Samahi (high school yearbook) 1967

Page 1

To The Young Men of St. Martin's High School: It is a pleasure to greet you again as you go over the many pleasant memories of the year 19661967, as recorded in your Samahi. Your youth and enthusiasm, your good spirits and your zest for life are one of the greatest bits of happiness for the Abbot of St. Martin's. We look forward with you to your life on your new campus, and we shall still want to see you from time to time in your new quarters. It is our great hope that the Christian Education which you have received this year at St. Martin's will stay with you for the rest of your lives. All of us have a deep concern for your growth to full and responsible manhood. We know so well the trials you must go through to come to your full maturity. Like so many students of St. Martin's High School before you, we know that you will look back on these years with real gratitude for all the Fathers, Brothers, and Lay Staff have done for you here.

The Right Reverend Gerald R. Desmond, Coadjutor Abbot of St. Martin's Abbey

o. S. B,

:Dedicated to

"Roughly, I would say" that the SAMAHI staff has unanimously chosen to dedicate this annual to Fr. Urban. Keeping in mind always the seven steps in a geometric proof, we will explain why Fr. Urban easily won our admiration. Given: Fr. Urban. To Prove: He's more than deserving of this dedication; we give you pictures of the subject. In our mental analysis, mass thought of so many tremendous traits makes expressing them difficult. The fifth and sixth steps as Fr. Urban has taught so well, are statements and reasons. 1) Fr. Urban is a universal friend; Because he has an amiable personality that wins friendship from all. 2) Fr. Urban is an outstanding perfect; because any sophomore, junior, or senior who has had this fortunate experience will tell you so. 3) Fr. Urban is a wonderful priest; because he prays for us and guides us with priestly generosity. 4) Fr. Urban is a magnificent person; (reasons are selfevident.) The conclusion coincides just like congruent triangles with what we were trying to prove.

Father Cletus English Art


Father Timothy English Religion French

junior Prefect

Senior Prefect Brother David and Mrs. Chamley, Office Secretaries with Father Terence

Father Urban Adv. Algebra Geometry Physics

Soplto111ore Prefect


Father Terence Religion Anthropology Speech Latin

Vice Principal

Father Leonard English Religion

Father Kieran Typing Religion World Geography

'lresltman Prefect

Se111inar11 Prefect

Father Conrad Mech. Drawing Earth Science

Principal 11

Mr. Willis Coach World Geography World History

Mr. Walker Coach World Problems Marriage Human Anatomy

Father Terence and Father Conrad studying the plans for the new high school.

Caught with his hand in the till!

Fr. David Adv, Biology Religion Chemistry

Fr, Alfred Latin Religion German


Father Alfred, our best friend, the Chaplain Bro. Boniface Religio n Spanish

Father David, a busy Infirmarian

Bro. Neal English Religion Father Timothy, a relaxed Prefect


Fr. Marcel Spanish

11ior etass I




Officer For the Serriors the four year sojourn at St. Martirr's is just about over. Irr those four years St. Martirr 's gave them its sourrd spiritual arrd educational guidance. The Serriors took this and became the lead ers in the athletic , academic , and sp iritual life at St. Mar tirr 's. They have left their mark on the school as it has on them, and they are satisfied


lobert H. Albri gh t '1ickname: BA, Age: 17, Parish: )ur Lady of Lourdes, Seattle, Yashington. 4 years at St. Ma rin ·s. vlajors: Engli sh: Wrestling 1 2 3 4, 'ootball 1 2 3 4, Glee Club ; Fav•rite Pastime: Lacross, Polo, trchery, Yatching in the Carib ean; Ambition: To take advanage of everything; College plan ing to attend : Highline College .

James Anderaon iclmame: Spunky, Andy, Age: Manin of Toun; Fifi • WashlngtoB. SL Martin's.

Majors: Eng ~bert Arnaud Nickname : Bob, ½artin 's. ~jors: English, tory: Journalism 8 4, Annual ,taff 4, Hono ociety 4, Football 1, Cross :ountry 2 3 , Baseball 1 2 3, Track 1 2 3 4, ½ Club; F time: Sports, cars, boats,

Ph~l MucallOO.

Football I 2 3 4, WresUillg 1 2' 8 M Club, Debate S, Fa\lOttte ~ die things of life; Amb tloa: To parents; Collese pJanntng to, ington State Untvetslty

, camping: Ambition: To be d to find a way to put a square plaanmg ro attend:

Michael Baker Nickname: Speed ; Age: 18; Parish: St. Michael's, Olympia, Washington . 4 yea rs at St. Ma rtin's . Majors: History. English; Band 1 2 3, Football 1 2 3 4, Baseba ll 2, Track 1 3 4, M Club, VP Band 4; Favorite Pastime: Giving OJ a bad time; Ambitio n: To play basketball better than Fr. Tim othy; C_o llege planning to a ttend : Centralia Junior College.


Michael E. Bister I Nickname: Mike, Bist, Blister Age: 17; Parish: St. Michael"s Olympia, Washington. 4 yean St. Martin 's. Majors: English, Math, Scien Art 1 2 ; Favorite Pastime: War° ing on my car and achieving a lutely nothing; Ambition : To the fastest FORD in town ; Colt planning to attend: Centralia ior College or Washington Staf

Squea at St

17: Tumwater,

n's. , Language; Debate 1 2,

1 2 S: favorite Pa, immlng, reading Amby th tingra and to that numbness; College ttle University or West-

Phil Brown' Nickname:

Fhllly Ba

Micha l s 4 years at t. Martin' •

jors: Madi, tory; nar 3

ca , ge wb that ii

Music. 2 8 ...

Roclt orclett, n, co

le: College

Tacoma O)mmunny Colle_ge Montaa..

Peter Breiten Nickname: Pete, Popeye ; Age: 18; Parish: Sacred Heart ; Bellevue, Washington. 3 years at St. Martin's. Majors: English, Math, Science, History; football 2 3 4, Wrestling 2 3 4, Track 2 3 4, Ski Club 4, Mass Reader 3, Server Society 3, Debate 3 4, Hooor Society 2 4, M Club; Favorite Pastime: Just enjoy ing life as it passes by; Am· bition: To accomplish successfully whatever I a nem pt to do , and to live up to the expectation of my superiors; College planning to attend: Gonzaga or Lewis & Clark.


foseph Albert Calabrese Nicknam e: Joe, Cal; Age: 18; Parish: St. Rita ·s, Tacoma, Wash3lngcon. 3 years at St. Martin's. Majors: Latin, English , Science, !History; lntramurals 2, Debate 2, Honor Society 2 4, Library Staff sz 3 4; Favorite Pastime: Gratify1ing my libido , philosophizing , an·d bercisin g my intelligence; Am 1 bition: To transcend the limi ts of 'human existence in anaining the essence of self-fullment; College planning to attend: Seattle Uni -


William L. Choqu ette

Majors: Math, ical Ed ucation: Wrestling l 2

2 3 4, M

Favorite P ing coffee falli


l'l · Par at t. a


ce. History, PhysFootball l S , k I 2 3 4, Society lee Pres. 4. ub 2 3; atcbing ro t, eat ettbig dmy at proper times.

cruc:W momem:s, ty,




Nickname: Frog, Singe, Torch, Chester, Limpy , Crispy C ritter: Age: 17; Richland, Wash ington. 2 years at St. Martin 's. Majors: English: Ski Club, Football, Glee Club, Track ; Favorite Pastime: Instigating, Doctor Da y , Crista; Ambition: To bum the "Animal Farm" and banish its occupants to studio "B"; College planning to attend: Seattle University.


Robert Henry Demico Nickname: RH, Eunich; Age: l Olympia, Washington, 4 years St. Martin's. Activities: Foobt l 2 , Track 1, Wrestling 1, Deb'. 2 3 4, Annual Staff 4; Ambitio\ To go into the sewers when Ca brese takes over; College plann to attend: Allegheny, PSU, W,

ore P. Cummings : Stretch, Punchy; Age: 17: Parish: St. eattle, Wadlington. 4 years at St. Majo : English, French, Math; Wrestling 1 S, Track Jntramurals 2 3 4, Ski Club, Journalism 3 4, Gle Club, Lapidary Club; Favorite Pastime: Skiing; Am 1tion: T convert Calabrese to capitalism; Coll e planning to attend: US Merchant Academ

Ra lph Dolan Nickname : Rotten Ra lph , Fowlf, Leotardo; Age : 18; Parish : St. Michael's, Olympia, Washington. 4 years at St. Martin's. Majors: Art, English, History , Physical Education, Math; Track, Footballl, Wrestling 1; Favorite Pastime: Instigation; Ambition : To go into the field of commercial art ; Col¡ lege planning to attend: Centralia Co llege.


Dave Dolde

Nickname: Doodle; Age : 18; Parish: St. Joseph 's Seattle, Washington. 4 y ars at St. Martin's. Majors: English, Science, ath; Honor Society, Wrestling 1 2 3 4, Crou Coun 2 3 4, Track 2 3 4; Favorite Pastime: Reading; mbition : To be more like Him; College PlaDDing versity of Washington.

Michael Dzied z ic Nicknam e : Hoo ver; Age: 17; Parish : Sacred Heart, Lacey, Washing ton. 4 years at St. Martin ·s. Majors: English, Science , Ma th ; Baseball I 2 3, Basketball I 2 3 4 , Football I 2 4, Track I, Cross Cou ntry 2, Debate 2 3; Favorite Pasti me: Sleeping in marriage class ; Ambition: To be a PE coach at Vassar; College planning to attend : University o f Washin gton o r Air Force Academy.

Dan Feezell Nickname: Fanny; Age : 17 Heart, Mabton , Washing n. 4 tin's.

yean at St, Mar-

Gene Farance Nickname: Art; Age: 18; Parish: Aaumptlon, Walla Walla, Washington. 3 yean at St. tin's. Majon: Math, Science, English; Track, ling, Cross Country, Ski Club; Favorite Riding a Honda 90; Ambition: To lr&V around rhe world; College planning to attea : Gonzaga.

Majors: English, History, Music, Physical Edu• cation, Science; F ball l 2 3 4, Basketball 1 2 3 4, Baseball 3, Track 1 2 4, M Club, Band, Glee Club, Sg at Anns 2; Favorite Pastime: Sports, danc · , swimming, watching TV on channel 3 & 5; Ambition: To go to the South Seas an lie on tht beach and sip coconuts like they In the movies; College planning to at-

Martin's College or Central Washing·: ~

Colle e.

Bill Finle y Nickname: BF, Wild Bill ; Age : 18 ; Pa rish: St. Patrick 's Seattle, Washing ton . 4 years at St . Martin's. Majors: English; Glee Club, Honor Society 4, Wrestling 1, , Intra murals 2 3 4; Favorite Pasti me: Writing letters to Cecilia and cutting out Lu cky Strike emblem! ; Ambition: To be a nice and respectable guy; C oll ege planning to a t tend: Seattle University or St. Martin ·s College .


Larry Forza Nick nam e: Harry; Age: 19; Paril Sacred Heart, Lace y, Washingtoo 3 years at St. Martin 's. Majors: English; Cross Countr y 3 Track 3 4; Favorite Pastime: Sports; Ambiti o n: To get somewhere in life; College planning le a ttend: Ta coma Communi ty.

rlsh at SI. Marrin s. 3 4, Track 3 , Punm eep: mb To as as d: St Mar-

Ralph Diaz omez

fckname: Ral : ge: 18¡ Pa rinc '1, Hilhborough, caJ:lfo la. SL


• Madu M Club.



recogrifzecl OD io

G. F. Gehling Nickname: Pinky; Age: 17; Parish: St. Mary 's , Pendleton , Oregon . 3 yea rs at St. Martin 's. Majors: Science, Math, English, Language, History; Wre stling 3 4, Base ball 3 4, Hono r Society 2 3 4, Glee Club: Favorite Pastime: Fl ying , Wa ter Skiing, and do ing wha tever seem s fun at the time; Am bi ti on: To be able to collect Med icare; College planning to attend: University of Oregon .




Larry Gosselin Nickname: Goose; Age: 18; Parish: St. Andrew's, Sumner, Washington. 4 years at St. Martin ·s. Majors: English, History, Latin, Science; Ski Club, Stamp Club, Basketball 1 2 3, Baseball 2 3, Cross-Country 3 4, Journalism 3 4, Intramurals 2 3, Golf 4; Favorite Pastime: Bugging people; Ambition: To take over my father's footsteps in the business and socia 1 world; College planning to attend: Portland University or Seattle University.

Leo Hemsher

l'l Olympia Waabing1

Rt To do wb

Jeffery ld Hammer Nickname: Jeffrey Oswald Hammer Itti Age• 18, Parish: Immaculate Conception, Mount ~ Washington. 4 years at St. Mamn·s. Majors: Englllb, Math, Physical Educatio Clul?, Football l 2 3 , Tra~ l 2 3 4, ske!_:11 1 4, Debate 2, Jo,un:talliSDl 4, . Club; Favorite Pastime• Rescalng maidens golians and mythical minotaurs: die rich, religious, and rapid : O to attend: Portlan University.

I will.

Jose I. Herrera Nickname: Nie-spic, Castro, Cuba; Age : 18; Parish: St. Michael's, Olympia, Washington. 4 years at St. Martin's . Majors: English; Wrestling, Track; Favorite Pastime: Skiing, skipping out and working on cars; Ambition: to be the best mechanic in US, marry Karen, and go to Sun Valley on our honeymoon ; College planning to attend: Tacoma Technical Institute.


John F. Hummel II Nickname: Boston; Age: 18; Parish: St. Phillip's Falls Church, Vir路 ginia. 2 years at St. Martin's . Majors: English, Science, Ma th; Jntramurals 2 4, Glee Club, Base路 ball 4; Favorite Pas time: Trying to culti vate a beard; Ambition: To be known to the world in a good way or a bad, preferably good; College planning to a nend: University of Virginia.

Joseph Heutmaker Nici-name: Heut; Age: 18; Parish: SL Francis of :Assisi, Seanle, Washington_ 4 years at SL Martin's. Majors: English, Music, History; Football, Track, Wrestling, Ski Club, Studen1 Council, Honor S iety, Glee Club, Folk Group, Intra路 murals; Fa orite Pastime: Singing and playing the guitar, a d laughing with Pedets: Ambition: "To love"; Co ege planmng to anend: Seattle University.

Jeff Jefferies Nickname: Little Joe, Henry II: Age: 18; Parish : St. Joh n 's Boise, Idaho . 3 1/2 yea rs at St. Martin's. Majors: English , History, Music; Track 1, Ski Club, Glee Club, Intramura ls 2 3 4, Cheerleader 3 4; Favori te Pastime: Hunting, skiing. fishing; Ambition: To m ake a success ou t of m y life, and to tea ch my dad to load his shot gun when he goes ou t hun tin g; College 路planning to attend: St. Ma ttin 's College or Idaho State.


Howard W. Jessen, Jr. ickname: Dirty Mannon ; Age: 17; Ra iner, Washington. 4 years at SL Martin's. Ma jors: English, Art; Track, Art, M Club, Favorite Pastime: Pool and girls; Ambition: To go to college; College planning to attend: Cenn:alia Junior College.

Steve Kennedy Nickname : Steve; Age: 17; Parish: St. Luke's, Seanle, Washington. 3 years at St. Martin's. Majors: Math, English, History ; Cross Country, Winter Cross Country, Track; Favorite Pastime: Skin diving, and surfing ; Ambition: To get as much as I can a nd go as far as I can in eve rything l do.

David Kordonowy Nickname: Wally : Age: 17; Parish: St. Mary 's Kelso, Washington. 2 years at St. Marti n's. Majors: Math, Science, English; Favorite P.astime: Electronics; Ambirioo: To become an electronics engineer; College planning to attend: Lower Columbia College.

Joseph LaCbance Nickname : Last Chance; Age: 18: Parish: Yakima Yakima, .W ashington. 4 years at St. Martin's. Majors: ~nglish, Math; Server Society 2 3, Library Staff 2 4; Favorite Pastime : Electrical fid-

dling; Ambition: To become an ÂŁIecttical engineer: College planning to anend: Yakima Valle, Junio olle


Ph ilip M. Lafond Nickname: Feli x: Ag e : 18; Pa rish: St. Michael's , Olympia, Washington. 4 yea rs a t St. Ma rtin 's. Majors: English, History : Art, Glee Club, Football 1 2 3 4, Baseball 1 2 3 4, Basketball 1; Fa vori re Pastime: Enjoying the company of o thers; Ambition: To visit Eu rope and become a tea cher; College planning to a tte nd : Centralia Jun ior College.


Douglas Craig Lewis Nickname: Louie Louie; Age: 17 ; Parish: St. Michael's, Olympia , Washingto n, 4 years at St. Marti n ·s. Majors: Math, Latin , English, Sc ience, History; Baseball 3 4, Football 1, Track i', Basketball I 2. Winter Cross Country 4, Cross Cou ntr y 2, Debate 2 , M Club, Honor Society l 2 4; Favori te Pastime: Sailing , hunting, and fish ing; Ambition : To live to see th e new gym completed ; College plan· ning to a ttend : Gon zaga .


• - aae:

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SCienc:e; M Club. Cross T ck 3 • dilb. WcatUag Z 3· fa rite OIi; o own the largest ~ • planmn to auend :

e~ ~ 2 3 Pas ranch Oregon

on. 3 ye


Angell. Port St. Mart1D,·a. Ma

1. IDttamu 4; Pavori bitlon:To leg p

Milo Magnano Nickname : Wop; Age : 18; Parish : St. Anne 's , Seattle, Washing ton. 3 years a t St. Ma rtin' s. Majors : Eng lish, History, Foreign Languages ; Vice- Pres. of seniors , Rep. for Ski Clu b, Ski Club, Basketball 4 , Baseball 2, Track 1 4, Inrramurals 2 3 4, Debate 2 ; Favorite Pastime: Skiing , Water Skiing, and handball ; Ambition: To become a successful individ ual in haberda sher y; College pl anning to a ttend: Wash ington State and Seattle University.




e Club, Track

Lawrence J. Meyer Nickname : Larry; Age: 17; Parish: Assumption, Seattle, Washington. 4 years at St. Martin's. Majors: Math, La tin, Science, English; Debate 2 3 4, Server Society 1 2 3 4, Mass Read er 3 4, Honor Society 1 2 3 4, Intramurals 2, Library Staff 3 4, Saluta torian; Favorite Pastime: Not studying; Ambition: To understand why I am here; College planning to attend : St. Martin's College.

l mp ears at St Maj rs e Football Country 3, Track 1 3 Favorite Dan Moore ht:at , Age: 18, Parish , Nickname: ubfngton . 4 years at St. Joseph's, Seattle, St. Martin's. Majors : Engli , fore Languages; Cross Coun g l 2 3, Track 2 3, Intram ur Club, Cheerleader 3 4,

Favor ing A


r Phelge, ge, College rsity

e: Watch-

g, and Imming; beat 1 can in life and to dness man. a o to beat ge p d¡

Steven Phillip Morta Nickname: Steve; Age: 18; Parish: St. Margaret Mary, Yelm, Washington. 4 years at St. Martin's. Majors: Math, English, Latin, History; Servec Society 1 2 3 4, Wrestling 1 2 3 4, Track 1 2 3 4, Honor Society l 2 3 4, Music Director l 2 3 4, Band l 2 4, Football l 2 3, Cross Country 4, Glee Club, Annual Staff 4; Favorite Pastime: Reading books on how to ge t to the moon; Ambition: To use my knowledge for the betterment of mankind; College planning to attend: St. Martin's College.


Gino Nicoli Nickname: Gino: Age: 17; Parish : St. Patrick 's, Seattle Washington 4 years at St. Martin's. Majors: English, Latin, History; Track 3, Honor Society 2 4, Server Society 1 2 3 4, Commentato 1 2 3 4, Intramurals 2 3 4; Favor· ite Pastime : Basketball, reading, and tr ying to beat "TL" at basket ball ; Ambition: To be a good Eng lish teacher: College planning to attend: Seattle University.

11 Parish: AD4- yeata at St. Mar-

th, Sid Club Pres.

~. Baseball. Bas• Pavor te Pu• t.. Ambition: To reest vineyard In the

: Seattle Univer sity.

Ray A. Paglia .Niclaiiune: Neu, ~W'. Major,i:


ball Glee ls: Pa




David Thomas O' Hara Nickname: Big "O"; Age: 17; Parish: Sacred Heart, Lacey , Washing ton. 4 years at St. Martin 's. Majors: English, History, Latin, Journalism; Schola l, Library Staff 3 4, Journalism 1 3 4, Track 1, Server Society 3, Mass Reader 4, Honor Society 3 4; Favorite Pastime: Cooking breakfasts; Ambition: To make a successful career out of the field of my choice; College planning to attend: Gonzaga.


Pa trick Allen Reynolds Nicknames : Puffer ; Age: 18; Parish: St. Nicholas, Gig Harbor, Washington. 4 years at St. Martin's.

Majors: English, Science, History, Physical Education; Football 1 2 3 4, Basketball 1 2 3 4, Track 1 2 3 4, Ski Club, Glee Club, M Club, Honor Society 4, Sgt. at Arms 3 4 , Server Soc iety 4 ; Favorite Pastime: Skiing, water skiing, tennis, and just hav ing fun; Ambition: To be successful at whatever I may do; College planning to attend: Washington State.

Jahn Michael m., Nickname: Rile; A Coronado, Ca Majors: Science, Stamp Club, 11111 Michael Robinson Nickname: Mike, Rob ; Age; 111: Parltb: Si. Michael's, Olympia Waahfbgtcm, 4yeariat St. Martin's.

tim : Reading; Amb planning to attend:

San Deigo.

Lattil.. lflltory, Jnslisb, U 8 "- FQolball l, Baseba

w,iCla. PaltfQle; Sports.

, ud lunch hour Amil dollan; College l)laa¡ '1 College.

James M. Rogers II Nickna me : Mike, FS, Kyke; Age : 18 ; Parish: St. Mary's, Pendleton, Oregon. 3 years at St. Martin ¡s. Majors: English, History, French, Jou rnalism; ARROW Staff, Library Staff 3 4, Honor Society; Favorite Pastime: Reading , polo, skiing, and passing time; Ambition : To find the truth; College plan ning to attend: University of Wa shington.


Tom J. Schi~rberg Nickname : TJ, Tommy Joe, Shyberg, Sheryberg, TS; Age: 18; Parish: Sacred Heart, Olympia, Washington. 4 years at St. Mar tin's. Majors: English, Music; Football, Glee Club, ARROW Staff, Projectionist, Snack Bar Crew; Favorite Pastime: Fix ing cars and making money ; Ambition : To marry a won· derful woman and give her the best of my life ; College planning to attend: Washington State.

Demlis Eric Ryd D e : Snak , Spider; Age: l es rt, ington. 4 yeaa at St. Martin's. Science, English, Ma , History: M Country 2 3 4, Basketball

2 3 4,

3 4, Debate 2 3, ARROW Staff 4; Fa: Water skiing. typing, and stud ying; Ambit n: o o eday be aa res onstble as my father . like have me be; Uegc planning to atte : UPS or WSU.

Stephen K. Schuster Nie ame: Granny , Sacred Heart, Bellevue, St. Martin's. Ma jon: Math, English, Foreign

ball 1 3, reatllng 2 , Trac Honor Society 4, IDlramura 2 8; time: Travel , Ambition: Q be a lege p nning to attend • SeaUle Olli

Jon Shay Nickname : Aesop; Age: 17; Parish: St. Michael 's, Olympia, Washington. 4 years at St. Martin"s, Majors: Art, English, History ; Favorite Pastime: Instigating; Ambition: to fulfill both of my vocations: my trade and my future life; College planning to attend: Tacoma Technical Institute . ·


Thomas J. Spiller Nickname : Splat; Age : 17; Parish: St. Joseph 's, Seattle , Washington. 4 years at St. Martin ¡s. Majors : English, History, Science, Foreign Languages; Football 1, Intramurals 2 3 4, Debate 2, Class Sec. 1, ASB Sec. 3, Class Rep. 4, Student Council 3 4, Folk Group, Glee Club; Favorite Pastime: Water skiing , handball, and passing time; Ambition: To live my life as a banquet with much regard for prudence ; College planning to attend : Wash ington State.

David Stone II Nickname : Rocky, Mary's, Pendleton, tin's. , Bbtary, Baseball 3 4,

'Michael J. Sterblck NickDame: Sterba, Age: 1'1, Pu bb: SL \AIIUI~ Tacoma, Wublogton, 2 yean a St. Malt1D Majors: Hiltory, E1lg1Jah. -Country 4, ball 8 , Basketball 8 4, M C1l1b Golf 3 4 Glee Club; Favorite Pa&tfme: Competitive S and water 1kl ; Ambitioa.i To Scbollander ID lbe 200 meter free I e when I'm Jn college College plalUlJng lO a end: Santa Clara.

2, Glee Cl

, Ski , water paablg time, Ambltlan:

61diug. bu



ID fe to 1he

ea to iellre and be-

William H. Sutphin Nickname: Maynard, BS, Suck, Will; Age: 18 ; Parish : Our Lady of Lourdes, Wilkeson, Washington. 4 years at St. Martin 's. Majors: English, A rt, Science, Journalism; Baseball, Basketball, Annual Staff, ARROW Sta ff, Stamp Club, Inttamurals; Favorite Pastime: Fixing cars, learning new songs on the guitar, and looking for a certain white MG; Ambition: To always have enough time and energy to get where _I'm going ; College planning to attend : Washington State.


-poo, a'a; Mercer MareiD' • • Foreign lcfilDr or ARROW Country 2 3 4.

11 S 4. Baseball

1,-oo ing women; A my love-ma king tee IT .ANYWAY? which re

Society 12 , Maa Reader off campus and ite a book about eel, WHO NEEDS

'nle Holy Sacrifice of the Mata--an of our lchool yeaa.

Timothy J. Tan:Uff Nicknamo: Tim,

Michael's Olympia, W St. Martins.

Latin. En Food>all 1. croa coumry

Majors: Madi,

W,inter oa. Cowury 4, Honor Soc a.y l 2 S 4 M Club Sec. ~ Pa

aiound, Ambition: Ti mistake iw1cc· Tech. Ford.add


Jeffrey Chris Tallman Nickname: Right Here, Jeff C, JFC; Age: 18 ; Parish: St. Peter's, Portland, Oregon. 4 years at St. Martin's. Majors: English, Science, History ; M Club, ARROW Staff, Wrestling 2 3, Track 2 3, Cross Country 2 3, Winter Cross Country 4, Golf 4; Favorite Pastime: Leading the funny company onward in the search for, the finding, and the destruction of the mind of any beautiful girl in the entire Olympia area, hopefully catching Bill Shard off his guard; Ambition: To reach the ultimate in love and satisfaction whereby being a success in the field of dentistry; College planning to attend: Portland University32

1 2 3 4,

Richard B. Taylor II Nickname: Dickie; Age : 18; Parish: Assumption, Seattle, Washington . 2 years at St. Martin's. Majors: English, History, Art; Baseball, Cross Country, Glee Club. Ski Club; Favorite Pastime: Confu sing my fellow man; Ambition: To do more than is to be expected ; College planning to attend: Washing ton State.

J, Francis Thomas Nickname: Tom I, Animal, Flunky; Age: J9;

Ste ve Thomas Nickname: Steve ; Age: 19; Parish: Star of the Sea, San Francisco , C'1lifomia. 2 years at St. Martin's . Majors: Math, Science, Eng lish; Intrarnurals, Cross Country 4, T ra k 3 4; Fa vorite Pa stime: Taking things part or d isassembling things; Ambition : To p t things together; College plao.ning to attend : t. Mary's in San Francisco.

Parish: Star of the Sea, San Francisco, California . 2 years at SL. Martin's. tvlajors: Math, English, ARR W Staff, Annual Staff, Imra murals, ''Six Pac", T icket takers , Snack Ba r Crew, Winter Cross Coun try 4; Favorite Pastime; Clutching the dexu:a m;Âľi us of a pulchrisslma puella ; Ambilion: To reacl:i. the epitome of perfection, and find the true essence of man, ye t all the wllU re ining my impe tuous , extreme!>' ca tivating personality; College planning to attend: Western Washing ton or Seattle University .

Thomas J. Turner Nickname: TJ, Glover; Age: 18; Parish : Blessed Sacrament, Ontario, Oregon. 4 years at St. Martin's. Majors: Journalism, English, History, French; Intramura ls 2 3 4, Track 1 2 3 4, Annual Staff 3 4, ARROW Staff 1 2 3, Honor Society 2 3 4, Class Rep . 2, Class Vice -Pres . 3, M Club, Mass Usher 4, Photographer 2 3 4, Ski Club; Fa vorite Pastime: "Margie", ski ing; Ambition: To identify with something worthwhile, and to surpass my wildest dreams of accomplishment; College planning to a nen d : University of Oregon.


Doug Watson Nickname: . Wat, Jackae, Sonny, Smilie; Age; 17 ; Parish : St. Joseph', seanle, Washington. 4 years at St. Martin's. Majors : Foreign Languages, Math, Physical Education, English; Basketball 1 2 3 4, Golf 2 3 4, Cross Country 2 3 4, Debate 3 4, An nual Staff 4, M Club, Honor Society 1 2 3 4, Server Society 1 2, Student Council 4, ASB Pres. 4 ; Favorite Pastime : Crunching a drive, wiping out on a jump, and relaxing with Odd ; Ambition : To be a well respected garbage collector and rent rotten tomatoes ; College planning to anend: NVU at Saigon.

Mike Vailencour Niclma m e: Mike, Val; Age : 18; Parish: Visitation, Tacoma , Washington. 4 years at St. Martin 's, Majors: Eng li!h, La tin , History; Debate 2 3 4, Track 2 S, Wrestling 1 2, Intramurals 2 3, .Server Society 1 2 3 4, Mass 'Reader 3 4, Honor Society 4; Favorite Pastime: Reading, football, basketball, and eating Saga food; Ambition : To follow m y parents ' example: College planning to a ttend: St. Martin's College.

Father Clerus, thi! the the way to keep cer ta in Seniors in line I


Douglas Weiser Nickname: Doug, Wise ; Age: 18 ; Parish: St. Mary 's, Helena, Montana . 3 years at St. Martin 's. Majors: English, History ; Intra murals 2 3 4, Honor Society 4, Journalism 4, Debate 2 3 4, Debate Club Pres. 4; Favorite Pastime: Trying -to play golf and daydreaming ; Ambition: To be half the man my roommate Steve thinks he is, and to get a MA in Political Sci ence; College planning to attend: Carroll College .

Joseph Wensman Nickname : Joe; Age : 18; Parish : St. Steven 's, Glenwood springs, Colorado. 3 years at St. Martin's. Majors: Math, Science, Latin, English, History; Football 3 4, Basketball 2 3, Track 2 3 4, M Club, Class Treasurer 3, Honor Society 2 3 4; Ambition: To sec the world while its still here; College planning to attend : Ponland University.

Michael R. Williams Nickname : King, Father, Willy ; Age: 17; Parish: St. Patrick's, Tacoma, Washington. 3 years at St. Manin's. Majors : Math, English; Basketball 2 3 4, Football 2 3 4, Track 2 3 4, Glee Club, M Club; Favorite Pastime : Sleeping, skipping class, paying attention in class, giving a bad time, and keeping the priests on their toes; Ambition : To live with money, and to be able to handle it and my family; College planning to attend; UCLA, WSU, University of Alabama, or Michigan State,

Toe class that instigates togcthcr--stays together,

35 ¡

Valedictoria11: 7967

7:im 'Cardi// 36

If any person in St. Martin's deserves recognition, it is certainly Tim Tardiff. The image Tim projects is not only one of academic superiority, but one of consistent achievement and excellence. In the fo ur years that Tim has been with us, he has maintained a 4.00 over-all G.P.A. This is a record that will stand at St. Martin's as a goal for others. It is a record that has earned for him this highest award for scholastic achievement.

"Swoop" himself.

Scholarship plus Athletic prowess


Salutatoria11 There are those who consider the title of Salutatorian to mean "a second best effort " : better than some, but less than best. Not Larry; h_is outstanding record speaks for itself-- 3. 93 G.P.A.


Top Row: Daue, Zarembinski, P. Coppin, Hillier, Petek, Greenlund, Wigren, Boren, Lane, McBride, M. Maloney, R. Maloney. Middle Top: Keller, Flateau, Yancey, Sklund, Hancock, Hazlitt, Dugaw, M. Wensman, Gomez, Owens, Francom. Middle Bottom: Halpin, Snyder, Busek, Anderson, Engel, O'Neill, Buchman, Carey, Paglia, J. Wensman, Newell, Gamache. Bottom Row: J. Anderson, Baker, Reynolds, Albright, Feezell, Breiten, Hammer, Williams, Dziedzic, Collins.

1ootball 1966 Pictured above are 38 men. Individually some of these men may be your friends, others your fellow classmates. Yet together, they form the uniting bond of St. Martin's High, the team. It was this team that represented us in Washington State during this past season. Their time and effort were devoted in order to give St. Martin's a good name, a name for honesty and fair play. They achieved their goal. Their playing effort proved once again that in sports, as in the rest of life, it is not the number of wins and losses that counts, only the effort.

In the open. 41

Mike Williams-All Conference Offensive and defensive tackle

Pete Brieten - Guard

Bob Albright - Tackle

Jim Carey - Center

Inside of the locker room after a hard day's practice. Mike Baker - Halfback


Bill Anderson - Tackle

Jim Anderson - Halfback

Joe Huetmaker - Halfback

Dan Feezell - All Conference Linebacker and Guard

"Puff" Reynolds - End

Mike Dziedzic - End


0 ••• 0 ••• 0 ••• 21 ••• 12 ••• 0 ••• 0 ••• 6

Yelm •••••••• 20 Raymond•· • • • • 21 Ocosta •••••••• 19 Charles Wright •• 0 Elma 6 Eatonville ••••• 39 Montesano ••••• 19 White Pass ••••• 6


Jeff Hammer - End

John Newell - End

Rangers battle White Pass to 6-6 tie


Where's the ball ?

Coaches Michel, Walker, Dona ldson.

Big man "Willy" leads the team onto Stevens Field


Yancey opens hole fo r "Hazy".

A ty pic al day's practice.

Baker heads for daylight.


Top Row: Keller, Halpin, Zarembinski, P. Coppin, Hillier, Wigren, Lane, McBride, M. Maloney, Francom. Bottom Row: Flateau, Boren, Petek, Greenlund, Gomez, Wensman.

Zarembinski kicks the ball into the open.

ff1111ior Varsity Scores 0 7 0 0 0

Mike Wensman gets ready to grab the loose ball.


•.• SMHS ••• SMHS ••. SMHS •.• SMHS ••• SMHS

12 12 7 7 39

••• Montesano ••• C. Wright •.• C. Wright .•• Montesano ••. Elm~

A loyal football manager, Jerry Francom.

Coaches watching progress of football players.

'lreslt111e11 Kecord · SMHS SMHS SMHS SMHS SMHS SMHS

•.• 0 . . . 13 ••• 6 ••• 33 •.• 18 •.• 7

Elma .•• , Raymond •• Winlock .. Yelm •••• W. Pass••. W. Pass. . •

0 14 7 7 14 7 Bill Rattie gets i nto congested traffic.

Top Row: Coach Donaldson, Taylor, Hogan, Berube, DeForest, White, Shay Guffy, Auseth. Middle Row:. J. Simpson, Carr, Stricklett, Mikita, Graisy, McKenzie, Owens, Russell, Klinkloz, Ambrose, J. Simpson. Bottom Row: Praeter, Tallman, Acuff, Malahan, Rattle, Bush, Buchman, Miller, Mayr.


Cross Countru '66 eentral Cengue and Soutltwest i)istrict e1nss :JI ' eJtampiOHS


Back row: Daue, Manza, Gosselin, McCormick, Kennedy , Damico, Kuehn, Coppin , Watson , Tardiff. Middle row: Coach Willis , Finley, Ca rrol, Jones , Busek, Topalian, S. Dolde, Meier, Hammer, R. Rydman , McDonald, Curry. Front row: D. Do lde , Erkins, Magnano , Gomez , D. Rydman, Kraft, Sterbick, Swenson, Arnaud, J. Forza, L, Forza, Morta,

Ta rdiff, Swenson , J. Forza and Arnaud end a hard day 's turnout in rain and mud.

Coach Willis adds up another win for St. Martin 's.


Tim Tardiff St. Ma rtin's outstanding run ner.

Doug Watson

Jerry Forza

Back row: L. Forza , J. Forza, Watson, Tardiff, (Front row): Mo rta, Swenson, Arnaud.


Larry Forza

Steve Morta

Bob Arnaud

The runners sprint for home. Steve Swenson

The race is over and teams are counting their points.


Pete Breiten 165 lb.

Bill Choquette 175 lb.

Bob Albright 191 lb.

Guy Gehling Heavy-weight

Wrestling ''66 ''- ''67'' Steven Morta-138 lb.

Dave Dolde-112 lb.

/(anger (jrapplers 7:ake £eague eltampionsltip And Send lour 7:o 1Jistrict Wrestling Scoreboard • Charles Wright . • 20 SMHS Hoguiam . 13 SMHS •Elma. • 26 SMHS • South Bend . .. 13 SMHS Olympia. 30 SMHS •Orting. 8 SMHS • Tenino . . .•• . 8 SMHS Hoquiam . . 11 SMHS Castle Rock . .24 SMHS • Rochester . . 28 SMHS • Montesano . .. . 6 SMHS




36 39 36 39 24 42 46 44

36 36 42

Central League Tournament-1st Sub District Tournament-6th • League Meets



JH Winning is

Wrestlers Action "Ckeir S11si11ess

Five more points for Ma rty's.

!1t11tior Varsity vÂŤat111e1t

From left to right; Mar ty Maloney , Dan O'Neill , Jim Greenlund,


line up in front of their opponents.

Coach Mischel wilh Choquette and Busek who placed in District. 57

umament. from left to right they are: Bob Albright, Bill Choquette, Bill olde, Steve Gamache , Jerry Ecklund, and Bob Yancey.

uette, Bob Albright, Al Busek, and Bill Anderson placed in / /

Mark Bloms - Gu ard

Dennis Rydman - Forward

Dar1 Feeze ll - Gu ard

Milo Magnano - Guard

Ry man, F ze ll, and C n xt bask tball game.

Mark Blorns grabs for a loose ball.


Top row: S. Hillier, S. Gomez, Dugaw, Flateau, M. Wensman, T. Choquette , Coppin , Kraft, Wigren, Keely. Bottom row: Hammer, Coach Donaldson, Rydman.

Junior Varsil!f The Junior varsity squad ended with a fairly good record during the season. Hil lier, Choquette, Dugaw, Rydman, and Hammer played key positions. In fact we should see quite a number of these boys playing varsity ball next year. Coach Donaldson has done a fine job in giving these boys needed experience and professional coaching.


From left to right; Dziedzic, Feeney , Carty, Bush, Praeter, Coach Donaldson , 0.vens , Klinkosz , Hillier.

Praeter is surrounded by four opponents . 64

Graisy, Mc Kita, Sexton, Bound , Shay , Butler , Ambrose, Russell.

The Rangers battle for the ball.



Jntramurals The purpose for intramurals is to keep the majority of the Marty boys in good physical condition . This is achieved by rigorous workouts in foo tb all, volleyball, and softba ll. Those boys exempted from intram ura ls are those who are turning out for varsity sports.

Father Keiran - head of the intramural program. Know enough to get out of the rain ?

The Gas House gang singing in the rain.



A Intramural Squabble: Spiller settles his differenc es with Fortune and Thomas, the refe ree, has nothing to say.



Pep Ka/lies


The seniors prepare the first pep rally which . . .

< . . . turned out to be a real "blast", right Rod ?

Our cheerleaders; campai gners for "bac k the team. "


Jefferies , Heutmaker, and Paglis join ceremonies.


• •

A little "spice" is added to our night life.

Huff, the man about town.

A typical pose of Spiller. "Groovey Margaret, real Gaa-Roo-Vey ! !"

He's dancing with MY girl!

"Stick" is dreaming about his guitar.

Super-Pagliachee poses for a second before continuing to crash the dance.


Jlo111eco111i11p Without a doubt, the seniors pulled off one of the best Homecomings in history. If it was not the best, it most certainly was the most unique in history. The funeral really psyched out Monte and touched off our spirit to win. What a burial!

Jeff crowns Queen Kathy. The "Boot" -doing the Al: Shuffle.

Homecoming Court: Dan Feezell (Prince), Pam Butler (Princess), Mike Sterbick (Prince), Ann Klinkosz (Princess), Jeff Hammer (King), Kathy Douglas (Queen), Joe Heutmaker (Prince), Kathie Rigney (Princess).


Mike and Ann Klinkosz

Jeff and Kathy Douglas

--Cite ),loon and tlte water and );(rs.

... daughter

Joe and Kathie Rigney

Dan Feezell and Pam Butle r



Pep Staff (Jo

!(angers Dan Moore, Patsy Hersey, Jeanyne







In action . . .

Kings Real team work.


latlter Son Banquet

Doug Watson, Mas ter of Ceremonies

Over 500 fathers were with us this year fo r the Chrisnnas season athletic awards.


Ill lâ– I I

Mike Dziedzic gives toast to dads. The mighty Dao "Snoopy" Feezell receives his foo tball aw<1rds for mos t valuable player, best defensive player, aod all co nference .

Sons ltost Z:lteir 1Jads in a Christmas gala


(Jenera! J:,ife . •


Life around the gym wouldn't be too active without Mr. Feeney.

Happiness is a sturdy "kick stand" who can take a beating.

A11d • •

Security is a worried prefect, waiting your arrival.

Buchman hopping through the lockers. will travel!!!

Have "togo ",

Bush and Simpson go about their business.

St. Martin's : a builder of minds and bodies.

Getting ready to retire .


Spiller, a senior businessman, sells 3 swings for 25¢ at the senior car smash.

The victim of fun-loving people.

Se1tior (Pow!) Collins relieves his tensions.



Class Officers: Steve Dolde - Secreta ry; Mike Leckie - T reasurer; Dick Snyder - Sgt. - a t-arms; Ned Buchman President ; Bob Yancey - Vice Presi dent; Bill Lecture - Representative

f111niors e1oss of

'68 The class of '68 will be the 1st senior class to grace the halls of the new school which will be awaiting thei r arrival next September.

Albertowicz, John Richland, Wash. Anderson, William Fife, Wash. Bailey, Michae l Centralia, Wash.

Bjork, Robert Tumwater, Wash. Bloms , Mark Olympia, Wash. Buchman, Ned Seattle, Wash

Burke, Robert Eugene, Ore Busek, Alan Warner Robins, Georgia Coppin, Tim Sa ratoga, Calif.

Daue, Douglas Marshall Islands Dodd, Spencer Seattle, Wash Dolde, Steve Seattle, Wash.


Dugaw, Dan Toledo, Wash. Eckroth, William Tacoma, Wash Edwards, Randy Aurora, Ore.

Eklund, Jerry Castle Rock, Wash.

Erkins, Gregory Buhl, Idaho Eubanks, Brent Olympia, Wash Flateau, Ted Kelso, Wash


Fortune, John Seattle, Wash Fouts, Garey Portland, Ore. Gamache, Steve Toppenish , Wash .

Hancock, George Seattle, Wash. Hazlitt, Mike Olympia, Wash. Hoffman, James Lacey, Wash.

The "Thing" hands out to the juniors their weekly change of linens.

Johnson, Erik Portland, Ore

Jones, Rick Seattle, Wash.


Kada u, Clarence Madras, Ore. Kelley, Pat Tacoma, Wash. Kolze, Glenn Olympia, Wash.

Kraft, David Kodiak, Alaska Leckie, Mike Fossil, Ore. Lecture, William Bothell, Wash.

Maloney, Martin Yakima, Wash. Maloney, Robert Vancouver, Wash. Maier , Mike Longview, Wash.

Several of the juniors prepare for their daily "row down the hall in a cement canoe. "

Scene from the memorable junior dance. Martino, Anthony Hillsbourough, Cal.

McCormick , Matt Eugene, Ore.

Meeker, Thomas Seattle, Wash.

Montgomery, Gary rairbanks, Alaska

McLean, Neil Juneau, A la ska McIntosh, Barry Bellevue, Wash. McMahon , Michael Centralia, Wash.

O'Neill , Dan Olympia, Wash. Ordos, James Olympia, Wash. Paul, Dan Puyallup, Wash


Picou, Chris Federal Way, Wash. Ray, Dennis Tacoma, Wash. Ruegamer, Mike Hardin, Montana

Snyder, Dick Wenatchee, Wash.

"Mamma Saga" gives the Juniors their "go"!

Schilter, Edward Lacey, Wash. Sherwood, Michael Renton, Wash .. Snowberger, Marvin Renton, Wash.


Tobin, James Seattle, Wash. Vargo, Randy Bremerton, Wash. White, Ward Olympia, Wash.

Yancey , Bob Moxee, Wash Cox, David Seattle, Wash. Freeman, Richard No rth Bend, Ore.

Kennish, Joe Lacey, Wash Normoyle , Brent Lacey, Wash. Osburn, Blake Gearhart, Ore.

Snyder puts the squeeze to Meeker in Human Anatomy Class

(seated) Steve Gomez - Vice President; Dick Rydman - President; Dave LaFond - Secretary; Paul Owens - Representative; Larry Za rem binski - Treasurer

Sopltomores etass of The class of '69 is the la st class ever to live through the doleful life of the one class dorm. No other will know the nausea of listening to everyone cough at night, the fo rmidable loathing of those who wake up early and tromp about on the a ll too audible squeaky floor. With the coming of a new school , all such "little pleasures" will pass. From now on it will be luxurious living and complete privacy.


Aberle, Paul Dhahran, Saudi Arabia Becker, Donald Tacoma, Wash. Benson, Pat Tumwater, Wash

Derschauer, Jacob Olympia, Wash. Billow, Charles Seattle, Wash. Bonesteele, Richard Salem, Ore.

Boren, James Olympia , Wash. Bucknum, John Olympia , Wash. Busek, John Warner Robins, Georgia

Carlich, John Tillamook, Ore. Carroll, Timothy Auburn, Wash . Choquette, Thomas Juneau, Alaska


The last fond memories of ole fashion dorm life.

Curry, Mark Juneau, Alaska Coomes, Mike Lacey, Wash.

Cross, Tom Bellevue, Wash. Daniels, Bob Kent, Wash. Everett, Jerry Olympia, Wash

Coppin, Paul Saratoga, Cal.

Flink, Steve Kent, Wash. Davis, Shannon Anacortes, Wash. Foley, Mike Seattle, Wash.


Francom, Jerry Seattle, Wash., Freeley, James Seattle, Wash. Gallagher, Gary Seattle, Wash.

Gesler. Tim Bellvue, Wash Gi bertson, Mike Auburn, Wash. Gilson, Tom Valdez, Alaska

Keely calling Mommy again!

Gomez, Steve Hillsbourough, Ca 1. Greenlund, Jim Seattle, Wash.

Grey, Eugene Seattle, Wash McBride, Mike Seattle, Wash.


Halpin, Joel Sea ttle, Wash.

Hammer, Joh n Mt. Vernon, Wash.

Hester, Pat Pendleton, Ore.

Hillier, Steve Olympia, Wash.

Kramer, Mark Olympia , Wash.

The crowded dorm washroom is left to antiquity.

Huff, Lance Seatt le, Wash.

Hughes, Mike Seattle, Wash. Hulscher, Richard Tacoma, Wash. Keely, Kevin Tacoma, Wash . Keller, William (Skip) Kodiak, Alaska


"SNACKS AROUND," says Flink, Francom and Keely. Kern, Tom Lacey, Wash. Kidd, John Seattle, Wash.

Knight, Byron Mountain Home, Idaho

Kirsch, Steve Wenatchee, Wash.

Kulp, Jerry Seattle, Wash.

LaFond, Dave Olympia, Wash.

Laice, Andy Port Angeles, Wash.

Kuehn, Randy Enumclaw, Wash.

Landi, Rhett Bellevue, Wash.

Lane, Ron Aberdeen , Wash.

McGill, Tim Seattle, Wash.


MacKenzie, Marty Olympia, Wash.

Manza, Michael Tacoma, Wash.

Martino, Mario Hillsbourough, CaliÂŁ

Four single girls, all part of the quarry for the adventurous

Meier , Joseph Tacoma, Wash. Murphy, Dennis Olympia, Wash. McDonald, Dick Tacoma, Wash. Nance, Allen Seattle, Wash.


Nelson, Steve Tokeland, Wash. Power, Bob Arlington, Wash.

Oakes, Clayton Forks, Wash. O'Donnell, Dan Seattle, Wash.

Owens, Paul Anacortes, Wash. Paul, Charles Puyallup, Wash.

sophs at the Puyallup Fair.

Pete, Frank Spokane, Wash. Resoff, Mike Kodiak, Alaska Rice, Gerry Seattle, Wash. Rosenberger. Gary Juneau ,' Alaska


Rougutt, Lee Tacoma, Wash.

Rossow, Steve Tacoma, Wash.

Rydman, Rick Westport; Wash.

Rzany, Larry Tacoma, Wash.

Davis telling Rydman, Meier, Sagmiller, Steve Shelton, Wash.


Shea, Frank Seattle, Wash.

Shea, Ron Olympia, Wash.

Simpson, John Tacoma, Wash. ,mith, Dick ,eattle, Wash.

Topalian, Bob Seattle, Wash. Wensman, Mike Glenwood Springs, Colorado

Wigren, Greg Olympia, Wash Williams, Jim Juneau, Alaska

and Hammer bed time stories. Wilson, Mike Lake Oswego, Oregon

Woodley, John Seattle, Wash.

Zarembinski, Larry Seattle, Wash.

I 101

Class Officers: Lee Tallman - Sgt. -at-Arms; Tim White - Vice President; Rick Bush Treasurer; Mike Carr - President; Bill Rattie - Secretary; Larry Buchman Representative

lreslt111e11 Class of

'70 The class of '70 is the last class to enter the ole school. These boys will be the end of a saga that they will long talk about. The Frosh next year will never know what it felt like to "camp out. " They will know only the plush and pampered feeling that comes with a brand new school.

Mayr, Thomas Aberdeen, Wash. Mikita, Edward Olympia, Wash. Miller, Patrick Olympia, Wash.

Molohon, Martin Lacey, Wash. Monahan, Timothy Olympia, Wash. Murphy, Joseph Olympia , Wash.

Nagel, Bruce Tacoma, Wash

McGill, William Seattle, Wash.

McLain, Michael Casilla 35 !lo, Peru

"Milking" Pop's Candy Machine McLain, William Casilla 35 Ilo, Peru Nava, Mark Portland, Ore. Nickell, Phillip Seattle, Wash.


Acuff, Dennis Olympia, Wash.

Ambrose, Phil Olympia, Wash.

Auseth, Pat Shelton , Wash.

Baldacci, Dean Seattle, Wash

Beam, Mike Boise, Idaho Berube, Jim Tacoma, Wash

Bound, Joe Snohomish, Wash. Buchman, Larry Seattle, Wash.

the frosh are generally Bush, Rick Elma, Wash.


Butler, Brian Olympia, Wash

Cannon, Mike Kodiak, Alaska

Carr, Mike Snohomish, Wash.

Magula, Damon Umatilla, Ore.

MacKenzie, Mike Olympia, Wash.

Carty, Ken Woodland, Wash.

DeForest, Dane Olympia, Wash.

Dziedzic, Bob Lacey, Wash.

Feeney, Hal Lacey, Wash.

Graisy, Joe Bremerton, Wash. Grannath, Craig Seattle, Wash

Guffey, Marvin Tacoma , Wash. Guillet, Doug Spokane, Wash.

behind the "eight ball. " Hillier, Bill Olympia , Wash.

Hogan, Tracey Seattle, Wash.

Hull, Bob Seattle, Wash.

Klinkosz, Joe Olympia , Wash.


0 'Bryan, Chris Olympia, Wash.

Owens, David Anacortes, Wash.

Paul, Michael Puyallup, Wash.

Prater, Robert Cutbank, Mont.

"Mamma Saga" helps 1il' Frosh

Rattie, Willaim Elma, Wash. Rody, Patrick Juneau, A la ska

Russell, Sprague Olympia, Wash. Sexton, William Everett, Wash.

Shay, Robert Olympia, Wash. Simpson, James Tacoma, Wash.


Simpson, Jerome Tacoma, Wash.

Slater, Steve Tacoma , Wash.

Stricklett, Mike Olympia, Wash.

Tallman , Lee Portland Ore

grow eight ways during their wonder years !

Taylor, Gregory Buker, Ore.

Tosland, William Seattle, Wash.

Walker, Vincent Olympia, Wash.


White, Timothy Olympia, Wash. Wichersham, Larry Auburn, Wash. Armstrong, John Seattle, Wash.

Some day these Frosh will be filling the troph y case. Johnson, Chris Tacoma, Wash. MacDonald, Dan Mount Vernon, Wash. Moore, Tom Sumner, Wash.




Senior Jlonors: (first row) Benson, Meyer, Watson, Choquette, Swenson, Newell, Dolde, Finley, Moore (standing) Calabrese, Arnaud, Morta, Vailencour, Reynolds, Wensman, Paglia, Breiten , Albright, Lewis, Brown, O'Hara , Robinson, Tardiff, Dziedzic, Spiller

U1tdercloss111e1t Jlonors: (first row) Foley, W. White, Wensman, Buchman, McCormick, Dugaw, Rydman, McLain, (standing) Curry, Manza, Miller, L. Buchman, Coppin, Owens, Bloms, Kidd, Mayr, Kirsch, Sexton, Feeney, Berube, Paul , T. White, Walker


Student l!od11, Officers

Paul Coppin, Asst, Treasurer; Bill Choquette, Vice-Presi dent ; Dan Dugaw, Treasurer; Doug Watson, President; Dan O'Neill, Secretary; the student body officers which make up the back bone of the student government,

Student (Jover11111c11t (left to right) Carr, Rydman, N. Buchman, Moore, Coppin, Choquette, 'Fr. Cletus, Watson, O'Neill, Dugaw, Spiller, Lecture, Owens, L. Buchman

1l l

vÂŤ11sic allli Jnstr11mental

ore, Berschauer, Moore, Halpin, (second row) Spiller, Taylor, Petek, ) Paglia, Vailencour, Gamache, Maier, Collins, Leckie, Schilter, Burke, ierberg, Hammer, Martino, Newell, Reynolds, Stone, Sterbick, Ekland, maker, Lachance, Dodd, Maloney, Wilson


(first row) Mr. Core, Woodley, Ordos, Montgomery, DeForest, Morta, (second row Sagmiller, Resoff, Kirsch, Guillot, White, Rydman, Daniels, C. Paul, Bloms.


Vol. XXVI, No. 16



The Voice of St. Martin's High School, Olympia, Wash.

March 19,

( left to right) adviser Fr. Cletus , Cosselin, McDonald, O'Hara, Rogers, Gesler, Petek, Zarembinski

Scltool Publications

C:lte Rig Wltals: Editor, Swenson; Sports Editor, Coppin; Printer, Bro. "Ro"; Business Mgr., Arnaud; Exchange Editor, Sutphin; Layout Editor, McCormick 114

!11111i(Jr ~ Se11i(Jr Semi1111ri1111s: (Left to right ) Vailencour, Morta, Tobin, Malvey, Meyer


'Jresltm1111 1111d S(Jp/t(JH1(Jre Semi1111ri1111s: (left to right) Foley, Rougutt, Wichersham, Nance, M. Wensman, Berube, Shea, Sagmiller


Senior lJivisio11 (first row) Fr. Nicholas, Weiser, Benson, W. White, (second row) Demico, Vailencour, T. Coppin, (third row) Kegel, Meyer, Watson, B. Choquette



J<eadcrs (first row) Mo rta , Dugaw, Meyer, ( sta nding) Nicoli, Vailencour, O'Hara, Swenson , Coppi n


(left to right) Beam, Erkins, Jefferies, William McLain, Daue, Michael McLain


California (first row) Coppin, R. Gomez , S. Gomez, Owern Martino

M,ontaHa Virginia Colorado (leorgia J. Busek, Ruegamer, Hummel, Wensman, A. Busek

tJa11 Saints

The whole Day Saint gang

Ron Shea prepares to "clean the table" .


'Cite Samalti Staff

(top to bottom) Buchma n, Meyer, McDonald, Gesler, Turner, Watson, Arnaud, McCormick, Demico, Heutmaker, Sutphin, Morta, Swenson

Three of the typical hard working SAMAHI Staff members ? Buchman, John Thomas, Sutphin


Father David and his Senior Mad Sc ientists

Science 6/ub

Puff Reynolds uses Dick Snyder to analyze the Belly laugh ! 122

Art Class

Shay, Herrera , Calabrese.

Front row: Dolde, S, ,




Ray Paglia and Dick Taylor rest before venturing furthe r down the mountain.

Marty 's Winter Wonderland: Crystal Mountain

Did Hester and Hammer really come co ski?


Active members of the St. Martin's Ski Club.


er11stal Ovcrnitcr


Mt. Rainier in the distance .

A Snow Bunny!

Erkins Showing Off

The members who make their organization go .

fl.A. e. fuJtior AdvaJtcemeJtt eommittee Talking over another worthwhile pro ject.

--Cite purpose of !/.A. e. is to see to tlte betterment of tlte fl111tior etass ilf everu wag-especiallg M,onetarifu

Raffling off a set of Mags- a gift from Burke's Dad.

(Left to right) Larry Meyer, Jim Berube, Lloyd Rougutt, Steve Kirsch, Joe Lachance, Dick Mal vey and Joe Cala brese (not pictured)

Student Cibrarians Joe LaChance gathers knowledge for one of his term papers for Marriage Class.



Fr. Timothy assisted by Jim Williams

Service (Jroups

Statisticians: 130

Larry Meyer & Albertowicz confer with Coach Willis


Tom Meeker and Tom Schierberg

7:icket 7:akers

fi,HH(JliHCCfS: Activillf PtP{/fOJlfJlfCfS:

J. Thomas, Punchy Cummings, Dave O'Hara ,


Paglia, Huetmaker & Newell

D. Cox & D. Kraft

Thomas and Maynard Sutphin

S11aek J!ar erew Rice, Gallagher, Mackenzie, Francom, Coomes, Kidd, Fr. Alfred




aga lood Service


Fr. David, infirmarian ' check rng ¡ Osborn's temperature.

Patrons: (jod /!less you for your ge1terositu a1td eo1tti1t11ed J1tterest J1t St. M,arti1t 's Mr. & Mrs. W. Cross -Bellevue Mrs. T. Kelley-Tacoma Mr. & Mrs. R. Rydman -Westport Mr. J. Forza-Lacey Mr. & Mrs. P. Lachance-Yakima Dr. & Mrs. J. Finley-Seattle Mrs. H. Witherow- Forks Mrs. J. Arnaud-Seattle Mr. & Mrs. C. Bald acci -Se at tle Mr. & Mrs. R. Swenson-Mercer Island Mr. & Mrs. G. Hughes-Seattle Mr. & Mrs. B. Keely-Tacoma Mr. & Mrs. J. Buchman-Seattle Dr. & Mrs. T. Albertowic z -RichlandMr. & Mrs . J. Snyder-Wenatchee Mr. & Mrs . W. Sherwood-Renton Mr. & Mrs. J. De mice - Lacey Lt. Col. & Mrs. W. Busek-Wamer Robbins, Ga. Mr. & Mrs . J. Petek-Spokane Mr. & Mrs. A. Leckie-Fossil, Ore. Mr . & Mrs. M. Lecture-Bethell Mr. & Mrs . B. White-Olym~ia Mrs. F. Northup -June au, Alas ka Mr. & Mrs . C. Ha ncock-Seattle Mr. & Mrs. M. McMahon-Central ia Mr . & Mrs. G. Collins-Richland Mr. & Mrs. H. McLain-no, Peru Mr. & Mrs. E. Snowberger-Renton Mr. & Mrs. E. Moore-Seattle Mr . & Mrs. J. Newell-Renton Lt. Col. & Mrs . J. Weiser-Helena, Mont. Mr . & Mrs. W. Sexton-Everett Mr. & Mrs. J. Spiller-Seattle Mr. & Mrs. W. Watson-Seattle Dr. & Mrs. R. Kegel-Aberdeen Mr. & Mrs. A. Farance-Walla Walla Mr. & Mrs. W. Breiten -Bellevue Mr. & Mrs. G. Zarembinski-Seattle Mr. & Mrs. M. O'Donnell-Sea ttle Mr. & Mrs. B. Hazlitt-Olympia Dr. & Mrs. W. Dugaw - Toledo Mr. J. Brad ley-Lacey Mr . & Mrs. E. Nagel-Tacoma Ca rter's Studio-Olympia Mr. & Mrs. P. Topalian-Seattle Mr. & Mrs. E. Smith-Seattle Mr. & Mrs. E. Meyer-Olymp ia Mr. & Mrs. R. Erkins-Buhl, Idaho

A Word ... It has been the intention of the SAMAHI STAFF to graph this past yea r in a memorable way. You can't fit the whole of life at Marty's between two covers--this is but one volume.

O'Meara-Chandler Corporation is building a Residence Hall for students of Saint Martin's High School in Olympia, Washington. The Residenc e Hall will be owned by Saint Martin's High School and have accommodations for 320 students and su ites for eight proctors. Construc tion began on Monday, January 16, 1967 and completion is scheduled for September 1, 1967. The cost of the project is $1,120,000.00 including all architectural and engineering services and complete furnishings. 135


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·• .

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Tom Turner WVERBOY

Senior Standouts 1967 DanMc,oie



Tim Tardiff


Dick Taylor



Coach Willis Sparks tlte Ranger Attack

Dan Dugaw Second base Mike Hillier Pitcher

Hillier pitches no hit - no run

SENIOR SACKERS: G mo · N'.1 coli, Mike Dziedzic, Dick Taylor, Doug Lewis


1967 a buildin{I 11ear


JVext 11ear-look 011!!

game against Charles Wright

Mark Bloms, Catcher

CAPTAINS: Doug Lewis & Mark Bloms I NSPIRATIONAL: Dan Dugaw MOST IMPROVED: Dick Tay lor COACH: Jim Willis

Season's J:ea{1t1e Record 6-Wins I0-1:osses HITS








3. 67















Mike Dziedzic



1. 78

Dave Kraft

46 1 / 3


Mike Hillier

19 1/3









Ma1k 1 m s



. 437




Dick Taylor



. 409



Dan Duga w



. 395


M ike Dziedzic



• 313

Dick Snyder



E, R.A.






































• 264










Mike Fo ley



. 222










Doug Lewis



. 200










Mike Hilli r



. 162










Off and running in the first official spring meet.

Coach Walker gives some las t minute advice.

!tonger ?:rack And lield Comes on Strong Senior eindermen

Baker breaks from the blocks.

!(anger ei11derme11 eapt11rtS11bÂŁeag11e C:itle Dennis Rydman - High Hurdles

Pat Reynolds - Discus State Competitor

Pete Breiten - Senior 2 Miler

Ralph Gomez vaults 13' 2" for a new school record.

4th best vaulter at state this year.

Jeff Hammer on the winning leg of the Mile Relay Team.

Tim Tardiff Senior Miler

Mike Williams placed 5th in state with the shot.

FRESHMEN track & fie l d squad

VA RSI TY track & field squad

RA NG ER GOLF TEAM: (Front) Ri ley, Swenson, McDonald.

(Back) Hazlitt, Watson, Hester, Gehling.

v4H11tki11p for a laupk Steve Leckie and Jeff Hammer, two energetic seniors, push the ole olive. Looks like Leckie is winning by a NOSE!

'Jor a Price 11011 ca11 get a Se11ior to do almost a1111tlti11g '-'


Seniur Slave 1Ja11 vllnrks Sweet J<eve11pe for tke U11derclass111eH

Mike Cannon has Joe Lachance under his command .

Which way is up, Bill ?

Sckool Picnic At Mi!lersutva11ia State Park S11nsltine! l11n! And More S11nsltine! A 11 the fried chicken you can eat.

The seniors win the volleyball match in quick order.

Snyder nips Russell in the Frosh- Junior soft ball game.

Larry Buchman takes it easy.

Everybody eats big at the picnic.

Milo Magnano and the "new look" in prom wear.

Beautiful girls and a beautiful evening.

!f1111ior-Se11ior Prom ltigltlites tlte Spring Quarter Hummel tells Boot and Jeff the story of romance.

Bobby -Kins "Yancey is a gentleman's gentleman."

Fr. Conrad presents Mike Baker with his dip loma.

Down the g rand stairway.

At J:ast!

(lrad11atio11 ZJau Ralph, we didn 't have to burn the school down to get you through.

Tim Tardiff delivers the valedictory.

Dr. Finley , commencement speaker, congratula tes his son Bill.

"So J:,011g, Mar!!f 's!

Vou, ve been g_ood to us. "

-Class of '67

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