Sundays and Beyond July 24

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Sundays and Beyond at Saint Mark’s Cathedral Sunday, July 24- Pentecost 6 Dear Ones, Last week I wrote about our commitment to bless with travel prayers those who are beginning a journey. This week it is my intention to offer a reflection on another kind of journey – the internal journey of spiritual reflection and growth. The beauty of an incarnational and sacramental life is that it all matters, everything we are and everything we do matters – there is nothing that is not of value to the living, loving God we serve. My favorite theologian and scholar Robert Capon says it this way: Matter matters to God. It’s just that simple – matter matters to God. We are a unity of being, body and spirit and we are called to soulful living, deeply connected, congruent and wondrous. Spiritual and physical dimensions, like wave and particle become indistinguishable in the holy realm of our creator and so we move from dwelling to seeking and back again, intent on arriving at a place of peace, longing for a sense of home and yet always ready to be sent out again. We are a pilgrim people and all movement, internal and external is a reality that is hardwired. The choice is ours – will we grow in grace or squander our lives haphazardly? Will we be pilgrims on a journey or simply nomads wandering from one discontentment to another? This Sunday we will gather to witness a pilgrim who has grown in grace. As David Mesenbring wrote to you recently: I have news to share regarding the end of one chapter in my faith journey, and the beginning of another. After working among Anglicans over the past 35 years, I’m tired of calling myself a bad Lutheran and ready to claim the ecclesiastical identity I’ve been recommending to Newcomers Classes for more than five years. God-willing, and the people consenting, Bishop Greg Rickel will receive the Reverend David Mesenbring into the ranks of the Sacred Order of Priests this Sunday during the 11 am service. As David shared, it was been a long time coming, a lifelong journey of seeking and now he comes to this dwelling place to make cross this threshold and declare that he has arrived at his spiritual home. You are his witnesses and will commit to uphold him in this ministry. You are charged to be faithful to this commitment and you will be in my prayers on Sunday. I deeply regret I will not be there to stand with David and to welcome him into the collegial body of priests here in the Diocese of Olympia. I, too, am on a journey – a pilgrimage of sorts, Sabbath time to rest quietly and to seek a blessing from friends and family as I travel the pilgrim way. Blessings and Peace, Rebecca+ The Rev. Canon Rebecca L. McClain * The Rev. David Mesenbring’s letter to the congregation on Sunday, July 10 is available on our website:– look for the link in the ―New at Saint Mark’s‖ box.

Food Drive Sunday, July 24 In honor of the Rev. Mesenbring’s reception into the Episcopal Church, we are collecting donations of nonperishable food on Sunday morning to be given to Northwest Harvest.

American Friends of the Camino Saint James Day Walk Saturday, July 23, 3—8 pm Cathedral The Seattle Chapter will hold its yearly Saint James Day walk. Meet at Saint Mark’s and walk to St. James Cathedral for Mass at 5 pm, then return to Skinner Hall (Saint Mark’s) for a potluck afterwards. Anyone interested in learning more about the Camino de Santiago in Spain are welcome. Please RSVP to Carol Green, or Martha Crites, by July 15. Please, bring a dish to share.

Barbecue at Idriss Mosque The Islamic Center of Washington and the Idriss Mosque invite you to attend their Annual Community BBQ and Open House on Sunday, July 24, from 2 - 5 pm at Idriss Mosque, 1420 NE Northgate Way, Seattle 98125. The annual barbecue was implemented to bring Muslims and non Muslims together to get to know one another and collaborate for improving our communities and society. This event is part of the Islamic Center of Washington's and Idriss Mosque's mission for maintaining peace, encouraging compassion, seeking reconciliation to ensure justice for all people as well as offering an opportunity to strengthen our communities, promote harmony, tolerance and interfaith relationships.

This Sunday at Saint Mark’s Summer Sunday School: The Great Water Party!

Sunday, July 24, 2011 – 6th Sunday after Pentecost 8 am HOLY EUCHARIST Thomsen Chapel Preaching: The Rev. David Mesenbring 9 am HOLY EUCHARIST Nave Preaching: The Rev. David Mesenbring 10:15 AM SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL St. Nicholas Classrooms 11 am HOLY EUCHARIST Nave Preaching: The Rev. David Mesenbring God-willing, and the people consenting, Bishop Greg Rickel will receive the Reverend David Mesenbring into the ranks of the Sacred Order of Priests. 7 pm HOLY EUCHARIST, Thomsen Chapel Co-sponsored by Integrity, LGBT ministry of the Episcopal Church.

9:30 pm COMPLINE, The Cathedral Nave Chanted by the Compline Choir and broadcast live on KING 98.1 FM.

Clean Greens CSA

Last Sunday, we kicked of our Mile of Pennies service project. We heard the story of how Jesus turned water into wine, and wondered together if we could help turn the story upside down by providing water for people in our world who need it. We will have to collect 84,480 pennies to cover a mile! (We’ll take larger coins and bills, too!). We talked about ways to obtain the pennies – we could find them, earn them, share them from allowances, ask adults in our church and outside our church to help, etc. AND we kicked off our penny collection with 252 pennies. We’ll begin our to lessons about communion (the ―wine‖ in our ―water and wine‖.). Important!: There will be no Summer Sunday School on August 7. The Great Water Party will resume on August 14.

Summer Season starts this weekend! To sign up go to—read all about this neighborhood oriented program focusing on good nutrition and then select Saint Mark’s as your delivery point!

CATHEDRAL PRAYER LIST FOR THIS WEEK To add a name to our prayer list contact 206.323.0300, ext 314 or Prayer requests are listed in Sundays & Beyond for four weeks, and, if needed, they are listed in the monthly Ongoing List, which may be found in the Narthex.

What’s on your reading list?

Philip Newell, Richard Rohr, Marcus Borg, Joan Chittister, Ronald Rolheiser The lazy days of summer are the perfect time to catch up on your reading—checkout our new books by favorite authors. Don’t forget to checkout our bargain book boxes. We can fill special orders, too!

The Church: Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury; Katherine Jefferts Schori, Presiding Bishop; Greg Rickel, Bishop; and the Diocesan staff; all the communities of this diocese, especially St. Antony of Egypt, Silverdale; St. Nicholas, Tahuya; Holy Spirit, Vashon; the clergy and lay staff and vestry of Saint Mark’s Cathedral; all the ministries of Saint Mark’s. The World: Barack Obama, President; Christine Gregoire, Governor; Michael McGinn, Mayor of Seattle; Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations; Israel, Palestine, Pakistan, the Sudan, North Korea, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Haiti, Libya, Japan, South Sudan, Zimbabwe, Norway All who serve in the armed forces and their families: Jeffrey Bates, Blake Casad, Andy Bench, Michael Toomer Postulants: Alfredo Feregrino, Laura Ellen Muglia Those who have died: Bagley Wright, Kay Folsom Mickel, Joyce Everett, Gregory Rue, Susan Swearingen, Inge Nilssen, Lura Lynn Ryan, Bill Culver, and those who grieve. Those who are sick or suffering in any way in body, mind or spirit: Steven Anderson Claire Cane Esther Coopersmith Sue Culver Joan Einecke Pastor Jami Fecher Dick Griffith Roux Harding Kevin Johnson

Jacob Julien Jon Kearney Marie Keranen Glenda Kerr Jesse & Anna Lee Kirkland The Kletsky Family Paul Luvera Scottie McKay

Pastor Jon Nelson Lance Ramsay Joe Running George Ryan Aase Shulys Elsie Shelton Scott Tschurwald Alec Van Wesep

THE CATHEDRAL SHOP Across the parking lot in Leffler House!

Monday–Saturday: 11a.m.–5:30p.m. Sunday: 9 a.m.– 1 p.m. 206.323.1040

Vestry Corner and other upcoming events on back page!

Hospitality & Community AIDS Care Team Forming Work with 8-9 others to bring a compassionate presence to someone living with AIDS. The team will be trained by Multifaith Works in the fall. Working with a team makes it fun and stress free. Please see Deacon Earl Grout for details: or 206.518.2833.

Greeters Needed: There is an immediate need for greeters at the 8 am and 9 am services. Greeters serve once a month, welcoming people to service and reaching out to newcomers. Would you like to be involved in this enjoyable and very worthwhile activity? Please contact John Selberg at or 206.723.5315.

Gratitude Gatherings It’s the middle of July, and the middle of the Gratitude Gatherings project. This is our third summer of small parties in parks and parishioners’ homes. We’ve had a beautiful sunset on a deck overlooking Puget Sound in June, and several BBQ’s in back yards. Spirited discussions after brunch, singing after supper…. ―folks left feeling happy and fulfilled!‖ How about coming to tea next week in West Seattle, and talk about ―what new thing God might be leading you into?‖ And it’s not over—we run through mid August! There are still plenty of spaces available, especially for some familyfriendly events. Teens and adults are invited to grill veggie burgers (hamburgers too) and talk about how to take care of the Earth. Kids—and kids at heart—can run in the park, or make ice cream sundaes. Eastsiders are invited to Kelsey Creek Farm Park, or an afternoon in Maple Valley. Bring Your Calendar to Church, Come to the Back of the Nave on Sunday Morning, and Sign Up! Questions? Contact Gratitude Gatherings are sponsored by Saint Mark’s Stewardship Committee. GratitudeGatherings2011.pdf

This week and beyond! July Vestry Meeting Tuesday, July 26, 6 pm Diocesan House Regular monthly meeting of the Vestry. All members welcome to attend.

RightPath Health Screening Thurs., July 28, 9:30am-3:30pm Bloedel Hall Cathedral Health Services, an Episcopal Jubilee Ministry, is offering low cost screenings to detect the early warning signs of heart and vital organ diseases that often go undetected until too late. Prices range from $75—$200. Testing takes approx. 45 minutes. Appts. required– call 1.800.770.0240 or 1.602.254.7130—please do not call Cathedral offices. Flyer on our website.

Finance Comm. Meeting Thursday, Aug. 4, 4:30 pm Leffler Board Room This is a regular meeting of a standing committee of the Vestry. All members welcome to attend.

SAGE Monthly Luncheon Wed., August 3 Planning meeting, 11 a.m. Bloedel Noon Eucharist, Thomsen Chapel Luncheon, 12:45 p.m. Volunteer Park Summer Picnic (& brown bag) weather permitting -- otherwise, in Bloedel -the Rev. Pat Taylor's last First Wednesday with SAGE before her retirement on August 31. Watch this space for more details! All ages always welcome!

Call for Spiritual Activism: Connecting Episcopal Women Sat. August 6, 8:45 am—4 pm Epis. Church of St. Matthew/San Mateo, Auburn, WA Turn passions into actions: learn about Episcopal women’s organizations and others that are making a positive difference. Contact: Elsie Dennis 253.833.0890 or Kathleen Wright Nyhuis or 206.295.1801. Donations appreciated.

From Hiroshima to Hope Sat., August 6, 6 - 9 p.m. northwest shore of Green Lake, just south of the Bathhouse Theatre, 7312 West Green Lake Dr. N., Seattle. The lantern-floating peace ceremony, now in its 26th year at Green Lake, honors the victims of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and all victims of war and violence. Pre -event activities include lantern calligraphy and folding of peace cranes. At 7 p.m., a program of musical performances and speakers. The candle-lit lanterns are then floated on the lake at dusk. From Hiroshima to Hope is created annually by local peace, faith and community organizations. Sponsors include Wing Luke Museum of the Asian Pacific American Experience, Peace Action of Washington, the United Nations Association-WA Chapter, and Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility. For more information, call 206.453.4471.

Fast for Peace The Mideast Focus Ministry together with the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community invite Jews, Christians and Muslims to Fast for Peace on Sunday, Aug 7. During Ramadan join Jews, Christians, and Muslims in a day of fasting for Peace and Understanding. Fasting is common to all religions. It teaches, through personal experience, what hunger, poverty, loneliness and discomfort mean to the less fortunate sections of society. After a day of fasting and reflection, please join us for a short program of reflections followed by dinner (breaking of the fast). Dinner will be served at 8:35 PM. (sunset.) A scripture exhibition will also be open for visitors. This is a unique opportunity to share with other faith traditions in those places where our rituals differ but their purposes are much the same. To prepare for dinner registration is required. Register Online: http:// Or


Welcoming all to live the light of Christ Sunday Service Times See page 2 for all Sunday services & activities.

The Vestry Corner

1245 10th Ave E Seattle, WA 98102

Did you know that guests are always invited to attend Vestry meetings? The next one is Tuesday, July 26, 6 pm at Diocesan House. We will discuss serious business topics like facilities and finance, but we will have some laughs, too. We always do!

Special kudos to those who worked so hard to produce the very successful benefit concert for the work of the Nippon So Sei Kai (the Anglican Church of Japan, Diocese of Tohoku) - they raised $4456!

Education for Ministry daytime series begins fall 2011 Enrollment has begun for a 4-yr seminary-supported program of discussions of Christian theology covering old and new testament, church history, and contemporaneous philosophies. Commit only to one year at a time. Contact: Colleen Boyns

The Mission to Seafarers Benefit Luncheon

Weekday Service Times Wednesdays, 12 noon: Eucharist in Thomsen Chapel Thursdays, 7 a.m.: Eucharist in Thomsen Chapel Monday-Friday, 6:30 p.m. Evening Prayer: McCaw or Thomsen Chapel Sundays and Beyond—Announcements about events and activities happening on campus, plus a weekly update and the Cathedral prayer list. It is available by electronic subscription, on our website, and in print in the nave. To submit announcements for our publications and website, go to and click on the link for Publications & Forms/ Communications Request Form. This form will ask for all the information required. Requests are due by Monday at 5 p.m. for publication on the following Sunday. Late submissions are included on a space available basis. Announcements may be edited for space and content. SUBSCRIBE! on our website click on the "join our email lists” link at

Saint Mark’s Counseling Service We offer professional counseling tailored to meet your specific needs and goals. Safe and confidential. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please call.

Kathleen Tyrrell M.S., L.M.F.T.

206.323.0339 Located in Leffler House on the south side of the parking lot.

Transformational Travel Ministry invites you to Nicaragua Experience Central America and build community across borders! Be transformed as you travel with a small group. Get involved in planning our next trip in late November/early December. Take part in fun and interesting events and important fundraising opportunities as we prepare for the trip. More information at http:// Can’t go but want to help? Look for us on Sundays selling fair trade organic chocolate bars to fund travel scholarships.

Saturday, August 27, 11 am Hosted by Princess Cruises aboard the Golden Princess. Registrations must be received by Aug. 19. Registration information can be found in the narthex and on our website. All proceeds benefit The Mission to Seafarers. The Mission to Seafarers is a worldwide organization devoted to the welfare of merchant seafarers. In port cities around the world men and women go to sea knowing that the sign of the ―Flying Angel‖ means that hospitality, counsel, justice and friendship are near at hand. At the Seattle Seafarers’ Center we are committed to an ecumenical and ethnically diverse ministry.

CATHEDRAL STAFF & LEADERSHIP Canon Missioner The Rev. Canon Rebecca L. McClain Deacon The Rev. Earl Grout Senior Associate The Rev. David Mesenbring Pastoral Care Associate The Rev. Patricia Taylor Curate The Rev. Irene Tanabe Canon Musician Dr. J. Melvin Butler Clerke of the Works Alan DePuy Sexton Glenn Sands Associate Musician Brian Fairbanks Boys and Girls Choir Director Rebekah Gilmore Liturgist Becky Morrill Children & Youth Ministries Cindy Spencer Childcare Center Heather Barnum Stewardship Associate Alicia Sands Communications Director Liz Sloat Vestry Senior Warden Scott Smallwood Vestry Junior Wardens Stacy Andersen, Janet McCully 2010-2011 Vestry: Marge Anderson, Kae Eaton, Mark Eichinger-Wiese, Elsie Ford, Bob Kirkman, Leslie Miller, Walter Stuteville, Hunter Tynes and Roger Valdez; and Diocesan Representatives: the Rev. Patty Baker, Dale Ramerman and The Rev. Rebecca Kirkpatrick

GIVE BY TEXT! You can now make donations simply by sending a text message! Text a donation at anytime, anywhere from any cell phone or smart phone. To get started, visit click on the ―Donate Now‖ link and complete the one-time setup (or update your existing profile). You will receive a confirmation text and email with instructions on how to quickly and securely text donations.

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