Samahi (high school yearbook) 1968

Page 1

St. Martin's High School Olympia Washington

To th e young men of St. Martin's High School, The SAMAHI is a l ways a wonderful means of happiness in enriching, re newing , and pro longing the friendships you have mad e a t St. Martin's . I am gra teful for this opportunity to join you in celeb rating the highligh ts of the 1967- 68 school year with all that it implies in your spiritual, social , and educational developmen t. Please accep t my sincere congratulations for th e manly zes t you have shown in the wo rk, fun , and praye r it ta kes to meet the goals of St. Ma rt in's High School which has prepared so many before you fo r a truly fruitful Ch ris t ian life. Rt. Rev. Gerald R. Desmo nd, O. S. B. Coadjutor Abbo t of St . Martin 's Abbe y

A WORD FROM THE PRINCIPAL. .. . . . One of the grea tes t pleasures expe rienced by a school adminis tra tor is to see t he studen ts develop as individuals . This yea r's senior class brings the rewa rd of knowing qui te pe rsonally some of the fines t individuals "'ho have a ttended ou r school. We have wa tched thei r academic, spiritua l , a thle t ic and social growth through fou r very interest ing years . It is wi th grea t pride tha t we see them approach gradua tion from high school. We recognize this as jus t the beginning of the really significant achieveme nts tha t each will atta in in his ow n indiv idua l way in educa tion , in business or the professions , in family life and in Christian fiilfillment . It will be our co ntinued pleasure to wa tch this grow th . \\l e trust tha t our part in the to ta l pic ture will have been to make their individual lives a little fuller wi th the richness and the knowledge of God a nd the rea l iza tio n of thei r ow n ind i vidual worth a nd tha t of eve ry fellow man . Father Conrad Rausch 0 . S. 8.



• •

A new building is dedicated .. . Students adjust to new surroundings . . . Teachers try out new ideas. . . This year the sp irit of "newness" prevails over the campus. But tradition is no t forgo tten altoge ther. The new is blended with.the best of old to give "Marty's boys" new meanings. The promise of progress makes the future look even brigh ter. This is St. Ma rtin's, 1968 . • .


Faculty ... page 16


Ned Buchman Valedic torian

Dan Dugaw Salura rorian

Mr. Donaldson Teacher of the Year

Honors . 6


.page 24

Seniors ...

page 28


Sports . .. page 48



Classes . .. page 88

Activities . .. page 126

Organizations . .. page 142


Faculty assist us t•

PRINCIPAL- Father Conrad



grow and find new g oals .

• •

Father Alfred Hulscher , 0. S. B. PREFECT German , Latin

Father Cle tus Bradley , 0 . S. B. PREFECT English , Journalism , Religion

Brother Bon iface Lazzari , 0 . S. B. English , Spanish


f a the r Conrad Ra usc h, 0 . S. B. Art, Ea rth Scie nce , Mec hanic al Draw ing PRINC IPA L

fa ther David Prebula , 0 . S. B. Biology , Chem istry

Mr. Co l in Core Ba nd, Male Chorus, Music Apprec ia tion, Piano .

Mr. John Donaldson History Physica 1 Education Soc io logy

Mr. Francis Hannick Mathematics

Father Kieran Cunningham, 0 . S. B. PREFEC T, History, Religion, Typing


Father Leonard Feeney, O.S. B. PREFECT , English , Religion .

Mr . Robert Mischel Biology Physical Education

Father Marcel Berthon , 0. S. B. French, Spanish


Fathe r Nicholas Ra usch, 0 . S. B. Mathema tics , Religion , Fo rensics.

Father Terence Wager, O. S.B . VICE-PRINC IPAL Anthropology, Latin, Speech

Brother Neal Roth, O. S. B. PREFECT English


Father Urban Feucht, 0 . S. B. PREFEC T, Mathematics , Physics, Religion

Mr. Monty Wa lke r Civics, Human Anatomy, Marriage Physic a 1 Ed uc a tion, World Problems

Mr . James Willis History, Physical Edu ca tio n


.Mr . Walker Athletic Director

Mr . Willis

Co aches Candids

Mr. Donaldson

Mr . Mischel

St. Martin's Women ...

Mrs. Taylor (above) and Mrs. Roberts (right)

Mr. Donaldson.

Teacher of the Year!

At right: Caricature of "Mr. D." from ARROW .


• •

In the two years that Mr. John Donaldson has been on the faculty a t St. Martin's he has ad ded oew dimensions of vitality io education. His enthus ia stic view of life has challenged all of his students . From "Bloody Kansas" to tbe inner comaiomeot theory his candid humor has made his classes a bright part of the school day. At this year 's football awards assembly, the coaches, waiting off-stage , were startled by a loud cheering aod whooping. Down the aisle from the back of the thearre eorered "Mr. D." Reaching the stage he smiled sheepishly and half-embarassed declared, "A few of my fans out there . " Aod it was true, for Mr. Donaldson is certainly ooe of the most popular teachers oo campus. As a coach also, Mr. Donaldson has displayed the same qualities that have made him a success as a teacher. As assistarn coach in vars ity footba ll, basketball, and track, he has been a de pendable right hand mao . Who else could have organ i zed "wierdo track!: He has developed the freshman athletic program into ao efficient program for producing fucure varsity athle tes. It is for all these reasons that the SAMAHI staff has selected Mr. Donaldson as Teacher of the Year 1968.


Ned Buchinan The highest scholastic award which St. Martin 's has to offer goes to Ned Buchman. Student Body President , Samahi Co-editor , winner of a Principal 's Special Award, all are titles dese rving of and earned by Ned .



Dan Dug aw Dan deserves more than awards. Besides his 3 . 84 overa ll G. P. A. , he has been ac tive in all phases of spores, sw dem gove rnm ent, and soc ial life , all of his fo ur years here . St. Martin' s wishes to congrat ulate and thank yo u, Dan .


Sen ior Class Officers (LEFT TO RIGHT): Steve Gamache, Treasurer; Tony Ma rtino , Vice -Presid ent; Jerry Eklund, Sgt . at Arms; Bob Yancey, President; Dan Dugaw, Representative; Mike Leckie, Secretary



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Class Ad visor Father Cletus


William Louis Anderson Nickname: B. A. "All the others"; Age 18; Fife , Washington; Entered : Freshman Ac tivities: Football 1 2 3 4, Wrestl ing 1 2 3 4 , Track 1 2 3 4, Glee Club 3 , Journalism 3 4 , M-Cl ub 2 3 4, i\1-Club Sg t. - at - Arms 4. Ambition: No t to go to Hell , but come as close as possible .

Michael William Bailey Nickname: Tate , Beale; Age 17; Centralia, Washington; Entered: Fr eshman Activities : Football 1, Basketball 1 2 , Track 1 , Debate 2 , Intramurals 4, Mass Server 4. Ambition : To become a successful lawyer and fight for truth .

Bruce William Bauer Nickname: Bowels; Age: 18; Dunsmuire , California; Entered: Senior Ac tivi ties: Intramurals 4. Ambi tion : To make a lo t of money and be happy .

Robert Michael Bjork Nickname: B. J. ; Age: 17; Tumwater , Washington; Entered: Freshman Ac tivities: Basketball 1, Art 2 , Office Work 4. Ambition: To be an interior decorator and own a quiet cabin on the ocean .


Mark Leonard Bloms Nickname: Markus; Age: 18; Olympia, Washington; Entered: Freshman Activities: Band 1 2 3, Foo tball 1 2, Basketball 1 2 3 4, Baseball 2 3 4, Honor Society 1 2 3 4, Altar Boys 1 2 3 4, Cross Country 4. Ambition: First, to find a worthy ambition; then co pursue it until success is mine, both self-sa tisfying and financially

Nicholas, Albert Bode Nickname : Bod , Noah, Nicodemeus; Age 18; Moscow, Idaho; Entered: Junior Activities : Intram urals 3 4, Track 4. Ambition: To live on an isolated island, surrounded by beautiful women, and forget this violent wo rld.

Peter (Ned) Edwar d Buchman Nickname: Nedward I, Wnite Rabbit, Bruiser, V. C.; Age: 18; Entered: Freshma n; Seattle, Washington. Activ ities: ASB President, Junior Class President, Sophomore Vice-President, Va ledictorian , SA MAHI 3 , SAMA HI Editor 4, Arrow Co- Editor 3 4, JAC 3, Honor Soc iety 1 2 3 4, Ski Club 1 2 3 4, M-Club 2 3 4, Football 1 2 3 4, Basketba ll 1, Wrestling 2, Cross Country 3, Soccer 4, Track 1 2, Golf 3. Amb ition : To understand myself and my relationship to God and others.

Robert Lewis Burke Nickname: Boogy; Age: 17; Eugene, Oregon; Entered: Freshman Activities: Ski Club 2 3; Intr amura ls 2 3 4; Senior Advancement Committee; Honor Society 4; Golf 2 3. Ambition: To go first class.


Delius Mark Burns Nick name: Dale; Age: 18 ; Lake Almanor, California; Entered: Senior Activ ities: Soccer 4 , Journalism 4, Cafeteria Help 4 , Honor Society 4. Ambition : To become a doctor, (General Practitioner).

Alan Paul Busek Nickname : Bue , Al; Age: 18; Santa Ros a, California; Entered: Freshman Activities: Football 1 2 3 4, Wrestling 1 2 3 4 , (2nd in State) Track 1 2 3 4 , M-Clu b, 2 3 4, Snack Bar Crew 2 3, Arrow Staff 3 4, Advancement Committee 3. Ambition: To make a million by the time I' m 21, live in Hawaii , marry a blonde.

Timothy Vaughn Coppin Nichname: Tim , The bacteria that ate New York but choked on .... Age: 18; Enumclaw , Wash i ngton; Entered : Freshman Activities : Arrow 4, SA MAHI 4, Debate 1 2 3 4 , Track 1 2 3, Cross Country 3 4, Winter Cross Country 3 4 , Honor Society 2 3 4. Ambition : To communicate honestly with the world.

David Pau l Cox Nickname : Chop, Zeek; Age: 19; Seattle, Washington; Entered: Sophomore Activities: Arrow 4, Inrramurals 2 3 4 , Announcer 3 , Ch eerleader 4 , Debate 2 . Ambition : To be half the success my father is and be su ccessful in whatever I do so my parents and family 1-1ill be proud of me. 31

Douglas James Daue Nickname: Daue; Age: 18; Santa Maria, California; Entered: Sophomore Activities: Varsity Football Manager 2 3, Basketball Manager 3 , Varsity Track Manager 2 , Arrow Staff 4, SAMAHI 4, M-Club 2 3 4. Ambition: To become the world's greatest mathematician and have my own flun kies .

Michael Rona ld Demorest Nickname: Mike; Age: 18; Olympia, Washington; Entered: Senior Ambition: Too numerous to mention .

Spencer John Dodd Nickname: Spinner, Spence, Spenny; Age: 17; Seattle, Washington; Entered: Freshman Activities: Wrestling 1 2 , Track 1, Intramurals 2 3 4, Musical Group 4, Glee Club 3 4, Ski Club 3, Journalism 4. Ambition : To write and play a song that doesn't sound like "Louie Louie . ..

Steven Edward Dolde Nickname: Rat, Moldy; Age: 18; Seattle, Washington; Entered: Freshman Activities: Football 1, Cross Country 2 3, Wrestling 1 2 3 4, Track 1 2 3 4, Servers Club 2 3, M- Club 2 3 4, Cheerleader 4, Class Treasu rer, Ski Club 4 , M-Club Officer¡4. Ambition: To ge t as far away from St. Martin's as possible .


Daniel Thomas Dugaw Nickname: Dugger, Torch , Carrot Top , Do-good , Dudley Do- Right; Age: 17; To ledo , Washington; Entered: Freshman Activities : Football 1 2 3 4, Basketball 1 2 3 4, Base ball 2 3 4, Track 1, M- Club 2 3 4, Class Representative 1 4, Student Council 1 2 3 4, ASE Asst. Treasurer 2, ASE Treasu rer 3, Glee Club 2, Advancement Com mittees 3 4, Honor Society 1 2 3 4. Ambition : To do half the good my fathe r and mo ther have done and to

William Michael Ekroth Nickname: Hobbit; Age: 17; Tacoma, Washington; Entered: Freshman and Junior Activities: Wrestling 1, Intramurals 3 4, Winter Cross Country 4 . Am bition: To continue my search for the American Phlagg 's second al bum .

Randy Lynn Edwards Nickname : Ed; Age: 18; Portland , Oregon; Entered: Sophomore Activities : Snack Bar 2 4, Intramurals 2 3 4, Intramurals Assistant 3 4, Infirmary Help 4, Projectionest 4. Ambition : To be a rich bum .

Jerrald Michael Eklund Nickname : Jer-Ber, Hoof ' n' Mouth; Age: 19; Castle Rock , Washington ; Entered: Freshman Activities: Football 1 2 3 4 , Wrestling 1 2 3 4, Glee Cl ub 3 4 , M-Club 2 3 4, Class Sgt. at Arms 4. Am bition : To find a cure for Hoof ' n ' Mouth .


Robert Peter Engel Nickname: Eng-sheeta; Age: 17; Olympia, Washington; Entered: Freshman Activities: Football 1 2 3 4 , Basketball 1 2, Track l 2, Journalism 4, Advancement Committee 3, C. E. E. 2 3 4, M-Club 2 3 4, Honor Society 1 2 4, Servers 1 2 3 4. Ambition: None

Gregory Todd Erkins Nickname: Torch, Buddy, G. T.; Age : 17; Buhl, Idaho; Entered: Sophomore Activities: Ski Club 2 3 4, Ski Club President 4, Varsity Track Manager 2, Varsity Wrestling Manager 2, M-Club 4. Ambition: To marry Katy, and to make my Polaris Submarine float, to buy out Gregg's Food Products and make it a fish and chips factory.

Brent Andrew Eubanks Nickname: Fisherman; Age: 17; Olympia Washington ; Entered: Freshman Activities: Debate 1. Ambition: To marry .•. someone and to catch all of the fish in Alaska (before I get married. )

Theodore Joseph Falteau Nickname: Theodore; Age: 18; Kelso, Washington; Entered: Freshman Activities: Basketball 1 2 3 4, Track 1 2, Cross Country 2, Football 3 4, Baseball 3 4, M-Club 3 4. Ambition: To go on a Senior trip and get out of this place .


John Corey Fortune Nickname: Coach ; Age: 19; Seattle , Washington; Entered: Freshman Activities: Football 1 4, Track 1, Intramurals 2 3 4 , Glee Club 3 4, Servers Club 3, M-Club 4. Ambition : To be a success in life .

Ralph Garey Fouts Nickname: Micky , Fred; Age: 18; Portland, Oregon; Entered: Freshman Activities: Wrestling 1, Theatre Crew 2 3 4, Snack Bar 2 3 4, Arrow Staff 4, Intramurals 2 3, Honor Society 4 , Lapidary Club 2. Ambition : To achieve it.

James Emmett Freely Nickname: Rock, Tote; Age: 18; Seattle , Washi ngton; Entered: Sophomore Activities: Ski Club 3 4, Class Officer 3, J. A. C. 3 , Intramurals 3 4, Spanish Club 4, Circle 14 , Assistant Student teacher 4, Journalism 4. Ambition: To be happy , healthy, and human. Also to be half the man Father Terence is .

Richard Thomas Freeman Nickname: "Injun "; Age: 18 ; Olympia , Washington; Entered : Junior lcth¡ities: Baseball 4. Ambition: To DO something I 11 be remembered for .


Steven Joseph Gamache Nickname: Corki, Squawman; Age: 18; Toppenish, Washington; Entered: Freshman Activities: Glee Club 2 3 4 , Varsity Football Manager 2 3 4, Wrestling J. 2 3 4, Track 1 3, M-Club 2 3 4, Ambition: Finish college and service . Have a successful marriage and help people... Make it up the motorcycle run in my go -cart.

Robert Maurice Gregg Nickname: Bob, Gregabob, Bwana, Bo; Age: 18; Vancouver, Washington; Entered: Senior Activities: SA MAHI Staff 4, Arrow Staff 4, Ski Club 4, Debate 4, Circle 14, Intramurals 4. Ambition : To buy out the "Snake River Trout Farm" and make it a subsidiary of Gregg's Food Products. George Arthur Hancock Nickname: Gross, Orgie, Georg e of the Jungle, Dirty Old Man, Dumb Lineman; Age: 17; Seattle .Washing ton; Entered: Freshman Activities: Football 1 2 3 4, Wrestling 1 2 , Weight Lifting 3 4, Track 1 2 3 4, Sergeant - at -Arms 2, Advancement Committees 3 4, M-Club 2 3 4, M-Club Vice President 4, Honor Society 3 4, Soccer 4, SAMAHI 4, Arrow 3 . Amb ition: To do whatever is right in my own eyes so long as it doesn't hurt others.


Michael Brad Hazlitt Nickname: Hazzie, Brad; Age: 17; Olympia, Washington; Entered: Freshman Activities: Football 1 2 3 4, Basketball 1, Golf 2 3, Golf Captain 3, M-Club 2 3 4, M-Club President 4, Journalism 3, Advancement Committee 3 4. Ambition: To strive co be the best in whatever I do, marry Tricia and let face do the rest.

Michael John Hillier Nickname: Mike , Slim; Age: 18; Olympia , Washington; Entered: Junior Activities: Football 3 4 , Basketball 3 4, Baseball 3 4, M-Club 3 4, Day Student 3 4. Ambition: To be a good football coach and marry a girl from Walla Walla .

James Edv.rard Hoffman Nickname: Jim; Age 17; Lacey, Washington; Entered: Freshman Activities: Wrestling 1 2, Track 2 , Cross Coumry 3. Ambition: To stru ggle throu gh college and senle down with an easy life .

Erik Sabin Johnson Nickname: Erik; Age: 17; Portland, Oregon; Entered: Junior Activities: Intramurals 3 4, Ski Club 3 4, Soccer 4, Play stage cre1, 4. Ambition: To live as I see fit and do the labor of this as well as possibl e .


Richard Anthony Jones Nickname: Rags, Jonsey , Rick; Age: 17; Seattle, Washington; Entered: Freshman Activities: Cross Country 2 3 4, Wrestling 1 2 3 4, Track 1 2 3 4, Servers Club 1 2 3 4, M- Club 2 3 4 , Cheerleader 4, Intramurals 4, Ski Club 3 4. Ambition: T o prove myself.

Robert Gibbons Kegel Nickname: Bob, Keg; Age: 18; Aberdeen , Washington; Entered: Freshman Activities : Intramurals 2 3 4, Track 2 3, Debate 1 2 3, Journalism 4 , Honor Society 1 2 3 4 . Ambition : To gee away from it all.

Pa trick Henry Kelley Nickname: Pat; Age: 18; Lakewood , Washington; Entered: Freshma n Activities: Wrestling 1 2 , Honor Society 2 4, Debate 1, Ski Club 1 2 , Journa lism 2 4, St. Plac id 's Play 3, SAMAHI 4. Ambition: To rake the "Pink Bomb" to the Drags and WIN !

Joseph Edward Kennish Nickname: Joe; Age: 17; Lacey , Washington; Entered: Freshman Activities: Baske tball 1 2, Track 1, Baseball 3, Day student. Ambition: To live happily and richly ever after.


Glenn Alan Kolze Nickname: Glenn; Age: 17; Lacey, Washington; Entered: Freshman Activities: Football 1, Basketball 1, Track 1 2, Servers Club 1 2, Band 3. Ambition: To make a special girl very happy.

David Ben Kraft Nickname: Krafty, D.J., Ace; Age: 18 ; Kodiak, Alaska; Entered: Freshman Activities: Football 1, Cross Country 2 3 4, Basketball 1 2 3 4, Track 1, Baseball 2 3 4, M-Club 2 3 4, Ad vancement Committee 3 4. Ambition: To be half the success in life my father is and to make the DJ dream come true.

Prayudh Kumjim Nickname: Jim Jam, Riceman; Age: 18; Bangkok, Thailand; Entered: Senior Activities: Soccer 4, Intramurals 4. Ambition: To be an Engineer

Michael Stuart Leckie Nickname: H. S. Jr., Stuart, Lucky, Maaah ! Age: 17; Spray, Oregon; Entered: Freshman Activities: Golf 3, Class Secretary 3 4, Play 2 4, Ski Club 4, Soccer 4, Honor Society 2 4, Lapidary Club 12 , Wrestling 1 2 3, Track 1 2, Cross Country 2, Intramurals 3 4. Ambition: To search out my own little world and live there with my own little (girl) friend.


William Joseph Lecture Nickname: Gums, Straight; Age: 18; Bothell, Wash ing ton; Entered: Freshman Activities: Track 1 2 3 4, Basketball 1 2, Wrestling 3 4, Cheerleader 4 , ASB Vice President 4, Class Officer 1 3, Honor Society 1 2 3 4, M-Club 2 3 4, J. A. C. 3, Annual Staff 4. Ambition : To live my rightful life in peace and happiness---not live to suffer and die in

John Michael Maier Nickname: Rubberman, Speedy, Mear, Slinky; Age: 18; Entered: Sophomore Activities: Wrestling 2 3 4, Track 2 3 4, Football 3 4, Glee Club 3, Arrow Staff 3, ASE Secretary 4 , Honor Society 3 4, J. A. C. 3, S. A. C. 4 , Weight lifting 3 4, M-Club 3 4. Ambition: Not to get married before 20 and collect on all my bets. To wear blue levis on Sunday.

Robert Thomas Maloney Nickname: Tingrin, B. M. ; Age: 18; Vancouver, Washington; Entered: Fre shman; Activities: Football 3, Track 1 2 3 , Soccer 4, Glee Club 3, M-Club 4. Ambition: Engineer, to ride a bike to L.A .

Anthony Michael Martino Nickname: Tony , Wop , Antone; Age: 17; Hillsborough , California; Entered: Freshma n Activities : Ski Club 1 2 3 4, Wrestling 1 2, Senior Class Vice President, President of the Smoke Shack 4 , Honor Society 3 4, Cheerleader 4. Ambition : To become independently wealthy and at the same time attain sp iritu al perfection.


Thomas Vincent Meeker Nickname: Meek & Mild; Age: 18; Seattle, Wash ington; Entered: Freshma n Activi ties: Ski Club 1 2 3 4, Wrestling 1 2 , Baseball 3, Intramura ls 2 3. Ambition: Become independently weal th y and marry the girl next doo r.

John Wayne Monahan Nickname: Toe Phantom; Age: 18; Condon , Oregon; Entered: Freshman and Senior Activities: Basketball 1, Track 1, Intramurals 4, Circle 14. Ambition : To become a mill ionaire rancher and get marr ied.

Kenneth Roy Moore Nickname: Rabbit; Age: 17; Wenatchee , Washington; Entered: Sen ior Activities: Intramu rals 4 . Ambition: To reach th e kids in grade school o r in high school the va lues of life and educa tion from my own po int of vie w.

Ma tthew Homer McCo rm ick Nickname : Mushmourh , Mountain Lion , Mac - or - Mick; Age : 17; Eugene , Oregon; Entered: Freshman Activities : Football 1, Cross Country 2 3 4 , Basketball Sta rs 3 4, Track 1 2 3 4, Advancement Commit tee 3, M-Club 3 4, SA MAHI 3, SA MAHI Co-ed itor 4, Arrow 1 2, Arrow Editor 3 4, Circle 14 , Honor Society 1 2 3 4. Ambi tion : To be crea ri ve in th e field of mass communicat ion, a nd to be kind.


Barry Lee McIntosh Nickname: Gease, Smack; Age: 17; Seattle, Washington; Entered: Junior Activities: Intramura ls 3 4, Ski Club 4. Ambition : To live a life of peace and happiness.

Michael William McMahon Nickname: Mike , Muck; Age 17; Centralia, Washington; Entered: Freshman Activities: Debate 1 2, Basketball 1, lntramurals 3 , Journalism 3 4. Ambition: To buy a motorcycle (B. S. A. 650 ).

Dennis Michael Noonan Nickname: Ralph Gomez , Ostrich, Sandman; Age : 18; Fairfield, California; Entered: Senior Activities: Intramurals 4. Ambition: To be in agri culture and work with cattle or sheep, or a police officer and work with juveniles.

Dan ie l Cha rles O 'Neill Nickname: Danny - Boy; Age: 17; Olympia , Washing ton; Entered: Freshman Activities: Football 1 2 3 4, Basketball 1, Wrestling 2 3, Soccer 4, M-Club 2.3 4 , M-Club representative 4, Student Council 3 4, ASB Sec. 3, Honor Society 2 4 , Advancement committee 3 4, Server Club 1 2 3 4, Mass Lector 4. Ambition: To be the man my dad is and marry a girl as good as my mom .


James Patrick Ordos Nickname: Jim; Age: 19; Olympia, Washington; Entered : Freshman Activities: Wrestling l , Track 1, Band 1 2 3. Ambition: To gradua te from college.

Blake Anthony Osburn Nickname: Ozie , Harlow; Age: 19; Gearhart, Oregon; Entered: Junior Activi ties: Intramurals 3 4, Journalism 3 4, Six Pack 3. Ambition: To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day .

Daniel John Paul Nickname: Smilly; Age 18; Lacey, Washington; Entered : Sophomore Acti vities: Wrestling 4. Ambition: To be an engineer.

Christopher Anthony Picou Nickname: Crispi -c u ; Age: 18; Bellevue, Wash ington; Entered: Sophomore Activities: Intramurals 2 3 4, St. Placid's Play 4. Ambition: To inherit my grandparent 's fortune .


Jose Reyes Ponce Nickname : Lita; Age: 17; Quezon Ci ty, Philippines; Entered: Senior Activities: Volleyball 4, Ping Pong 4, Soccer 4. Ambition: To become involved in industrial and commercial activities of the Philippines.

Sveng Rimsritong Nickname: Tong , Sveng; Age: 18; Bangkok , Thailand; Entered: Senior Activities: Ping Pong 4, Inuamural Basketball 4. Ambition : Architect

Michael Eugene Ruegamer Nickname: Reug; Age: 18; Hard in, Montana; Entered: Freshman Activities: Football 1 2 , Wrestling 1 2 , Track 1 2 3 , Ski Club 3 4, Intramurals 3 4 , Arrow Staff 4. Ambition: To make it known that I'm not really a Crow Indian .

Edward Frank Schilter Nickname: Fixer; Age: 18; Lacey , Washington; Entered: Freshman Activities: Wrestling 1, Track 1, Art 1 2 , Glee Club 3, Servers Club, Fixing 1 2 3 4. Ambition : To always be able to give and still have more to give , and be as successful as my father.


Michael Warren Sherwood Nickname: Mike; Age: 19; Renton, Washington; Entered: Freshman Ac ti vities: In tramurals 2 3 4, Wres tling 1 2 , Track 1, Arrow Staff 4. Ambition : To lead a happy and success ful life.

Marvin James Snowberger Nickname : Marv , Speedboat, Sheesh '; Renton, Washington; Entered : Freshman Activities: Football 1 2 3 4, Basketball 1, Winter Cross Couiltry 2 3 4, Track 1 2 3 4, M- Club 2 3 4, Weight lifting 2 3 4. Ambition: To break the land speed record on foo t.

Richard Lawrence Snyder Nickname: Squire; Age: 18; Wenatchee, Washington; Entered: Freshman Activities: Wrestling J. 2 3 4, Football 1 2 3 4, Track 1 2, Baseball 3 4, Cl ass officer 3, J. A. C. 3, Honor Society 2 4 . Ambition : Finish four years at Washington State and get a degree in growing apples .

Steven Charles Stein Nickname: Super Sport; Age : 17; Vancouver , Wash ington; Entered: Senior Activities: Ski Club Treasurer 4 , In.tramu rals 4, Debate 4. Ambition: To make it known that Ruegamer is a Crow Indian. 45

James Edward Tobin Nickname: Monkey, Dingo, Tob y; Age: 18; Seattle, Washington; Entered: Junior Activities: Football 4, Soccer 4, M-Club 4. Ambition: To be Principal of St. Martin's High School.

Michael James Torrence Nickname: Mike; Olympia, Washington; Entered: Freshma n Activities: Glee Club 2 4, St. Placid's play 4. Am bition: To become a professional musician-- - -to travel.

Arthur Michael Trent Nickname: Hood; Age: 18; Sitka, Alaska; Entered: Senior Activities: Intramurals 4, Soccer 4. Ambition: To become a lawyer and become rich.

Randolf Richard Vargo Nickname: Randy; Age : 17; Bremerton, Wash ingron; Entered: Freshman Activities: Trac k 1 2, Wrestling 1 2, Intramura ls 2 3 4. Ambition: To be a success in whatever I do.


Daniel Bert Vining Nickname: Dan; Age: 18; Olympia, Washington; Entered: Freshman and Senior Activities: Football 1, Wrestling 1, Debate 4. Ambition: Become a commercial airlines pilot.

Robert John Welding Nickname: Pops, Mandrake; Age: 18; Ellensburg, Washington; Entered: Senior Activities: Ski Club 4, Intramurals 4. Ambition : To live to see the day when the American Eagle straightens up and flies right.

Barret Edward White Nickname: Ward , Stats; Age: 17; Olympia, Washing ton; Entered: Freshman Activities: Wrestling 1, Band 1, Cross Country 2, Journalism 4, Student Council 2, Class Representative 2 , Debate 1 2 3 4, Debate Club Secretary 3, Debate Club President 4. Ambition: To correct all the prob lems of the world without getting in trouble.

Robert Lawrence Yancey Nickname: Bobbikins, Squeaky Pants; Age : 18; Moxee City, Washington; Entered : Freshman Activities: Football 1 2 3 4, Wrestling 1 2 3 4, Track 12 3 4, M-Club 2 3 4, Class Vice President 3, Class President 4, Journalism 4, Advancement Committee 3 4. Ambition: To be a good psychologist and the happiest, and pay my parents way on a European tour.


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1967 RANGER FOOTBALL SQUAD : FRONT ROW: Hancock , Hazlitt, Zarembinski, S. Hillier , P. Coppin , Hughes , Dionese, Choquette , Russell , Kromer, McCulley, Hinchliff, Kerth , Graisy , A use th,

The Thrill of Victory . .. 50

Busek, Engel, Gamache , Snyder, Dugaw, rortune, M. Hillier, Yancey , Maier , Ekl and; SECOND ROW : Flateau, Tobin , Ta llman, Beam, Wensman, (Manager) Daue BACK ROW : Buchman, Wigren, Lane , Snowberger , P. McKinley

And the Agony of defeat 51

Dan Duga1.,r

Head Coach Monty Walker

Win or Lose ... The Rangers Were There

Rob Enge l

Mike Maier

Bob Yancey


It takes alot of hard wo rk . . .

Je rry Eklund



Ned Buchman

Mike Hazlitt

. . . to be ready


Mike Hillier

George Hancock

. . . and practice of fundamentals . . .

Bill Anderson



Ja ck Fortune

Dan O'Neill

Ted Flateau

A 1 Busek

for a game .


Action pack ed football-

Ranger style ...


This year's Ranger gridiron co mba tants were predo minantly se niors. Desp it e rhis fac t, many had no t played much varsity ball in past seasons. As the earl y season progressed , spirir was high and th e team progress ed a t a sa t isfyi ng pace . The day prior to th e opening game , an old e nemy , "i njury , " visited for th e firs t of many calls. By t he

end of t/J season, el, ven men,


complete team, were in casts and

on crutches, e tc . Wi th all th e misfo rt une , rhe team seldom beca me discouraged , and put fo rth a lot of hard honest effor t. Th is was manifest in their tremendous showing on defense where th ey he ld opponents to less tha n te n points per game, until th e White Pass game which followed a home weeke nd and minor disciplinary ac tio ns . The coaching staff was well pleased with the hustle and de te rmination shown by the majority of the t eam . Lack of quickn ess and ove ra ll speed , coupled with the high injury rate , kept t he team from being one of St. Ma rtin 's bes t.



.R 0

s s -







y 58


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BANG! The start of the district meet , Longview, Washington.

Cross Country finishes 2nd in Central League; 15th in s tate ..


The St. Martin's Varsity Cross Country Team performed well this year against the toughest competition in the Central Cross Country League's history. In league competition, St. Martin's triumphed four times; losing only once, to the South Bend Varsity. A long home weekend and a cold day helped to defeat the Rangers in the league championship meet. The C. C. men finished second to Willapa Valley. It was the first time in the five years of Central League Cross Country that St. Martin's was not the league champion. The week following, the St. Martin's seven out-distanced a ll other Central League teams, and came in second to the W. F. West (Chehalis) team a t the district meet. Three St. Martin's runners finished in the first ten: Pal!l Owens, Rick Tardiff, and Matt McCormick. Second place in district gained the Ranger long distance men a berth in the state championship meet, held at Green Lake in Seattle, on November 11. Owens led the Ranger squad to a fifteenth place against thirtyfive other schools. The Cross Country Varsity T eam con sisted of six juniors and one senior, leaving a strong nucleus of returning lettermen for next year. Paul Owens, '69, was voted by his teammates as the "most outstanding runner.

VARSITY : FRONT ROW: R. Ta rdiff , H. Na nce , P. Owens, M. McCo rmick , BACK ROW: C . Paul, R. Kue hn, S. Saggmiller, Coac h Willis

Ranger Cross-Country

X- COUNTRY SQ UAD : FRONT ROW: B. Dzi edz ic , D. Rydman , J. Hammer, J. Meier, H. Feeney , B. Hillier , BACK ROW : K. Kee ly , M. Bloms , A. La ico , B. Sexton , M. Boren , S. Gomez , M. Bauer , M. Manza , D . Kraft, Nickell , D. Fife, S. Ke ller , M. Carty , D . Owens


Charlie Paul

R. Ta rdiff

P. Owens

S. Sagm ille r

H. Na nce

M. McCormick




•·•·•·· ----~····· ·::··•:..-• .....


Capital Pavilion becomes a reality .. . This year the Capital Pavilion finally became a reality. For better than eleven long years the dream of such a diversified structure has been awaited. Yes, the pavilion is real, and Sr. Martin 's will never be the same. The move this year from "The Barn" to the expanse of the pavilion by the basketball squad marked the beginning of a new era for S. M. H. S. Top-flight athletic events will always be on rap for the area. Entertainment of all types, from teen dances to boar shows to conventions, will put St. Martin's on the map . The Capital Pavilion's future will be an integral part of St. Martin's future .


STANDING: Rydman , Dugaw, Fi fe , Dio nese , D. Kraft , M. Hillier , Wensman , Bloms , Flateau, Ta rdi ff , D. Ow ens, S. Hillie r, Hinchliff; KNEELING : Coach Willis, Coach Don a ld son.

Dave Kraft

Most Insp irational Player



Best De fensive Pl ayer Co - Most Improved

P aul Fife

Co-Most Improved Player

- R ecord6 wins-13 losses SMHS 51 45 73 52 49 50 43

63 58 47 45 60 65 58 40 73 66 41 53

Yelm Winlock Charles Wright Laughbon Ilwaco Elma Raymond Montesano Ocosta Eatonville Yelm Winlock Ilwaco Elma Raymond Eatonville Montesano Ocosta Laughbon

OPP . 52 35 35 55 67 70 60 73 65 60 38 40 84 86 67 68 74 63 51

Mr. Willis disc uss ing stra tegy in a crucial game .

Mark Bloms

Basketball 67 - 68 can best be described as a season of inconsistency. Perhaps , the inexperience of the major i ty of the squad explains this fac t. A record of six wins and thirteen losses certainly does not tell the whole story of the campaign . Any team who can score 25 points in one quarter , defeat the third -ranked team ii:i the state , and hold an opponent to only 3 points in a quarter , cannot be termed a ta l entless ball club . The final victory of the season over Laughbon gave to the five graduating Seniors personal satisfaction for a job well done. To the seven returning lettermen this final win instilled a confidence that will carry over to next year and possibly a winning season . Most Valua ble Player Best Offensive Player Team Captain




Seniors lead the basketb all tealll

Dave Kraft



Dan Dugaw

Quality not quantity on o ur tean1 ... Mike Hillier 71

J. V.' s Reinforce The Varsity . ..

Coach Don aldsonTeaching and En c o uraging

LEFT TO RIGHT: K. Nich ols , B. Hill ie r, D. Owens , Williams, Ca rty , H. Feeney , Acuff, Dz i edzic , Fox ; KNEELING : Coach Donaldson .


-RecordSM HS

56 58 76 50 48 50 37 75 65 50 47 55 60

OPP. Yelm Winlock Charles Wright Laughbon Elma Ocosta Eatonville Yelm Winlock Ilwaco Raymond Ea ton ville La ughbon

23 24 18 39 46 49 49 40 30 75 56 67 36

Mike Wensman pulls down a rebound .

Steve Hillier adds two points .


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""Best Wrestling Team St. Martin's Has Ever Had.'' -RecordSMHS

36 33 25 51 41

20 40 46

34 ]9

OPP. Laughbon Centralia Elma Charle s Wright Rochester North Th urston Raymond South Bend Montesa no Ca stle Rock

18 18 30 3 13 30 8 10 18 31

Coach lvlischt:! huilding a powe rful team.

Central League Champs Sub-District Champs Third in District Sent two to state . .. 76

BACK ROW ( LEFT TO RIGHT) : Hugh es, Sn)'der , Anderson, Buse k, Yance y, Eklund, Coa ch Mischel; Nick el , Sagmiller, Dolde, Le cture, Ca rr, Jones .


-District Champions-

Jones ' champ ionsh ip victory . . ...•.... . . . ..... • . Buse k on his way.


S e n ior-

Rick Jones-103 lbs .

Bill Lecrure -120 lbs.

Steve Dolde-127 lbs.

Je rry Eklund-145 lbs.


Bob Yancey-1 54 lbs .


Al Busek-1 65 lbs .

Ill • action .

• •

Bill Anderson - 175 lbs.

Dick Snyder- 191 lbs.


''You Get So Nervous Thinking It's Just Between You And Hilll. ''

BACK ROW (LEFT TO RIGH 1): Coach Mischel, Hughes, D. Paul, Sny der, Olsen, Ander son, P. Coppin, A. Busek, Crispen, Yancey, Ma . MacKenzie, Eklund, Nagel, Mike MacKenzie, Russel; FRONT ROW: McKinley, Nickel, Dolde , Lecture, Carr , Jones, Georger.


-Most Valuable WrestlerAlan Busek Al Busek was again voted St. Martin's most va lu able wrestler . Last year he was also awared this honor. Al placed fourth in district last year as a junior. This year he progressed rapid l y and was undefeated until state competition . At district he set a record by being unscored upon; at state only two points were scored against him. Al placed second in state , closely losing his final cham pionsh ip match by the referee 's decision in overt ime. He showed amazing ta lent in all of h is matches throughout the year .

This year ¡s gra pplers were made up of essentially talented and experienced seniors . Four years ago when the seniors were frosh, they were the first St . Martin's frosh wrestling team to ever win a match. This foreshadowed the coming of a powerful varsity team. In the la st three years the vars ity had been gett ing progress ively stronger, and reached its peak this year . From the league's runner-ups •.. to league champions ... to returning champions. Th is season was harder than any past season; more work, dieting, and sacr ifices . They a lso had a rougher schedul e than past years--wrestling powerful double A schools and the best sing le A schoo ls. The exper ience, talent, ¡ and conditioning of our champ ionship squad came victoriously through, though. Our fine team gave SMHS something to be proud of and to long remember.

-Most Inspirational WrestlerBob Yancey Bob Yancey was the unan imous choice fo r most inspirational varsity wrestler this year . In Bob's sophomore year he was voted the most improved wrest ler of the sea son. This year he was voted team captain. Bob received a rib injury which hampered him greatly during the season. He still went on to win , though, and this courage and perseverance is what made him inspire the rest of the team. Even though Bob didn't go to state (because of his injury), he still managed to beat the first and third place wrestlers in state before he was too hurt to go on.


Soccer, a new s port at SMHS

SOCCER TEAM: {LEFT TO RIGHT) M. Mackenzie, D. Bums, J. Tobin, M. Trent, M. Maier, P. Kumjim, B. Maloney, Father Kieran, E. Johnson , N. Buchman, M. Leckie , P. Holm, G. Hancock, D. Leathers, SEATED: D. O'Neill.

The well known sport of soccer has finally come into the activity circle here at SMHS . This would not have been possible at all if it were not for the efforts of such faculty members as Fr. Kier an and Mr. Walker, and especially two High School students, Dan O ' Neill and Chris Gerhard. In its first year the team has come up with an outstanding season. Soccer is now parr of the intramural program, but with continued support it could, and probably will, reign as a major sport here at St. Martin's.


Mike Maier dives for ball against a tough Tacoma team; final score, St. Martin's 5, Tacoma 3.

At left, Ned Buchman prepares to put the ball in play . Above , Marty Mackenzie scrambles to control the ball.


A Day

Life Of

I always get what I want ... right Anderson?

84 -


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In The George.

• •

A school such as St . Martin 's must have a dominant person to take over where mother left off. At the gym this role has been readily accep ted the past years by George Feeney . Being refe rred to as "Mom a way from home " is no t mea nt to be a n insult. Who has a mo re sincere a tt i tude toward boys tha n the ir mo th ers? Geo rge always has tha t air of concerned inter est tha t has made h im an admired man by all . Maybe George 's persistence, which some t imes grew to insistence , seemed an unnecessa ry pre caution . Bu t, a man like George never mean t any of his rep rimands personally. Thanks , George, for being one of the g reat ones here a t Sc. l\'Jartin 's.

"Off the floor with those shoes ! •·

Pep Club adds spirit to athletics

Ra nge r a nd his h a ndle r Bill Brown

Mary Hauser Nancey Papiez Nadine Mombroussous Patti Sutherland Pam Butler


CLASS OFFICERS: STAND ING : Joe MeierRepresenta tive; Paul Coppin - Treasure r; Jake Berscha uer - Vice Pre side nt ; SITTING : Jim Freeley - Sec re ta ry; Larry Zarembinski - Presiden t


0 Nex t year the lea de h ip o thrust ling an able h a 1969 . r fte r thre years o tr~ .i,..~ will fi n· lly be on top . W · h shown , ere is no doubt i a e of job the y will do.



ss of ~

C l ass Advisor Fa the r Kieran


Bailey , George Sa lem, Ore . Benson , Patrick Tumwa ter, Wash. Berschauer, Jake Tumwather, Wash .

Bjorke lo , Arthur Bellevue, Wash . Bonestee le, Richa rd Portland , Ore . Boren , Jim Lacey , Wash.

Buchnum, Richa rd Lacey, Wash. Busek , John Santa Rosa, Ca lif. Carlich, Scott Tillamook , Ore.

Chang , Robert Hong Kong, Chin a Choquette, Tom Junea u, Ala ska Coppin, Paul Enumclaw, Wash.


Cross, Tom Bellevue, Wash.

Daniels, Robe rt Kent, Wash.

Evere tt, Jerry Olympia , Wash. Franc om , Jerry Sea ccle, Wash. Freeley , James Sea ttle , Wash.

Gallagher, Gary Sea ttle , Wash. Gesler, Tim Bellevue , Wash . Givens, James Lewiston, Idaho


Gomez, Steve Hillsborough , Ca lif. Grey , Gene Seattle, Wash . Ha lpin , Joel Seattle , Wash .

Hammer, John Mt. Vernon , Wash. Hartwell , Chris Seattle , Wash . Heynen , Michael Peta luma , Calif.

Hillier , Steve Olympia , Wash. Hinchliff , Joseph Ephrata , Wash. Ho lm , Peter Kodiak, Al aska

Hughes , Mark Seattle , Wash. Hu lscher , Richard Tacoma , Wash. Kee ly , Kevin Tacoma , Wash.


Ke ller , Skip Kodiak , Alaska Ke m, Thomas Olympia, Wash . Kidd, John Seattle , Wash.

Kirsch, S ceve Wenatchee , Wash. \.,

Klein , Jack Sea ttle, Wash . Knauss , Michael Juneau, Ala ska

Kuehn , Randy Enumclaw , Wash . Lafond , Dave Olympia , Wash.

Laico , Andre Pt. Angeles, Wash. Lane , Ron Aberdeen, Wash.


MacKenzie , Martin Olymp ia, Wash. Manza , Mic ha el Tacoma , Wash . Mar tino , Mario Bu rlin gton , Ca lif.

Meier, Joseph Tacoma , Wash . Michel , Brent Tacoma , Wash . Murphy , Dennis Olympia , Wash.

McIntyre , Harold Mt. Vernon , Wash . McQu aid , Ma rty Seattle, Wash. Nance , Ha i ley Se attle , Wash .

O 'Donnell , Dan Seattle , Wash . Owens , Pau l Anacortes , Wash . Paul Charles Lacey , Wash.


Resner , John Seattle, Wash. Rice, Gerald Seattle , Wash .

Rosenbe rge r, Gary Juneau, Alaska Rossow , Steve Seattle, Wash.

Rougutt , Lloyd Tacoma, Wash. Rydman , Richard Westport, Wash . Sagm iller, Stephan Shelton , Wash .

Shea, Ron Olympia , Wash . Simpson , John Tacoma, Wash . Smith , Richard Sea ttle , Wash .


Sutcliffe , William Woodinv ille , Wa sh. Tardiff , Richard Olympia , Wash . Topalian , Robert Seattle , Wash .

Wein er, Jerald Aberd een , Wash. Wigren , Gregory Olympia , Wash. Williams, Jam es Juneau, Alaska

Woodley , John Seattle , Wash. Wensman , Michael Glenwood Springs Colo . Zare mb inski, Larry Seattle , Wash.

CLASS OFFICERS: STANDING: Deano BaldacciSecretary; Dave Owens-President; Patrick Auseth-Vice President; Thomas May r-Treasu rer; KNEELING ; Pat Molohon-Sgt. at Arms; Bill Hillicr-Representa tive


St. Martin' High S


the end1:·nof an o experien the co Some st · 1 prefer th=. ~y~ which; ill not High ~ / ,~ , ~ ci.J


new decad at Howe er , they al mark This i the last cla s to rmit y life on th Hill. ~e

Class Advisor Father Urban

Acuff, Dennis Olympia , Wash . Ambrose, Philip Olympia , Wash. Auseth, Patrick Shelton , Wash .

Bailey, Christopher Salem , Ore. Baldacci, Dean Seattle, Wash. Beam, Michae l Boise , Idaho

Berger, Lyle Spokane , Wash .

Bergh , John Olympia , Wash.

Butler, Brian Olympia, Wash.

Cannon, Michael Kodiak, Alaska

Carr, Michael Snohomish , Wash Carty, Kenneth Woodland, Wash .

Clarke, Robert La Grande, Wash . Crispen, Frank Hardin, Mont.


Crist, William Seattle , Wash . Dionese , Lo uis Anchora ge , Alaska Dziedzic , Robert Lacey , Wash.

Feeney , Haro ld Olympia , Wash. Ellison , Ma rk Aberdeen, Wash . Fife , Paul Sea ttle , Wash .

l'itzgera ld , John Marysville , Wash . Fo x, John Agana , Guam Fraser , Douglas Helena , Mont.

Gilbert , David Darrington , Wash . Goeger , John Missoula , Mo nt. Goffa rd, William Pasco, Wash .



Graisy , Joseph Bremerton, Wash .

Hillier, William Olympia, Wash .

Guillot , Douglas Spokane , Wash .

Hogan, Tracy Redw ood City , Calif.

Hatch , William Or oville, Wash.

Hull, Robert Seattle , Wash.

Jiles , Richa rd Ke nt, Wash.

Ka ne , Thomas Portla nd, Ore .

Kerth, Jody Tacom a , Wash. Klinkosz , Joseph Olympia , Wash. Kneeland, Pe ter She lton, Wash .

La dner , Jeffe ry Edmonds , Wash. Leathers, Richard Astoria, Ore. Mac Donald, Robert Mt. Vernon , Wash.


MacKenzie , Michae l Olym pia , Wash . Mayr, Thomas Aberdeen, Wash. Mikita, Edward Olympia , Wash.

Miller , Donald Billings , Mon t . Miller, Patrick Olympia , Wash . Molohon , Patrick Lacey, Wash.

Monahan, Timothy Olympia , Wash . Moo re , Michael Helena , Mont. Morrill, Rich ard Seattle, Wash .

Murphy , Joseph Oly mpia , Wash. Musch , Terrance Seattle , Wash. Musch , Thomas Seattle , Wash.


McCa rm, John Marysville, Wash. McCue , Daniel Dhahran, Saudi Arabia McCu lley, Barry Seattle, Wash.

McGill, Thomas Seattle, Wash. McHugh , Robert Seattle , Wash . McKinley , Pa trick Bremerton, Wash.


McLain , Michael Ilo , Peru McLain, William Ilo, Peru McLaughlin , Mark Mercer Isl. Wash.

Nichols, Keith Seattle, Wash . Nicke ll, Philip Seattle, Wash . 0 'Bryan, Christopher Olympia, Wash .

Olsen , Daniel Butte , Mont. Owens, David Anacortes, Wash. Patterson, Richard Tacoma , Wash .


Rasmussen , Roy Hermiston , Ore . Rody, Pa trick Juneau, Alaska Rotter , James Olympia , Wash.

Russell, Sprague Olympia, Wash . Sexton , William Everett, Wash . Simpson, James Tacoma, Wash .

Simpson , Jerry Tacoma, Wash . Strick lett, Michael Olympia, Wash . Tallman, Lee Portland , Ore .


Tollefson , Chris Tacoma , Wash . Tronsrud , Eric Snohomish, Wash. Wai te , William Seattle, Wash .

Walker , Vincen t Olympia, Wash. Webb , David Pendleto n, Ore . White , Tim othy Olympia, Wash .

Wolff , William Spokane, Wash. Nagel , Bruc e Tacoma , Wash .

CLASS OFFICERS : BACK: Mike McCa rty-Sgt . at Arms; Chris Coppin-Representative; F,RONT: Dave Vernon-Secretary; Patrick Manza -Vice President; Jack Feeney-Treasurer; Tom O'BrienPresident


Th. Martin class the ·

beginning of They are the dormitory . A ass to use the n



will ree y ars.

Class Advisor Father Leonard 11 0

Anderson, Joel Seattle, Wash. Anderson, Robert Westport, Wash. Andrade , William San Rafael, Calif.

Ba ker, Steve Olympia, Wash. Ba llew , John Olympia , Wash. Boren , Thomas Lacey , Wash.

Brown , Beriah Bainbridge Isl., Wash. Burke , William Eugene, Ore. C lancy, Sean Olympia, Wash .

Cleaver , Gregory Seattle, Wash. Connolly, Charles Puyallup, Wash. Copp in, Chris Enumclaw , Wash.


Cowdin, Andrew Kirkland, Wash. Danford, Mark Port Orchard, Wash . Darling , Richard Kodiak, Alaska

Feeney , Jack Olympia , Wash. fries, Randy Redmond, Wash.

fulle"r, Richard Olympia, Wash. Gallagher, Steve Port Angeles , \,v ash.

Gallagher , Terry Port Angeles , Wash . Gaunt, Steve Seattle, Wash . Geiger, Harold Portland , Ore .


Gibbon, Anthony Olympia, Wash.

Gilmore, Daniel Sea ttle , Wash. Glaisyer, Dennis Boise , Idaho Gomez, Martin Hillsborough , Ca lif.

Gorman , John Sacramento , Calif. Hess, William Olympia , Wash. Hillman, Daniel Renton , Wash .

Hoffman, John Lacey, Wash. Hunter, Scott Seattle, Wash. Hyndman, John Whitehall, Mont.

l 13

Johnson, Kenneth Lacey, Wash. Johnson, Terry Olympia, Wash. Karrheiser, Nick Columbia falls , Mont.

Keely, Patrick Tacoma, Wash. Kenney , Joseph Seattle, Wash. Kennish, William Olympia , Wash.

Kinsella, Patrick Seattle, Wash. Konopaski, Kevin Port Angeles, Wash. Kromer, Larry Honolulu, Hawaii

Manza, Patrick Tacoma, Wash. Marlatt, Terry Seattle, Wash. Mathies, Donald 01 ympia. Wash.


Meyer, Edward McCleary , Wash . Minister , And rew Yerington , Nevada Moore, Remington Canyonville, Ore .

Morgan , David Bremerton , Wash . Morrill, Stephan Longview, Wash. Morrill , Terry Seattle , Wash.

Morrow, Bill Tacoma, Wash . McCarty , Mike Olympia, Wash.

McDonald , Jim Seattle, Wash . McMahan , Larry Seattle , Wash .

O'Brien, Gordon Olympia, Wash.

O'Brien, Thomas Olympia, Wash.

Orth, Michael Longview, Wash. Peck, Larry Tacoma, Wash. Petkovits, Martin Seattle, Wash.

Phillips, Daniel Olympia, Wash. Phillips, William Bellevue, Wash. Querin, Stephan Seattle, Wash.


Rankin, Randy Darrington , Wash. Reinhard t, Stephan Lacey, Wash. Reser, Frederick Condon, Ore.

Robertson , John Tacoma , Wash. Ryan , Kenneth Seattle, Wash. Shaefer, James Olympia, Wash.

Schmalz, Robert Bothell, Wash. Scott, Howard Seattle, Wash. Smith, James Bremerton, Wash.

Spain, Mark Seattle , Wash. Spath, Jeffery Altura, Calif. Stovall, Gilbert Paul, Idaho


Str ic kle tt, Joh[J Olympia, Wash. Strub, Cha rles Port Orchard , Wash. Sw ift, James Lacey, Wash.

Sw ift, Steve[] Lacey, Wash. Taylor, Joh[J Olympia, Wash. Taylor, Paul Seattle, Wash.

Thompson, John Longbra[Jch , Wash. \lemon , David Olympia, Wash. Vi tolo , Michael Olympia, Wash .

Wellander, Pa trick Olympia, Wash . Williams, Dale Seattle , Wash. Ybarra , John Paul, Idaho

11 8

196'7 RANGER FROSH FOOTBALL: FRONT ROW: K. Johnson, Kartheiser, Boren, Peck , Hunter, Vitolo, Ke nney, Konopaski; BACK ROW: (Manager) Watkins, Coach Donaldson, Asst. Coach Silva, Gorman , Williams, Minister, son, Darling, P. Keely, Stricklett, C. Coppin, T. O'Brien, Krom er, McDonald, S. Swift, McCarty

"Baby Rangers" Scramblin g to protect their lead 120

Cowdin , Vernon , Phillips , Feeney , Meyer , Danford, J. Swift , Gibbon , Ryan , Fries , Thomp-

Coach Donaldson and Mischel

Frosh Record SMHS. . . . SMHS . . . . SMHS • . . . SMHS • . . . SMHS . . . . SMHS •• . .

0 0 8 6 13 25

Elma .. ••.• . Raymond . • . • • Ye lm . . • • . • . Winlock •• •• • Ye lm .• . ••.. White Pass . • • •

12 21 0 13 6 0

Mike McCarty . . . Most Valuable Player Scott Hunter•• . Most ,f mproved Player Mike Vitolo .. . Most Inspirational Player

12 1

Freshtnen Wrestling produces potential varsity tnattnen . ..

BOTTOM RO\v' ( L. TOR. ) : Ybarra, B. Kennish, Konopaski, Str ub , 1\forga n, J. Stricklett, Mathies, T. Gallagher; MIDDLE ROW: T. Morrill, Cleaver, Fuller, Wellander, Gilmore, Fries, Gib bon, We inman , Williams , G. O'Brien; BACK ROW : Marlon, Cardel, Spa in, Peck , J. Smith, Gorman, Danford, Orth, Grew, Schmalz, Manza, Thompso n, Robertso n.

Frosh find experienced help

Frosh Wrestling reached an all time high for St. Martin's this past season. Our frosh are, for the most part, very inexperienced, being introduced to the sport for the first time . They went up agai nst teams th a t had a grea t numbe r of young me n who had two or th ree years experience behind them. The team as a whole won nearly a third of their individual matches ending with 35 wins, 90 losses, an d two draws. This is the best record ever accomplished by a frosh team .

LEFT: Senior Mike 1v!a ier h elp ing to coach Frosh. 122

John Strictlet braces for ac tion.

Ste ve Gaunt maneuvers his opponent .

V a r s •


BACK ROW ( L. TOR.): D. Gilmore, Weinman, Fries , Grew ; MIDDLE ROW: Fuller, Konopask i, Morgan, J. Strickl ett, Gibbon; FRO NT ROW: Ybarra, B. Kennish, T. Gallaghe r, Strub, Mathies .

Stricklet Konopaski Fries

Frosh Team Co-Captains.

• •

t y

Frosh Basketball Tealll have finest • • w1nn1ng season yet . ..

LEFT TO RIGHT: Vernon, J. Feeney , D. Phillips , O'Br ien , Ryan , McCarty .

-RecordSMHS 43

39 34 53 31 57 40 53 40 51 21 54


O PP. Rochester Elma Ocosta Laughbon Raymond Montesa no Rocheste r Elma Laughbon Ocosta Raymond Montesano

19 47 32 33 33 30 37 60 37 37 42 35

LEFT TO RIGHT: R. Moore , T. O'Brien, D. Phillips, McDonald, Kenney, Kromer, Vitolo, McCarty, Vernon, C. Coppin, J. Feeney, Swift, Meyer, Ryan; KNEELING; Spa th, Minis ter


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Puyallup Fai1«

offers n1any atnusetnents ...

Fun D ay Creates Spirit ...

Activities included a pie throw. indulges with Ma rk Bloms.

Here, Mr. Willis

After dinner a spirited hootenanny was led by - TOP: Susan Bush and Kathy O 'Brian (both of St. Placid 's); MIDDLE: The Chiquita Acorn - Spenc er Dodd, Bill Ande rson , Jerry Eklund, Steve Dolde; BOTTOM: Queen Jane 's Banana Bizarre - Blake Osburn, Barry McIntosh, Dave Cox , Bruce Bauer, Bill McKnight.


H omecoining RIGH T: The girls of St. Placid's and St. Mary's added a feminine touch to the game of football. The "powder puff" game, re fereed by Mike Hazlitt and Mike Hillier , ended in a 6 - 6 tie . BELOW: Homecoming was the joint effort of the student councils of St. Martin 's and St. Placid's. Here , St. Martin 's A. S. B. President, Ned Buchman , keeps Fun Day runnin g according to schedule .

Bob ("Can You Handle A Chopper?") Burke , an unidentified St. Mary 's girl and Mr. Mischel slug it out at the MClub car smash.

The 1967 Homecomi ng Court fr om left to right: Rick Jo nes and Patsy Hurse y, Senior Prince and Princess; Dave Webb and Mary Pat Garland, Sophomore Prince a nd Princess; Dan Vi ning (substituting for King Mike Hazlitt) and Queen Tricia Merideth; Terry Ruffier and Dan Phillips, Freshma n Princ ess and Prince; Barb Kalenius and Dave Lafond, Junior Princess and Prince.

The gaine and dance cliinax Hoinecoining .

• •

Tough lbnger defense held Elma scoreless; but offense w. spite several long gains, including end run by Dan Duga w


The 19 67 Homecoming Festivities were October 12, 13 , and 14. Thursday was Fun Day. Afternoon ac tivities included an M-Club car smash and a pie throw sponsored by the St. Martin's senior class. An intended turtle race, tug-a-war, and pig chase were cancelled. Later the freshmen football team battled with the Yelm Tornadoes frosh and triumphed 13 - 6. During the half time, the St. Placid's Powder Puff Squad challenged St. Mary 's. The much contested (and questioned) final score was a 6 to 6 tie between the riva ls. Dinner a nd a hootenanny fo llowed . A movie in the Abbey theatre and a bonfire finished -up the days' activities. Tumwater field was the scene of Frid ay night's action as the St. Ma rtin 's Rangers took on the Elma Eagles. Unyielding defense dominated the night , and the gun sounded end ing the game in a scoreless tie . The presentation of the 19 67 Homecoming Court highlighted the half-time activities. The Canterbury Tales provided the music for th e a nnual Homecoming dance on Sa turday night, the final event of the thre e -d ay celebration. At intermission, Ki ng Mike Hazlitt crowned Homecoming Queen Tricia Meride th .

unable to capitalize de above .

The "In Crowd"

Miss Rydman wails on the drums

Boogaloo Bob

All is not work at St. Martin's High School , the many dances and parties provide for fun and recreation. Students look forward to the dances as a highlight in our soc ial life and a chance to mingle wi th the "fairer sex" . Every class does its part by organizing and putting on at least one dance a year and for the classes with the initiative and imagination , there are always open dates on which to have parties . Toa nks is given to Fr. Kiera n who did a great deal of work as dance advisor for this year .


Ma rk Blom s and Fan Club

Scud Row

Dances, part of an active social life . ..

Saint Martin's

The usual Father- Son Banquet, this year was replaced wi t h a Family Dinne r. On December 20 , over five hundred peo ple a tte nded the dinner-banque t. This will noÂź' become an annual eve nt, mark ing the beg inning of Christ mas vaca t ion. After the di nner, all we re invited to a ttend a bask etball game between the St. Ma rt in 's Ra nge rs, and the Raymond Seagulls. Unfortuna tely, we suffered defea t a t the hands of th e Gulls.


I 1

hosts parents

at Fa1nily Day dinner ...


Meinories o f the Junior-

Tile Junlur-Senio r Pro111 ne e ;1gain ga ve ro l\l;.1 rc y's a 1,eekend of s111Lling_ f ces, friends, fashion, auJ f101,· r • This y ·1 r 's pm w:t l1el in the Skok om ish Roo,n of thL T yee r.lo tor Inn . . , i c was ~npplied b} lh<- D.i 1·c T ttle Co m bo . "S, •e tltean T ree" 1s·as th e tltt:llil, :11 d many 1,-e. lheans were pre sent. 1 • r pl 11lifuL Dai fr om S a l tl , poka ne, a bu ncl-a nct: . Judy rk , Da v Kra ft 's dat ., c:11 .e from Ko d iak , l ns ka. AIL , c:!llt c r, 110 l\fening

No question about it , this evening was a memorable one for all Seniors and Juniors . Ned Buchman, Dan O 'Neill, Ti m Coppin , and Mike Ha zliu face th e music and dance .

... Freshman Servers : Joe Kenney , Scot Hu mer, Chris Coppin, and Rich Darli ng. Doorman : Neal McLean .


Senior Proin.

• •

Most everyone show ed up with a lo ve ly, young miss ....

. .. . However, as usual , Mark Bloms pulled the wonder of the night. He came stag and appar ently didn't suffer too much .


Classes vie for

Junior John Hammer flies over Dan Phillips, frosh, as the Juniors scored the first win of the tournament, over th e Frosh, 66 to 64. Below Mark Bloms leads the Seniors over the Sophomores, 50 to 46.

Fine rebounding as demonstrated by Ward White helped the Seniors gain the right to play the faculty by defeating the Juniors , 70 to 68.

a chance

• • •

Soph Sprague Russell tries to shoot through frosh Chris Coppin in the loser 's game. The Sophomores won 70 to 56 .

Height plays an important part in basketball. The Seniors needed it, so they added Lecture and Yancey ( LEFT), but the faculty had a few tricks of their own and pulled out the win, 76 to 70.

to play the faculty .

• •

AT LEFT , Al "Saga" Wa~er serves it up for the faculty . BELOW, Dave Kraft found the way to stop Mr. Willis, step on his foot.




A N I 2





8 142

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Student Governinent Functions

Ned Buchman, President; Bill Lecture, Vice-President; Mike Maier, Secretary ; Paul Coppin, Treasurer; Harold Feeney, Assistant -Treasurer.


P. C. gets his point across.


Dan Dugaw comtemplates the issue.

Under New Conditions.

• •

We, of the Samahi Staff, feel that although the year could have been better, the Student Council did much for St. Martin's. Each member was devoted to the Student Body, and each did much for his, our school. The job of Student Council is to promote the welfare of the students. This was set as the '67- ' 68 Council goa l. This goa l was attained thro ugh their continued efforts and actions. With a little more cooperation from the students and the faculty, this year's Student Co uncil would have been more successful, as it should have been. We can only look back and thank our Student Government for a job well done.

Ned Buchman and Bill Lecture hashing out a problem.

STANDING: Dan Dugaw , Bob Yancey, Dan O'Neill, Larry Zarembinski, Tom O'Brien, Joe Me ier, Chris Coppin, Da ve Owens, Bill HilHer. SITTING: Father Cletus, Tim White, Mike Maier, Ned Buchman, Bill Lecture, Paul Coppin. 145

Debaters Master Forens ic s

• • •

Although Debate did not achieve a fantastic record this year, much credit must be given to all its members . A salute to those who shared the victo ries and defeats , a like .

Tim Coppin Central League Champion - Debate

Ward White Central League Champion Debate , Extemp. , and Expository

FRONT: Jim Smith , Rick Fulle r, John Gorman, Steve Morrill , Steve Stein , Bob Gregg , Joe Murphy , Wa rd White . BACK : John Robe rtson , Dave Williams , Dave Morgan , Da n Vinning, Jim Tobin , Vince Walke r, Tim Coppin.

14 6

Jim Tobin

Rid Fulkr

Joe Murphy

Viiic,· \·v :111,n

Tim Swift

The Musicinakers of St. Martin's . .. Glee Club ...

LEFT TO RIGHT: ROW 1, B. Andrade, M. Torrence, C. Picou, J. Hinchliff. ROW 2, J. Hammer , D. LaFond, J. Berschauer . ROW 3, A. Cowdin , J. Kenney, B. Brown, B. Phillips, Director: Mr. Core, Accompanis t: John Sullivan. Director: Mr. Core Accompanist: John Sullivan


FRONT: P. Ambrose, B. Daniels, S. Sagmiller, J. Spath, K. Johnson, C. O'Br ian, L. Burger, N. Kartheiser, Mr. Core . MIDDLE: J. Klinkoz , M. Ellison, D. Guillot, H. McIntyre, R. Weinman, D. Gillmore, R. Moore, K. Ryan

and Band


develops I I I
















FRONT ROW LEFT TO RIGHT : W. Burke, Francom , Zaremb inski, Free ly, Resner , Gesler , Do lde , Ruegamer , A. Busek, Engel , Gregg , Fouts , Kelley , McIntosh, Kolze, E. Johnson. STANDING : M. Martino, Osburn , Burns , B. Anderson , Dodd, P. Coppin , J. Busek, Edwards, R. Smith , Choquette, Gallagher, Grey , Baldacci , Hogan , T . Copp in, W. White .

The editors of the ARROW had one objective this yea r, that was to cha llenge the students of St. Marrin's. The ARROW intended to be more than just the gossip a round schoo l. The selection of stories that was made was intended to be both of interest and importance to the h igh school student , espec ially the student of St. Martin 's High School. By dealing with the school newspaper on a more serious level , many members of the ARROW staff were brought closer to the level of professional journalists than they might have otherwise. The staff was a lso challenged by the vita l ity and the dynamic nature of the communication arts. Some accepted the challenge; others did no t. Part of the challenge was to write, produce , and publish the entire newspaper on the St. Martin 's campus. Under the g uida nce of Bro the r Romuald Laverdiere, the editors and some staff members gained va luable mechanica l skills while working with the production and printing stages of the news paper. Editors: Bob Kegel , Pa tr ick Kelley, Garey Fouts, Ned Buchman, Matt Mc Cormick . Printer: Brother Romuald Laverdiere.


Doug Dave, on Bro. Ro's IBM

ARROW reporters Ned Buchman and Par Kelley on locarion arh rhe Viernamese rraining camp My-Thanh, Fort Lewis.

journalisin skills ... Brorher Romuald- wirhour his devotion rhere would be no ARROW.

ARROW co-edirors Marr McCormick and Ned Buchman ar Searrle Universiry Press Workshop .


FROM LEFT: Ned Buchman, co-editor; Mat McCorm ick , co-editor; Doug Daue, faculty editor ; Bob Gregg , typist; Tim Coppin, photographer; Ma rk Bloms, activitie s editor; Tim Gesler, photographer; Paul Coppin, classes editor; editor; Pat Ke lley, organizations editor.

SAMAHI rushes to n1ake final deadline • • • Long hours, long nights, and long rolls of fil m have produced the largest annual in the history of St. Martin 's. More than 10 thousand words of copy a nd 725 photographs and pieces of artwork were combined together to make th is portra it of St. Martin's 1967- 68. The SAMA HI staff feels that besides producing the biggest yearbook, it has also produced the best yea rboo k ever to come out of St. Martin's.

Shoot ing from the hip, shutterbu gs Coppin and McCormick waste some more film.

Mr . Larry Aasness, our faithful Taylor

Publishing Company representa tive.


George Hancock, art editor; MISSING: Bill Lecture , sports

Hancock designs SAMAHI cover . . .

•.. while Kelley lays out pages .

Buch man checks the l atest negatives in the darkroom.

ABO VE: Lecture picks out pictures for sports section. LEFT : The Coppins consult each oth er on copy .

With a new desire to establish strong rooter for athletic events, as well as boost the overall morale of the student body, M-Club, the letterman's association of St. Martin's, was reinaugerated this year. Under the leadership of president Mike Hazlitt, M-Club raised funds by such projects as pen sales, and participated in the Homecoming activities with a car smash. Bonfires, and pep rallies created excitement that carried over to the next night's game, when the "uniformed" M-Club members demonstrated their spirit and determination on the playing field and court.

Officers: Mike Hazlitt, President; George Hancock, Vice-President; Dan O'Neil, Student Council Representative; Stev e Dolde, Secretary-Treasurer; Bill Anderson, Sergeant at Arms.


ROW I: LEFT TO RIGHT: J. Eklund, M. Maier, D. Dugaw, D. Kraft, T. Choquette, A. Busek, M. Mackenzie, P. Coppin. ROW II: D. O'Neil, R. Engel, R. Keefe, M. Bloms, M. Hazlitt, D. Lafond, T. Meeker, M. Snowberger. ROW III: G. Erkins, M. Wensman, T. Flateau, R. Tardiff, S. Hillier, L. Zarembinski, R. Kuehn, D. Owens, R. Lane. ROW IV: G. Wigren, P. Auseth, P. Miller, H. Nance, D. Daue, C. Paul, G. Hancock, M. Hillier, M. McCormick. ROW V: R. Maloney, S. Gamache, N. Buchman, R. Yancey, s. Dolde, W. Lecture, R. Jones.

M-Cluh provides spirit on and off the athletic field ..


The end of a successful day.

Mike Hazlitt takes out his frustrations. 155

Skiers Think Snow •

• •

Poor ski condit ions this year co uld not keep St. Martin's dedicated "schuss boomers" from the slopes . Pilgrimages to Cry stal Mountain in search of snow , sun , and "torn boots" were organized nearly e very Sunday during the winter and early sp ring months . This year's ski club officers were: Greg Erkins, president ; Mike Ruegamer, vice president; Ste ve Stein , treasurer; Tim Gesler , secretary; Rick Smith , sergeant at-ar ms .

The lure of the moun tains

Is this how you wedeln?

The only way to fly. Grey Erkims, Ski Club President

FRONT (L. AND R.): Buchman, Stein, Martino, Gerhard, Erkins, Ruegamer, Owens, Gesler. STANDING: Topalian, Darling, Waite, Leckie, Dolde, Smith, Keely, Knauss, Gregg, Gallagher, Zarembinski, Grey, Freely, Kuhen, McGill, Hillier, Meeker, Johnson, Clarke, Hunter, Graisy, Morgan.


Senior Directory ANDERSON , William 710 Fife Hts . Dr. E. Tacoma , Wash. WA 2-b940

COX, David 1007 15th E. Seank, ¼a'sh. EA ,:,-0840


Hchael 1102 Esh m 1 Rd . C nrralia, W:ish. 731i --- 514

DA l.!E , Douglas 120 ci Pino olo Dr. Santa I.aria, Calif. 937-4412

BAUER, Bruce

DEl\l RE::,1, . iichad Rt. 10 Box 4 u B Olympia , Wash, 49) - 1467

P. 0 . Box h i7 Dunsmir , Calif. 23 .5 -:2 026


402 Giles Olympia , FLATEAU 319 P. G.

Seattle , fol 3 - 33 fi FOUTS,

4~3 W. Bates Tumwater, Wash. :3;:2 - 1 :..'.2

DODD, Spenser 7305 4'.2nd N. E. Searrle, \\lash . L,l,. 3-2134,

BLO;1.,JS, !\·l ark :3o01 Friendly Grove Rd . Olympia , Wash. 3 5:2-9451

DOLDE, Steven 94 7 federal Ave. E. Seattle , Wash . f..-\ 5 - 1393

BODE, Nichol as t22 W . 4 th /\ Iosco ,,, Ida ho ~$2 - '1521

DUG A V./, Daniel Box 398 Toledo , Wash. 864 - 437]

BUCH,\IAN, l\!ed 218 s. W. 178 th

ECKROTH, William 0304 S. Sheridan

BJORK, Robert

Portland, 2:32-0039 FREELEY 3310 N. E -533 Harv Sea ttle, EA 4 - 549

FREL\J.AN, Richard Rt. 1

:565 -




KELLEY, Patr ick

Coach Willis guides Rangers

Kraft tries to beat out the throw to first .

Dugaw scrambles to regain first base .

left: Fife gets his man at second base .

Paul Coppin fouls. In the on-deck circle is Dave Kraft.


to Best Season in Years.

FRONT: H. Feeney, Russell, Dziedzic, Mikita, Kraft, Dugaw, Keller. BACK: Coach Willis, Freeman, M. Hillier, Bloms, Fife, Coppin, Snyder, MacKenzie. MISSING: Acuff. Dave Kraft - Inspirational Player.

League: 11 Wins, 7 Losses Season: 12 Wins, 8 Losses PLAYER


Bloms Freeman Hillier Dziedzic Dugaw Kraft Mikita Coppin Fife Snyder Russell Feeney Acuff Keller

.348 . 314 . 313 . 241 . 238 . 194 .184 . 181 . 156 .076 .000 .000 .000 .000

PITCHERS Fife-40 innings, 29 hits, 17 walks, 54 strike-outs, 4 wins, 3 losses. Kraft-36 innings, 18 hits, 17 walks, 41 strike-outs, 6 wins, 1 loss. Hillier-25 innings, 24 hits, 14 walks, 15 strike-outs, 0 wins, 4 losses.

Varsity Track

FRONT: Miller, Paul, Dionese, Wigren. 2ND ROW: Maier, Lecture, Nance, Snowberger, Zarembinski. 3RD ROW: Se)-.1:on, Kuehn, Hillier, P. Owens, D. Owens, Choquette, Wensman, MayT, Auseth, Tardiff, Nickel, McCormick.

Young Team Builds for Next Year. ..

Lecture breaks from the blocks.

Choquette throws the discus.

Dave Ow ens - High Jump

Mike Maier hands off to Marv Snowberger on the 880 Relay.

Charlie Paul - Long Jump

Rick Tardiff heads down the last stretch of the Mile.

Left: Bill Lecture clears the High Jump.

Frosh Trackers Prove Great Potential for Varsity ...

A Team Front Row: Baker, Ballew, Hess, Kartheiser, Foster, Foster, Vernon, Boren, Danford, Wellander. Back Row: Coach Donaldson , Swift, Swift, R yan, Weinman, Anderson, Gilmo r e, R eser, Hillman, Orth, Thompson, Peck, Coppin, Smith, McCarty, Gibbon, Glaisyer, Andrade, Obrien, Stricklett, Moore, Philips, McDanold.

"B" Tea1n Front Row: Reinhardt, Burke, Taylor, Manza, Mathies, Johnson, Fuller, Strubb, Kenney, Morrill, Shaefer, Cleaver. Second Row: Coach Donaldson, Petkovits, Taylor, Hoffman, Williams, Johnston, Clancy , Feeney, Darling, Gorman, Johnson, Anderson, McMahan.

"C" Team

From Left: Phillips, Kennish , Kinsella, Taylor, Ybarra, Hunter, Brown, Vitolo.

left; Mothers and their sons gather in front of the cafeteria for luncheon.

below; Fr, Conrad celebrates Mass in the courtyard .

Mother's Day St. Martin's Style . . Mother's Day was celebrated at¡ St. Martin 's this year by the Marty's boys hosting their mothers and the members of the Seattle, Tacoma, and O l ympia Mothers' Clubs. Events of the day included: Mass in the quadrangle; luncheon in the cafeteria; addresses by Abbot Gerald and A ,S, B. President - el ect Paul Coppin; a mus ical presentat ion by the Ranger Band, St , Martin's Gl ee Club, and the St. Placid' s Chorus; the latest edition of the ARROW; and a finale recept ion . below; Everyone enjoyed the delic io us lunch .

below; Sons showing their Mothers around the campus .


President-elect Paul Coppin r eceive s congratulations from his Mother.

Dick R ydman - a member of the Ranger band.

below ; Paul Coppin delivers a tribute to the Mothers.

The St. Martin's Glee Club under the direction of Mr. Core.

The Class of 1968 start their final day at Saint Martin's with Mass.

Abbot Gerald leads the concelebrated Mass.

Never too busy for a pose.

right; Flagbearers Harold Feeney and Bob Dziedzic lead the graduates to the Pav ilion.


The Mount Angel Choir

Valedictory address by Ned. Huchman.

Salutator i an Dan D ugaw r eceiv es h i s diploma . Commencement address by Dr . W.

Th e Realization of a four Year Dream .. .



Class of '68 Bades FareweJJ--to St. Martin's

PONCE , Jose 5 Maka turi ng St. Que zon City, Philippines '.23-9 9- 76

TOBI N, Ja mes 128 11 l t th St . Sea ttle, Wa s11. CH 3 - SS? G

RIMSRITO G, l'eng 5/ 7 - 8 Rong aung Soi 5 Bangkok, ail d 34418

TORRE. CE, James Rt. 1 Box 497 Olympia , Wash .


Olympia , 352-3980 SHERWOO 2834 5th Renton , W 915 - 2293

16735 10th N. E. Sea ttl e, Wa sh . EM 3 - 8 13 1

1322 E. 9th Olympia, Iv ash . 352 - 3505

MO NAHAN , Wayne P. O. Box 723 Ore .

OSBURN, Blake Gerh a rt Hotel Ger ha rt , Ore .

SNOW BERG 11239 S. E. 112 th Ren ton, Wash . AL 5 - 5820

nd Ave. Ellensburg, Wash. 925 - 1988

Kenneth ef rson l. \ve a1ch , Wa sh.

PA UL, Dan iel 915 S. E. 60 th Lacey , Wash. 491-397 8

SNYDER, Richard 415 Greenwalt Pl.

WHITE, Barrett 1928 Forest Hill Dr. Olympia, Wash.

McCORi\1ICK, Matthew 965 W. 11-<th gen , Ore.

PICOU, Chris 13816 N. E. 1 Bell vue , WasH. SH 6- 90 64

1,...,~ J~ ,

343 -22 60


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