Heritage Society
Thank you!
The Heritage Society honors friends who have included Saint Mary’s school in their estate planning. Whether through a provision in a will or living trust, a beneficiary designation from a brokerage or banking account, insurance policy, retirement plan or charitable trust, planned gifts are critical to Saint Mary’s long legacy of educating women.
If Saint Mary’s School is already in your estate plan and you have not yet shared your intentions with us, please consider doing so! We want to welcome you into the Heritage Society and recognize you for your generosity and thoughtful planning. Please contact Brandon Wright, Director of Gift Planning at 919-4244111 or bwright@sms.edu to let Saint Mary’s know of your existing plans or to discuss gift planning options.
Anonymous (8) Otis Agnew Helen Anne Alford ’69C Ashley Richardson Allen ’81C Amanda Brantley Anders ’73C Elaine Russos Anlyan ’68C Merritt Atkins ’99 Marilyn Zschau Baars ’57C Blanche Robertson Bacon ’53HS ’55C Hannah Carson Baggett ’98HS Julia Walker Barge ’82HS ’84C Betty Copeland Becher ’60C Gloria Taft Becker ’92HS Anna Neal Blanchard ’76HS Betsy Blee ’71C Joan Sandlin Bowen ’68HS Ann Beland Brooks ’73C Molly Brooks ’83HS Brick and Mary Craig Timberlake Brown ’77HS ’79C Jane Darden Brown ’71C P. David and Suejette Brown John and Mary Louise Bizzell Burress ’56C Caren Threshie Camp ’71HS Tricia Roberts Canady ’74HS ’76C Mary Clara Capel ’76HS ’78C Lindsay Shaw Carlson ’85C Watts and Betsy Steele Carr ’63C Alleen Cater ’63HS ’65C Pat White Copeland ’68HS Katherine Cotten-Meunier Suiter Whitehead Coxe ’81HS ’83C Carol Biggers Dabbs ’55HS ’57C Rucker McCanless Eggleston ’71C Steve and Nora Esthimer H. Spencer Everett Sara Fair ’53C Katherine A. Falls ’89C Carter Warren Franke ’75HS ’77C Molly Froelich Groome and Ann Campbell Fulton ’59C Angela Sutton Furniss ’89HS Palmer Peebles Garson ’75HS Gordon Grubb Richard “Dick” M. Hagen Alice Smith Haynes ’68C Sally Shapard Hill ’54C Cammy Bailey Hodges ’83C Betty Wrenn Bevan Hoggard ’49HS ’51C Lou Cheatham Holmes ’57C Deane Gresham Holt ’81C Abbot Henderson Howard ’54C David and Martha Kornegay Howard ’77HS ’79C Judy Rhodes Hoyt ’63C DeAnna Williams Huffines ’83HS ’85C Betty Debnam Hunt ’47HS ’49C Molly Williams Hyer ’46HS ’48C
Lou Johnson Johanson ’58C Neal Johnson ’74C Coles Hines Jones ’79HS ’81C Mary Lou Jones Hallie Sessoms Kennedy ’02 Ginger Vann King ’58C Leigh Reynolds King ’82HS ’84C Margaret Gardner Kressmann ’60HS ’62C Annie Cox Layne ’84C Gretchen DuPree Leonard ’85HS ’87C Mary Leigh Lewis ’82C Ann Rountree Lineweaver ’58C Grey Watkins Lineweaver ’60C Drewry Estes Logan ’43HS Ann Penton Longley ’52C Emily Longley ’81HS ’83C Kimmie Maiden ’98C Joe and Dee Williamson Marley ’77HS Bill and Nancy Marlowe Cynthia Nixon Mastro ’61HS Lanier Brown May ’78HS ’80C Susan P. McDaniel ’74HS ’76C Margaret McGlohon ’81C Leslie Wagstaff McKay ’94HS Sheila McLamb ’75HS Bitty Grimes McRae ’41HS ’43C Lou Latham Miller ’69HS ’71C Sandy Mitchell Jean Schaefer Moore ’82C Sue Battle Moore ’63C Victor B. and Anne Nichols Moore ’52HS ’54C Elizabeth Van Dyke Morgan ’91C Helen Holt Morrison ’39C Susan Spaulding Mullin ’63HS Martha Murphy ’76HS ’78C John and Lane Turner Nash ’72HS ’74C Lindsay Smith Newsom ’63HS Dell Parker Paschal ’70HS ’72C Josie Ward Patton ’57C Gail Perry ’71C Rodney and Elizabeth Rasberry Pitts ’79C Alyson Poole ’81HS Alice Purdie ’64HS ’66C Charlotte Smith Purrington ’65HS Peaches Rankin ’70HS ’72C Jean Redding ’72HS Kate Yandell Reece ’03 Frank E. Roberts Wyndham Robertson Sally Dalton Robinson ’51HS Lois Perry Sawyer ’52C JoAnn Nance Small ’73HS ’75C Belle Williams Smith ’63C Eve Hargrave Smith ’53HS Helen Hier Smith ’46HS Henry and Tracy Fodor Smith Susie Soper ’66C
Margie Johnson Springer ’79HS Beth Harriss Sprunt ’50C Bettie Gaither Stokes ’44C Gray Clark Stoughton ’78HS ’80C Joan Wickham Sugg ’65HS ’67C Richard and Cheryl Lee Taft ’68C Roses Watson Taylor ’62HS ’64C William and Lee Archibald Taylor ’78C Mary Kelly Teague ’95C Jane Westbrook Thomason ’54HS ’56C Nancy Bobbitt Thompson ’49HS ’51C Caroline Clark Trask ’58HS ’60C Perry Grimes Van Dyke ’63HS ’65C Sally Underhill Viault ’56HS Britt Vice ’82HS ’84C Susan Davis Virgin ’66HS ’68C Judee Metcalfe von Seldeneck ’60C Diane Stockard Wade ’66HS ’68C Janie Cameron Wagstaff ’74HS ’76C Carter Ward ’76HS ’78C Chelsea Ward ’09 Elizabet “Libby” Reese Ward ’55C Charlie Sloan Watson ’73C Margaret Longley White ’79C Nancy Bowen Wiggins ’68C Cross Williams Blanche Williamson ’76HS Charlie and Flo Winston Claire Robinson Woodard ’67C Leslie Allred Yates ’96HS ’98C