Saint Martin's University Insights, Winter 2022-23

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martin’s university • winter 2022-23

Jennifer Bonds-Raacke, Ph.D.

Record-breaking Gala raises $3 million


for alumni and friends saint
Saint Martin’s celebrates first female President
2 | LAST LOOK saint martin’s university winter 2022–23 contents 04 08 28 32 04 Inauguration of 11th President 08 A record-breaking Gala with Anne Burrell 12 Update: For Every Saint Campaign 28 A new director for athletics 32 Alumni Profile, Proud to Serve EDITORS Jocelyn Bonilla ‘21 Nate Peters MBA’19 CREATIVE DIRECTOR Marki Carson GRAPHIC DESIGNER Sandy Williams CONTRIBUTORS President Jennifer Bonds-Raacke Scot Gladstone Nicole Hirao ’23 James Johnson MBA’96 Jaima Kortlever ‘21 Br. Boniface V. Lazzari, O.S.B. Abbot Marion Nguyen, O.S.B. Steve O’Brien Michael Otter-Johnson ‘19, MBA’22 Shanna Paxton Photography Cassidy Rehwaldt Photography Caleb Sharp ’23 Vratsa Symphony Katie Wojke 03 President’s Greeting 34 Alum Notes 14 Abbey News 38 Alumni Events 16 In Memoriam 40 Homecoming Weekend ’23 18 Campus News 42 Alumni Events Calendar 26 Athletics 43 Year of Belonging 12 PRINTING Capitol City Press Insights is the official magazine of Saint Martin’s University. ©2023 All rights reserved. We invite your comments and suggestions. Please email them to Please send alumni news and address changes to: Institutional Advancement, 5000 Abbey Way SE Lacey, WA 98503; telephone 360-491-4700; email Saint Martin’s University is an equal opportunity educator and employer. Visit us online at

From the Office of the President

Greetings Saints,

My name is Dr. Jennifer Bonds-Raacke. With all of my heart and being, I welcomed the opportunity to serve as the 11th president of Saint Martin’s University, and to serve as the first woman president in the University’s history, when I started my term on July 1, 2022. Following a national search and unanimous selection by the Board of Trustees, my family and I moved to the Pacific Northwest on May 31 from De Pere, WI. Previously, I served as the provost and vice president of academic affairs at St. Norbert College. Each day since arriving, we have experienced an outpouring of Benedictine hospitality from this wonderful community.

To that end, I have met many of our dedicated alumni since arriving. From event and committee volunteers to our active Saints Athletics fans, our alumni engagement is truly inspiring. Many have shared the saying, “Once a Saint, always a Saint!” I look forward to meeting many more in the coming months at alumni events!

For the 2022-2023 academic year, we chose the annual theme of the Year of Belonging. As the first person in my family to go to college, I know how important that sense of belonging is for our students’ success, as well as for the success of other members of our community. With an emphasis on building community through intentional ways of gathering, we have held a number of events to do just that. As you read on throughout Insights, you will see glimpses of the Saint Martin’s experience through the personal lenses of our alumni, monastic members, students, faculty and staff. These lived experiences influence not only our history but the future of the University.

In closing, my first six months as a Saint have only furthered my love for the mission of Saint Martin’s University and our students. I look forward to leading our beloved University toward its bright future together. Go Saints!

With heart,

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers


10. 08 . 2022

A historic day for Saint

Martin’s University

On October 8, 2022, we celebrated the Presidential Inauguration of the 11 th president, and first female president, Dr. Jennifer Bonds-Raacke .

Delegates of other higher education institutions and guests traveled from across the country to celebrate this important day with the Saint Martin’s community.

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“My family and I arrived in Washington on May 31st and each day since, we have been welcomed with an outpouring of Benedictine hospitality from our students, staff, faculty, monks, alumni, friends of the University, and leaders of our local community.”

President Bonds-Raacke
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record-breaking $3 million was raised for student scholarships at the annual Saint Martin’s University Gala on November 5.

More than 600 alumni and friends came to the campus to see Celebrity Chef Anne Burrell, hugely popular and fan-favorite host of Worst Cooks in America, Worst Cooks in America: Celebrity Edition and the new Food Network series Vegas Chef Prize Fight.

Gala guests enjoyed an exquisite Italian five-course, wine-paired menu, along with a lively and generous live auction, and an after party with the Seattle-based band, Mr. Pink.

The Saint Martin’s Gala is the University’s annual black-tie scholarship fundraiser. In 2022, the Gala was in its 16 th year, and was the first for Dr. Jennifer Bonds-Raacke as she began her tenure as the 11 th president.

“We are grateful to everyone who attended the Saint Martin’s Gala, which was a record-breaking fundraiser that will enable us to offer scholarships to many of our students,” said President Bonds-Raacke.“These scholarships play a major role in helping our students pursue their aspirations, earn their degrees and contribute their talents to our community.”

We welcomed back to campus alumna Tracey Porter ’20, along with her twin brother Tony ’20 and younger sister Nicole ’21, to share her story as our alumni speaker. “Our family knew a college education for the three of us would be beyond our reach, but we received enough scholarships to make our educational dreams a reality,” shared Porter. “I know we were brought to Saint Martin’s for a reason, and I know this university will continue to support students and families just like ours.”

“I am thrilled to have been the chef for this year’s Gala! The love in this room is palpable.” said Burrell. “Thank you everyone who came, who donated, and who made this event so joyful.”

To view photos from the event, visit

If you were unable to attend the Gala, or would like to make an additional gift, you can still support student scholarships by making a gift online at u

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Anthonyʼs Homeport & Anthonyʼs Hearthfire Grill

Aurora Lasik

Bon Appétit

Capitol City Press

Chicago Title

COCO Sherrié

Columbia Hospitality

Dancing Goats Coffee

Eola Hills Wine Cellars

Hanson Subaru


Lucky No. 3 Tattoo Company

Olympia Federal Savings

Panowicz Jewelers

Pho Bac Restaurant

Rob Rice Homes

ShowCase Media

South Sound Magazine

Sunset Air

Villa Antorini


Saint Martin’s Table Sponsors

FORMA Construction

Joe HD’21 & Liz Williams

MJR Development

Saint Benedict Table Sponsors

Armandino Batali ’59, HD’15

John & Michelle Riel

Kathy & Gordon Beecher

Tedi Reynolds ’71/Mark Templeton ’69

The Rants Group

Toni Christy ’04, MBA ’06

Waite ’65 & Patty Dalrymple

Saint Gertrude Table Sponsors

Chris ’80 & Lisa Thomsen

David Slotwinski & Roselyn Marcus

Diamond Technology Innovations

The Jernigan Foundation

The Evergreen State College

Great Western Supply

Heritage Bank

Heye Family

Kathleen O’Grady

Lemon Family Dental

MultiCare Capital Medical Center

Olympia Orthopaedic Associates

Perry & Susan Shea

Providence Swedish

Puget Sound Energy

Rockefeller Capital Management

The Bloom Williams Group



South Sound Behavioral Hospital

Sunset Air

Teri Woo, Director of Nursing

Timberland Bank

Tovani Hart

Twinstar Credit Union

US Bank

Virgil Adams Real Estate

$3,000 Level Sponsors

South Puget Sound Community College

$2,500 Level Sponsors

ImageSource, INC

Lucky Eagle Casino & Hotel

Squaxin Island Tribe

Moss Adams

INSIGHTS WINTER 2022–23 | 11
you to the many sponsors, businesses and individuals who donated their time, auction items, in-kind goods and services towards the success of this year’s Gala.

$20m People: Agents of Excellence

$50m $30m Place: Centers for Student life & Learning

Purpose: Access & Opportunity

$100 million goal


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The For Every Saint campaign reflects the university’s commitment to bringing together “people, place and purpose” to serve and promote the common good. The generosity of donors through this campaign will help the university

1) enhance academic excellence and innovative program development, with particular attention to attracting and retaining diverse and dedicated faculty;

2) construct, and create through renovation, modern facilities that promote community and bolster student learning and development; and

3) dramatically increase scholarships and holistic support for our undergraduate and graduate students.

As of September 30, 2022 , the university has raised $93.2 million towards the campaign.

$93 million raised


To learn more about how you can participate in the For Every Saint campaign and support Saint Martin’s University, please contact a member of the Campaign Steering Committee or the Office of Institutional Advancement staff at 360-438-4366;

Campaign Chairs

Pam and Rick HD’20 Panowicz

Tedi ’71 and Dennis ’69 ✝ Reynolds

Liz and Joe HD’21 Williams

Committee Memmbers

Abbot Marion Nguyen, O.S.B.

President Jennifer Bonds-Raacke, Ph.D.

Prior Nicolaus Wilson, O.S.B.

Betty and Joseph HS’62, ’66 Alongi

✝ In loving memory of our alumni and friends.

Sam Armour

Armandino Batali ’59, HD’15

Sharon Brown ’73

G. Michael Cronk HS’61, ’64

Brian Fluetsch

John Gallagher HS’65, ’69

Inge Marcus ’82, HD’17

Drew Phillips

Perry Shea ’84

Patricia Skeel

Patricia and Dave HS’61 Smith

Christopher Thomsen ’80

Gabriel Wadsworth ’14

University Staff

Katie Wojke

INSIGHTS WINTER 2022–23 | 13

Abbey News

Monastic HapPenings

The world turns, and a year has passed since I last "took pen in hand" to write a few lines for this space. Much for the good and for the bad has occurred during that year. Within the monastic community, our novices have professed vows and are engaged in work in both monastery and school; in our university community, we have a new president and are transitioning to a new style of leadership. In February 2022, ABBOT MARION NGUYEN received the first vows of BROTHERS THERIE PASCUA and SIMEON GOODSON Both are members of the Abbey Schola, under the direction of BROTHER AELRED WOODARD , choirmaster. Both are studying, as well as doing work in the University. BROTHER THERIE is assisting in the Office of Admissions, and BROTHER SIMEON is assisting in the area of Student Services.

The monastic community was an active participant in the inauguration of our President Jennifer Bonds-Raacke on October 8 th . ABBOT MARION was principal celebrant at the Mass of Inauguration. ABBOT EMERITUS NEAL ROTH , FATHER KILIAN MALVEY , FATHER PAUL WECKERT , FATHER PETER TYNAN , BROTHER MARK BONNEVILLE and BROTHER PASCAL GREENE all played liturgical roles. The Abbey Schola, under the direction of BROTHER AELRED sang "Shall We Gather At the River", accompanied by a guitar. At the investure following, Abbot marion received the new President's profession of faith and presented her with special copy of the "Rule of Benedict". BROTHER RAMON NEWELL , long-time Abbey and University postmaster, was asked by President Bonds-Raacke to write a poem to commemorate the occasion. As a part of the investure of the President, BROTHER RAMON recited his original poem. On 15 th October, BROTHER RAMON once more took up the mantel of poet. He recited another of his poems, this one with "respite" as theme, as part of the University's Sacred Music Concert in the Abbey Church.

The new President and her family have joined the monastic community a number of times for prayer in the Abbey Church, followed by a meal in the monastic refectory. In late September, the Abbot and his Senior Council-cum-Board of Directors hosted the President and her Cabinet at a dinner at Lambert Lodge, the monastic retreat on the Sound.

These two leadership groups were able to mingle informally and to enjoy fine appetizers and a delicious meal pre-pared by BROTHER PACHOMIUS HAMOR and Jason Seid of Institutional Advancement. Abbey Seniors in attendance in addition tothe Abbot were PRIOR NICOLAUS WILSON , BROTHER AELRED , BROTHER MARK , BROTHER LUKE DEVINE , BROTHER BEDE NICOL and this writer. It was a lovely Fall afternoon, which turned into rainy evening.

Most Benedictine monasteries have something in the way of art collections; some also have artists-in-residence living at the monastery for a time. When I first came to Saint Martin’s as a student many years ago, the community had an artist-monk, Brother Bruno. He not only made beautiful art, but one could watch him throw pots on a wheel and creatobeautiful things. Brother Bruno left the community in 1969, but many examples of his fine work still can be seen on campus. He achieved some fame as an artist. At one time he studied at The Art Students League New York City. His pieces are in the Lannan Collection, New York City, and the American Embassy, Tokyo, among other public collections. In mid-August, we received word that he died peacefully at the age of 85 in the Adirondack Mountains where he’d long lived and worked. Condolences to his younger brother Rom LaVerdiere, who also was once a monk at Saint Martin’s, and who is the father of a Saint Martin's alum.

In other monastic news, BROTHER DAMIEN-JOSEPH RAPPUHN continues his theological studies at Mount Angel Abbey, where FATHER PETER is enrolled in a graduate program which allows him to continue his University work in Campus Ministry at the same time he is completing a degree program. ABBOT MARION has initiated series of monastic conferences on the “Rule of Benedict” on Saturdays after conventual Mass. In addition to being a Saint Martin's student and doing much work out-of-doors, BROTHER PASCAL is assisting BROTHER RAMON in the Saint Martin’s Post Office.

As a New Year approaches, let us give thanks for the blessings we’ve received in the year which is ending u

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The Abbey's annual concert/lecture series, Abbey Church Events, continues its 41st season on January 14th, 2023, with the return of the MAXWELL STRING QUARTET. Por their 8 p.m. recital in the Abbey Church, the Maxwell Quartet will be joined by pianist Awadagin Pratt. As a part of their performance, the Maxwell Quartet, joined by Mr. Pratt, will play CLOUDS, by the Jamacan-British composer Eleanor Alberga, one of the world's leading Black female composers. The Maxwell, based in Scotland, first appeared at the Abbey in 2019 on their first American tour. Mr. Pratt, who has been described as "one of the great keyboard artists of our time", will be making his Abbey debut.


Our 2022-2023 season concludes on March 18th, 2023, with the return of pianist ALBERT CANO SMIT

Mr. Cano Smit debuted at the Abbey in the Spring of 2022 when he collaborated with flutist Anthony Trionfo in concert. "Le Devoir" described Mr. Cano Smit as "a moving young poet". He is the recipient of the 2017 Walter W. Naumburg Competition and the 2019 Young Concert Artists International Auditions, where he was First Prize winner, among other awards. He was a great favorite with our Abbey Church Events audience last Spring.

The annual concert series is free and open to the public, donations are greatly appreciated. Abbey Church Events, an annual concert/lecture series, has been presented by the monks of Abbey since 1980. All Abbey Church Event concerts take place at 8 p.m. in the Abbey Church.

INSIGHTS WINTER 2022–23 | 15



Stephen Abram HS'70

April 19, 2022

Steven Allen MBA'99

January 29, 2022

Linda Althaurser '85

March 16, 2022

Anthony Andrews '10

October 10, 2021

Clint Bailey '95

September 07, 2021

Jean Barner '67

December 28, 2021

Ronald Bates '75

June 04, 2021

Dale Becker '51

June 06, 2021

Donald Berschauer '50

April 29, 2022

Ronald Boulanger '62

July 25, 2022

Derek Boysen '95

March 04, 2022

Erwin Braun '54

January 08, 2021

Ted Bridges '63

August 16, 2022

Stephanie Bucich-Fuller '81

May 31, 2021

Mary Clementia Conlon '66

January 05, 2022

Roy Conover MIT'01

November 12, 2021

Edward Daniszewski '52

February 04, 2022

David Dillon '49

March 18, 2022

Donald Ditz '50

January 06, 2018

Dean Drake '60

August 18, 2022

Larry Duchateau '61

August 12, 2021

Daniel Dugaw HS'68

August 25, 2021

J. Evans '74

February 14, 2021

Clifford Frey HS'58

September 27, 2022

Eugene Fry '86

April 07, 2022

Arnold Fuchs '62

August 11, 2022

David Fuchs HS'59, '63

February 08, 2022

Richard Gideon '76

September 07, 2021

Ferrell Gilson '88

April 17, 2022

Robert Gleason HS'53, '55

July 23, 2021

Joseph Graisy '70

December 07, 2021

Gary Grant '56

January 17, 2022

Timothy Hanley HS'71, '76

February 26, 2022

David Hemenway MBA'01

March 29, 2022

Eugene Henggeler '59

August 16, 2022

Laura Hoeman MAC'96

January 19, 2022

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Thomas Hoffman '95

January 16, 2022

Denise '93 and David Horton

May 18, 2022

Jerome Jacobsen HS'62

Purple Heart with Cluster, Vietnam

September 11, 2022

Allen Kimbel '63

December 21, 2020

Michael Kollen '12

January 01, 2022

Alnoth Krier '58

May 06, 2021

David Kryger '62

April 28, 2022

Mary Anne La Porte '03

October 31, 2021

Richard Laframboise HS'59

November 15, 2021

John Larkin HS'58

November 25, 2021

Douglas Larsen '14

August 11, 2022

Bruno LaVerdiere '60

August 13, 2022

Shirley Ledgerwood '67

September 10, 2022

Walter Lissner

December 23, 2021

Rodolfo Lopez '92, MAC'96

May 29, 2021

Patrick Maher '50

March 22, 2021

Leonard Malloy '51

February 13, 2022

Samantha Mararac '17

December 05, 2021

James McCarthy HS'61

January 20, 2021

Noble McInnis HS'56

September 10, 2021

Marion McKeever '01

September 27, 2022

Diane McMurdie '85

August 17, 2021

George McNelly '76

February 20, 2021

Donald Monaghan '68

January 10, 2022

Raymond Moseley HS'63

January 28, 2022

Gerald Murphy '63

October 10, 2020

Darrell Moss '76

October 30, 2021

Gene Osborne '57

December 29, 2021

Gerald Oster '51

January 24, 2022

Sally Otton

September 21, 2022

Donald Pakele '67

January 04, 2021

Adrian Parcher HS'51, '55

May 20, 2021

Father Thomas Reid Park O.S.B. HS'56, '71

February 01, 2022

Brenda Patnude '75

September 05, 2021

Robert Phillips '88

July 08, 2021

Larry Potts '69

December 01, 2020

Warren Pratt '87

June 03, 2022

Lynn Ramsey '47

October 11, 2022

Leo Rancour HS'62

May 09, 2022

Thomas Robertson HS'41

March 15, 2021

Ward Rockey '50

October 22, 2021

Ann Ryan '89

May 25, 2021

Donald Scarberry '73

September 19, 2021

Sherry Schwiesow '94

April 26, 2022

Richard Scott '61

June 16, 2021

Edward Seeberger '59

July 21, 2021

Robert Shaw '74

January 06, 2021

Herbert Smith '82

September 14, 2022

John Spiller '75

January 21, 2021

Thomas Sprute '62

August 22, 2022

Wayne Tamblyn '56

September 16, 2021

Gerald Thenell '59

December 09, 2021

Elizabeth Thompson MIT'10

April 06, 2021

Jeff Tingelstad MAC'91

September 04, 2021

Gary Tobin '64

May 11, 2022

Jose Torrella HS'66

June 05, 2021

Virginia Trowbridge '72

July 21, 2021

Jason Turner '07

September 10, 2021

Timothy Underwood '94

August 06, 2022

Mike alles '11

September 07, 2022

Michael Varney '63

April 25, 2022

David Waldoch HS'61

May 11, 2022

Jerry Walter '70

June 04, 2022

Harriet Wehnes MAC'93

April 18, 2021

Jeanne West Segerson MAC'88

December 28, 2021

Angela Lasnick-Wilson '67

May 04, 2021

Donald Wilson '67

August 31, 2020

INSIGHTS WINTER 2022–23 | 17
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I belong here ,

because of music

Crystal Zimmerman, Hye Kyeong (Hannah) Cho, Nickolas Carlson

Saint Martin’s University music faculty were invited to make music in Bulgaria. This trip came about because of piano instructor, Hye Kyeong Hannah Cho, and her connections to the Vrasta Symphony Orchestra where she received her master’s degree. She was invited to play a concert with the Vratsa Symphony Orchestra, and she decided to invite Nickolas Carlson, staff accompanist and lecturer, and conductor of the Olympia Chamber Orchestra, to conduct the orchestra, and, Crystal Zimmerman, lecturer and applied voice teacher, and director of the Saint Martin’s University Chorale, to sing.

This is a huge accomplishment for Saint Martin’s University and its music department as faculty members represented the University on foreign soil.

The orchestra was made up of players from around the world. Spain, Italy, France, Russia, South Korea, and even the United States, to name a few. People from different back-

grounds, cultures, family structures, governments, languages, and religions all coming under one banner: Music.

Zimmerman shared, “I read somewhere that there has been no human culture that had no music at all. That it is universal among our species. Music has held a prominent place within every boundary and has the ability to cross those boundaries in a way that few other things have been able. At rehearsals, we would all smile together when something went right, and grimace together when it fell apart. The notes on the page, the melody, harmony, rhythm, emotional intent, and the undercurrent of life all culminated in a final performance on September 15th, 2022.

There was a sense of trepidation, if I am being honest, about being in Eastern Europe with a war happening so close. A feeling of unease at the language barrier and cultural unknowns. Even a bit of imposter syndrome that an orchestra, half a world away, would accept me. By the third rehearsal, all these fears had disappeared. We had become a team.

We were no longer from everywhere else, from different cultures, different religions. We were moving as one, in the same direction, with the same goals, the same dream. We had come to an understanding.

When there is struggle and then triumph, and you are alone, you have grown as an individual. But, when you struggle and triumph, and you are together, you have grown not only as an individual, but as a society. When you grow together you are able to see where you fit, where you contribute, where you can rely on others. You are able to see where you belong. And we all belong together and to each other. Belonging is a commodity that cannot be taken for granted, it must be cultivated.

Because I have music, I can belong anywhere. I can contribute, I can learn to count on others, I have a home. Music has given me a place not only within the community of Saint Martin’s University, but in the world, and I am grateful for that every day.”

INSIGHTS WINTER 2022–23 | 19
Photos courtesy of Vratsa Symphony

Student Zyon Rodriguez works with Freedom Writers Foundation

4 th Year Sociology and Cultural Anthropology Student

Rodriguez, a senior at Saint Martin’s, was approached by Dr. Ronald Gordon to work with the Freedom Writers Foundation (FWF) in writing a story to be published in the book, Dear Freedom Writer Stories of Hardship and Hope from the Next Generation. A sequel to the original Freedom Writers Diary, where the original freedom writers respond to the next generation’s experiences and stories. The FWF supplied each student author with their own computer so that they had the ability to write their own stories.

After many Zoom meetings, writing, revising, and editing his story, Rodriguez attended a symposium and book launch in Long Beach, California that was fully funded by the Associated Students of Saint

Martin’s University (ASSMU). There he had the opportunity to meet the original Freedom Writers, Erin Gruwell, and the other student authors published in the sequel. Gruwell accompanied them during various activities, including recreating experiences she previously had with the original Freedom Writers. These experiences included visiting the Museum of Tolerance, where they heard a moving speech from a Tutsi woman who survived a genocide in Rwanda and created community through the “line game.” To close out the trip, the FWF set up a public book signing event for the new authors, where Rodriguez received his own signed copy. Rodriguez is very grateful to have shared his story with others around the world. This wouldn’t have been possible without the help of Dr. Gordon, the FWF and ASSMU.

Professor Robert Hauhart, Ph.D., J.D., professor in the Department of Society and Social Justice has been invited to give a series of lectures and conduct workshops at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Professor Hauhart received this opportunity through the Fulbright Scholar Award, which will be his second time since 2019, to visit the Postgraduate School and Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts. During his visit in November, he will be leading workshops and presenting lectures to faculty and students on two of the books he authored, Designing and Teaching Undergraduate Capstone Courses (2015) and Seeking the American Dream (2016). Reflecting on the Fulbright award, Professor Hauhart said, “both faculty and students can search out these Fulbright opportunities and maybe they’ll really be great experiences. It just turned out that way for me.”

Social Justice,

Communication Studies

Professor Irina Gendelman, Ph.D. has been awarded the University of New South Wales (UNSW) Arts, Design & Architecture Teaching Fellowship. The Teaching Fellowship program allows professors

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from across the globe to travel and teach in different countries. Gendelman has been chosen to lead academic workshops at UNSW in 2023 due to her expertise in placebased teaching and her unique usage of technology in the classroom. Gendelman seeks to establish friendly bonds between herself as a representative of Saint Martin’s and the faculty of UNSW in the hopes of sparking rigorous cooperation between both schools.

Jeff Birkenstein, Ph.D. Professor, English and Irina Gendelman, Ph.D.

Professors Irina Gendelman, Ph.D., and Jeff Birkenstein, Ph.D., have been invited by the Modern Language Association (MLA) to present a follow-up to their 2018 presentation/ project titled “From the Beginning: Indigenous Storytelling of Food and Medicine.” In short, their project set out to teach students about indigenous culture through storytelling. Instead of learning through lectures, the students learned about indigenous culture through stories told by elders of the Nisqually tribe. Gendelman and Birkenstein plan on expanding the scope of their follow-up project to demonstrate the value of non-traditional, story-based education associated with indigenous culture.

Matondo Wawa, Ph.D. Instructor, Business

Dr. Matondo Wawa, Business Instructor, was invited to speak at several business forums in October, including the International Business Forum

of Las Vegas (IBFLV) on October 1st and the 22nd Annual Africa Day Business Forum. “I am proud of the African Chamber of Commerce because its activities align with my work of promoting the acquisition of capital investments for economically sustainable enterprises to create self-supporting and scalable businesses,” shared Dr. Wawa.

Dintie S. Mahamah, Ph.D., P.E. Chair, Civil Engineering, Director of MSEV program, Professor, Civil Engineering

The Puget Sound and its multiple waterways are hosts to a variety of aquatic animals. Of the aquatic creatures that call the Puget Sound home, salmon are one of the most susceptible to human activities such as overfishing or dam-building. To address the issue of decreasing salmon populations, Professor Dintie Mahamah, Ph.D., has joined the board of the South Puget Sound Salmon Enhancement Group (SPSSEG).

Mahamah plans to use his expertise in environmental and water resource engineering to help the SPSSEG preserve the delicate salmon population and increase awareness of this issue among the Saint Martin’s community.

This past summer Visiting Assistant Professor of Music Joseph Scott presented at two international conferences in Europe. Scott’s article, Exploring the Harmonic Wedge in Paul Hindemith’s Symphony in B flat, was accepted for presentation at the International Society for Research and Promotion of Wind Music Conference in Bolzano, Italy. He also presented his research on Belgian composer Arthur Meulemans at the World Association of Symphonic Bands and Ensembles conference in Prague, Czech Republic.

It is important for Saint Martin’s to establish relations with universities across the globe, as cooperation can lead to innovation. During a U.S. Commercial Service Trade Mission to India, Dean of International Programs and Development Roger Douglas contributed to building rapport between Saint Martin’s and various Indian universities. While in India, Douglas helped organize two student recruitment fairs and meetings with Indian universities.

INSIGHTS WINTER 2022–23 | 21

His efforts have proven to be fruitful, as a significant number of Indian students have applied for undergraduate and graduate programs at Saint Martin’s University. We congratulate Douglas for his efforts in growing our international student population.

Dr. Andrea Kunder and students visit Siding Springs Observatory in Australia


Humanity has long been intrigued by the starry night sky. This interest in the stars is alive and well here at Saint Martin’s. To expand their knowledge of our galaxy, Dr. Andrea Kunder, along with three astrophysics students, took a trip to the Siding Springs Observatory in Australia this past summer. The goal of this trip was to use the 4-meter Anglo-Australian Telescope to study two globular clusters located in the Milky Way galaxy. Kunder and her students have come away from this trip with a greater appreciation for the universe and our galaxy.

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The School of Business is hosting a study abroad trip to Denmark in May of 2023! This international travel experience will include visiting the Lego factory headquarters in Denmark, various cultural sites, and government and non-profit organizations. This weeklong trip is estimated to total $3,500 per person, including airfare and accommodation. Participants will be staying on campus at the University of Southern Denmark in Odense. The School of Business is gathering names of interested parties, including senior students from other disciplines, faculty, staff, and alumni, in addition to senior undergraduate business majors and MBA students. Please email your interest to Dr. Gina Armer, MBA Program Director, at GArmer@ to be added to our email distribution list as updates become available.

English professor Jamie Olson, Ph.D., Fulbright Award recipient

Jamie Olson, Ph.D. Professor, English

Saint Martin’s University English Professor Jamie Olson, Ph.D., is the recipient of a Fulbright Award in Tbilisi. Olson’s award from the U.S. Department of State and the Fulbright Scholarship Board enabled him to teach English at Ilia State University in Tbilisi, Georgia this fall. His work involves translating Georgian poetry with colleagues, researching literature and culture of the Caucasus for publication, and

building institutional connections between Ilia State University and Saint Martin’s University. “I am honored to receive my Fulbright, and I am excited to spend time in Tbilisi, a city I have never visited,” shared Olson. “For a poetry specialist like me, the country of Georgia is the perfect place to undertake my project, since poetry is deeply ingrained in the culture, and I look forward to learning more about it by working with local scholarsand poets.”

Dr. Lori Sirs and Professor Gaby Hyre accompanied 5 social work students to the Latino Social Work Organization’s national conference

in Seattle from October 6-8. It was incredibly powerful to hear from speakers from all over the country as they shared their work and vision for the future. The conference was hosted by the University of Washington School of Social Work and NAMI, Washington Chapter. Breakout sessions addressed such topics as addressing the supervision, support, and training needs of Latinx Social Work Practitioners, Latinx higher education in social work focused on increasing access to higher education for students and professionals, and the value and role of mentorship for Latinx social work students and

professionals. The conference was organized around a focus on the future of social work practice, during and after COVID-19, and the implications for social workers, social work education, and the Latinx community. Students in attendance included: Ana “Rossy” Chacon-Labato, Nick Kaipov, Daisy Miranda, Cristina Tapia, and Allison Weide. For most of the students, this was their first opportunity to attend a major conference and they are excited to share and implement the information they gained with fellow students, and in their internship sites

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Campus Ministry hosted its annual New Student Retreat to help guide students through finding their faith, themselves, and their community. The New Student Retreat was held on the first of October and students spent the night at the Gwinwood Retreat Center, just south of campus. The 22 attendees were able to listen to student leaders speak on their experiences of finding their place at Saint Martin’s as well as engaging in activities and group sharing sessions. This experience of openness and dialogue about finding community had a lasting impact on the new students. One attendee reflected on the retreat by saying “I have grown to appreciate silence and listening. Sometimes, I would fill the silence, but during the retreat, we welcomed it.” They went on to add that their experience changed their perspective on their faith. “I want to welcome Him and learn about what I can do to build my relationship with God.”

In Pursuit of Medicine and Citizenship

Some college students, both at Saint Martin’s and elsewhere, face unique challenges while pursuing their degrees, such as having to work long hours or pulling all-nighters to complete their assignments. For Saint Martin’s undergraduate Abudeen Dumbuya, his challenge was to attain his full citizenship status while juggling his work and school life.

Dumbuya is originally from the western African country of Sierra Leone. In 2009, his father moved to Washington to provide for his family. Unfortunately, Dumbuya’s father contracted Leukemia in 2016, which prompted Dumbuya to fly from Sierra Leone to be with his dad at the hospital.

Tragically, Dumbuya’s father lost his fight with Leukemia in May 2017.

Understandably devastated by his loss, Dumbuya sought to pursue a career as a doctor in order to help others afflicted with illness. “When I was there [at the hospital], I saw the doctors having one-on-one conversations with my father about his treatment. That triggered me to want to be in that field.” After graduating high school in 2019, Dumbuya began attending Saint Martin’s that following year to achieve his goal.

Since attending Saint Martin’s, Dumbuya has worked diligently to achieve his goal of becoming a doctor. He is currently undertaking a Biology Pre-Med degree, which is a foundational first step in pursuing most vocations related to medicine. Additionally, Dumbuya has worked at the local South Sound Behavioral Hospital to gain experience in the medical field. “I used to work 12-hour night shifts. Now I’m working part-time hours so I can focus more on school.”

After multiple attempts to register as a permanent citizen of the U.S., Dumbuya was granted full citizenship status this past Fall. When asked about his post-graduation plans, Abudeen said, “I plan on taking a year or two off to relax. I do plan on staying in the U.S. so I can eventually go to medical school.”

We congratulate Abudeen on becoming a permanent U.S. citizen and we wish him well in achieving his goal to become a full-time medical practitioner!

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Student Michiko Magnant attends 2022 World Junior Ultimate Frisbee Championship

This past August, student-athlete Michiko Magnant got the rare opportunity to attend the 2022 World Junior Ultimate Championship for ultimate frisbee. Held in Wroclaw, Poland, the championship pitted Magnant against some of the best youth ultimate frisbee players in the world. Despite the stacked roster, she and her teammates clawed their way to victory and brought home the gold medal. Riding high on her wave of victory, Magnant expresses her intent to play ultimate frisbee in the future. “My hope is to keep playing at the highest level that I can for the longest I can.”

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"Getting to know our studentathletes and this community is going to be among my favorite parts of the job. My family and I feel truly blessed to be here. Let’s go Saints!"


For those who haven’t met you yet, could you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Most recently from San Jose, CA, I ran cross-country at Santa Clara University where I was a history and economics major. I parlayed my undergraduate degree with a law degree from the University of Southern California’s Gould School of Law. After briefly practicing law as a transactional finance and real estate attorney, I embarked on my career in college athletic administration about 17 years ago, with the goal of becoming a Director of Athletics. Along the way, I married my wife, Julianne, also a cross-country runner at Santa Clara University, but a much smarter one, as she is a civil engineer. We have been blessed with two boys, John (7) and James (4, but insists he’s 7 too).

Why Saint Martin’s? Why Division II (DII)?

As I began to do my due diligence, not only did I reach the conclusion that so many people inside of Saint Martin’s circles will tell you “that this university is a best kept secret”, but I also realized that the school, its leadership, and the overall opportunity really aligned well with my own values, my professional experience and my career objective of leading an intercollegiate athletics program for a mission-driven institution.

In terms of DII, I found the genuine commitment to amateurism, a student-athlete model, the emphasis on maintaining balance and stability, and the opportunity to achieve competitive success within the Great Northwest Athletic Conference to be particularly compelling.

The Saints community was excited to welcome Steve O'Brien to campus in early October. O’Brien comes to Saint Martin’s with over twenty years of external relations experience and sixteen years of experience working in higher education for various athletic programs.

Scot Gladstone, assistant athletic director, recently sat down with Steve for a quick Q&A.

What are your current top priorities?

It boils down to three things: 1) Meeting the many different members and constituent groups, internally and externally, that comprise the Saint Martin’s University community, listening to and learning from their perspectives; 2) identifying where we may be best positioned for growth; and 3) keeping our current trains running on time. In that respect, I’m incredibly fortunate to be supported by a team of fellow athletic administrators who make this department run smoothly. Chris Gregor, Isaac Thompkins, Scot Gladstone and Emily Podowicz have been so helpful bringing me up to speed and continuing to deliver for our student-athletes, coaches, and fans. I’m extremely thankful that they are all on this team.

Can you tell us your favorite sports movies?

Chariots of Fire and Hoosiers.

What are you most looking forward to?

Getting to the point where we can make informed decisions about pursuing opportunities to “grow”, then demonstrating our proof of concept and finally scaling the work so as to realize Saints’ athletics’ full potential 1) as a partner to the campus in the furtherance of our Catholic Benedictine mission; 2) in our competitive success and associated contribution to the GNAC, NCAA DII, and regional sports market; and 3) in our commitment to provide our student-athletes with a well-rounded experience here and a foundation that will support their professional success with transferable skills after they graduate. u

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Sosna Araya

Women’s Soccer, Sophomore, Burien, WA

With a 4.0 GPA in the classroom and an appearance in nearly every game this season for the Saints, Sosna Araya has been a big part of the Saint Martin’s women’s soccer team’s success this season. Playing just 55 total minutes in the first three games combined, Araya has pushed her average up to over 40 minutes per game at the midfield position, including playing in 43 minutes in the 1-1 draw against Seattle Pacific, which was the women’s soccer team’s first ever non-loss to SPU in program history. Araya is an Environmental Studies major from Burien, and a graduate of John F. Kennedy Catholic High School.

Ethan Jud

Men’s Soccer, Sophomore, Camas, WA

Sophomore forward Ethan Jud has had a phenomenal season for the men’s soccer team including a stretch in late September/early October where he had a run of play that earned him GNAC Offensive Player of the Week honors. Jud found his goalscoring form at first against nationally ranked Western Washington University on September 22, where he had a diving header that found the back post. His mega-week started seven days later with a 3-0 road win against MSU-Billngs where Jud tallied another header goal. Back at home two days after that, the Saints ripped through Western Oregon 5-2 and Jud was the leading scorer in that contest with three tallies. That game also saw the fastest goal in team history when Jud’s teammate Diego Andrade scored just 13 seconds into the game. Not only did Jud win an individual honor but the

men’s soccer team was also awarded the GNAC Team of the Week for their outstanding performances on the pitch. Jud is a Criminology and Criminal Justice Major, and had the second-best GPA on the team last semester with a 3.93.

Kylie Coon

Volleyball – Junior – Beaumont, CA

A three-time All-Academic selection, junior outside hitter Kylie Coon has made good on her fourth season in the red-and-white, becoming a major part of the Saints best ever season in program history. Coon has grabbed a total of 66 kills in her 2022 campaign, playing in 48 sets. It has not just been her offensive abilities that have added to the Saints season, she has also been solid in defense with 29 digs and 14 blocks. Coon is an elementary education major from Beaumont, California.

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Buy your tickets online at Saturday, February 11 PRESENTED by TWINSTAR CREDIT UNION > 6 p.m. / Warming up with the Saints Worthington Conference Center > 7:30 p.m. / Men's vs. Montana State Billings > 4:15 p.m. / Warming up with the Saints Worthington Conference Center > 5:15 p.m. / Women's vs. Western Washington


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It's clear that Saint Martin’s is an educational institution truly committed to supporting the academic growth of those who have raised their hand to serve.”


Showing appreciation for our troops, both at home and abroad, is an important aspect of being an American. Whether it's thanking service members for their contribution to our country or celebrating holidays such as Veterans and Independence Day, expressing gratitude toward members of our armed forces is a celebrated aspect of life in the United States. However, there are those that go above and beyond in expressing their appreciation. One such person is Major General James Johnson, USA (Ret.), MBA ‘96.

Johnson’s ties to the military, as well as the Puget Sound area, run deep. Most of Johnson’s childhood and adolescence were spent in the Tacoma area, as his father served in the Army for over 20 years and spent much of his career stationed at Joint Base Lewis-McChord. Inspired by his father’s commitment to serve, Johnson went on to join the U.S. Airforce after graduating from the University of Puget Sound.

Johnson was fortunate enough to be stationed at Joint Base LewisMcChord during the beginning of his tenure. It was during this time that he attended Saint Martin’s to pursue a Master’s degree in Business Administration. When asked about his time spent at Saint Martin’s, Johnson said, “The quality of the education I received at Saint Martin’s was exceptional. The coursework was essential for developing critical thinking skills for so much of the work I accomplished during the years since attending Saint Martin’s.”

Aside from Saint Martin’s quality of education, Johnson also appreciates Saint Martin’s willingness to work with service members’ fluctuating schedules. “Saint Martin’s extension program made it possible for service members to study and accomplish undergraduate and graduate degrees, despite unpredictable schedules. It's clear that Saint Martin’s is an educational institution truly committed to supporting the academic growth of those who have raised their hand to serve.”

After retiring from the Airforce, Johnson joined Operation Gratitude as its CEO in August of 2021. In short, Operation Gratitude is an

organization that primarily delivers care packages to active duty service members, veterans and the families of service members. Johnson says, “In the future, we look forward to establishing Operation Gratitude chapters in Washington state” and “for Operation Gratitude to partner with Saint Martin’s in all these various ways to thank those who serve.”

Saint Martin’s University commends Johnson, Operation Gratitude and all current/former service members of the United States military. Thank you for your service!

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1. Jim Walsh HS’63, now a Widower living in Port Angeles. He retired from his Senior Management position with Boeing 20 years ago. After Retiring from Boeing in January of 2002, he went on to spend 17 years with the Port Angeles Police department and is a Queen of Angels Parish member. Jim has three grown daughters, eight Grandchildren (4 girls and four boys), and four great-grandkids (2 Girls and 2 Boys).


Marcy J. Belles ’84, retired on May 1, 2021, from Washington Technology Solutions (WaTech/CTS), after 42 years working with the State of Washington. Marcy started in August 1979 with the Dept of Labor & Industries as a Clerk Stenographer 2, then as a Statistical Reports Compiler 3 before moving to Employment Security Dept. in October 1983 as an Accountant. After obtaining her accounting degree from Saint Martin's, she was promoted up in the ranks as an Accountant 2 with Employment Security, then as an Accountant 3 with Dept. of Information Services (the predecessor of WaTech) in Sept. 1988. The accounting series changed titles and

became Financial/Fiscal Analysts. At retirement, she was a Financial Analyst 5 (top of the series).

From mid-May to mid-June, her and her husband went on their first road trip for the year - Route 66. Marcy is staying busy with her hobbiesbeing a member of Daughters of the American Revolution, Daughters of the American Colonists, Olympia Genealogical Society, and its Special Interest Groups, and the Grange and has recently started back into bowling.


2. Matt Morton ’96, has been named the fifth President of the Community Foundation for Southwest Washington. Morton will take the helm on April 18, 2022, succeeding Jennifer Rhoads, who led the organization for nearly a decade.

Morton currently serves as the Equitable Education Portfolio Director at Meyer Memorial Trust, where he leads Oregon’s largest private philanthropic grantmaking strategy

focused on K-12 public education. In this role, he oversees a team that manages more than 200 active grants and fosters cross-system collaboration with communities, nonprofits, and public institutions to improve student outcomes.

Morton earned the role following a national search by Murphy, Symonds & Stowell. The opportunity attracted a diverse pool of more than 40 applicants who represented a crosssection of nonprofit and philanthropic leaders across the region and nation.


3. Timmy Wailehua ’00, is the newly elected President of the Native Hawaiian Chamber of Commerce in Honolulu. He is a 2000 graduate who recently took office this year, 2022. He plans on fulfilling the chamber's mission to Malama Native Hawaiians in business and commerce through leadership, relationships, and connections to economic resources and opportunities. He is shown here with his wife, Myra Wailehua, who is also a chamber member. Myra and Timmy own and operate their new salon Wai Beauty in Honolulu, Oahu.

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4. Alicia LeDuc Montgomery (Business Administration ’09), recently launched her law firm, LeDuc Montgomery LLC, focusing on strategic impact litigation, civil and human rights, and ESG business disputes in the Pacific Northwest. Alicia was previously a complex commercial litigation attorney with AmLaw 100 firms K&L Gates LLP and Davis Wright Tremaine LLP. She was part of the trial team that won the largest jury verdict in Oregon history, a $1.1 billion class action regarding state management of forestlands. She also clerked for the Washington State Supreme Court and was an in-house public interest law fellow at the global humanitarian agency Mercy Corps. Alicia thanks Prof. Shawn Newman for guidance in Business Law while at Saint Martin's, as well as the Campus Ministry and Guatemala service learning trips which informed her community-oriented litigation approach.

5. Marisha McDowell ’11, Marisha published her first book, "Learning to Fly" in 2021.

Samuel ’12 and Aubrey ’15 Larsen, celebrated opening their second restaurant (Waffle Stop) and first coffee shop (Johnny Coffee) in Silverdale this year. Waffle Stop was founded in 2018 in Tacoma by the couple, who met at Saint Martin’s and has continued to be an outlet for their shared passion for providing hospitality and service to the Puget Sound region. Aubrey completed her seminary degree in ’21 and worked as the Director of Discipleship and Outreach for Praise Covenant Church in Tacoma. Samuel and Aubrey, and their two children are excited to serve their community in and through the hospitality industry.

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6. Caitlin Gordon M.Ed. ’16, Assistant Director, Office of Admissions. Caitlin married Asher Cabe on August 13 at their family farm in Elma, Washington. Numerous Saint Martin’s alumni and staff were in attendance to watch the nuptials!
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7. Michael Otter-Johnson ’19, MBA’22, and Karina Alvarado ’21, married on July 30, 2022. In their undergraduate careers, Michael studied business administration with a focus on marketing and management, while Karina double majored in elementary and special education. They are incredibly thankful to Saint Martin’s University for the opportunities that have been provided to them and will always look back at Saint Martin’s as where their love story began.
Send your news along with a photo to the Office of Alumni Relations at or mail to: Saint Martin's University, Office of Institutional Advancement 5000 Abbey Way SE, Lacey, WA 98503 Accomplishments, promotions, babies or marriage? We want to hear your exciting news!
8. Jayci Gomes ’20, Big congrats to the 2020 Saint Martin's graduate from Hawai'i! Jayci recently received her Master's in Social Work through the University of Hawai'i Manoa. At Saint Martin's she was active with the Hawai'i Club and assisted the Office of Admissions with prospective students.



The 39th annual Saint Martin’s University Golf Classic was held on Aug. 5, 2022, at the Capitol City Golf Course. The Golf Classic is the Universities largest fundraiser for Saint’s Athletics, raising critical funds for student-athlete scholarships. The event draws alumni, businesses, sponsors, and donors of Saint Martin’s University together for some friendly tournament competition! Save the date for the 40th annual Golf Classic on Aug. 4, 2023!

Thank you to our Saints alumni, businesses, sponsors, and donors for their support at our 39th Golf Classic. Your continued generosity helps raise critical funds for student-athlete scholarships.

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SAINTS host 2nd Annual Golf Tournament

in Hawaii

August 12, Saint Martin's University Baseball team and Saints community hosted their 2nd annual Golf Tournament in Hawaii! The fundraiser provided direct support to student-athletes. In the upcoming year, the Saints Baseball program will be able to improve its home field and give a better overall experience to all players. On behalf of the Baseball team community, they would like to thank everyone that helped make this event possible.

Save the date for the 3rd annual Baseball Tournament in Hawaii on Aug. 11, 2023. Stay tuned for updates.




Adele Ducharme ’92, MSN’98

Jeanne Firstenburg ’95

Gerald “Gerry” Gallagher ’83

Joseph “Joe” Williams HD’21




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Steve Olson, D.D. S ’70
2013 Softball Team Taylor Bakos ’13 • Sarah Beckler ’15 • Terra Kamalani Cabana ’15 • Madi Davis ’13 • Christina DeMar ’15 Joslyn Eugenio ’13 • Iman Gary ’15 • Haley Hoffman ’15 • Taviah Jenkins ’15 • Kaylee Lawson ’15
Lovitt ’16 • Sam McDonell ’15Lacey McGladrey ’14 • Megan Miller ’16 • Sam Munger ’15
Pocklington ’13 • Dani Wall ’15 Coaching staff of Rick Noren • Leanne Noren • Kelsey Haupert Join us for Homecoming Weekend, February 24-26 as we honor our incredible alumni. Learn more and RSVP at
’69 and Jeannie Dahl The




Thurston County Alumni Chapter Homecoming Welcome Reception

Join the Thurston County Alumni Chapter for a welcoming reception at O’Blarney’s Irish Pub. Bring fellow classmates and friends for refreshments and fellowship as we kick off the fun weekend!



Distinguished Alumni Awards Brunch

Eleven alumni have been selected for the Distinguished Alumni honors.


Coffee with the Monks


Hall of Fame / Hall of Honor


Warming up with the Saints


Women’s Basketball vs. Northwest Nazarene


Men’s Basketball vs. Northwest Nazarene



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11 SAT Pack the Pav & TwinStar Credit Union

Game Night

Double Header women’s & men’s basketball Marcus Pavilion / Norman Worthington


Homecoming Weekend, Feb. 24-26 Saint Martin’s Campus

Welk Weekend, March 3-5 Welk Resort, Escondido, California


3.21GIVE / Annual Giving Day



11 Saints in Hawaii, Aug. 11-12 Baseball Golf Tournament, Aug. 11 Pearl Country Club in Waimalu, Hawaii


6 SAT Commencement Ceremony Hal and Inge Marcus Pavilion MAY
4 40th Anniversary Golf Classic Capitol City Golf Club
Reunion Weekend, Aug. 4-6 Saint Martin’s Campus
Saints Connect Hawaii, Aug. 12 Hawaii
Stay updated on upcoming events at

Year of Belonging

This academic year, we announced our community theme, Year of Belonging. This theme is fundamental to our values and cultural norms at Saint Martin’s University. Having a sense of belonging inspires each of us to gain confidence in sharing our gifts and talents with others, and ultimately helps our community reach its full potential.

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Office of Marketing and Communications

5000 Abbey Way SE

Lacey, WA 98503


3.21GIVE is a day for everyone who believes in the mission of Saint Martin’s University to make a difference in the lives of current and future students. The 24-hour, online event is the University’s annual day of giving, providing critical funding for a variety of needs across the campus. Make your gift securely on March 21 by visiting and selecting your favorite area(s) to support: Saints Athletics, a specific scholarship, student club or even your degree program.

For questions, contact or 360-438-4366.

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