Sundays and Beyond at Saint Mark's Cathedral

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Sundays and Beyond at Saint Mark’s Cathedral Sunday, August 14- Pentecost 9 Dear People of God, Icons, Icons, Icons and commentary on icons are hanging and standing all around us in the nave, the narthex, and in McCaw and Thomsen Chapels. You will see that there are some in the style that we have come to expect. Those were written by Russian monks according to their ancient tradition. You are invited to look through those to the Holy beyond. But – what are we to do with the startling, surprising others that are in a new and challenging style that makes us stand back and really notice. These are the monumental works of Ludmila Pawlowska who began to explore ways to the Holy in the wake of her mother’s unexpected death. Look hard at the red ones. They are crucifixion stories. Notice the blue and gold of the divine with us and ahead of us. When you see eyes looking at you look back look into them. See all the people on all the works. These are our brothers and sisters in God. You will see many images on and connected with textiles. These are reminiscent of the cloth with which tradition tells us that a woman later called Veronica wiped sweat from our Lord’s brow on the way to Calvary. There is a belief that the face of Jesus was imprinted on that cloth and Ludmila has used that story to show us a face of Christ gazing at you and receiving your gaze. At other places you may suddenly see yourself looking back at you from the mirrors incorporated into the sculptural paint. The holes! What is behind the holes? You are invited to look in and decide what is there for you. Look through the present to the past, the future and beyond. This gift of ways to perceive the Holy needs time to speak. You will see more if you look long at one or two pieces at a time. , Enter into them slowly with your eyes, your mind , your heart and your soul. See. Enjoy. Be blessed. Pat+ The Rev. Patricia Taylor Pastoral Care Associate

Vestry Corner: More about the Rev. Canon Joan Anthony’s forum on Sunday, a reminder about the Parish Profile Committee’s questions. All on the back cover. Sunday Vestry Forum Sunday, August 14, 12:45 pm Bloedel Hall The Rev. Canon Joan Anthony, Diocesan Canon to the Ordinary, will discuss the transition process as we continue the call for Dean #7. The Rev. Anthony will also be preaching.

Icons in Transformation Opening Gala Sat., August 13, 7 pm All are invited to attend! Hear the artist speak about her exhibit! August 13—October 12 Cathedral Nave A dramatic 120 piece exhibit of acclaimed Russian-Swedish expressionist Ludmila Pawlowska. Exhibit includes her own paintings and sculpture, as well as traditional icons from Russia. Learn more at Event is free and open to the public daily. Mon.– Sat. 10a—6p; Sun. 12:30—9 pm

Volunteers needed Contact Heather Hodsdon at The Cathedral Shop will have icons by local iconographer Deborah Anderson, books and other items related to the exhibit available for purchase. Special event schedule on p. 3

Getting to know you: Newcomer Coffee Hour Sunday, Aug 14, 12:30 p.m. Meet at the font at the back of the nave. Open to anyone seeking to make connections at the Cathedral.

This Sunday at Saint Mark’s Sunday, August 14, 2011 – 9th Sunday after Pentecost 8 am HOLY EUCHARIST Thomsen Chapel Guest Preacher: The Rev. Canon Joan Anthony 9 am HOLY EUCHARIST Nave Guest Preacher: The Rev. Canon Joan Anthony 10:15 am Summer Sunday School: Bread Baking Leffler Kitchen & Living Room

11 am HOLY EUCHARIST Nave Guest Preacher: The Rev. Canon Joan Anthony 12:30 pm Forum: Vestry The Rev. Joan Anthony, Diocesan Canon to the Ordinary, takes your questions about how the call process works. 12:30 pm “Getting to Know You” Newcomer Coffee Hour meet at the font. Open to anyone seeking to make connections at Saint Mark’s Cathedral. 12:30 pm Oikocredit & Microfinance Informational meeting Leffler Living Room. Kick-off of the Saint Mark’s Microfinance Initiative (see box p. 3) 7 pm HOLY EUCHARIST, Thomsen Chapel Co-sponsored by Integrity, LGBT ministry of the Episcopal Church.

9:30 pm COMPLINE, The Cathedral Nave and broadcast live on KING 98.1 FM.

Chanted by the Compline Choir

CATHEDRAL PRAYER LIST FOR THIS WEEK To add a name to our prayer list contact 206.323.0300, ext 314 or Prayer requests are listed in Sundays & Beyond for four weeks, and, if needed, they are listed in the monthly Ongoing List, which may be found in the Narthex. The Church: Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury; Katherine Jefferts Schori, Presiding Bishop; Greg Rickel, Bishop; and the Diocesan staff; all the communities of this diocese, especially Good Shepherd, St. Luke/San Lucas & All Saints, Vancouver; the clergy and lay staff and vestry of Saint Mark’s Cathedral; all the ministries of Saint Mark’s, especially the ministry of the Profile Committee. The World: Barack Obama, President; Christine Gregoire, Governor; Michael McGinn, Mayor of Seattle; Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations; Israel, Palestine, Pakistan, the Sudan, North Korea, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Haiti, Libya, Japan, South Sudan, Zimbabwe, Norway, Syria All who serve in the armed forces and their families: Jeffrey Bates, Blake Casad, Andy Bench, Michael Toomer

Hunger Offering this Sunday Please remember the Hunger Offering Ministry this Sunday. Collection baskets will be in the back of the nave. Your contributions help 6 local programs feed the hungry and poor.

Saint Mark’s Nametags– hospitality in action The easiest way to welcome visitors and newcomers to the Cathedral! Order yours at the Welcome Table today or email Liz at Tags are $6.50. The flowers in the Cathedral today are given in thanks for the wedding of Amanda Shepherd and Will Gwinn. The flowers in the Chapel today are given in thanksgiving for the wedding of Bobbie DeVore and John Narver.

The Cathedral Shop is a source for books on iconography as well as quality reproductions of notable iconic images. In conjunction with the exhibit, the Shop will feature the works of local iconographer, Deborah Anderson. High quality ultrachrome prints of Deborah’s icons are available to purchase or special order. icongifts.html

Postulants: Alfredo Feregrino, Laura Ellen Muglia Those who have died: Ephraim Boms, Knick Pyles, Marla Forsmann, Isabel McLean, Pastor Jon Nelson, Stefano Saldari, Dean Shumway, June, The Rev. Canon Mary Michael Simpson, Bagley Wright, Kay Folsom Mickel, Joyce Everett, Gregory Rue, and those who grieve. Those who are sick or suffering in any way in body, mind or spirit: Terry Brelsford Ralph Carskadden Sara Coe Keri DeAngelis Polly Essinger Ann Fiser Janet Forsmann Jerry Gould

Rosemary Harms Jim Jones Roux Harding Jon Kearney Glenda Kerr Ken Kirkpatrick The Kletsky Family Ingrid Lieberg

THE CATHEDRAL SHOP Ann McDowell Scottie McKay Elsie Shelton Fern, Loren & Holly Shumway Marilyn Stratton Stephanie Tooman Herb Williams

Across the parking lot in Leffler House!

Monday–Saturday: 11a.m.–5:30p.m. Sunday: 9 a.m.– 1 p.m. 206.323.1040

Vestry Corner on back page!

Garden Committee Sat., Aug 13, 9am (Gardens) We invite anyone interested in getting their hands dirty while beautifying the Cathedral grounds. Bring gloves and a water bottle, if you have them.

Oikocredit and Microfinance Update & Information Meeting Sunday, Aug.14, 12:30 pm Leffler Living Room Discussion of microfinance and Oikocredit's accomplishments in specific. Kick-off the Saint Mark's Microfinance initiative . Everyone who is interested, including current Oikocredit investors, is welcome to attend. A light lunch will be served.

‘Demented Spouses’ Monday, July 15, 2 p.m. Small Conference Rm, 2d flr Bloedel Hall. For those who are caregivers to spouses/ partners suffering from dementia. If you are interested in this pastoral care group– or another group, please contact the Rev. Pat Taylor at 206.323.0300, ext. 223 or

Mission to Seafarers: Annual Benefit Luncheon Saturday, August 27 10:30 am Pier 91, aboard the Golden Princess REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Friday, August 19 See our website for details or contact the Rev. David Mesenbring.

August Vestry Meeting Tuesday, August 23, 6 pm Diocesan House Regular monthly meeting of the Vestry. All parish members welcome to attend.

Gratitude Gatherings Thanks for all the fun! Gratitude Gatherings are sponsored by Saint Mark’s Stewardship Committee.

This week and beyond! Ordination to the Sacred Order of Priests: Irene Tanabe Thursday, Aug. 18, 7 pm Cathedral Nave God willing and the people consenting, Bishop Greg and all the priests we can collect will lay hands on Irene Tanabe to make her a priest – our priest for at least a year. The entire Saint Mark’s community is invited to come together to celebrate and support Irene! The Rev. Pat Taylor wrote in Sundays and Beyond: "Irene has been a deacon among us since July 1. She told me that she believes that her life as a public defender was diaconal ministry and I agree. All of us serving justice and striving to improve the lot of fellow humans and the environment are working as deacons, those who serve the world. That is part of our baptismal calling...Our new priest is a gift to us from the diocese. St. Peter’s raised her, the Multicultural Commission nourished her and she comes to us as part of the Curacy of Color program that was funded in part by tickets to Black Nativity from the nights sponsored by the diocese and many of us attended. Half her salary is gift for Saint Mark’s. "

Middle & High School Dinner & Compline Sunday, Aug. 21 Middle & High School 7 pm: meet on Cathedral steps & walk up Broadway for dinner; 9 pm: Compline Middle School and Senior High youth (this includes kids rising from 5th to 6th grade) will have monthly “dinner and Compline nights” again this summer. We hope you will join us!

STEWARDSHIP MINISTRY FAIR is coming!!! Our annual parish party, where all the ministries of this great Cathedral display their materials, will be Sunday, September 18, 2011. The Stewardship Ministry Fair will be in Bloedel Hall after all three morning services. Plan to come share the great refreshments and be inspired for the coming year! Ministry Group Leaders should have received an email this week inviting them to organize their displays and reserve spaces. For more information, email Joyce Ramée:


August 13—October 12, 2011 Special Event Schedule Remembering 9/11: Blessed Are the Peacemakers Sunday, September 11, 3 - 5 p.m. An interfaith event celebrating the Peacemakers. Tickets available at Brown Paper Tickets, $20 or free will offering Icons by Candlelight Sundays, September 11, 18, 25 and October 2, 10:30 p.m.-midnight Following the famed Compline Service on Sundays, and organ music. Choral Evensong Sunday, September 25, 5:30 p.m. The Saint Mark’s Cathedral Choir will lead Evensong- Canticles from Rachmaninoff’s Vespers. The Abbey at Saint Mark’s Saturday, October 1, 8 p.m. The Fremont Abbey presents a contemplative concert with local indie musicians, held at Saint Mark’s



Welcoming all to live the light of Christ Sunday Service Times See page 2 for all Sunday services & activities. Weekday Service Times Wednesdays, 12 noon: Eucharist in Thomsen Chapel Thursdays, 7 a.m.: Eucharist in Thomsen Chapel Monday-Friday, 6:30 p.m. Evening Prayer: McCaw or Thomsen Chapel Sundays and Beyond—Announcements about events and activities happening on campus, plus a weekly update and the Cathedral prayer list. It is available by electronic subscription, on our website, and in print in the nave. To submit announcements for our publications and website, go to and click on the link for Publications & Forms/ Communications Request Form. This form will ask for all the information required. Requests are due by Monday at 5 p.m. for publication on the following Sunday. Late submissions are included on a space available basis. Announcements may be edited for space and content. SUBSCRIBE! on our website click on the "join our email lists” link at

Saint Mark’s Counseling Service We offer professional counseling tailored to meet your specific needs and goals. Safe and confidential. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please call.

Kathleen Tyrrell M.S., L.M.F.T.

206.323.0339 Located in Leffler House on the south side of the parking lot.

GIVE BY TEXT! You can now make donations simply by sending a text message! Text a donation at anytime, anywhere from any cell phone or smart phone. To get started, visit click on the “Donate Now” link and complete the one-time setup (or update your existing profile).

The Vestry Corner

1245 10th Ave E Seattle, WA 98102

The Profile Committee is making great progress in creating the document to call our seventh Dean. We hope that everyone engaged in last week's forums. We will have another opportunity to hear more about the call process this Sunday. The Rev. Joan Anthony, Canon to the Ordinary, will be preaching at all morning services. In addition to her vital work in the Diocese, Joan is advising the Vestry during the call process. It is a blessing to have her with us during this time. Please plan on attending the Sunday Forum in Bloedel Hall following the 11 amservice to hear valuable information about the call process. From the Parish Profile Committee:

Our videographer Nell Grey will have her camera out again after the 9 and 11 services on Sunday, August 14 recording short interviews with parishioners while others were busy filling out the questionnaires available at the back of the nave. Based on your experience of Saint Mark’s in the recent past, and on your hopes for the next 3-5 years, what are the qualities you most want to see in our next Dean? Note: the more specific and thoughtful your responses at the Forum the more specific we can be as we write the Profile of the cathedral which will in turn be used as we advertise for candidates. For example, certain things we can take for granted: we want a good preacher. We want a good fundraiser. Our hope is to move beyond these generalities and –bearing in mind the self-reflection we’ve done as a parish over the past few years -explore more deeply and honestly those qualities most needed as we move into the next phase of our life together.

Summer Sunday School: The Great Water Party! Locations vary by week watch for signage at the Cathedral entry and in Childcare. This summer we’re focusing on the Great Water Party with handson exploration of Baptism, the Eucharist, and our church-wide Wine into Water project. A few weeks ago, we kicked off our Mile of Pennies service project. We will have to collect 84,480 pennies to cover a mile! (We’ll take larger coins and bills, too!).

Questions? Comments? Ever wonder why we do certain things? Has someone gone out of their way to do something special? Let us know! Email the wardens at

You are welcome! All events announced here are open to all who are interested. More information can be found at our website What about you? Won’t you join us sometime and see what we’re all about?

CATHEDRAL STAFF & LEADERSHIP Canon Missioner The Rev. Canon Rebecca L. McClain Deacon The Rev. Earl Grout Senior Associate The Rev. David Mesenbring Pastoral Care Associate The Rev. Patricia Taylor Curate The Rev. Irene Tanabe Canon Musician Dr. J. Melvin Butler Clerke of the Works Alan DePuy Sexton Glenn Sands Associate Musician Brian Fairbanks Boys and Girls Choir Director Rebekah Gilmore Liturgist Becky Morrill Children & Youth Ministries Cindy Spencer Childcare Center Heather Barnum Stewardship Associate Alicia Sands Communications Director Liz Sloat Vestry Senior Warden Scott Smallwood Vestry Junior Wardens Stacy Andersen, Janet McCully 2010-2011 Vestry: Marge Anderson, Kae Eaton, Mark Eichinger-Wiese, Elsie Ford, Bob Kirkman, Leslie Miller, Walter Stuteville, Hunter Tynes and Roger Valdez; and Diocesan Representatives: the Rev. Patty Baker, Dale Ramerman and The Rev. Rebecca Kirkpatrick

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