding for our staff and programs comes from our individual financial gifts. In addition, please consider this once-in-a-generation opportunity to preserve and improve the buildings that shelter our worship and ministry. This may be the year for you to think and pray about proportional giving—giving to support God’s Kingdom in

proportion to the income you receive and the assets you hold. If you do not already make an annual pledge, please take this opportunity to begin a spiritual practice of regular giving. You’ll find that aligning your financial life with your spiritual life will make both of them healthier. The various Living Stones: Building for Ministry programs offered this fall provide opportunities to experience that transformation. —Greg Simon & Rick Hodsdon, Stewardship Ministry Co-Chairs


What is a prayer vigil? In the original Latin, vigilia means wakefulness or “an occasion for devotional watching.” We remember Christ’s request to Peter, James and John in the garden of Gethsemane: “Stay here and keep watch with me” (Matthew 26:38). Like so many of Christ’s invitations there are two levels: besides not wanting them to fall asleep, he was asking at a deeper level for them to stay consciously present. This is a “being” request more than a “doing” request.

Pausing to pray is at the center of all we do as Christians. It is the wellspring out of which all else unfolds. To wake up to the way Christ’s Spirit is present in us today, we need to make space to just “be” in between our bursts of doing. In the midst of our busy “doing” culture, our Prayer Vigil invites us to enter more consciously into our “being” nature.

During this busy time in our capital campaign, how can we hear what the small, still voice of Christ’s Spirit is saying in our hearts? We will share many different, and easy to learn, contemplative prayer experiences, including Godly Play for all ages, Contemplative Yoga, Evensong, Prayer Collage, Labyrinth, Contemplative Instrumental Music, Lectio Divina, Coloring Mandalas and Prayers on River Rocks, Walking Meditation with the history of Saint Mark’s, Prayer Intentions with the Burning Bowl, and the Eucharist.

The Vigil will be held in the nave, from noon Saturday, November 1st until the end of the 11 am service on Sunday, November 2, 2014. Please join us! Sign-up sheets are available on Sunday mornings or on our website. For more information, please contact Kathleen Tyrrell at ktyrrell@

1245 Tenth Avenue East Seattle, WA 98102-4323 ph: 206·323·0300 fax: 206·323·4018



This catered banquet will be held in the cathedral nave from 6:00– 8:00 pm As part of the celebration, we’ll hear from several Saint Mark’s members, who will talk about the

past, present, and future of our cathedral, as we celebrate the culmination of our fall stewardship campaign. Watch for an invitation early in November with sign-ups beginning Sunday, November 16. We’re expecting a full house of 250, so sign up early to reserve your spot! For more information—or to get involved—please contact Susan Knirk at

←There is still time to attend one of the fun and informative Next Steps Parties taking place in homes throughout the area until October 25. Sign up in the nave after Sunday services, or visit NextStepsParties.php

Feasting together is the center of our liturgy and our parish life, so it’s only natural that the Living Stones: Building for Ministry Campaign is preparing us all for a spectacular feast! Please join our all ages/all church banquet on Friday, December 12, to celebrate our wonderful Saint Mark’s parish. We’ll eat, drink, sing, chat, and reflect in prayer on the spiritual excitement of this fall, while we enjoy our biggest party of the year! This is a family-friendly occasion, with special activities for children and youth so they can join the fun.

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