Samahi (high School yearbook) 1961

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SENIOR.$_ .CLAS~.0 F 1961



ST. MARTIN 'S HIGH SCHOOL Olympi a, Washington

STAFF Ed itor-in-Ch ief - - - - - - - - - - BRUCE MONTGOMERY Business Manager - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MIKE BOLAND La yout Editor - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ROMER BROWN Ass 't. Layout Editor - - - - - - - - - - MARV McCARTNEY Sports Editor - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MICK SCHRECK Literary Editor - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MIKE HARRIS Art - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _; - - - - - - TERRY SCOTT Photography - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TIM KELLY Ass't. Photographer - - - - - - - - - - - - - TIM HUDSON Typist - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ED WARTELLE Ad visor - - - - - - - - FARTHER CLETUS BRADLEY, O. S. B.

Introduction Faculty - - - Seniors - - - Underclassmen Activities - Sports - - - Organizations -





INTRODUCTION We have attempted in these pages to bring to you the activities of the 1960-61 school year. Also we have tried to capture some of the spirit of St. Martin's for the memories of you and your friends who will read this book in the years to come. The Annual staff would like to express their sincere appreciation for the co-operation given to us by each and every faculty member and student. We sincerely hope that you will enjoy the 1961 SAMAHI. The Annual Staff



Dedication TO A 'HUMBLE MONK, AN UNTIRING TEACHER; A JUST PREFECT, AND A BEST FRIEND In sincere appreciation for the untiring assistance that you have given to us, we dedicate this annual to you, Father Kenneth. Father Kenneth Keller, Order of Saint Benedict, .was born in Saint Cloud, Minnesota, on November 14, 1930, and ordained Priest May 23, 1959. During his two years at St. Martin 's he has been active in many things. Father Kenneth is the Vice~Principal of the school, and senior class prefect and moderator. Besides these jobs, he is kept busy teaching American History, Social Studies, and Religion . This summer Father will begin work on his Masters Degree in History, at Notre Dame . The seniors thought enough of their prefect to send him down to California to see his "beloved" Gophers play his "adopted" Huskies. At 9:45 every night, you hear "Hit the rack!" resounding up and down the senior floor; then you know that the big "K" has decided the seniors should call it a day. We dedicate this annual to you, Father Kenneth, in sincere thanks for the help and understanding that you have given us in the past two years.



Rose Bowl, here I come .

Let's see, who ' s absent?

A quick trim -


All the members of our faculty and monastic family have been happy to have had all of you with us during the past school year. We hope that you have had some m_easure of joy in acquiring the intellectual and moral virtues which become a Christian gentleman. We ask that you live up to the high expectations which your parents and we have for you. Their sacrifices and our conscientious concern for your mental and spiritual growth will be well repaid by your generous application to life's situations of the lessons which you have learned here. Please remember your schoolmates and us by a kind word and, now and again, a little prayer. We will do the same for you. (Rt. Rev.) Raphael Heider, 0. S. B. Abbot-Chancellor

THE TWO FOLD BENEDICTINE MOTTO, "WORK AND PRAY" • . . "THAT IN ALL THINGS GOD MAY BE GLORIFIED, "have been the guide posts by which your administration and faculty have endeavored to give you the best kind of Christian education. Our educational program has been built around discipline, learning, and liturgy. Discipline as a necessary element in our training which will enable you to lead a life of self control, orderliness, and efficiency; Learning so as to instill into you a desire for wisdom, truth, and justice; Liturgy to teach you the value and consequences of your activities in relation to God, and to help you to realize the purpose for your existence. We trust and hope that having been at St. Martin's High School your life will be fuller, yourcharacter stronger, your horizons wider, your opportunities greater, and your eternal happiness more assured. Rev. Conrad Rausch, O. S. B.


The Big Six

The Administration and ruling body of St. Martin's. From left to right: Fathers Timothy, Ke nneth, Leonard, Nicholas, C onrad, and C letus.

FR. CONRAD RAUSCH, O. S. B. Principal

FR. TIMOTHY LAMM, O.S.B. Sophomore Prefect


FR. KENNETH KELLER, O. S. B. Vic e-Principa 1 Senior Prefect

FR. CLETUS BRADLEY, O. S. B. Registrar Junior Prefect

FR. LEONARD FEEREY, O.S.B. Freshman Prefect

FR. NICHOLAS RAUSCH, O . S.B. Seminarian Prefect


FR. ALFRED, O. S. B. Bookkeeping

FR. ANDREW, O. S. B. Typing and Driver 's Train ing

FR. CLETUS , O. S. B. Sophomore English and Sophomore Religion

FR. CONRAD, O. S. B. Art and Mech . Drawing

FR. DAVID, 0. S. B. Biology

FR. EUGENE, O. S. B. Music

FR. FELIX, O. S. B. Chemistry

FR. GREGORY, O. S. B. Freshman English

FR. JOHN, O. S. B. Bursar

FR. KENNETH, O. s. B. World Problems and American History, Religion 7


FR. LEO, O. S. B. Sacristan

FR. LUKE, 0. S. B. German a nd Librarian

FR. NICHOLAS , O. S. B. Debate and First Year Algebra

FR. TIMOTHY, O. S. B. Junior English, French and Journalism


FR. VA LERI AN, O. S. B. Latin One and Lat in Three

FR. LEONARD, O. S. B. Senior English, Creativ e Writing and Religion

FR. MICHAEL, O. S. B. Second Year Latin

FR. PETER, O. S. B. First Year Ge rman

FR. URBAN, O. S. B• . Senior Physics, Advanced Algebra and Religion

FR. WILLIAM, O. S. B. Senior Religion


BR. DOMINIC, 0 , S. B.

BR. KILIAN, 0 . S. B.

Postma ster


BR. NEAL, O. S. B. Librarian

MR. GEORGE FEENEY Equipmen t Property Manager

MR. KENNETH STEVENS Band a nd Glee Club

MR. DALE BEHLES College Survey Ma th Geometry and P. E.

MR. BENN ARD HARVEY Athletic Director, Wa shington State History, Freshman P. E., Intramural Coordinator

MR. MONTE WALKER Head Football and Basketball Coach, World History







~~riiors -

Class of '61

Good Morning!

The Untouchables

Eliot "K" Ness

How do you spell that, Fathen



Left to Right : Jim McCarthy, Bob Renggli, Dav e Replinger, Mike Harris, Joe Pa rt ingt on.

SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS Preside nt - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - JOE PARTINGTON Vice President - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MIKE HARRIS Secretary - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - D AV E REPL!NGER Treasurer - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - BOB RENGGL! C lass Representativ e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - JIM McCARTHY Cl ass Moderator - - - - - - - - - - - - FATHER KENN ETH, O. S. B,


ART ACUFF - 1. 2, 3, 4 Olympia, Washington, Football 1, 2, 3, 4, Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4, Baseball 1, 2, 3, Golf 4, M:-C,Lub 2, 3, 4, Glee Club 1, Ski Club 2 .... . . Majors - English, History, Science

RON AYOTTE - 1, 2, 3, 4 Port Orchard, Washington, Boxing 2, Track 1, 2, 3, 4, C amera C lub 1, 2, Rifle Club 1, 2, M-Club 2, 3, 4, M - Cl ub Officer 4 Majors - English, History, Mathematics, Foreign Language

MIKE BAKER - 2, 3, 4 Anchorage, Ala ska, Boxing 2, 3.. M-Club 2, Art Club 3, 4 Majors - Mathematics, English, History, Language RUSSELL BEALS - 3, 4 Tacoma, Washington, Journa !ism 3 Majors - History, English, Mathematics, Science

PAUL BENNETT - 2, 3, 4 Olympia, Washington, Basketball 3, 4, M-Club 3, 4, Glee Club 2, 3, 4 Majors - English, Science, History, Mathematics, Latin BILL BERGER - 4 Bend, Oregon, Football 4, Track 4, Ski Club 4 Majors - English, Science, Mathematics, History

MIKE BOLAND - 1, 2, 3, 4 Idaho Falls, Idaho, Track -1, Football 4, Honor Society 1, 2, 3, 4, Ski Club 1, 2, 3, 4, Camera Club 1, 2, Annual Staff 4 Majors - English, Science, Mathematics, History, Foreign Language JIM BOTT - 3, 4 Richland, Washington, Basketball 4, Baseball 4, F.T.A . 3,4, F.T.A. Officer 4, Honor Society 3,4, M-Club 4, Art 3, Rifle Club 3, Servers Society 3, 4 Majors - English, History, Mathematics, Science


ROMER BROWN - 3, 4 Kellogg, Idaho, Golf 4, Basketball 4, Ski Club 3, 4, Annual Staff 4, M-Club 4, C. C. D. 4 Majors - English, Mathematics, Science MIKE BROWN - 3, 4 Sutherland, Oregon Majors - English, History, Mathematics

AL BRULOTTE - 1, 2, 3, 4 Moxee, Washington, Boxing 2, Football 1, 2, 3, 4, Baseball 3, Track 3, 4, M-Club 3, 4 Majors - English, Mathematics, Science, History BOB BUSCKO - 1. 2, 3, 4, Olympia, Washington, Football 1. 2, 3, 4, Basketball 1. 2, Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4, M-Club 2, 3, 4, Student Council 1, Class Officer 1 Majors - English, History, Science

GREG CASE - 4 Thousand Oaks, California, F.T . A. 4, C . C . D. 4, Cheerleader4 Majors - English, Mathematics, History, Language GERALD CRONK - 2, 3, 4 Kelso, Washington, A . S. B. Officer 4, Class Officer 3, F. T. A. 2, 3, 4, F. T. A . Officer 4, Student Council 3, 4, Honor Society 2, Servers Society 3, 4 Majors - English, History, ~athematics, Science, Language

KEMP CURTIS - 4 Downey, California, Lapidary Club 4, Camera Club 4 Majors - English, Ma thematics, History, Science JOHN DEHLER - 3, 4 Prineville, Oregon, Lapidary Club 4 Majors - English, History, Mathematics, Science


STEVE EBLING - 1. 2, 3, 4 San Francisco, California, Trac,k 1, 2, Baske~ball 1. Servers Society 1, 2, 3; 4,' Class Officer 2, 3, Honor Society 1, 2, 3, 4, Band 2, Cheerleaders 3 Majors - Latin, Mathematics, History, English, Science BARRY EDWARDS - 1. 2, 3, 4 Puyallup, Wash ington, Rifle Club 1, 2 Majors - English, History, Science, Mathematics

TED ENGLAND - 4 Seattle, Washington, Ski Club 4 Majors - English, History, Mathematics JOHN ERNSDORFF - 1, 2, 3, 4 Lewiston, Idaho, Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4, Football 1, Camera Club 3, M- Club 3, 4 Majors - English, Mathematics, History, Science

KEN FINE - 1. 2, 3, 4 Seattle, Washington, Ski Club 1, 2, 3, 4, Camera Club 1 Majors - English, Mathematics, History BILL FOSBRE - 1, 2, 3, 4 Olympia, Washington, Football 1, 2, 3, 4, Basketball 1, Track 1, 2 , Honor Society 1, 2, M-Club 2, 3, 4, Ski Club L 2 , 3, 4, Student Council 4, Day Student Prexy 4

Majors - Mathematics, English, History, Science

ROBERT GAENSSLEN - 4 Boise, Idaho, F. T. A. 4

Majors - English, Mathematics, History, Science, Language LEMUEL GELINEAU - 3, 4 Forest Grove, Oregon, Lapidary Club 4 Majors - Mathematics, History, Science, English


JIM HARRIS - 1, 2 , 3, 4 Tacoma, Washington, Honor Society 1, 2, 3, 4 Majors - English, History, Science MIKE HARRIS - 3, 4 Seattle, Washington, Football 3, 4, Boxing 3, Track 3, 4, Basketball 4, M-Club 3, 4, M-Club Officer 4, Class Officer 4, Annual Staff 4 Majors - English, Ma thema tics, History

CARL HENSCHIED - 3, 4 Rupert, Idaho, Track 4, Lapidary Cl ub 3, 4, C . C. D. 4, Camera Club 3, Glee Club 3, F. T. A. 3, Art 4, Servers Society 3, 4 Majors - English, Science, History TED HICKEL - 4 Anchorage, Alaska, Majors - English, History, Mathematics

GERARD HOFSTEE - 3, 4 Everett, Washington, C . C. D. 4, Rifle Club 3, 4, Ski Club 4, Lapidary Cl ub 3, 4 Majors - English, History, Mathematics CHUCK JOHNSON - 1, 2, 3, 4 Chehalis, Washington, Football 2, 3, 4, Basketball 2, 3, 4, Baseball 1, 2, 3, M-Club 2, 3, 4, Speech 4 Majors - English, History, Mathematics, Scienc

JIM KELLY - 1, 2, 3, 4 Burley, Idaho, Band 1. 2 , Camera Cl ub 1, 2, Ski Club 1, 2, 3, 4, Rifle C lub 1, Projection 3, 4, Annual Staff 2, 4, Majors - English, Mathematics, History, Science, Language DENYS KIRSCH - 1, 2, 3, 4 Wenatchee, Washington, C . C. D. 4, Honor Society 1, 2, 4, Glee Club 1. 2 , 3, Servers Society 2, 3, 4 Majors - English, History, Science, Language


FRANK KLARICH - 2, 3, 4 Tacoma, Washington, F. T. A. 4, Che.e rleader .1. J_ournalism 3, 4 Majors - Eng fish·, · History, Science TORI KOVACH - 1, 2, 3, 4 Aberdeen, Washington, Football 1, 2, 3, 4, Boxing 2, Track 1, 2, M-Club 2, 3, 4, Schola 3 Majors - English, History, Mathematics, Science

VICTOR LAMB - 1, 2, 3, 4 Olympia, Washington, Boxing 3, M-Club 3, 4 Majors - English, Science, History, Mathematics LARRY !-,A WSON - 3, 4 Moses Lake, Washington, Football 4, Basketball 4, Baseball 4, M-Club 4, Ski Club 4 Majors - English, History, Mathematics

MIKE LEAHY - 1, 2, 3, 4 Seattle, Washington, Football 1, 2, 3, 4, Baseball 3, 4, Track 4, Basketball Mgr. 1, 2, 3, M-Club 2, 3, 4, M-Club Officer 3, 4, Journalism 1, 2, 3 Majors - English, History, Science ROBERT LENC - 2, 3, 4 Tacoma, Washington, Football 3, Band 3, 4 Majors - English, Science, Mathematics, History

VICTOR LYNCH - 1, 2, 3, 4 Olympia, Washington, Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4, Football 1 Majors - Science, History, Mathematics, English, Latin CARL MILLS - 4 Tacoma, Washington, Debate 4 Majors - English, History, Science, Mathematics


BRUCE MONTGOMERY - 3, 4 Boise Idaho, Track 4, Football 4, Basketball 4, Ski Club 3, 4, Debate 3, M-Club 4, Journalism 3, Annual Staff Editor 4 Majors - English, History, Mathematics, Science JIM McCARTHY - 1, 2, 3, 4 Tacoma, Washington, Golf 3, 4, Football 1, 2, 3, M-Club 2, 3, Class Officer 2, 3, 4, Student Council 3, 4, Honor Society 1, 2, 3, 4, Debate 1, 2, 3, 4, Journalism 4 Majors - English, Mathematics, History, Science

MARV McCARTNEY - 1, 2, 3, 4 Richland, Washington, Football 2, 3, 4, Basketball 1, 2, 3, F. T. A. 3, M-Club 2, 3, 4, Journalism 4, Annual Staff 4 Majors - English, History, Mathematics, Science PETER McCORMICK - 1, 2, 3, 4 Duvall, Washington, Ski Club 2, 4, Rifle Club 1, 2, Bus Driver 3, 4 Majors - English, History, Science

TOM McGOLDERICK - 1, 2, 3, 4 Olympia, Washington, Band 1, 2, 3, 4, Ski Club 2, Dance Band 2, 4 Majors - English, History, Science, Mathematics DAVE McLAUGHLIN - 1, 2, 3, 4 Olympia, Washington, Glee Club 1,2, 3,4 Majors - English, History, Science

HAROLD NELSON - 1, 2, 3, 4 Olympia, Washington, Rifle Club 1, 2, Glee Club 1, Honor Society 1, 2, 3, 4 Ma jors - English, Latin, Mathematics, Science, History JOHN McRAE - 3, 4 Pasco, Washington, F. T. A. 4, Golf 4, Honor Society 3, 4 Majors - English , History, Mathematics, Science


JIM O'CONNEL~ - 4 Se_a.rrle..- Washingto n, Ski Club 4 Majors - English, Language, History, Mathe m atics DICK PALMER - 4 Seattle, Washington, Football 4, Golf 4, Ski Club 4 Ma jors - History, English, Science, Latin

JOE PARTIN GTON - 1, 2, 3, 4 Olympia, Washington, Golf 2, 3, 4, Football 1, Ba sketball 1, M-Club 3,4, Class Officer 1,2,4, A.S.B. Officer 3, Student Council 1, 2, 3, 4, Debate 1, 2, 3, 4, Honor Society 1, 2, 3, 4, Servers Society 1,2,3,4 Majors - English, History , Science, Latin , Mathematics TOM PETRIQUE - 4 Olympia, Washington, Ma jors - Latin, English, History

ERLING QUALHEIM - 1, 2, 3, 4 Tacoma, Washington , Football Mgr. 4, Glee C lub 2, 3 , 4, Ski Club 1, 2, 3, 4 Majors - English, Mathematics, History BOB RENG GLI - 1, 2, 3, 4 Chehalis, Washington, Basketball 1, Baseball 1, Track 3, 4, Glee Club 1,2,3, Schola2,3,4, C.C.D. 4, Cheerleader 3, 4, Servers Society 1, 2, 3, 4, Class Officer 3, 4, M-Club 3, 4 Majors - Latin, Science, History, English

ROY RENGGLI - 1, 2, 3, 4 Tacoma, Washington, Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4, Basketball 1, M-Club 3, 4, Schola 2, 3, 4, Glee Club 1, 2, 3, Journalism 3, 4 Majors - English, History, Science DAVE REPLIN GER - 1, 2, 3, 4 Shelton, Washing• ton, Track 2, 3, Boxing 1, 2, 3, 4, Football 1, 3, 4 , Debate 1, 2 , F. T . A. 3, Journalism 3, Ski Club 1. M-C lub 3 , 4, Class Officer 3, 4 Majors - English, History, Mathematics


K, G. SCHACHT - 3, 4 Mount Verno n, Washington, Ski C lub 4, Journalism 4 Majors - English, History, Mathematics MICK SCHRECK - 1, 2 , 3, 4 Waterville, Washington, Football 1, 2, 3, 4, Golf 3, Basketball 1, 2, 3, Track 1, 2, 3, M-Club 2, 3, 4, M-Club Officer 3, 4, Debate 1, 2, 4, Servers Society 1, 2, A nnua I Staff 4, Stud en, Council 3, 4 Majors - English, History, Science

TERRY SCOTT - 1, 2, 3, 4 Wenatchee, Washington, Baseba ll 1, Art 1, 2, 3, 4, Animal Staff 4, Camera Club 1, 2 Majors - English, History, Mathemat ics DAVE SEELEY - 3, 4 Seattle, Washington, Baseball 4 , Deb ate 3, 4 Majors - History, Science, English

BOB SKELTON - 1, 2, 3, 4 Lewiston, Idaho, Baseball 1, Track 2, 3, Camera Club 1, 2, 3, Ski Club 1, 2, 3, 4, Usher 4, Servers Society 1, 2, 3, Lapidary Club 3, 4, Rifle Club 3, 4, Bus Driver 2, 3, 4 Ma jors - English, Mathematics, History, Science DAVE SMTIH - 2, 3, 4 Portland, Oregon, LapidaryClub3,4, C . C.D. 4 Majors - History, Science, Mathematics, English

DON SMTIH - 1, 2, 3, 4 Shelton, Washington, Football 1, Track 1, Debate Club 2, 3, 4, Debate Club Officer 4, Servers Society 1, 2, 3, 4, F.T.A. 3,4, C.C.D. 4, Honor Society 1,3,4, Cl ass Officer 3, A. S. B. Officer 4, Student Council 4 , Journalism 1, 4 Majors - Science, Mathematics, Latin, English, History MIKE SMITH - 1, 2, 3, 4 Olymp ia, Washington, Glee Club 1, 2, Honor Society 1, 2, 3 Ma jors - Science, Latin, Mathematics, Engllsh, History


JERRY SWENSON - 3, 4 Olympia, Washington, Majors - English, Sciefl_c ~, Histg_ry, . ,Latin, Mathematics PAT THORNTON - 2, 3, 4 Olympia, Washington, Football 2, 3, Basketball 2, Baseball 2, 3, MClub 2, 3, 4, Speech 2, 3, 4, Journalism 4 Majors - English, Science, History, Mathematics

DAVID WALDOCK -1,2,3,4 Chehalis, Washington, Speech 4, Journalism 3, Majors English, Ma the ma tics, Science, History

ED WA RTELLE - 1, 2, 3. 4 Seattle, Wash . , Fb. 1, Bb. 1, 4, Golf 2, 3, 4, Hon . Soc. 1,2,3,4, Ser. Soc. 1,2, 3, An. St. 4, Journ. 4, Debate 1, 2, 3, 4, Debate Off. 2, 3,F. T. A. 4, M - Club 3, 4 A. S. B. Off. 2, 3, 4, Cl. Off. 1, 2, Stu. Coun. 2, 3, 4, MajorsLat., Eng., Sci., Math., His.

RICHARD WEBER - 3, 4 Portland, Oregon, Ski Club 3, 4, Majors History, English

DENNIS WILKIE - 1, 2, 3, 4 Tacoma, Wash . , Baseba 11 1, Boxing 2, 3, 4, Journ. 3, 4, Ski Club 2, 3, 4, M- Club 3, 4, Arrow Editor 4, Majors - Math., His., Eng. Seniors at ease


Seniors in school life

Cold feet , cold heart

Hi t t he rack!

Pla y t he role I

Juniors -

Class of '62

Hit the Silk!



ST ANDING: Al Eckro th, Ma rv Kopp . SITTING : Joe Lehman, Co r ky Frady, Mike Feeney .

JUNIOR CLASS OFFICERS President - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vice Pre sident - - - - - - - - - - - - - Secre t ary - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Treasurer - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Representative - - - - - - - - - - - - - Moderator - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- - - - - - - JOE LEHMAN - - - - - - CORKY FRADY - - - - - - - MARV KOPP - - - - - - MIKE FEENEY - - - - - - AL ECKROTH FATHER CLETUS, O. S. B.

Gary Bower Merc er Island, Washington

Joe Alongi Yelm, Washington

Hugh Antonson Seattle, Washington

Brian Bonus Kent, Washington

Max Barnes Olympia , Wa shington

Mark Butler Auburn , Washington Richard Bucy Fairbanks, Alaska

James Coffey Olympia, Washington

Terry Burk e Wenatchee, Washington

John Cheney Port Townsend, Washington

Mike Condon Port Townsend, Washington

Al Eckroth Tacoma, Washington

Ed Drum McCleary, Washington

Tac-oma, Washington

Steve Derrer Boise, Idaho

Mike Feeney Waterville, Washington

Dave Ehrmantraut Longview, Washington

Corky Frady Olympia, Washington

Frank Feeney Seattle, Washington


Jared Fitzgerald Seattle, Washington

Jim Gellein Weiser, Idaho

Dennis Johnston Tacoma, Washington

Bob Jacobsen Port Angeles, Washington

Joe Furness Longview, Washington

Jerry Facobsen Port Angeles, Washington

Tom LaVera No rd land , Washington Joe Kampp Issaquah, Washington

Joe Lehman Tacoma, Washington

Marvin Kopp Olympia, Wa shington

Roland Lawrence Richland, Washington


Rodney Murray Olympia, Washington

Joe Lynam . Puyallup, Washington

Darell Midles Olympia, Washington

Frank Martin Cheney, Washington

John Martin Seattle, Washington


Joe McNerthney Seattle, Washington David Penn Olympia, Washington

Scott McClain Bend, Oregon

Mike McDonald Tacoma, Washington


Mike Nordmann Seattle, Washington

Lee Rancour Olympia , Washington

Mike Schuller Olympia, Washington

Edward Schaller Olympia, Washington

Gary Renggli Tacoma, Washington

Leslie Rougutt Tacoma, Washington

Richard Spencer Vancouver, Washington Alan Seidl Portland, Oregon

George Su Iii van Port Orchard, Washington

Gene Spencer Olympia , Washington

Don Swenson Olympia, Washington


Con Butenko Kent, Washington

Joe Swa !well Seattle, Washington

Arthur Weeks Vancouver, B.C.

Jim Wirfs Vashon, Washington

Mike Whittaker Seattle. Washington


-sophomores -

Class of '63


~ -

- ~.-=:;:, ...:-_

~-- ---




ST ANDING: Roy Hand spiker, Don Bernard. SITTING: Jim Twohig, Pat MacKenzie.

SOPHOMORE CLASS OFFICERS President - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PAT MacKENZIE Vice President - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DON BERNARD Secretary - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DAVE ROZELL Treasurer - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - JIM TWOHIG Representative - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ROY HANDSPIKER Class Moderator - - - - - - - - - - - - FATHER TIMOTHY, O. S. B.



Bruce Anderson Portland, Ore .

Phillip Arrants Port Orchard, Washington

Ron Baird Everett, Wash.

Dave Berger Olympia, Wash.

John Bell Seattle, Wash.

Don Bernard Seattle, Washington

Joe Barrett Seattle, Wash.

Ted Bjork Tumwater, Wash.

Phil Bouker Seattle, Wash.

Terry Cox Lewiston, Ida ho

Bob Cory Seattle, Wash.

Ben Crawford Anchorage, Ala.

Bob Davis Tacoma, Wash.

Bob Dehler Prineville, Ore. 33

Guy Deskines Tacoma, Wash.

Don Dufault Yakima, Wash.

Don Eilers Seattle, Wash.

Morris Fant Olympia, Wash.

Bill Fauver Tacoma, Wash.

Ric hard Frank Lynwood, Wash .

Charles Fritsch Olympia, Wash.

Douglas Fritsch Olympia, Wash.


Bob Gabbard Olympia, Wash.



Richard Grav es Long Beach, Calif.

Roy Handspiker Olympia, Wash.

Bill Harris Seattle, Wash.

Leonard Henscheid Rupert, Ida ho

James Hudson Fairbanks, Ala.

Bill Herndon Spokane, Wash.

Thomas James Colorado Springs, Co lo.

Jose Johnson Ft . Belvoir, Va.

Mike Jones Olympia, Wash.

Rick Jacka Tacoma, Wash.

Jfm Kelly Seattle, Wash.

Mike Kirsch East Wenatchee, Wash .

Mark Kirsch East Wenatchee, Wa shingto n

Dave Kneeland Shelto n, Wash.

Albert Klewin Tacoma, Wash.

Earl Koeneman Burns, Oregon

Tom Kresek Olympia, Wash.


Larry Law Tacoma, Wash.

Brian Leahy Seattle, Wash.

JQe Leary Issaquah, Wash.

Bill LeDrew Shelton, Wash .

Neal Lockett Seattle, Wash.

Mike Long Olympia, Wash.

Joe Lutzenberger Woodland, Wash .

Pat MacKenzie Seattle, Wash.


John Marria Boise, Idaho

James McDade Bums, Ore .

Craig Miller Boise, Id a ho

Dave Miller Olympia, Wash.

Raymond Mos ley Anacortes, Wash.

Jerry Read Boise, Idaho

Gera ld Murphy Olympia, Wash.

Jim Ridell Oswego, Oregon

John Rlch Portland, Ore.

Garth Rosamond Calgary, Alberta

Walt Renggli Cheha lis, Wash.

Dave Rozell Seattle, Wash.

John Ruegamer Hardin, Montana

Carl Schroeder Tacoma, Wash.

Leonard Sa browski Homer, Ala ska

Mike Sexton Seattle, Wash.

John Skar Olympia, Wash.

Tom Smith Olympia, Wa sh.


Tom Sommer Chehalis, Wash.

Dennis Specht Olympia, Wash.

Bob Vernetti Olympia, Wash .

Tom Walker Edmonds, Wash. Dave Soltis Tacoma, Wash .

Jim Walsh Seattle, Wash.


Jim Wilson Bellevue, Wash .

Melvi n Stella Port Alberni , B. C .

Tim Sullivan Olympia, Wash.

Jim Twohig Atherton, Calif.

f r.eshmen -

Class of '64



ST ANDING: Bla i ne Coppi n, Bob Weedma n . SITTING : Cla rk Conzatti, Mike Wartelle, Louis Dear borne .

FRESHMAN CLASS OFFICERS Pre sident - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CLARK CON ZATTI Vice President - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MIKE WARTELLE Secret ary - - - u - .,. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - BLAINE COPPIN Treasurer - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - BOB WEEDMAN Rep resentative - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LOUIS DEARBORNE Class Moderator - - - - - - - - - - - - FATHER LEON ARD, O. S. B.


Mike Barnes Olympia, Wash.

Tom Barnum Grass Valley, Ore .

Ed Buckner Portland, Ore .

Clark Conzatti Centralia, Wash.

Blaine Coppin Enumclaw, Wash.

Martin Dam itio Olympia, Wash.

Dennis Dargan Kent, Wash.

Louis Dearbome Seattle, Wash.

Bill Bernard Seatt le, Wash.

Dave Berschauer Olympia , Wash.

Elwin Boyle Richland, Wash.

Bob Dorn Bellevue, Wash.

Charl es Eckstrom Tacoma, Wash.

Tom Everts Seartle, Wash.


John Farber Tacoma, Wash.

Steve Hays Olympia, Wash.


Barry Feeney Olympia, Wash .

C larence Helvie Hoquiam, Wash .

Scot Frazier Tacoma, Wash.

Doug Herr Seattle, Wash.

Ray Fritsch Olympia, Wash.

Terry Gallagher Spokane, Wash.

Warren Godefroy Seattle, Wash.

Mickey Greisen Centralia, Wash.

Jim Hand Ellensburg, Wash.

George Haskett Tacoma, Wash.

Ken Hordyk Port Angeles, Wash.

Jim Joplin Ft. Lewis, Wash.

Jim Jackson Seattle, Wash.

Kitt Jordan Clarkston , Wash .

Bill Kern Olympia, Wash.

Otto Kroeker Olympia, Wash.

Jon Kurtz Bellevue, Wash.

Henry Lees Seattle, Wash.

John Mallon Tacoma, Wash.

Nicholas Marrs Seattle, Wash .

Brian Midles Olympia, Wash.

Al Miller Berill, Idaho

Paul Klincosz Olympia, Wash.

Ken Kneeland Shelton, Wash.

Bernard LeTourneau Longview, Wash .

Chris Linden Seattle, Wash .



Pat McLaughlin Seattle, Wash.

John O' Kief Ontario , Ore.


Doyle Nel son Tacoma, Wash .

Bill Peav ey Centralia, Wash.

Art Montagne Oswege, Ore .

Bob Murphy Seattle , Wash.

Mike McClure Prosser, Wash.

Bernard McFadden Spanaway, Wash.

Tom Nelson Olympia, Wash .

Jim Newell Port Angeles, Wash.

Jim O'Brien Seattle, Wash.

Terry Pellecchia Seattle, Wash.

Bob Peterson Enumclaw, Wash.

Jim Phillips Olympia; Wash.

Dave Pope Port Angeles, Wash

Ron Reckner Aberdeen, Wash.

Bob Reinhardt Lacey, Wash .

John Richmond Seattle , Wash.

Howard Ruddell Port Angeles, Wash.

Jim Ruegamer Hard in, Mon.

Tom W. Ryan Seattle, Wash.

Tom M. Ryan Olympia, Wash.

Pat Schreck Waterville, Wash.

John Rollin Seattle, Wash.

Bill Smith Tacoma, Wash .

Dan Snyder Seattle Wash .

Jack Stewart Tacoma, Wash .

John Trodahl Cheha !is, Wash .


Nick Walleri Federal Way, Wash.

Mike Warrelle Seattle, Wash.

Dave Williams Tacoma, Wash.

Bill Wood Portland, Ore.


Bob Weedman Longview, Wash.

John Woodford Bellevue, Wash .

Gary Wildhaber Chehalis, Wash.

Mike Wiley Prosser, Wash.

Tom Wutzke Tacoma, Wash.

Ken Youmans Gustav us, A la ska


For your Silver Jubilee . . . All Freshman Cla sses dedic ate this to you, Father Leonard , for your many yea rs as a prefect and teacher.

Most of my years as a priest have been spent as a teacher and prefect of you high school boys. I have enjoyed these years very much - so much so, in fact, that if somehow God were to grant me to live my life over again, I should like to spend it just as I have, as a teacher and prefect in St. Martin's High School. Judged by earthly standards, this is not a very rewarding occupation, indeed; but I have lived and worked in the hope that my clumsy efforts to help you fellows live better, nobler lives will "pay off" in eternity. Hence it will be only wh en I meet you fellows in Heaven that I will know that my life has not been in vain. - Father Leonard


A ctivities

Sophomores play the pinball machine .

Mike butchers Romer

Ed croons to little brother Mike . Marv and his date .


s E N 0 R


s 0 p





on and his dat e view the m ado nna .

s H

p A


T y

" Here l am all you lucky pe ple . "

Pictured are: K. Miller.

M-Club Dances


n e land, N. Marrs, A.



s H M A



Frazier gets an impromptu shower .


Pat Gerspacher, manager Saga Food Co ., for the second semester.











Buste r Tolley, manager Saga Food Co., for the first semester.

T OP, L to R: L. Klew in, B. Gilhus, M. Taylor, B. Rice, I. Darnell, G. Plum, M. Marshall. MIDDLE : M. Mallinger, A. Howcroft, A. Gray , M. Shultz . BOTT OM: R. Malone, M. Cameron .

Halloween Night! Bust er provided a good ti me for a 11.


5: 15 p. m . - Dinner time at school.

SN ACK BAR CREW: B. Berger, T. England, G. Hofstee, M. Stella. CUSTOMERS: J. Hand, H. McRae.

s N







A quick snack before bed.

The players rest, and the students eat during the half.







--Athletic Department


Assistant Coach, DALE BEHLES

Head Co ach, MONTE WALKER Athletic Director, BERNIE HARVIT


AI Eckroth , Ran ger halfb ack , is dum ped ha rd by a trio of White Pass tacklers . t he next play to tie the Pan thers.

Hugh Antonson scored on


- -- -- ---- -- - - - - -- - - -- - - - - -- - - - -------- -- ----------- --- --- ---- - - - - -- - -- - - - - -- - - - -

#St . •s t. •st . •st . •st. •s t. •st. •st.

Ma rti n's Ma rti n' s Ma rti n's Martin 's Martin ' s Ma rti n' s Mart in 's Ma rtin ' s - - -

*St. •s t. •s t . •s t. •s r.

JUNIOR VARSITY SCHEDULE Marti n ' s 0 - - Ma rti n' s 6 Martin's 2 Ma rt in ' s - - - 12 Martin 's 0 *LEAGUE GAMES


7 6

0 12 6

13 19 20 *LEAGUE GAMES


- - - - - - -------- ---- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - -

Rochester White Pass Elm a Eatonville Cheha lis Raymond Montesano Yelm

6 6

13 6

31 7 40 10

Yelm 0 Montesano 0 White Pa ss 0 Ea tonville 0 Chehalis 20



FIRST ROW: J. Martin, D. Bernard, J. Ruegamer, M. Harris, T . Kov c h, G. Renggli, S. McCla in, T . Ja m s. S C D ROW: mgr . B. Montgomery , J. Fitzgerald, M. Boland, R. Ja cka , L, Rougutt, R. Frank, J. Wil s n, T. LaVera. THIRD ROW: C. Miller, D. Pa mer, B. Berger, B. Fauver, M. Feeney, Donus, B. Jacob e n, H. lrntonson

HUGH ANT NSON First String All uConference, Second String 58 olic, Most Va luab le Pl ayer.


11- Cath•

FIRST ROW: C . Fra dy, P. MacKenz ie, B. Leahy, M. Fant, L. Sabrowski , M. Barnes, E. Dru m, T . Sullivan, • Spence r, A. Eckroth . SECO D ROW: R. Handspiker, J. Lehman , L. Law son, M. K pp, J. T wohig, J . Reed, mgr. E. Qua lhiem . THIRD ROW: M. Le a hy, M. McCa rtney, A. Acuff, C . Johnson, B. Fosbre, A . Bru lotte, F. Feeney, J. Bell. This is the St . Martin' s football t eam, 1960 .




BILL FOSBRE, Halfback Co- Captain 2nd string All- Conference, Honorable Mention AllCa tho lir.


MIKE LEAHY, Tackle 2nd string All-Conference, Honorable Mention AllCatholic . MARV McCARTNEY Outstanding Tackle

TORI KOVACH, Guard Honorable Mention All-Conference , Honorable Men tion All- Catho lic. ED DRUM; Guard


Sc. Martin's starting offensive eleven was lead by Tailback Bill Fosbre, ably assisted by backs Chuck Johnson, Hugh Antonson, and Bob Jacobsen. The forward wall consists center Marv Kopp, guards Tori Ko vach and Ed Drum, tackl es Marv McCartney and Mike Leahy, and e nds Brian Bonus and Art Acuff.

Coaches Walker and Behles meet with the Yelm coach .afte r the Rangers had rolled to a 20 - 0 victory. This game concluded the Rangers winning season.

Mike Harris, although ineligible during his two years at St. Martin 's, turned out and was voted the Inspirational Award by his teammates. "Runt's" desire and work exemplified the best at St. Martin's.


The unb e t n Frosh ream is fo r e by: FR N : C. Conza tti mgr . , J. Jackson, J. hillips, K . Jordan , C. Linde n, R. Pe terson, L. Dearbome, D. Snyder, M. Barnes, P. Schrec k, G. Hask tt, J. O'Klef SECOND ROW: arrcll, D. Herr , P, M Laugh lin , J. uega m r, • Ruddell , J. ew 11 , T. e lso , . L s, T. Pellecchia, B. umith, J. Farber . THIRD ROW: C a · h B. Harvey, 0 , oc e , J. Richm ond, K Youma ns, L. Purtzer, s. Hays, P. Klin osz, B. Weedman , K, Hordyk, J. Stewart, E. Boyle, B. McFadde n, B. Peavey, M. Damitio, and mgr. B. Wo d. FROSH Coach B. Ha rve and his assi rams, F. Dom, J. Doherty, G. Holcomb, produced very srron rosh team .

Happy ma nagers of the Frosh team were Ron Reckner, Bill Wood, and Clark Con zatti,


Wart 11 's S ccer Tea m . u tls, Engla nd , Wirfs, Warte lle, Re nggli. BA K: L ary, autz man, Helvie, Condon, Kneeland , Bu ke, Wa ll eri.

Wre tllng ts one of the new attractions on the Intramural program at Sr. Martin 's , Jim v il son and om James prepare to go at it .

Ma k Butl ce agai n exhibits his stre ngth.

Volleyba ll is one of the most popular sports of the Intramu ral program .


The Ranger Varsity Basketball te am consists of: FRONT ROW: M. Schreck, M. Schuller, R. Brown, M. Condon, C. Johnson, E. Wartelle. SECOND ROW: D. Spencer, J. Bott, H. Antonson, J. Bell, P. Bennett, A. Acuff. The Rangers had a rough losing season against tough competition.

Varsity Basketball M. Condon fires for an easy one against the Bellarmine Lion s.






JIM BOTT, Center




ART ACUFF, Forward

Hugh Antonso n battles for control of the boards against the Bellarmine Lions. Up in the air for a rebound, go Mike Condon and Hugh Antonson in a losing effort.

Superma n! No , just Mike Condon laying it up. Crowd cheers as the Rangers lose by three to Chehalis.

St. Martin's Jayvees form a high potential for next year's varsity . FRONT: MacKenzie, Lynam, Frady, Kopp, Hayward, Sexton. BACK: Wirfs. Cory. Sabrowski, Rozell, Schroeder, McClain, and Leahy.

Junior Varsity Dick Spencer scrambles for a loose ball.

John Bell fires for one against Rochester.

The "I" Club, formed by our new coaching staff, enables those who are ineligible (u nder the ruling of the Washington State At hletic Board) to gain experience for the following years. FRONT: Furness, Craw ford, Read , Fitzgerald, Bower. BA CK: Ja cobsen , Ehrmantraut, Miller, Eilers, Koeneman, Graves.

("("I" Club


Father Kenneth, big gun and fouler for the "I" Club, prepares for a jum p.

Rough going und er the boards and tough competition make the "I" Club games interesting.


FRONT: Greiser1 mgr., McF-adder1, Youmar1s, Schreck, Lir1der1, Sr1yder, Rya r1 , Dearbome, ar1d Trodahl mgr. SECOND ROW: Wood mgr., Peavey, McLaughlin , Ruddell, Richmond , Williams, Jacksor1 , Damitio, Kurtz and Newell, managers. THIRD ROW: Bu ckr1er mgr., Pellecchia, Stewart , Klir1cosz, Weedman, Kem, Bers chauer, Hordyk, ar1d Coach Harvey. This is the Frosh team for 1961.


Pat Schreck prepares to score two for the baby Ran gers.


Dave Berschauer hits for two as Weedman and Peavey wait for a po ssible rebour1d.

An outstanding golf team consists of: Art Weeks, Ed Wartelle, Joe Partington, Jim McCarthy, Mike Boland, Hugh McRae, Romer C. Brown, and Coach Mike Jacobsen.






FR8NT: Ensdorff, W. Renggli, Sullivan, Johnson, McCormick, Henschied, James. Rosamond . SEC OND ROW : Martin , Sabrowski, Feeney, Bernard, Lynam, Kopp, Leahy, Whittaker, Kompp, Seeley. THIRD ROW : Coach Harvey, McClain, Spencer, Lawson, Bott, R. Renggli. This is the 1961 Baseball team.

Varsity Baseball ROY RENGGLI, Second Base



Mr. Harvey demonstrates to aew members the proper way to bunt.

Marv Kopp covers second base.




Muscle Squad



Flag Footba 11

FRONT: J. Henschied, M. Butler, P. MacKenzie, A. Seidl, B. Sullivan, J. Swalwell, R. Harris. BA CK: Coach Walker, G. Daggett, C . Butenko, C . Brulotte, H. Montgomery, M. Nordmann, B. Berger, B. Renggli, R. Ayotte.


Ron Ayot t e, St . Martrn¡s 880 man, aga in hopes to achieve Stat e status.

VARSITY TRAC K SCHEDULE April 7* 14 April April 21 April 29 May 6 May 13 May 19 - 20

Eatonville, Yelm Eatonville Montesano, with Elma Confere nce championship at Chehalis ¡Sub- district District State (Pullman)

*Home meet





Senior Footba 11 Players ( missing - Marv McCartney)

Award Winners





rrM'' Club

M-CLUB OFFICERS Left to Right: Mike Leahy, Ron Ayotte, Mike Harris, and Mick Schreck.

Mick Schreck, M-Club President, and Mr. Harvey, M-Club Moderator.

Starting from the top, left to right: Gellein, Brulotte, McNerthney, F. Feeney, Wilson, Bell, Lynam, Barnes, M. Feeney, McClain, Bonus, Drum, Frady, Antonson, Renggli, Lehman, Kopp, Lamb, Johnson, Eckroth, Wartelle, Partington, Roy Renggli, Brown, Bennett, Montgomery, Acuff, Thornton, Bott, Bob Renggli, Ernsdorff, Lawson, Ayotte. Schreck, Leahy, Bucsko, Fosbre, Kovach, and M. Harris.


Sen ior M- Club Members.




A. S. B. OFFICERS ST ANDING: Ass't . Treasurer Tom Walker, Treasurer Frank Feeney. SITTING: Se c. Don Smith, Presidem Mike Cronk, Vice President Ed Wartelle.

STUDENT COUNCIL MEMBERS - BACK ROW: Walker, Schreck, Fosbre, Feeney.Peavey, Conzatti. ROW: MacKenzie, Lehman, Partington, Smith, Cronk, Wartelle, McCarthy, Eckroth, Miller.



CLASS PRESIDENTS - Left to right: Joe Lehman, Joe Partington, Clark Conza tt i, Pat MacKenzie.

CLASS REPRESENTATIVES - Left to right: Al Eckroth, Jim McCarthy , David Miller , Bill Peavey.


SLEEP , Not for the Annual Staff at 2:30 a. m.

Annual Staff

FRONT ROW: B. Montgomery, J. Kelly, R. Brown . SECOND ROW: R. Weber (retired), M. Harris, M. Schreck, T. Scott, M. Boland, and M. Mee artney . Hard-working J. Hudson was absent . Also missing is Ed Wartelle.

Jim Hudson at work. FATHER CLETUS, Ad visor


Left to Right, BACK ROW: Rancour, Marria, B. Renggli, Law, Frank, Coffey, and Curtis. SECOND ROW: McNerthney, Wartelle, Smith, Daggett, Fr. Timothy, R. Renggli. THIRD ROW: Seeley, Schacht, Johnston, Partington, and McCartney. FRONT TWO: Klarich and McCarthy.

Journalism ARROW EDITORS The big two and K. G.

Future journalists learn the trade.


The Mad Artist

The Unholy Four

FRONT ROW: A. Miller, J. Mart in, L. Rougutt. SECOND ROW: B. Midles, J. Gellein, K. Fine, D. Smith, B. Skelton. T HIRD ROW: G. Hofstee, A. Brulotte , M. Baker, D. Midles, C . Henschied. LAST ROW: T . Scott, J. Dehler, P. McC ormick.


STANDING: B. Dehler, T. Kneeland, Fr. Nicholas, C. Schroeder, L. Lawson, and G. Hofstee. SITTING: G. Deskines, J. Trodahl, J. Lutzenberger, L. Rancour, P. Bouker, J. Henschied, J. Dehler, D. Smith, B. Skelton, L. Gelineau, W. Godefroy, L. Henschied, K. Curtis, K. Jordan.


Rock hounds grind them down.


Lapidary Club

SERVERS SOCIETY - FRONT: L. Henschied, T. Ryan, C . Henschied, J. Lutzenberger, J. Newell, C. Linden, M. Greisen, M. Wartelle, and Fr. Leo, advisor. SECOND ROW: L. Rougutt, D. Replinger, J. Hudson, M. Sexton, D. Kirsch, T. Walker, W. Renggli, M. Hayward, C. Schroeder. THIRD ROW: B•. Coppin, B. Renggli, J. Partington, M. Leahy, P. MacKenzie, D. Smith, R. Renggli , L. Sabrowski.

Servers Society Master of Ceremonies: Ron Ayotte, Joe Partington, Don Smith, Ed Wartelle, Jim Bott, and Jim McCarthy.


Church Liturgy






FRONT: B. Cra wford, J. Rich, M. Whittaker. SECOND ROW: Mr. Stevens, C . Linden, S. Frazier, L. Dearborne, M. McClure, J. Ska r, T. Sulliv an, D. Rozell , T . Barnum, B. Dehler. THIRD ROW: R. Lene, D. Miller, T . McGolderick, G. Spencer, D. Swenson, M. McDade, J. Bell, D. Johnston.



FRONT ROW: Mr. Stevens, D. Dufault, S. Frazier, Mike Kirsch, E. Qualhiem , D. McLaughlin, R. Baird. SECOND ROW: T . M. Ryan, J. Hand, K. Pearson, T. Wutzke, P. Arrants, A. Eckroth, R. Murray, C. O'Leary. THIRD ROW: P. Bennett, J. Wirfs, V. Lynch, R. Mosley, R. Jacka, B. Fauver, and E. Koeneman.

Glee Club


Honor Society Four-Pointers at the Semester. R. Gaensslen, J. Partington, and Tom Walker, Ralph LeDrew and Dave Miller.

FIRST ROW: J Twohig, Snyder, Pellecchia, Cop pin, Hickel, Walker, Schroeder, Ruddell, Farber. SECOND ROW: Schreck, Youmans, Frank, McRae , Lynam, Partington, Wartelle, Sexton, Weedman. THIRD ROW: Wood, Pe~vey, Feeney, McDonald, Bennett, Kopp, McClain, Lehman, Eckroth, Weeks, Drum, Wartelle, Smith, Nelson, Conzatti. FOURTH ROW: Smith, Boland, Mills, McCarthy, Bott, Gaensslen, Ehrmantraut, MacKenzie, Leahy.

Future Teachers of America

ST ANDING - R. Frank, R. Gaensslen, E. Wartelle, J. McCarthy, J. McRae, J. Partington, G. Case. SITTING - D. Smith, J. Cronk, J. Bott, B. Leahy, M. Hayward, F. Klarich.


ST ANDING - Henschied, Weber, Hofsree, Re11ggli, Brown, Replinger, Case, Klarich, and Smith. SITTING - R. Renggli, College, Fr. William, J. Partington, D. Smith.

C. C.D. Confraternity of Christian Doctrine

MRS. WALTER E, BAKER C,C.D. Instructor of Methods (Elementary and Secondary) Bremerton, Washington



STA NDING - L. Rougutt, B. Renggli, D. Kirsch, P. MacKenzie, B. Leahy, D. Smith, R. Cory, C. Schroeder,

J. Partington, C . Henschied, J. Lutzenberger, Fr. Nicholas. Ki-.!EELING - B. Coppin, M. Sexton, T . Walker, M. Wartelle, L. Henschied, J. Newell, M. Greisen, . T. M. Ryan .


STANDING: C. Schroeder, Fr. Nicholas, D. Smith, J. Partington, M. Schreck. SITTING: T. Walker, B. Smith, C . Mills, J. McCarthy, M. Sexton, M. Wartelle.

Debate Club Carl Mills and Mike Wartelle

Fr. Nicholas with T. Walker, Jim McCarthy, Joe Partington, and D. Smith . r


Left to Right: G. Rosamond, L. Law , J. Wa lsh, G. Deskines, B. Davis, D. Lockett, R. Baird, J. Ruegamer, J. Rich, B. Fauver, J. Marria, M. Stella, J. Read, and Fr. Timothy, advisor.

Drill Team


The Drill Team in spread formation - three squads under the command of Capt. Garth Rosamond. 96

A rifle cross presenting the Olympia Eaglettes.

Earth's Snow Plow rests, and his buddy "scoop. "

Ski Club

KNEELING: R. Weber, McClain, Schacht, Hofstee, Skelton, Berger, England, Rich, Derrer, Sullivan, Marria, Hudson. ST ANDING: Swan, Spencer, Peterson, Boland, Brown, Penn, Bernard, Montgomery, Palmer, Fr. Kenneth, Fine, Fosbre, O'Leary, Qualhiem, Lawson, Fitzgerald, .Swalwell, McCormick.


Joe Partington, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Partington, of Olympia, Washington, was named valedictorian of the class of 1961. He has attained a Grade Point Average of 3. 95, during his four years at St. Martin's. He plans to attend St. Martin's College, where he will enter the novitiate.

Valedictorian Salutato rian

Ed Wartelle, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wartelle, Sr., Seattle, Washington, has been named salutatorian of the class of 1961. He has maintained a 3. 84 Grade Point Average throughout his four years at St. Martin's. He plans on attending the University of Washington in the fall and majoring in mathematics.


Patrons These people through their generosity have helped us to produce this annual. Mr. and Mrs. B. James Ayotte, Port Orchard, Washington Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Bell, Seattle, Washington Mr. and Mrs. Arthur T. Bernard, Seanle, Washington Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bjork, Olympia, Washington Mr . and Mrs. Thomas·J. Boland, Idaho Falls, Idaho Mr. and Mrs. Warren J. Bonus, Kent, Washington Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bouker, Seattle, Washington Mr. John Bradley, Concrete, Washington Mr . and Mrs. Robert E. Brown, Kellogg, Idaho Mrs. Lucretia Buckner, Portland, Oregon Dr. Ross G. Ca se, D. D.S., Thousand Oaks, California Mr. and Mrs. James H. Cronk, Kelso, Washington Mrs. Pearl Darkenwald, Olympia, Washington Mr. and Mrs. Simon Dearborne, Seattle, Washington Mr . and Mrs. J. N. Dehler, Prineville, Oregon Mrs . Ka thleen Drum, McCleary, Washington Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dufault, Yakima, Washington Mr. and Mrs. John F. Eilers, Seattle, Washington Mr. and Mrs. Dee A. Fauver, Tacoma, Washington Mr. and Mrs. Allen Feeney , Waterville, Washington Mr. and Mrs. William M. Fosbre, Olympia, Washington Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Gaensslen, Boise, Idaho Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Hayward, Olympia, Washington Mr. Edward R. Jacobsen, Port Angeles, Washington Judge Thomas G. Jordan, Spokane, Washington Dr. and Mrs. L. M . Kelly, M. D., Burley, Idaho Mrs. Otto C. Kroeker, Sr., Olympia, Washington Mrs. Ru th C. Kurtz, Bellevue, Washington Mrs. Mara Law, Tacoma, Washington Mrs. Lola Lene, Tacoma, Washington Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Long, Olympia, Washington Mr. and Mrs. Joe Luczenberger, Woodland, Washington Mr. and Mrs. John D. Marria, Jr., Boise, Idaho Mr. G. R. Miller, Boise, Idaho Mrs. A. E. Montgomery, Boise, Idaho Mr. and Mrs. W. MacKenzie, Seattle, Washington Mr. and Mrs . James McCarthy, Tacoma, Washington Mr . and Mrs. Jim McDade , Burns, Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Barney McFadden, Spanaway, Washington Mrs. Muriel F. McLaughlin, Seattle, Washington Mrs. Joseph B. McNerthney, Seattle, Washington Mr. Harold L. Nelson, Olympia, Washington Mr. Frank Norwood, Port Townsend, Washington Mr . and Mrs. J. C. Partington, Olympia, Washington Mr. Joseph Pellecchia, Seattle, Washington Mr. Peter H. Pluck, Seattle, Washington Mrs. Joyce G. Reckner, Aberdeen, Washington Commander and Mrs. Chester A. ·rucq.mond, Jr., Kodiak, Al-aska Mr. and Mrs. C . J. Rozell, San Francisco, California Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Ruddell, Port Angeles, Washington Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schreck, Watervipe, Washington Mr. John Wiley, Prosser, Washington ·

In memory of Hugh McLellan, long time custodian at St. Martin 's Born 1873, died 1961.


The departing senior annual staff are left to right: Bruce Montgomery, Mike Boland, Romer Brown, Mick Schreck, Mike Harris, Terry Scott, Jim Kelly, Ed Wartelle. •Foreground, Fr. Cletus Bradley. Not pictured Marv McCarthney.

The Samahi staff has tried to give you insight into the real values in the school life here at St. Martin's. The real value of any incident, or any thing depends on viewpoint. Value does not depend on size. Material things have no true value. The things we do, do not offset the things we leave undone. It is not how much you do, but how well you do it that is important. The "don'ts" and "musts" of school life are not intended to restrict school life, but to enlarge it. Life here at St. Martin's is to be lived, wir:lely and deeply as possible. The greater values must always be put before the less important values, keeping proper proportion in life. It is the hope of the Sama hi staff that in years to come you may return to this book of memories and recreate the spirit of appreciation for the real values of school life that you once formed here at St. Martin's. God Bless You, Father Cletus, Samahi Advisor


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