Saint Michael's College Graduate Education Newsletter - Summer 2022

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2022 MAT graduatesJuan Garcia Urbina, LukeSteele, and Daniel Chang at theEducation Department Celebration in May There?sstill timetoregister for Fall classes! 29.Click moreinformationandto ASAPtoensureyour spot. Seep. 2 for our onlineandhybrid offerings. Summer 2022

Saint Michael'sCollege GraduateEducation Newsletter

In May, wewelcomed thefourth cohort of our Master of Artsin Teaching program. Theprogram began in 2019 asan innovativeand accelerated option for thoseinterested in earning their master?sdegreeand initial teaching licensein oneyear Wequickly discovered that it wasalso a great option for licensed teachersseeking a master?sdegreeand additional endorsement in either special education or teaching English languagelearners. Sincetheprogram began, seventy ninestudentshavegraduated with their master?sand initial licenseand/or additional endorsement, with another twenty four scheduled to completetheprogram in May 2023 Although wearestill collecting data from our third cohort, weareproud to announcethat theprogram hasa 100% job placement rateamong graduatesseeking a teaching position for our first two cohorts Asreported to usby studentson our program evaluation, a significant contributing factor in thesuccessof this academically rigorous (continued on page3)



In May 2022, thefirst cohort of theSMC Education Department?snew Holistic Restorative Education program earned their certificates. Thisinnovativeonlineprogram, pioneered by Annie O?Shaughnessy, M.Ed., pairsimpactful restorativepracticeswith integrated mindfulnesspracticesto build a strong foundation for student learning and growth Annie?sgoal is?transforming how we view student behavior and thefactorsthat influenceour every interaction with studentsand colleagues? positionality, race, trauma, toxic stress, neurodiversity, (continued on page3)


2 ONLINEOFFERINGS Starting in Fall 2023, wewill beoffering a fully online M aster of Education (M .Ed.) and Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study (CAGS) concentration in Curriculum and Instructional Design More detailsto follow in thenext newsletter, or contact Dr. ClaudineBedell (, Curriculum and Instructional Design Concentration Coordinator, for moreinformation. Wehaveadded a number of hybrid and fully onlinecourseoptionsover thepast two years. We inviteyou to experiencetheSMC community you havecometo appreciatealong with theflexibility of onlinelearning you areseeking. - Fall 2022 GED 503: RestorativeResponsesto Harm in Schoolsand in Society (fully online) GED 526 A: Special Topics: African American History for Teachers(fully online) - GED 526- C: IndigenousPerspectives: Culturally Sustaining Pedagogies, Curriculum, and theArts(fully online) GED 511: Fundamentalsof Curriculum (hybrid) - Spring 2023 GED 501: Transforming Teaching and Learning through Mindfulnessand RestorativePractices(fully online) GED 504: Holistic RestorativeEducation Practicum (fully online, open only to students enrolled in theHRE certificateprogram) - GED 529: Personalized Learning (hybrid) GED 567: Legal and Financial Management of Schools(fully online) - GED 621: Supervision, Evaluation, and Teacher Development (hybrid) Summer 2023 - GED 502: Creating an Equity- Focused, Healing Centered Classroom and School (combination asynchronousvirtual and in- person). GED 526 A: African American History for Teachers(fully online). - GED 558: Educator asResearcher (fully online, approval required). GED 571: Anti Racism: Critical Theory and Praxis(fully online). GED 618: From Assessment to Action: Using Data to ImproveStudent Learning (hybrid). Left: M AT ?22 grads Luke Steele, Keira M ongeon, M aria Hubbard, and Dominique Herbert Above: M AT students Emma LaRose, M atthew Wilkins, and Hannah Bishop in GED 612 M ath and Diversity

HOLISTICRESTORATIVEEDUCATION: ANEW COHORT,CONT. mental health, and culture?TheHRE program consistsof four courses, oneeach semester for a year, and with thesecond cohort, introduced oneweek of in person coursework thefirst week of August aspart of thesecond coursein theprogram It hasbeen exciting having thisamazing group of students(including onefrom Kansas!) on campusfor thisweek and hearing about the transformational work they aredoing in theprogram and in their schools. Our hopeisto continue to serveVermont educatorsthrough thisprogram, and to extend our reach acrossthecountry and internationally through thisprogram and our new online Racial Equity and Educational JusticeCertificateprogram coordinated by Rebecca Eunmi Halsam, Ph.D.

Aspart of our own ongoing professional development and scholarly endeavors, theMAT Team - ClaudineBedell, Amy Knight, Amy Saks Pavese, and Becky Wigglesworth have attended workshopsand presented on the mission- driven design of our MAT program at TheTeaching Professor Conferencein New Orleansin 2021 and Atlanta in 2022 Rebecca Haslam collaborated with uson planning the 2021 presentation, ?Fostering Engaged Participation to PromoteRelevant and Rigorous Learning,?and on presenting thevirtual portion of that conference Our 2022 presentation, ?Fostering Successfor NeurodiverseStudents through FormativeAssessment and Collaboration,?waswell- received at the conferenceand based on our work, theteam has been invited to provideprofessional development for thefaculty at theUniversity of TexasHealth ScienceCenter at Houston School of Dentistry in November Asour alumni begin a new school year thisfall, wehopethey will keep Saint Michael?sin mind when planning thenext phaseof their professional development. Whether it bein serving asa cooperating (continued on page5)


TheSMC Education Department extendsa hearty congratulationsto thefirst HRE cohort on sucessfully completing theprogram, and a warm welcometo thesecond cohort, which began their first coursein Spring 2022!

Weplan to host an alumni event each semester going forward asa way to continueto foster connectionsand createan ongoing support network Wehopeto seemany of our MAT alumni at theseevents.


Inaugural Holistic RestorativeEducation CertificateCohort: Angela King, Leah Licari, Cristina Malanga, NicoleNoce, Justin Pinard, Lara Scott, Alysa Vallender, MichelleWeed .

program isthesupportivecohort model and senseof community studentsexperience In September of 2021, several membersof thefirst cohort returned to campusto celebratetheir 2020 graduation, which had been postponed dueto thepandemic. In October, approximately twenty alumni from thefirst two cohorts, along with MAT faculty, gathered at Zero Gravity in Burlington for an opportunity to reconnect and catch up with each other. It waswonderful to hear storiesfrom our graduates?first and second yearsof teaching and to celebratetheir successes and support each other through thechallenges.

4 WHAT'SNEW IN THEMAT,PHOTOS. Top: MAT Alumni gathering at Zero Gravity Middle: MAT and M.Ed 2022 graduatesgetting ready for Commencement Bottom: New MAT Cohort


During theFall 2021 semester, theSaint Michael?sCollegeMaster of Artsin Teaching (MAT) program, along with theSMC Center for Multicultural Affairsand Servicesand Durick Library, sponsored theAntiracist Pedagogies: Justiceand Healing at theCenter workshop series. Thisdynamic and timely seriesincluded four workshops, and wasdesigned to focuson themesof racial equity in schoolsand communities SMC Education Department faculty membersClaudineBedell, Amy Saks Pavese, Becky Wigglesworth and Amy Knight worked collaboratively to organizethisseries.


?So many of our candidatescomeinto theMAT


program committed to thiswork and hungering for theopportunity to strengthen their knowledgeand skillsin promoting equity in their classroomsand schools,?said SaksPavese.

?Whilewehavedesigned theprogram to integratethesethemesacrossour courses, the workshop seriesallowsusto devotespecific time to exploring thesetopicsmoredeeply with expertsin thefield.?Thefirst workshop in the series, Racial Trauma and Equity- Centered Classrooms: How to ReframeOur Thinking with Zachary Key, LCMHC, took placeon September 16th. (continued on page6)

teacher, pursuing an additional endorsement, or earning a graduatecertificate, wehavemany new and diverseofferings

Other Engaging Opportunities

Areyou ready to reigniteyour passion for teaching and develop skills to help you sustain your work? Consider our twelve credit, Holistic RestorativeEducation Certificateprogram coordinated by Annie O?Shaughnessy. TheHRE program isfully onlineduring theschool year, with just oneweek on campusin thesummer Areyou ready to divedeeper into equity work? Consider our brand new, fully online, twelve credit Racial Equity and Educational JusticeCertificate program coordinated by Rebecca Haslam With optionsfor educators regardlessof wherethey aregeographically and in their career trajectory, theEducation Department at SMC hopesto welcomeyou back to a graduateclassor program heresoon.

MATESOL ?22 grad Sarah Blair with MAT ?22 gradsDenisa Virag and Megan Tighe

Later thisyear wewill bereaching out to our local alumni who will have completed at least threeyearsof teaching about serving ascooperating teachersin 2023- 2024. We know our futurecohortswill benefit from their excellent modeling and mentoring. Wealso encouragealumni to consider returning to Saint Michael?sto earn a post- master?sCertificateof Advanced GraduateStudy (CAGS) and/or an additional endorsement in school leadership (Principal, Director of Curriculum, or Director of Special Education), Specialized Literacy Professional, or teaching multilingual learners(ELL).


A participant commented afterward, ?Incredibly valuable insight and information to apply to my work ?Another said, ?Zac wasextremely knowledgeableand engaging. I loved that hemodeled many of thepracticeshewastalking about and created a spacefor peopleat all placesin this work to think and ask questions, yet also beheld accountableto thelearning.? TheSMC Education Department?sCommon Read workshop, Harbor Me: On Becoming a Novelist with critically acclaimed author JacquelineWoodson, was co sponsored by Saint Michael?sCollegeFirst Year Seminar and theCenter for Multicultural Affairsand Services, Durick Library, University of Vermont Middle Level Program, and Champlain College. Theevent, which took placeon October 4th at the DavisCenter at UVM, was described by attendeesas ?meaningful,??fantastic,?and ?incredibly relevant ? Thethird workshop in the serieswasFacilitating Critical Conversationsabout Raceand Racism in Equity Centered Classrooms, a collaboration between Zac Key and Annie O?Shaughnessy, M Ed , which took placeon November 16th. One (continued on page7)

Jacqueline Woodson October 4th,2021

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DAVIAH LAWRENCE,STUDENTSPOTLIGHT RACIALEQUITYMATWORKSHOPSERIES,CONT. participant said, ?I cameaway with clear action pointsand a greater understanding of what I need to do asan educator to hold spacefor thesekindsof discussions?Thefourth and final workshop in theserieswasa panel discussion, On Finding Your Why. ThepanelistswereVasanthi Meyette, 5th/6th gradeteacher at ShelburneCommunity School; Ana O?Neill, speech and language pathologist at Jericho Elementary School; Jamilah Vogel, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity coordinator in Colchester School District; Rebecca Eunmi Haslam, assistant professor at SMC; and Zac Key, clinical mental health counselor at UVM. SMC Education Department Professor Becky Wigglesworth, oneof theco organizersof theworkshop, remarked, ?[Students] enjoyed the opportunity to engagein moreintimateconversationswith panelistsand ask follow up questions What I also appreciated about thepanel isthat panelistsclearly shared a fiercecommitment to equity and anti racism Yet our studentsalso experienced thedifferent contextsand approachesto thisvery important work.?


Asteacher educators, weseek to attract applicants to our programswho demonstratea truepassion for learning and a deep commitment to ongoing professional development Daviah Lawrence(BA ?16, MATESOL ?19, M.Ed. ?22) hasembraced the disposition of lifelong learner so heartily, that Professor Mary Beth Doyle, Daviah?sGED 558 Educator asResearcher instructor, hasjokingly told her that onceshecompletesher M.Ed. this summer, her third degreeearned at Saint Michael?sin ten years, shereally should consider taking a five- year hiatusfrom graduateschool.

Born in Jamaica, Daviah moved to New York with her family when shewastwelveyearsold. Whileher family still livesin thePoughkeepsie area, Daviah now callsVermont her home Through spring 2022, shejuggled two very important rolesat Saint Michael?sand in the larger community. Daviah hasserved asa Resident Director at thecollegesince2016, and sinceearning her PK 12 ELL licensein 2019, asa (continued



Thissemester I had theopportunity to completemy student teaching internship at theIntegrated ArtsAcademy in Burlington, Vermont IAA isan art integration school that incorporatesmusic, dance, movement, theatre, and visual artsthroughout thecore subjects. Theschool cultureat IAA islikeno other. From my first day, I waswelcomed into theschool community and felt supported by thefaculty and staff. I wasfortunateenough to beplaced with AurieThibault, a fourth gradeteacher who hasbeen working at IAA for 15 years Aurieisdedicated to hisstudentsand valuespositivestudent relationships. Heworksto maintain a safeclassroom environment wherestudentscan

4th grademultilingual learner teacher at JFK Elementary School in Winooski Shelives with her two cats, Athena- Mar, adopted in 2020, and Papi Chulo, adopted at just four weeksold during Daviah?sfirst year asan RD and named by theresidence lifestaff who helped her care for theyoung kitten. To help her maintain her mental health and a senseof balancein her life, Daviah enjoysgoing to the gym, a placesheconsidersher ?reset zone.? In reflecting on what shehas learned at Saint Michael?sthat influencesher and her teaching, Daviah explained that in her different rolesat SMC and in her education courses, she?sbecomemore deeply committed to advocating for studentswho arenot ableto advocatefor themselves In particular, she described how sometimes studentsfrom immigrant and refugeebackgroundsmay experienceracism or discrimination but not yet have thelanguageto identify what they areexperiencing In these moments, Daviah strivesto be an advocateand engagein a discussion with studentsto help them expressand name what they arefeeling In addition, sheseeksto createan inclusiveenvironment and knowsthat asa person of color who lookslikemany of her students, that sheis uniquely positioned asa role model for them Sheshared the story of a young student coming up to her on her first day teaching at JFK and asking if Daviah wasa teacher. When Daviah confirmed that she was, thestudent exclaimed, ?You look likeme!?Daviah identified thelack of diversity reflected in theteachersasa challengefaced by schools today and acknowledged that her school isworking on this challenge. Shejoined the Equity Visioning Committeeat JFK to help support thiswork Daviah completed the practicum for her Reading Specialist endorsement this spring and her capstone project for her Master of Education with a concentration in literacy this summer Her capstoneproject focuseson therelationship between (continued on page9)


bethemselves(continued on page9)


AURIETHIBAULT,CTSPOTLIGHT,CONT. and grow in their learning. Aurietruly believesthat all children can besuccessful with theright support, and heenjoysbeing ableto work with studentsevery day. Outsideof school, Auriecoaches thegirl?svarsity basketball team at RiceMemorial High School in Burlington, Vermont. Through coaching, healso enjoysbuilding and maintaining relationshipswith histeam. Overall, thiswasan incrediblesemester. With Aurie?sguidance, I put my knowledgefrom my coursesinto practice I havegained so much experiencecreating learning opportunitiesthat fit a widerangeof learners. In addition, I wasableto practicetheskill of collaborating with other educatorson how to help studentsreach their full potential. With theguidanceand support from Aurie and therest of thefaculty at IAA, I feel confident in my abilitiesto bea successful educator, and I am excited to continueto grow in theprofession.

Left: Maria Hubbard (MAT '22) student teaching at Georgia Elementary School Right: JakeGoraj (MAT '22) student teaching at Shelburne Community School

DAVIAH LAWRENCESTUDENTSPOTLIGHT,CONT. multilingual learner teachersand special educatorsand itseffect on multilingual learnerswith disabilities And asif that wasn? t keeping her busy enough, sheisalso finishing therequirementsto add theelementary endorsement aswell. In reflecting on her experiencesin theprogram, Daviah is grateful for thesupport system provided by professorsand classmates Shenoted that shetendsto be thenewest teacher in her M Ed classesand appreciatesthewealth of knowledge, advice, and suggestionsshared by classmatesthat sheisthen ableto apply to her own teaching. It hasbeen a truegift having Daviah asa student in our graduateprograms. Shebringsa passion for learning, a deep commitment to her studentsand school community, and a clear focuson equity to all that shedoes!




studentsand student teachers havebeen mentored by amazing WCSteachersover theyears. Deb Thomsen- Taylor hasbeen at WCSfor 20 years, many of them asintern coordinator To say wehaveenjoyed working with her isan understatement! Her speedy responseand insight in creating excellent teacher/intern matches has resulted in a smooth and effective process. Deb hasalso been a (continued WCS:AVALUABLEPARTNERIN EDUCATION

Saint Michael?sCollegehas enjoyed a long standing partnership with theeducators and leadersof Williston Central School (WCS) for many years. TheWCS community haswelcomed and embraced our SMC students and student teachers, offering rich learning opportunitiesfor all who areplaced there. The partnership also extends beyond placements; several SMC alumni work at WCS, and many WCSeducators

teach at Saint Michael?s! We aregrateful for their colleagueship and passion for creating a vibrant learning environment for both their studentsand ours. Wewanted to givea special ?shout out?to Williston Central?sintern coordinators who havebeen especially instrumental in thesuccessof thepartnership. Thanksto their support of our programs, many Saint Michael?sCollege

on page11) ASHOUTOUTTO

Jared has continued to facilitatea smooth placement processand clearly also valuesthepartnership: ?Internsarea valuableasset to what wedo at WCS Wedo so much work whereeach student isat thecenter of our instruction that interns allow usto createsmall groupsfor instruction Thosegroupsmean weknow our studentsbetter and can better servetheir needs. Internscan bring valuableexperiencedeveloping meaningful relationshipswith studentswhilealso being able to takethelead early in their intern timeline We truly couldn't do what wedo without the support of our interns?

Jared Bailey, a 5/6 Humanitiesteacher, isthe new intern coordinator at WCS. Hehastaught Humanitiesor math asa member of Sterling Housefor 12 years, taught at WCSfor 13 years, and taught a total of 17 yearsoverall.

Thank you Deb, Jared and Williston Central School for all you do to createa valuable partnership with Saint Michael?sCollege. (Please also seearticleson Kevin Pioli- Hunt and Amanda LaBargeon p. 11 and 12).


Kevin isa generalist teacher on the5th- 8th gradeSwift House team at Williston Central School. He hasbeen a contributing member of the MiddleGrades Collaborative Conversations webinar series focused on how equity can changepedagogy around personalized learning, project- based learning, proficiency based learning, and flexiblepathways Recently, Kevin co- authored an articlepublished in theMiddleGrades Review titled ?Principlesof Personalized Pathwaysfor Sustainability Education: Educate, Act, Connect, and Communicate.? Kevin isa ?proud SMC alum?: Hegraduated in 2012 with a Secondary Education and English Bachelor?sDegreeand earned hisMaster of Education in 2015. Heisalso in his5th year coaching theSMC men?slacrosseteam When asked why hecameto SMC to teach a course, Kevin noted, ?For me, I?m definitely a bit biased here. I loveeverything that SMC hasto offer. I couldn? t haveasked for a better experiencein my undergraduateand graduatestudieswith the Education Department. TheSMC faculty set the bar for thetypeof teacher I want to be, and I am grateful for theopportunity to work with theseamazing educators.? Kevin livesin Williston with hiswifeCarah (who isalso a teacher!) and their ?fur babies? Maverick (dog) and Milo (cat). They love taking in all thebeautiful sitesand outdoor activitiesthat Vermont hasto offer Welcome, Kevin! (continued on page12)

New Instructors: GED 635: M iddle Grades Organization Wearedelighted to announcethat two Williston Central School teachersarenow instructorsin our graduateprogram: Kevin Pioli Hunt and Amanda LaBargebegan teaching at Saint Michael?sin theSpring 2022 semester.


cooperating teacher for SMC student teachers many times, and sheshared a few thoughts about the themutually beneficial relationship: ?What I loveabout working with SMC internsis that they arevery well prepared for internships, and SMC studentsalwaysteach mesomeof the newest trendsin education I valuewhat SMC internsbring to my classin termsof new ideas and different approachesto working with students?

Amanda attended Saint Michael?sCollegeasa graduatestudent to earn her VT teaching licensein 2009 and her Master of Education in 2012. She remembershaving ? a wonderful experiencein the education program?and saysthat sheis?looking forward to sharing my passion asa middlelevel educator with futureteachershereat SMC ? When asked why sheiscoming to Saint Michael?sCollege to teach, shesays,?I washonored to receivean invitation to teach thiscoursethisyear in partnership with Kevin Pioli Hunt. I am really looking forward to working with someof my former professorsin the education department, including JamesNagle, ClaudineBedell, and Becky Wigglesworth And I am proud to teach at an institution that valuesand prioritizesdiversity, equity, and inclusion, and whoseeducation program iscommitted to continuous improvement in theseareas.?Amanda?sdescription of thecourseissimilar to Kevin?sand she notesthat sheis?excited to havetheopportunity to beco- teaching thiswith my teammate, Kevin Pioli Hunt.? Amanda believesthat ?current and futureeducatorsneed themost professional development and support in theareasof Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, aswell ashow to affect system wide changesthat will bein students?best interests?Shecontinues, ?Too many times, our traditional school settingsand systemsdo not meet theneedsof all students, and do not allow them to feel understood, respected, and valued Educatorsneed professional development that will enablethem to seetheworld through their students?eyes, and to useresearch based evidenceto inform and influencedecisionsboth within and beyond theclassroom.? Amanda livesin Charlottewith her partner Scott. They keep quitebusy caring for their two children, Ryan (age6) and Max (age4) They also havea German Shepherd and a cat Amanda remarks, ?Wearevery grateful to livein such an open space, and to beableto spend lotsof time outdoors! Wehavea largegarden and weloveto hike, swim, sled and play in our beautiful home stateof Vermont.?Welcome, Amanda! (continued on page13)



Amanda LaBargeisa generalist classroom teacher on Swift House, a middlelevel team of 5th 8th graders at Williston Central School Shehashosted several internsfrom Saint Michael?sCollegeand UVM over theyears Amanda isa co facilitator for the Williston SchoolsProgram Council, a group of educatorswho represent every program area at the school, and who typically meet 3- 4 timesper year to discusssystem wideissuesand make recommendationsto theschool?sleadership team


Kevin and Amanda taught GED 635: Middle GradesOrganization thispast spring. Kevin describesthecourseas?a holistic look at what goesinto working on a middleschool team with a student centered focus? Hewasespecially excited to sharethisopportunity with coworker Amanda Laberge. According to Kevin, they ?sharepedagogical philosophies, logistical nuances, and successesand challengeswith working on a middleschool team Thiscourseis designed with a focuson equity and appliesthis lensaswediscusstheory and practice.?In terms of futureprofessional development for educators, Kevin says, ?I think thetwo most prominent areasof professional development and support that educatorswill need in the futurearerelated to DEI and trauma When all issaid and done, our studentsneed to feel safe, they need to feel seen, and they need to feel heard in order for them to accessacademics I believethereissignificant room for growth for preservice, new, and veteran teachersto have accessto professional development in these areas.?

Dr Stacy Simonyi joined theEducation Department asa visiting assistant professor in August 2021 and wasrecently hired asa tenure track professor starting in August 2022. Shebringswith her a variety of literacy and classroom experiencesacrossgradelevelsand contextsin Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Vermont, and completed her doctoral research whileworking in theBurlington School District Having taught at thepreschool and elementary level and worked asan academic interventionist and K- 12 and collegelibrarian, Dr. Simonyi drawson her diverse experienceswhen teaching graduateand undergraduate coursesat Saint Michael?s. Whilesheprimarily teaches literacy coursesin our undergraduateElementary licensure program and our new graduateSpecialized Literacy Professional endorsement program, shealso teachesthe introductory foundationscoursefor our undergraduatesand supervisesgraduatestudentscompleting theliteracy practicum and initial licensure In 2022 2023, Stacy will also beteaching coursesin development and trauma informed practice, and coordinating our early childhood education endorsement program



Stacy wasdrawn to Saint Michael?sCollegeby thesmall classsizesthat allow for morepersonalized learning opportunitiesfor students. Additionally, sherecalled coming to campusfor her interview and being struck by the?Do well and Do Good?banners When shesaw those, she?knew shewas in theright place?for her next professional adventure In reflecting on what (continued on


shefindsmost rewarding about teaching at Saint Michael?s, Stacy explained, ?getting to sharemy teaching experienceswith thestudentsto help them movetheir own teaching practicesforward.?She believesthat supporting teachersin developing theknowledgeand skillsto differentiatetheteaching of literacy to help all studentsmakeprogresswith reading goalsisoneof themost significant areas of professional development and support that teacherswill need in thefuture Stacy livesin Burlington with her wonderful daughter and two (very large!) cats. Outsideof work sheand her daughter enjoy doing many creativeactivitiestogether: making recycled art, sewing, and playing ?restaurant?using open ended materialsaspart of theimaginativeplay. Wearethrilled to haveStacy aspart of our faculty thisyear and aregrateful for thecontributions shehasalready madeto thedepartment and her studentsin theyear shehasbeen here. Welcome, Stacy! ELIJAH HAWKESAND JACKIETOLMAN:NEW ADJUNCTFACULTY


With thelaunch of our new Holistic RestorativeEducation (HRE) certificate program in January 2021, wewelcomed AnnieO?Shaughnessy of TrueNature Teaching ascoordinator of theprogram Along with thewealth of knowledgeand experiencethat Anniebrings, shealso brought two amazing new adjunct faculty, Rhiannon Kim, who joined usin Summer 2020, and T Elijah Hawkes, who began teaching GED 503 Restorative Responsesto Harm: In Schoolsand In Society aspart of theHRE program in Fall 2021. Annieand Elijah collaborated on a workshop for theVermont Principals?Academy summer conference and madea stronger connection which led Annieto inviteElijah to teach in theHRE program Wearethrilled to welcomehim! Elijah comesto Saint Michael?swith morethan two decadesof experienceasan educator in a variety of rolesand school communities, including asprincipal for ten yearsat Randolph Union High School and asfounding principal of JamesBaldwin School in New York City for six years Hecurrently servesastheDirector of School Leadership Programsat theUpper Valley EducatorsInstituteand asan advisor to Polarization and Extremism Research & Innovation Lab (PERIL) at American University. Elijah?sscholarship focuseson adolescence, public schools, and democracy, and includes piecesin variousjournalsand magazines, aswell asin thefollowing books: TheNew Teacher (continued

on page15)


NEW ADJUNCTFACULTY,CONT. Book; Rethinking Sexism, Gender and Sexuality; and Teaching When theWorld ison Fire In 2020, Elijah?sown book, School for the Ageof Upheaval: Classroomsthat Get Personal, Get Political, and Get to Work waspublished

Jackie Ramsay Tolman, M Ed CAGS, isthe Director of Learning and Instructional Impact for theEssex Westford School District Asa former classroom teacher, special educator, and principal, shehas worked with all gradelevelsand bringsdeep knowledge, passion and empathy to her work. With 28 years of experience working in three very different VT districts, sheisable to bring what is written in booksabout best practicesto the ?bootson theground?level, identifying and then planning for the?just right next steps?that support bringing systems, teaching, and, most importantly, learning forward for all students

Jackielovesteaching GED 511: Fundamentals of Curriculum asit givesher an opportunity to not only facilitatelearning opportunitiesfor her students, but to createa dynamic and connected classroom community. Thereisa lot of content covered in GED 511; studentshavethe opportunity to go deeper into an area of their choice, and immediately apply their new learning to current practices They then usethe information they havelearned to create resourcesand generateideasfor their course colleaguesto usein their own learning communities. Theseactivitiescreatecommon threadsthat connect peopleacrosstheSMC program, and the(continued on



Weexcitedly await thereleaseof hisnext book, WokeisNot Enough: School Reform for Leaderswith Justicein Mind, slated to comeout in Spring/Summer 2022. When asked what hefindsmost rewarding about teaching at Saint Michael?sCollege, Elijah emphasized, ?Thediverseprofessional and life experiencesof thestudentsin my classhasmade teaching thisclassa very engaging and rewarding experience. Thereareundergrads, recent grads, teachers, counselors, other secondary and middleschool faculty with variousadministrativeand other positions, as well aspeoplewho work for St Mike?sat the higher ed level.? Healso reflected on how special it isto bewith a group of students committed to their learning in restorative practicesin a deep way. Henoted that, ?many havetaken other coursesin thisprogram and otherswill continueon in it. And everyoneisa committed practitioner, living with deep conviction at theintersection of theory and daily practicein their school communities.? Elijah grew up in Moretown, VT and haslived in ?a bunch of wonderful places,?including East Harlem, NY; Greenpoint, Brooklyn; and Benin and Senegal in West Africa. Hecurrently resides in Middlesex with hisfamily, including two sons, ages9 and 12, who attend Rumney Elementary School Helovesphotography, writing and played a lot of ultimatefrisbeein collegeand yearsfollowing, playing for the ?NY, NY?team in NYC. Wearegrateful to Elijah for hisongoing service to thefield and aredelighted to havehim aspart of our faculty


For instance: Providing clothing, gas, and grocery gift cards for studentsfacing a tough time; - Creating a service learning program Go, Baby, Go for children with disabilities; Having teacher candidatesjump through the?last hoop? by diving into Lake Champlain for a good cause; Taking studentsto a farm for a campfireand community building; and Making candy treasure chestsfor first year studentsduring thepandemic. Throughout it all, Mary Beth introduced a senseof fun and a reminder not to take ourselvestoo seriously And yet shewould alwaysdo theheavy lifting for the department and the college. Shemay have therecord for the number of yearsof being on thefaculty council. Shewaschair of theeducation department for two terms, wrotetheteacher program accreditation report twicefor theVermont Agency of Education, and hasled the secondary education team. Mary Beth hasdoneall of this whilebecoming an expert in special (continued on page17)

Vermont education systemsand studentsthat weserve. Shebelievesthat asa learning community, wemust focuson building collectivesystemic efficacy so that wecan ensureequitableoutcomesfor all students When sheisnot working, teaching, or learning herself, Jackieenjoysspending timeat her Greensboro homewith her family. Jackiehasbeen riding horsesfor nearly her entirelife, and over thesummer break shecompleted endurancerideson Montana ranches. Her current project is training her English cream golden retriever ?Bocelli?to beher ?partner in education?asa certified therapy dog. Welcome, Jackie!



Mary Beth Doyle

When thefaculty of the education department thinks of Mary Beth Doyle, the words, fearless, integrity, innovative, caring - all come to mind. Mary Beth hasbeen a standard bearer of theeducation department for over twenty years. Her serviceistoo long to even list on a CV, and much of it went unnoticed. Mary Beth would seewhat needed to bedoneand makeit happen


Jenny Stearns


education - conducting research, writing articles, chapters, booksand presenting at many conferences. For her extraordinary scholarly contributions, shereceived the Saint Michael?sCollege Scholarship and Artistic Achievement Award in 2013. Mary Beth will bedearly missed in theeducation department and thecollegefor her grace, compassion and wisdom Beth Peterson

For closeto 40 yearsBeth Peterson hasbeen a special educator, principal, director of special education all in public schoolswhileteaching two stintsasan instructor in the education department hereat Saint Michael?sCollege. Her 10 yearsat Saint Michael's havebrought thepractical realitiesof public school education to theeducation department Beth?svast experiencemadeit seem likeshecould teach anything and everything in the education department and reviewing her CV you could seethat shedid Shetaught the first coursefor undergraduates Education in the21st Century - to thelast coursein thegraduatemaster'sprogram CapstoneSeminar. Her teaching in both the undergraduateand graduate programswascrucial in shaping theskills, knowledge, and dispositionsof our future teachersand administrators. Theeducation department and thecollegewill missBeth?s experienceand knowledgein education, especially special education. Beth centered her teaching on theneedsand interestsof students who arethemost marginalized and how weall can meet those needs. Beth?smodeling theright of all studentsto access social, emotional and academic knowledge and growth will stay with theeducation department faculty well into thefuture

Theretirement of Jenny Sterns asinstructor of education and expert in early childhood education will createa huge holein theeducation department Jenny cameto Saint Michael?sCollegeand Vermont after nearly forty yearsasa teacher and then teacher educator in England. Whileat Saint Michael'sfor thepast 10 yearsJenny has championed early childhood education with research, commitment, and broad experience, sending our graduateson their way to createdevelopmentally appropriate, play based elementary classrooms. Seeing a need in Vermont for morerobust child care, Jenny becamea leading advocatefor early childhood education by founding theEarly Learning Center, contributing to the early childhood teaching endorsement in Vermont, leading theEarly Childhood Higher Education Collaborative, and designing theearly childhood education program hereat Saint Michael?sCollege Asan instructor in the education department Jenny stepped up and beyond what wasexpected Sheadvised students, mentored students after (continued on page18)



they graduated, stepped in to teach coursesas needed, wrestling with thedetailsof student teaching seminar and theVermont licensure portfolio (over and over), and even held a tea party in theTeaching Gardensfor incoming students. Jenny hasbeen universally and consistently lauded by studentsasan exceptional teacher with high standardsand unstinting support Jenny?sapproach and expertisein early childhood development and education in general hasmadeall our faculty in theeducation department better teachers. Jenny?s contributionsto thefield will continueto influenceelementary and early childhood education at Saint Michael?sCollegeand in Vermont well into thefuture.


It iswith heartfelt thanks, that weacknowledgeRachel Cosgrove, our 2021 2022 Graduate Assistant, for her many contributionsto thedepartment last year Asa student in theMaster of Arts in Teaching program, Rachel ispursuing her initial teaching licensein middleand secondary social studies. Shehasworn many hatsin her life. From education nonprofitsto theatrecostuming gigs (which included teaching collegestudentshow to sew), careersasa massagetherapist and a professional danceinstructor to several yearsasa youth choir director, shehasa kaleidoscopeof experiences Her focusshifted to public school teaching in 2017, when shestarted subbing in a local school district. During the2020 2021 school year, shehad theopportunity to work full timefor the district?sfully onlinemiddleschool, which had been specifically created for that year dueto thepandemic With a small group of co workers, shespear headed a successful weekly opportunity to haveconversationswith studentsduring advisory timeabout topicssuch asracism, inequity, and bias. Rachel decided to pursuetheMAT following her year of teaching onlineduring thepandemic, which shedescribed asboth challenging and inspirational. Sheappreciated the way in which her colleagues, boss, and students collaborated to maketheyear a successand thismotivated her to pursueher master?sand licensure. Rachel hasfound her coursework in theMAT program to be?wonderfully thought provoking and relevant (continued on



Wearedelighted to welcomeCelesteMatteas our GraduateAssistant for 2022- 2023! Celeste graduated from Saint Michael?sCollegein May 2022 receiving departmental honorsin her Art & Design major, double- majoring in Elementary Education with an additional endorsement in Early Childhood Education Sheisnow pursuing her Master of Artsin Teaching with an endorsement in Special Education Celeste?spassion for Saint Michael?sCollegeis apparent in all that shedoes Shehasbeen an activemember of theSMC community over the last four years Sheworked on campusin the Mac Lab, serving asthelead worker during her junior and senior year, wasa mentor with DREAM Franklin Square, and worked with prospectivestudentsasa member of the Founder?sSociety Celestesharesthat oneof her favoritepartsof being a student at Saint Michael?swasher work asa tour guide She explains, ?During my junior and senior yearsI wastheTour Guide Coordinator; this position allowed meto train new tour guides, help grow our program, and sharemy love for Saint Mike?s with others.?

19 THANKYOU,RACHEL! CONT. to my teaching goals.?In particular, shefeelsthat learning how to makeher classroom more inclusiveand equitablefor all of her studentshasbeen most helpful. Theopportunity last summer as part of GED 530 to observeand participatein a program for multilingual learnersand seethe students?progressand ?aha?momentsfelt especially rewarding. Rachel noted, ?I think I learned as much (if not more) from them asthey learned from me?AstheGraduateAssistant, Rachel enjoyed ?getting to know my professorsand classmatesbetter, learning moreabout theEducation program and thewidevariety of opportunitiesSMC provides, and assisting a program in which I strongly believe? In her freetime, Rachel and her husband Thomasareinvolved in a medieval recreationist society, wherethey enjoy learning about thedifferent artsand sciencesof theworld pre 1600 C.E. She focusesmainly on fiber arts, performing arts, and wildernesstravel and camping skills, aswell as sharing her knowledgewith others Sheand Thomasalso havethreecuddly monstersknown as cats: Gandalf, Apollo Ra, and Artemis. Weareso grateful to Rachel for her dedicated serviceto theEducation Department and look forward to seeing her soar during her student teaching thisyear and into thefuture! WELCOME,CELESTE!

Originally from Stratford, CT, Celestehasfound a homeat Saint Michael?s Collegeand in theEducation Department. She recallsvisiting thecollegeasa child with her family (both her parentsgraduated from SMC in 1991) and returning asa prospectivestudent for her first official collegetour Shenoteshow, at thetime, ?something just clicked,?and later, when shearrived on campusfor orientation and waswelcomed by the(continued on

CallieWeller, oneof our Early Childhood Education studentsin Fall 2019, washonored asthe2021 Vermont Association for theEducation of Young Children Early Childhood Educator of theYear!

Recent Graduateand Secondary Education major pursuing secondary social studieslicensure, Betsy Grabner (?22), wastherecipient of theRichard D. Nachajski ?62 Scholarship. In spring 2022, Megan Tighe(MAT ?22) and RyleeField (MAT ?22) received theBennett C. DouglassScholarship for noviceeducatorswho demonstrateextraordinary potential to become leadersand advocatesin thefield of special education. (continued on page21)


enthusiastic orientation leaders, realized it was thesenseof community shefelt. About the college, shesays, ?Saint Mike?sisthekind of special placewhereyou arenoticed and cared for by everyonewho isa member of this community, and though I couldn? t pinpoint it at first, I think that iswhat mademechoosethis collegeasmy home.?Celestehashad a similar experiencein theEducation Department In sharing her experiencesasa student in the department, Celestewrites, "Right away, I knew how special theEducation Department was; I would recommend this program to anyone. Asidefrom theclasses themselvesbeing engaging and rigorous, I cannot speak highly enough of theprofessors. They of courseareincredibly knowledgeable and passionatein their field, but they careabout you asa student and asan individual. I knew that I could go to my professorswith anything, and they would support me. TheEducation Department isa microcosm of thegreater SMC Community; you aresupported, you areloved, and you will grow."


Delight Bucko (?17) received a full scholarship to theUniversity of RhodeIsland Master?sCollege Student Personnel (Student Affairs) Program. Sheisa full timestudent working on a focusin the Department of Military AffairsStudent VeteransProgramming Sheworksasa Grad Assistant in the Dean of StudentsOfficeastheMilitary Affairsand Student Veteran SuccessLiaison.

After finding a homeat Saint Michael?sCollege, Celesteknew shewould not beready to leave upon graduating in May, and continuing in the MAT program felt likea natural next step for her Whileher long- term goal isto teach general education, preferably kindergarten, Celestedecided to pursuetheendorsement in special education because, asshenotes, ?I know how important it isfor studentswith diverse needsand disabilitiesto spend asmuch timeas they can in a general education setting. I want to makesurethat I havethestrongest skill set possibleto support all of my studentsin order to ensurethat they feel successful, supported, and comfortablein learning.?In considering her position asGraduateAssistant, sheismost excited about working moreclosely with the Education Department. Shelooksforward to having theopportunity to ?honesomeof my skillsand strengths, and support both the Education program asa whole, aswell asthe professorswho havehelped megrow ? In her freetime, Celesteenjoysmaking art, cooking and baking, and going for long (but not too strenuous!) walks. Wearethrilled to have her join usasour GraduateAssistant Welcome, Celeste!

In spring 2022, Denisa Virag (MAT ?22) and Katelyn Buckley (MAT ?22) received theJudson and ParsonsReady, Set, Teach Endowed Scholarship to support GraduateEducation student teachers who demonstrateacademic achievement and excellencein teaching potential. Melissa Holzman (MAT ?22), a first year teacher at Albert D. Lawton School in Essex Junction, washonored with theVermont Association for MiddleLevel Education (VAMLE) Rising Star Award. Jen Wood, Melissa?sprincipal, Rachel Kahn, Melissa?smentor, and DaveBrown, Executive Director at VAMLE and SMC adjunct professor, madetheannouncement during oneof Melissa?s 8th- gradeELA classes.

Thanksto thehard work of Professor Jenny Stearns, our Early Childhood Education (PK 3) endorsement program hasreceived full approval from theVermont StandardsBoard of Professional Educators Thisendorsement program isan additional option availableto candidatesin our graduateand undergraduateprogramspursuing licensurein Elementary Education

Beginning in Summer 2021, Saint Michael?sCollegebegan offering a program for thestate?s new Specialized Literacy Professional endorsement, which replaced theReading English LanguageArtsSpecialist endorsement. Whilesimilar, thenew endorsement ismorefocused on literacy leadership and requiresa master?sdegree, which candidatescan completeaspart of theprogram at SMC if they do not already hold one To meet thecompetencies, our new program includestwo additional courses, GED 511 Fundamentalsof Curriculum and GED 621 Supervision, Evaluation, and Teacher Development, and to thedelight of many of our current and prospectiveliteracy candidates, a Praxisexam isno longer a requirement of the endorsement.




Wearethrilled to announceour new, fully onlineRacial Equity and Educational Justice GraduateCertificateprogram, coordinated by Dr Rebecca Eunmi Haslam! Coursesfor this program began thissummer, with two additional courses, GED 526 A: African American History for Teachers, and GED 526 C: IndigenousPerspectives: Culturally Sustaining Pedagogies, Curriculum, and theArts, being offered onlinethisfall. Thisprogram isdesigned to provideeducatorswith thecontent knowledgeand skill set to createequitableand inclusivelearning experiencesfor all students Classeshavea specific focuson antiracism, critical reflexivity, collectiveliberation, and justice. In the fourth and final courseof the12 credit program, studentsareableto apply their learning asthey explorea specific issuesurrounding equity and educational justicethat appliesto them. Thecertificateisdesigned to beobtained in either oneor two years, with cohort groupsstarting in thesummer session and culminating in thespring Studentsareableto work closely with theCoordinator of theprogram, Dr. Rebecca Eunmi Haslam, to determinea plan that worksfor their own needsand circumstances

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