Sundays and Beyond May 15, 2011 Easter 4

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Sundays and Beyond at Saint Mark’s Cathedral Sunday, May 15— The 4th Sunday of Easter Dear Ones, Jerome Berryman, the founder of Godly Play has released new stories for the Easter season. In them we are invited to “meet Jesus in a new way.” These resurrection encounters from scripture continue to this day, if only we have eyes to see. That is our work as Christ’s Body in the world – sight and insight through the paradoxical experience of seeing Jesus in the face of the other. We often conclude that our work is to be Jesus’ hands, feet and heart in the world and that is true but first we must see Jesus in the other. In these days of Easter our hearts are being conditioned to see the risen Christ in our midst – to surrender our inclination to a life of grief, fear, doubt, and mistrust so that we might see Jesus among us. It is a posture, a spiritual practice that reflects the absolute conversion – the experience of metanoia – of those early disciples and the invitation to us through the sacrament of baptism. It is such a blessing to be in a place where this spiritual practice is alive and well. Look around you, can you see the risen Jesus in the faces of our residents of Tent City 3, in the call to prayer among our Islamic friends, in the women from Noel House sheltered each night, in the children of the All Saints’ Choir, even in this sacred Earth, our island home – we are inspired and awakened to our own call to be agents of reconciliation and peace in the world as we gaze into the eyes of the risen Lord. This work, our work, is to be evocative – drawing forth the memory of the risen Christ in our midst so that this light might banish the darkness – imagine this light as it pours through all creation, illuminating all, radiating love. This is our vocation as the Church, the ultimate sacrament in this troubled world and it is given to us as a gift, pure grace, undeserved and unearned, simply lavished on us as beloved children of God for the sake of sight, insight and love. Jesus is always in our midst waiting for us to recognize him in stranger and friend. Look around you, can you see? What are the impediments in your life? What keeps you from seeing with the eyes of love? These are the questions for each of us in these Great Fifty Days of Easter and this is our work together as Christ’s Body in the world – looking for love in all the bright faces. Take time to practice seeing the risen Jesus in the face of others – look closely and you might be surprised to meet Jesus in a new way. Alleluia, Christ is risen! Rebecca+ The Rev. Canon Rebecca L. McClain, Canon Missioner

Cathedral Trio Concert Friday, May 13, 7:30 pm Thomsen Chapel Brian Fairbanks, flute; Joyce Ramée, viola; and Naomi Kato, harp. $10 donation at the door or buy a pass in advance at the Cathedral Shop: 206.323.1040.

Film Night, Garden & Greenbelt Work Parties, Saint Mark’s Cathedral Preschool Celebrates 20 years! These and more inside! The Vestry Corner– Congregational Forum this Sunday! Preparing the Way: Calling our Next Dean The process for nominations to the Parish Profile Committee information and forms are available on our website and after services on Sunday. Curious about the Parish Profile Committee? Wondering about the entire call process? Then, come to the Congregational Forum on Sunday, May 15 at 10:10am in Bloedel Hall. We will discuss the Parish Profile committee and priorities of the Core Team Action Plan. We’re available to answer your questions, respond to your comments, help you thank someone who’s gone out their way to be helpful. Email the wardens at

GreenFaith Certification: Sustainable Saint Mark’s On Sunday, May 8, we announced that the Sustainability Committee had received approval from the Vestry to move forward on the GreenFaith Certification Program. We believe that the Spirit is moving Saint Mark’s to a more challenging and cohesive level of greening that involves broader participation by the congregation. This program provides a holistic structure and resources for designing and implementing the first two years of a

longer term Sustainability Plan. It will also provide opportunities to share our experience, learn from others and have a wider impact in the broader religious environmental movement. Details program will be explained in greater depth in the summer issue of The Rubric, coming in midJune and can be found at This is a significant opportunity for the Cathedral to be a leader in the field.

This Sunday at Saint Mark’s Sunday, May 15, 2011 – the Fourth Sunday of Easter 8 am HOLY EUCHARIST Thomsen Chapel Preaching: The Rev. Canon Rebecca L. McClain

Welcome to our guest deacon

We are very happy to welcome the Rev. Patti Sells as our deacon today. Patti served for many years at St. David of Wales, Shelton and is a 10:15 am Hebrew Scripture Bible Study, Library diaconal mainstay for diocesan 10:10 am Sunday Forum: Preparing the Way: Calling liturgies. Our deacon Earl Grout is our Next Dean Bloedel Hall Scott Smallwood, Sr. vacationing in France for the remainder Warden, and other Vestry members present information of May so we will be welcome more about the call process and take your questions. visiting deacons in the weeks to come! 10:20—11:15 am Sunday School, Ages 3 through Senior High Various locations–ask at the Welcome Table. Informal parent Spring Newcomers Class gathering in lounge across from St. Nicholas classrooms. Contact Cindy or ext. 225. and Luncheon

9 am HOLY EUCHARIST, Nave Preaching: The Rev. Canon Rebecca L. McClain

11 am HOLY EUCHARIST, Nave Preaching: The Rev. Canon Rebecca L. McClain 12:30 pm Church in the World Ministry Gathering, Conference Room Interested in learning what is going on in social justice at Saint Mark’s? Meet with and hear from Church in the World Ministry members. 12:30 pm Celebrating 20 years of SMC Preschool, Preschool Classrooms 12:45 pm Spring Newcomer Class Series, Leffler Board Room

5:30 pm CHORAL EVENSONG, Cathedral Nave The Boys and Girls Choir sings with the Youth Ensemble , observing the Fourth Sunday of Easter. 7 pm HOLY EUCHARIST, Thomsen Chapel Co-sponsored by Integrity, LGBT ministry of the Episcopal Church.

9:30 pm COMPLINE, The Cathedral Nave broadcast live on KING 98.1 FM.

Sun., May 15 12:45 p.m., Leffler Living Room Sunday, May 22, 12:45 pm, Luncheon Diocesan House All Newcomers are invited! This Sunday we’ll talk about volunteer and Church in the World opportunities. We'd love to meet you and hear your stories over a light lunch. Contact Carol Green at 206523-2158 or email newcomers@

Chanted by the Compline Choir and

CATHEDRAL PRAYER LIST FOR THIS WEEK To add a name to our prayer list contact 206.323.0300, ext 314 or Prayer requests are listed in Sundays & Beyond for four weeks, and, if needed, they are listed in the monthly Ongoing List, which may be found in the Narthex. The Church: Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury; Katherine Jefferts Schori, Presiding Bishop; Greg Rickel, Bishop; and the Diocesan staff; all the parishes of this diocese, especially St. Luke Memorial and St. Matthew, Tacoma; the clergy and lay staff and vestry of Saint Mark’s Cathedral; all the ministries of Saint Mark’s. The World: Barack Obama, President; Christine Gregoire, Governor; Michael McGinn, Mayor of Seattle; Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations; Israel, Palestine, Pakistan, the Sudan, North Korea, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Haiti, Egypt, Libya, Japan, Syria All who serve in the armed forces and their families: Jeffrey Bates, Blake Casad, Andy Bench, Michael Toomer Postulants: Alfredo Feregrino, Laura Ellen Muglia Those who have died: Nancy, Joyce Sullins, Jim, Justin Amorratanasuchad, Lancelot, Jane Holtel, and those who grieve. In thanksgiving for the installation of the Rev. Carol Westphal as rector of St. Elizabeth’s, Knoxville, TN Those who are sick or suffering in any way in body, mind or spirit: Joan Bell Jocelyn Bell Tally Black-Brown Roberta Brumbaugh The Rev. Ralph Carskadden Sabrina, David & Patricia de la Fuente Keri DiAngelis Stephanie Dieme

Erik & Ruby Erickson Larry Greene Steve Hartwell & Ray Miller Cindy & Gary Hogman John Huston Belinda Jackson Andrea Jensen Annalise Kramer Mavis Leyrer

Linnie Martin Dana McAvoy The Rev. Joyce McConnell Scottie McKay Keiko Nakayama Keith Pritchard Elsie Shelton Allen Smith Livia Tuttle

Nancy & Frosty Wilkerson & Amanda Bob Wilson Cindy Wilson Blair & Family Chris Dean & Matt Evie & Terry Mary Megan & Rob June

This week and beyond! Garden and Greenbelt Workparties Sat., May 14, 9am (Gardens) & 10am (Greenbelt) We invite anyone interested in getting their hands dirty while beautifying the Cathedral grounds and the surrounding greenbelt. Bring gloves and a water bottle, if you have them.

Celebrating 20 years! Please join us, Sunday, May 15, 12:30—2:30 pm at the Preschool & Leffler House, for a community birthday party celebrating 20 years! Come to enjoy birthday cake, see old friends and teachers and meet our new director. Call: 206.323.1844 or

Just Desserts: Treat yourself, help others Thursday, May 26, 7p Stop by our table in the nave this Sunday! An evening to benefit Noel House Women’s Shelter and this year they are honoring the volunteers from Saint Mark’s. Event is free to attend– everyone welcome!

The Cathedral Shop

Across the parking lot in Leffler House!

Monday– Saturday: 11 a.m.– 5:30 p.m. Sunday: 9 a.m.– 1 p.m. 206.323.1040

Film Night

May concert listings on back page!


‘Demented Spouses’ Monday, May 16, 2 p.m. Pat Taylors’s office, 2d floor Bloedel Hall. For those who are caregivers to spouses/ partners suffering from dementia. If you are interested in this pastoral care group– or another group, please contact the Rev. Pat Taylor at 206.323.0300, ext. 223 or

Easter Conversations with the Gospel of John Sats., through June 18, 10:30am Leffler Board Room Study and discussion group to explore the Gospel of John through a rich, brief study guide written by Cynthia Briggs Kittredge, Conversations with Scripture: The Gospel of John. More details on our website at Education/GospelOfJohn.php

The Saint Mark's Quilt Group Saturday, May 21 9am-12 Conference Room. We make quilts for those in need. All who are interested in joining us are welcome, whether experienced or not. Contact Carol Green, ccgreen@ or Jo Ann Bailey,, for more information.

Sunday Forum: Clean Greens

Gifts for the graduate! Beautiful journals, desktop labyrinths, travel prayer books, classic and playful jewelry, CDs for quiet moments, silky scarves, Anglican rosaries and books about spiritual insights. And don’t forget: we have a great selection of cards. Stop by today!

Arts at Saint Mark’s

Sun., March 22, 10:15 am Bloedel Hall Learn about the community work of this Church in the World Ministry and find out how you can sign up to take part in Community Support Agriculture this summer.

Saturday, May 14 7:30 p.m., Leffler Living Room (2009, R, 129 minutes, Argentina ) Suggested donation: $1 A startling discovery comes to light for retired Argentine criminal investigator Benjamín Espósito as he pens a biographical novel about the unsolved case of a young newlywed's brutal rape and murder years ago. For more information about Friday Film Night go to http://www. FridayNightFilms.php or email filmnight@

Tent City 3 URGENT NEEDS DONATE: The camp is in desperate need of paper plates, paper cups, plastic utensils, toilet paper, batteries (D, C, AA, AAA), Hand Sanitizer and Feminine Hygiene products. These items can be dropped off anytime at the camp's admin. tent at the entrance. They will provide a donation form for income tax purposes. VOLUNTEER: We desperately need families, groups of people or other ministries to prepare a hot dinner for TC3 residents during May. We can get food donations to defray the meal preparation costs of the volunteers. When it comes time to serve the meal, there is a supervisor who will guide you in what needs to be done to serve the food. Please contact Justin Craig, TC3 Meals Program Coord., at 206-8830445 or

Coming Attractions: May May May May Full

22: Final Sunday School classes of year. (Teacher Appreciation June 5) 28: Diocesan Confirmations 29: Rogation Sunday– Rogation procession at 10:10 a.m. 30: Memorial Day– Cathedral Offices closed calendar at: or pick up a copy of this May.

1245 10th Ave E Seattle, WA 98102 206.323.0300

Welcoming all to live the light of Christ Sunday Service Times See page 2 for all Sunday services & activities. Weekday Service Times Wednesdays, 12 noon: Eucharist in Thomsen Chapel Thursdays, 7 a.m.: Eucharist in Thomsen Chapel Monday-Friday, 6:30 p.m. Evening Prayer: McCaw or Thomsen Chapel Sundays and Beyond—Announcements about events and activities happening on campus, plus a weekly update and the Cathedral prayer list. It is available by electronic subscription, on our website, and in print in the nave. To submit announcements for our publications and website, go to and click on the link for Publications & Forms/ Communications Request Form. This form will ask for all the information required. Requests are due by Monday at 5 p.m. for publication on the following Sunday. Late submissions are included on a space available basis. Announcements may be edited for space and content. SUBSCRIBE! on our website click on the "join our email lists” link at

ARTS AT SAINT MARK’S— musical opportunities abound! Choral Arts: Against Forgetting: A Concert of Remembrance for Victims of the Holocaust Friday, May 20, 7 pm Conversation; 7:30 pm Concert Cathedral Nave Through its music and extended educational programs, Choral Arts shares the beauty of high quality choral music and brings live choral music to people in a way that is transforming. A concert of remembrance including premieres as well as the second Finding Your Voice Poetry Contest commission. Informal conversation includes the Artistic Director Robert Bode and guest composers. Learn more and buy tickets at

BOOKS WANTED! Book request: Tutu’s “Made for Goodness” Did you read the Bishop’s book for Lent, “Made for Goodness?” by Desmond and Mpho Tutu? Would you be willing to donate your gently used copy to the Children/Youth Ministries area for use by a group in the fall? Books can be left with Cindy Spencer, Children/Youth Ministries, 206.323.0300, ext. 225.

Organ Plus Concert Sunday, May 22, 2 pm Thomsen Chapel Joseph Adams, organist at St. James Cathedral, Seattle and Mel Butler, violist (and our own Canon Musician). A concert of solos for organ and duets for organ and viola. $10 donation at the door or buy a pass in advance at the Cathedral Shop (206.323.1040).

SMC Choir School end–of-year Gala Concert Wed., May 25, 7:30 pm Cathedral Nave Come hear the Junior Choristers, Boys and Girls Choir, “ASK”: All Saints Kids, and the Youth Ensemble. Free.

Used Book Drive Paperback book collection on May 15, 22, 29 for our people in nursing homes. There will be a marked box in the back of the nave. Books should be in good enough condition that the pages are not falling out. (People should not expect to get them back.) Subject matter should be suited to elderly people so probably nothing too shocking or highly charged.

CATHEDRAL STAFF & LEADERSHIP Saint Mark’s Counseling Service We offer professional counseling tailored to meet your specific needs and goals. Safe and confidential. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please call.

Kathleen Tyrrell M.S., L.M.F.T.

206.323.0339 Located in Leffler House on the south side of the parking lot.

Canon Missioner The Rev. Canon Rebecca L. McClain Deacon The Rev. Earl Grout Senior Associate The Rev. David Mesenbring Pastoral Care Associate The Rev. Patricia Taylor Canon Musician Dr. J. Melvin Butler Clerke of the Works Alan DePuy Associate Musician Brian Fairbanks Boys and Girls Choir Director Rebekah Gilmore Liturgist Becky Morrill Children & Youth Ministries Cindy Spencer Childcare Center Heather Barnum Accounting Manager Deborah Sturm Stewardship Associate Alicia Sands Communications Director Liz Sloat Vestry Senior Warden Scott Smallwood Vestry Junior Wardens Stacy Andersen, Janet McCully 2010-2011 Vestry: Marge Anderson, Kae Eaton, Mark Eichinger-Wiese, Elsie Ford, Bob Kirkman, Leslie Miller, Walter Stuteville, Hunter Tynes and Roger Valdez; and Diocesan Representatives: the Rev. Patty Baker, Dale Ramerman and The Rev. Rebecca Kirkpatrick

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