Honor Roll
& The Einsiedeln Society

Saint Meinrad Archabbey and Seminary & School of Theology

Blessings of Grace and Growth Archabbot Kurt Stasiak, OSB

I am ever grateful for this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation for the witness, generosity, and support of all the members of our Abbot Martin Marty Guild and The Einsiedeln Society. You continue to enable the present and future work of Saint Meinrad to flourish.
Our community of monks continues to be enlivened with the blessings we’ve received over this past year. While we still feel the loss of our confreres Fr. Louis Hacker, Fr. Aurelius Boberek, and Fr. Colman Grabert due to their passing into eternal life, we offer praise and thanksgiving to God for their impact on our community. We are also thankful for our current group of seven young men engaged in the formation and discernment process of fully joining our monastery. These seven men are all age 35 or younger; one of whom is 25, another 20. This group is the largest and youngest set of combined candidates, novices, and junior monks we’ve had in formation since 2015.

It is a busy time on the Hill with much earth moving, digging, and burying of holding tanks and pipes as we near completion of our global thermal energy installation for our campus. In addition, another set of solar panels are being installed adjacent to our existing panels. These projects will reduce purchased electricity by nearly 60% and natural gas consumption by 32%. The new space in the Archabbey Library for our Archives and Saint Meinrad History Museum is also being well utilized to preserve the history of our monastery and the Swiss American Congregation, of which we belong.
All this is made possible because of your significant support to Saint Meinrad as Abbot Martin Marty Guild and The Einsiedeln Society members. Thank you for your support. Know of our daily prayers for you and yours. Please do continue to remember us in yours. F

Fr. Denis Robinson, OSB
Advancing Service to the Church and the World

You, the members of the Abbot Martin Marty Guild and The Einsiedeln Society, are the unsung heroes of Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology. Without you, we could not accomplish the mission of effectively educating and forming our seminarians, permanent diaconate candidates, and lay students who come to us each year. As you continue to share your gifts to advance our work, know that I am truly grateful.
The fall semester is going by quickly, the spirit in the school is exceptional, and enrollment in all our programs continues to be high. We have 116 seminarians from 21 dioceses and seven religious communities. The number of men entering the newly formed first stage of discernment and formation, called the propaedeutic year, has doubled from last year. We have 67 students enrolled in our Graduate Theology Program this fall. The Permanent Deacon Formation Program is currently serving 15 dioceses, forming 248 men in 16 cohorts for service to the Church. The hundreds of ministerial leaders we form each day at Saint Meinrad in turn serve thousands of people in their local communities throughout the world.
I also share with you that Saint Meinrad received nearly $10 million in annual and planned giving support this last fiscal year. Our endowment fund has grown from $76 million to $89 million. While expenses continue to grow in pace with the economy, we continue to meet every challenge with diligence and resilience, due in large part to your continuing support and generosity.
Thank you for sharing who you are and what you have with Saint Meinrad. Our mission and ministry are made possible by your unfailing support. May God continue to bless you abundantly. F

Dr. Cora Veza:
Generosity through service and support
The word “corban” comes from the Hebrew word qorbān and means a sacrifice or offering to God. When Dr. Cora Veza of Elizabethtown, KY, established an endowment earlier this year, she named it The Corban Fund for Monastery Repairs. The fund is her offering to God and meets a very practical need at Saint Meinrad: to cover the cost of monastery repairs.
“The monastery is the monks’ home. It’s like any house. Sometimes it needs repairs just like my house does,” explains Dr. Veza.
Generous with her gifts
Dr. Veza became a member of Saint Meinrad’s Einsiedeln Society this year when she established The Corban Fund. The Einsiedeln Society recognizes individuals who invest in the future of Saint Meinrad through remembering Saint Meinrad in their will, making a planned gift, or establishing an endowment. Dr. Veza likes to support infrastructure and gave in the form of an endowment so she could specify where the gift would go. She can add to it at any time, and she hopes others will contribute to it as well.
She also gives annually to Saint Meinrad and has been a member of the Abbot Martin Marty Guild since 2014. The AMMG recognizes individuals who give annual gifts of $1,000 or more.
“God gave me more than I need, so I give it,” she explains. “Every time I give something, I feel good.” Dr. Veza’s sense of giving developed when she grew up in the Philippines. She studied medicine at the University of Santo Tomas in the Philippines and completed a medical mission in poor areas of the country. She witnessed the poor on the streets and helped children who lived in cardboard boxes.
“If all you meet are rich people, you will never know how the poor feel. I see poor people and my heart breaks for them,” she says. “There are so many rich people. If they would distribute their wealth, nobody would be hungry.”
After Dr. Veza completed her medical education, she interned at Subic Bay U.S. Naval Base in the Philippines, and in 1974, she moved to New Jersey to intern at St. Francis Medical Center. She completed her hematology/oncology fellowship at Medical College of Pennsylvania and began her career in hematology/oncology in New Jersey.
Dr. Veza married her classmate, Gregorio, who was an anesthesiologist, and they had three children together. She moved to Kentucky in 1986 and started a private practice in hematology/oncology.
Generous with her time and talent
Dr. Veza retired in 2020, but even before then she did volunteer work. Her current volunteer work includes:
• Member of the Board of Overseers for the Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology since 2013.
• Chapter coordinator for Louisville Chapter of Benedictine Oblates of Saint Meinrad.
• Board member at Sacred Heart School Systems in Louisville, KY.
• Volunteer medical consultant for the Franciscan Friars of Our Lady of Consolation Province and she was recently voted to be an honorary member.
• Chairperson of the Cultural Diversity Committee at St. James Parish.
• Asian Pacific Islander consultant for the Office of Multicultural Ministry in the Archdiocese of Louisville.
Generous with Saint Meinrad
Dr. Veza is an oblate of Saint Meinrad and has served on the Board of Overseers for 11 years, but her relationship with Saint Meinrad began in 2010, when she came to campus for a retreat.
“I was upset with God because my husband had died, my daughter almost died, and I almost died. This happened in three consecutive years.” She explains. “I just had all that tragedy, and I was angry, angry, angry.”
The Benedictine motto of Ora et Labora, pray and work, resonated with Dr. Veza. Her husband passed away in 1994, and at the time of the retreat, all she did was pray and work. During the retreat, she learned about Saint Meinrad’s oblate community.
An oblate is a lay person who follows the prayer schedule of the monks and lives according to the principles in the Rule of St. Benedict.
“The Rule of St. Benedict is not just for monks, it’s for everyday life,” she says. “I quote the Rule of St. Benedict to myself or sometimes to other people. If you read it every day, it becomes part of your life.”
Shortly after that retreat, Fr. Meinrad Brune, OSB, the oblate director at the time, came to her parish and invested her as an oblate novice. Becoming an

oblate appealed to her because she wanted more structure in her prayer life.
In 2013, Dr. Veza was invited to join the Board of Overseers, the advisory board for Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology. She likes the education Saint Meinrad provides and believes in forming good priests.
“I call priests doctors of souls. Saint Meinrad does a
good job of forming them in this capacity,” she says. “It’s really a privilege to be on the board. After each meeting, I learn something new and I feel gratified. In exchange, I want to be able to help with the seminarians’ education. I’m happy to serve.”
Saint Meinrad is important to Dr. Veza, and she wants to support the place and mission in any way she can. F
“The monastery is the monks’ home. It’s like any house. Sometimes it needs repairs just like my house does.”
—Dr. Cora Veza

Abbot Martin Marty Guild

The Abbot Martin Marty Guild has seen tremendous growth, both in the number of members and in their generosity, since it was established in 1992.
Members are listed in this publication within the following levels of annual giving:
AMMG Spires $10,000 or More
AMMG Pillar $5,000 - $9,999
AMMG Archway $2,500 - $4,999
AMMG Sandstone $1,000 - $2,499
This donor recognition society is named after Saint Meinrad’s first abbot, Martin Marty, OSB. At age 26, Fr. Martin was sent to Saint Meinrad from the motherhouse, the Abbey of Einsiedeln in Switzerland. Fr. Martin could hardly have imagined more dire circumstances than those he found when he arrived in southern Indiana in 1860.
The struggling community had faced myriad problems since its founding six years earlier: mounting financial debt, illness and disease, overcrowding in the tiny cabin, the deaths of several monks, severe heat and drought that led to crop
failure, and dissension among the leadership. As the United States neared the outbreak of the Civil War, it looked as if Saint Meinrad might close.
Through prayer, hard work, and Fr. Martin’s strong leadership, the community gained a steadier economic and spiritual footing. In addition to his guidance in reducing the debt and building up the community, Fr. Martin devoted time to teaching, helping in parishes, and conducting retreats and other pastoral work.
Within a decade of Fr. Martin’s arrival, the health of the fledgling community had been restored to the point that it was made an independent abbey in 1870, with Fr. Martin named as the first abbot.
Members of the Abbot Martin Marty Guild:
• Are recognized as leaders in supporting the prayer and work of Saint Meinrad.
• Are invited to an annual Day of Recollection held at Saint Meinrad.
• Are included in the annual listing of donors. (Members may request to remain anonymous.)
• Are remembered daily in prayer by the monks of Saint Meinrad.
Benefactors are especially remembered as the monastic community gathers for Vespers on the annual Day of Recollection.
First-time members also receive a special medallion, mounted on a base engraved with their name, which symbolizes their membership in the Abbot Martin Marty Guild.
For the most part, the annual gifts from members of the Abbot Martin Marty Guild support the current programs and operations of Saint Meinrad Archabbey and Seminary and School of Theology.
Some examples of the programs that Guild members help make possible are:
•Classroom instruction
•Spiritual formation
•Wellness activities
•Counseling center
•Guest lectures
•Ministry opportunities
•Workshops and conferences
•Vocations promotion and recruitment
•Health services for students and monks
•Upkeep of the buildings and grounds
•New books and other resources for the library
•Continuing education and professional development for our faculty
• And more....
All of these directly benefit our students and our monastic community. F
Thank you for being a generous partner in our work.

Current Guild Members

Cecilia M. Anzures Antle Naples, FL
Archdiocese of Mobile Mobile, AL
Irene G. Bacher New Albany, IN
Dr. Claire A. Baker Zionsville, IN
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Barkei* Rockford, IL
James H. Becker Jeffersonville, IN
Jack and Carol Berlier Indianapolis, IN
Joseph and Edna Bickett Johns Island, SC
Ira and Terry Boots Evansville, IN
Alan and Sharon Braun Family Foundation Evansville, IN
William J. Browning Ledyard, CT
Charlene and Larry Butcher Indianapolis, IN
Steve and Stacey Church Evansville, IN
Leo and Judy Cisco Saint Anthony, IN
Charles and Helen Coghlan Bloomington, IN
Jack V. and Mary Jo Dippel* Newburgh, IN
John and Felicia Ferrara Liberty Township, OH
Charles P. Finkbiner Westfield, IN
Edward B. Fischer Toledo, OH
John and Rebecca Flanigan Carmel, IN
Gene✝ and Laura Fleck Family Huntington, IN
Leo and Patricia Gasper North Vernon, IN
Paul J. Gaylo Greenwood, IN
Dale and Donna Gettelfinger Floyds Knobs, IN
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Graham, III Washington, IN
Michael and Betty Graven Saint Louis, MO
Joe Guy✝ and Merwyn Hagan Louisville, KY
Bill and Cheryl Halik Franklin, IN
Robert and Janice Harpenau* Troy, IN
Barbara Herrmann Sunbury, OH
Andrew Hiegel North Little Rock, AR
Ronald G. and Kathleen M. Hollander North Fort Myers, FL
Milton J. Kaelin Mount Washington, KY
Stephen L. and Diane M. Keucher Bloomington, IN
Dr. Leo J. Knaff Carmel, IN
Mary Helen Knapp Evansville, IN
Joseph and Pamela Kraft Floyds Knobs, IN
Dcn. Jim and Frances Krupka Traverse City, MI
John and Mary Jo Lannan Loogootee, IN
Sarah and John Lechleiter Indianapolis, IN
Jim and Sonja Malooley Delray Beach, FL
Connie and Tom Mazelin Las Vegas, NV
Bruce and Shaun Marie McCrea Louisville, KY
Mrs. Janet K. McDonnell Memphis, TN
Kevin and Karen McGauley Greenfield, IN
Richard and Maria McNeely Noblesville, IN
Mr. and Mrs. Jan A. Miller Findlay, OH
David and Barbara Mitchel* Carmel, IN
James E. Montgomery Bloomington, IN
Jim and Mary Kay Muehlbauer* Evansville, IN
Drs. Francis and Marianne Price Indianapolis, IN
Mary and Deacon Bill Reid* Carmel, IN
Carl and Betsy✝ Ritzel Kamas, UT
Deacon Mark and Kim N. Rougeux Louisville, KY
Robert K. Ruxer Jasper, IN
Rev. Joseph C. Scheib, JCL Pittsburgh, PA
Rosemary J. Schroeder Greensburg, IN
Michael and Pamela Schwenk Jasper, IN
Dr. Michael Seretny West Lafayette, IN
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Servais Kokomo, IN
Paul and Mary Sheets Bargersville, IN
Chris✝ and Gloria Shreve Santa Claus, IN
Bill and Elaine Sprigler Floyds Knobs, IN
Dr. Richard Stern Decorah, IA
Terry and Nancy Sullivan Atlantic Beach, FL
Jim and Pat Thyen Jasper, IN
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Tisch Sewickley, PA
Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Tomich Carmel, IN
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Urbanowski Martinsville, IN
Corazon A. Veza, MD Elizabethtown, KY
Wilmes Family Charitable Fdtn. Art and Anne Wilmes Indianapolis, IN
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Witchger, Sr. Indianapolis, IN
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Wolter South Bend, IN
Wayne and Dolores Zage Muncie, IN

Doug and Linda Ackerman Jasper, IN
David W. Baehl Evansville, IN
Dr. Greg and Anne Berger Jasper, IN
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome L. Bessler Avon, IN
Dean and Karen Bosler* Newburgh, IN
Katherine Carlson Greenwood, IN
John L. “Jack”✝ and Patricia Carmichael Williamsburg, VA
Deacon✝ and Mrs. David A. Cook Evansville, IN
Robert and Elaine Damler Zionsville, IN
Christine Lampert Desmarais Bowling Green, KY
Julia and W. Adam Ehret Carmel, IN
J.P. and Allison Engelbrecht Evansville, IN
Sam and Marja Eversman Saint Louis, MO
Rev. Thomas Extejt Toledo, OH
Bob✝ and Judy Griffin Newburgh, IN
Jeff Happe Mount Vernon, IN
Fr. Stanley Herber Beech Grove, IN
Bill and Sandy✝ Hobbs Brandenburg, KY
Kerry and Teran Jackson Santa Claus, IN
Cheryl A. Kitchin Carmel, IN
Scott and Jennifer Kuntz Zionsville, IN
Shirley Kurtzhals Bristow, IN
Fr. John H. Luerman Richmond, IN
Dave and Barb Lynn Fishers, IN
Mr. David P. Martin and Mrs. Pamela Bennett Martin Georgetown, IN
Drs. Craig and Diana Moorman Franklin, IN
Keith and Jeanie Mouser Elizabethtown, KY
Don and Caryn Mucci Louisville, KY
The Family of Kelley Mullen Six Mile, SC
Bernie✝ and Patty Niehaus* Vincennes, IN
Philomena O’Connor Louisville, KY
Gregory J. and Denise K. Pence Columbus, IN
Drs. Kirby and Deneen Plessala Mobile, AL
Marvin and Dorothy Ann Preske Evansville, IN
Patricia A. Reinhart Fort Branch, IN
Patricia S. Robak Greenfield, IN
Allen and Rosanne Roth Plainfield, IN
Sanda Hill’s Equine Center, Inc. Jasper, IN
Mary and Andreas Sashegyi Indianapolis, IN
Dr. and Mrs. Bradley and Allison Scheu Evansville, IN
Ruth A. Schmidt Vincennes, IN
Mark and Marlene Schroeder Jasper, IN
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Schwenk Jasper, IN
Fred and Marsha Souders Stendal, IN
Dr. and Mrs. Robert K. Spear Evansville, IN
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Stephenson Shelbyville, IN
Rev. Richard Sullivan Lexington, KY
Fr. Michael Sullivan Maple Grove, MN
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Swartz Austin, TX
John and Marilyn Thyen Naples, FL
Ronald and Mary Jane Thyen Jasper, IN
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Treml Lebanon, OH
Alvin C. and Kathleen Tretter Newburgh, IN
Mike and Mary Uebelhor Huntingburg, IN
Steve and Bonnie Uebelhor Huntingburg, IN
Paul and Debra Weiss Greens Fork, IN
Jim and Fredericka White Cutler Bay, FL
Jerry and Karen Williams Gastonia, NC
The Gene✝ and Edie Witchgers Indianapolis, IN

Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Adams Evansville, IN
Dr. Gerald Altstadt/Lora✝ Altstadt Huntingburg, IN
Aline Anderson-Detmer Zionsville, IN
Margaret J. Backer Jasper, IN
Bill and Cris Bahret Brownsburg, IN
Patrick and Jenny Bailey Mahomet, IL
Rev. Henry Baxa Belleville, KS
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Bear Indianapolis, IN
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Birchler Tennyson, IN
Melinda J. Blakesley Indianapolis, IN
Pat and Beth Blankenberger Poseyville, IN
Cecile A. “Cile” Blau and Allen Oman Jeffersonville, IN
John F. and Wandalee Brandle Elberfeld, IN
Al and Barbara✝ Cassidy Louisville, KY
John and Jane Chappell Jasper, IN
Mr. Timothy J. Cooney Carmel, IN
Rev. Charles L. Covington Austin, TX
Rev. Wilfred E. Day Floyds Knobs, IN
Ed and Donna Dennis Marshall, MI
Michael and Marilyn Dolder Cedar Lake, IN
Gregg and Pat Dwyer Indianapolis, IN
Michael and Christina Effinger Louisville, KY
Gardner Foundation Inc. Jeffersonville, IN
Mr. Eric J. Gries Evansville, IN
Jerry A. Gries Darmstadt, IN
William S. Hamrick Saint Louis, MO
JF Harris Lexington, KY
Alan and Dana Hoffman Jasper, IN
Fr. James M. Hunt Broken Bow, NE
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Huser Castle Rock, CO
Dean and Susan Isaacs Lanesville, IN
Cynthia and Robert Koch Evansville, IN
Albert and Irene Kovacs, Oblates Indianapolis, IN
Gene and Cathy Kroeff Carmel, IN
Bernard and Marilyn Lally Carmel, IN
David and Linda Budney LaRoche Bethesda, MD
Frank J. Loughery Zionsville, IN
George M. and Dorothy H. Lukazik
Hillsborough, NJ
Neil P. Lynch Jasper, IN
Miss Mary Joan Marsh Vincennes, IN
Rose Marie Marsh Vincennes, IN
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Marten* Carmel, IN
Rev. Mr. Michael McGuire✝ and Margaret McGuire Naperville, IL
Michael and Barbara McKowen Lima, OH
Christian✝ and Mary McNamara Pocatello, ID
Mike and Theresa Moorman Louisville, KY
Richard and Anita Morris Cold Spring, KY
In honor of Francis and Bertha Mueller Louisville, KY
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Murawski Indianapolis, IN
Michael Mustafaga Melbourne, FL
Deacon Dan and Laura Niemeier Evansville, IN
Jeanne and David O’Donnell Fortville, IN
Cathy and Tom Penno Westfield, IN
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Peters Greenwood, IN
Jane Ann Reinitz Evansville, IN
Rev. Leo Riley Port Charlotte, FL
Fr. Patrick W. Rogers Columbus, OH
E. Peter Rutledge Louisville, KY
Stephen and Ellen Sanders Indianapolis, IN
Ben and Martha Scheu Evansville, IN
Dan and Patty Schipp* Carmel, IN
Dan and Laura Shanahan Lecanto, FL
Deacon Marty and Bev Stout Kokomo, IN
Larry and Martha Tempel Brazil, IN
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Tilson Indianapolis, IN
Charlie and Joyce Vollmer Jasper, IN
Ted and Mary Kay Waflart Huntingburg, IN
Matthew and Diane Walter Georgetown, KY
Reverend Steven P. Walter Loveland, OH
Thomas E. and Martha C. Walter Jacksonville, FL
Thomas and Rita Walters Newburgh, IN
Oran and Martha Watts Indianapolis, IN
Paul✝ and Janet Witmeier Dubois, IN
Steve Witting Evansville, IN
Steve and Sandy Wolniakowski Pewamo, MI
Charles and Mamie Yeagle Findlay, OH

Rev. Donald K. Ackerman Jasper, IN
Jay and Sarah Adams Evansville, IN
Martha Altschaeffl and Al✝ West Lafayette, IN
Terry and Jean Alvey Evansville, IN
Melissa and Mark Ambre Noblesville, IN
Charles and Paula Amuso Souderton, PA
Ray Andrejasich✝ Indianapolis, IN
Barbara A. Ankenbrand Evansville, IN
Leo and Donna Anslinger Haubstadt, IN
Robert and Marijane Armbruster Pittsboro, IN
Major Lee and Toni Stricker Askins, U.S. Army Ret. Evansville, IN
Father Dan Atkins New Albany, IN
Rev. Eric M. Augenstein Indianapolis, IN
Rodney and Paula Baehl Evansville, IN
Ed Banet Henryville, IN
Rev. Thomas Barrett Ormond Beach, FL
Suellen and Doug Bawel Ireland, IN
Mary E. Beckman Aurora, IN
Reverend Patrick J. Beidelman, STL Indianapolis, IN
Jim Bell Gibraltar, MI
Dee Ann and Tim Bell Jasper, IN
Ann Bellingham Louisville, KY
David and Laura Belt The Villages, FL
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Bender Evansville, IN
Msgr. John J. Bendik Dunmore, PA
Art and Ann Berkemeier Indianapolis, IN
Deacon John and Sue Bialorucki Sandusky, OH
Patricia and Rafik Bishara Carmel, IN
Robert Blasius Greenwood, IN
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Blythe Evansville, IN
Very Rev. David Boettner Knoxville, TN
Jack and Pat Bohannon Louisville, KY
Dr. and Mrs. James P. Bohney Mooresville, IN
Rev. James Bonke Indianapolis, IN
Michael and Nancy Borders Chicago, IL
Mary S. and David A. Bower Evansville, IN
Christopher A. Brackman Columbus, IN
Randy and Judy Braun Boonville, IN
Rose Mary Breivogel Evansville, IN
Father Ray Brenner Evansville, IN
Ken and Anne Brosmer Jasper, IN
Deacon Charlie and Fran Brown Louisville, KY
Rev. Michael O. Brown Toledo, OH
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Brunn Saint Cloud, MN
John Allen Buche and Dr. Frances Alonzo McDonald Washington, DC
Jonathan Buck Evansville, IN
Charles and Marge Buechlein Jasper, IN
Mark and Kyla Buechlein Jasper, IN
Richard and Christine Buergler Greenwood, IN
Joe and Connie Bumbleburg Lafayette, IN
Mrs. Rose A. Burgess Toledo, OH
Al and Mary Jo Burke Prospect, KY
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Burns Bloomington, IN
Deacon and Mrs. John V. Busam Huron, OH
Br. David Butzu, OSB Milligan College, TN
Andrea M. Byrne New Albany, IN
Miguel and Sharyn Cabello Crestwood, KY
Bruce and Lisa Cambata Millboro, VA
Joan and Jerrod Carter Zionsville, IN
Michael A. and Shannon S. Carter Sellersburg, IN
Dr. and Mrs. David M. Caruso Osceola, IN
Shirley L. Casebolt Tell City, IN
Jim and Ann Chapman Lexington, KY
Rev. Robert Dale Cieslik Mount Washington, KY
Janice and Michael Cise Indianapolis, IN
John and Kelly Clauss Jasper, IN
Marilyn and Jim Clerc Columbus, IN
Donald and Nancy Clouser Winamac, IN
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Cochran Rineyville, KY
The Honorable J. Terrence Cody and Mrs. Peggy Cody New Albany, IN
Dr. and Mrs. John J. Coleman, III Hilton Head Island, SC
Veronica Conde Crown Point, IN
Daniel and Sharon Conway Louisville, KY
Mr. and Mrs. H. Lee Cooper, III Fort Myers, FL
Sheila Corcoran-Perry Jasper, IN
John✝ and Patricia Cornwell Corydon, IN
Paul and Fran Corsaro Greenwood, IN
David K. Cox Monticello, IL
Robert Jay Craig✝ and Alice Marie Duffy Craig✝ West Chester, PA
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Curtis Indianapolis, IN
Marty and Loretta Daly Grosse Ile, MI
Rev. Thomas E. Dansak Delmont, PA
Marilyn Dapper Indianapolis, IN
Elizabeth A. Davidson Terre Haute, IN
John L. Davis Greenfield, IN
Richard P. Deitchman and Beatrice Eckert* Indianapolis, IN
Rev. Paul E. Demuth Green Bay, WI
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Dendinger Auburn, IN
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Dewey Newburgh, IN
Marvin and Kate Dick Wyandotte, MI
Ken and Martha Dilger Evansville, IN
Jon and Anne Dilts Bloomington, IN
Rob and Jaime Dinn Kokomo, IN
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Dispenzieri Indianapolis, IN
James and Catherine Douglas Valparaiso, IN
Don Doyle Louisville, KY
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Drew Lawrenceburg, IN
Drs. Kevin and Charlotte Dugan Noblesville, IN
Msgr. Fred C. Easton Bloomington, IN
Michael Edwards and Jennifer Kunkler Ferdinand, IN
Mike and Kathy Egan Louisville, KY
Kenneth✝ and Mary Eisterhold Poseyville, IN
Gil and Marilyn Ellis Indianapolis, IN
John and Diane Ellis Newburgh, IN
Professor Ruth Engs-Franz Bloomington, IN
Barb Eudy Jasper, IN
Dr. and Mrs.✝ Thomas L. Eversman Jasper, IN
Jay Fadgen Falls Church, VA
Jim Fadgen McKees Rocks, PA
Dr. Frank and Mrs. Grace Hagan Fasano Jr. Centerville, OH
Carmen and Tonia Finestra Lemoyne, PA
Constance Fischer Indianapolis, IN
Mark and Susan Fischer Shelbyville, IN
Stephen and Susan Fischer Evansville, IN
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Fisher Indianapolis, IN
Mary Elizabeth FitzGerald Beaufort, SC
Fr. David Fleck Huntingburg, IN
Jim and Theresa Florek Munster, IN
Timothy S. N. Florian Jasper, IN
Thomas and Zo Ann Flynn Bowling Green, KY
Kevin and Donna Ford Louisville, KY
John Fose Apex, NC
L.D. and Janyce Foster Indianapolis, IN
In memory of Mike Ziemianski Marilyn and Tom Fox Maumee, OH
Most Reverend Roger Joseph Foys, D.D. Covington, KY
Thomas Franke Evansville, IN
Dan and Sara Fritch Jasper, IN
Steve and Cathy Funkhouser Richmond, IN
Beth and Nathan Gabhart Loogootee, IN
Rev. Msgr. G. Patrick Garrity Knoxville, TN
Lou Gaynor Indianapolis, IN
Father Pat Gaza Hammond, IN
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Gennett Matthews, NC
Steven and Mary Helen Gerteisen Evansville, IN
Tony and Susie Geswein Plainfield, IN
David A. Gettelfinger Floyds Knobs, IN
Doug and Cheryl Gettelfinger Carmel, IN
Bernardino and Caterina Ghetti Indianapolis, IN
In memory of Father Charley A. Giacosa, Jr. Rossville, TN
Connie Gigax Indianapolis, IN
Mary and Joe Gilene Prospect, KY
Jeanette Gill Sullivan, IN
Father Rick Ginther Indianapolis, IN
Dr. Michael and Sara Glasenapp Rocky River, OH
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Glasenapp North Olmsted, OH
Dr. Rory Goggins Paducah, KY
Jerry and Sharon Gorup Palmetto, FL
Farrel and Judy Gosman Jasper, IN
Mr. and Mrs. Josh Grace Nicholasville, KY
Peggy and John Graham Carmel, IN
Mike and Sharon Gramelspacher Jasper, IN
Mr. and Mrs. Stephan F. Gray Prospect, KY
Francis and Eva Greulich Seattle, WA
Rev. Jason B. Gries Evansville, IN
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Gwin Evansville, IN
Rev. James Hackett Louisville, KY
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Hajewski Newburgh, IN
Jay and Mary Ham Indianapolis, IN
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Hamernik Zionsville, IN
Greg and Lori Hamilton Georgetown, IN
Deacon Scott and JoAnn Haner Louisville, KY
Magdalene Scheessele Hanley Southington, CT
Donna Harper Antioch, TN
Jack and Kim Harrell Olney, IL
Gary and Domenica Hartman Valparaiso, IN
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hasenour Jasper, IN
Fr. Leo J. Hayes Belleville, IL
Sue Borders Heck and John Heck West Terre Haute, IN
S. M. Heeter Lafayette, IN
Diane Helcher Lawrenceburg, IN
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Henn Indianapolis, IN
Margaret Hennekes Prospect, KY
Wayne and Jewell Henning Evansville, IN
Carl G. and Carleen C. Herde Louisville, KY
Mr. and Mrs. Darren R. Herschberger New Haven, IN
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hess Santa Claus, IN
David and Wanda Hibshman Gilbert, AZ
Terry Hickey Carmel, IN
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Hirsch Fort Branch, IN
Harvey✝ and Rita Hirsch Fort Branch, IN
In memory of Ann and Thomas E.Hobbs Louisville, KY
Mike and Pat Hochgesang Jasper, IN
David and Susan Hodde Indianapolis, IN
John and Margaret Hodde Tell City, IN
John and Mary Hodgson Charleston, SC
Bob and Della✝ Hoereth Indianapolis, IN
Rev. Msgr. Michael G. Hohenbrink Findlay, OH
Mark and Deanne Holshouser Edwardsville, IL
Hopf Family Charitable Fund Austin, TX
Dr. Steve and Dana Hopf Jasper, IN
Richard Horst Valparaiso, IN
Althea and Bob Howe Larchmont, NY
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hubbs Louisville, KY
Eloise Hughes Grandview, IN
Dr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Hupfer Indianapolis, IN
Vic and Susan Ippoliti Saint Meinrad, IN
Greg and Michelle Jackson Lexington, KY
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Jacob Jasper, IN
James M. Jacobi, M.D. Bedford, IN
Jerry and Kathryn Jacobi Jeffersonville, IN
Karl Jacobs Family Fishers, IN
Dr. and Mrs. Richard P. Johnson Wildwood, MO
Francis E. Kane Bloomington, IN
John and Jane Karges Haubstadt, IN
Stephen and Teresa KasperickPostellon North Saint Paul, MN
Chris and Sheila Kaufman Indianapolis, IN
Stephen and Yee Kenkel Covington, KY
Father David W. Kennedy Earlington, KY
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Kent Indianapolis, IN
Ted Keusch Jasper, IN
Scott and Tracy Killion Jasper, IN
Mr. and Mrs. Brian King Greenwood, IN
Dr. Kyle W. King Evansville, IN
John M. Kinney San Antonio, TX
Robert and Deena Kleehamer New Albany, IN
Larry Klink Wolcott, IN
Klitzman Family Winamac, IN
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Knable Lafayette, IN
Deacon Joseph and Jodi Knapp Bloomington, IL
Jim✝ and Betty Knust Ferdinand, IN
Larry Knust Greenville, SC
Tim and Marie Kobos Cary, IL
Sharon and Derrick Koch Brownstown, IN
Pat Koch Santa Claus, IN
Bishop Joel Konzen, SM Atlanta, GA
Msgr. John E. Kozar Pittsburgh, PA
Jacob and Katie Kraft Floyds Knobs, IN
John and Marty Kremer Carmel, IN
Andy and Brenda Krempp Jasper, IN
Kenny✝ and Jane Krempp* Jasper, IN
John and Shari Krempp Jasper, IN
Bill and Missy Krempp Jasper, IN
James and Marilyn Krueger Oshkosh, WI
Terry and Kim LaGrange Carmel, IN
Joe and Trish Lamont Mount Gretna, PA
Mrs. Regina (James A.✝) Lancaster Elizabethtown, KY
Stephen C. Lannert Louisville, KY
Nancy and Ray✝ Larkin Jasper, IN
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Lee Chicago, IL
John and Judy Lehner South Bend, IN
Most Reverend Peter A. Libasci Manchester, NH
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Libs Floyds Knobs, IN
Deacon and Mrs. Paul Lim Pittsburgh, PA
William and Anna Lismore Newburgh, IN
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Litkenhus Lawrenceburg, KY
Patrick and Sharon✝ Logan Indianapolis, IN
Jim and Marie Luedke Sullivan, IL
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Lueken Georgetown, IN
Natalie Lund Glasgow, KY
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mace Hebron, KY
PJ Maloney Pittsburgh, PA
Ashley and Teresa Matchett Terre Haute, IN
Dr.✝ and Mrs. John A. Mattingly Corydon, IN
Dave Mattingly Marietta, GA
Perry J. Maull Bloomington, IN
Larry✝ and Carole McAtee Indianapolis, IN
C. James McCormick✝ Carmel, IN
Rev. Ryan M. McCoy Gulfport, MS
Mary Grace McGauley Littleton, CO
Dr. R. Jane McGeehan Fort Wayne, IN
William and Margaret McGuire Indianapolis, IN
Jerry and Angela McKain Tell City, IN
Martin and Marilyn McLaughlin Greenwood, IN
Most Reverend William F. Medley Owensboro, KY
Jeff Mehling Jasper, IN
Mary Lawrence Melvin Greencastle, PA
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Merman Louisville, KY
Mark and Kim Messmer Jasper, IN
Paul and Alice Messmer Ferdinand, IN
Sharon and Bernie✝ Messmer Jasper, IN
Rev. David J. Metz Hanover, KS
Sylvia Metzger Jasper, IN
Russ Meyer Batesville, IN
Carol and Richard Michna Valparaiso, IN
Joseph R. Mihelick Salem, SC
In memory of John E. and Lula Bell Miller Holton, IN
Stephen and Christine Miller Sellersburg, IN
Tom and Kathleen Miller Indianapolis, IN
Rev. Thomas Mischler Crown Point, IN
Mr. Dennis P. Moeller Jasper, IN
George and Dianne Moll Evansville, IN
Dr. and Mrs. Matthew Monesmith Jasper, IN
Robert V. Monfort Rensselaer, IN
Maria T. Moore Indianapolis, IN
Robert D. Moore Santa Claus, IN
Dr. Michael and Mrs. Andrea Morelli Indianapolis, IN
Ruth J. Mueller Louisville, KY
Steve and Beth Mullins Bradenton, FL
Mrs. Charlene M. Mundey Frankford, DE
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Munning, III Jasper, IN
Allen and Mary Munro Grand Junction, CO
M. Diane Murphy New Albany, IN
Thomas P. Murphy Fishers, IN
James Myers Sandusky, OH
Linda C. Patton Crestwood, KY
Mrs. Cindy Neuhaus Harrison, OH
Paul F. Nicolucci Family Carmel, IN
Esther Nieman Greensburg, IN
Bradford A. and Katherine M. Nilsson Lexington, KY
Matthew and Lindsey Nix Poseyville, IN
Mr. Jon and Dr. Kristi Nord Jasper, IN
Art and Patty Nordhoff Jasper, IN
Ralph G. Nowak Indianapolis, IN
Clayton and Sunita Nunes Bloomington, IN
Jeanne Obenchain San Diego, CA
Mr. Donald B. O’Brian Sr. Washington, IN
Betty Obst - in memory of John Obst Hopkins, MN
Dcn Jim O’Connell and Katie O'Connell Paoli, IN
Marilyn O’Connor La Porte, IN
D. Patrick O’Daniel Evansville, IN
John C. O’Keefe Columbus, OH
Greg and Carol Olinger Huntingburg, IN
Jerry and Julia✝ Olinger Huntingburg, IN
Deacon Frank and Mary Olmsted Saint Charles, MO
The Orie Family Louisville, KY
Rev. Robert E. Osborne Louisville, KY
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. O’Toole Greenwood, IN
Linda C. Patton Crestwood, KY
Martha J. Payne Worthington, OH
Kathy and Jack Payonk Saint John, IN
Edward and Kim Pence Columbus, IN
Dr. Charles Pfeiffer Portland, OR
Randy Lee Pfeiffer Haubstadt, IN
James A. and Mary Jane Pfister Evansville, IN
Scott and Theresa Pottratz Tybee Island, GA
Monsignor Rothell Price Shreveport, LA
Dr. and Mrs. John D. Pulcini Evansville, IN
Robert Quill Smyrna, GA
Sharon Raab Michigan City, IN
Cathy Rasmussen
In memory of Bill Rasmussen Lawrenceburg, IN
Gene Recker Jasper, IN
Kent and Cecilia Recker Philpot, KY
Larry and Jemma Rexing Lafayette, IN
Kent and Paula Reyling Jasper, IN
Pat and Bob Richardson Saint Charles, IL
Mary Pat and Charles Ricketts Madison, IN
Mrs. Billie M. Riggs Evansville, IN
Fr. Dan Ring Luna Pier, MI
Mrs. JoAnn Robertson Ramsey, IN
Nancy and Bill Rodgers Fort Wayne, IN
Mark and Juan Rowlands New Palestine, IN
Jan and Bill Rubino Jasper, IN
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Rueger Evansville, IN
Art✝ and Margaret Ruhe Ferdinand, IN
Mike Runnebohm Shelbyville, IN
Dan and Jane Rupert Lima, OH
Bruce and Sharon Russo Greensburg, IN
Janna Rutledge West Des Moines, IA
Dr. Gary and Sara Ryan Gettysburg, PA
John and Sharon Ryan Indianapolis, IN
Bill and Kaelin Rybak Louisville, KY
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Sanderson Evansville, IN
Ellen M. Scanlin Vincennes, IN
Reverend Stephen W. Schack Mesa, AZ
Duane and Marcia Schaefer Tell City, IN
Mary and John Schaffner Indianapolis, IN
Dr. and Mrs. Alan Schapker* Phoenix, AZ
Mark and Marja Schatz Derby, IN
The Daniel L. Scheidler Family Muncie, IN
Anthony Schelonka Carmel, IN
Suzanne Schmelz Evansville, IN
Mrs. Wm. G. Schmidt Evansville, IN
Virginia Schnellenberger Jasper, IN
Herbert C.✝ and Mary Catherine Fessel Schueler Owensboro, KY
Raymond M. Schulist Muskegon, MI
Ron and Nancy Schulte Zionsville, IN
Riley and Mary Jeanne Schumacher Broomall, PA
Mr. and Mrs. William Schuster Knoxville, TN
Alan and Tami Schwenk Columbus, IN
Scott Schwinghammer Jasper, IN
Theresa Secord Louisville, KY
Robin and Steve Sedita Louisville, KY
Tom and Cindy Seger Jasper, IN
Deacon Michael and Mrs. Mary Seibert Dubois, IN
Timothy W. Seibert Newburgh, IN
Tim and Debbie Shafer Noblesville, IN
William and Linda Shaneyfelt Jasper, IN
Ron Sharp Indianapolis, IN
W. Charles Sherwood West Lafayette, IN
Steve and Pam Shoulta Paducah, KY
Charlotte and Michael Shumway Jeffersontown, KY
Jerry and Theresa Simmons Seymour, IN
Simunek Family Greenfield, IN
Robert G. Sinovcic and George P. Sinovcic Grover, MO
Gordon and Theresa Slack Zionsville, IN
Bruce and Katie Smith Washington, IN
Paul and June Smith Evansville, IN
Steve and Vicki Smith Houston, TX
Becky and Gary Sommer Louisville, KY
Spartz and Weber Family Labolt, SD
Robert J. Spicuzza Jr. Evansville, IN
Dr. and Mrs. J.D. Springston Santa Claus, IN
Dr. Darren T. Sroufe Newburgh, IN
Ila and Paul F. Stabile, Jr. Canonsburg, PA
Ben and MJ Stallings Indianapolis, IN
James✝ and Ruth Stallman Jasper, IN
Kenneth Stammerman Louisville, KY
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Stank Fishers, IN
Mary Ann and Albert P.✝ Steiner, Jr. Greenwood, IN
Steve and Grace Sternberg Louisville, KY
Judy and Joe Steurer Jasper, IN
Doris Stolz Oakland City, IN
Ron and Barbara Stolz Haubstadt, IN
Carney and Dorothyann Strange Bloomington, IN
Gregg and Judy Sturm Vincennes, IN
Dr. Linda Swindell Plano, TX
Victor Szczechowski Martinsville, IN
Dr. Terry and Kathy Talley Evansville, IN
Elizabeth Ann Taraska Evansville, IN
Tom Tarzian Bloomington, IN
Joe Teague Danville, KY
Reverend Francis S. Tebbe, O.F.M., KCHS Palos Park, IL
Gene and Mary Tempel Indianapolis, IN
Fr. Ted Tempel Evansville, IN
Jeff and Marty Terhune Lexington, KY
Charles S. Thatcher Winter Springs, FL
Mrs. Marilyn F. Thieneman Corydon, IN
Thomas Jeffersonville, IN
Connie and George Thompson Louisville, KY
John and Tracie Tobin Pittsburgh, PA
Richard L. Tobin and Maggie Villane
New York, NY
Dr. William J. Tomcek✝ Legacy Schofield, WI
Jim and Jil Tracy Quincy, IL
Nancy S. Traylor Evansville, IN
Fr. William A. Traylor Evansville, IN
Barbara Trompeter Louisville, KY
Fr. Anthony J. Trosley Nauvoo, IL
Dave and Marjorie Trummel Fishers, IN
Dr. Gregory Ulm Fishers, IN
United Cabinet Foundation, Inc. Jasper, IN
Dr. Mary Diane Valentine West Peoria, IL
Father Joseph Vamos Crown Point, IN
Tom and Jan Vander Luitgaren in honor of Fr. Earl Rohleder Bargersville, IN
Gilbert✝ and Rita Verkamp Santa Claus, IN
Dr. and Mrs. Charles C. Vieck Vincennes, IN
Anthony Joseph Viglietti Nashville, TN
Msgr. Tony Volz Indianapolis, IN
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Walker Washington, IN
Gene✝ and Eveline Wannemuehler Evansville, IN
Rev. Daniel L. Warden Houston, TX
Catherine Weidenbener Avon, IN
Brian and Peggy Weigele Newburgh, IN
Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Weinzapfel Evansville, IN
Archbishop Peter B. Wells Washington, D.C.
Chris and Sally Welp Ferdinand, IN
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Wenzel Indianapolis, IN
Janet Ann Werne Saint Henry, IN
James and Pam Weyer Ferdinand, IN
Tom✝ and Ann Weyer Ferdinand, IN
Paul and Linda Weyer Ferdinand, IN
Ron and Lou Ann Weyer Ferdinand, IN
Drs. James and Alice Wheeler Goshen, IN
Shirley A. Whitted Princeton, IN
Julie Ann Wilberding Greencastle, PA
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilderman Mount Vernon, IN
Carrie F. Williamson Goshen, KY
Jeff and Laurie Wilmes Evansville, IN
Wes and Jody Wilmes Evansville, IN
Gary and Janet Wink Evansville, IN
David and Kathleen Witchger Hot Springs Village, AR
Oksana and Peter Withey* Indianapolis, IN
Deacon Jim and Marilyn Woebkenberg Ferdinand, IN
Deacon Russ Woodard Nashville, IN
Suzanne L. Yakimchick Indianapolis, IN
Kent and Joy Yeager Mauckport, IN
Dr. and Mrs. Mark D. Young Hickory, KY
Additionally, 296 Abbot Martin Marty Guild members have chosen to remain anonymous.
Membership list as of September 1, 2024.
The Einsiedeln Society

The Einsiedeln Society was established to recognize those donors who have contributed to Saint Meinrad by making planned gifts.
Donors qualify for membership in The Einsiedeln Society by one of these ways:
1. Naming Saint Meinrad in their will;
2. Making a deferred gift (via a trust agreement, charitable gift annuity, life insurance policy, or retirement plan beneficiary designation, etc.); or
3. Making an outright or cumulative gift of at least $10,000 for a specific endowment purpose. With a gift of $10,000 or more, they can create a named endowment for the purpose or memorial designation of their choice.
Many of the Society’s members have included Saint Meinrad in their estate plans. It also is possible to experience the joy of seeing your gifts at work during your lifetime. The simplest way to do that is through an outright gift of cash or appreciated securities. Several other gift opportunities are available, usually referred to as planned gifts.
Most planned gifts offer several benefits. Among them are the opportunity to:
• Expand your philanthropic ability
• Provide income tax savings through a charitable deduction
• Avoid or reduce capital gains tax
• Increase current spendable income
• Simplify the management of financial resources
• Reduce the costs and time of ultimate estate settlement.
A gift annuity is a simple approach to increasing your current income, availing yourself of tax benefits and making a significant gift to Saint Meinrad. Because state regulations vary, Saint Meinrad does not offer charitable gift annuities to residents of all states.
In more substantial and complex situations, the use of a charitable remainder trust accomplishes many of the same results, but provides the possibility of tailoring the gift to accomplish more specific personal or financial objectives as well. Both the gift annuity and the charitable remainder trust can be used to benefit one or more individuals besides the donor.
The gift of a home or farm can provide a generous tax deduction, which increases spendable income. This can be done through a life estate agreement, without sacrificing the use or control of the property during the lifetime of the current owners. There are many other ways gifts can be made using life insurance or real estate.
Increasingly, people are looking at the double tax effect (estate tax and income tax) of passing on their tax-deferred retirement plans (IRAs, 401Ks, SEPs, etc.) to family and are opting to use these as the charitable gifts of choice.
Your consideration of one or more of these alternatives would provide a significant investment in the work of Saint Meinrad. Your partnership in this work will affect many lives into the future. A member of Saint Meinrad’s staff would be pleased to suggest an approach that best suits your specific personal needs, timing, and objectives.
Thank you for your commitment to and the essential role you play in the success of Saint Meinrad Archabbey and Seminary and School of Theology. Without your generous contributions of time, talent and treasure, Saint Meinrad’s vital missions of prayer and preparing leaders for the Church would not be possible. F
Deceased Members
einsiedeln society members who have died this past year
You are all wise and merciful. We humbly beseech your mercy on behalf of our friends, relatives and benefactors who have passed from this world, especially deceased members of The Einsiedeln Society.
Through the intercession of our Blessed Mother, St. Meinrad and St. Benedict, may they enjoy eternal peace and happiness with You. We ask this through Our Lord, Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God forever and ever.Amen. For a complete listing of the necrology of permanent members of The Einsiedeln Society, please visit www.saintmeinrad.org/es-necrology.

Endowment of Saint Meinrad
sustaining saint meinrad’s ministries for the church
Since the mid 1980s, Saint Meinrad, with the encouragement of the Board of Overseers and the assistance of its friends, has emphasized the significant role that an endowment plays in sustaining Saint Meinrad’s ministries for the Church. Since that time, alumni and friends have supported and grown the endowment, which has provided substantial, ongoing financial support to Saint Meinrad Archabbey and its Seminary and School of Theology.
In 1987, Saint Meinrad’s endowment stood at less than $8 million. Through God’s blessing and with the generous support of many friends, the endowment balance as of June 30, 2024, totaled $89.6 million. For this success, the monastic community, staff, and students offer thanks to God and you.
Saint Meinrad’s endowment is made up of many specific endowment funds that are created for different purposes, such as the monks’ health care, student financial assistance, spiritual formation, homiletics, and youth leadership and vocations. Moreover, specific endowment funds can be established to honor the memory of monks, parents, children, spouses or other loved ones. The chart on page 27 illustrates the breakdown of the Saint Meinrad endowment by the area or purpose benefited.
Contributing to or Establishing an Endowment Fund
It is quite simple to contribute to an endowment. It can be done with a gift during your lifetime or through provisions of your estate documents. Gifts of cash, securities or other assets can be used to create or add to an existing endowment. It takes only your generous action in the present to provide in perpetuity for those values you cherish.
Endowment Stewardship
Investment markets for the year ending June 30, 2024, produced an overall return of 15.1%.
During the past year, 11 new endowments were established by our generous friends and alumni. These new endowments will provide added funding for monastery repairs, the Archives and History Museum, young adult retreats, and for scholarship assistance for seminarians studying for the priesthood.
We are grateful for these, and all our endowments, which help support our life of prayer and work in perpetuity. Annualized investment returns for the past one-, three- and five-year periods are reflected on page 27.
The Endowment Advisory Board
The members of Saint Meinrad’s Endowment Advisory Board provide wise and generous counsel in administering a prudent course for managing our endowment. Much gratitude is due to the board’s external members – Bruce McCrea, partner, Legacy Financial Independent Advisors, Louisville, KY, Steve Mullins, retired president, ClearArc Capital Inc., Bradenton, FL, and Stephen Witting, senior commercial loan officer at Indiana Members Credit Union, Evansville, IN.
Internal members of the board include Rt. Rev. Kurt Stasiak, OSB, archabbot; Very Rev. Denis Robinson, OSB, president-rector; Lisa Castlebury, treasurer/ business manager; Duane Schaefer, vice president for development; and Brian Doyle, director of planned giving and foundation relations.
Your Role in Our Success
Your membership in The Einsiedeln Society is greatly appreciated. Please share your feelings about Saint Meinrad with friends and acquaintances. You are the best means of expanding the Saint Meinrad family. F

You are the best means of expanding the Saint Meinrad family.

The Einsiedeln Society
Individual Endowment Funds
The following pages list the individual endowment funds established for the work of Saint Meinrad Archabbey and Seminary and School of Theology. These funds, established by numerous friends, vary in size, yet all were established with foresight and a passionate commitment to the mission of Saint Meinrad. The monks, students and staff are most grateful to all who are helping to build perpetual funding for Saint Meinrad’s work of serving the Church. New funds established in the past year are indicated in bold.
Funds Established to Support Seminary and School of Theology and Other Programs
Art and Architecture Lecture
Peter and Viola Dolle Memorial Endowment, by Adam Dolle
Continuing Education and The Church Leadership Center
Marvin Baker CLC Endowment, by Estate of Marvin G. Baker
Charles Collins Endowment, by Estates of Charles and Anne Collins
Monsignor John J. Bendik Endowment, by George and Dorothy Lukazik
Herbert and Maxine Thyen Endowment for The Church Leadership Center, by Herbert and Maxine Thyen
Weisenberger Business Administration Endowment, by Estate of Joan D. Weisenberger
John and Marian Witting Endowment Fund for Continuing Education Programs, by John and Marian Witting
Cooperative Action for Community Development Ministries
Mr. William Kahle Memorial Endowment, by Rev. David Kahle
Enrollment Management
The Marvin G. Baker Memorial Priesthood Student Recruitment Endowment, by Estate of Marvin G. Baker
Scholl Foundation Investment Fund, by Dr. Scholl Foundation
Faculty Compensation
Marvin G. Baker Faculty Compensation Fund, by Estate of Marvin G. Baker
Faculty Development
Reverend Adrian Fuerst Theology Faculty Development Endowment, by Benefactors of Saint Meinrad School of Theology
Guest House and Retreat Center
Rev. Vincent Tobin, OSB, Memorial Endowment, by John P. Tobin Jr.
Health Service
The Dennis Etienne Memorial Endowment, by Katherine (Etienne) Pappano and Members of the Etienne Family
The John S. and Virginia Marten Homiletics Endowment, by John S. and Virginia Marten
The Monsignor Joseph Semancik Homiletics Endowment Fund, by Monsignor Joseph Semancik
Fr. Mateo Zamora, OSB, Endowment for Homiletics, by Fr. Mateo Zamora, OSB
Information Technology
Marvin G. Baker Information Technology Endowment, by Estate of Marvin G. Baker
Saint Meinrad Information Technology Endowment, by Overseers and Friends of Saint Meinrad
Institute for Priests and Presbyterates
The Alvin and Barbara Cassidy Endowment Fund, by Alvin and Barbara Cassidy
The Kevin S. Cole Family Endowment Fund, by Kevin S. Cole
Deacon David and Virginia Cook Endowment for Pastoral Leadership in Staff Development, by Deacon David and Virginia Cook
The Father John Farley Endowment Fund, by Thomas Farley
The Father J. Ronald Knott Endowment Fund, by Rev. J. Ronald Knott
The Alfred L. Koetting Memorial Endowment Fund, by Mary M. Koetting
Learning Resource Center
Mader Endowment, by Rev. Joseph Mader
Edward Cochran Memorial Library Endowment, by Mr. and Mrs. Clarence W. Cochran
Daly Library Endowment, by Estate of Thomas J. Daly
St. Cecelia Book Fund, by The Hettich Family
The Reverend Cajetan White, OSB, Memorial Fund, by Gilbert and Mary Seger Family
Media Facilities and Equipment
Dream of Distinction Fund, by Friends of Saint Meinrad
Multicultural Ministry
GAR Foundation Endowment, by GAR Foundation
Arnold F. and Barbara T. Habig Endowment for Priestly Ministry in the Multicultural Church, by Barbara T. Habig
The Reverend Mark O’Keefe, OSB, Endowment for International Seminarians and Priests, by Mark T. Spratt and Matthew D. Holland
The Alyna and William Cox Endowment, by William Cox
Dr. Michael Seretny Endowment for Oblate Spiritual Formation, by Dr. Michael Lee Seretny
“One Bread, One Cup”
The Father Gavin Barnes, OSB, Scholarship Endowment by Anonymous Donor
Bob and Claire Baker One Bread One Cup Scholarship Endowment, by Bob and Claire Baker
J.W. “Bill” Barras Jr. Memorial Endowment, by Barras Foundation
The Gary and Barbara Herrmann Endowment for Youth, by Fr. Simon Herrmann, OSB
Thomas C. and Gloria W. Shreve One Bread One Cup Scholarship Fund, by Gloria Shreve
Lowell E. and Bettye A. Statham One Bread One Cup Endowment Fund, by The Estate of Bettye A. Statham
Pastoral Studies
Pastoral Studies Endowment Fund, by Friends of Saint Meinrad
Permanent Deacon Formation
Permanent Deacon Formation Program Fund, by Friends of Saint Meinrad
Sabbatical Program Grants
Reverend James Sweeney Sabbatical Grant Endowment, by Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Semler
Monsignor William A. Lautner Sabbatical Grant Endowment Fund, by Joseph and Mary Alice Zarrella
Special Learning Opportunities
The Marsha and Fred Souders Endowment, by Marsha and Fred Souders
Spiritual Formation Endowment Fund
The Stasiak Fund, by Estate of Deacon Joseph Stasiak
Sullivan Spiritual Formation Endowment, by Estates of Marie and Arthur Sullivan
Students’ Required Liturgical Books
School of Theology Book Fund, by Anonymous Donor
Systematic and Biblical/Historical Studies
John F. Gaither and Catherine W. Gaither Endowment Fund, by Catherine Gaither
Paul Gaylo Endowment for the Study of Scripture of early Christian Literature by Paul Gaylo
Theology and Philosophy Lecture
Thomas Lecture Investment Fund, by George and Mary Thomas
Youth Leadership and Vocations
Thomas and Marita Dieter Family Endowment, by Thomas and Marita Dieter
The Othmar E. and Virginia E. (Jent) Ringeman Endowment Fund for Youth Programs, by Ringeman Charitable Remainder Trust
Funds Established to Support Student Education
(Some funds are restricted to or have a preference for students from particular dioceses or geographic areas.)
To benefit students studying for missionary work
Reverend John J. Shaughnessy Scholarship, by Rev. John J. Shaughnessy
To benefit diocesan and Benedictine priesthood students
Regan-Evrard-Curley Fund, by Dr. Francis and Arthur Regan
Ed and Fern Roesch Endowment Fund, by Ed and Fern Roesch
To benefit priesthood students or general endowment
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kiegel Scholarship Fund, by Marie Kiegel Conen
The Verkamp and Doogs Memorial Fund, by Elizabeth A. Doogs
The Dubois County Bank Priesthood Fund, by Dubois County Bank Foundation
Mrs. Roxie P. Gish Scholarship Fund, by Tobe and Mary Gish
Esther Grannan Endowment Fund, by Estate of Esther Grannan
Kennedy Priesthood Fund, by Mr. and Mrs. William E. Kennedy
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque Scholarship, by Mrs. Leo Kerwin
St. Ottilia Scholarship, by Miss Ottilia Obert
Shanahan Scholarship, by Charles M. and Ellen Shanahan
Walter and Emma Strahl Memorial Fund, by Estate of Walter and Emma Strahl
St. Louis the King and St. Agnes Scholarship, by Louis I. Vernia
To benefit lay students or general endowment
The C. Donald, Charles and Virginia Borders Memorial Scholarship Fund, by The Borders Family
Edward J. and Elsie M. Peter Fund, by The Tom and Jane Huber Family
Kathryn S. Kissel Memorial Scholarship Fund, by Kathryn S. Kissel
To benefit international students
Reverend Crispine Adongo Endowment for International Student Scholarships
To benefit lay students
Lay Ministry Development Fund, by Anonymous Donor
The Charles Robert Baker Endowment Fund, by Dr. Claire A. Baker
Fr. Damien Dietlein, OSB, Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Sister Mary Walter Goebel, OSB, Scholarship, by the Estate of Robert D. Hess
Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati, Dominican Layman, Scholarship, by the Estate of Robert D. Hess
Mary Josephine Hess Scholarship, by the Estate of Robert D. Hess
Robert and Ursula Jaeger Lay Ministry Scholarship Fund, by Robert and Ursula Jaeger
Eleanor O’Keefe Memorial Fund, by Stetson Whitcher
To benefit any student studying at Saint Meinrad
Robert Armbruster Memorial Scholarship Fund, by Friends of Bob Armbruster
The Arnold-Ofer Scholarship Fund, by The Arnold and Ofer Families
The Josephine C. Brenner Scholarship Fund, by Ray Brenner
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Davidson Endowment Fund, by Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Doerr Endowment Fund, by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Doerr
The Marvin J. and Beulah M. Evans Scholarship Fund, by Estate of Marvin and Beulah Evans
Terry Gillin Scholarship Fund, by Terry Gillin
The Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cody and Family Endowment by Donna Henderson and Johna Joines
Holy Spirit Parish of Indianapolis Scholarship Fund, by Holy Spirit Parishioners
Charles and Clarence Hubbs Families Endowment Fund, by Mr. Gerald Hubbs
Dr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Hupfer Scholarship Fund, by Dr. and Mrs. Timothy Hupfer
Maurice and Dolores Kuper Scholarship Fund, by Maurice and Dolores Kuper
The Jerry and Mary Mahoney Scholarship, by Marguerite Mahoney
Mehringer Scholarship Fund, by The Mehringer Sisters of Jasper, IN
Philomena Oesterling Scholarship, by Miss Philomena Oesterling
Clara Pascucci Scholarship Fund, by Miss Clara Pascucci
St. Martin’s Burse, by Mr. Martin Renner
The Brott and Ritzel Families Scholarship, by Mr. Carl B. Ritzel
Alvin and Hilda Ruxer Scholarship Fund, by Alvin and Hilda Ruxer
Reverend Anselm Schaaf, OSB, Scholarship Fund, by Saint Meinrad Lay Alumni Association
Reverend Walter Sullivan, OSB, Scholarship, by Saint Meinrad Lay Alumni Association
Reverend Meinrad Hoffman, OSB, Scholarship Fund, by Saint Meinrad Lay Alumni Association
Raymond and Genevieve Schaefer Scholarship Fund, by William Clay Schaefer
The Cyr-Scheu Memorial Fund, by Mr. Kenneth Scheu
Reverend John L. Vincius Scholarship, by Rev. John Vincius
Margaret Wolf Scholarship, by Margaret Wolf
To benefit students studying for the priesthood
Basil H. Albury Memorial Scholarship Fund, by Cheryl Albury
The Bentz Foundation Scholarship Fund, by Bentz Foundation
Indianapolis Serra Club, for the benefit of seminarians from the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, by Art and Ann Berkemeier
The Patricia M. and Rafik H. Bishara Scholarship Endowment, by Patricia M. and Rafik H. Bishara
The James W. Bower Scholarship Fund, by Estate of James W. Bower
John and Katherine Burke Scholarship Fund, by Mr. Patrick Burke
Francis Patrick Casey Scholarship Fund, by Estate of Genevieve Casey
The Comerford Family Scholarship Fund, by John M. Comerford
The Fred and Marie Conen Scholarship Fund, by Fred and Marie Conen
The Darrow Trust Endowment Fund, by Estate of Florence C. Darrow
Louise B. Lucas Endowment Fund, by Charles and Peggy Dell
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Fitzgerald Scholarship Fund, by Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Fitzgerald
The Lawrence and Olivia Fullenkamp Endowment Fund, by Paul and Dorothy Fullenkamp
The Bernard and Amanda Senft and Leo and Rose Bramlage Endowment Fund, by Paul and Dorothy Fullenkamp
The Mary J. Galloway Endowment, by Mary J. Galloway
Leo and Patricia Gasper Family Endowment for the Education of Priests, by Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gasper
Robert and Mary Goldammer Memorial Endowment Fund, by Dr. Robert Michael Goldammer
Mrs. Mary Grace Helfrich Endowment Fund, by Estate of Mary Grace Helfrich
The Mary C. Hooper Scholarship Fund, by Mary C. Hooper
St. Frederick Scholarship, by Msgr. Frederick Huesman
Kaelin Family Scholarship Fund, by Milton Kaelin
The John and Katherine Kelly Scholarship Fund, by John and Katherine Kelly
The Reverend Henry J. Bilz Scholarship Fund, by Knights of Columbus Council #8651, Sullivan, IN
Koenig Scholarship Fund, by Mrs. Florence Koenig
Mary Pardieck Koontz Fund, by Mary Pardieck Koontz Trust
Reverend Alex Kotheimer Fund, by Rev. Alex Kotheimer
Ladies Auxiliary of Knights of St. John Scholarship, by Ladies Auxiliary #178 of Vincennes, Indiana
Marie Lotz Scholarship Fund, by Mrs. Marie Lotz
The Deacon Michael P. McGuire Scholarship Fund, by Mr. Michael P. McGuire II and Mr. Mitchell McGuire
Margaret Ann McGuire Scholarship Endowment, by Mitchell L. McGuire
John and Ann Marie Martin Memorial Scholarship Endowment, by John and Ann Marie Martin Trust
Reverend Paul Moll Fund, by Rev. Paul Moll
St. Albert Scholarship Fund, by Msgr. Albert Petrasch
The Celestial Burse, by Joseph P. Phelan
Miss Rose Reddy Scholarship, by Estate of Rose Reddy
Wm. Clay Schaefer Scholarship Endowment Fund, by Wm. Clay Schaefer
John and Mary Esther Schnaus Fund, by Mary Esther Schnaus
Ron R. and Mary Jane Schneider Family Foundation Fund, by Ron R. and Mary Jane Schneider Family Foundation
Mr. William Schutz Scholarship Fund, by Mrs. Adele Schutz
The Edward and Kathryn Sheets, Sr. Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund, by the estate of Father Joseph B. Sheets
Funds Established to Support the Monastery
To benefit Archabbey Grounds
Sacred Ground Stewardship Fund, by John and Yvonne Jaso
To benefit Almoner’s Office
The Claire A. Baker Endowment for the Saint Meinrad Archabbey Almoner’s Office, by Claire A. Baker
To benefit Benedictines’ education
Star of the Sea Scholarship, by Miss Anna L. Casson
The Heck Family Memorial Fund for the Education of Men for the Benedictine Order, by The Heck Family
John J. Bendik Memorial Endowment Fund, by Dorothy and George Lukazik
The Mazza Foundation Benedictine Fund, by Mazza Foundation of Chicago, Illinois
The Douglas E. and Randall S. Marrs and John M. Sullivan Fund, by Dr. Francis Regan
The Othmar E. and Virginia E. (Jent) Ringeman Benedictine Priesthood Education Endowment Fund, by Ringeman Charitable Remainder Trust
John and Patty Roesch Benedictine Education Fund, by Mr. and Mrs. John R. Roesch
Rose Schilling Scholarship, by Miss Rose Schilling
SS. Cyril and Methodius Scholarship, by Br. Methodius Shigo, OSB
The Herb and Maxine Thyen Scholarship Fund, by Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Thyen
The Harold and Martha Welch Endowment Fund, by Mrs. Martha Welch
The Arthur and Mildred Smith Krapf Endowment, by Estate of Mildred Smith Krapf
Joseph T. Theby Memorial Fund, by Mary Jane Theby and Members of the Theby Family
Reverend Joseph Bernard Wheatley Scholarship, by Estate of Rev. Joseph Bernard Wheatley
Joseph and Christine Wolter Endowment for Seminarian Tuition Assistance, by Joseph and Christine Wolter
The Reverend William S. Fisher Scholarship Fund, by Mr. Eugene Witchger
Monastic infirmary and continuing education
Raymond F. Boehm and Charles E. Boehm Endowment Fund, by Raymond F. Boehm and Mary Kirsch Boehm
The Joe Guy and Merwyn Hagan Endowment for Monastic Healthcare, by Merwyn Hagan
Bernard and Mary Ann Moster Endowment for the Monastic Infirmary, by Mary Ann Moster Ruxer Memorial Investment Fund, by Mr. and Mrs. Alvin C. Ruxer
The James and Marilyn Sonderman & Alvin and Coleen Schatz Memorial Endowment, by Mark and Marja Schatz
To support liturgical music and general endowment
Kelly Memorial Investment Fund, by Mrs. J. Joseph (Nelle) Kelly
To benefit Benedictines studying Eastern Studies
The Joseph Francis Cody Sr. and Frances T. Cody Manning Memorial Fund, by Mrs. Frances T. Cody Manning
Parish car maintenance
Parish Car Investment Fund, by Monks of Saint Meinrad
To assist monastic health care
Archabbot Gabriel Verkamp Memorial Fund, by Benefactors of Saint Meinrad Archabbey
St. Joseph Monastic Healthcare Endowment in Honor of Archabbot Lambert Reilly, OSB, by Friends of Saint Meinrad Archabbey
Brother Daniel Linskens, OSB, Health Care Endowment, by Friends of Saint Meinrad Archabbey
Monastic Retirement Endowment Fund, by Friends of Saint Meinrad Archabbey
The John and Yole Fassero Monastic Healthcare Endowment, by Reverend Jonathan Fassero, OSB
The Gene and Laura Fleck Family Endowment, by Mr. and Mrs. Eugene E. Fleck
Bernard and Mary Ann Moster Endowment for the Monastic Infirmary, by Mary Ann Moster
The Othmar E. and Virginia E. (Jent) Ringeman Monastic Health Care Endowment Fund, by Ringeman Charitable Remainder Trust
To benefit Young Adult Ministry
Paying it Forward: Young Adult Retreat Assistance, by Barbara Herrmann
To assist monastery repairs
Corban Fund for Monastery Repairs by Corazon Veza
Archabbey Church bells and tower clocks
The Carl H. and Mary C. Osbourn Wolford Endowment for the Archabbey Church Bells and Tower Clocks, by Carl and Mary Kay Wolford
Monte Cassino Shrine
Helen A. Renner Memorial Endowment to Benefit Monte Cassino Shrine, by Estate of Helen Renner
Archives and History Museum
Stan and Lois Seretny Memorial Endowment Fund for Archives and History Museum, by Dr. Michael Lee Seretny
Funds Established to Support General Operations
(Funds with an * support Seminary and School of Theology operations)
Kelley A. Mullen Sustainability & Stewardship Endowment by Anonymous Donor
Mrs. C.W. (Frankie) Ackerman Endowment Fund, by Mrs. C.W. Ackerman
Mary G. Baker Memorial Endowment Fund*, by Charles Robert Baker
The Juanita and John Bartholome Endowment*, by Estate of John Bartholome
Robert and Alice Butler Endowment*, by Robert and Alice Butler
Jack and Mary Jo Dippel Family Endowment Fund, by Jack and Mary Jo Dippel
The Endowment for the Intentions of Laura and Gene Fleck, by Laura and Gene Fleck
Mary Ann Hiegel Endowment for the Monastery and Seminary, by Andrew Hiegel
The Charles E. and Erma N. Hirsch Endowment, by Charles E. Hirsch
The Jeffrey J. Kennedy Memorial Sustainability and Stewardship Endowment, by Estate of Jeffrey J. Kennedy
Mr. Ray J. Link Endowment Fund, by Mr. Ray J. Link Estate
The Dr. John and Carole A. Mattingly Fund, by John and Carole Mattingly
Mazza Foundation Fund, by Mazza Foundation of Chicago, Illinois
Helen E. Miller Endowment Fund*, by Ms. Helen E. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Miller Endowment Fund*, by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Miller Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Mitchel Endowment Fund, by Mr. and Mrs. David P. Mitchel
Overseers’ Thomas Ostdick Endowment Fund*, by Overseers of Saint Meinrad
Endowment in Memory of Ruth S. Reed by the family of Ruth Steele Reed
Paul Scheessele Endowment Fund, by Mr. Paul B. Scheessele
Schneider Family Foundation Endowment Fund, by Mr. and Mrs. Al J. Schneider Sr.
J. Robert Shine Sustainability and Stewardship Fund, by Estate of J. Robert Shine Endowment
The Paul J. Zellers Endowment Fund, by Estate of Paul J. Zellers
Current Einsiedeln Society Members
Rev. Donald K. Ackerman Jasper, IN
Doug and Linda Ackerman Jasper, IN
Fr. Crispine O. Adongo Dale, IN
Aline Anderson-Detmer Zionsville, IN
Rev. John C. Anderson Bloomington, IL
Joseph A.✝ and Joan Armbruster Greenwood, IN
Robert and Marijane Armbruster Pittsboro, IN
Rev. Eric M. Augenstein Indianapolis, IN
Paul✝ and Irene Bacher New Albany, IN
Margaret J. Backer Jasper, IN
Dr. Claire A. Baker Zionsville, IN
Dan and Donna Balka Jasper, IN
T. J.✝ and Anne Banet Saint Louis, MO
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Barkei Rockford, IL
Gary✝ and Mary Becker Santa Barbara, CA
James H. Becker Jeffersonville, IN
Peggy D. Becker Evansville, IN
Very Reverend Patrick J. Beidelman, STL Indianapolis, IN
Douglas and Susan Bell Evansville, IN
Ann Bellingham Louisville, KY
Rev. Msgr. John J. Bendik Dunmore, PA
David✝ and Barbara Berger Jasper, IN
Art and Ann Berkemeier Indianapolis, IN
Patricia and Rafik Bishara Carmel, IN
Melinda J. Blakesley Indianapolis, IN
Robert W. Blasius, Jr. Greenwood, IN
Cecile A. “Cile” Blau and Allen Oman Jeffersonville, IN
Rev. John L. Boeglin Haubstadt, IN
Charles E.✝ and Phyllis J. Boehm Fishers, IN
Raymond F.✝ and Mary K. Boehm Williamsville, NY
Kent and Linda Bolerjack Fort Wayne, IN
Bruce and Mary V. (Ginny) Bonenberger Evansville, IN
Michael and Nancy Borders Chicago, IL
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Borders Mackinac Island, MI
Janet C. Bosomworth Saint Meinrad, IN
Mary McNamee Bower and David A. Bower C’71 Evansville, IN
Rose Mary Breivogel Evansville, IN
Rev. Ray Brenner Evansville, IN
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Brogan Honolulu, HI
Rev. Benedict J.F. Brown Cecilia, KY
William J. Browning Ledyard, CT
Rebecca Brune Lakeland, FL
Fr. David Bruning Toledo, OH
Debra Burden Martinsville, IN
W.C. Bussing, III Newburgh, IN
Fr. Craig M. Butters San Clemente, CA
Dr. and Mrs. P. Raphael Caffrey Greenville, SC
Katherine Carlson Greenwood, IN
John L. “Jack”✝ and Patricia Carmichael Williamsburg, VA
Al and Barbara✝ Cassidy Louisville, KY
John and Jane Chappell Jasper, IN
Donald and Mary Ellen Christiaens Sun City West, AZ
Rev. Robert Dale Cieslik Mount Washington, KY
Leo and Judy Cisco Saint Anthony, IN
John N. and Kelly A. Clauss Jasper, IN
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Cochran Rineyville, KY
Christe and Randy Coe Louisville, KY
John M. Comerford Cincinnati, OH
Dan and Sharon Conway Louisville, KY
William and Sheila Cook Swanton, OH
Deacon David✝ and Virginia Cook Evansville, IN
William✝ and Martha Cox Louisville, KY
Steve and Barbara Crawford Salisbury, MD
William and Maureen Cunningham Columbus, OH
Arthur and Rita Dall Jasper, IN
Thomas J.✝ and Catherine Daly Wyandotte, MI
Jordan David Dauby Cathedral City, CA
James N.✝ and Patricia A. Davis Louisville, KY
Rev. Wilfred E. Day Floyds Knobs, IN
Mr. and Mrs. Cyril DeVliegher Mishawaka, IN
Richard Deitchman and Beatrice Eckert Indianapolis, IN
Ed and Donna Dennis Marshall, MI
Jon and Anne Dilts Bloomington, IN
Jack V. and Mary Jo Dippel Newburgh, IN
Rev. Msgr. Mark Duchaine Mesa, AZ
Mr.✝ and Mrs. William Dunn Louisville, KY
Deacon Steven Durkee Ludlow, KY
Dr. Daniel Eby Jasper, IN
Dr.✝ and Mrs. Herman J. Echsner Columbus, IN
Dave and Lou Eckerle Jasper, IN
Rev. John G. Eifler Louisville, KY
Rev. Msgr. William E. Elliott Avon, OH
J.P. and Allison Engelbrecht Evansville, IN
Professor Ruth Engs-Franz Bloomington, IN
Rev. William W. Ernst New Albany, IN
Dr. and Mrs. James P. Fadely Indianapolis, IN
Nancy Faust Fahey Louisville, KY
Thomas T.✝ and Kathleen Farley Pueblo, CO
Carmen and Tonia Finestra Lemoyne, PA
Charles P. and Debra J. Finkbiner Westfield, IN
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Fisher Indianapolis, IN
Gene✝ and Laura Fleck Family Huntington, IN
Patricia M. Fox Indianapolis, IN
James E. Freilinger Scarborough, ME
Rev. J. Douglas Garand Huron, OH
Charles and Dianne Gardner Indianapolis, IN
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gasper North Vernon, IN
Paul J. Gaylo Greenwood, IN
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Gennett Sr. Matthews, NC
Michael Roman Geske Washington, D.C.
Michael J. Gianquitto Murfreesboro, TN
Mary Goltry Terre Haute, IN
Reverend Gregory D. Goolsby Covington, GA
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Graham III Washington, IN
Wayne✝ and Diane L. Graves Maumee, OH
Rev. Dr. James R. Gretz Pittsburgh, PA
Jerry A. Gries Darmstadt, IN
Richard and Karen Gries Haubstadt, IN
Bob✝ and Judy Griffin Evansville, IN
Mr. William M. Haegelin Savannah, GA
Bill and Cheryl Halik Franklin, IN
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred W. Hancock Mishawaka, IN
David and Judith Harpenau Columbus, IN
Robert and Janice Harpenau Troy, IN
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Harpenau Sr. Boonville, IN
Joan M. Hasser West Lafayette, IN
Robert A. Hasser West Lafayette, IN
Jane Hassett, CSJ Saint Louis, MO
Rev. Leo J. Hayes Belleville, IL
Robert J.✝ and Ellen Healey Indianapolis, IN
Sue Borders Heck and John Heck West Terre Haute, IN
Barbara Herrmann Sunbury, OH
Andrew Hiegel North Little Rock, AR
Paul F. and Patricia E. Hirsch Evansville, IN
Dawn and John Hitron Louisville, KY
Bill and Sandy✝ Hobbs Brandenburg, KY
Matthew D. Holland Santa Ana, CA
Dr. Lanny K. Hollis El Paso, TX
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Holsworth Jasper, IN
Rev. Christopher A. House Springfield, IL
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hubbs Louisville, KY
Fr. James M. Hunt Broken Bow, NE
Dr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Hupfer Indianapolis, IN
John and Yvonne Jaso College Place, WA
Milton J. Kaelin Mount Washington, KY
Stephen and Patti Kazlo Abingdon, MD
Katherine Keefer Fort Wayne, IN
Mr.✝ and Mrs. Gregory G. Kempf Evansville, IN
Mrs. Ruth A. Kerger Schererville, IN
Mary Kern Evansville, IN
B.J. Killian Foundation Louisville, KY
Mr. and Mrs. Brian King Greenwood, IN
Kevin King Hayward, CA
Reverend Leroy G. Kinnaman Winamac, IN
John✝ and Carol Klein Fenton, MO
Joseph J. Klein Perrysburg, OH
Brad and Amy Kluesner Cumming, GA
Dr. Leo J. Knaff Carmel, IN
Elvira Knapp Wadesville, IN
John Kniola Vevay, IN
Rev. J. Ronald Knott Louisville, KY
Mr.✝ and Mrs. William A. Koch, Sr. Santa Claus, IN
Ken and Marlene Krasavage Westfield, IN
Kenny✝ and Jane Krempp Jasper, IN
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kress Greenwood, IN
Joseph P.✝ and Joyce T. Kreuz Allison Park, PA
Deacon Jim and Frances Krupka Traverse City, MI
Kathleen Isler Lama Marion, OH
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lamb Indianapolis, IN
James L. and Betty A.✝ Lambert Evansville, IN
Michael Lampe and Cheryl Sommer O’Fallon, IL
Bishop Terry Lee Landsgaard West Union, IA
Mr. and Mrs.✝ Allan T. Langen Evansville, IN
Frank J. Loughery Zionsville, IN
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Lueken Georgetown, IN
George M. and Dorothy H. Lukazik Hillsborough, NJ
Neil P. Lynch Jasper, IN
Robert H. Mace Jr. Seffner, FL
Mrs. Candida Mackell Dayton, OH
Rev. Daniel J. Mahan Washington, D.C.
George H. Maley Indianapolis, IN
Dave Maloney Port Charlotte, FL
Jim and Sonja Malooley Delray Beach, FL
Rev. Michael Maples Knoxville, TN
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Marten Carmel, IN
John and Ann Marie Martin Trust Newark, DE
Dr.✝ and Mrs. John A. Mattingly Corydon, IN
Elizabeth Borders McAndrews and Michael T. McAndrews Alexandria, VA
Drs. Joseph✝ and Jane McGeehan Fort Wayne, IN
William and Margaret McGuire Indianapolis, IN
John and Dorsa McGuire Hendersonville, NC
Martin and Marilyn McLaughlin Greenwood, IN
Robert✝ and Eleanor McNamara Indianapolis, IN
Robert Mehringer Nashville, TN
Rev. David J. Metz Hanover, KS
Mr. Dennis P. Moeller Jasper, IN
James E. Montgomery Bloomington, IN
Jack N. Morris Madisonville, KY
Mary Morrow Council Bluffs, IA
Mary and Sam Moseley Louisville, KY
James T. Moss Jacksonville, FL
Dr. Brendan Moss Savannah, GA
Patrick Mrozowski Louisville, KY
Don and Caryn Mucci Louisville, KY
Jim and Mary Kay Muehlbauer Evansville, IN
Robert Z. Muggli Sun City West, AZ
Rev. Peter John Muha Dyer, IN
Mr. and Mrs.✝ Michael K. Mullen Salem, IL
Patricia and Patrick Mullen Six Mile, SC
Edwin Reyes Nalagan, Jr. Oklahoma City, OK
Mr.✝ and Mrs. Tom Nelson Louisville, KY
Rev. Harry E. Nichols Pittsburgh, PA
Bernie✝ and Patty Niehaus Vincennes, IN
Deacon Dan and Laura Niemeier Evansville, IN
Honorable Raymond Novak Pompano Beach, FL
John W. and Diane B. Nowak Memphis, TN
Bud and Mary Jane O’Connor Glen Ellyn, IL
Nancy and Tom O’Hearn Louisville, KY
Max✝ and Dorothy Olinger Jasper, IN
Paul W. Olliges Louisville, KY
Deacon Frank and Mary Olmsted Saint Charles, MO
Rev. Robert E. Osborne Louisville, KY
Rev. Jeremiah T. O’Shea Greensburg, PA
Rev. Gary Padgett Louisville, KY
Rev. William J. Patrick Carmel, CA
Gregory J. and Denise K. Pence Columbus, IN
Michael and Julie Perigo Newton, KS
Mr. Gregory Allen Perkins Fort Branch, IN
James A. and Mary Jane Pfister Evansville, IN
Marvin and Ann Preske Evansville, IN
Deacon Richard✝ and Joan Preske Evansville, IN
Rev. Msgr. James K. Ramer Franklin, IN
David Raper Louisville, KY
Jane Ann Reinitz Evansville, IN
Mr.✝ and Mrs. John W. Renner Jr. Tyler, TX
Jerry Reyling Gadsden, AL
Deacon David and Christine Rice Newburgh, IN
Dr.✝ and Mrs. Bernard Riegel Dayton, OH
Mrs. Billie M. Riggs Evansville, IN
Carl and Betsy✝ Ritzel Kamas, UT
Fr. Patrick W. Rogers Columbus, OH
Mark Rowlands - Juan Guzman New Palestine, IN
Jan and Bill Rubino Jasper, IN
Michael and Joni Rupinen Lexington, KY
Rev. Zachary D. Samples Springfield, IL
Steve and Ellen Sanders Indianapolis, IN
James R. Sauer Ewing, KY
Ellen M. Scanlin Vincennes, IN
Rev. Msgr. Joseph F. Schaedel Indianapolis, IN
Mark and Marja Schatz Derby, IN
Rev. Joseph C. Scheib, JCL Pittsburgh, PA
Dan and Patty Schipp Carmel, IN
Rev. Ralph H. Schipp Ferdinand, IN
Madeleine L. Schmitt Evansville, IN
Ron R. and Karen J. Schneider Naples, FL
Gregory✝ and Marcia Schroeder New Albany, IN
A. Ray and Janice Schroering Liberty, MO
Bonnie Loechte Schuler Jasper, IN
Rev. John A. Schwartzlose Louisville, KY
Michael and Pamela Schwenk Jasper, IN
Gil and Mary Seger Fishers, IN
Monsignor Joseph Semancik Munster, IN
Jerry✝ and Rosie Semler Indianapolis, IN
Dr. Michael Seretny West Lafayette, IN
Bill and Judy Shaw Indianapolis, IN
Chris✝ and Gloria Shreve Santa Claus, IN
Charlotte and Michael Shumway Jeffersontown, KY
Mrs. Charles A. Smith Carmel, IN
Joe✝ and Norma Sonderman Jamestown, IN
Doris A. Sorg Indianapolis, IN
Fred and Marsha Souders Stendal, IN
Bishop J. Mark Spalding Nashville, TN
Rev. Richard C. Sparks, CSP Vero Beach, FL
Mark Spratt Santa Ana, CA
Dr. Darren T. Sroufe Newburgh, IN
Albert P. Steiner✝ and Mary Ann Steiner Greenwood, IN
Judy and Joe Steurer Jasper, IN
Larry E. Stout Austin, IN
M. Robert✝ and Wanda Strange Indianapolis, IN
Dr. Melanie-Prejean Sullivan Louisville, KY
Rev. J. Richard Sullivan Lexington, KY
Terry and Nancy Sullivan Atlantic Beach, FL
Joe Teague Danville, KY
Reverend Francis S. Tebbe, O.F.M., KCHS Palos Park, IL
Gene and Mary Tempel Indianapolis, IN
Larry and Martha Tempel Brazil, IN
Fr. Ted Tempel Evansville, IN
Charles S. Thatcher Winter Springs, FL
Rev. Philip E. Thompson Dubuque, IA
Mr. Theodore Thompson Menominee, MI
Ronald and Mary Jane Thyen Jasper, IN
Jim and Pat Thyen Jasper, IN
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Tisch Sewickley, PA
Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Tomich Carmel, IN
Patrick and Sheila✝ Tracy Mundelein, IL
Fr. William A. Traylor Evansville, IN
Michael B. Tremmel and Ms. Linda M. Kiesler Acworth, GA
Alvin C. and Kathleen Tretter Newburgh, IN
Rev. Louis F. Vallone McKees Rocks, PA
Father Joseph Vamos Crown Point, IN
Anthony Joseph Viglietti Nashville, TN
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Vinson Fort Dodge, IA
Charles and Joyce Vollmer Jasper, IN
Marjorie Waldon Aurora, IN
Reverend Steven P. Walter Loveland, OH
Yvonne Weaver Ferdinand, IN
Dr. and Mrs. Henry N. Wellman Indianapolis, IN
Janet Ann Werne Saint Henry, IN
Joan B. and John K.✝ Wersing Pittsburgh, PA
Theresa Weyer Ferdinand, IN
Drs. James and Alice Wheeler Goshen, IN
James✝ and Eileen Will, Sr. Evansville, IN
Art and Anne Wilmes Indianapolis, IN
Oksana and Peter Withey Indianapolis, IN
Jim and Marilyn Woebkenberg Ferdinand, IN
William J. and Carol J. Woerz Newburgh, IN
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Wolter South Bend, IN
Fr. Scott S. Woods Walbridge, OH
Suzanne L. Yakimchick Chicago, IL
Wayne and Dolores Zage Muncie, IN
Fr. Mateo Zamora, OSB Saint Meinrad, IN
Very Rev. Gary Zender Bellevue, WA
Fred Zoeller Tiffin, OH
Zeke and Megan Zucaro Las Vegas, NV
Additionally, 56 Einsiedeln Society members have chosen to remain anonymous.
Membership list as of September 1, 2024.