7M 1949
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word... _
Published by the Associated Students of St. Martin's College under the direction of the Departments of English and Journalism.
hese m¡e sparks for 1ninds ...
Tiny blocks of 111,etal capable of outhning in neat rows an iclea, a mincl, an education, or a civilization. These an the sparks that set civilization aflame. With wann hope ... shattering wars ... Truths .. ancl lfos ...
H e1¡e i..;; the worlcl of books conceived ancl born.
Here in the printer's shop ... the smell of molten rnetal acricl in the nostrils ... thick black 01'.ly pots of ink ... and glea1ning white paper ... Here is the foundation of an education ... the ta,ll colurnns of books upon which the student .fornis his lea1Tdng.
ook< ... Stndcnt.. ... P,ofmon ...
On this trinity is n co /11:.1!.1: n111slnu:ted . . . T/1e.11: tl,rr:c form t/11: lri11m vim tc and th e 111/iolc of erluo1lion ... C:01/1:f!_e is not tl, e ivy cov aed p;uthir: ln,ildings . .. !h t.路 lnr)(/d wi11 rli11r, wal/1s . . . //11: gm p;f/11/111111 cwnj)lfs . . . Th ese nre the rl aorntion. . . . th e lrujJj1ings . .. 1hr: p;i 11gerln1:ocl ... th e resnlt of 1111 n/1.1,nni ossuriolirill . . . t/11: Jnndul"/s of rrn 11111:xcrl/1:d col!t:ction m11chiru: and a sentimenlal grad 1u1t e. 11 u1/lcg1: is u1111f!n.1路ed of Jnofr:s.rnrs 1111d huokL
T/11: /)(ldgr: of 1h r. student, his fn11rrnga1:, is l1is boo/; .1路 . . . Whetl,r:r lhr:y hr: t/11: r:r11dile, nl111osl i11 co111Jn1:lw11 si hl1: tr:x /s fro111. th e 路1 nillion -dolla-r /Hess of the Jnofit 111i11ded /Jri11lr:r . .. nr th e humhle, sturdy, rmrl so11te li111 cs i11col11:rr:r1t 110/r:/;ool:s /1nlilinp; Jn1:r:io11s JH1_1.;-r:s lohoriously insrril1erl. r/1.1.ring r:/11s.ffoom lec/uu:s TIH: sign of th e college st11d ent is his buuhs ...
"If sl11de11ts liave nol otquired some facility in ll1e inlellr:c lur1l
disci/Jlin es, college edur:alinn is lorgely a far ce."
\ ~ r you bave i>cen in ,tny or Mike"s classes ... If you ha,·t majored ~ iu English or journalism and heard .. . " T/,e /JurjJos e
11 r-ollr:ge erl11calio11 should /)(: l o discipline flu:
111i11d, not lo fneprire for 11 rnrr:er . . . C:11/lurr: r·a1i'l r.xis t in t/1 e J-V esl _; we ore Ion
/711sy figJ,ti11p: !11rli11ns . .. Mon's l1ip,J,esl oc/1i r:vr.ine nl is found
111 I•:nglis/, l ,ilemlur r: . . . "
Ir you felt his respect for we ll-lountlcd opinion ... your opinion ...
Or ir you re me mbe r that iVJikc organized th e student council. acted as sllldent body advi~or, created the department of journalism . . . is hea d or the departrn e nt of English . Or if you have e ver watched this Chicago University and Flanard graduate pound out sparkling idiomatic sports and news copy ... Or rea lized that here is
of letters.
111 short ... If you k11ow ;vfikc, th e n you k11ow why . . .
To Michat>I
C:ontris, a dedication.
igh t. THE RIGHT REVEREND RAPHAEL HEIDER, M.A., LL.D. Preside nt of th e College, Abbot of St. Martin's Abbey. Art. Chairman of the National Catholic Educa tion Association vVestern Re gional Unit. VERY REVEREND JAMES PIOTRZKOWSKI, M.A. Vi ce-President, Bursar of the College. Typewriting. REVEREND GERALD DESMOND, Ph.D. Dean of the College. Sociology. Anthropology. Fellow of th e American Anthropological Association. REVEREND MEINRAD J. GAUL, M.A. Dea n of Instruction, Registrar. European History. Below- First row. REVEREND PHILIP V. BAGAN, A.B., M.A. Classical Languages. Student Chaplain, Maurist. Society Direc tor, and Olympia Moth er's Club Moderator. REVEREND MARCEL BERTHON, A.B., M.A. Roma nce Languages. REVEREND RICHARD CEBULA. A.B., iVI.Sc. Ma thematics. Civil Engineering: Prefect of Discipline. Dean of Instrnction and R egistrar. REVEREND WILLIAM DICKERSON, A.B. Psychology. Dramatics. Second row-VERY REVEREND BEDE ERNSDOR.FF, B.Sc., M.Sc. Ph.D. Chemistry. Honors: DuPon t Fellowship in Che mistry, Sigma Xi (Scientific Research) , Phi Lambda Upsilon (Chemical Honorary ), Gamma Alpha (Science Honora ry). Priest of the Most High a nd Jvionk of St. Benedict. REVEREND LEONARD FEENEY, A.B., M.A. , English. REVEREND MICHAEL FEENE:Y, A.B. Sociology. MR. WALTER W. FLYNN, B.S c. Engin ee ring. Assistant Football Coach, Tennis and Golf Coach, Advisor, Enginee ring S e minar.
First Row. REVEREND ALPHONSE FUCHS , A.B., M.A. Philosophy. Latin. German. Purchasing Agent and Treasure r of St. Martin's. Director of Benedictine Oblates. REVEREND ANSGAR R. HALLEN, A.B., M.A. English. French. REVEREND THOMAS R. HANLEY, M.A., Ph.D., S.T.S. Political Science. Transla to r of two books, a uthor of several articles. MR. WILLIAM V. HANSON, A.B. Speech. Forensics.
Second Row. DR. MATTHEW KAST, Ph.D. Dean of the School of Business Administration . Honors: Ph .D. (Magna Cum Laude) at the University of Munich, Germany. Director on Board of Directors, Pacific Northwest Trade Association; Chairman of Advertising and Publicity Committee, Olympia -Chamber of Commerce. REVEREND EUGENE KELLENBENZ, A.B., M.A. Music. Director of Octet and Mixed Chorus. MR. RICHARD LA WRENCE, A.B. Journalism. City Editor of The Daily Olympian. The late REVEREND GEORGE MONDA, M.Sc. Biological Sciences.
Third Row. MR. FRANCIS MOOTHART, A.B. School of Business. Accounting. MR. XAVIER W. NADY, JR., A.B. Athletics. Physical Education. Director of Athletics. Head Coach in Football, Basketball, and Baseball. REVEREND LUKE O'DONNELL, A.B. in L. S. Librarian. Author of The Weakness of God, Bruce, 1949. Pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes Mission, Wilkeson, Washington. College Fire Marshal. REVEREND PATRICK HOLLERN, A.B. Philosophy, Religion. Following Page: First Row. REVEREND AUGUSTINE J. OSGNIACH, A.B., M.A., Ph. D. Philosophy. Latin. Author of The Analysis of Objects, Wagn er 1938 ; The Christian State, Brnce 1943. REVEREND CLEMENT PANGRATZ, A.B. Music. Harmony. Piano. REVEREND LAWRENCE PIOTRZKOWSKI, A.B., M.Sc. (L.S.) Geology. Infirma rian. REVEREND JOHN H. RAYMOND, M.Sc., Ph.D. Head of Department of Mathematics. Honors: Sigma Xi (Science Honorary). Manager of College Bookstore, Faculty Athletic Representative to the Evergreen Intercollegiate Conference.
Second Row. R E V E R E N D C O N R A D RAUSCH, A.B. Sociology. Honors: Bachelor's Degree Magna Cum Laude. Supervisor of Students' Refectory. REVEREND HENRY ROZYCKI, M.Sc. Physics. Head of Science Division, Physics Department. Pastor of Sts. Peter and Paul Church, Tacoma ; Cha plain of Parish and Pierce County Unit C.vV.V. BROTHER GEORGE W. ROARK, JR. , LLB. History. Registrar. REVEREND SEBASTIAN RUTH, AB. Radio.
Third Row. REVEREND JEROME TONER, B.Sc., S.T.L., M.A. , Ph.D. Political Science. Author of The Closed Shop, The Closed Shop in Great Britain, and Th e Closed Shop and the Taft Act. Mediator, VVorld Federation of Trade Unions, Paris, France. Member of American Economic Association, American Arbitration Association, Catholic Economic Association, Association of Catholic Trade Unionists, Pi Gamma Mu (Social Science Honorary). REV-
EREND BERTRAND TRAUTMAN, A.B., M. A. Political Scie nce. REVEREND GREGORY WALL, A.B. Prefec t of Discipline. iWcmbcr of College Board of Discipline. REVEREND FELIX WIRTH, AB. Agriculture. Biological Science.
Faculty Members Without Pictures. REVEREND MATTHEW BRITT, A.B. American History. Latin. Author of A Dictionary of the Psalter. MR. GEORGE D. COOLEY, B.Sc. in M.E. Engineering. Athletics. Physical Education. JV Football, Basketball Coach. Track Coach. REVEREND DAMIAN GLENN , A.B., M.A. Speech. Director of St. iVIartin's Publicity Department. REVEREND ANDREW McHUGH, A.B. Dramatics. DR. THOMAS J. TAYLOR, M.D. Anatomy. REVEREND MARTIN TONER, M.A. Education. MR. GEORGE VAN MIEGHEJVI, B.Sc. Ma thematics. Physical Education. MR. LLOYD VINCENT, A.B. Physical EduC'ation.