Samahi (high school yearbook) 1966

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TO ...




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FRIEND •• • In th e two ye ars 1Vlr. Mc Co urt has bee n m usic instru ctor at St. Martin 's, he has gained the admiration and respect of those around him . Beca use of his professional ded ica ti on , the Music De partment has been molded into a unit of which we can be justly proud . Through his e nthusia sm for e nthusiasm , Mr. McC:o urt has wo rke d 1v ith students and fa cu lty to promote both individual morale and overa ll school spirit . In fond recollec tion of trials a nd successes , th e frowns and lau ghs , we say with all si ncerity: "Thank you , Mr . Mcco urt, for being one of us from Marry 's."



Dear Students of Saint

rvi art in 's

High Schoo 1,

Thank you for this opportunity to commend you for your sac rifices , work and prayers , and for your cooperation h'ith God, your parents , faculty and fellow students. Your gro1,ing self-r espect i ndicates to me t hat you are realizing ever more clearly your need to tell God you are making responsible use of the talents he gave you; to assure your parents of your Jove and gratitude; to co nvince your faculty of your deepening and widening appreciation o f God's creation and your place in it; and, by shared experiences, to v,e ld lifelong fri e ndships wi th your fello1,¡ students. May St. Benedict and St. lvlartin inter cede for each of you in your searc h for the vocation God has planned for you and may you and these saints be generous 1'.'ith vo c ations for the Benedicti ne life a t St . Mar t in's. Sincerely yours in Saint Benedict ,

(Right Reverend) Gerald R. Desmond O,S . B. Coadjutor - Abbot St. Martin 's Abbey




• • •


This ye aI is a specia l yea, to be single d ou t from among the se ve n th a t! ha ve been princ ipal of St. Maitin 's HigllSchoo l. It is sp ecial in the sense thar in the Class of 1966 we see the product o f several interes tin g experimental programs whic h we initiated four years ago. This paiticular grad uatin g c lass is the first whi ch will ha ve e xperienced a six -day- a - week program through their en tire h igh sc hool career. These grad uates are a lso the first who, when Fres hm e n, were allowed to beco me full -nedged members of the stude nt body withouthavi ngto un dergo an initiation by the upperclassme n. Four years ago there ,,ere those who c laimed that neither of these progra ms wou ld work . I am happy to a nest to ci1e e rro r of the ir prophecy . It is my persona l and cherished opinion that these progra ms helped immeasurably in the accomplishment of the finersc hoo l spi rit, the exce lle nce in at hle tics,and the acad emic superiority whi c h our sc hool has enjoyed these past severa l years. Ive tho rou ghly expec t that the C lass of ' 66 ,_.i ll be different . Th eir tra ining has been different and we co nfident ly expect that this diffe rence will manifest itse lf for good in the years to co me. This c lass represents a new produ c t, and our proud boast is that they will become successfu l persons a nd outst anding leaders who will bri ng respect 10 themselves and their fam ili es and honor to ro the ir school, the ir country , and to God. Father C onrad Rausc h 0 , S. 8. Pri ncipal

sA~1-i1 1961




C LASS OFF ICERS : (left to righ t ) Pat Rogers - Secret ary ; Will Le wis-Vice-Presid ent; Mike Mc Innes- Prcsi clerrt; Mlkc C lcary-A. S. B. Represe nca tive; Dan Coppin -Tr eas ur er


JOSEPH H. BERUBE Tacoma, Washington Age 17, Entered as a Frosh, Nickname: Joe, Majors: English, His tory, Latin, CrossCountry 3, 4, Baseball 3, Track I, 4, Basketball 1, M-Club 4, Ski Club 1, 2, Debate 2, 3, 4 , Journalism 4, Servers Society 1, 2, 3, 4, lntras 1, 4, Hob bies: Skiing, Ambition: To acqui re an Irish accent like my prefect's.

JAMES BARSHAW Seanle, Washington Age 17, Entered as a Frosh Nickname: Jim, Majors: English, History, Track 1, Glee Club 3, Schola 1, 2, Art 3, 4, Servers Society 1, 2, 3 , 4, Hobbies : Creative art, Ambition: To be a success at whatever I endeavor in life .

ROBERT BUENZLI Olympia, Washington Age 18, Entered as a Frosh Nickname: Stoney, Majors: English, Science, History, Football 1, 2, Basketball 1, Hobbi~: Art, Cars, Ambitions Get the heck out of this school.


DAVID BOGER Wallace, Idaho Age 18, Entered as a Frosh, Nicknames: Dave, Bodger, Bogue , Majors: English, History, Science, Span ish, Basketball 1, 2, Track 1, Cross-country 2, Ski Club 1, 2, 3, 4, Hobbies: Skiing, fishing, hunting, archery, Ambition: To get rich quick and still be able to live high while my account fattens.

RICHARD BUSCH Salem, Oregon Age 17, Entered as a Frosh, Nickname: Shrub, Majors: English, Science, Football 1, 4, Basketball 1, Track 1, Baseball 2, 3, 4, M- Club 2, 3, 4, Intra, 4, Hobbies: Skin diving, water skiing, Ambition: To make it through col lege without really trying.

JOSEPH MICHAEL CLEARY Los Angeles, California Age 17, Entered as a Frosh Nickname: Tin Can, Pado rka, Majors: English, Math, Science, Latin, Histoty, Track 1, Baseball 2, 3, 4, M-Club 2, 3, 4, lrltras 2 3, 4, Class representative 2 4, Class sec. 3, Student Council 2 , 4, Debate 2 , 4, Servers Society J.. 2 , 3, 4, Mass Lector 2, 3 , 4, Annual Staff 4, Honor Society 1, 2, 3, 4, Co-valedictorian, Hobbies: "Falling" in Jove I Ambition: To survive this world .

RALPH H. BUSBY llI Malone, Wuhington Age 17, . Entered as a Frosh Nickname: Buzz, Majors: English, Math, History, Science, Wrenling 1, Track 1, Cross-Country 2, 3, 4, ~ketball 2, 3, 4, Golf 3, 4, M-Club 2, 3, 4, Qiapel organist 2, 3, 4, Debate 2, Hobbies: Guru, music, hunting, Ambition: To be an architect and to enjoy more fully Father l<ennetli's personality.


JERRY CLARK Seattle, Washing.ton Age 17, Entered as a Frosh, Nickname: Packy , Majors: English, Music, Basketball 2, Track 2, Football 3¡, M-Club 2, 3, Intras 2, 3, 4, ';lee Club 1, 2 , 3, V . P. 4, Schola 4, Music director 3, 4, Honor Society 4, Servers Society 1, 2, Fo lk Singing Group 4, Hobbies: . Folk singing, reading, tennis, Ambition: To go to college and get a political science degree.


GEORGES. DENNY Kodiak, Alaska Age 17, Entered as a Ju nior , Nickname: Steve, Majors: English , Math , History, Science, Spanish, Calif Scholarship Federation 1, 2, Honor Society 3, 4, Traffic Court 4, Int ras 3, 4, Hobbies: Bowling, tennis, Ambition: M.A. in Electrical Engineering.

DANIEL G. COPPIN Sara toga, Ca Iiforn ia Age 17, Entered as a Frosh Nickname: Dan, Majors: English, Math, History, Latin, Track 1, Cross-Country 2, 3, Golf 3, 4, Class treas. 4, Debate 2, 3, 4, Band 1, 2 , Glee Club 1, Intras 2 , 3, 4, Servers Society 1, 2 , 3, 4, Mass Lector 2, 3, 4, Honor Societ y 1, 2 , 3, 4, Co- valedictorian, Hobbies: Guitar, Ambition: To put any knowledge J have to the best use.

Look 1,hat followed me home . . . three bo 1s 14

ROBERT B. DOYLE Tacoma, Washington Age 18, Entered as a Junior Nickname: Bob, Majors: English, History, Science, Football 3, Intras 3, 4, Hobbies: Guns, old cars (Fords), Ambition: To I.Je or not to be a poet like_ S'hakespeare. What is the queition?

Our Leader Himself!

GREG EBERT Seattle , Washingtoff Age 18, Entered as a Frosh & a Senior Nickname: "Worm" , "Alice" , Majors: English, History, Basketball 1, SAC 4, liltras 1, 2 , Captain 4, Servers Society 1, 2, 4, Hobbies: Skin diving, camping, fishing, GIRLS, Ambition: To be as wise as my father and possibly follow in his footsteps - - and to remember "Oriental Sunset". ¡

BOB GERRISH Olympia, Washington Age 17, Entered as a Soph Nickname: Beek, Majors: English, Math, History, Science, Span ish, Day Student 2, 3, 4, Rock Club 3, Hobbies: Rock Collecting, stamp collecting, coin collecting, Electronics. Am bition: To graduate from college and be successful in life .

MICHAEL REDDING FINLEY Seattle, Washington Age 18, Entered as a Frosh, Nickname: "The Bomber" , Ma jors: . English, Science, Glee Club 4, Hobbies: Fishing, hiking, and reading articles on science. Ambition: To go to the moon .

J. KEVIN GILSON Valdez, Alaska Age 18 , Entered as a Soph , Nickname: Valdeeez , Majors: English, History, Science. Basketball 4, Intras 2. 3, 4, Hal : bies: Hunting, fishing, cars , Ambition : Be successful in my chosen field.

TERRENCE DOUGLAS GILCHRIST Olympia, Washing1on Age 19, Entered as a Junior Majors: English, History, Football 1, 2, 3, 4, Basketball 3, Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4, Wrestling 2, 4, I- Club 3, M-Club 4, Day-Student 3, 4, Hobbies: Outdoor sporn and playing cards. Ambition: To avoid !he draft and live a happy and successful life.

JOHN HULBERT La Jolla, Ca lifornia Age 17, Entered as a Frosh Nickname: Oiipmunk, Majort: English, History, Science, Latin, Golf 2, captain 3, 4, Football 1, 2, 3 , 4, Basketball 1, 2,3, Wrestling 4, Track 1, M-Club 2,3,4, St. Placid's Play 4, Intras 4 , Servers Society 1, 2, 3, ¡ Journalism 1, Hobbies: Stamp collecting, ar!, ea ting, Ambition; To marry Judy.

GEORGE HEARD Tacoma, Washington Age 18, Entered as a Junior, Nickname: Tawny Beast, Stud ., Majors: English, History , Baseball 4, Art 4, Intras 3, Captain 4, Hobbies : Reading encyclopedias and finding mistakes. Ambition : To never lose my divine perfection.

MICHAEL CARMINE KOVACH Aberdeen, Washington Age 18, Entered as a Frosh, Nickname: Mike, Majors: En glish, History, Track 1, 2, 3, 4, Football 1, Cross-Country 2, 3, 4, M-Club 2, 3, 4, lntras 4, Glee Club 2, 3, 4, Honor Society 4, Traffic Court 4, Arrow Staff 4 , Hobbies: Working on cars, Ambition: Provide a good home for my family.

WILL BRIAN LEWIS Olympia, Washington Age 18, Entered as a Soph Nickname : Bill, Willie, Wilber, Majors: English, Mathematics, History, Science, Latin, Basketball 2, Baseball 3, 4, M-Club 3, 4, Day-Student Sec. 3, Class V. P. 4, Annual Staff 4, St. Placid's Play 4, SAC 4, Servers Society 3 , 4, Mass Lector 4, Hobbies: Folk Music, guita r, sailing. Am bition: To become well-established in the expanding field of veterinary neurology.

GREG KERK0F Seattle, Washlogtoo Age 17, Entered as a Frosh Majors: English, spanish, Hobbies: Anist and Mechanic. Ambition: To own the fastest GTO on the West Coast.

TOM LEES Metaline falls, Washington Age 18, Entered as a Frosh , Nickname: Olipmunk, Rocky, Majors: English, History, Science, Wrestling 1, 2, 3, 4, Football 1, 2, 3, 4, Track 1,2,3,4, Snack Bar 2, 3, M-Oub 1, 2, 3, 4, Debate 2, Honor Society 2,3,4, Servers Society 1, 2, 3, 4, Hall patrol 4, Hobbies: Riding, sailing, shooting, surfing, cycles, Ambition: To have the biggest rabbit and chipmunk ranch in the world, and to start a co-educational convent with lkk.

MICHAEL MAST Sedro Woolley, Washington Age 18, Entered as a Frosh, Nickname: Ferd, Majors: English, Science, Football 1, 2, 3, 4, Basketball 1, Track 1, 3, 4, Weight lifting 4, M-Club 1, 2, 3, 4, Football captain 4, Class pres . 1, Glee Club 2, pres . 3, 4, Oieerleader 2, St. Placid 's Pia y 4. Honor Society 1,3,4, Servers Sociery 1, 2, 3, 4, Mass Lector 4, Folk singing group 4, Hobbies : Water skiing, hunting, fish ing, Ambition: Bea t the draft, become a lawyer, then get marr ' - ;

MICHAEL MCINNES Port Angeles, Washlngtoo Age 18, Entered as a Frosh Nickname: Ik.k, Majors : English, Math, History, Science·, French, Football 1, 4, Wrestling 1, Track 1, 3, Baseball 2, Cross-Country 2, Class pres. 4, Class treas. 2, 3, Student Council 4, Debate 2, Hall pa t1ol 4, Honor Society 1 2 3 4, Servers Society 1, 2, 4, Annual Staff 4, Arrow Staff~. • Snack Bar 2,3, M-Club 4, Intras 3, 4, Hobbies: Boating, rifles, cycles, :"-mbition: To make the money I don't bave now, and start a _co-educational convent wjtb Tom.

TERRENCE MICHAEL MALONEY San Carlos, California Age 18, Entered as a Junior Nickname: Terry, Majors: English, History, Science, Spanish, Football mgr. 4, Int1as 4, SWimming 2, Hobbies: Bowling, Pinball machines, Ambition: Physiotherapist or pharmacist

DANIEL FRANK McDONALD Tacoma, Washington Age 17, Entered as a Frosh, Nickname: Mac, Majors: English, History, Football 3, Basketball mgr. 3, Lapidary Club 3, Glee Club 3, 4, Servers Society 1, 2, 3, 4, Mass Lector 3, 4, Hobbies : Penny collecting, Ambition: To find a vocation in which I will be happy.

NED., NICHOLAS Seattle, Washington Age 18, Entered as a Frolh, Nickname: Nick, Majors: Engli.Bh, History, Science, Track 2, MClub 2, Debate 2, 3, Servers Society 3, Honor Society 3, St. Placid 's Play 3, 4, Irltras 2, 3, 4, Lapidary Club 3, Mass Lector 2;'3, 4, Music Director 3, Hall patrol 4, Hobbie!: Thinking up clever things to put in spaces like these. Ambition: To buy Wall Street.

TIM MORTA Yelm, Washington Age 18, Entered as a Frosh Nickname: Morta, Majors: English, Latin, Track 1, 2, 3, Cross-Country 2, 3, Glee Club 1, Band 1, 2, 3, 4, Servers Society 1, 2, 3, 4, Organist 2, 3, 4, Hobbles: Fishing In the Nisqually River with nets. Ambition: To know my vocation in life and grow up like a "white man•·.

ALAN PETERSON Port Townsend, Washington Age 18, Entered as a Junior Nickname : Al, Majors : English, History, Science, mtras 3, 4, Latin Club 1, 2, Glee Club 4, Hobbies: Stamp and rock collecting, golfing and girls. Ambition: To get a Ph.D. in some thing or other.

VAUGHN O'HOLLAREN Seattle, Washington Age 18, Entered as a Junior, Nickname: Vaughn, Majors: Engli.lh, Hiltory, Football 1, 2, Ski Club 3, Eng Seminar 4, Glee Club 1, 2, 3, Journal1.lm 4:, Golf 1, 2, Hobbies: Skiing, swimming, driving. Ambition: To behalf a, great a man a, my father.

THOMAS H. REINHARDT Lacey, \olalhington Age 18, Entered a~ a Frosh, Nickname: Tom, Majors: Engiilh, French, Glee Club 1,2,3, Daystudent 1, 2, 3, 4, Ambition: Doctor of Veterinary Medicine.

JOHN PRESTON Seattle, Washington Age 17, Entered as a Frosh Nickname: The Hustler, Mouth, Majors: English, History, Football 1, Basketball 1, Glee Cl_ub 3, 4, Servers Society 3, 4, Schola 1, 2, lntras 2, 3, 4, Hobbies : Folk singing; playing piano, guitar, organ; tennis, soccer; Am_bition: Educational administration major.

JOHN PA TRICK ROGERS Longview, Washington Age 19, Entered as a Junior Nickname: Dinky, Patti, Majors: English, History, Spanish, Football 3, 4, Basketball 2, 3, Wrestling 4, Baseball 3, 4, Track 2, M-Club 4, Class sec. 4, SAC pres . . 4, Honor Society 2, 3, Hobbies: Going home often for very good reasons. Ambition: To be a playboy psychologist.

JOHN RHODES Wrangell, Alaska Age 19, Entered as a Junior, Nickname: Dusty, Majors: Englilh. History, !ntras 3, 4, Glee Club 3, 4, Hobbles: Model building, accord!.an, firearm,. Ambition: Get rich quick working In saw mills.

STEVE RUSSELL Bums, Or egon Age 17, Entered as a Frosh, Nickname: Russ, Majo~: English, Histor y, Wrestling I , Cross - Country I , 3 , 4, Track I, 3 , 4, Intras I, 2, 3, 4, M- Club 4, Annual Staff 4 , Glee Club I , Honor Society 3 , 4, Ski Club 4, Traffic Court 4, Art 4, Hobbies: Skate boarding , records, Amb ition : To become head photog rapher for PLAYBOY magazine in Chicago.

WILLIAM· T. ROGERS Longview. Washington Age 17, Entered as a Frosh Nickname: Cap'n Hook, Majo~: English, History, Science, Football 1, 2, 3, 4, Basketball 1, Wrestling 2, 3, 4, Track 1, 2,3 , 4, M-Club 2, 3, 4, Class Treas . 1, ASB ass't treas. 2, ASB treas. 3, ASB pres . 4, Honor Society 1, 2, 3, 4, Mass Lec tor 1, 2, 3, i, Student Council 2 , 3 , 4, Servers Society 1, 2, Snack Bar Crew 2, Traffic Hall 4, Hobbies: Swimming, 51>oru, Ambition: To be llke Him.

RICK SMITH Eugene, Oregon Age 18, Entered as a Frosh & Senior Nickname: Ricko, Majors: English, History, Science , French, Football 2 , Basketball 2, Track 2, lntras 4, M·Club 2, servers Society 1, 2 , 4, Hobbies : Dancing and collecting records, Ambition: To become a successful veterinarian, and a man my parents can be proud of.

ROGER SA TERSTROM Beaver Dam, Wisconsin Age 18, Entered as a Soph, Nicknames: Sa ts, Tahiti, Maestro, Slug, Ma jors: English, Science, French, Intras 2, 3 , director 4, Honor Society 2,3 ,4, Yearbook E!l itor 4, Music Director 2, 3 , 4 , Traffic Cowt 4 , Dance band 3, Basketball mgr. 2, SAC 4, St. Pla cid 's Pia y 4, Band l, 2 , 3 , 4, Hobbies: Making sure the underclassmen keep in line . Ambition: To bring OMAR to the attention of the world I

Sack-out time in the club house.

JACK SNYDER Wena tch ee, Washington Age 17, Entered as a Frosh

ROGER L. SPENCER Vancouver, Washington Age 18, Entered as Soph Nickname: Rogue, Majors: English, History, Science, Spanish , Football 3 , 4, Basketball 3, 4, Baseball 3, 4, Glee Club 3, Honor Rall 3, 4, M-Club 3, 4, Snack Bar 2 , Hobbies: Skin Diving, Swimming, Sports, Ambition : To learn enough abo ut basketball so I can teach Mr . Behles something he doesn't KNOW .

Nickname: Johnny, Jackson, Majors: English , History, Science, Basketball 1, 2 , Track 1, Football 1, 2, 3 , 4, lntras 1, 2, 3, 4 , M-Club 3, 4, Glee Club Sec, 4, S. A. C. 4, Snack Bar 2, Hobbies: Water & Snow Skiing, Golf, fixing up cars, he lping girls in distress . Ambition: To grow an apple that weighs 50 lbs. and name it "Cherokee Jack. "


Washington Age 18, Entered as a Soph, Nickname : The Dude , Majors: English, History, Science, Spanish, Foo1ball 3, 4, Basketball 3 , 4, Baseball 3, MClub 3, 4, Sna ck Bar 2, Hobbies: Skin Diving, Snow Skiing, Ambition: To be half as successful as my dad.

JOSE R. TORRELLA Camaguey, Cuba Age 18, Entered as a Soph, Nickname: Cuban, Spick, Tort, Fidel, Majors: English, History, Spanish, Intras 2, Weight Training 2, 3, 4, Football 1, 3, 4, Tennis 3, M-Club 3, 4, S. A. C. 4, Glee Club 4, Hobbies: Water Skiing and chasing girls. Ambition: To be a successful man in whatever I become, so that my family and parents will be proud of me.

MICHAEL SWENSON Mercer Island, Wasl)Âľigton . Age 19, Entered as a Soph Nickname: swede, Runt, Majors: English, Music, History, Science, Basketball J. V. 2, Golf 3, 4, Football Mgr. 4, Track 3, S. A. C. 4, Glee Club 2, 3, 4, Traffic Court 4, Server's Society 3, 4, Mass Lector. 4, Honor Sociery 4, Intras 2, 3, 4, Hobbies: Skipping off campus, Ambition: To outgrow my father and .be half the man he is.

GEORGES. VARGO San Diego, California Age 17, Entered as a Junior Nickname: Steve, Majors: English, Science, Spanish, Track 3, Intras 3, 4, Traffic Court 4, Hobbies: Surfing, Swimming, Basketball, Football, Ambition: To be successful in reaching my goal.

NICHOLAS TURNER Lewiston, Idaho Age 18, Entered as a Frosh, Nickname: Nick, Majors: English, !:listory, Wrestling 2, Golf 3, 4, Basketball 1, 1, Band 1, 2 , 3, 4, Ski Club 2, 3, 4, Hobbies: Skiing, golf, wine, women, song. Ambition: To show Al Hirt how to rea lly play the trumpet.

WILLIAM WHITAKER Snoqualmie, Washington Age 17, Entered as a Frosh, Nickname: Sandy, Majors: English, History, Science, Cross-Country 3, 4, Wrestling I, 2, 3, 4, Track I, 3, 4, M-Club 2, 3, 4, ASB V. P. 4, Ski Club I, 2, 3, Traffic Court 4, Hobbies: Old cars, Ambition: To amounc 10 something.

ADE WEEDMAN Longview, Washington Age 17, Entered as a Frosh Nicknames: Adell, Weenie, Tongue, Majors: English, History, Basketball 3, Football 3, 4, Baseball 3, 4, Sgc-at-Arms 1, Class pres. 2, Class V. P. 3, Hobbies : Anything !hat seems like fun at ·che lime. Ambition: To own my own kangaroo ranch in Australia.

BILL WIDDICOMBE Bellevue, Washington Age 17, Entered as a Frosh Nickname: IBM, Majors: English, History, Basketball I, 2, Golf 3,4, Cross-Country 2,3, Foocball I, lrltras 2,3,.4, SAC 4, Hobbies: Breaking and seaing new records In my own special field . Ambition: To write a book on )low to charm women wilh never ending succt;£s, and !hen teach.

PAT WICKENS Sea11le, Washington Age 18, Entered as a Frosh, Majors: English, History, Science, Track I, 2, 3, Wrestling I, lntras 4, Hobbies : Gun collecting. Ambition: To be dynamic.

PA TRJCK K. Wil.LLAMS Reno, Nevada Age 18, Entered as a Frosh & Senior Nickname: Willie, Majors: English, Science, Basketball 1, Football 1, mgr. 4, Da y - stud ent 1, Glee Club 2, St. Placid 's Pla y 4, Debate 4, Hobbies: Swimming, loafing, sleeping, camping; Ambition: To raise a family and be half the man my father is.

MIKE YOST : Aberdeen, Washington Age 19, Entered as a Frosh Nickname: Agent "000", "Mr. Clean", Majors: English, History, Football 1, 2,3, captain 4, Basketball 1, 2,3, cap tain 4, Track 1, 2 , 3 , 4, M-Club 2, 3 , 4 , Class rep. 1, Class Sgt-at-Arms 2, Glee Club 3, 4, Server.s Society 1, 2 , 3 . 4, Hobbies: Gambling, giving Mr. Mc Court heat, and skip ping classes; Ambition: To always retain the smile of confidence when the wind of disaster has blown it awry.

Bite that microphone once more and I'll unplug you .




00-VALEDJOORJANC The honor of Valedictorian is shared this year by Dan Coppin and Mike Cleary. Together they have formed the academic structure for 1,hich Saint Martin's High School is proud. Mike and Dan put themselves into the intellectual eye of their school; to recognize their efforts, Marty's ask that they accept its highest award for scholastic achievement.


The title of Salutatorian is not a consolation prize. The Samahi Staff wishes to congratulate Mike Mclnnes for his constant display of leadership. He has truly merited the respect of his school.


,, • •

Contributing greatly to the outstand ing year in sports for St. Marti n's was the "flame" of spirit burning in the whole student body . Their vigorous support speaks for the unity of "Marty 's" students.

Dolde, Thomas, and Resner join the chant for victory.

The next victim of the Rangers hangs in effigy high above the crowds of supporters.



. ueness a S shown by Rogers, "hthaveu""een slac.k , their umq 1t hough Senior supPort hed m1goff the spmt . . to wrn. A Mcinnes, an d Lees touc 31

Patsy Hursey, Kathy White, Queen Dee Ann Moreland, Sheila Ryan, Sandy Madison

Queen Dee Ann shows support that helped lead the football team to the cham pionship.


Dan Moore- -Duke

Joe Heutmaker--Duke

PEPQ'Arr In the crucial moments, the cheerleaders give their undivided attention.

Jeff Jefferies- -King


St. Marti[! 's studems celebrate the homecoming victory over Elma with a wild a[ld wooly da[lce.


Ki[lg Pat puts the crow[li[lg touch on Quee[l Kathy.

The Homecomi[lg Court: Mike Yost (pri[lce), Tom Spiller (pri[lce), Pat Rogers (King). Ade Weedman (prince ); Margie Davis (princess). Nancy Shay (princess). Kath y Campbell (Quee[l), Dee A[ln Moreland (princess).


Loafers, saddle shoes, desert boots, and bare feet rock out on the Rec Room floor! Steve Doldo has developed his own style for the two-step waltz.

Record dances are out--The "Mercymun" are in!


Light conversation around the punch bowl.

The gate - crashers!


The Best Looking Senior Couple- - Bill Whitaker and his lovely date, Karen Kephart.

Mike Mast and Rita Johnson get a few chuckles. Taylor listens to Magnano's tips on etiquette.


Sats describes the psychological analysis of Nursery Rhymes.

John Rhodes roe ks out on his electric accordian .

Stage performances are rare, but THE SOUND OF MUSIC was a box office success. Julie Andrews (Mike Yost) and children sing "Do Re Mi" under the direction of Saterstrom.


Bedlam and confusion is the sure sign of Mart's boys' joy over the coming Christmas . Ri ght, Demico?

The New Breed: Mike Mast, Mike Cleary, Ja ck Pres ton, and Je rry Clark make their debut in folk singing .

Tchaikovsky on crutches!

Mr. Demico takes a lesson from his son in the

manly art of pool.

Mr. Christoph erson, our newly acquired member of the coaching staff, for his assistance in making a first in state football team, receives the Order of the Furlined Jock!


Award Winners: Coac h Christopherson; Coaches ' Award, Terry Gilchrist; M. V. P., Terry Rogers; Most Improved, Mike Mast and Bill Choquette; Best Offense, Mike Yost; Best Defense, Tom Lees; Coach Walker

It's spiked, huh Paul!

Gomez and Cornelius entertain dads at dinner.

Co-Captaim of the football team , Mast, Yost, Rogers , Lees receive the championship Trophy from Fr. Conrad. 41

Every year at Marty's, the Senior Class humbles itself to every whim and wish of the underclassmen when on one day each is sold into slavery at a public auction. With the price dirt cheap, and the spirit low, both Seniors and underclassmen created enthusiasm that gives Marty's its extra touch of unity in times of low morale.

Sats, the auctioneer, describes the usefulness of Terry Maloney to the throngs of buyers.

Dave Boger expounds on the worthlessness of Seniors.

"Cookie" Gilchrist noses a pea down the cafeteria for his lunch.

Yost enjoys taking a ba th no matter what the surroundings are .

Rogers, Cl eary, and Hulbert engage in their masters ' favorite pastime- - pitting one against the other in furious free-for-alls.


The blessing of the school Christmas rree

Mr. Nickerson (Roche ster wrestling coach) talks to Father Kenne th as Mr. Behles' fiancee listens in.

Some of the LUCKY ONES who were stranded in a bro ken down bus the night of the White Pass football game - remember?


The band, under the direction of Mr. Mccoun, entenains "the Troops¡¡.

Baby Ranger--the latest addition!

Eat hardily , Odd Job!

Our on-the-spot reporter, Ade Weedman, (on the far right) catches the comments when Dick Gregory comes to Marty 's.

Snow in March I

Cassa nova John grabs up another dat e by phone.

Determin ed Juniors and Seniors keep on th e lo okout for a real. U.

Two cont enders of contrasting vie ws se ttle th e ir disagree ments \vithin th e rin g of spec tators.

Williams , Jessen an d Thomas , watch Lafond put th e "Arty" tou ch on a pep poster .




With the in tent of keeping the students in some form of ph ys ical condition, the intramural program consists of football, volleyba ll, and baseball. This program is organized by the stu dents and fully participated in by the ones not out for varsity sports.

Smith attempts to hit Thomas on a quick pass .

Busch hastily looks for a receiver.

Boger slams one be tween Turner and Peterson.


These seven men represented St. Martin's in the State Cross-Countr y meet in Seattle; they placed 15th .

The rac e is over and the points counted

~-COUN&V Senior CrossCountry standou t: Bill Whitaker


L. Forza, Arnaud, Rydman , Bendikson, Meyer, Flateau, Swenson, (Middle row): Busby, Be rube , Faranc e, Curry, J. Forza, Tallman , Tardiff, Goff, Watson, (Front row"): White, Maloney, Tierney, McCormick, Dolde, Jones, Lecture, Leki e , Russell

Senior crosscoun tr y standout: Joe Berube

Tim Tardiff starts his kick for home



W~J.nNGTON 'G ~lAI~ CL~ ,'A',


C.ENTRAL LEAGUE. lT1l6 J-IOlDER.C (s-WfNGO~) St. Martin's Team (from left) include (first row) Steve Leckie , manager, Ade Weedman, Terry Rogers, Mike Mast, Mike Yost, Tom Lees, Dick Busch, John Snyder, Pat Rogers, Phil Lafond and John Fortune, manager: ( second row) Roger Spencer , Terry Gilchrist, Stan Spencer, Jim Anderson, Mike Mclnnes, Dan Feezell, Mike Williams, Bill Choquette and Pat Reynolds; (third row) Coach Walker, Pete Breiten, Mike Hazlitt, Dan O'Neill, Dan Dugaw, Dick Snyder, Rob Engel , Mark Bloms, Jose Torrella and assistant coach John Christopherson; ( fourth row) George Hancock , Bob Albright, Jeff Hammer, Mike Dziedzic , Mike Baker, Steve Morta, Joe Wensman , S teve Schuster , John Hulbert and Steve Gamache, manager; (fifth row) Mike Rue gamer, manager, Bill Anderson, Jim Olsen, Bob Yancey. Ned Buchman , Jeff Botch, Ra y Paglia, Alan Busek, Jerry Eklund and Pat Williams, . manager. --(Photo by Carter Studio).

Head Coach, Monty Walker and Assistant Coach, John Christopherson seriously plotte d the stra tagem that carried the Rangers to their first undefea ted season.

Senior Guar d Jac k Snyder

Senior Tackle Roger Spencer

Senior Halfback - Terry Rogers


Coach Walker with his Senior CO-Captains: Mike Mast, Mike Yost, Terry Rogers, and Tom Lees - the men who gave the team leadership.

Senior Guard - Mike Mast


THE RANGER STOP DEPARTMENT: These eleven men represent one of the best defensive units in the State of Washington. In eight games these men allowed only ONE touchdown to be scored against them. They stopped the opposition game after game, once holding an opponent four downs within their own four yard line. From left to right: Terry Rogers, Dan Feezell, Bill Choquette, Jim Anderson, Mike Mast, Tom Lees, Jack Snyder, Mike Yost, Roger Spencer, Stanley Spencer, and Terry (Cookie) Gilchrist.


Senior Qua rter back Jon Hulbert

Sen ior End Mike Mclnnes

Senior Fullback Ade Weedman

Senior Halfback Jose Torrella

four set s of brothers played for th e R.angers this year : (Left to right and back to front) Bill Ande rson, Jim Anderson; Dick Snyde r, Jack Snyde r; Roger Spencer, Stan Spencer; Terry Roge rs, Pat Rogers.

Senior Halfback - Mike Yost

RANGER VARSITY SCORE BOARD Yelm - - Ocosta - Montesano Raymond Elma - - Eatonville Rochester Whi te Pass




0 0 6 0 0 0 6

SMHS - - - 6 SMHS - - -12 SMHS - - - 6 SMHS - - -26 SMHS - - - 7 SMHS - - -12 SMHS - - -45 SMHS - - -1 9



CENTRAl-t.EAGt.E CJ-IAM.PfONG United Press International (U. P. I.) rates the Rangers as the State's number one team. An 8 and O record makes the Rangers undi sputed Central League Champions.

Senior Linebacker - Tom Lees

THERE'S JO Y IN RANGERVILLE TONITE! Jon Hulbert and Jim Anderson whoop it up after the Rangers knock off White Pass for the eighth and final win of the season.


Our Mighty, Might y Rangers lift the coaches to their shou l ders and carry them triumphantly from the field of battle afte r turning back White Pass and going undefeated for the entire season .

Senior Defensive Cornerbacker and Place Kicker Terry Gilchrist

Senior Guard Rick Busch

Senior Tackle Stan Spencer

Senior End Pat Rogers


Anxiety is written on the face of Coach Walker as he readies Defensive specialist Dan Feezell should not the first and ten materialize.


Halfback Terry Rogers claws forward in a valiant effort to get that badly needed first down. Terry takes four Elma defenders with him on his way.




Mr. George Feeney , Head Field Manager, checks a Range r ball player for possible injuries.

Half Time : Ranger Warriors rest to regain their momentum for the last half of play.

ACTION: It takes gutts, desire, heart and above all , TEAMWORK to do what the defensive unit did all season long. Some where in this mass of humanity is a White Pass ball carrier who thought he was going through. The Ranger STOP Department had other ideas as the y stopped the surprised ball carrier in his tracks for no ga i n.




All-Central League All~ North west All-Catholic

MIKE YOST Halfback

All -Central League All - Northwest All -Catholic





All -Central League


ro~ TJ-IE& ~

All-Centra l Leag ue All-Northwest All-Ca tholic




All-Centra l League

All-Central League

All-Central League All-Northwest All-Catholic


FROSH SQUAD : (front row) Ha rri s, Kuehn , Hammer, Ha wki ns , McGi ll, Hester, Keller, McDonald, Lane, Hulscher, Wen sman, Levy (2nd row) Riccetti, Mackenzie, Woodley, Zarembinski, Frederick son , Owens, Daniels, Rydman, Klein , Smith , Coppin, Everett, Mat z (3 rd ro w) Simpson , Curry, Boren , Kern , Shea , Rzany , Campbell, Hillier, Pe te k , Gree nlund, LaFond, Gribble, Soland, and Coach Behles.

Skip Grib ble busts th rough for a big gain in Elma game. Shea (20 ) and Everett (24) attem pt to help out.


FROSH SCHEDULE Raymond Yelm - - White Pass Elma - - -



27 0 7 20

SM - - -0 SM - - -6 SM - - 14 SM - - - 0

Coach Behles studies the situation as No . 58 stands by with hopes of getting in the game.

WHERE THE ACTION IS: The freshman forward wall puts the rush on white - shirted No , 28.





Mr. Walker, Greater Olympia coach of the year and Catholic coach of the year, shows off his victory smile. He is flanked by two great ball players, Mike Yost and Terry Rogers, who along with the winningest team in the state, helped him preserve that victory smile all season long.

This 1965 football season, coach Monty Walker led his Ranger gridders to a perfect 8 -0 record to become the winingest football coach in four decades of St. Martin's High School history. His team was selected Washington states 's champion class "A" squad. To top it all off, he was picked coach of the yea r twice over. Coach Walker, 37, has just completed his sixth season at St. Martin's and now has a Ranger coaching record of 26 wins, 22 losses and three ties. A native of Bismarck, N. D., he played defensive end and received a bachelor's in education in 1952 at Colorado State College. Teaching and coaching three major sports as well as wrestling at Assumption Abbey High in Richardton, N. D., he moved to St. Martin's as head football coach and athletic director. Father of six daughters (and the stork is on the way again - perhaps WITH A BOY), he lives with his family in Lacey's Sacred Heart Parish. St. Martin's is proud to be associated with such a wonderful coach, teacher, and above all, Christian gentleman. His deserving selection for athletic excellence is a credit to himself and his family, but equally a credit to St. Martin's the home of the mighty Rangers!


Tom Lees pressures his opponent into submission -



Bill (highpockets) Whitaker . . .

I jUNf~ B O ~ ~ WREmlNG A aJflDfNG ~

Terry Rogers . . .


(Front Row) MacKenzie, Rossow , Anderson, Carroll , Benson , O'Donnell , Rice, Flink (Middle Row) Keller, Kidd , Hester , Hulscher, Razy, Shea, Rogutt , Kuhe n, Murphy, Wilson. (Back Row) Zarembinski, Petek, Grccnlun d, C-:oomes, Laico, Franco m, Pa ul, Smith, Manza.

RU)G(-1 ~ Bob Ya ncey

Coach 1"1alker introduced his Freshman wres tlers to the fine a rc of "matmanship" with eager anticipation to find fu ture greats to replace his graduating seniors pictured below . (left) Sophomore Bob (Bobbykins) Yancey came a long way on th e road to greatness by being selected the mos t improved wrestler of th e 1966 ma t seaso n.

Senior Wres tlers: T. Rogers, Less, Whitaker, Gilch rist, P. Rogers


Frosh "Mr. Everything" Ma rty MacKenzie

Joe Wensman

Mike Williams

Pat Reynolds

Mark Bloms



Stao (the mao) Speocer Right: Juoior Deoois Rydmao reaches for the stars . . .

Dao (Fizz) Feezell Juoior Guard



A Tornado blew and only too late did Mike Yost get wind of it

Jeff Hammer . . .

Mike Dziedzic . . .

An Eagle soars and Pat of tail feathers




was not to be

Right: Spene dings the bells, but not loud enough

Reynolds gets onl y a hand full

JUNfOf<;VARGfJY~ED 6'/ GO~, u~~

~~ lJ-lt. VAR.Grrv

Coach Beh les expresses "the une ve ntful " as h e scans the press re leases - perhaps a ba1111er year in th e futur e.

Dan Coppin , L.arry J\Jeyer , Joe Berube, Dan McDonald


Next Season 's Varsity Hopefuls: (front) Goff, Ma loney, Engel, Dugaw , Bailey. McCormick , Kennish, Olson , Gosse lin, Flateau , Kraft, Ster bick




The Frosh llasketbail Program under the able direction of coach Christopherson, molded itself .i n to a dramatic epic of basic fundamentals, sincere training, and round-ball science, with tl1e eye and heart pointed to future successes . (left) Rick Tardiff, a determined , conscientious, head-up ballplay er, won the coveted award given to the freshman Basketball player, who in the mind of the coach, gave more to the team - not because he was spurred to do so, but because he possessed the spirit to give more t han wha t was asked of him.

Father Cletus, (Team Chaplain) and George Feeney (Property supervisor), chat with coach Walker after witnessing ano ther "barn burner. " FRESHMEN Basketball cagers: (front) Foley , Coppin , Choquette , Tardiff , Soupy Campbell. ( 2nd row) Soland, Resner, Lafond, Hillier, Rydman, Nelson , Berschauer, Gilson. (back) Wigren, Boren, Nance, Levy, Keely, Gribble, Wensman


UN I 0

Albright , Robert Seattle , Wash . Anderson , James Fife, Wash. Arnaud, Robert Seattle, Wash.

Baker, Michael Olympia, Wash. Bendikson, Terry Tacoma, Wash. Benson, David Tumwater, Wash .

Bister, Mike Olympia , Wash. Boger, Robert Wallace, Idaho Breiten, Peter Bellevue, Wash .

Brown , Philip Olympia , Wash . Buenzli, James Olympia, Wash . Calabrese, Joseph Tacoma, Wash .


Carey, James Sea ttle, Wash. Chase, Grego ry McMinnville, Ore. Choquette, Bill Juneau, Alaska

Collins, Rodney Richland, Wash. Cornelius, Michael Tacoma, Wash . Cummings, Ted Sea ttle, Wash.

Demico, Robert Olympia, Wash. Dolan, Ralph Olympia, Wash . Dolde, David Seattle, Wash.

Dziedzic, Michael Lacey , Wash. Farance, Arthur Walla Walla, Wash. Feezell, Dan Ma bto n, Wash.


Finley , William Seattle , Wash. Forza , Je rr y Lace y, Wash. Forza , La rr y Lac ey , Wa sh.

Geh li ng , Guy Pend le ton , Ore . Gom ez , Ra lph Hillsboro ugh , Ca lif. Gosse lin , La rr y Sum ne r, Wash .

Ha mm e r, Jeff Mt. Vernon, Wash . Ha rle , Michae l_ Wena tchee, Wash . Hemsher, Leo Olym pia , Wash.

Punch y Cummings and Ralph Do la n (Notice the nea t a ppea rance of the ir room!)


Herrera, Jose Olympia , Wash . Heutmaker , Joseph Sea ttle , Wash. Hoffman , Raymond Lacey , Wash.

Inman, Patrick Sea ttle, Wash. Jefferies, Jo seph Boise , Idaho Je ssen , Howard Olympia , Wash .

Josten , No rman Juneau, Alaska Kennedy , Steven Polson , Montana Kordonowy , David Longview , Wash .

LaChance, Joseph Yakima , Wash. Lafond, Philip Olympia , Wash. Leckie, Steven Fossil, Ore.


Father Terence has a private Hoo tenanny in his room with his Hillbilly Seven - Rick Taylor, Steve Thomas, Greg Chase, Jim Newell, Rod Collins, Steve Kennedy, and "silver tonsils" Harle.

Lewis, Douglas Olympia , Wash.

Malvey , Richard Port Ange le s, Wash. Meyer, Lawrence Sea ttle, Wash.

Meyer, Thomas Olympia , Wash. Moore, Daniel Sea ttle , Wash. Morrison, George Great Falls, Mont.


Mort a , Steven Yelm , Wash . Newell , John Renton, Wash. Nicoli , Gino Seattle , Wash.

O 'Hara , David Olympia , Wash. Paglia , Raymond Bellingham, Wash. Peterson , Paul Bellevue, Wash.

Reynolds, Patrick Gig Harbor, Wash. Riley, Michael Coronado, Calif. Robinson , John Olympia, Wash.

Rogers , Michael Pendleton, Ore. Rydman, Dennis Westport, Wash. Schierberg, Thomas Olympia , Wash.


Juniors Guy Gehl ing , Mike Robinson , Tim Tardiff, Rick Williams and Jose Herrera a re more interested in the camera man th an in the bulletin board.

Schuster, Steven Bellevue, Wash. Sorre ls, Lee Tacoma , Wash. Shay , John Olympia , Wash.

Spiller, Thomas Sea ttle, Wash . Stone ,_ David Pendleton , Ore. Sutphin, William Wi lkeson , Wash .

Swenson, Steven Me rcer Island , Wash. Ta llm an , Jeff Portland , Ore. Tay lor, Richard Seattle, Wash .


Tardiff, Timothy Olympia, Wash. Thomas, John San Francisco, Calif. Thomas , Stephen San Francisco , Calif.

Turner , Thomas Onta rio , Ore. V ailencour, Michael

Tacoma , Wash . Watson, Douglas Sea ttle, Wash.

Weiser, Douglas He lena , Montana Wensman, Joseph Glenwood Springs , Colo. Wildhaber, Fred Chehalis, Wash.

Williams , Michael Tacoma, Wash . Williams, Richard Olympia, Wash. Swift, John Olympia , Wash .



Can you get this many Juniors in a te lephone booth ?

Mirror, mirror on the wall, whose the handsomest of them a ll ? (Dave Dolde, of course)

Junior Dorm: Here, for 180 school days , the Juniors spent the ir time. we wi ll leave them for memories for those Juniors who lived here.

The old dorm could tell many a story, but



CLASS OFrICERS: Mark Bloms, President; Dan O'Neill, Secretary ; George Hancock, Sergeant- a t- arms; Mike Hazlitt , Treasurer; Ned Buchman , Vice - President ; Ward White , Representa tive .


Albert , Max Arlington , Wash.

Anderson , Bill Fife, Wash.

Bloms, Mark Olympia, Wash.

Anderson , Paul Seattle , Wash.

Bailey, Michae l Centralia, Wash .

Botch, Jeff Olympia, Wash.

Father Urban, beloved Sophomore Prefect , looks like he was caught in the act. Bjork , Robert Tumwater , Wash.

Buchman , Peter Seattle , Wash.

Busek , Alan Warner - Robbins, Ga .

Brust , Richard Everett, Wash .

Burke , Robe rt Eugene, Ore .

Coppin , Timothy Sara toga, Calif.


Cremer, Timoth y Sublimi ty, Ore.

Every holiday means packing up for the happy jaunt home. Curry, Weedman and Ruegamer seem to be packing an awfu l lot coming back , boys ?


Curry , Gordon Juneau, Alaska

Denton, Jam es Seattle , Wash.

Daue, Doug las San Fran. , Calif.

Dodd, Spencer Seattle, Wash.

Dolde , Steve Seattle , Wash.

Edwards, Randy Aurora, Ore,

Engel , Robert Olympia , Wash.

Dugaw , Dan Toledo , Wash.

Ekland, Jerry Castle Rock, Wash.

Erkins, Gregory Buhl, Idaho

Eubanks, Brent Olympia, Wash .

Fortune, John Seattle, Wash.

Ga mache, Steven Toppenish, Wash.

Gerhard , Cris Seattle, Wash.

rlateau , Ted Kelso , Wash.

F.outs, Gary Portland, Ore.

Garrett, Fred Seattle , Wash.

Goff, Larry Lacey, Wash.

Hey 1 How did that ugl y Frosh get in the picture with all those handsome Sophomores ?

Hancock, Geo rge Seattle , Wash .

Hoffman, James Lacey, Wash.

Hazlitt, Michael Olympia, Wash.

Hof1in, John Coos Ba y, Ore.


Hummel, John Fort Lewis , Wash .

Kada u, Clarence Mad ras , Ore.

Kelly , Patrick Lakewood, Wash.

Jones , Richa rd Seattle, Wash.

Kegel, Robert Abe rdeen, Wash.

Kennish , Joseph Olympia , Wash.

It looks like Father Urban is finally getting even with Martino. Keep sm iling !

Here 's proof th at Sophomores read bulleti n boards - the Spom page anyway.


Ko lze , Glenn Olympia, Wash.

Kraft, David Kodiak, Alaska

Leckie, Mi chael Fossil, Ore.

Lenihan, Timoth y Seattle, Wash.

Lecture, William Bo thell, Wash.

Maloney , Ma rti n Yakima , Wash.

MclVlahan, Michael Martino , Tony Hillsborough, Ca lif, Cen tra lia , Wash .

McCorm ick , Matt Ma loney , Robe rt Wash. Eugene , Ore . Vancouver,

Meeker, Thomas Seattle , Wash.

Mock , Be rna rd Yelm, Wash.

Olson , James Everett , Wash.

Navin, William Van couver, 13. C.

O'Neill , Daniel Olympia, Wash .

The banging of the ole loc ke rs out~ide of Study Hall is over Juniors you will be next year.

Ordos , James Olympia , Wash.

Ra koz , Kenneth Pi cou, Chris Federa l Way , Wash. Centralia , Wash .

Pa ul, Daniel Puyallup , Wash.

Radford, Davi d Olympia , Wash.

Rio , Ronald Se attle , Wash.


SCWH DORM : It was he re the Sophomores becam e men. The rubbing of elbo1--¡s, the necessary sharing , remember ? Remember too, the unmade beds , the pillow fights and the endless little joys that made dorm life the greatest.


Rue.gam er, l\lichael Hardin, Mon t.

Schilter , Ed1--¡ard Lacey , Wash.

Sa win, Robert Seattle, Wash.

Shepard, Douglas Ketc hik an , Ala ska

Snyder, Richard Wenatchee , Wash.

Tierney , Bill Olympia , Wash .

Slimell, Andrew Gooding , Idaho

Smith , Michae l Seattle , Wash.

Sherwood , Michael Renton , Wash.

Snowberger, Marvin Sterb ick, Michael Renton , Wash . T acoma , Wash.

Torrence, i'vlike Lacey , Wash.

Valentino , ivlichael San Jv!ateo, Calif.

Vining, Daniel Lacey, Wash,

White, Wa rd Olympia, Wash,

Va rgo, Randy Bremerton, \.\lash,

Weedman, Ton y Longview , Wash.

Yance y, Robert 1'¡1 oxee , Wash. ln do rm life you ha ve all the comfom of home - almos t.

Hai r ye , Hair ye Ge t it cut now or bv the principal later!


Ager , l~obert Bellevu~ , Wash. Becker, Donald Tacoma , Wash. Benson , Pa trick Tumwate r, Wash .

Berschauer, Jacob Tumwa ter , Wash. Boren , James Olympia , Wash. Bucknum , Richa rd Olympia, Wash.

Busek, Jol111 Olympia, Wash . Campbell , Bruce Tacoma, Wash. Carroll, Timothy Auburn, Wash .

Choquette, Thomas Juneau, Alaska Comb s, John Palmer, Alaska Coomes , Mi chael Lacey , Wash.

Coppin , Paul Saratoga , Calif. Cross , Thomas Bellevue , Wash. Curry, Ma rk Juneau, Alaska


Daniels, Robert Seattle, Wash . E1¡erett, Gerald Olympia, Washo Flink, Steven Ken t, Wash .

francom, Gerald Seattle , \,\lash. frederickson, Earl Eatonville, Wash. Gallaghe r, Gary Seattle , Wash .

Gilson , Thomas Valdez , Alaska Gom e z , Steven Hillsborough , Calif. Gre.enlund, James Seattle , Wash .

Gibble , Skip Mercer Island, Wash. Hammer, John Mt. Vernon , Wash.

Harris, Killia n Seattle , Wash .

Macquarrie and Lane are in one of those well - known tooth pas te tests. 104

Ha wki11s , Bob Coeur de Alene , Id a . Hester, Patric k Pe11clleton, Ore .

Hillier, Steven Olympla, Wash. Hulscher, Richard Tacoma, Wash.

Keely, Kevin Tacoma , Wash.

Mlke Wensman says, "You should see th e other guy!" (ac tually he was th e victim of a bee stin g . )

Keller, William Sea ttle, Wash.

Kellogg , Jerry Tacom a , Wash. Ke rn, Thomas Lacey , Wash .

Kidd , John Sea ttle , Wash. Kle in, John Sea ttle , Wash .

St eve Flink and Charlie Paul flip the past eboa rds while Francom and T om Gilson look on .


Kramer, Mark Olympia, Wash. Kuehn , Randy Enumcla 1v, Wash. Kupper, William Tacoma , Wa~h.

Knight, B}'ron Mountain Home, Idaho Lafond , David Olympia, Wash. Laico, Andre Port Angeles, Wash.

Lane, Ronald Aberdeen, Wash . Levy , Jerry Hillsborough, Calif. Mackenzie, Martin 01 ym pia, Wash.

MacQuarrie, Scott Seattle, Wash. Manza, lvl ichael Tacoma , Wash. Matz, Michael Umatilla , Ore .

McDonald , Richard Tacoma , Wash. McGill, Timoth y Seattle , Wash. Meier, Joseph Tacoma , Wash.


Father Kie ran shows some Fre,llmen where .Ire land is located on rl!e map.

Murphy , Dennis Oly m pia , Wash. Nance , Hailey Seattle , Wash. Nelson, Steve Tokeland , Wash.

O ' Donnell , Daniel Sea ttle, Wash. Owens , Paul Anacortes , Wash. Paul, Charles Puyallup , Wash.

Petek , Frank Spokane , Wash. Resner, John Seattle , Wash. Rice , Gerald Seattle , Wash.

Ricce tti , Michael Sea ttle, Wash. Rossow , Steven Tacoma, Wash. Rougutt , Lloyd Tacoma , Wash .


Rydman , Richard \,vestport , Wash . Rzany , La;,,·rence Tacoma , Wash. Shea, frank Seatt le, Wash.

Shea , Ronald Olympia, Wash. Simpson , John Tacoma , Wash. Smith, Jeff San Leandro, Calif.

Soland , Brian Tacoma, Wash. Tardiff, Richard Olymp ia, Wash. Topalian, Robert Seattle, Wash .

Wensman, Michael Glen wood Springs , Colo. Wig ren, Gregory Olympia , Wash. Wilson, Michael Lake Oswego, Ore.

Woodley , John Sea ttle, Wash , Zarembinski , Law rence Sea ttle, Wash. Ander son, William Lee Everett , Wash.


Father Leonard English Religion

fa ther Kenneth Religion World Problems Ameri can His tory

Father Kieran Stud ent Chaplain History Religion

father Nicholas Religion Algebra Debate

Father Marcel Spanish frenc h


Fath er David lnfirmarian Biology Chemistry

Father Urban Geometry Physics

Brother Dominic Financial Officer

Father Peter Business Manager

Frater Brice Latin

Father Cletus Vice-Principal English Journalism Art Brother Boniface Assistant Librarian ll l

(leave of absence) , ;o th e Institute , Ge rmany

Glee Club Typing Music Appreciation

Brother Neal English

Algebra Trigo nometr y c oach

Mrs . He ndri cks school nurse

lvlr. Ca ylor Latin 11 2

French Religion English


Father Terence Speech Latin

Father Gregory Creative Writing

Human Anatomy World History Athl etic Director Co ach

Mr. John ¡ Christopherson Sociology American History World Problems Speech Coach Father Luke Librarian 113

I EXl' EKTH this is Fathe r Kenneth , Sen ior Prefe c t

ll-lEON TOP of OLE BALDY ••• Facher Conrad , Princip al; Father Urban, Sophomore Prefecc


Music for th e gentle sou l . . . Fa th er Tere nce, Junior Pre fect


Belly up to the bar, bo ys . . . Father Cletus, Vice Principal

~C(XJNCIL: (left to right) Bloms, White, Dugaw, Spiller, Heutmaker, Cleary, T. Rogers, Fr. Kenneth, Whi taker, Mcinnes, Paglia, Moore, Owens, Gomez

White tries to enter the disc ussion, while Mclnnes plays it cool. 116

Terry Rogers , Stud ent Body President, takes charge over this Student Council meeting.

Mclnnes , Gomez, and Cleary enter into heated debate concerning who is going to make the motion that the meeting be adjourned.

~ENrBOOV om~:

Tom Spiller, Secretary; Joe Heutmaker, Treasurer; Terry Roge rs, President; Bill Whi taker, Vice-President; Dan Dugaw, Asst. Treasurer. 11 7

-----------~1.•. . -~ J Th e many servers who help in the ce lebra tion of daily Mass.


11 8


Tim , 1 rta and Ralph Busby

~re DrR.E-00~: s.

Morta, Harle , Oark, P. Rogers, Saterstrom, T . Mo rta

11 9

(Front row) Boren , Resner, Tardiff, Rzany, C. Paul, M. Curry, Hulscher, J. Busek, P. Coppin . (Second row) Botch, Dugaw, McCo rmick , Flateau , Bloms , Wensman , Kegel, White, Bailey. Ke lly , Dolde, Buckman. (Back row) Lecture, l\¡loore , Robinson , Watson, T . Tardiff, Choquette , J. Wensman , Meyer , S. Morta, Brown, Swenson, Gehling.

(front row) Whitaker , Lewis, Clark, Swen son, Rogers, Preston. (back row) Busby, Coppin, Saterstrom, Kovach, Weedman, Mast, Denny , Mc Innes, Cleary.



GL.OrtAJ<; CWB T om Meeker, Steve Gamac he . Matt McCor m ick, Rick Jones, G ary Fou ts, Bob Kege l

AUDJO-\/T~ ~ONNEL: Tom Meeker, Chri.s Ger hart

12 1



Swift, Baker , Saterstrom, C. Paul, Gilson, Bloms, Hester, Daniels, Turner, D. Paul, Rydman, Feezell, Ordos, Woodley, Flink, Torrence, i\forta, Hoflin

(front row) Mr. Mc Court, Swenson, Kovach, Jefferies, Finley , Torrence, Moore , Rio, Harle. (second row) Mast , Preston, Cleary, Heutmaker, Clark, Dug aw, M. Malone y , Gamache, row) Snyder, Swift, McDonald, Peterson , 0 'Halloran, Re ynolds, Stone, Schier berg .




Meyer, Wildhaber, Tallman, Vailencour, Benson, Berube, Fr. Nicholas, Coppin , C lear y, Sorrels, Dernico, Choquette, Dolde, Cornelius, Warson, Rydman, Schuster, Breiten, Anderson , Boger, Weiser.

Mike Clear y , who e ventually won first place in exremp at the Sr. Marrin 's College Tournament, here speaks on the Vietnam problem. 124


P. Coppin, Bucknum, Lenihan, Edwards, Daue, Bailey, McMahon, Busek, Tierney, Petek, T. Coppin, Wensman, White, Kegel.

Mark Curry, a promising freshman, has done a fine job throughout the year in debate.

Frank Petek attacks a defect in the opponent's case. 125

~ ~~: (back ro1v ) Coppin , Berube, Barschaw, Rougutt, Shea. (front row) Malve y, Meyer, S. Morta, Sorrels, Wensman . Nance, Vailencour, T. Morta, Rogers, Fr. Keir an, La Chance.


THE Vol. XXVI I, No. 4

The Voice of St. Martin's High School, Olympia, Wash .

Dec. 21, 1965

Tom Turner - Editor & Photographer

Tom Turner ........... ................. Editor Steven Swenson .... Associate Editor Jim Anderson .............. Sports Editor Matt McCormick Clu b & Social Editor Mike Rogers .......... Exchange Editor Mike Mclnnis ........ Editoria l Writer Fred Wildhaber Advertising & Circulation Mgr. Bob Arnaud ................Business Mgr. Tom Turner ..............Photographer R eporters: Bill Sutphin, John Thomas, P at Wickens, Bill Tierney, ¡ Dave O'Hara Father Cletus ......................Advisor Published monthly by the Journ alism Class of St. Martin's High School, Olympia, Wash. Rates: per month advertising-$2.00 per column inch; subscription, $1.50 per year. 127

QR.E.G0N (Front row) McCo rmick .

Stone, Gehling, Wilson , Tallman, M. Rogers, Turn er. (2nd row) Burke , S. Le c kie , Ru ssell, (Back row) Edwards, Cre m e r, Smith, M. Leckie , Hoflin, Fo uts

CAUFORNtA T. Coppin, D. Coppin, Maloney , Clear y , Gomez, P. Coppin

B. Boge r, Jeffe ries, D. Boge r, Er kins



HAWAJr M. Wensmen, J. Wensmen, Wieser , Daue


J. Busek, A. Busek, P. Williams, Torell a

Denn y , B. Choquette, Kraft, Rhodes, T. Choquette, Gilson.

~KA 129

s. Thom as, R. Ta ylor, T. Le nihan , v. Josten, B. Sawin , J. Thoma s

11~ R. Paglia and J. ll

ANNOONcr-R.~ Jose Tar ella an d J. Sny der


Rick Jones and Greg Erkins

~ A N D ~CKt ~ ~ "Mickey" Fouts, Randy Edwards, Steve Dolde, Tim Cremer, Dave Dolde, Matt McCormick, Al Busek, Tom Schierberg


Down from the slo pes for a fires id e hootenanny

The snow bunnies a ncl tile guys

A ncl dan ce a1-1ay the rest of th e

j oin in






The rest play stud poker in the comer Tragedy takes its toll when luck runs out for a few




Green Valley, Ex t erminator , Lucky Shot, Bull Run arc Crys tal's best

A dip in th e heated pool edged with snow - wha t a \l'JY to go !

Tiny specks, like ants , cover th e hill above C:rystal Inn

A freshman's new adventure is about to


Swenson , P. Rogers .

L-R Snyder, Torrella , Ebert , Lewis, Saterstrom, SAC is an o rgan iza tion crea ted to better student relations.

SAC organizes study hall . SAC organizes activities.


Back Row : Widdicombe , Whi taker, Fr. Ke nneth (coac h) , P. Rogers, R. Busby, S. Swenson; Front Row: Hul bert, Hazlitt, Watson, O'Ho llar en

RAN~OO~~ 196g, 64, 6s AND 66 Congratulations to Father Kenneth, Ranger golf coach , who has made the Central Le ague Championship a traditional honor here at Mar ty's. Righ t: JOHN HULBERT - voted the MOST VALUA BLE player for 1966 acquired th e following accolades: Mos t va lu ab le play er Team captain Won 58 ma tches and lost 2 in 3 yea rs of play Went to State 3 years Lowes t score th is year - 66

g-WrNG 7-~

GrLCURJGr PfTCI-IEG t J-1~ Mark Blorns , sensational Sophomore catcher , voted MOST VALUABLE player

Cookie Gilchrist in PRO form

Back Row: Gosse lin ( Mgr . ), Dziedzic , R. Spencer, Weedman, Geh ling, Stone , Paglia, Bloms , Heard ( Mgr.) ; Fro nt Row: C hristopherso n, (Coach), Cleary, Feezell, Gilchrist, B. Lew is, Du gaw, Kraft, J. Buenzli (Mgr.) Paglia cu ts him off

1:-le beat th e ba ll, He beat the ball' ! !



Right: Mrs. Hend ricks , student nurse , treats the picnic sunburns

Ga llagher, Cremer, Greenlund , Petek , Paul, and Albert

Mothers register before start of fes tivities

Mother and son together

~ M-011-I~

MOO-I~'~ Ql\Y ~~Ql\Y The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass brings Graces to Mo thers a nd sons Hawaiian , fes tival Banquet theme





Tim T ardiff, Junior miler , sets new record - blu e ribbon 4:36 :6


440 man, Joe Berube , snaps th e string

Forza , 880 spec ialist, leads the pack

Mr. Walker, head track arid field coach , clocks the Rarigers iri

VARSITY SQUAD: Back Row - Turner , Gome z, Hammer , Breiteri, Mo rta , Reyrio lds, Aridersori , Baker, Goff, J. Forza , Dau e (Mgr . ) Fro m Row - Tardiff, Sriowberger, Dolari , T . Rogers, Lees , B. Choquette , Williams , L. Forza , Berube, Nicoli (Mgr . )


Jim Anderson - 880 Relay Anchor man

Terry Rogers - Low Hurdles and 880 Re lay




M. Williams Shot Put

Tom Lees D iscus

M . Yost I3road jump



MIKE C LEARY Co - Va ledictorian






Neil Nicholas (Monsieur De La Qua) gr.eets the English girl with pomp.

Emily (Denise O'Hara) and Mrs . Skinn er (Susan Madiso converse with Leo ( Wi ll Terr is). Ad111i ra l Hodges(David O ' Hara) , Dick (Mike Mas t) present Emily (Denise O'Hara ) with a trophy.

Rog Saterstrom as the incomparable "Ot is"


RAY Pat Williams as the ship's Purser


Sa cs and Turner work co meet the lase deadline .

AWORD Each time we scan this page by page review of the 1965 - 66 school year, we, the SAMAHI Staff can ' t help but recall the tired eyes and worn pencils that worked to compose this yea rbook. It has been our intention to graph this past year in a memorable way. You can't fit the whole of high school life between cwo covers- -this is but one volume. This is NOT the end, but the BEGINNING--of many, many memorable years yet in store for you .


c.u~L h-...1'l~ ~~ ~ H/



~~ Our serious minded Yearbook Staff ga thers for the last time for a critical discussion of our '"magna opere. '" 136

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