Saint Peter's College Annual Report

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Saint Peter’s College





FROM THE PRESIDENT & THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD Saint Peter’s College TRADITION AND GROWTH Tradition has always played a large role in the


138-year history of Saint Peter’s College. Even

Eugene J. Cornacchia, Ph.D. President

as the College evolved to meet the educational and societal needs of the time, the founding principles of this great institution have been the bedrock of growth and progress. Our Jesuit and Catholic heritage, as well as our growth, is evident in so many of the achievements highlighted in this Annual Report. In 2009–2010, the College launched six new academic programs that will not only create new career opportunities for our students, but also will assure that Saint Peter’s graduates continue to serve as leaders in their chosen professions. In addition, the Jesuit maxim to strive for magis and achieve greater levels of excellence was exemplified by groundbreaking research conducted in the Charles J. Vickers and Anne B. Vickers Tissue Culture Facility last year; the College’s first provisional patent was the result. We look forward to keeping the Saint Peter’s community apprised of this important initiative as it develops. In keeping with our longstanding commitment to provide students with a complete and vibrant campus experience, Peacock Nation, a booster club for the College’s Division I Athletics programs, was formed last year. Creating this club resulted in a 49 percent increase in giving to Saint Peter’s College Athletics. For anyone who has attended a Peacock or Peahen game, match or meet recently, the spirit and energy of the athletic community is infectious and invigorating. The College even introduced a new way to honor traditions in 2009–2010 when members of Alpha Sigma Nu, the Jesuit honor society, organized and led the first Ignatian Heritage Week. Throughout the weeklong celebration, it was truly inspiring and gratifying to see our student body so engaged intellectually and spiritually in programs that promote our Jesuit character and identity. These initiatives and many other milestones achieved last year would not have been possible without the support of the 3,552 donors recognized in this Annual Report. We salute you for your belief in educating the next generation of Saint Peter’s students who will excel academically, lead ethically, serve compassionately and promote justice.

With gratitude,

Eugene J. Cornacchia, Ph.D. President C2

Kathleen M. McKenna, Esq. ’75 Chairman of the Board

Marylou Yam, Ph.D. Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Virginia Bender, Ph.D. ’78 Special Assistant to the President for Institutional Planning Rev. Michael L. Braden, S.J. Vice President for Mission and Ministry Michael A. Fazio, M.B.A. Vice President for Advancement and External Affairs Kenneth Payne, M.P.A. Vice President for Finance and Business Terence Peavy, M.S. Vice President for Enrollment Management and Marketing Eileen Poiani, Ph.D. Special Assistant to the President SAINT PETER’S COLLEGE ANNUAL REPORT 2009-2010 Editor Lorraine McConnell Executive Director of College Communications Associate Editor Meredith MacDonald Editorial & Design Services Erbach Communications Group Contributors & Editorial Assistance Ana M. Cravo Mary Kinahan-Ockay Leah Leto ’05 Gloria Mercurio Lauren Pantano Photography Jeffrey Vock Saint Peter’s College Archives Catherine Mernar SR Smith Sports Photography Shelley Kusnetz

Saint Peter’s College Annual Report is printed on an elemental chlorine-free paper containing 50 percent recycled content with 25 percent post-consumer waste. This is a Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified paper.




CONTENTS 2. On the Boulevard 4. Year in Review


12. Donors Who Make a Difference 14. Alumni Speak Up 16. Honor Roll of Donors

14. HOW TO REACH US Letter to the Editor E-mail: Editor, Saint Peter’s College Annual Report 2641 Kennedy Boulevard Jersey City, NJ 07306 Telephone: (201) 761-6240 Fax: (201) 761-6241 Great care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the Annual Report. In the event of an error, we extend our apologies and encourage readers to contact the College so that we may correct our records. Please contact Robert Pagano ’75 at (201) 761-6106 or Thank you. On the cover: The Knight Commander’s Staff of Saint Peter’s College

12. 75TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE KNIGHT COMMANDER’S STAFF You may know it as “the mace.” However, the silver peacock that sits atop an ebony staff and is carried at every academic procession—from the Michaelmas Convocation held each fall to Commencement in the spring—is formally known as the Emblem of the Order of the Knight Commander. The mace, which turned 75 in 2010, made its first appearance on December 15, 1935, when Saint Peter’s College conferred an honorary Doctor of Laws to the Most

Rev. Thomas H. McLaughlin, titular bishop of Nisa and auxiliary bishop of the Newark Catholic Diocese. According to College archive documents, the Knight Commander, or leader of the Most Noble Order of the Peacock, the top honor society at Saint Peter’s, carried the mace. A symbol of learning, scholarship, honor and tradition, the iconic piece was designed by Ruth Kling of Philadelphia, Pa. It was donated to the College by Cathleen A. Dundon and W.M.C. Martin. 1


Going Green, Going Global: The Costs and Benefits to Business, this grated sustainable practices into its business model and thrived. year’s theme for the 39th Annual Regents Business Symposium, “There is a spiritual aspect to business, that as you give you also drew robust attendance and also set a new record. The signature receive,” Greenfield said. Among its many environmental initiaevent, which serves as a fundraising opportunity for scholartives, Ben & Jerry’s was the first publicly-traded company in ship support and other College the U.S. to sign the Ceres initiatives, broke all previous Principles that requires the sponsorship records and raised enterprise to submit a report a total of $112,345, an increase of its environmental perforof 15 percent compared with mance every year. the previous record. Sustainability was espeTop business and academic cially germane for the leaders shared insights on the 2010 Regents Business opportunities and challenges Symposium. Since signing of running more environmenthe American College and tally friendly and sustainable University Presidents’ Climate businesses at the event, held Commitment in 2008, Saint on November 2, 2010, at the Peter’s College has reduced Hyatt Regency Jersey City on its impact on the environthe Hudson. Speakers included ment by purchasing all Ralph LaRossa, president electricity for the Jersey City and COO of PSE&G, Dawn campus from a wind farm, Murray, director of United Left to right: J.B. Wilson ’70, president of the Association of Independent Colleges and utilizing electric vehicles for Universities in New Jersey (AICUNJ); Pat Sheehan H ’77, Saint Peter’s College trustee States environmental sustain- emeritus; William Gutsch Jr., Ph.D. ’67, distinguished professor of the College of Arts campus security, eliminating ability for ING, and William and Sciences at Saint Peter’s College; Jerry Greenfield, co-founder of Ben & Jerry’s Styrofoam in the dining Gutsch Jr., Ph.D. ’67, distin- Homemade, Inc.; Eugene Cornacchia, Ph.D., president of Saint Peter’s College; Dawn halls, and holding annual guished professor of the Murray, director of United States environmental sustainability for ING; Robb Santos ’91, waste reduction and recycling chairman of the Saint Peter’s College Board of Regents. College of Arts and Sciences at competitions among the seven Saint Peter’s College. residence halls. Keynote speaker Jerry Greenfield, co-founder of Ben & The keynote speech and further details about the event are Jerry’s Homemade, Inc., spoke about how the company inteavailable online at

LECTURE FOCUSES ON ETHICS IN HEALTH CARE The generosity of a Saint Peter’s alumnus has translated into a heightened emphasis on Jesuit values within the College’s School of Nursing. The nursing program held its inaugural School of Nursing Annual Distinguished Lectureship on November 1, 2010, which was funded through a gift from Saint Peter’s Trustee James J. Daly, Esq. ’59 and the McKeen Fund. Well-known speaker and author Amy Haddad, Ph.D., presented the lecture titled “The Ethics of Nursing and Health Care: A Legacy and a Vision” at both the Jersey City and Englewood Cliffs campuses. Dean of Nursing Ann Tritak, Ed.D., said the annual lectureship is enriching the education of nursing students. “Nurses play such an important role in supporting patients and families in their decisions of care,” she explained. Following the inaugural lectureship, “students became more aware about the importance of having nurses involved in ethics committees. They also realized that they have a responsibility to go on to graduate school and conduct research on ethics so that more nurses have a place at the table.” Amy Haddad, Ph.D. 2


SMARTER CLASSROOMS LEARNING IS ENHANCED WITH $300,000 FEDERAL GRANT In the midst of a discussion in “Principles and Foundations of Physical Education” last semester, one student brought up the brutal chariot scene from the epic film Ben-Hur to illustrate a point. Most students were unfamiliar with the movie. But since the class was held in a Saint Peter’s College Smart Classroom, Richard Petriello, Ph.D., chairman of the new health and physical education program and instructor of the course, was able to locate a clip from the film online, show it to the class, and a deeper discussion of the physiological concepts related to the film ensued. Now, more students and faculty are benefiting from Smart Classrooms. With a $300,000 appropriation from the U.S. Congress and prior support from the George I. Alden Trust, a total of 65 classrooms at the Jersey City and Englewood Cliffs campuses have been updated and modernized with telecommunications, audio and visual equipment. According to Dr. Petriello, who serves as director of the grant, the funding nearly doubled the amount of technologically advanced classrooms at the College. Additionally, another six Smart Boards, an interactive white board that supports more collaborative and dynamic lessons, have been added to Saint Peter’s classrooms and lecture halls. The grant also included Smart Board training for faculty members so they can make the most of the new learning tool. All of the new educational technology is expected to strengthen students’ abilities while equipping them with the skills needed to perform in the twenty-first century workforce. “It’s a big shot in the arm for us,” Dr. Petriello noted. “It really has enhanced teaching and learning tremendously.”

THE VICKERS CHALLENGE The College’s Charles J. Vickers ’47 and Anne B. Vickers Tissue Culture Facility has led Leonard Sciorra, Ph.D., Schuh Professor of Health and Natural Sciences, and several students to groundbreaking, non-embryonic stem cell research that has garnered the first provisional patent in College history. Additional funding is needed to continue this critical research. Vickers has issued a challenge to fellow alumni to support the project; all gifts and pledges made by June 30, 2011, to the Vickers Tissue Culture Facility will be matched up to $100,000 For more information about making a gift, contact Claudia Pope-Bayne, director of annual giving, at (201) 761-6111 or

Rev. Edward Glynn, S.J., (left) with Mary Lou Jaroschak at the ribbon cutting ceremony for Joseph J. Jaroschak Field.

20TH ANNIVERSARY OF JOSEPH J. JAROSCHAK FIELD REMEMBERING A BENEFACTRESS The 2009–2010 academic year marked an important anniversary in the development of athletics at Saint Peter’s College: the opening of Joseph J. Jaroschak Field in Lincoln Park. Since it opened in 1990, thousands of athletes of all ages including Saint Peter’s students, high school students and recreational league participants have utilized the facility for baseball, softball, soccer and many other programs. It was all made possible by Mary Lou Jaroschak, a great supporter of Saint Peter’s athletics, who passed away on September 8, 2010. Jaroschak, who owned the East Brunswick Chateau and Roof Deck Inc. in central New Jersey, had a strong connection to Hudson County: her late husband, Joseph J. Jaroschak, was born and raised in Bayonne. The benefactress wanted to honor her husband’s memory and once said, “The development of the field is something Joe would have done. My husband would be so proud that he has been able to aid so many athletes.” Once the outdoor facility opened, Jaroschak offered continuous support to Saint Peter’s athletics by funding maintenance and upgrades, as well as a minivan to transport student-athletes and injured players. Jaroschak is survived by three nephews, two nieces and many great-nieces and great-nephews.



Figures of Strength

3,552 donors including alumni, friends, employees, students and parents made gifts to the College. Giving to the College increased by 14 percent.

921 donors have given to the College for 10 years in a row. 51 individuals have given consecutively for 40 years or more. 477 new donors demonstrated their support of Saint Peter’s mission with a gift to the College.

751 individuals increased their gifts in 2009–2010.

$12.6 million was secured toward the silent phase of the College’s capital campaign in 2009–2010. The centerpiece of the campaign is a state-of-the-art student center to be built on the College’s East Campus.

$98,000 was raised during the 38th Annual Regents Business Symposium, a record high.

242 Saint Peter’s students benefited from the gift of Jesuit education from donor-named scholarships.

Rising Support Annual Giving increases by 14 percent

A remarkable 23 percent increase in giving to annual scholarships made a direct and immediate impact on the lives of students. The College’s endowment and other investments experienced a 16 percent return.


More than 3,500 donors demonstrated their belief in the power of a Saint Peter’s College education in 2009–2010. For the second year in a row, the increase in giving to the College was in the double digits—14 percent. The Annual Fund, now known as The Saint Peter Fund, also exceeded its $2 million goal by more than $100,000, a feat that had not been achieved since 2001.

“Clearly, our alumni and friends see Saint Peter’s College as an investment worth making,” said Michael A. Fazio, vice president for advancement and external affairs. “Thanks to the generosity of our donors, more students will benefit from Jesuit education and all of the unique opportunities that a Saint Peter’s education affords.” Giving to annual scholarships


Figures of Strength

Parents: 0.22%

Trustees: 8.49%

Estates: 5.11% Alumni & Alumni Board (excluding alumni Trustees & Regents): 27.53%

Friends: 22.35%

Regents: 4.94%

Corporations and Organizations: 13.94%

Foundations (private & family): 17.40%

Saint Peter Fund - 5 Year Progress 2.5 $2,197,190

Dollars in Millions


$1,973,670 $1,969,192 $1,904,354 $1,866,031

1.5 1.0 .5 0

increased 23 percent last year. The impact of these gifts was witnessed at a scholarship information session lunch held on October 25, 2010. The event, attended by 175 students, presented the opportunity for scholarship recipients, many still the first in their families to attend college, to express gratitude for the opportunity to attend The Jesuit College of New Jersey. “Without this scholarship, I probably would not be attending Saint Peter’s College,” said Amanda Maldonado ’13, a political science major and recipient of the Bastek Endowed Scholarship. A member of the College’s Model United Nations team, Maldonado was the only freshman to compete at the Model U.N.

Conference in Boston last year. “My experience has been terrific,” she added. “I have grown as a person as well as a student.” “I am truly grateful for the William J. Mulcahy, S.J., Scholarship,” said Quadirah Cannon ’10. Cannon was one of 22 recipients of the scholarship in 2009–2010 and her professional goal is to become a teacher. The William J. Mulcahy, S.J., Scholarship was established with generous funding by The Loyola Foundation. “It reaffirmed my faith in good people,” Cannon added. “My eduation is not only for my personal growth, but to give back to others.”






Total Giving­­- Cash Annual Fund – Unrestricted: $1,367,232 Annual Fund – Annual Scholarships: $518,916 Annual Fund – Gifts in Kind: $311,041 Campaign Priorities: $2,464,709 Endowment: $1,026,798 Other Restricted Giving: $39,364 TOTAL:




Ready for the Knowledge Economy Six new academic and pre-professional programs introduced Saint Peter’s College continued to innovate its academic programs, adding six new pre-professional and degree offerings at the undergraduate and graduate levels. With programs ranging from a Bachelor of Science in Biology with a new concentration in environmental science to a Master of Arts in Education with a concentration in school counseling, plus a specialized M.B.A. in health care administration, Saint Peter’s is creating new opportunities for students and serving the greater community. 6

“I need to move with the times,” said Bill Anastassatos ’88, ’07, president of Kessler Ambulatory Services in Lyndhurst, N.J., who earned his M.B.A. from Saint Peter’s and also returned to his alma mater to complete the new specialized M.B.A. in health care administration. Having managed and experienced several health care agency mergers, Anastassatos explained his decision to further his education this way: “When it comes to making personnel decisions and it’s between two or three people who are great at what they

ACADEMICS Figures of Strength 743 undergraduate and graduate degrees were awarded during the 2009–2010 academic year.

6 new academic programs were introduced at the College in 2009–2010, including: • • • •

B.A. in Asian Studies B.S. in Biology with a new concentration in environmental science B.A. in Biology or Chemistry with a concentration in forensic science Joint B.S. in Health Information Management with the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey • M.A. in Education with a concentration in school counseling • M.B.A. in Health Care Administration

450 undergraduate and graduate students matriculated in the new School of Education in 2009–2010. This raises the awareness and visibility of Saint Peter’s College and helps graduates land competitive field placements, internships and permanent teaching positions.

$240,000 in federal, state and foundation support was awarded to Saint Peter’s College faculty members for scholarly research, as well as awards for student scholarships in academic disciplines such as nursing and the emerging field of microplasma. The College noted a 19 percent increase in applications for the 2009–2010 academic year. College enrollment grew to 3,122, with 2,412 undergraduate students and 710 graduate students. Additionally, transfer student enrollments for the Spring 2010 semester rose by 66 percent.

2009-2010 Enrollment 2,412 Undergraduate Students

710 Graduate Students

The number of full-time professors increased to

do, the difference maker is always education. I think my new degree in health care will absolutely keep me more competitive in the industry, not to mention the relationships I have developed with other students in our class that have become a great wealth of information.” In true Jesuit tradition, the new degree programs focus on advancing the critical thinking and problemsolving skills of students and adult learners, so that they can occupy leadership roles in the knowledge economy. “We live in a global world that is increasingly interconnected and diverse,” said Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Marylou Yam, Ph.D. “Our new academic programs are a response to critical societal and workforce needs that will enable our graduates to assume leadership roles in the service of others.”

118, of which 7 percent are members of the Society of Jesus. This enabled the College to maintain a student-to-faculty ratio of 13:1. A 30 percent increase in new computers to the first floor of the O’Toole Library provided increased access to information needed for academic work. A smarter and more relevant library collection is developed with expanded databases to more than 100,000 scholarly journals and 5,000 e-books.

1 new Jesuit partnership with Sogang University (the only Jesuit university in South Korea) was created to expand study abroad and research opportunities for students, researchers and faculty. 1 visiting student agreement was signed with John Cabot University in Rome, Italy to encourage students to study abroad.



Growing in Faith Finding God in all things


Sunday evening Masses. Seasonal Taizé services. Seder meals. Ramadan Feasts. A series of Midnight Runs to deliver essential supplies directly to the homeless on New York City streets. These are just a few examples of the many programs and initiatives that are part of a holistic effort to nurture the spiritual and intellectual growth of Saint Peter’s diverse student body in 2009–2010. Whether activities involved interfaith dialogue or retreats that explored Catholic social teaching, a wealth of opportunities were available to students from all backgrounds to embrace Jesuit values and “find God in all things.”

“That really is at the heart of what Jesuit education is all about,” noted Vice President of Mission and Ministry Rev. Michael L. Braden, S.J. “When we look at the world out there, everything reveals something of God’s intentionality for us. You cannot have faith and not act justly, which is why it is so essential that community service flow from faith, whatever that faith may be. It helps our students pay attention to that deeper intention in their hearts.” The maxim of Saint Ignatius of Loyola to show love in deeds more than words inspired many in the College community. Last year, more than 800 Saint Peter’s students committed nearly 16,000 hours of community service to more than 50 local, regional and global causes and organizations. As a result, the College was named to the 2009 President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll, the highest federal recognition a college or university


Figures of Strength Collectively, more than 800 Saint Peter’s students committed nearly 16,000 community service hours to more than 50 organizations. Through the Office of Campus Ministry the College community contributed more than 846 pounds of food, collected more than 1,450 pounds of coats and clothing for local charitable organizations and shipped 600 pounds of supplies for disaster relief in Haiti. The Office of Campus Ministry sponsored three Global Outreach service and immersion trips, two to Appalachia and one to Ecuador.

30 America Reads tutors volunteered 3,625 hours and worked with 5 area schools and agencies. More than 150 Saint Peter’s students participated in the American Cancer Society’s Breast Cancer Walk, the Alzheimer’s Memory Walk and the 30th anniversary of the Annual International CROP (Communities Responding to Overcome Poverty) Walk. The first Ignatian Heritage Week was held March 23–30, 2010. The weeklong celebration of Jesuit identity included lectures and seminars, as well as cultural and spiritual programming.

19 new members were inducted into Alpha Sigma Nu, the Jesuit honor society of colleges and universities.

can receive for its commitment to volunteering, servicelearning and civic engagement. The Corporation for National and Community Service, which administers the annual Honor Roll award, cited The Jesuit College of New Jersey for its impact on poverty, homelessness and environmental justice. Other new initiatives included the Ignatian Colleagues Program, a collaborative effort that involves 24 of the nation’s Jesuit colleges and universities to strengthen Ignatian principles through lay leadership, and the first Ignatian Heritage Week spearheaded by Alpha Sigma Nu, the Saint Peter’s chapter of the Jesuit national honor society. Since the reception to programs that encourage deeper faith in service of justice has been so well received, efforts are going to expand. An Alumni Ignatian Retreat will be held at the Carmel Retreat House in Mahwah, N.J., on April 8–10, 2011.

9 retreats were held for a diverse student body to deepen spirituality and community. Approaches included retreats on Catholic teaching, interfaith dialogue, ecumenical faith sharing, athletic team building, care of the environment and freshman orientation to college life. The 20th anniversary of the assassination of Archbishop Oscar Romero was remembered with the Stations of the Cross, as well as discussions, music and a prayer service.



Rooting for Peacock Nation Giving to Athletics increases by 49 percent


Alumni and friends of Saint Peter’s College have responded to the call to heighten school spirit and promote the College’s Division I athletic programs. Peacock Nation was off to a running start in 2009– 2010. Launching this club resulted in a 49 percent increase in giving to Athletics. Initially formed by a group of students as an athletic booster club for Saint Peter’s College, Peacock Nation has emerged to become a membership-based giving society that can truly make a difference in every studentathlete’s life. With seven giving levels, contributions have been

used to provide financial assistance, sponsor team travel, supply equipment and underwrite other initiatives that support student-athletes and team success. “The generosity of our donors in Peacock Nation has been instrumental to the continued success of our athletics programs,” said Director of Athletics Patrick Elliott. “The monies raised have been and will continue to be used to improve all aspects of our programs.” Most of all, for those who love to root for the Peacocks and Peahens, membership in Peacock Nation is just plain fun. “Whether it be attending a game, joining us for an exclusive reception with coaches or watching our


Figures of Strength Saint Peter’s College student-athletes who have exhausted eligibility achieved a 91 percent Graduation Success Rate (GSR), according to an NCAA report. The GSR for Peacocks and Peahens is 12 percent higher than the average NCAA graduation rate.

57 student-athletes from Saint Peter’s College were named to the MAAC Academic Honor Roll in 2009-2010. Qualified candidates for the honor have achieved a GPA of 3.2 or higher and are in their second year of athletic eligibility.

81 student-athletes were named to the Athletic Director’s Academic Honor Roll for the spring 2010 semester. These student-athletes achieved a GPA of 3.3 or higher. More than 1,200 fans turned out to watch the Peacocks defeat Monmouth University in a historic 6:00 a.m. basketball game. The nationally televised game was part of the ESPN College Basketball Tip-Off Marathon.

6 Peacock baseball players were named to the New Jersey Baseball Coaches Association (NJBCA) teams in spring 2010. The New York Yankees drafted Peacock pitcher Conor Mullee in the 24th round of the 2010 Major League Baseball draft. Mullee is the second Peacock baseball player to be drafted by a major league team in the last three years.

11 swimmers and 5 relay teams—the largest contingent ever—represented Saint Peter’s College at the 2010 ECAC Swimming Championships. Overall, the men’s swimming team finished in fifth place and claimed two ECAC titles.

live in-game video feed from your phone, Peacock Nation allows the entire Saint Peter’s College community to be a part of the action,” Elliott added. Kevin J. Downes ’73, a longtime donor to Saint Peter’s athletic programs, noted that the excitement generated by Peacock Nation enhances the college experience for all students. A vice president with Staples in New York, Downes is a member of the College’s Board of Regents and a member of the Athletic Hall of Fame. “It’s no secret that a vital part of the college experience is the enthusiasm generated by a vibrant athletic program,” said Downes. “As a founding member of the MAAC Conference, Saint Peter’s has a long history of success and needs the support of every alum who has wonderful memories about their experiences on the Boulevard.” For more information on Peacock Nation, visit

Peahen Bowling notched its 60th win and enjoyed its most successful season in 2009-2010, posting a winning record of 61–51. The team also won its first-ever NCAA tournament, the 2009 Beach Open hosted by Elizabeth City State University.

141 alumni and friends joined Peacock Nation to support student-athletes and boost the College’s 19 intercollegiate athletic programs. Giving to Athletics increased a whopping 49 percent in 2009–2010.

11 11

Marie and Thomas J. Gallagher ’47

Family Commitment Marie and Thomas J. Gallagher ’47 are blessed with a close-knit family and the lifelong values they say they received from Jesuit and Catholic institutions like Saint Peter’s College. Having expressed their gratitude with an annual gift for 40 years in a row, the Gallaghers hold the distinction of being among the longest continuous donors to the College. 12




o say that the Gallagher family is deeply devoted to Saint Peter’s College is a bit of an understatement. Thomas, Richard and Cornelius Gallagher are all graduates of The Jesuit College of New Jersey. Thomas, met his wife, Stephanie Mondry, ’77 at the College, as did younger brother Cornelius, who met his future spouse, Veronica Giordano ’84, when he served as a teaching assistant in one of Veronica’s classes. The family has also demonstrated steadfast support of the College and its mission of preparing graduates for a lifetime of learning, leadership and service. The three Gallagher siblings are proud donors to The Annual Fund, now known as The Saint Peter Fund, and family patriarch Thomas J. Gallagher ’47 holds the distinction of being one of the College’s most consistent benefactors. For 40 years in a row, the elder Gallagher and his wife, Marie, have made an annual gift to the College. Four decades of consistent giving to one’s alma mater doesn’t strike the


Harbor on December 7, 1941. He was sworn into the U.S. Navy in November 1942 and following basic training, served as lieutenant (junior grade) in the Pacific aboard the Navy destroyer U.S.S. Radford. The World War II veteran was able to return to Saint Peter’s in 1946 on the G.I. Bill. Shortly after returning home, Gallagher also met and courted Marie Haggerty. Though both grew up in Bayonne and attended Saint Vincent de Paul School, they only knew each other from afar. The couple married in 1949 and later, raised their family in Cranford, N.J. Jesuit and Catholic values have always been a central part of the Gallagher’s lives. “It was commonplace to have the Jesuits celebrate Mass in our home,” recalled Gallagher, who began a lifelong friendship with Rev. Joe McEvoy, S.J., when the Jesuit was the scholastic in residency at Saint Peter’s Prep and Gallagher was a student. “All of us were very close with the Jesuits,” he added. “These friendships matured and developed as we went along in life.”



elder Gallagher as especially remarkable or extraordinary. “Really, it’s sort of a natural and normal thing to do,” he explained. “We believe in the institutions that have given us so much.” Like many in his generation, Gallagher, who was raised in Bayonne, N.J., and is a graduate of Saint Peter’s Prep, held down a job while attending college full time. Classes were from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. and by 5:00 p.m. Gallagher, along with several of his classmates, reported for the eight-hour nighttime shift on the Jersey City docks. Schoolwork, he recalled with a laugh, was done, “whenever you could fit it in.” A mathematics major who minored in chemistry and physics, Gallagher was a freshman when the Japanese bombed Pearl


Gallagher also credits his Jesuit education with providing a sound foundation for professional success. After graduating from the College, he taught mathematics and physics at Saint Peter’s Prep for five years and earned a master’s degree in education from Fordham University. Gallagher was then hired by the Exxon Corporation to teach mechanics in the oil refineries and later enjoyed a 30-year career as a public relations executive with the company. All the while, the family remained very connected to Saint Peter’s College. In addition to having three sons who attended The Jesuit College of New Jersey, Gallagher also worked for the College’s Office of Communication for three years after retiring from Exxon in 1981.

Today, Thomas Gallagher ’72 is a computer engineer and lives outside of Buffalo, N.Y., Cornelius (Neil) T. Gallagher, M.D., ’82 is a pulmonary disease specialist who practices in South Jersey and Richard Gallagher ’76 is a partner with Ernst & Young, LLP in New York. Thomas and Marie, now the grandparents of 10, are extremely proud of their close-knit clan. “Our Mom and Dad are faith-filled believers in the Catholic Church, welleducated, civic-minded, intellectual, practical, loving, caring, hardworking, fighters and leaders, with a strong moral focus,” said Richard. “Over the years, they both were involved actively in numerous civic, charitable and religious organizations but always maintained a strong bond with immediate and extended family and a huge group of friends from all aspects of their lives dating back to their childhoods. Our entire family looks upon them as fantastic role models, and we have been particularly blessed to have them with us for so long.” In addition to Saint Peter’s College, the couple is very committed to giving to institutions they feel personally connected to—such as Saint Peter’s Prep and Marie’s alma maters, Holy Family Academy in Bayonne and Notre Dame College (now part of Saint John’s University), so a new generation can benefit from the same opportunities they did. “I still feel very strongly about the College,” added the elder Gallagher. “I’m delighted to see how it has developed, especially with the residence halls and the number of students who now live on campus.” The alumnus, who also served for 25 years as a trustee for Union County College (UCC), believes the plans for the forthcoming student center, now in the silent phase of a capital campaign, will be a tremendous asset for Saint Peter’s College. “When I was on the board of UCC, we put up a new student center and I saw how valuable it was for the students. I really enjoyed seeing the designs for the student center at Saint Peter’s—I think it’s going to be great.” 13


Alumni Speak Up Saint Peter’s received a strong response to a recent e-survey, with almost 900 alumni logging on to share their views. Participants represented a cross-section of alumni, from those who attended The Jesuit College of New Jersey in the 1950s to more recent graduates. Representing a wide variety of fields, from education and medicine to accounting, business, the legal professions, information technology and marketing, as well as other occupations, alumni had this to say: reported that a Jesuit, liberal arts education teaches students to think logically and provides a strong base that is applicable to any career or academic program. Representative comments from alumni included, “Jesuits teach you to think,” and “A strong liberal arts foundation prepares you for ANYTHING.”

Alumni feel strongly that Saint Peter’s prepared them exceptionally well or well for their future academic and professional careers. Specifically, alumni 14

Jesuit values fostered at Saint Peter’s have a lifelong impact. In fact, almost 90 percent of respondents say the Jesuit values they encountered at the College continue to influence their personal and professional lives. One alum summed it up this way: “The Jesuit ideas of intellectual rigor, honesty and social justice have had a lifelong impact.”

Graduates look back fondly on their time at Saint Peter’s—and still rate alma mater highly today.

Alumni give high marks to Saint Peter’s College magazine and Magis, Saint Peter’s e-newsletter. In fact, an overwhelming number of respondents get their Saint Peter’s news from these two sources. An impressive 83 percent rate the magazine very highly and nearly 75 percent rate Magis as an effective source of information.

Excellent 51% Good 50 44% 60 40 30 20

Fair 5%

10 0

Poor 0%

Alumni Rate Saint Peter’s College

A majority of Saint Peter’s graduates would recommend the College to others. 95 percent say they would recommend Saint Peter’s or are likely to recommend the College. Alumni cite the high quality education, small college setting and caring faculty as main reasons for their positive opinions. Saint Peter’s is a college of choice for children of alumni. Of 394 colleges and universities attended by children of survey respondents, The Jesuit College of New

Jersey ranked first, followed by several larger regional universities and other Jesuit and Catholic educational institutions. When they attended Saint Peter’s College, 72 percent of alumni were involved in campus clubs and activities. This may help explain why affinities, both professional and cocurricular, are the second-greatest connection to the College (30 percent) for alumni, following class year (36 percent). Saint Peter’s graduates prefer alumni events where it’s easy to mingle with other alumni and members of the College community. Not surprisingly, they report favorites as class reunions and casual events such as barbecues and athletics, along with cultural opportunities including visiting museums or attending Broadway plays. This dovetails with efforts by the Office of Alumni Relations to enhance reunion experiences and offer more social outlets for graduates.

The College Web site has become an increasingly important way for alumni to get information. Survey respondents report that they turn to our Web site for the latest information on Saint Peter’s news and alumni events, as well as locating and getting in touch with fellow alumni. Check out the site at

Scoring High with our Alumni A MESSAGE FROM THE OFFICE OF ALUMNI RELATIONS Enriching alumni relationships with alma mater is one of the primary objectives of the Saint Peter’s College Office of Alumni Relations. Our success in achieving this depends on our ability to gather feedback from our alumni community effectively and regularly. Last summer, we asked our alumni to complete an Alumni Outreach Survey online. I would like to thank all of our alumni who participated in the survey. The results have enabled us to learn more about the Saint Peter’s College experience of our alumni, as well as their perceptions of the College today. Based on what our alumni have told us, we are focused on developing programs that build upon our strengths and resources, and that are responsive to the needs and interests of our alumni. Gloria Mercurio Director of Alumni Relations

If you have any questions or comments about the survey, please contact the Office of Alumni Relations at (201) 761-6122. 15 15


Public Service Electric and Gas Company Francis G. Ziegler ’63 & Russell N. Stern ’70 Andrea M. Ziegler Andrew J. Whelan ’69 Estate of Dr. Richard C. Barry ’67 The Whelan Foundation, Inc. President’s Cabinet Anthony V. Bastardi & Marilyn P. Bastardi Mary K. Whelan ’71 (Gifts of $5,000 or more) Carol B. Bastek, Ed.D. ’70 Thomas V. Whelan ’68 Thomas W. Duncan ’65 Anonymous Catherine Amoroso Wickiewicz ’75 & Hon. Frank J. Guarini H ’94 Kenneth F. X. Albers ’49, H ’90 Thomas L. Wickiewicz, M.D. ’72 The Thomas & Sarah Mac Mahon Family William J. Barry, Jr. ’68 Charitable Foundation Bell & Clements Inc. Magis Society Thomas P. Mac Mahon ’68 Donna Falconcino Blauvelt ’81 & (Gifts of $10,000 or more) William J. Marino ’66 Joseph P. Blauvelt ’80 Martinson Family Foundation AT&T Foundation Alice S. & Edward M. Bolger, Ph.D. ’59 Schumann Hanlon, LLC The Board of Regents of Saint Peter’s Christy K. Burke William E. Simon Foundation College Thomas W. Burke ’60 Strategic Development Group Joseph M. Bredehoft, Esq. ’74 & Mrs. James A. Cardiello Incorporated Susan U. Bredehoft ’74 Robert M. Cashill ’64 Kathleen Gilvey Tyrrell, Esq. ’73 & Joseph J. Brogan ’60 Patrick J. Cassidy, Ph.D. ’61 James E. Tyrrell, Jr., Esq. The Thomas and Agnes Carvel Chubb & Son Inc. Foundation CNA Catholic Human Services Foundation Kathleen Fitzgerald Cocca ’71 & Founder’s Society Joseph F. Coleman ’73 Michael F. Cocca ’60 (Gifts of $25,000 or more) The Comerford Family Collins Building Services Estate of Hon. Henry J. Byrne ’55 John G. Collins ’58, H ’97 Francis & Maura Comerford William J. Cozine ’60 Columbia Bank Kevin A. Cummings & Dyan C. & Robert A. Cutro ’75 Patricia McQuillan Cummings ’77 Connell Foley LLP James J. Daly, Esq. ’59 Estate of Jerome A. Dolan, M.D. ’44 Andrew Conrad, Ph.D. Mrs. Albert W. Dreisbach, Jr. James F. Donohue, M.D. ’65 Donald R. Conway, Esq. ’55 Bartholomew Erbach ’82 & Kevin J. Downes ’73 Eugene & AnnMarie Cornacchia Margaret Conway Erbach ’90 Maj. Gen. George R. Fay, USAR ’70 Carmel Zampaglione D’Amelio ’79 & Erbach Communications Group Fidelity Investments Frank A. D’Amelio ’79 ExxonMobil Foundation Goldstein Family Foundation George M. De Luca ’74 Alice M. & Francis X. Hagan ’51 Robert J. Goldstein ’60, ’06 & George K. Degnon ’63 Independent College Fund of New Jersey Marion I. Goldstein Robert J. DiNicola ’69 Mary Lou Jaroschak † Eleni Pashalidis Gomez ’86 & John F. Donahue ’60 Johnson & Johnson Hon. Joseph V. Doria, Jr. ’68 Jorge B. Gomez ’85 Francis J. Kilkenny ’60 Joseph V. Doria Scholarship Fund Inc. Joseph R. Gromek ’68 KPMG Foundation Barbara E. Henderson Joseph M. Dunn, Sr. ’69 Loyola Foundation Laura and James Hirschmann Evergreen Shipping Agency M. Brian Maher HA ’07 Gary S. Horan, FACHE ’70 (America) Corporation McKeen Fund Horizon Blue Cross/Blue Shield F.T.P., Inc. Kathleen M. McKenna, Esq. ’75 & of New Jersey JDJ Falconcino-Blauvelt Joseph A. Vallerini ’75 Hospital for Special Surgery Charitable Foundation Estate of Louis Mihalovic Walter J. Hyjek ’61 Julie Delaney Fristensky ’73 & The Morrison Family Foundation Investors Savings Bank Charitable Warren C. Fristensky ’74 Mary Morrison Foundation GE Foundation John P. Murray ’57, H ’02 Raymond G. Hallock ’65 The Jesuits of Saint Peter’s College James J. O’Brien ’64 William H. Hannon Foundation Peter S. Johnson ’64 PSEG Foundation Mr. & Mrs. David A. Herbst Michael T. Kahrer ’79 The Horizon Foundation for New Jersey Richard P. Libretti ’65 Hudson City Savings Bank Charles M. Lizza, Esq. ’77 & John A. Jung, Jr., Ph.D. ’60 Sandra R. Lizza Robert L. Kaiser ’64 Raymond C. Maguire, M.D. ’58 James R. Kelly, Ph.D. ’60 Charles P. Mayer ’69 1872 Society: Lab Corp of America Holdings James P. McAndrew ’70 $100,000 or more Robert G. Lahita, M.D., Ph.D. ’67 Francis A. McGrail ’79 Founder’s Society: James J. Loughlin ’64 David G. McIntee, CPA, CVA ’77 Robert L. Marcalus H ’96, HA ’06 The Michael F. and Noreen P. $25,000 – $99,999 Walter Meany Landscaping LLC McManus Foundation Magis Society: Susan P. Mitchell-Abbate ’72 Michael F. McManus ’72 $10,000 – $24,999 Thomas J. Moorehead, Ph.D. ’69 Merck Partnership for Giving The Edmond N. & Virginia H. Northfield Bank Foundation President’s Cabinet: Moriarty Foundation Joseph A. Panepinto, Esq. ’66 $5,000 – $9,999 Virginia H. Moriarty Sharon A. Pastore ’73 Carolyn Murray Patton Boggs LLP President’s Circle: Pfizer Foundation Anthony O. Pergola, Esq. ’92 & $2,500 – $4,999 Eileen L. Poiani, Ph.D. Maureen Lemke Pergola ’94 President’s Council: Deborah & Frank Powell Pfizer Inc. $1,000 – $2,499 Garry A. Prime ’65 William J. Powers ’59 PSEG Services Corporation Jacqueline Sferra Rada Dean’s Society: Caroline H. & Marshall V. Rozzi ’67 Richard A. Rendich Educational Fund $500 – $999 Norman and Bettina Roberts Foundation Lucy M. Sardella-Lawrence ’82 J. Paul Schaetzle ’75 Susan M. & Ralph R. Russo ’70 Pavo Society: Schering-Plough Foundation Elizabeth Viray Santos ’91 & $1 – $499 Herbert J. Schneider, Esq. ’59 Robb Santos ’91 H Denotes honorary degree Patrick E. Scura ’66 Joan K. Schultz, CPA ’71 recipient James R. Sullivan, D.D.S. ’55 Sodality of the Children of Mary HA Denotes Honorary John M. Tassillo, CPA ’60 of St. Teresa Alumnus/a Award recipient Frank J. Tricarico ’58 Peter G. Stewart, Esq. ’63 † Denotes deceased Frank Tricarico Scholarship Fund Robert L. Tortoriello, Esq. ’71 Toni Ann Turco ’86 Charles J. Vickers ’47 & Joseph J. Vecchione ’59 Anne B. Vickers (Gifts of $100,000 or more)



Thomas F. O’Reilly ’69 Pepsi Bottling Group Edmund M. Polonitza ’64 William T. Price III ’91 Procter & Gamble Fund John F. X. Prout ’69 The Prudential Foundation President’s Circle Colin Rigby, Family & Friends (Gifts of $2,500 or more) Mary Alice Costello Rippe ’77 Guy A. Abrahamson Roof Deck, Inc. Harry J. Arnold, Jr., Esq. ’62 Fausto Rotundo, CPA ’91 Bank of America Foundation Patricia Q. Sheehan H ’77 The Bank of New York Mellon Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Simone, Jr. C. R. Bard Foundation, Inc. Richard J. Sinton, Esq. ’71 Barnes and Noble College Eileen T. Smyth ’89 Booksellers, Inc. Society of the Sacred Heart Richard J. Bender ’78 & Mrs. Joseph F. Spaltro Virginia Forrester Bender, Ph.D. ’78 State Farm Companies Foundation Ann M. Bleach ’81 Summit Security Services, Inc. Joseph V. Burakevich, Ph.D. ’60 Mary E. Tierney ’67 Thomas D. Carver, Esq. ’58, H ’08 The TJX Foundation Inc. William J. Caufield ’60 TwoFour Consulting Hon. Marilyn C. Clark ’72 UPS Foundation for Independent Colgate-Palmolive Company Higher Education Thomas F. Conway, Jr. ’66 Cosmo Vacca ’87, ’04 Culinary Ventures Vending Angelo A. Vigna ’63 Day Pitney LLP Theresa A. Walls, D.O. ’71 Deutsche Bank Americas Martin T. Walsh ’60 Patrick A. Diassi, Ph.D. ’46 John B. Wilson, Esq. ’70 & Robert J. Donato ’65 Joyce Bergamini Wilson ’71 Albert W. Dreisbach III, M.D. ’79 William F. Wisneski ’73 Walter Dukiet George J. Duva ’68 President’s Council EMarkets Group LLC (Gifts of $1,000 or more) Ernst & Young Foundation John L. Abruzzo, M.D. ’53 Stephen V. Falanga, Esq. ’89 & Accume Partners Peggy Falanga Joseph M. Adamko ’60 Michael F. Filosa, Ph.D. ’53 Aetna Foundation, Inc. Patrick J. Finnegan ’70 Anthony J. Alberino ’62 Richard C. Gallagher ’76 William J. Allingham, Esq. ’54 Marilda L. Gandara, Esq. ’72 Alpha Sigma Nu Paul G. Gillease ’57 American International Group, Inc. GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Anonymous Goldman, Sachs & Co. William R. Armbruster ’71 R. J. Goldstein & Associates Robert Auletta Kevin P. Guckian ’83 Marilyn Haggerty Peter S. Babits ’69 Bernard M. Hartnett, Jr., Esq. ’51 Theodore Bajo, Esq. ’66 Noreen D. Heath-Beaman, CPA ’86 Joseph B. Baratta, M.D., FACS ’77 John C. Hughes ’72 Robert O. Baratta, M.D. ’62 Humana Foundation Joseph N. Barbera ’66 William R. Jacobi ’74 Barclays Capital Dr. Robert G. Johnson ’60 Richard P. Barnitt, Sr. ’60 Thomas J. Jordan ’63 Thomas J. Basile ’64 Hon. William J. Bate ’55 Mark G. Kahrer ’83 BD Ron Kelly ’60 Charles P. Becker, Jr. ’60 B. Melvin Kiernan, Ph.D. ’57 John J. Bergin ’54 Robert J. Kinsey ’56 Bernard J. Berry, Jr., Esq. ’67 & KPMG LLP Marion Williams Berry ’69 Theodore E. Kwiatkowski, D.M.D. ’70 & Beta Beta Beta Biological Honor Society Theresa Gutch Kwiatkowski ’72 Birdsall Services Group, Inc. Glenn Lockwood ’83 Chris Boehmcke Robert M. Luchetti ’55 Lawrence P.J. Bonaguidi Foundation Peter P. Malecki ’70 James Bondra Aldo J. Martinez, Esq. ’77 & John J. Bott ’60 Susan Sochinski Martinez ’80 Martin J. Boyle ’82 Dennis R. McCarthy ’64 Edward A. Boyno, Ph.D. ’66 Joseph F. X. McCarthy, Ph.D. ’42 Donald E. Bradley ’56 Patricia McGeough McGovern ’71 & Lawrence P. Brady, Jr., Esq. ’61 Paul J. McGovern ’68 Vincent F. Brennan ’61 Michael P. McGrath ’90 Paul J. Brignola, Sr. ’68 Justin D. McKeon ’97 Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation Thomas F. McVeigh ’60 John F. Britanak ’65 C. Thomas Meisse ’66 Thomas L. Brundage ’71 Cecilia Ann Michalik ’73 Robert W. Buesser ’55 Michael R. Milano ’74, ’91 Hubert J. Moran ’67 John D. Buffington, Ph.D. ’63 Ronald J. Morrissey, Ph.D. ’56 Robert H. Burke ’60 Anne E. Butler ’69 The New York Times Company Thomas E. Butler ’68 Foundation Vincent P. Butler, Jr., M.D. ’49 Richard J. O’Brien ’60 Thomas E. Byrne, Jr. ’51 Kristen O’Grady Verizon Foundation Verizon Thomas J. Whalen, Esq. ’60 Marylou Yam, Ph.D. Dr. Theresa Zesiewicz-Staffetti, M.D. ’82

LEADERSHIP GIVING Kevin Cahill, M.D. George Caldes ’49 Jenny E. Campbell ’10 Nancy P. Campbell ’72 Thomas J. Carey ’58 Charles T. Carney ’56 Robert M. Carney, Sr. ’03, ’08 Helen E. Carroll ’93 Thomas J. Casaburo ’61 Thomas G. Casper ’70 Michael J. Castaldi ’77 Phillip J. Catanzaro, M.D. ’61 Michael Caulfield ’75 Anne Cehelsky Kathleen M. Cehelsky, Esq. ’86 Joanne Konicki Ceimo ’71 Louis E. Cella ’54 ChevronTexaco Corp. Barbara A. Chryst HA ’99 Church World Services Frank A. Ciesla, Esq. ’63 Dominick S. Cinelli ’78 Mary Higgins Clark H ’93 Carolann Clynes Coccia Foundation Bernard W. Colaianni ’48 Rev. Thomas P. Conheeney ’48 Robert C. Conlon, Esq. ’61 Thomas E. Conlon III ’66 Joseph R. Connelly, M.D. ’36 Mrs. Richard F. Connors Convergent Wealth Advisors James P. Conway ’00 Annette Radoslovich Corbin ’84 John E. Corrigan ’55 Michael E. Cozine, Esq. ’56 Credit Suisse First Boston George T. Croonquist ’54 Kevin F. Cunniff ’61 Thomas J. Curtin ’60 Deloitte Foundation Brian Dempsey ’69 Benjamin & Barbara Denihan John T. DePalma ’53 Richard A. Derrig, Ph.D. ’62 Frank X. Derwin, Esq. ’65 David C. Descalzi ’76 Thomas M. Dinneen ’64 Martin J. Dolan III ’69 Richard K. Donnelly ’67 Robert Donnelly ’75 William W. Dornburgh ’54 Terri J. Driscoll ’79 Michele F. Dullea ’71 George A. Dunn, Jr. Thomas E. Dyer, M.D. ’53 John F. Egan, Ph.D. ’61 Ashling Lyons Ehrhardt ’98 Eisner LLP Arthur W. Ellermann ’58 John D. Emerick ’54 Joseph D. Evangelista ’72 James J. Everett ’61 Robert J. Fabiny, Ph.D., M.D. ’53


Thomas M. Farley ’55 Michael A. Fazio Edward C. Fedak, Esq. ’69 & Elaine Fedak ’78 Kenneth S. Fekete, Sr. ’66 James J. Finnerty, Jr., Esq. ’57 Adrian M. Foley, Jr., Esq., H ’96 Patrick J. Foley, Jr., Ph.D. ’63 Maiya Furgason George T. Furst, Ph.D. ’68 FYI Business Solutions John F. Galbraith ’65 Peter J. Gallagher ’50 Thomas J. Gallagher ’47 Frank Garcia ’81 James G. Gardner, Esq. ’62 Mrs. T. Edward Gavin Rev. John J. Gildea ’61 Robert J. Giugliano, Ph.D. ’64 John J. Giuliano ’48 John W. Gogarty ’92 Goldman, Sachs & Co. Marilyn Grebin ’82 Robert J. Greces ’70 Walter J. Greenhalgh, Esq. ’71 Patrick J. Griffin, Ph.D. ’71 Patricia K. Griffin-Koch Robert P. Groesbeck ’61 John J. Gualtieri, Ph.D. ’70 Joseph J. Guerra ’57 Anton W. Guitano ’71 Martin J. Hart ’51 Henry F. Harty, Jr., Ed.D. ’61 Paul F. Healey ’74 James B. Heaney ’62 Peter C. Hearne ’57 Etoile R. Heavey Stephen A. Hennesey ’58 John F. Henning ’59 † Joyce M. Henson, Ph.D. John T. Herrmann ’66 William J. Hill ’75 John C. Hoffman ’67 Thomas D. Hoffman, Esq., Ph.D. ’62 Hoffmann-La Roche Inc. Frank W. Hogan, Jr. ’71 Crystal L. Howard ’97 Michele M. Howe-O’Malley, D.O. ’77 IBM Corp. Inkwell Communications Fred J. Jacques, Jr. ’70 Mary Cristantiello Jain ’79 Kenneth E. Jasinkiewicz ’66 Jersey Eagle Sales Company Jordan & Jordan Martin F. Jordan ’50 Jose A. Juri ’79 Mary E. Kane ’76 Richard M. Keefe ’60 James P. Keeney ’60 Thomas F. Kelaher, Esq. ’54 Margaret E. Kenny ’76 & Peter Kenny ’77 Loren E. King ’66

William A. Knapp, Jr. ’68 John D. Koblan ’63 William J. Kowalczyk, CPA ’56 Stephen M. Kozuch, Esq. ’84 Tom Kramer ’52 Eleanor Kreta ’64 Ernest N. Landy, M.D. ’51 Louis J. Larca, M.D. ’69 & Marianne Zozom Larca ’71 Carl C. Larsen ’60 Joseph P. LaSala, Esq. ’69 John P. Lau, Sr. ’65 Robert T. Lee, CFP ’66 Leitner, Tort & DeFazio, PC James T. Leman ’68 Raymond C. Lena ’69 LexisNexis Lucent Technologies Foundation Thomas M. Luddy ’74 Martin P. Lydon ’63 Eileen M. Lynch ’87 Mrs. James S. Lyons Donald P. MacDonald ’58 Nadia E. Makar ’69 Rocco J. Marano, Esq. Thomas L. March, M.D. ’53 Mrs. William P. Maresca Ada M. Marin, M.D. ’79 Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Martalus Robert T. Martin ’72 Kenneth J. Mathews ’60 Robert J. Matura ’55 Dennis J. McAuliffe, Ph.D. ’64 John J. McDermott ’61 Richard C. McDonnell, Esq. ’59 Thomas J. McDonnell ’61 James F. McGlinchy ’73 & Joanne Burke McGlinchy ’73 Arthur H. McGuire ’69 John J. McKeon, M.D. ’68 Bernard F. McNeilly ’60 Donald J. McSparran ’60 William J. Mealia ’60 James W. Meister ’63 Maryanne Armelino Menendez ’88 & Ray Menendez, CPA ’80 Billy Joe L. Mercado ’07 The Merck Company Foundation Catherine Weiss Merker ’70 Catherine M. Mernar Robert I. Miskell Thomas M. Molino ’68 William T. Monahan ’69 Monumental Baptist Church Kenneth Moore ’91 Mrs. Thomas G. Moran Christopher F. Morgan ’59 Morgan Stanley Joseph V. Mulvanerton ’07 Maureen F. Murray Fred W. Musch ’70 Lawrence A. Musella ’48 Anthony M. Natelli Frank P. Neglia ’59

New Jersey Business Magazine New Jersey Resources Company John P. Nickerson ’55 Fred Nitting, Jr., CPA ’83 & Michelle Incognito Nitting ’84 Northwestern Mutual Foundation Joseph F. Nostrame ’74 Eugene P. O’Connell, Esq. ’70 Hon. Edward T. O’Connor, Jr. ’64 J. Kenneth O’Connor, Esq. ’50 John B. O’Hara, Jr. ’51 Sara Oswald ’71 Hubert J. O’Toole ’55 Walter J. Palasits ’53 Lewis G. Pascalli, Jr., Esq. ’64 Sean M. Pattwell Kenneth Payne Richard T. Pederson, M.D. ’69 James S. Perry ’70 & Rose R. Perry ’91 Catherine Volkmar Phalen ’73 Hermann K. Platt, Ph.D. Stanley R. Plust ’73 Charles F. X. Poggi ’53 Marcus P. Porcelli, M.D. ’75 The Port Authority of NY & NJ Michelle & Steven Powell Thomas Powell The Provident Bank Prosper F. Prybor ’59 Philip J. Pulcini ’72 Bernard F. Puy ’60 Vincent J. Quagliana ’59 R 3 Energy Management Audit & Review Robert F. Reddington, Sr. ’62 Albert J. Regen ’59 Edward W. Reuter ’64 Anne M. Ronan, Esq. ’83 Roosevelt & Cross Inc. Michael L. Rose ’60 Carmen L. Ross ’58 Francis T. Rush, Ph.D. ’53 Louis R. Ruvolo ’80, ’08 Patrick J. Ryan ’72 Mary M. Lowenburg Ryba ’95 S.I. Raphael Limited, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Sakata Therese M. Saulnier ’71 Frank A. Scerbo, Esq. ’71 & Susan M. Scerbo Thomas A. Schember ’59 Joshua A. Schrier, Ph.D. ’00 Science Applications International Corp. Thomas P. Sculco Paul S. Sefjack ’76 Martin R. Semon ’64 Martin E. Sexton ’58 James W. Shea, Esq. ’57 John Shea Kenneth J. Sheedy ’67 Joel E. Sherlock, M.D. ’59 The Sherwin-Williams Company Michael J. Simmons ’70 Jacqueline Simone ’10 Single Step Foundation Inc.

Mary Coughlin Sinton ’71 Thomas F. Slattery ’56 Edward J. Smith Joanne L. Smith ’77 Anthony J. Sogluizzo ’61 William J. Spataro ’61 William G. Spedding ’65 Rev. Eugene P. Squeo, Esq. ’65 Hon. Reginald Stanton ’56, H ’03 Fred A. Stickel ’43 Karen Fristensky Stroever ’71 William F. Sues, Jr. ’77 John T. Sullivan, Esq. ’97 Lauren Policastro Sullivan ’98 Thomas J. Sullivan, Esq. ’57 Maureen B. Tart-Bezer ’77 Tax Executives Institute, Inc. Richard C. Theuer ’60 Ronald W. Tobin, Ph.D. ’57 Eugene C. Tolomeo, D.D.S. ’43 Henry A. Tully ’70 & Joan Balmer Tully ’72 Andrew T. Turrisi III, M.D. ’70 James D. Van Blarcom ’65 Francisco J. Varela ’81 John F. Varley ’50 Lt. Col. Frank L. Varsolona, USA (Ret.) ’70 Matthew C. Vinci ’53 Gary F. Vitale ’74 Wachovia Bank, NA Dennis R. Walsh ’66 John J. Warlikowski ’57 † Mary Warlikowski Robert B. Webster, CPA ’71 John B. Wefing, Esq. ’64 Joseph H. Weitze ’50 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Joseph A. Wisneski ’67 Eileen Gallagher Witkowski ’73 Mary Weldon Yannuzzi ’70 & Raymond A. Yannuzzi, D.A. ’70 Robert J. Zoccoli ’74 † Denotes deceased

ESTATE GIFTS Estate of Dr. Richard C. Barry ’67 Estate of Hon. Henry J. Byrne ’55 Estate of Jerome A. Dolan, M.D. ’44 Estate of Louis Mihalovic

YOUNG ALUMNI PRESIDENT’S COUNCIL The Young Alumni President’s Council was established to encourage leadership support from Saint Peter’s College alumni who graduated within the last 10 years. The College would like to thank the members of the Young Alumni President’s Council for their outstanding commitment to Saint Peter’s future: 2000–2003: $500 or more; 2004 and 2005: $250 or more; 2006 and 2007: $125 or more; 2008 and 2009: $50 or more. James P. Conway ’00 Christina Fullam ’00 Jose L. Lopez, Ph.D. ’00 Joshua A. Schrier, Ph.D. ’00 Francis M. Drummond ’01, ’03 John P. Nelson, Jr. ’01 Steven Llanes ’02 Ereni A. Roess ’02 Robert M. Carney, Sr. ’03, ’08

Timothy Brennan ’04 John R. Hack ’04 Christopher Henry ’04 Leah M. Leto ’05 Michael J. Bruno ’06 Rose Marie Cunningham ’06 Donna A. Furina ’06 Aimee D. Raganit ’06 Rabia Sattaur ’06

Niekel Griffith ’07 Niurka E. Mederos ’07 Billy Joe L. Mercado ’07 Joseph V. Mulvanerton ’07 Nicholas W. Barcheski ’08 Geoffrey Daly ’08 Colleen A. Dziedzic ’08 Alissa R. Giordano-Di Scala ’08 Kaloyan N. Hristov ’08

Jeffrey W. Kane ’08 Vladimir D. Kostadinov ’08 John P. Mannion ’08 Tosin Oyekunle ’08 Robert A. Raffaele ’08 Kamen Z. Stoykov ’08 Carol M. Tyler ’08 Rory C. Dahill ’09 Lisa M. Flick ’09

Conrad P. Habijan ’09 Katrina S. Luckenbach ’09 Jennifer S. Savoca ’09 Rachel A. Slaiman ’09 Katherine A. Swierad ’09


THE PAVONIA HERITAGE SOCIETY The Pavonia Heritage Society members are recognized for providing support to the College through their estate and financial plans. Their gifts include bequest intentions, charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts and insurance gifts formerly recognized as the James J. Shanahan, S.J. Society and the Victor R. Yanitelli, S.J. Society. Joseph A. Abbott, M.D. ’54 † Estate of Thomas E. Adams Alfred Owen Aldridge † Estate of Louis Allisson Severino J. Ambrosio, M.D. ’50 † Daniel Angione ’81 Anonymous Estate of Dorothy M. Armbruster William R. Armbruster ’71 Paul Armellino ’73 Estate of Alexandria Arrigotti Estate of Msgr. Alois Auth Peter S. Babits ’69 Louis F. Barbaro, Esq. ’67 August W. Barberi, CPA ’53 Andrew M. Barrett ’64 Estate of Grace M. Barry Estate of Helen L. Barry Richard C. Barry, M.D. ’67 † Murry P. Berger John J. Bergin ’54 Bernard J. Berry, Jr., Esq. ’67 Eugene G. Bezgela ’44 † Robert M. Black, CLU ’75 Estate of Alice E. Bleda The Victor A. Blenkle Charitable Remainder Trust Robert J. Bogdanowicz ’77 Edward M. & Alice S. Bolger Estate of Mary R. Boylan Susan U. Bredehoft ’74 William J. Brennan III † Estate of Loretta Briody William E. Brothers ’42 † Benjamin S. Bucca † Peter Buchanan ’76 Estate of Patrick Burke Walter Burke ’59 † Anne E. Butler ’69 Vincent P. Butler, Jr., M.D. ’49 Hon. Henry J. Byrne ’55 † William T. Byrne ’63 Joseph P. Calello ’77 † Charles J. Capaccio ’74 Louis A. Cappadona, Esq. ’61 Mrs. James A. Cardiello Thomas D. Carver, Esq. ’58, H ’08 Estate of Mary Joan Cashin Josefine M. Castan † Frederick G. Chiccone ’66 Bernard W. Cicirelli, Jr. ’80 Estate of Kathryn M. Cleary Robert B. Cobban ’54 † Estate of Mary E. Cofield Emma Colageo ’82 James L. Collins ’58 John G. Collins ’58, H’ 97 Donald R. Conway, Esq. ’55 Angelo J. Coppolino ’74 Annette Radoslovich Corbin ’84 Joseph P. Coughlin ’60 Michael F. Dacey ’66 Estate of Josephine Daly Paul J. Darmanin, Jr. ’69

Estate of Eleanor J. Dawkins Pasquale DeAngelis ’78 Joseph C. DeFazio, Esq. ’73 Estate of Joseph Delaney Timothy J. Delaney ’49 † John T. DePalma ’53 Edward J. DePascale, Esq. ’70 David C. Descalzi ’76 Estate of Eleanor E. Deschner, Ph.D. Estate of Marguerite P. Dolan Joseph D. Donnelly, Esq. ’68 Thomas H. Donnelly, Ph.D. William W. Dornburgh ’54 Thomas F. Dowd, Esq. ’66 Estate of Robert Dowling G. Robert Doyle ’69 Daniel J. Driscoll ’34 † Michele F. Dullea ’71 Estate of James D. Dunn Michael J. Eadicicco ’85 Felix F. Eberhart ’36 † James J. Egan ’68 Bartholomew Erbach ’82 John L. Farrell, Jr. ’50 Estate of Isidore Feldman James J. Finnerty, Jr., Esq. ’57 Thomas P. Finnerty ’56 † Cyril E. Fitzpatrick ’56 † Richard J. Flanagan † Adrian M. Foley, Jr., Esq. Warren C. Fristensky ’74 Estate of Frederic J. Fuller Dennis M. Gaito ’70 Gerald J. Galdieri ’65 Hon. John A. Garbarino ’39 † Joan K. Gavin † Estate of Irene G. Geiger Lena Genser, H ’81 † Mr. & Mrs. John J. Gerard Paul G. Gillease ’57 Robert Giroux, H ’01 † Blanche Gornitsky † Estate of Genevieve A. Greenwood Patrick J. Griffin, Ph.D. ’71 John F. Grisoni ’62 Margaret McHugh Hagen ’75 Estate of F. Hagovsky Estate of Ethel Halliwell Nancy Stegmann Harisiades ’81 Anne J. Hart † Bernard M. Hartnett, Jr., Esq. ’51 William J. Healy ’67 Bernard C. Heckman ’92 † Barbara E. Henderson Elizabeth Howard Henson † Joyce M. Henson, Ph.D. John T. Herrmann ’66 John C. Hoffman ’67 Lawrence Hogan ’79 † C. Richard Hollenbach ’53 Kenneth S. Houghton ’62 Mrs. Edwin M. Hughes Estate of Henry R. Hulse Fred J. Jacques, Jr. ’70

Eugene A. Johnson, Jr. ’78 Estate of Helen D. Johnson Herbert R. Jordan ’48 † Estate of Loretta E. Jordan Daniel V. Joyce ’79 John A. Jung, Jr., Ph.D. ’60 Joseph Kahn † Michael T. Kahrer ’79 David F. Kane ’36 † Judith C. Keilp, Esq. ’81 Francis T. Keimig ’66 John V. Kelly ’51 † Donald Kennedy, Jr. ’59 Christine Kibildis ’67 † Estate of Rose Mary Kidd John P. Kilinski ’55 Estate of George G. Kipke Fred L. Koehler, Jr. ’52 Bill Koenig ’54 Catherine Kopley, Esq. ’70 Eleanor Kreta ’64 Theodore E. Kwiatkowski, D.M.D. ’70 Theresa Gutch Kwiatkowski ’72 Kyak Family Trust Robert C. Langley ’49 † David G. LaPointe, M.D. ’61 † Joseph P. LaSala, Esq. ’69 Estate of Aaron Last George F. Lawaich, Jr. ’69 Estate of Joseph P. Lee Milton F. Lewis † Estate of Hortense Libman Margaretmary Lockwood ’77 † Francis J. Lucitt ’43 † Philip A. Lundell, Jr. ’80 Thomas P. Mac Mahon ’68 Estate of Martin McNamara ’51 Joseph J. MacDougall ’51 Ruth A. Madden ’80 † William E. Magner ’72 Raymond C. Maguire, M.D. ’58 Mary Ellen Maloney ’75 Joseph A. Manfredi James J. Mani ’70 William J. Marino ’66 Estate of Maria Marnell John V. Marra, Jr. ’68 Michael Martucci, Jr. ’80 † Kenneth J. Mathews ’60 Edward J. McCrossin III, Esq. ’68 John J. McElvogue ’54 Charles A. McGee ’70 James J. McGrath ’53 † Estate of F. McIntyre Estate of Frances McIntyre James E. McKearney, Jr. ’58 Richard J. McLoughlin ’60 † Joseph E. McMahon ’50 † William V. McMahon ’53 † Estate of Martin McNamara ’51 Kenneth D. McPherson, Esq. ’56 Peter J. McVeigh ’53 † Mrs. Peter J. McVeigh William J. Mealia ’60

Noel M. Meaney ’72 Estate of Esther L. Meeres James W. Meister ’63 Charles A. Meloy † Andrew J. Meyer ’77 Cecilia Ann Michalik ’73 Joseph A. Michalik ’83 Estate of Louis Mihalovic Michael R. Milano ’74, ’91 Frank P. Milone, M.D. ’53 Ethel Mladjen † Estate of Francis G. Monahan Bernard C. Moore, CPA ’67 † John F. Morgan ’71 Kevin P. Moriarty ’67 Richard T. Morrissey, Esq. ’71 Edward J. Moskal ’79 Eugene O. Moynihan ’52 Estate of M. Mulligan John P. Murray ’57, H ’02 William J. Murray ’52 † Fred W. Musch ’70 Priscilla Myers William J. Nagel, M.D. ’69 John D. Napoli, M.D. ’70 Vincent R. Nardone ’60 † Anthony M. Natelli, Sr. ’57 † Georgine Natelli, Esq. ’76 Mrs. Ernest W. Neubig † John P. Nickerson ’55 Brian P. Nolan ’86, ’06 Peter J. Norton, Esq. ’62 Estate of Irene O’Brien William E. O’Brien ’66 Eugene P. O’Connell, Esq. ’70 Brian P. O’Connor, Ph.D. ’65 Rev. Philip J. O’Farrell ’35 † Estate of Ohlmuller Family Hubert J. O’Toole ’55 Richard T. Pederson, M.D. ’69 Valerie L. Petro ’96 † Estate of Louise Petrocci Robert J. Pflug, Esq. ’43 † Robert C. Phelan ’36 † Mario A. Picinich ’68 Eileen L. Poiani, Ph.D. Alfred A. Poletti ’51 † Mary Jean M. Potenzone, Esq. ’71 Charles E. Potter ’66 Estate of Antoinette Prezioso John J. Quirke ’60 Marion Holley Quirke ’61 Estate of Filomena Racioppi Jacqueline Sferra Rada Estate of Casimir Rakowski Catherine C. Randazzo ’74 John J. Reck ’62 Charles F. X. Reilly ’34 † Frank B. Reilly, Jr., Esq. ’67 Estate of Susan Reilly G. Thomas Reynolds, Jr., Ph.D. † William R. Reytar ’37 † John A. Ridley, Esq. ’65 Estate of David Rodnon

Marshall V. Rozzi ’67 Thomas D. Ruane, Esq. ’72 Joseph A. Rulli ’69 John J. Saueracker ’52 Harold L. Scales, M.D. ’40 † William E. Schirger, Esq. ’58 Joan K. Schultz, CPA ’71 Patricia Q. Sheehan H ’77 Thomas E. Sheehan ’69 John P. Sheridan, Jr., Esq. ’64 Hon. Peter G. Sheridan, U.S.D.J. ’72 William Sinclair Anne K. Sinnott James R. Sinnott ’47 † Estate of Maurice C. Sisk David J. Smith ’47 † Ellen J. Smith ’73 † George F. Smith, M.D. ’49 Richard G. Smith, Ph.D. ’67 Estate of J. Lucid Snee Estate of Dr. Joseph F. Spaltro ’56 David M. Spillane ’50 Estate of Grace B. Spinelli Ward A. Spooner, Ph.D. ’64 † Mary Anne Staffeldt, Ph.D. ’70 Most Rev. Martin W. Stanton ’19 † Peter G. Stewart, Esq. ’63 Lucille Stoebling † Stephen G. Sudovar ’68 Dennis J. Sullivan, Jr. ’53 Janet Seaman Sullivan ’73 Edward J. Sutor ’72 John P. Szlasa ’58 Robert R. Tarantula ’73 Anthony P. Terracciano ’60 Mary E. Tierney ’67 Raymond M. Tierney, Jr., Esq. HA ’98 William P. Tracey ’53 † Charles F. Trapp, CPA ’71 Carroll Treacy ’62 Estate of Agnes Troiano Richard G. Turner ’66 John F. Varley ’50 Harold J. Vitting ’58 Charles E. Waldron ’54 Theresa A. Walls, D.O. ’71 Bernard W. Walsh ’64 Mabel H. Ward † Jesse J. Watkins Bettina Weary Ph.D. Charitable Trust Joseph H. Weitze ’50 Dr. Thomas J. White ’20 † Walter J. Wilkes ’74 George C. Willenborg, D.D.S. ’55 John B. Wilson, Esq. ’70 Joyce Bergamini Wilson ’71 William F. Wisneski ’73 Albert O. Wlecke, Ph.D. ’57 † Frank S. Woodruff ’65 Estate of Helen M. Yudd Andrea M. Ziegler Francis G. Ziegler ’63 † Denotes deceased.

CORPORATIONS, FOUNDATIONS, ORGANIZATIONS & MATCHING GIFTS Academy Bus Tours, Inc. Access Insurance Holdings, Inc. Accume Partners The ACE INA Foundation ADP Inc. Advanced Neurosurgery Associates, PC Aetna Foundation, Inc. Allied Irish Bank Alpha Sigma Nu American International Group, Inc. American Reliable Insurance Company Amsterdam Mohawks 18

Anchor Insurance Agency, Inc. AON Foundation Arcola Country Club Ascolese Todisco Decor, Inc. AT&T Foundation Aztec Painting, Inc. Bank of America Foundation The Bank of New York Mellon Barclays Capital C. R. Bard Foundation, Inc. Barnes and Noble College Booksellers, Inc. BASF Corp. BD

Behar Surveying Associates, PC Bell & Clements Inc. Beta Beta Beta Biological Honor Society Birdsall Services Group, Inc. Bolton & Company Lawrence P.J. Bonaguidi Foundation Borges-National USA Corporation Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation C. Walter Searle Insurance Agency, LLC Cambridge Capital Corp. Capital Area Food Bank, Inc.

The Thomas and Agnes Carvel Foundation Catholic Human Services Foundation Caven Point Car Care Center, Inc. Chasan Leyner & Lamparello, PC ChevronTexaco Corp. Chubb & Son Inc. Church & Dwight Co., Inc. Church World Services CNA Coccia Foundation Colgate-Palmolive Company Collins Building Services Columbia Bank

Connell Foley LLP ConocoPhillips Consolidated Edison Company of New York Convergent Wealth Advisors Credit Suisse First Boston Culinary Ventures Vending D.H. Daurio Co. Day Pitney LLP Deloitte Foundation Deutsche Bank Americas Donald F. LaPenna Associates, Inc. The Dow Chemical Company Foundation

CORPORATIONS, ORGANIZATIONS & MATCHING GIFTS The Dun & Bradstreet Foundation Edward Paster Excavating Inc. Eisner LLP EMarkets Group LLC Erbach Communications Group Ernst & Young Foundation Evergreen Shipping Agency (America) Corporation ExxonMobil Foundation F.T.P., Inc. Fidelity Investments Florio & Kenny, LLP Follett Corporation Renee Friscia Agency FYI Business Solutions GB Realty LLC GlaxoSmithKline Foundation GLOBAL Reinsurance Corp. Goldman, Sachs & Co. R. J. Goldstein & Associates Golf Performance Center, LLC William H. Hannon Foundation Hartford Foundation for Public Giving Hoffmann-La Roche Inc. Horizon Blue Cross/Blue Shield of New Jersey The Horizon Foundation for New Jersey Hospital for Special Surgery HSBC Community & Philanthropic Services J. M. Huber Corp. Hudson Catholic High School Hudson City Savings Bank Hudson County Economic Development Corporation Humana Foundation

Hunter Douglas Inc. Hyatt Regency Jersey City IBM Corp. Independent College Fund of New Jersey John C. Inglese Architecture & Engineer Inkwell Communications Investors Savings Bank Charitable Foundation Ironshore Matching Gifts Jersey Eagle Sales Company The Jesuits of Saint Peter’s College Jimcor Agencies John Carriero & Son, Inc. John Hancock Financial Services Johnson & Johnson Jordan & Jordan KPMG Foundation KPMG LLP Kraft Lab Corp of America Holdings Leitner, Tort & DeFazio, PC LexisNexis Lindabury McCormick Estabrook & Cooper Lloyds TSB Lou Guarini Plumbing & Heating LoVullo Associates, Inc. Loyola Foundation Madison Consulting Group Management Cybernetics Martinson Family Foundation MasterCard International Matching Gift Program Mathematics Department of Saint Peter’s College


The MCJ Foundation McKeen Fund McMahon Agency Insurance and Financial Services Walter Meany Landscaping LLC Merchants Automotive Group The Merck Company Foundation Merck Partnership for Giving The Meridian Partners, Inc. Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation, Inc. MetLife Foundation Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference, Inc. Mizuho USA Foundation, Inc. Monumental Baptist Church Morgan Stanley Munich Reinsurance America, Inc. National Food Trading Corporation New Jersey Business Magazine New Jersey Resources Company New York Life Foundation New York Life Insurance Company The New York Province of the Society of Jesus New York Stock Exchange Foundation The New York Times Company Foundation Nolita Mini Storage Inc. Northfield Bank Foundation Northwestern Mutual Foundation J.J. Orly, Inc. Patton Boggs LLP Peninsula Lodge Charity Fund Pennock Insurance, Inc. Pepsi Bottling Group Pfizer Foundation Pfizer Inc.

Pi Mu Epsilon Point Pleasant Heat The Port Authority of NY & NJ Procter & Gamble Fund The Provident Bank The Prudential Foundation PSEG Foundation Public Service Electric and Gas Company Quality Hearing Instruments LLC Quest Diagnostics R 3 Energy Management Audit & Review Realty Management Assoc., Inc. Richard A. Rendich Educational Fund A&A Ridgewood Registered Professional Nurses Association River-Line Distributors, Inc. Norman and Bettina Roberts Foundation, Inc. Roche Roof Deck, Inc. Roosevelt & Cross Inc. S.I. Raphael Limited, Inc. Saint Malachy’s Catholic Church Schering-Plough Foundation Schumann Hanlon, LLC Science Applications International Corp. Scottsdale Insurance Company Scripps Howard Foundation Shanahan, Inc. Shell Oil Co. Foundation Shepley Bulfinch Richardson & Abbott The Sherwin-Williams Company William E. Simon Foundation Single Step Foundation Inc.

SME Co., Inc. Society of the Sacred Heart Sodality of the Children of Mary of St. Teresa Sodexo Campus Services State Farm Companies Foundation Stitch N’ Sew Centre Strategic Development Group Incorporated Strickland Insurance Group, Inc. Summit Security Services, Inc. Sunshine State Produce, Inc. Surplus Lines Association of NJ, Inc. Tax Executives Institute, Inc. T-Com Associates, Ltd. The Midland Company Foundation The Riverside Church The TJX Foundation Inc. Tom DeGise Civic Association Frank Tricarico Scholarship Fund TwoFour Consulting United Technologies United Way of Greater Waterbury United Way of Hudson County UPS Foundation for Independent Higher Education Verisk Analytics Verizon Foundation Verizon Wachovia Bank, NA Wells Fargo Matching Gift Program Western World Insurance Company Wick and Brother. Inc. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. The Williams Companies, Inc. The Xerox Foundation

THE INDEPENDENT COLLEGE FUND OF NEW JERSEY Saint Peter’s College continues to benefit from generous corporate and foundation support given through the Independent College Fund of New Jersey. Begun in 1953, the Fund makes a single, united annual request to corporations and foundations on behalf of the 14 member colleges. For 57 years, the Fund has continued to secure corporate financial support for the State’s independent colleges and to promote a greater understanding of the importance of maintaining the opportunity for choice between public and private education.The Independent College Fund of New Jersey represents all of the State’s fully accredited, privately controlled colleges and universities, except those that are engaged primarily in religious studies.The following donors contributed to the Fund in calendar year 2009. Most gifts are allocated by formula, although a number are designated to specific institutions. Support in 2009 for independent higher education in New Jersey through the Fund totaled $1,535,892.75. Accume Partners Acorn Financial Services Affinity Federal Credit Union Alcatel-Lucent Amboy Bank Robert and Susan Anczarki Frank T. Antisell ASCO Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. Bambach Bank of America C. R. Bard Foundation, Inc. John J. Barry Baumeister & Samuels, P.C. BD Carrie A. Bennett Birdsall Services Group The Boston Consulting Group, Inc. Kwi Brennan Bristol-Myers Squibb Company E. J. Brooks Company Brother International Corporation Caldwell College John Campbell Capital One Bank Cartridge World Thomas D. Carver Cedar Hill Golf & Country Club Celgene Corporation Centenary College Mr. and Mrs. Chee Chan Andrew P. Christ J.H. Cohn LLP Colgate-Palmolive Company College of Saint Elizabeth John G. and Patrica A. Collins

Construction Technology Corporation and Associates, Ace Reprographic Service, Inc., Air Con Inc., CMX Community Foundation, Conserv Construction Corp., Door and Hardware Supply Inc., Elite Roofing & Maintenance, Inc., FloorCom, Inc., Hub International Northeast, Hutton Construction LLC, Lippolis Electric., Inc., McCloskey Management, Inc., Pella Windows & Doors, Princeton Design Group, LLC, Slavco Construction, Inc., Strategic Development Group, LLC, Takarski Millmann Architects, LLC, Unity Electric, LLC Cozen and O’Connor William J. Cozine Culinary Ventures Vending Christina Cutlip Deloitte Services LP John J. Delucca Lisa Donoghue Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP East Coast Toyota Scion Edone & Co., P.A. Elizabethtown Gas Company Embarq Enterprise National Bank of New Jersey Erbach Communications Group Fairleigh Dickinson University FIHE Partnership for Private Colleges William S. Ford, Jr. John W. Galiardo Georgian Court University Martha Clark Goss Gourmet Dining LLC

Haven Savings Bank Michael J. Healy Honeywell International Inc . Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey Hunter Roberts Construction Group Hurley Associates Safety Training LLC ING Foundation Investors Savings Bank The Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies Jones Lang LaSalle Philip D. Kaltenbacher Kings Super Markets, Inc. F. M. Kirby Foundation, Inc. Eleanor Knightly Ladenburg Thalmann Financial Services Inc. Martha J. McEvoy LaBare LaTorre Family Fund Richard A. Levao Mary K. Logan Michael A. Lamison Macy*s East Mansion Caterers Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Horacio Marcos Marts & Lundy, Inc. The MCJ Amelior Foundation Meeker Sharkey Associates Dr. and Mrs. Francis J. Mertz Lynn M. Mertz Millington Savings Bank Monmouth University Moore Frames, Inc. Phyllis K. More MTM Resources

New Jersey Alliance for Action New Jersey Carpenters Funds New Jersey Natural Gas Company Charity, Inc. Samuel I. Newhouse Foundation Inc. and The Star-Ledger NJM Insurance Group NK Architects Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Oblack Joan A. Panacek Mr. and Mrs. Rocco D. Pennella Pennoni Associates, Inc. Dave Peterson Pfizer Inc. PGA TOUR, INC. The PICK Foundation, Inc. PNC Bancorp Robert J. Polakowski Richard and Rona Pollack David G. Powell PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP The Provident Bank Foundation Prudential Public Service Electric and Gas Company The Charles L. Read Foundation Katherine Regan Rider University The Roche Foundation RoNetco Supermarkets Inc. Roosevelt & Cross Incorporated E. Burke Ross, Jr. Charitable Family Foundation RWJ Hamilton Saint Peter’s College Maria Scarpellini

Schering-Plough Foundation, Inc. Rev. Dr. Nancy H. Schluter Richard A. Schwarz and Joanne M. Collins Seton Hall University Linda W. Seyffarth Sharp Electronics Corporation Skanska USA Building Inc. Catherine R. Smith Sobel & Co., LLC Sodexo Campus Services Somerset Hills Bank Sordoni Construction Co. Sportcraft, Ltd. SSP Architectural Group, Inc. D. E. and C. S. Stephens William A. Stiller Mary Sweeney and Bob Elder TD Bank John J. Tenanty Anne Moreau Thomas Joseph R. and Miriam Tort Trustees and Staff of the Independent College Fund of New Jersey Stephen C. Tumminello Turner Construction Company United Water New Jersey The UPS Foundation Verizon Jim Vitale Wank Adams Slavin Associates LLP Joseph Weber Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Richard E. Whittaker Zaentz Hardware Wholesalers, Inc. The A. Zerega’s Sons, Inc. 19

ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIPS & AWARDS Alpha Sigma Nu Scholarship Alpha Sigma Nu C.R. Bard Nursing Scholarship C. R. Bard Foundation, Inc. Independent College Fund of New Jersey Barnes and Noble Textbook Scholarship Barnes and Noble College Booksellers, Inc. BD Scholarship BD Independent College Fund of New Jersey Thomas Burke Award for Excellence in Philosophy Christy K. Burke Estate of Henry Byrne Scholarship Estate of Hon. Henry J. Byrne ’55 Carvel Foundation Scholarship The Thomas and Agnes Carvel Foundation Patrick R. Clynes Scholarship Carolann Clynes Michael R. Milano ’74, ’91 Dennis M. Moulton ’68 John F. X. Prout ’69 Kevin F. Cunniff ’61 Annual Scholarship Kevin F. Cunniff ’61 Donato Family Scholarship Robert J. Donato ’65 Dr. Joseph V. Doria Scholarship Hon. Joseph V. Doria, Jr. ’68 Joseph V. Doria Scholarship Fund Inc. Independent College Fund of New Jersey Joseph V. Doria, Jr. Community Service Scholarship Hon. Joseph V. Doria, Jr. ’68 Joseph V. Doria Scholarship Fund Inc. Independent College Fund of New Jersey Englewood Cliffs Campus Scholarship Judith T. Bozza ’88 Sarah Higgins Colgan ’87 Lizabeth S. Konopka ’77 JoAnne Luccarelli ’84 Winifred A. Sanchez ’06 Alexander P. Wender ’03

General Scholarship Fund Dore Ann Celentano Baratta ’82 & Jay P. Baratta ’81 Patricia A. Blanco Kathleen Brough, CPA Michael R. Cole, Esq. ’66 Thomas E. Conlon III ’66 Ana M. Cravo Sheron D. Eng ’09 Karen Ernst George E. Frakes Joyce M. Henson, Ph.D. John J. McGuire ’76 Eileen & William Merkent Catherine M. Mernar James T. Messano ’62 Morgan Stanley Julie Schaffert Mule ’97 David Orenstein Robert J. Pagano ’75 Sharon Paolo Roy Penchansky ’56 Michael J. Pillo ’68 Mr. & Mrs. William T. Price, Jr. Sheila J. Rabin, Ph.D. Kathy Bald Raschke ’70 Ereni A. Roess ’02 Thomas F. Slattery ’56 Steven E. Smith Ingrid M. Torres ’99 Valery Vyatkin WeiDong Zhu, Ph.D. Jasha Green Memorial Fund Award for Excellence in Arts Dianne M. Green Joyce M. Henson, Ph.D. Joseph P. Shea ’03 Alfred & Roslynn Silverman Gerd Wagner Jack Haggerty ’57 Memorial Scholarship Marilyn Haggerty William H. Hannon Foundation Annual Scholarship William H. Hannon Foundation Mr. & Mrs. David A. Herbst Edward J. Heavey, S.J., H ’04 Memorial Scholarship Theresa Mas Alvarez ’75 Anonymous Harry J. Arnold, Jr., Esq. ’62 Susan M. Arnone ’74


2010 YTD


1960 $173,084 39.4% 1965 $351,570 21.0% 1970 $233,527 17.1% 1975 $176,999 10% 1980 $18,875 11% 1985 $14,465 6.2% 1990 $33,775 5.3% 1995 $2,292 3.4% 2000 $4,420 3.5% 2010 $1,605 3.0% Golden Peacocks $404,965 34.5% __________________________________ Total $1,415,576 17.4% 20

Susan J. Barone Caryl & Howard Bremer Jennifer & Michael Brower Michael M. Brown ’56 Virginia Caparro-Handley Mrs. James A. Cardiello Barbara A. Chryst HA ’99 Anthony J. Costantini Mrs. James J. Craffey, Jr. Donna R. DiNardo ’76 James Divine & Garnett Nichols Martin J. Dolan III ’69 Stephen P. Ellerman ’74 Robert R. Esti ’60 Gloria G. Felder ’74 Kimberly M. Field Margaret Heavey FitzGerald ’74 Crescenzo G. Fonzo Charles Germain Annie Giambalvo Ann Marie Gillespie ’84 Carroll A. Grece Mr. & Mrs. John J. Gutch Bernard M. Hartnett, Jr., Esq. ’51 George & Mariette Heavey Michele M. Howe-O’Malley, D.O. ’77 Eunice Nerbak Hudzik ’79 Independent College Fund of New Jersey Juan M. Jimenez ’75 Linda A. Jurusz ’90 Michael T. Kahrer ’79 Frank Kane Geraldine S. Kern ’85 B. Melvin Kiernan, Ph.D. ’57 Barbarann & Dennis Kwasnik Charles M. Lizza, Esq. ’77 & Sandra R. Lizza Brian McCabe ’97, ’04 & Mary E. McCabe ’96, ’99 Ms. Mary S. McConville Sr. Alice K. McCoy, O.P., H ’88 Sr. Maeve McDermott H ’95 Mrs. Joseph E. McMahon Cecilia Ann Michalik ’73 Pamela T. Miller, Esq. ’77 Julie Schaffert Mule ’97 John M. Murray, D.M.D. ’71 Anne & Thomas Murray Gerald Spatola O’Connor ’79 Eileen O’Connor Videtti ’78 Marilyn A. Outwater Sharon A. Pastore ’73 Joseph T. Pergola ’96 Ursula Quinn Denise F. Quinn-Hesse ’75 Francis T. Rush, Ph.D. ’53 Louis R. Ruvolo ’80, ’08 Patricia Q. Sheehan H’77 John & Linda Sikorski Gerald A. Tobin, Esq. ’73 Sharon Reilly Tobin ’79 John F. Weiss ’73 & Suzanne Finn Weiss ’73 Thomas J. Whalen, Esq. ’60 & Anne B. Whalen John B. Wilson, Esq. ’70 & Joyce Bergamini Wilson ’71 Greer F. Henderson ’54 Memorial Scholarship Barbara E. Henderson Inkwell Communications Scholarship Neal Manchester Kristen O’Grady Investors Savings Bank Foundation Annual Scholarship Independent College Fund of New Jersey Investors Savings Bank Charitable Foundation Johnson & Johnson Discover Nursing Scholarship Independent College Fund of New Jersey Johnson & Johnson Joseph A. Kelly, S.J., HA ’05 Memorial Scholarship

Jennifer R. Aitken ’95 Mrs. Ernest J. Baker Gerry Bellotti & Joan Marie Black Bellotti ’69 John J. Bergin ’54 Anne E. Butler ’69 Kevin Cahill, M.D. Barbara A. Chryst HA ’99 Mary Higgins Clark H ’93 Francis & Maura Comerford Michael J. Comerford Shawn M. Doherty ’85 Bishop Thomas Donato Robert J. Donato ’65 Terri J. Driscoll ’79 Carmel Galasso ’79 Stephen A. Gallo, Esq. ’68 Julianne Golden ’66 Sharon Goldstein ’79 Joyce M. Henson, Ph.D. ShaVonne Honor Independent College Fund of New Jersey Linda A. Jurusz ’90 B. Melvin Kiernan, Ph.D. ’57 Rowland V. Lucid, Jr., Esq. ’64 Ada M. Marin, M.D. ’79 John M. Murray, D.M.D. ’71 John P. Murray ’57, H ’02 Charles & Eugenia O’Shea Denise F. Quinn-Hesse ’75 Joseph A. Repka ’66 & Johanna Galasso Edward W. Reuter ’64 Gloria M. Rorro & Joseph S. Rorro ’55 Louis R. Ruvolo ’80, ’08 Saint Malachy’s Catholic Church Barbara A. Schiels ’71 Patricia Q. Sheehan H’77 Joan Zadrozny Shields ’75, MA Ed ’83 Francisco J. Varela ’81 Marie Varley John B. Wilson, Esq. ’70 & Joyce Bergamini Wilson ’71 KPMG Edward Mahoney Award KPMG, LLP Thomas and Sarah Mac Mahon Men’s Basketball Summer School Scholarship The Thomas & Sarah Mac Mahon Family Charitable Foundation Thomas P. Mac Mahon ’68 Dorothie M. McDonnell Memorial Scholarship Richard C. McDonnell, Esq. ’59 Thomas J. McDonnell ’61 Edward H. McGlinchy, S.J., ’37 Annual Scholarship Capital Area Food Bank, Inc. Michael A. Capuano Michael J. Cassista Mary Jane B. Clark Jacqueline & Paul Hanway Linda Hartsox Jean Hulse-Hayman Denise M. Johnson Louise Kelleher J. J. Malone Joseph V. McCarthy ’67, MA Ed ’95 James F. McGlinchy ’73 & Joanne Burke McGlinchy ’73 John McGlinchy Henry & Joan Rauch Lorette T. Richer Sonia C. Rincon Bob & Patricia Schieffer Laura V. Strickler Ellen Trencher Carla & Karl Vogel Marilyn S. Warwick Geraldine & John Welch Charles & Nancy Wolfson Aidan C. McMullen, S.J., Scholarship Anne E. Butler ’69 John F. X. Prout ’69 Dr. Theresa Zesiewicz-Staffetti, M.D. ’82

Aidan C. McMullen, S.J., Memorial Fund for Excellence in Business Law Lori A. Buza Thomas E. Mitchell Scholarship Susan P. Mitchell-Abbate ’72 William J. Mulcahy, S.J., Scholarship Fund Loyola Foundation James G. Murray ’59 Memorial Scholarship Carolyn Murray Elizabeth R. Nelson, Ph.D. Fund for Excellence in English Award John P. Nelson, Jr. ’01 Northfield Bank Foundation Scholarship Northfield Bank Foundation Hugo F. Poiani Memorial Scholarship Crescenzo G. Fonzo Independent College Fund of New Jersey Lorraine Koll John B. Wilson, Esq. ’70 & Joyce Bergamini Wilson ’71 George A. Rada ’56 Prize Fund Jacqueline Sferra Rada A&A Ridgewood Registered Professional Nurses Association Scholarship A&A Ridgewood Registered Professional Nurses Association Robert Rigby Urban Service Award Colin Rigby, Family & Friends Norman & Bettina Roberts Foundation Annual Scholarship Norman and Bettina Roberts Foundation, Inc. David G. McIntee, CPA, CVA ’77 Steven J. Rosen, Ph.D. Writing Award Jeffrey W. Kane ’08 Patricia Q. Sheehan H ’77 Annual Scholarship The Board of Regents of Saint Peter’s College Jenny E. Campbell ’10 Donna A. Furina ’06 ShaVonne Honor William E. Simon Foundation Emergency Student Support Fund William E. Simon Foundation Dr. Joseph F. Spaltro Scholarship Mrs. Joseph F. Spaltro TEI Scholarship Tax Executives Institute, Inc. Teresian Scholarship Sodality of the Children of Mary of St. Teresa Margaret Mullins Tortoriello Prize Fund Kathleen Gilvey Tyrrell, Esq. ’73 & James E. Tyrrell, Jr., Esq. Frank J. Tricarico Scholarship Fund Independent College Fund of New Jersey Frank J. Tricarico ’58 The Toni Ann Turco Prize Fund Toni Ann Turco ’86 UPS Scholarship Independent College Fund of New Jersey UPS Foundation for Independent Higher Education The Jennie M. and Joseph H. Weitze Scholarship Joseph H. Weitze ’50 Yellow Ribbon Program Scholarship Alice S. & Edward M. Bolger, Ph.D. ’59

ENDOWMENTS & ENDOWMENT GIVING Fred & Alexandria Arrigotti Memorial Endowed Scholarship Michael S. Azarow ’76 Memorial Endowed Scholarship Independent College Fund of New Jersey Robert T. Lee, CFP ’66 John B. Wilson, Esq. ’70 & Joyce Bergamini Wilson ’71 Richard Charles Barry, M.D. ’67 Endowed Scholarship Fund Estate of Dr. Richard C. Barry ’67 Bastek Endowed Scholarship Independent College Fund of New Jersey Hubert J. Moran ’67 John B. Wilson, Esq. ’70 & Joyce Bergamini Wilson ’71 Dr. James V. Bastek Honors Program Endowment Carol B. Bastek, Ed.D. ’70 Michael & Antonia Bielen Scholarship Bolger Endowed Scholarship Alice S. & Edward M. Bolger, Ph.D. ’59 Anthony F. Dorrzapf, Jr. ’59 Richard V. Bonomo Memorial Scholarship Bowe Scholarship Rev. Edward W. Brande, S.J., ’52 Memorial Endowed Scholarship Daniel S. Konieczko ’91 Gladys Brooks Foundation Scholarship Gladys Brooks Nursing Endowed Fund Gladys Brooks Foundation James J. Daly, Esq. ’59 McKeen Fund Walter H. Burke ’59 Endowed Scholarship James A. Cardiello ’36 Memorial Scholarship Mrs. James A. Cardiello Carol Cardiello Faillace ’70 & John T. Faillace, D.M.D. ’69 Class of ’40 Endowment Class of 1955 Memorial Scholarship Daniel A. Degnan, S.J., Endowed Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Collinson Elaine Dwyre Bernard M. Flynn & Ann M. Flynn Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gorman Independent College Fund of New Jersey Ann James John J. Reilly, Jr. Patricia R. Taylor John B. Wilson, Esq. ’70 & Joyce Bergamini Wilson ’71 Eleanor E. Deschner, Ph.D. Endowment Julia & Sam C. DiFeo Endowed Scholarship Donnelly Family Endowed Scholarship Donohue Family Endowed Scholarship James F. Donohue, M.D. ’65 Albert W. Dreisbach, Jr. ’63 Endowed Scholarship Mrs. Albert W. Dreisbach, Jr. Duncan Family Endowed Scholarship Thomas W. Duncan ’65 John and Susan Fahy Endowed Scholarship Charles A. & Joan Fiumefreddo Endowed Scholarship

Charles A. Fiumefreddo ’55 & Joan Fiumefreddo Richard J. Flanagan Endowed Scholarship Fleet Bancorp Endowed Scholarship William J. Forrester ’80 Endowed Scholarship Fund Richard J. Bender ’78 & Virginia Forrester Bender, Ph.D. ’78 Karen Forrester Larkin ’88 Kevin M. Larkin ’86 Fristensky Endowed Fund Robert I. Gannon, S.J./Class of 1936 Endowed Scholarship Blanche & Max Gornitsky Scholarship E.J. Grassmann Trust Scholarship E.J. Grassmann Trust Guarini Institute for Governmental and Public Affairs Hon. Frank J. Guarini H ’94 Thomas J. Gumina ’58 Endowed Scholarship Laura and James Hirschmann Alice M. & Francis X. Hagan Endowed Scholarship Alice M. & Francis X. Hagan ’51 James A. Hamill Scholarship Lawrence P.J. Bonaguidi Foundation Arthur H. McGuire ’69 William Randolph Hearst Foundaton Endowed Scholarship Edward J. Heavey, S.J., H ’04 Endowed Scholarship Barbara A. Chryst HA ’99 Ana M. Cravo Gail A. & Mario J. DiNapoli ’57 Gail P. Godesky ’88 Etoile R. Heavey John P. Murray ’57, H ’02 Cornelius Heeney Memorial Scholarship Charles E. Heidt Endowment Martin F. Henneberry, S.J., Scholarship Eileen H. Murphy Margaret C. Hill Scholarship George J. Hilsdorf, S.J., Endowment Fund Margaret G. Conomos ’71 Hyjek Family Endowed Scholarship Walter J. Hyjek ’61 Italian American Community Center Endowed Scholarship SPC Jesuit Community Scholarship Rev. Martin Joseph Jordan, O.P., ’40 Scholarship Kaiser Family Endowed Scholarship Robert L. Kaiser ’64 Mary Lou Kelly Memorial Endowed Scholarship James R. Kelly, Ph.D. ’60 Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Sakata John Kenny ’61 Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund James J. Daly, Esq. ’59 McKeen Fund

George Kenny, S.J., Fund Susan Kirk ’74 Endowed Scholarship Grace A. Egan ’74 George E. Flimlin, Jr. ’74 Patricia H. Kontje ’86 KPMG Professorship David G. LaPointe, M.D. ’61 Endowed Scholarship Edmund A. Lewis Endowed Scholarship Robert J. MacMurray, M.D. Endowed Scholarship Nicholas Marcalus Endowed Scholarship Charles and Joanne McCarthy Endowed Scholarship Dr. & Mrs. Benjamin A. Michalik Endowed Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Frank Carnevale Independent College Fund of New Jersey Jerome G. Kotch ’69 Cecilia Ann Michalik ’73 John B. Wilson, Esq. ’70 & Joyce Bergamini Wilson ’71 Laurence D. Miniter ’59 Endowed Scholarship Morrison Family Endowed Scholarship The Morrison Family Foundation Mary Morrison William J. Murray ’52 Endowed Scholarship Fund Newcombe-Ruscick Family Endowed Scholarship Patrick J. O’Connor, Sr. Endowed Scholarship Hubert J. O’Toole ’55 Scholarship Fund Theresa & Edward O’Toole Scholarship Fund Rev. Harold J. Parsons Endowed Scholarship Michael V. Morelli, D.D.S. ’43 Frank Powell ’61 Endowed Scholarship Fund Access Insurance Holdings, Inc. American Reliable Insurance Company Anchor Insurance Agency, Inc. Dorothy & Edward Archambault Louis Baduini Ruth G. Bedford Bell & Clements Inc. Judith R. Berkowitz Carol Blazejowski Bolton & Company Genevieve Borawski Thomas P. Bouma Roger A. Brandell Robert & Veronica Buob C. Walter Searle Insurance Agency, LLC William & Diane Carey Joseph Chuman John & Sandra Cicero Margaret & Richard Copeman Daniel & Joanne Corsaro James & Sarah Courtney William Cowper Alyson & Douglas Craig Elizabeth McGovern Cronen ’77 &

Vincent M. Cronen ’78 Ouida & Terrence Curry D.H. Daurio Co. Jane & John Dalton Elaine & Michael Digiacinto Donald F. LaPenna Associates, Inc. Jonathan S. Dunberg Edward Eltzholtz F.T.P., Inc. Carol Forte Renee Friscia Agency Peter Gallagher Gertrude & Rudolf Gassner Sally & Thomas Gehl Patrick J. Gilmore Gene & Judy Giuriceo Yvette Goldman Richard & Sheryl Guss Charles Gwinnett Jean & Thomas Herrington Charles M. Heverly Elizabeth V. Iderstine Jacqueline & Roy Imhoff Jimcor Agencies John Carriero & Son, Inc. Loretta & Salvatore La Corte William V. Lane, Esq. ’66 Frank & Pauline Lang Katherine & Lawrence Lang Edward & Jami Levy Lloyds TSB LoVullo Associates, Inc. Cynthia & Leonard Lovullo Barbara & Patrick Lynch Management Cybernetics John & Marjory Mazziotta Andrea McDonagh Philip F. McGovern ’50 McMahon Agency Insurance and Financial Services The Midland Company Foundation Jeffrey Monacelli John Nagle Dorothy & James Norton Melinda & Scott Parsons Pennock Insurance, Inc. Catherine-Marie & Todd Pettengill Point Pleasant Heat Deborah & Frank Powell Michelle & Steven Powell Thomas Powell Lucille Priolo Barbara Reynolds River-Line Distributors, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. James F. Ryan, Jr. S.I. Raphael Limited, Inc. Stacee Samuel Kenneth J. Schultz Scottsdale Insurance Company Nicholas Setteducato Kenneth & Susan Shevlin Carol & Joseph Solanto Diane & Donald Sommerville Stitch N’ Sew Centre Strickland Insurance Group, Inc. Surplus Lines Association of NJ, Inc. T-Com Associates, Ltd. Herbert & Jean Thomas Maria Valerio Irene & William Vonroth James V. Walsh Western World Insurance Company Barbara Wood Provident Bank Foundation Endowment

The Provident Bank Foundation R. Rush Rankin Endowed Scholarship Alwyn E. Remmele ’70 Endowed Scholarship Rendich Trust Endowed Scholarship Richard A. Rendich Educational Fund Jane Moulton Reuter Endowed Scholarship Grace A. Egan ’74 Jane F. Fair Crescenzo G. Fonzo Independent College Fund of New Jersey Dennis M. Moulton ’68 Hon. Edward T. O’Connor, Jr. ’64 Edward W. Reuter ’64 John B. Wilson, Esq. ’70 & Joyce Bergamini Wilson ’71 Peter J. Riccardo Endowed Scholarship Steven J. Rosen, Ph.D. Endowed Scholarship Marshall V. Rozzi & Caroline H. Endowed Scholarship Caroline H. & Marshall V. Rozzi ’67 Joseph A. & Elinor A. Ruffing Endowed Scholarship Ralph R. & Susan M. Russo Endowed Scholarship Joseph D. & Janet R. Salerno Endowed Scholarship Scerbo & Aloi Family Endowed Scholarship Frank A. Scerbo, Esq. ’71 & Susan M. Scerbo Claire R. and Herbert J. Schneider ’59 Endowed Scholarship Herbert J. Schneider, Esq. ’59 Joseph E. Schuh, S.J., Endowed Professorship Francis T. Schultz, Sr. Memorial Scholarship Diane C. Hartmann Joan K. Schultz, CPA ’71 Shanahan Endowment Joseph F. Sullivan ’52 Memorial Endowed Scholarship Joseph J. Vecchione ’59 Mark A. Sullivan Scholarship Fund John Tagliabue Award for Excellence in Journalism Louis V. and Agnes P. Troiano Memorial Endowed Scholarship Estate of Agnes Troiano Joseph E. Turco Endowed Scholarship John A. and Mabel H. Ward Endowed Scholarship Robert Joseph Whelan Endowed Scholarship Fund Andrew J. Whelan ’69 Mary K. Whelan ’71 Dr. Albert O. Wlecke Endowed Scholarship James Wood Scholarship Endowment Joseph S. Yewaisis ’61 Endowed Scholarship

SAINT PETER’S COLLEGE JESUIT COMMUNITY Anthony S. Aracich, S.J. Michael Braden, S.J. Rocco Danzi, S.J. Mark T. DeStephano, S.J. J. Juan Diaz Vilar, S.J. Charles A. Gallagher, S.J.

Robert E. Kennedy, S.J. Donal T. MacVeigh, S.J. Oscar G. Magnan, S.J. Edmund W. Majewski, S.J. Michel Marcil, S.J. Robert E. McCarty, S.J.

William A. McKenna, S.J. Peter F. O’Brien, S.J. Daniel O’Brien, S.J. Brent Otto, S.J. Joseph Papaj, S.J. John P. Ruane, S.J.

Jose-Luis Salazar, S.J. Thomas L. Sheridan, S.J. David X. Stump, S.J. Vincent J. Sullivan, S.J. John F. Wrynn, S.J. 21

HONOR/MEMORIAL CONTRIBUTIONS In Memory of Elizabeth Ackaway & Joseph Ackaway Elaine Esposito In Memory of Severino Ambrosio Sharon Paolo In Memory of Michael S. Azarow ’76 Independent College Fund of New Jersey Robert T. Lee, CFP ’66 John B. Wilson, Esq. ’70 & Joyce Bergamini Wilson ’71 In Memory of Richard C. Barry, M.D. ’67 Estate of Dr. Richard C. Barry ’67 In Memory of James V. Bastek, M.D. ’67 Carol B. Bastek, Ed.D. ’70 Independent College Fund of New Jersey Hubert J. Moran ’67 Kathleen Gilvey Tyrrell, Esq. ’73 & James E. Tyrrell, Jr., Esq. John B. Wilson, Esq. ’70 & Joyce Bergamini Wilson ’71 In Memory of Joseph W. Bleach ’73 Ann M. Bleach ’81 In Memory of Frederick Bonato Joyce M. Henson, Ph.D. In Memory of Rev. Edward W. Brande, S.J. ’52 Daniel S. Konieczko ’91 In Memory of Joyce Brown Ana M. Cravo In Memory of Michalina Brown Ana M. Cravo In Memory of Edward L. Burke, Jr. ’61 Mrs. Burke In Honor of Thomas W. Burke ’60 Christy K. Burke In Memory of Theresa Caldas Joyce M. Henson, Ph.D. In Memory of Donald J. Cannon, Ph.D. Barbara A. Chryst HA ’99 Joyce M. Henson, Ph.D. In Memory of James A. Cardiello ’36 Mrs. James A. Cardiello Carol Cardiello Faillace ’70 & John T. Faillace, D.M.D. ’69 In Memory of Martin Carroll ’51 Helen E. Carroll ’93 In Memory of Antoinette Caruso Dianne M. Green Joyce M. Henson, Ph.D. In Memory of Robert M. Cassidy ’40 Mrs. Robert M. Cassidy In Honor of Professor Kristina Chew Douglas & Mary Allvine In Memory of Gregory P. Cinnella ’51 Mrs. Gregory P. Cinnella In Memory of the Honorable Thomas E. Clancy ’61 Mrs. Burke Michael R. Cole, Esq. ’66 Sebastian & Helen Gaeta Mary R. Randal Judith A. Sullivan In Memory of Patrick R. Clynes Carolann Clynes Michael R. Milano ’74, ’91 Dennis M. Moulton ’68 John F. X. Prout ’69 In Memory of Roger L. Cooney ’54 Mrs. Francis C. Walter


In Memory of James J. Craffey, Jr. ’51 Arcola Country Club Linda Chagaris Barbara A. Chryst HA ’99 Jane F. Fair Ann Griffin Kenneth Keegan Florence F. McAlvanah ’72 William E. McAlvanah, Esq. ’63 Patrick F. McCormack Harry Randall, Jr. Frank Reitter Steven Stenavage Lee Tross In Memory of George E. Cranwell, Esq. ’54 Michael D. McDonnell ’66 In Memory of Daniel A. Degnan, S.J. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Collinson Elaine Dwyre Bernard M. Flynn & Ann M. Flynn Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gorman Independent College Fund of New Jersey Ann James John J. Reilly, Jr. Patricia R. Taylor John B. Wilson, Esq. ’70 & Joyce Bergamini Wilson ’71 In Memory of John P. Deley ’55 Patricia Deley Kilkenny ’86 In Honor of Mark T. DeStephano, S.J. Jose L. Lopez, Ph.D. ’00 In Memory of Marc A. Dinardo ’96 Kathleen Brough, CPA Barbara A. Chryst HA ’99 Donna R. DiNardo ’76 Joyce M. Henson, Ph.D. In Memory of Josephine Doria Joyce M. Henson, Ph.D. In Memory of Robert Dukiet Walter Dukiet In Honor of Crescenzo Fonzo Jose L. Lopez, Ph.D. ’00 In Memory of William J. Forrester, Jr. ’80 Richard J. Bender ’78 & Virginia Forrester Bender, Ph.D. ’78 Karen Forrester Larkin ’88 Kevin M. Larkin ’86 In Memory of Eugene Galletta Joyce M. Henson, Ph.D. In Memory of T. Edward Gavin ’45 Mrs. T. Edward Gavin In Memory of Anita E. Gilvey Kathleen Gilvey Tyrrell, Esq. ’73 & James E. Tyrrell, Jr., Esq. In Honor of Joan Gladstone’s 75th Birthday Dianne M. Green In Memory of Philip M. Gogarty ’56 John W. Gogarty ’92 Mrs. Philip M. Gogarty In Honor of Dr. Bernard Gordon’s 80th Birthday Dianne M. Green In Memory of Howard Graham Joyce M. Henson, Ph.D. In Honor of Dianne M. Green Joseph P. Shea ’03 In Memory of Jasha Green Dianne M. Green Joyce M. Henson, Ph.D. Joseph P. Shea ’03 Alfred & Roslynn Silverman Gerd Wagner In Memory of Hazel Gutberlet Mr. & Mrs. William T. Price, Jr.

In Memory of John R. Haggerty ’57 Marilyn Haggerty In Memory of John Hamilton Joyce M. Henson, Ph.D. In Memory of Edward J. Heavey, S.J., HA ’04 Theresa Mas Alvarez ’75 Anonymous Harry J. Arnold, Jr., Esq. ’62 Susan M. Arnone ’74 Susan J. Barone Mr. & Mrs. John P. Blessington Caryl & Howard Bremer Jennifer & Michael Brower Michael M. Brown ’56 Virginia Caparro-Handley Mrs. James A. Cardiello Barbara A. Chryst HA ’99 Anthony J. Costantini Mrs. James J. Craffey, Jr. Ana M. Cravo Gail A. & Mario J. DiNapoli ’57 Donna R. DiNardo ’76 James Divine & Garnett Nichols Martin J. Dolan III ’69 Stephen P. Ellerman ’74 Robert R. Esti ’60 Gloria G. Felder ’74 George E. Flimlin, Jr. ’74 Kimberly M. Field Margaret Heavey FitzGerald ’74 Crescenzo G. Fonzo Charles Germain Annie Giambalvo Ann Marie Gillespie ’84 Gail P. Godesky ’88 Carroll A. Grece Mr. & Mrs. John J. Gutch Bernard M. Hartnett, Jr., Esq. ’51 Etoile R. Heavey George & Mariette Heavey Michele M. Howe-O’Malley, D.O. ’77 Eunice Nerbak Hudzik ’79 Independent College Fund of New Jersey Juan M. Jimenez ’75 Linda A. Jurusz ’90 Michael T. Kahrer ’79 Frank Kane Geraldine S. Kern ’85 B. Melvin Kiernan, Ph.D. ’57 Barbarann & Dennis Kwasnik Charles M. Lizza, Esq. ’77 & Sandra R. Lizza Brian McCabe ’97, ’04 & Mary Laracy McCabe ’96, ’99 Mary S. McConville Sr. Alice K. McCoy, O.P., H ’88 Sr. Maeve McDermott H ’95 Mrs. Joseph E. McMahon Cecilia Ann Michalik ’73 Pamela T. Miller, Esq. ’77 Julie Schaffert Mule ’97 John M. Murray, D.M.D. ’71 John P. Murray ’57, H ’02 Anne & Thomas Murray Gerald Spatola O’Connor ’79 Eileen O’Connor Videtti ’78 Marilyn A. Outwater Sharon A. Pastore ’73 Joseph T. Pergola ’96 Ursula Quinn Denise F. Quinn-Hesse ’75 Francis T. Rush, Ph.D. ’53 Louis R. Ruvolo ’80, ’08 Patricia Q. Sheehan H ’77 John & Linda Sikorski Gerald A. Tobin, Esq. ’73 Sharon Reilly Tobin ’79 John F. Weiss ’73 & Suzanne Finn Weiss ’73 Thomas J. Whalen, Esq. ’60 & Anne B. Whalen John B. Wilson, Esq. ’70 & Joyce Bergamini Wilson ’71

In Memory of Greer F. Henderson ’54 Barbara E. Henderson In Memory of Martin F. Henneberry, S.J. Eileen H. Murphy In Memory of Evelyn Herbert Barbara A. Chryst HA ’99 Ana M. Cravo Joyce M. Henson, Ph.D. In Memory of George J. Hilsdorf, S.J. ’36 Margaret G. Conomos ’71 In Memory of Donna Holoduek ’82 John C. Holoduek, Sr. ’79 In Memory of Eugene C. Keegan, Esq. ’39 Eileen Moran In Memory of the Hon. John V. Kelly ’51 Eileen L. Poiani, Ph.D. In Memory of Joseph A. Kelly, S.J., HA ’05 Jennifer R. Aitken ’95 Mrs. Ernest J. Baker Gerry Bellotti & Joan Marie Black Bellotti ’69 John J. Bergin ’54 Anne E. Butler ’69 Kevin Cahill, M.D. Barbara A. Chryst HA ’99 Mary Higgins Clark H ’93 Francis & Maura Comerford Michael J. Comerford Shawn M. Doherty ’85 Bishop Thomas Donato Robert J. Donato ’65 Terri J. Driscoll ’79 George E. Flimlin, Jr. ’74 Carmel Galasso ’79 Stephen A. Gallo, Esq. ’68 Julianne Golden ’66 Sharon Goldstein ’79 Joyce M. Henson, Ph.D. ShaVonne Honor Independent College Fund of New Jersey Linda A. Jurusz ’90 B. Melvin Kiernan, Ph.D. ’57 Rowland V. Lucid, Jr., Esq. ’64 Ada M. Marin, M.D. ’79 John M. Murray, D.M.D. ’71 John P. Murray ’57, H ’02 Charles & Eugenia O’Shea Denise F. Quinn-Hesse ’75 Joseph A. Repka ’66 & Johanna Galasso Edward W. Reuter ’64 Gloria M. Rorro & Joseph S. Rorro ’55 Louis R. Ruvolo ’80, ’08 Saint Malachy’s Catholic Church Barbara A. Schiels ’71 Patricia Q. Sheehan H ’77 Joan Zadrozny Shields ’75, MA Ed ’83 Francisco J. Varela ’81 Marie Varley John B. Wilson, Esq. ’70 & Joyce Bergamini Wilson ’71 In Memory of Mary Lou Kelly James R. Kelly, Ph.D. ’60 Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Sakata In Memory of Mary Kinahan Joyce M. Henson, Ph.D. In Memory of George Koch Patricia K. Griffin-Koch In Memory of Dr. Eric Lazaro Joyce M. Henson, Ph.D. In Memory of Helen Leeds Joyce M. Henson, Ph.D. In Memory of James N. Loughran, S.J. Anonymous Francis A. Burhman

Martin J. Dolan III ’69 Mr. & Mrs. John J. Ferguson James G. V. Fitzgerald ’56 Hudson Catholic High School Independent College Fund of New Jersey James F. Keenan, S.J., H ’06 Brian & Lucille McCue Mr. & Mrs. Scott W. Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Sakata Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Spratt Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Taub John B. Wilson, Esq. ’70 & Joyce Bergamini Wilson ’71 In Memory of James S. Lyons ’63 Mrs. James S. Lyons In Honor of Donal T. MacVeigh, S.J.’s 50 Year Anniversary Joyce M. Henson, Ph.D. In Memory of Dr. Boshra H. Makar Nadia E. Makar ’69 In Memory of William P. Maresca ’54 Mrs. William P. Maresca In Memory of Dorothie M. McDonnell Richard C. McDonnell, Esq. ’59 Thomas J. McDonnell ’61 In Memory of James F. McGlinchy ’51 Capital Area Food Bank, Inc. Michael A. Capuano Michael J. Cassista Mary Jane B. Clark Jacqueline & Paul Hanway Linda Hartsox Jean Hulse-Hayman Denise M. Johnson Louise Kelleher J. J. Malone Joseph V. McCarthy ’67, MA Ed ’95 James F. McGlinchy ’73 & Joanne Burke McGlinchy ’73 John McGlinchy Henry & Joan Rauch Lorette T. Richer Sonia C. Rincon Bob & Patricia Schieffer Laura V. Strickler Ellen Trencher Carla & Karl Vogel Marilyn S. Warwick John & Geraldine Welch Charles & Nancy Wolfson In Memory of Francis P. McGrail Francis A. McGrail ’79 In Memory of Aidan C. McMullen, S.J. Anne E. Butler ’69 Lori A. Buza John F. X. Prout ’69 Dr. Theresa Zesiewicz-Staffetti, M.D. ’82 In Memory of Peter A. McSparran ’66 Drew J. Bauman, Esq. In Memory of Sean C. Merkent Eileen & William Merkent In Memory of Benjamin A. Michalik, Ph.D, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Carnevale Independent College Fund of New Jersey Jerome G. Kotch ’69 Cecilia Ann Michalik ’73 John B. Wilson, Esq. ’70 & Joyce Bergamini Wilson ’71 In Honor of Isabell Miller The Riverside Church In Memory of Robert P. Miskell, Esq. ’35 Robert I. Miskell In Memory of Robert P. Miskell ’65 Robert I. Miskell

“I’m the first in my household to go to college. This scholarship begins my journey at being all that I can possibly be. Only a few students are allowed to go to college and start their just being at Saint Peter’s College is a dream come true.” – Shamika L. Hilbert ’11 William J. Mulcahy, S.J., Scholarship recipient Sponsored by The Loyola Foundation

HONOR/MEMORIAL CONTRIBUTIONS In Memory of Thomas Moran ’64 Mrs. Thomas G. Moran In Memory of Edmond N. Moriarty, Jr. ’51 The Edmond N. & Virginia H. Moriarty Foundation Virginia H. Moriarty In Memory of John J. Morrison ’54 The Morrison Family Foundation Mary Morrison In Memory of James Moulton Dennis M. Moulton ’68 Edward W. Reuter ’64 In Memory of John Mulholland Joyce M. Henson, Ph.D. In Memory of James G. Murray ’59 Carolyn Murray In Memory of Mary Ellen Murray John P. Murray ’57, H ’02 In Memory of Guy Natelli ’50 Mrs. Guy Natelli In Memory of Charles O. Nelson ’40 Mrs. Charles O. Nelson In Memory of Joseph A. Novak, S.J. Barbara A. Chryst HA ’99 Joyce M. Henson, Ph.D. In Memory of Howard W. Nugent Thomas F. Igoe In Memory of Douglas O’Neill Joyce M. Henson, Ph.D. In Memory of Marianna Origlieri Joyce M. Henson, Ph.D. Andrew & Marcia Kalfas In Memory of William J. Pedersen Francis A. McGrail ’79 In Memory of Charlotte Pedone Joyce M. Henson, Ph.D. In Memory of Josephine Picarelli Joyce M. Henson, Ph.D. In Memory of Eileen L. Poiani, Sr. Anonymous Maria Bachynsky Drew J. Bauman, Esq. Ronald Becker ’73 Ruth G. Bedford Sissy Berberick Anthony Bissell Donna Falconcino Blauvelt ’81 & Joseph P. Blauvelt ’80 Alice S. & Edward M. Bolger, Ph.D. ’59 Floyd & Helen Bragg John Brown Maryann J. Bruno Marior Butler Mr. & Mrs. Daniel W. Byles Charlotte A. Cafone Barbara A. Chryst HA ’99 Arlene Clarke Karen D. Connolly Ana M. Cravo Dr. & Mrs. Richard D. Cummings Dominick D’Agosta


Mr. & Mrs. John J. Darocki Mrs. Louis G. De Lia Demetria Kaliades De Lia ’70 Emilio F. De Lia, Jr. ’69 Julian Emilio De Lia, M.D. ’68 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony DelFino Diane C. Di Staulo ’06 Katherine R. Dick Mary DiNardo ’93 Jennifer M. Dunn ’93 Richard J. Ensor, Esq. ’75 JDJ Falconcino-Blauvelt Charitable Foundation Eleanor Fazzi Crescenzo G. Fonzo Matthew V. Fung, Ph.D. Carmel Galasso ’79 Robert & Jane Gerken Joyce M. Henson, Ph.D. Mary Horgan Independent College Fund of New Jersey Patricia E. Jago Linda A. Jurusz ’90 Elizabeth A. Kane B. Melvin Kiernan, Ph.D. ’57 Mary Kinahan-Ockay Audrey M. Kirchgessner Lorraine Koll Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth F. Kunzman Silvio Laccetti Phyllis Lager Consuelo A. Lorenzo Ralph & Emily Martino Susan Mascolo ’09 Mathematics Department Marie T. McKellar Meghan C. McMenamy Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference, Inc. Joseph A. Michalik ’83 Gerald Spatola O’Connor ’79 James A. Pegolotti, Ph.D. Pi Mu Epsilon Eileen L. Poiani, Ph.D. Patricia Prentice Edward W. Reuter ’64 Roche Charles & Jane Rolph Mr. & Mrs. James F. Ryan, Jr. George & Margaret Schaberg Schumann Hanlon, LLC Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Simone, Jr. Richard Skribner SME Co., Inc. Sodexo Campus Services Anna M. Stacey Mr. & Mrs. William A. Stein David Surratt Paul & Lorraine Talbott Rosario Testa Jeffrey & Cathleen Teveloff Ben & Paula Torre Edwin Torres Ruth Vazquez John B. Wilson, Esq. ’70 & Joyce Bergamini Wilson ’71 In Memory of Hugo F. Poiani Crescenzo G. Fonzo

Independent College Fund of New Jersey Lorraine Koll John B. Wilson, Esq. ’70 & Joyce Bergamini Wilson ’71 In Memory of Frank J. Powell, Sr. ’61 Access Insurance Holdings, Inc. American Reliable Insurance Company Anchor Insurance Agency, Inc. Dorothy & Edward Archambault Louis Baduini Ruth G. Bedford Bell & Clements Inc. Judith R. Berkowitz Carol Blazejowski Bolton & Company Genevieve Borawski Thomas P. Bouma Roger A. Brandell Robert & Veronica Buob William & Diane Carey John Carriero & Son, Inc. Joseph Chuman John & Sandra Cicero Margaret & Richard Copeman Daniel & Joanne Corsaro James & Sarah Courtney William Cowper Alyson & Douglas Craig Elizabeth McGovern Cronen ’77 & Vincent M. Cronen ’78 Ouida & Terrence Curry D.H. Daurio Co. Jane & John Dalton Elaine & Michael Digiacinto Jonathan S. Dunberg Edward Eltzholtz F.T.P., Inc. Carol Forte Renee Friscia Agency Peter Gallagher Gertrude & Rudolf Gassner Sally & Thomas Gehl Patrick J. Gilmore Gene & Judy Giuriceo Yvette Goldman Richard & Sheryl Guss Charles Gwinnett Jean & Thomas Herrington Charles M. Heverly Elizabeth V. Iderstine Jacqueline & Roy Imhoff Jimcor Agencies Loretta & Salvatore La Corte William V. Lane, Esq. ’66 Frank & Pauline Lang Katherine & Lawrence Lang Donald F. LaPenna Associates, Inc. Edward & Jami Levy Lloyds TSB LoVullo Associates, Inc. Cynthia & Leonard Lovullo Barbara & Patrick Lynch Management Cybernetics John & Marjory Mazziotta Andrea McDonagh Philip F. McGovern ’50

McMahon Agency Insurance and Financial Services The Midland Company Foundation Jeffrey Monacelli John Nagle Dorothy & James Norton Melinda & Scott Parsons Pennock Insurance, Inc. Catherine-Marie & Todd Pettengill Point Pleasant Heat Deborah & Frank Powell Michelle & Steven Powell Thomas Powell Lucille Priolo S.I. Raphael Limited, Inc. Barbara Reynolds River-Line Distributors, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. James F. Ryan, Jr. Stacee Samuel Kenneth J. Schultz Scottsdale Insurance Company C. Walter Searle Insurance Agency, LLC Nicholas Setteducato Kenneth & Susan Shevlin Carol & Joseph Solanto Diane & Donald Sommerville Stitch N’ Sew Centre Strickland Insurance Group, Inc. Surplus Lines Association of NJ, Inc. T-Com Associates, Ltd. Herbert & Jean Thomas Maria Valerio Irene & William Vonroth James V. Walsh Western World Insurance Company Barbara Wood In Memory of George A. Rada ’56 Jacqueline Sferra Rada In Memory of Irene Rainville Joyce M. Henson, Ph.D. In Memory of Arthur F. Readdy, Jr. ’49 Mary Readdy In Memory of Charles F. X. Reilly ’34 Drew J. Bauman, Esq. In Memory of Jane Moulton Reuter ’72 Grace A. Egan ’74 Jane F. Fair George E. Flimlin, Jr. ’74 Crescenzo G. Fonzo Independent College Fund of New Jersey Dennis M. Moulton ’68 Hon. Edward T. O’Connor, Jr. ’64 Edward W. Reuter ’64 John B. Wilson, Esq. ’70 & Joyce Bergamini Wilson ’71 In Memory of Robert J. Rigby, Jr. ’69 Colin Rigby, Family & Friends In Memory of Steven J. Rosen, Ph.D. Jeffrey W. Kane ’08

In Memory of Isadora Rae Rosenbaum Dianne M. Green In Memory of Concetta Gloria Royer Wilfred S. Royer, Ph.D. ’85 In Memory of Rose Safir Dianne M. Green In Memory of Mary Sanzari Carol B. Bastek, Ed.D. ’70 On Behalf of Professor William J. Schmidt Jean E. Schmidt In Memory of Francis T. Schultz, Sr. Diane C. Hartmann Joan K. Schultz, CPA ’71 In Memory of Rose Schultz Joan K. Schultz, CPA ’71 In Honor of the Birth of David Russell Seylar Dianne M. Green In Memory of John Joseph Shea, College of the Holy Cross 1919 John Shea In Memory of Daniel M. Sheehan, Jr. Patricia Q. Sheehan H ’77 In Memory of Stephen L. Strong ’68 Mrs. Stephen L. Strong In Honor of David X. Stump, S.J.’s 50 Year Anniversary Joyce M. Henson, Ph.D. In Memory of George M. Sullivan ’64 Mary Ann Sullivan Kofoed In Memory of Teresa Tarzia Joyce M. Henson, Ph.D. In Memory of John L. Tierney, Esq. ’54 Mrs. John L. Tierney In Memory of Ana Tigeleiro Ana M. Cravo In Memory of Genevieve Wagner Joyce M. Henson, Ph.D. In Honor of Gerd Wagner’s 80th Birthday Dianne M. Green In Memory of Francis C. Walter ’37 Mrs. Francis C. Walter In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Whalen James J. Magee ’60 In Memory of Irene Wiamer Joyce M. Henson, Ph.D. In Honor of Thomas York’s 75th Birthday George P. Dunn


GIFTS BY CLASS 1936 President’s Council Joseph R. Connelly, M.D.

1937 Dean’s Society Daniel J. Boyle Vincent G. Daniel

1938 Pavo Society Cmdr. Thomas P. Connell, USN (Ret.) Carmine Q. Tarantino

1939 Dean’s Society Dominic J. Barilla

1940 Pavo Society George E. Degelmann Sheldon F. Eldridge

1941 Dean’s Society Thomas A. Flaherty Sidney Schultz, M.D. Pavo Society John J. Foley John J. McCarthy, Esq. Chester R. Rydwin, M.D. Herbert G. Sauer

1942 President’s Circle Joseph F. X. McCarthy, Ph.D. Dean’s Society James T. Buckley, Jr., Esq. Pavo Society Herbert J. Jackson Thomas J. Muldoon Joseph A. Puglisi

1943 President’s Council Fred A. Stickel Eugene C. Tolomeo, D.D.S. Dean’s Society Anthony R. Cosgrove Pavo Society Evis J. Coda, M.D. Walter E. Corrigan, M.D. Francis H. Darragh, M.D. James F. Mahon John T. Markey, Jr. John F. Miller James M. Toolan, M.D.

1944 Pavo Society Irwin M. Schultz, M.D.

1945 Pavo Society James F. Fischer, S.J. John J. Loughlin Harvey C. Zymet, D.D.S.

1946 President’s Circle Patrick A. Diassi, Ph.D. Pavo Society Joseph C. Tucci

1947 Magis Society Charles J. Vickers President’s Council Thomas J. Gallagher Dean’s Society James S. Nolan, Ph.D. Pavo Society John J. Daub, Jr., D.D.S. John J. Massarelli, M.D. † Campbell J. McCarthy 24

Francis J. McGuire James J. O’Connor William T. O’Connor, M.D. Arthur D. Robiolio

1948 President’s Council Bernard W. Colaianni Rev. Thomas P. Conheeney John J. Giuliano Lawrence A. Musella Dean’s Society David Schneider, M.D. Pavo Society F. William Bailey Patrick C. Duffy Robert P. Fajardo Jerome Stern H. Robert Westerman, Ph.D. Rev. Joseph F. Wiseman

1949 President’s Cabinet Kenneth F. X. Albers H ’90 President’s Council Vincent P. Butler, Jr., M.D. George Caldes Dean’s Society Joseph F. Scott Pavo Society John J. Alber, Jr. David I. Canavan, M.D. Joseph P. Henry Joseph A. Kohanski Frank A. Lorenzo Francis X. Mara Louis J. Parisi Henry V. Topoleski Joseph C. Volpe James D. Williams, Ph.D.

1950 President’s Council Peter J. Gallagher Martin F. Jordan J. Kenneth O’Connor, Esq. John F. Varley Joseph H. Weitze Dean’s Society James M. Stine John C. Wiegartner Pavo Society Severino J. Ambrosio, M.D. † Thomas J. Ames Richard M. Bagley Salvatore A. Barone John M. Bobat James V. Brophy John L. Buckley, Jr., Esq. James M. Caulfield, Ed.D. Thomas J. Corrigan George J. Couchman James S. Cramer, Esq. Walter S. Cramer, Esq. Charles J. Cusick, Ph.D. Thomas J. Fallon John L. Farrell, Jr. Michael F. Feeney William M. Frank Harold A. Glanz Thomas J. Kelly John A. Klobus Howard J. Kuntz George I. McCusker William P. McDermott Harold T. McGovern, Esq. Philip F. McGovern James F. McGrath Frank S. Migliore John E. Mintz Gabriel M. Mulcahy, M.D. James F. Mullaney, Esq. William P. O’Donnell, Sr. John M. O’Dowd Daniel P. O’Neill

Thomas E. Potter, M.D. Col. Vincent J. Pross, Jr., USMC (Ret.) Joseph F. Purcell Arthur A. Ross Paul A. Samperi Joseph E. Scuro David M. Spillane Daniel F. Sullivan Walter J. Sullivan John E. Sundman James J. Tunny John H. Turner William T. Valente James A. Ward Harold Weinstein Richard H. Yanni

1951 Founder’s Society Francis X. Hagan President’s Circle Bernard M. Hartnett, Jr., Esq. President’s Council Thomas E. Byrne, Jr. Martin J. Hart Ernest N. Landy, M.D. John B. O’Hara, Jr. Dean’s Society Francis G. Orrico Thomas J. Tierney Pavo Society Bertrand F. Barry, Sr. Martin J. Borelli Charles W. Carhart, Jr. Leonard L. Ciaccio, Ph.D. James W. Cox, Ph.D. Joseph E. Debold James W. Downes Charles T. Dunn James D. English William H. Fechtmann James C. Gannon Edward V. Grady, Sr. Alfred J. Jago Thomas F. Kelleher Albert W. Kramer Michael A. Lopiano, M.D. Thomas J. Lynam James F. McGlinchy † Joseph B. Murphy Max F. Rast, M.D. Charles E. Rauh Louis Richter Hon. Joseph T. Ryan Anthony J. Scelsa William C. Schreck Robert J. Smith Thomas Sofianides, M.D. Hon. Robert J. Stolarik Richard T. Sullivan Russell J. Tagliareni Joseph R. Vivo James J. Woods William F. Wraga

1952 President’s Council Tom Kramer Dean’s Society John J. Ryan Pavo Society Robert J. Brady, Esq. Carmine A. Cappuccio Joseph A. Corbo, D.D.S. Herbert B. Danielsen Gerald J. Degnan Michael T. Dwyer, Jr. George Eckert, Jr. Austin F. Fitzgerald John J. Galvin Kenneth R. Gardner John J. Gargana, Jr. James V. Gaudiosi

Albert D. Green James J. Hasson, Esq. Erling Ketsaa, Jr. Raymond T. Lee John P. Lesica Col. James G. McCormick, USMC (Ret.) D. Andrew Monticelli, D.D.S. Donald A. Nolan James F. O’Hare George Pollack James D. Quinn William J. Quinn John G Rooney John B. Ryan Terrence P. Sawey Gerald A. Siesfeld Ernest E. Wagner G. Allan Wellbrock

1953 President’s Circle Michael F. Filosa, Ph.D. President’s Council John L. Abruzzo, M.D. John T. DePalma Thomas E. Dyer, M.D. Robert J. Fabiny, Ph.D., M.D. Thomas L. March, M.D. Walter J. Palasits Charles F. X. Poggi Francis T. Rush, Ph.D. Matthew C. Vinci Dean’s Society Robert E. Brandell Martin T. Durkin, Sr., Esq. Dennis J. Sullivan, Jr. Pavo Society James Anderson August W. Barberi, CPA Thomas J. Brady, Esq. Edward A. Dunleavy J. Robert Egan, M.D. James M. Flood Albert A. Garofalo Kenneth W. Hancock C. Richard Hollenbach Bill Kehoe Francis X. Kelly Thomas F Kennelly Edward A. Loniewski, D.O. Frank P. Milone, M.D. Robert G. O’Brien, Esq. James A. O’Connell † Simon E. O’Donahue David J. O’Keeffe, Ph.D. John Pasquali John J. Quigley, Jr., Esq. Joseph L. Tramutola, Esq. Peter E. Warshaw Gerard P. Watson, Esq. Philip J. Weiler, Jr. Richard J. Wiack

1954 President’s Council William J. Allingham, Esq. John J. Bergin Louis E. Cella George T. Croonquist William W. Dornburgh John D. Emerick Thomas F. Kelaher, Esq. Dean’s Society William T. Ard Victor A. Bergwall Costantino T. Donato Vincent J. Saunders Pavo Society Harold W. Anton, Jr. Robert S. Benintendi, M.D. John L. Borsella Bill Carducci, Jr. Ronald J. Carlucci, M.D. John J. Cina

John E. Conway Michael J. D’Amato Gerald K. Doherty Henry J. Dotson, Jr. Joseph P. Dowd George M. Driscoll † Edward J. Englisby, Jr. Eugene V. Faber Henry T. Fitzgerald William F. Fitzgerald James E. Fitzmaurice Donald B. Fraser, Ph.D. James R. Heaney, Esq. Rev. John J. Lester Eugene F. Lippi James H. Lyons Gerald A. Malia, Esq. James J. Marquardt Edwin L. McGovern Thomas P. McGuinness J. Thomas McKnight, M.D. Bernard A. McLaughlin Donald J. Michels, Ph.D. Joseph E. Niedermeyer Warren C. Nolan James J. Norton Louis F. Parker Charles P. Pratofiorito, Ed.D. William F. Price, Sr. Frank R. Sanok Marvin H. Schultz Louis N. Scotti, M.D. Mortimer J. Sullivan Edward J. Taylor Vincent G. Tolisano Michael R. Torre, D.D.S. Charles E. Waldron Alphonse I. Warczakowski

1955 President’s Cabinet Donald R. Conway, Esq. James R. Sullivan, D.D.S. President’s Circle Robert M. Luchetti President’s Council Hon. William J. Bate Robert W. Buesser John E. Corrigan Thomas M. Farley Robert J. Matura John P. Nickerson Hubert J. O’Toole Dean’s Society Sherman J. Bligh Thomas G. Cestone Paul R. Colletti Robert K. Kramer Pavo Society Walter E Andrews, Jr. Sam M. Arnett Michael F. Ball, M.D. John Cap, Jr. John E. Ciano, Jr. Bernard W. Cicirelli, Sr. Lee L. Clark Barry J. Collins Lester M. Concannon John H. Connolly William L. Coyle Frank DeRosa Michael A. Fitzgerald, M.D. John W. Gibbs John J. Glynn, CPA Charles F. Godino, Ph.D. Salvatore T. Guidone Charles E. Haight, Jr. Albert Haussener John R. Hayes Edward F. Heuston, Ph.D. Joseph C. Kashickey Patrick J. Keenan Joseph A. Kelly, M.D. Lawrence C. Kohler Edward E. Lojewski

Thomas R. Lyons Donald J. Margoli Joseph D. McGovern Jeremiah B. McKenna, Esq. Francis J. Morris James J. Mulholland John F. O’Hare Frank J. Pandolfo Charles L. Prothero John P. Rafter, Jr. † Joseph S. Rorro Richard A. Rutkowski Woolsey E. Serven William G. Shanahan Paul V. Short Joseph A. Spiegel, Ph.D. Daniel A. Spina Donald E. Sullivan Edmond J. Thompson George C. Willenborg, D.D.S. Benjamin A. Winters, Ph.D.

1956 President’s Circle Robert J. Kinsey Ronald J. Morrissey, Ph.D. President’s Council Donald E. Bradley Charles T. Carney Michael E. Cozine, Esq. William J. Kowalczyk, CPA Thomas F. Slattery Hon. Reginald Stanton H ’03 Dean’s Society John B. Gray, Jr. John A. Marino Roger E. Miller Benson J. O’Grady Pavo Society Mark A. Aragona Rudolph F. Beisser John H. Borrmann Robert C. Brandt Michael M. Brown Edward J. Byrne Alessandro C. Calianese, Ph.D. Albert Calvo Walter B. Connolly Angelo J. Cozzarelli Frederick R. Cranwell HA ’08 John Danielson George J. Donovan John J. Falco James G. V. Fitzgerald Edward J. Flynn Joseph A. Foran Joseph C. Frisina Vincent M. Gallagher Robert P. Gough Philip P. Graye, Jr., D.D.S. Martin C. Harmon, Jr. Dennis J. Hayes James J. Horan Patrick J. Hughes Bernard J. Jennings Michael J. Kane John M. Kashickey, Jr. William J. Keyes Joseph L. Konzelman, D.D.S. Edward W. Landgren Frank Lorello Thomas F. MacNamara Joseph R. Macon Laurence E. MacPhee, Ph.D. Paul J. Magala, Jr. John P. Maher, M.D. James V. Mahoney, Jr., Ph.D. Hugh J. Mullin Tomas A. O’Boyle, M.D. Roy Penchansky William Quigley, Esq. Gerald L. Rogut Kerry M. Rohan Peter M. Salandra Robert R. Salinardi



President’s Council Thomas J. Carey Arthur W. Ellermann Stephen A. Hennesey Donald P. MacDonald Carmen L. Ross Martin E. Sexton Dean’s Society John L. Donnelly Richard J. Grizzetti Frank A. McConville Dominick A. Prezzano 1957 Pavo Society Founder’s Society Anonymous John P. Murray H ’02 Charles J. Anton, Jr. President’s Circle Ralph J. Astarita Paul G. Gillease Lorraine Babian Backus B. Melvin Kiernan, Ph.D. Raymond E. Bammer, Jr. President’s Council Francis L. Biegen James J. Finnerty, Jr., Esq. William E. Bielenda Joseph J. Guerra Michael Buono Peter C. Hearne James P. Byrne James W. Shea, Esq. Kerry J. Cannon Thomas J. Sullivan, Esq. George J. Caranasos, M.D. Ronald W. Tobin, Ph.D. Raymond A. Carbone, M.D. John J. Warlikowski † Robert M. Carducci, M.D. Dean’s Society William C. Donohue Mario J. DiNapoli Frank G. Duffy Anna T. Fitzgerald John P. Fanning, Esq. John F. Sweeney, M.D. Denis P. Farley Pavo Society Gerald J. Fitzgerald Robert J. Aikens Thomas J. Flood John J. Backus Anthony R. Gabriele, M.D. Michael K. Ball Peter Gallagher Leo P. Bergin R. Donald Gamache Adolph N. Berman William F. Goodman John W. Burke Peter J. Gostkowski Raymond J. Campion Robert J. Hahn, Sr. Philip P. Coady Richard H. Healy Kirby P. Conlon Francis P. Hunt John M. Corcoran, CPA Benjamin A. Jagodzinski, M.D. Thomas E. Cross III Lubomir Jawny, M.D. John E. Culla William J. Kellett Theodore J. Dachowski † John J. Kotowski Joseph P. Daly, Jr. Robert D. Lynch Victor A. Donofrio Charles J. Lyons, Ph.D. James W. Farrell, Esq. Roger M. Maloney John M. Fields Edward J. McFadden Patrick F. Fitzmaurice Joseph P. McGovern William J. Goss James E. McKearney, Jr. Richard B. Grace C. Frank Meo Timothy F. Harvey Richard E. Merkovsky Walter F. Jankowski Edward P. Mernar Paul J. Josenhans, Esq. David C. Molta Harold C. Lang Leonard A. Mudry Donald C. March Dennis F. Murphy Robert M. Mathews William H. Myers James J. McDonough Michael F. O’Mahony John G. McGovern Jose Luis Rementeria, M.D. Peter K. Mills, Ed.D. Albert A. Rienzo, M.D. William Moser Mr. Robert J. Robertory Ramon M. Natale William E. Schirger, Esq. Alice M. Egan O’Shea John E. Schmid † Robert E. Parella, Esq. Leonard J. Schneider Gregory F. Pearson David L. Schreck Hon. James J. Petrella Arthur M. Smith Joseph F. Piserchia John A. Soboleski Thomas M. Powanda Robert A. Stefan James Rafferty Joseph P. Watters Norman E. Rudolph, M.D. 1959 Richard O. Scott Founder’s Society Vincent T. Sutera James J. Daly, Esq. Robert T. Tolle Magis Society A. Robert Tominovich William J. Powers Raymond G. Weeks Joseph W. Willis President’s Cabinet Edward M. Bolger, Ph.D. 1958 Herbert J. Schneider, Esq. Magis Society Joseph J. Vecchione Raymond C. Maguire, M.D. President’s Council President’s Cabinet John G. Collins H ’97 John F. Henning † Richard C. McDonnell, Esq. Frank J. Tricarico Christopher F. Morgan President’s Circle Frank P. Neglia Thomas D. Carver, Esq. H ’08 James J. Scazzaro Ernest J. Scheidemann Wendel J. Schmitt Walter F Skerrett, Jr. Thomas F. Tansey, Esq. Joseph Terzini Frank R. Tirotta Michael R. Usarzewicz Joseph G. Vrindten Joseph Walkes Francis X. Walsh

Prosper F. Prybor Vincent J. Quagliana Albert J. Regen Thomas A. Schember Joel E. Sherlock, M.D. Dean’s Society Joseph Ellis, Ed.D. Thomas J. Kilcoyne, Esq. Leonard J. Lapadula Charles F. Lein, Jr. Andrew J. Matthews Joseph Rafferty Msgr. William J. Reilly Richard B. Talty Pavo Society Rene J. Ackerman Cyrus J. Amato, D.D.S. James B. Behan, USA (Ret.) Thomas F. Bejgrowicz, M.D. Edward P. Blicharz Rudolph R. Boesch Charles W. Boyle James W. Brown Damiano A. Buffa, M.D. Michael J. Burke Ralph A. Carpentiere Kenneth J. Coen Charles A. Colombo Edward Corton Thomas J. Cusker Gerard B. Davis Rudolph A. Demant Mauro A. DeRosa Arthur J. Dickman John P. Doran, Esq. Anthony F. Dorrzapf, Jr. Rev. Msgr. Vincent J. Doyle Alan G. Fitzpatrick Bertrand M. Flynn David J. Funsch Martin D. Gallagher James R. Gillespie John M. Golaszewski Robert Goode, M.D. Edwin I. Gorski, Esq. Robert B. Haggerty, Esq. James W. Harris Stanley A. Herb, Jr. John A. Keelen James P. Kilcullen Vincent C. Manganiello, M.D. James M. Matthews Bernard J. McGovern Charles K. McMahon James R. Mindnich Leopold A. Monaco Charles T. Moore William J. Muldoon Salvatore R. Nigro Edward G. Orzepowski William J. O’Shea Vincent H. Petti, Jr. Ronald J. Pozzi Edward J. Quirk Richard E. Readdy Bernard J. Rogers Frank C. Rubino Robert T. Savasta Vincent N. Scuro Robert J. Stanley, M.D. Walter J. Sutkowski Joseph D. Thomas Bill Tighe Leonard J. Tomasik E. Norman Wilson, Jr., Esq. Thomas R. Zarzecki, Sr. Herbert Zweig

1960 Founder’s Society William J. Cozine Francis J. Kilkenny Magis Society Joseph J. Brogan Robert J. Goldstein MBA ’06

President’s Cabinet Thomas W. Burke Michael F. Cocca John F. Donahue John A. Jung, Jr., Ph.D. James R. Kelly, Ph.D. John M. Tassillo, CPA Thomas J. Whalen, Esq. President’s Circle Joseph V. Burakevich, Ph.D. William J. Caufield Dr. Robert G. Johnson Ron Kelly Thomas F. McVeigh Richard J. O’Brien Martin T. Walsh President’s Council Joseph M. Adamko Richard P. Barnitt, Sr. Charles P. Becker, Jr. John J. Bott Robert H. Burke Thomas J. Curtin Richard M. Keefe James P. Keeney Carl C. Larsen Kenneth J. Mathews Bernard F. McNeilly Donald J. McSparran William J. Mealia Bernard F. Puy Michael L. Rose Richard C. Theuer Dean’s Society Eugene C. Boyle Robert J. Dennis Robert R. Esti James J. Gallagher Michael J. Kennedy, Jr. James M. Kiernan Francis S. Kowalczyk James J. Magee Michael B. O’Donnell Conrad L. Romanick Joseph M. Silvestri, Esq. Pavo Society Edward J. Acciardi Cesare Ambrosio, Ph.D. Richard A. Biribin Joseph A. Bonanno Robert J. Callamari Rosario G. Cavari John M. Chambers John M. Corbliss George Cronin Anthony R. Cusumano James E. Del Vacchio, CPA Arthur J. Delaney, Jr. Charles J. Ferrara Peter E. Finlay Gerard J. Foye Donald G. Gerlich Edward T. Gramling Franklin D. Gregory Michael J. Guerra Joseph P. Gulbin James E. Hackett Lawrence Hauerstein Thomas E. Healey John J. Hennessy G. Geoffrey Hermes John F. Jeszensky Gustav S. Kane John P. Kip Louis J. Klein John H. Kouvel Edward R. Krasiewski Hans L Kratz John E. McCarthy Matthew T. McClane William J. McGee Neil McNulty Hon. William C. Meehan William C. Noll, Jr.

Charles P. O’Farrell III, Ph.D. Thomas W. O’Toole Vincent F. Pantozzi Carl W. Pflug, M.D. Vincent Anthony Racaniello William F. Richardson Vincent J. Rosati Gerald T. Ryan Robert D. Ryan Francis C. Scala William T. Scott, Jr. James P. Seymour, Sr. Thomas W. Sharlow, Sr., Esq. James E. Shea James C. Shy, Esq. Peter M. Sullivan, Ph.D.

Clement J. Reck Thomas A. Reitemeyer, CPA Peter R. Rogina Louis J. Sauchelli Donald W. Schlicher John W. Sheridan Michael J. Sheyker John R. Sliwicki, Jr., CPA Michael F. Smith Walter C. Smith Frank J Spano, Jr. Joseph E. Stevens Dominick M. Vallese Paul F. Vinger, M.D. George E. Wenz, Esq. Michael G. Yetman



Magis Society Walter J. Hyjek President’s Cabinet Patrick J. Cassidy, Ph.D. President’s Council Lawrence P. Brady, Jr., Esq. Vincent F. Brennan Thomas J. Casaburo Phillip J. Catanzaro, M.D. Robert C. Conlon, Esq. Kevin F. Cunniff John F. Egan, Ph.D. James J. Everett Rev. John J. Gildea Robert P. Groesbeck Henry F. Harty, Jr., Ed.D. John J. McDermott Thomas J. McDonnell Anthony J. Sogluizzo William J. Spataro Dean’s Society Patrick F. Aluotto Frank F. Cappelli, M.D. Hon. Michael J. Degnan Frank J. Phillips Charles A Ribaudo Gary E. Ruoff, M.D. Pavo Society Robert E. Atzingen Walter F. Barber Charles T. Barthel, Jr. Richard A. Bianchi George A. Brincka Edwin R. Buchanan Michael C. Clements Hon. Patrick D. Conaghan William P. Condon Garrett J. Crespy Vincent J. Curtis Richard E. Del Boccio John A. Dillon, Jr. Leonard A. Dwarica, Esq. John Eugene, Esq. Ray Ganim William J. Garry Robert L. Grady, Sr. Joseph R. Guarino William H. Haemmerle Theodore J. Heiart James P. Hendricks John L. Hogan Douglas J. Hollywood Anthony J. Jaswinski Peter J. Kalinowski Charles L. Kohler Edward F. P. Lane John A. Lenox Robert E. Lisk Edward J. Malone Daniel A. McGonigle Joseph A. Messina, M.D. Joe Millichap Vincent W. Moran Albert E. Mullin, Jr. Hubert A. Murray Louis M. Ocone Peter J. Palmadesso, Ph.D.

President’s Circle Harry J. Arnold, Jr., Esq. President’s Council Anthony J. Alberino Robert O. Baratta, M.D. Richard A. Derrig, Ph.D. James G. Gardner, Esq. James B. Heaney Thomas D. Hoffman, Esq., Ph.D. Robert F. Reddington, Sr. Dean’s Society Robert J. Castle George F. Goertz John J. Reck James S. Reddy William J. Rustia John A. Sena Alfred H. Zywicki Pavo Society George W. Armbruster Frank V. Barrella Richard F. Berk Cornelius Boylan Ronald L. Brady Frank A. Brescia Eugene C. Buckley, Ph.D. Phillip J. Campana, Ph.D. Daniel J. Carluccio, Esq. Edward M. Casey, Jr. John J. Charles James M. Conheeney Thomas J. Davine Mauro De Bari, CPA Ed Delaney Michael A. DiGravina James C. Dooley John D. Dwyer Edward G. Dzienis, Jr. Robert J. Eccleston Cosmo F. Ferrara, Ed.D. William P. Ferry D. Michael Flynn, S.J. Michael L. Grabler, Esq. John F. Grisoni Edward L. Hannon Peter S. Hoffmann Richard W. Hooker John M. Katko, D.D.S. William Kistulinec John A Konczal, Sr. George R. Krone James J. Lambert David C. Luongo Joseph P. Machewirth Joseph J. Mangelli Louis J. Marsico Brian McCarthy Richard P. McConville John P. McHale James T. Messano Peter J. Norton, Esq. David J. O’Connell, Ph.D. Alfred F. Peruzzi John W. Petrozzi, M.D. George J. Pfuelb, CPA Edward J. Plaza, Esq. John J. Pra 25

“I feel obligated to give back to the community that fostered my education. Saint Peter’s is part of my family now. I support Saint Peter’s the way I would support anyone in my family.” – Kamen Stoykov ’08

GIFTS BY CLASS Raymond M. Ralph, Ph.D. John G. Rentko Robert V. Rezzonico Joseph C. Rosinski Edward P. Rumain Richard C. Rygiel † George L. Schneider, Esq. Edward G. Sheridan Henry D. Teuwen William M. Tilt Joseph J. Vervier Emile M. Vitella James T. Whalen William P. Wittman Warren H. Woods Thomas J. Zidiak

1963 Magis Society Peter G. Stewart, Esq. Francis G. Ziegler President’s Cabinet George K. Degnon President’s Circle Thomas J. Jordan Angelo A. Vigna President’s Council John D. Buffington, Ph.D. Frank A. Ciesla, Esq. Patrick J. Foley, Jr., Ph.D. John D. Koblan Martin P. Lydon James W. Meister Dean’s Society Edward H. Cichurski, CPA Robert J. Duda Thomas W. McKinley, CPA Pavo Society Robert J. Armbruster Robert V. Bellacosa Peter J. Bernich, CPA Raymond J. Bielicki Robert C. Bongiovanni Daniel A. Bozza Donald T. Burns Gary M. Cademartori James P. Cassidy Edward T. Ciliberti Ronald G. Collins, Esq. Arthur Coradine William J. Cornetta III, M.D. Vincent A. Corsaro William P. Crutchlow, M.D. James P. Degnan Harold J. Doherty Raymond J. Doles Col. Neil D. Doran, USA (Ret.) Walter Dorgan Robert J. Dougherty Robert E. Downes Gerry Duffy William J. Duffy Edward B. English Gregory T. Farmer, Esq. John F. Feind Peter J. Finnerty Arthur Fishelman 26


Thomas W. Floyd David J. Gallagher Joseph A. Grillo Thomas F. Hanrahan William E. Kaffka Francis X. Ketterer John C. Kilcullen Charles A. Kouvel Donald Kraft James J. Lane Robert P. Lavach Theodore J. Leitereg, Ph.D. Antonio S. Limbardo Richard W. Loeffler Generoso R. Mancini Edward A. Maurer, Jr. William E. McAlvanah, Esq. Robert E. McCabe John F. McGlynn, Esq. Bernice Dippel McGonigle Mark E. McGovern, M.D. Patrick J. Monahan, Jr. Edward L. Moore, Jr. David J. Morris † Robert D. Oppici Ronald L. Oswald Edgar G. Overstreet III John S. Petronick Paul J. Petruska, M.D. Allan J. Press, M.D. John M. Quevedo, Jr. Joseph M. Rabbia Jesse J. Radvansky Edward Ratazzi, Jr. Daniel R. Rossi Agostino V. Rottino Robert E. Scully Frank Seger Andrew M. Smakula William T. Smith Leo F. Tymon, Jr. Robert J. Walsh John P. Welter Stanley F. Witkowski

1964 Founder’s Society James J. O’Brien Magis Society Peter S. Johnson President’s Cabinet Robert M. Cashill Robert L. Kaiser James J. Loughlin President’s Circle Dennis R. McCarthy Edmund M. Polonitza President’s Council Anonymous Thomas J. Basile Thomas M. Dinneen Eleanor Kreta Dennis J. McAuliffe, Ph.D. Hon. Edward T. O’Connor, Jr. Lewis G. Pascalli, Jr., Esq. Edward W. Reuter Martin R. Semon John B. Wefing, Esq.

Dean’s Society Robert W. Brodbeck William E. O’Dowd John A. Waldron Pavo Society Brian D. Babo Col. James F. Bald, Jr., USA (Ret.) James P. Barry Hon. Peter F. Boggia Walter E. Bonowicz John F. Bowman, Jr. Donald J. Brennan Francis A. Burger Martin J. Burns John J. Calamari Richard J. Carew Robert L. Cerciello, M.D. David F. Coleman Joseph P. Corcoran, CPA William W. Corson John B. Daly James J. D’Amato, Ph.D. Cosimo P. Dibartolo Charles P. Dolan Barry J. Dugan Robert D. Finnegan Roy T. Fithen, Jr. Most Rev. John W. Flesey, STD, DD James V. Galiano, Jr. Carmen J. Giglio Lawrence J. Grady, Jr., Esq. Robert T. Guellich, CPA Charles J. Heitzmann Michael S. Jakubowski, M.D. Thomas J. Jennings James P. Kelly, Jr. Lawrence F.X. Kelly, M.D. Robert J. Kelly Clifford R. Lauterhahn William A. Lindsay Rowland V. Lucid, Jr., Esq. John W. Marnell M. James McLaughlin George A. Meluso C. J. Moore, D.D.S. James F. Morgan, Esq. Thomas H. Mullin John A. Munley Patrick J. Nestor John B. Opitz James F. Parry Edward J. Petrella, M.D. Charles Pietrangelo Salvatore Prisco, Ph.D. James N. Richardson John A. Rochacewicz John L. Rosta John J. Santapietro, Ph.D. Arthur J. Smith Arthur W. Stegmayer Gerald G. Vernice Manlio M. Yozzo

1965 1872 Society Thomas W. Duncan

Magis Society James F. Donohue, M.D. Richard P. Libretti President’s Cabinet Raymond G. Hallock Garry A. Prime President’s Circle Robert J. Donato President’s Council John F. Britanak Frank X. Derwin, Esq. John F. Galbraith John P. Lau, Sr. William G. Spedding Rev. Eugene P. Squeo, Esq. James D. Van Blarcom Dean’s Society Robert T. Cabezas James P. Crane, Ph.D. Frederick S. Crisafulli, M.D. Frank A. DeCicco, M.D. William A. Marion, Jr., Ph.D. John A. Ridley, Esq. Pavo Society Robert A. Bronovicki George P. Bull Joseph H. Burns, Esq. Frank Catalina, Esq. Robert J. Catanzaro Peter J. Coughlin Thomas V. Curtin, CPA Robert C. Doherty, Esq. Richard H. Escobales, Jr. James J. Fitzpatrick Donald J. Gallo, Esq. Peter J. Griffin Richard F. Gronda, CPA Bob Hugelmeyer Joseph C. Imhof Timothy C. Kehoe James W. Kelly J. Brian Kuebler William J. Lau Thomas P. Mahon Jack McCaskie John E. McEnery, Esq. Paul A. McGee, M.D. Patrick A. McGuire Thomas J. McLaughlin, M.D., Ph.D. Robert E. Meehan, Jr. Robert F. Orsetti Louis J. Panepinto Dennis J. Piatkowski Gerard J. Roerty Edward D. Ruch, Jr., Ph.D. Robert M. Russo Ronald J. Sabatini John P. Scanlon Kevin M. Tansey Salvatore J. Vasto Arthur W. Vespignani, Esq. Ronald D. Waack John M. West Frank S. Woodruff Gerard E. Zimmer

1966 1872 Society William J. Marino Magis Society Joseph A. Panepinto, Esq. President’s Cabinet Patrick E. Scura President’s Circle Thomas F. Conway, Jr. C. Thomas Meisse President’s Council Theodore Bajo, Esq. Joseph N. Barbera Edward A. Boyno, Ph.D. Thomas E. Conlon III Kenneth S. Fekete, Sr. John T. Herrmann Kenneth E. Jasinkiewicz Loren E. King Robert T. Lee, CFP Dennis R. Walsh Dean’s Society Vincent J. Dell’Orto, Ph.D. Martin P. Feeney Hon. John F. O’Halloran Stanley M. Zaborowski, M.D. Pavo Society Anonymous Daniel F. Aherne Alexander W. Booth, Esq. William G Byrne, Jr. Frank M. Cappadona Matthew Carcich Rocco W. Christopher Michael R. Cole, Esq. Vincent J. Core Edward T. Corrigan, Esq. Thomas J. Coyle Joseph A. De Frank Joseph J. DeLuca Edward T. Devlin George M. Dooris, Ph.D. Thomas J. Drew Raymond J. Eichler James T. Foran, Esq. Julianne Golden Michael J. Hasuly Florence E. Hayes James F. Hughes, CPA Robert L. Jarecki, Sr. Robert J. Kempton, Ph.D. Terence J. Kennedy John M. Kopcak Michael J. Kosc Gregory M. La Gana, M.D. William V. Lane, Esq. Anthony A. Lenza Robert W. Luttman Peter R. Macagne Richard Maschal George R. Matash, CPA Walter P. Matkowski Michael D. McDonnell Raymond P. McKernan Charles R. Meehan, Jr. Robert J. Montuori Rev. Ward P. Moore

Anthony M. Morro Robert J. Myers Charles J. Nietsche Patrick A. O’Hare, Esq. Ronald J. Palmieri, M.D. Raymond J. Plodkowski Thomas J. Polk Gabriel J. Pompeo Thomas F. Powell Joseph A. Repka Paul A. Roskos Charles S. Shiverick Maj. Richard J. Singler, Jr., USA (Ret.) Joel L. Spivack Joseph J. Switzer, Esq. Robert A. Williams

1967 President’s Cabinet Robert G. Lahita, M.D., Ph.D. Marshall V. Rozzi President’s Circle Hubert J. Moran Mary E. Tierney President’s Council Bernard J. Berry, Jr., Esq. Richard K. Donnelly John C. Hoffman Kenneth J. Sheedy Joseph A. Wisneski Dean’s Society Michael J. Calderaro Dennis D. Ferguson, M.D. Pavo Society John J. Abbattista Louis F. Barbaro, Esq. Michael J. Bent William J. Bielen, Jr. Walter C. Bissett John J. Bonder Joseph J. Bulman John F. Byrnes, Ph.D. Richard M. Cardillo Fred J. Ciociola Richard W. D’Andrea Paul V. D’Ascensio James R. Davidson Joseph A. DeSciscio Mario C. Di Iorio Robert J. Dobis Martin F. Dunne, Esq. Stephen C. Emmerth Frank H. Felice Richard E. Finch Nicholas M. Fugaro Robert C. Greis Paul J. Hanak, Esq. Martin G. Heagen William H. Hill Michael Hopkins Robert J. Hopkins Gregory S. Hrebiniak, Esq. Richard W. Jacobs John P. Keller William J. Keller John F. Knutowicz John H. Lindstrom



Henry F. Mackiewicz Joseph V. McCarthy MA Ed ’95 Anthony P. Meli, Jr. Gregory J. Miller Kevin P. Moriarty John J. Murphy, M.D. Alfred J. Nadler John J. Nolan Timothy B. O’Connor Thomas J. O’Shaughnessy Jeannette M. Podgorski John A. Quirin Jane E. Reddy Frank B. Reilly, Jr., Esq. Harold J. Schlesiona David J. Seeley J. Brian Sokolik, Esq. Gerald J. Stanig Thomas J. Szott Walter L. Topolewski John A. Wagner Robert G. Wickiewicz, M.D. Kenneth W. Wind

Hon. Joseph A. Egan, Jr. Wanda Festini-Iqbal, Ph.D. Thomas F. Fiore David M. Flynn Carl R. Furrevig † Stephen A. Gallo, Esq. Anthony J. Giordano Michael J. Graboski Kenneth Grant Donald W. Harold William M. Hayevy Carol Ann Hunterton Stephen C. Jacobsen Thomas W. Keating James P. Kelly, Jr. Edward M. Killilea Karen A. Kopcak Walter L. Kudlacik John A. LaRocca Fred Lau Harry Laurie Martin J. Maguire James D. Matthews Thomas J. McCormick 1968 Gerald P. McKeon, Jr. 1872 Society John M. Meekins, Esq. Thomas P. Mac Mahon Thomas J. Melville, Jr. Founder’s Society Ronald P. Monteverde Thomas V. Whelan Kevin E. Mooney Paul E. Newell, Esq. Magis Society Michael J. O’Connell Joseph R. Gromek Robert D. O’Connor President’s Cabinet Peter J. Orrico William J. Barry, Jr. Hon. Joseph V. Doria, Jr. Rene J. Perdreaux Edwin C. Peterson, Jr. President’s Circle Michael J. Pillo George J. Duva Daniel A. Polifroni Paul J. McGovern Jeffrey P. Quirk President’s Council John D. Rafferty Paul J. Brignola, Sr. Michael J. Reilly Thomas E. Butler Robert W. Richards George T. Furst, Ph.D. Thomas F. Rochford William A. Knapp, Jr. Mary Bloom Roma James T. Leman George W. Rommel John J. McKeon, M.D. Bernard J. Ruddock Thomas M. Molino Thomas M. Shea Robert D. Steeves Dean’s Society Paul W. Switaj, CPA Joseph Costello Barbara Moraghan Tansey Julian Emilio De Lia, M.D. Michael J. Vastola Richard C. Hellwig, M.D. David R. Wall, Esq. Dennis M. Moulton John M. Walsh, Ph.D. Rev. Brendan H. Quinn Raymond C. Steele 1969 Donald Tashner Founder’s Society Pavo Society Andrew J. Whelan Dennis J. Acinapura Magis Society Peter J. Arney Charles P. Mayer William F. Bailey, Ph.D. President’s Cabinet James P. Belz, CPA Robert J. DiNicola Geoffrey Blake Joseph M. Dunn, Sr. Christopher A. Bogart, Jr. Thomas J. Moorehead, Ph.D. Robert A. Bonardi Robert M. Bordone President’s Circle Tim Brennan Thomas F. O’Reilly Ronald H. Buryk John F. X. Prout John E. Butler, M.D. President’s Council Anthony J. Calabrese, M.D. Peter S. Babits Don D. Carlucci, Esq. Marion Williams Berry Thomas J. Carroll Anne E. Butler Ronald R. Castaldo Brian Dempsey Joseph Cervenak Martin J. Dolan III Ralph D. Cicirelli Edward C. Fedak, Esq. Michael D. Cole Louis J. Larca, M.D. James E. Colligan III Joseph P. LaSala, Esq. Catherine G. Condon Raymond C. Lena Robert F. Corso Nadia E. Makar Kevin F. Cuddihy Arthur H. McGuire John F. Daly William T. Monahan Joseph A. De Angelo Frank J. Murphy, Jr., Esq. Richard L. Desalvo Richard T. Pederson, M.D. James J. Dowd, Ph.D. Dean’s Society John N. Doyle Daniel A. Crifo Catherine Duncan Dziuba, Ed.D. Emilio F. De Lia, Jr. Robert P. Eagan John T. Faillace, D.M.D. Gerald J. Eak, Esq.

Jerome G. Kotch Robert A. Meisch Robert E. Nadler William J. Nagel, M.D. Peter V. O’Brien John M. Rusnak Walter F. Wilk Pavo Society Milan S. Andrus, M.D. Joseph O. Arata Harold J. Augliera Philip S. Banashek Joseph A. Barresi, M.D. Joseph A. Beggans Joan Marie Black Bellotti Robert Betz John J. Bolan, Esq. Dominick V. Bonanno Ronald M. Brzenk, Ph.D. Michael C. Bunamo Patrick A. Cacacie, LCSW Hon. Kevin G. Callahan Lorenzo A. Canizares Robert M. Caputo John J. Celardo Raoul C. Cordeaux Brian J. Cunningham Robert A. De Noble Joseph Degnan Francis X. Dolan † Arthur H. Dorland G. Robert Doyle John F. Doyle Lawrence Finnell Raymond J. Frech, Jr. Charles J. Gaukel Joseph A. Gervasi, Esq. Thomas J. Gibbons, Jr. Jeffrey J. Gimpel Robert C. Hinkle Charles J. Hollenbeck, Esq. Kenneth P. Hyle Robert V. Johnston Marina Mirabito Kerber Joseph W. Luciano Joseph V. Malinowski Robert J. Manning Michael J. Marose James F. Muller Raymond P. Nastawa F. Peter Nicholson, M.D. Jan M. Niemiec, Ph.D. Steve Pandolfo Karen Delsandro Patey Jerome R. Peters Robert A. Portadin, M.D. Peter P. Price, M.D. Joseph L. Raffetto, M.D. Joseph R. Rosa, Jr. Leonard J. Sansone Richard Secare William F. Sette Anthony D. Spaldo Catherine Surdovel, Ed.D. Joseph M. Thomas Patrick J. Tiedemann William A. Tracy, Sr. John F. Wascoe Dennis E. Weisbrod Frank J. Wertalik Susan Caverly Whitcraft Anthony W. Zarejko

1970 1872 Society Carol B. Bastek, Ed.D. Founder’s Society Russell N. Stern Magis Society Maj. Gen. George R. Fay, USAR Gary S. Horan, FACHE James P. McAndrew Ralph R. Russo President’s Circle Patrick J. Finnegan

Theodore E. Kwiatkowski, D.M.D. Peter P. Malecki John B. Wilson, Esq. President’s Council Thomas G. Casper Robert J. Greces John J. Gualtieri, Ph.D. Fred J. Jacques, Jr. Catherine Weiss Merker Fred W. Musch Eugene P. O’Connell, Esq. James S. Perry Michael J. Simmons Henry A. Tully Andrew T. Turrisi III, M.D. Lt. Col. Frank L. Varsolona, USA (Ret.) Mary Weldon Yannuzzi Raymond A. Yannuzzi, D.A. Dean’s Society Mary Bhagavatula Hon. Patricia Del Bueno Cleary, JSC Patricia Bald Crifo Demetria Kaliades De Lia Thomas J. Drury Susan V. Everett Carol Cardiello Faillace Edward H. McKenna John A. O’Neill Matthew J. Swajkowski Edward M. Van Dorn, Esq. Robert V. Yanashusky Pavo Society Janet Olen Abbattista Aldo P. Antola Arthur E. Balsamo, Esq. Edward T. Bartley, Jr. Jayne Fowler Baumann Raymond W. Berberich Gregory Bialy Daniel J. Buongiorno Gail Gilroy Castaldo Phyllis Amoroso Cicirelli Franklin P. Clayton Michael J. Condosta, CPA Edward J. DePascale, Esq. Nancy Seyfried Devaney Kathleen McGuirk Diffley Maureen F. Donelan Patricia Gallo Emanuele Arthur I. Feintuch James J. Finley, Ph.D. Louis A. Fucito John L. Giraud Eugene T. Gough Dennis L. Guyre Susan A. Hayes John J. Heaney F. Judith Hepworth, Esq. John J. Janasie, Esq. Margaret Farley Kilkenny Raymond V. Kilkenny Peter A. Klein John R. Kutney Arlene M. Labudzki Paul P. Lamb, Esq. Miriam T. Lyons James T. Mai V. James Mann, Esq. Joseph A. Maresca Anthony J. Marinello, Esq. Jerome P. Menkhaus, S.J. Ann-Marie Nazzaro, Ph.D. William J. Milczarski, Ph.D. Robert H. Molloy Jeanne Basile Nelson John G. Pawlyk Stephen G. Pello Michael J. Piorkowski John F. Pojedinec, M.D. Eileen Walsh Polazzi Arlene Vogler Price Kathy Bald Raschke Stephen Rettino

Al Scerbo Eugene E. Scheurer Peter D. Scivoletti, M.D. John V. Scott Domenico Sgambellone Maria Vlahos Stamas Carl J. Steidel Doreen Szymczak George M. Telepun Robert J. Terranova Joseph G. Traynor Joanne C. Van Dorn-Prestia Robert J. Wells Amelia M. Yazbek Phillip J Yutko Robert E. Zeman

1971 Founder’s Society Mary K. Whelan Magis Society Joan K. Schultz, CPA Robert L. Tortoriello, Esq. President’s Cabinet Kathleen Fitzgerald Cocca President’s Circle Patricia McGeough McGovern Richard J. Sinton, Esq. Theresa A. Walls, D.O. Joyce Bergamini Wilson President’s Council William R. Armbruster Thomas L. Brundage Joanne Konicki Ceimo Michele F. Dullea Walter J. Greenhalgh, Esq. Patrick J. Griffin, Ph.D. Anton W. Guitano Frank W. Hogan, Jr. Marianne Zozom Larca Sara Oswald Therese M. Saulnier Frank A. Scerbo, Esq. Mary Coughlin Sinton Karen Fristensky Stroever Robert B. Webster, CPA Dean’s Society Jay Buckley James P. Cunningham, Ph.D. James F. Dronzek, Esq. Melville P. Fickas James M. Flynn Vincent J. Frees Ted Kirby Mary Ann Molinari Richard T. Morrissey, Esq. Mary Ann Bakarich Travis Pavo Society Virginia Casey Ackerman John J. Adams, Jr. Robert J. Albrecht, Ph.D. Robert J. Andrews, Ed.D. Michael V. Barbetta Mary N. Barravecchia William C. Bastan, Ph.D. Kathleen O’Brien Beggans Thomas J. Belton Patricia Diehl Boland Michael J. Brandli Theresa Sues Brandli Janet W Brewer James Brophy Joseph A. Cantelmo Richard J. Caporusso Frank X. Cardiello, Esq. Thomas C. Caruso George P. Castellitto, Ph.D. E. F. Caulfield John P. Chipko Robert C. Christie John V. Cinciarelli Maryrose Carew Coiner, Ph.D. Margaret G. Conomos Robert P. Corbisiero

Jesus N. Cruz Louis C. Dodge Carol Lenihan Domanski John Egan Alfredo F. Fernandez, M.D. Darlene Amico Fisher Vincent A. Fusco, CPA Irene Psak Giameo Joseph A. Giammarella Ronald Goppold, M.D. John A. Grierden, D.M.D. Judith Allegro Grierden, D.M.D. Kenneth Hamilton, Ph.D. Neal J. Hancock James F. Hanley Bernard W. Harris Kevin M. Heaney, D.D.S. Thomas D. Higgins Wayne C. Hoffman Mark J. Iannini Patricia A. Kane Steven N. Kaplan Diane Dabrowski Korey J. Mark Korey Christine Perkowski Kruk Gerald J. La Chere Gregory T. Loftus Allen J. Lovey Martin J. Mackin Mary Ann Lauria Marinello Jerry Marinzulich John J. McRae, Jr. Cosmo A. Mongiello John F. Morgan George V. Moskal Margaret A. Murphy John M. Murray, D.M.D. Mary Ann Polkowski Nastawa Nona Masiello O’Connell Mary Colford Palecek Stephen P. Palecek Elaine Ciarkowski Petsu Elaine Picollo Rapp Fred Reinl Ronald S. Rock Lawrence J. Rooney George G. Russo Lareine Stampfle, M.D. Carl J. Salerno Barbara A. Schiels Michael Serpico Alvin Shiggs Ellen Lanese Spaldo, Ph.D. Edmund J. Stankiewicz John A. Stepanek Victor B. Studna, Jr. Kathleen A. Sullivan Kathleen H. Sullivan, Ph.D. Anthony P. Yudd, M.D. Jacalyn Bopf Yudd

1972 Founder’s Society Thomas L. Wickiewicz, M.D. Magis Society Michael F. McManus President’s Cabinet Susan P. Mitchell-Abbate President’s Circle Hon. Marilyn C. Clark Marilda L. Gandara, Esq. John C. Hughes Theresa Gutch Kwiatkowski President’s Council Nancy P. Campbell Joseph D. Evangelista Robert T. Martin Philip J. Pulcini Patrick J. Ryan Joan Balmer Tully Dean’s Society Diane M. Acosta Bettyann Cervenak, M.D. Vincent P. De Gennaro, M.D. 27



Noreen Hanbury DeBlasio Roseline Sellari Flynn Paul A. Foddai, M.D. Richard G. Muzikar Anthony L. Panariello, M.D. Ronald P. Prezioso R. Bruce Ryan Pavo Society Stephen Allen Susan Anderson Jean Grupp Baggs Michael J. Balduino George F. Barnes, Jr. Gerald Bielen Brian Bovasso Alice Bozoyan Frederick W. Bunker William F. Byrne David A. Cace, CPA Joseph E. Colford III, Ph.D. Rosemarie Petrocci Cordeaux John E. Dabney II Anthony P. D’Andrea Thomas G. DeLuca, Esq. Matthew A. Donohue Kevin J. Duncan Catherine L. Dunn, M.D. John R. Farrell, Jr., Ph.D. Walter Figiel Peter J. Flanagan Carole Ludwig Forenza Dominic J. Fruges Jose M. Gallo Robert A. Gironda Patricia A. Gongla, Ph.D. Thomas M. Hamilton Louis P. Healey Anne Piazza Herbert Gerard W. Hughes Patrick E. Kaminski Barbara A. Keshishian John F. King Lynn E. Kodrich Teresa De Bartolo Kramer Joseph Kulik John J. Lane Diane LeWand L. Keith Madison, M.D. Grace Laracy Malley John P. Marosy Michael Mastropasqua Florence F. McAlvanah Mary Ann McGuigan John McQuillan Richard Michalowski, Jr. Frank S. Miklos Linda Jannuzzi Mitchell Dennis J. Murphy Charlotte Politowski North Robert P. O’Connor John D. Oddo, Ph.D. John R. Pagano, Esq. Anna Stephanou Panayiotou Edward Pankowski Thaddeus R. Paprocki, M.D. Anthony C. Pasquale Col. Peter J. Podbielski, USA Julian Podesta Col. Albert J. Porto, USA James Puglisi, CPA Mary C. Quinn Kathy Reed Janice Canary Rettino Robert L. Ricciardi Bernie Schumacher Hon. Peter G. Sheridan, U.S.D.J. Walter A. Sinopoli, M.D. Arlene A. Smith Dennis Sullivan Rosemary Fox Thurston, Ph.D. Quinton C. Van Wynen, Jr. William M. Vasil

1973 1872 Society Kathleen Gilvey Tyrrell, Esq. 28

Magis Society Sharon A. Quinn, Esq. Joseph F. Coleman Deborah Waldy Ricciardi Kevin J. Downes Reinerio V. Rodriguez Sharon A. Pastore Peggy Londrigan Scott Michael A. Scura, Ph.D. President’s Cabinet James F. Skiba, Sr. Julie Delaney Fristensky Diane E. Snyder, Ph.D. President’s Circle Ethel Koutzoulis Soterakis Cecilia Ann Michalik Marcia Mayer Stamboulian William F. Wisneski David C. Starr President’s Council Jerrold G. Starr James F. McGlinchy Francis J. Tevis Joanne Burke McGlinchy Robert M. Thompson, M.D. Catherine Volkmar Phalen William A. Trapmann Stanley R. Plust John T. Waldron Eileen Gallagher Witkowski John F. Weiss Dean’s Society Suzanne Finn Weiss Ellen A. Albert Peter Zampella Thomas J. Connolly, D.D.S. Monte M. Zucker William J. DiCorcia Henry A. Zulauf, Jr. Peter Nalbach 1974 John T. Puglisi Magis Society Gerald A. Tobin, Esq. Joseph M. Bredehoft, Esq. Pavo Society Susan U. Bredehoft Maryellen Dolan Adams President’s Cabinet Lawrence A. Armenti, M.D. George M. De Luca Robert W. Barkovitz Warren C. Fristensky Ronald Becker President’s Circle Lorraine K. Benton William R. Jacobi Denise Carbone Braak Michael R. Milano ’91 Nicholas D. Calderano Maureen E. Caprio President’s Council Joseph A. Carluccio, M.D. Paul F. Healey Michael J. Celentano Thomas M. Luddy Lawrence J. Chakey Joseph F. Nostrame John T.C. Chu Gary F. Vitale John P. Cohen Robert J. Zoccoli Francis X. Colford, CPA Dean’s Society Jeanne Christie Colford Stephen P. Ellerman Kevin J. Conochan George P. Gurdak Joseph E. Cooney Dennis M. Kierpa Michael J. Derelanko, Ph.D. Rita Larkey Prezioso Helen Rogers Donovan Madeline L. Romeu, O.D., F.A.A.O. Dennis T. Dran Daniel J. Sullivan Ronald Du Bois David A. Virag, CPA Bernadette A. Duncan, Esq. Pavo Society Gloria L. Pardo Fastrup Leonard P. Alfano Patrice E. Fearon Antonio Alosco, D.P.M. William J. Fechtmann, CPA George J. Anderson, Jr. Jane Barrows Finley John A. Anderson ’93 Len Fogge Susan M. Arnone Ronald E. Ford Raymond Barto, Esq. Anthony Forte, Jr. Frank A. Biancola, Esq. Jeanne Neary Freitag Brian Bilinski Theodore Garelick Mary Reddington Blaney Roger Gengaro Joyce Calefati Booth, Esq. Joseph T. Grossi, Jr. Barbara Thorry Borrelli Edward J. Hahn Carmine J. Borrelli Linda Germano Hamill Cynthia Tosatto Harris Peter F. Bozza Gerard Bruno Edward J. Hayden Thomas G. Chiccone, M.D. Dennis W. Healey Barbara Bennett Chipko Joseph A. Henle Stephen J. Chopek Mary Seitz Jantas Ralph C. Citarella Frank D. Karkut Michael A. Colicchio Susan Psak King Christopher M. Comer, Ph.D. Elizabeth Barrett Kline Thomas S. Cosma, Esq. Mary Kritsas Joanne Lillis Curran Robert Larkins Raymond E. Curran Louis A. LaRocca Marta S. De Armas David J. Lewandoski, CPA Vincent L. D’Elia Dennis M. Lormel Marylee Hamilton Madison Marie DeMartino DeLorenzi Michael DiFiore, CPA Mary C. Massa, M.D. Robert J. DiVincenzo Joseph A. Mateo Arlene Roberts Dodge Peter Mattiace Michael L. Dudas Paul A. McAndrew Grace A. Egan Kate McCann McDonald, M.D. Gloria G. Felder Kathleen Moran Andrew T. Filak, Jr. Elizabeth Rooney Murphy Dorothy A. Finkel-Laverty Robert E. Nolan Margaret Heavey FitzGerald Frank V. O’Connell Catherine A. Foddai, Esq. Beth Stevens O’Connor Maria Amato Fricke Peter M. Pizza Michael W. Galasso John J. Pron Justine Dellela Gironda

William F. Regan Gregory P. Konzelman Clare Corbett Goscienski Dennis E. Rhodes Mary Ellen Phelan Kowalski MA Ed ’06 Robert R. Ross Stephani J. Krzysik Joseph T. Goscienski Theresa Girardi Hamilton Martha A. Larkins Michael J. Schiebel Yvonne Hatchett Maria T. Sgambellone Thomas F. Laveglio Thomas P. Herbert Margaret Schak Lemaire Ellen Hearn Short Stephen J. Holinka Stephen T. Skordinski John M. Lisa, CPA Patricia Presa Horan Margarita Sori, Ph.D. Joe Lombardo Arline P. Innis Edward B. Sullivan Sabato J. Lombardo, M.D. Alice Donorovich Keogh Michael D. Sullivan, CPA David J. McCarthy John Kirby Anne M. Tighe, R.N. Mary Ann Jackson Morrone Howard R. Knapp Michael P. Wladich, Jr. Mary Ann Murphy, Esq. Joseph J. Kollar, Jr. Joan A. Yasnikowski Robert J. Pagano Albert A. Kowalski, M.D. Thomas C. Palumbo 1977 Barbara Horn Manger Denise F. Quinn-Hesse Magis Society George J. Marshall Donald L. Ridley Patricia McQuillan Cummings Raymond J. Marszalowicz Elizabeth A. Roedell Charles M. Lizza, Esq. Marjorie G. McCormack Michael Sancilio Eileen Lillis Molino Joan Zadrozny Shields MA Ed ’83 President’s Circle Aldo J. Martinez, Esq. John M. Molino Louis Stancampiano Mary Alice Costello Rippe Stephen J. Napolitano James J. Tierney Charles H. Negraval Tania Vaile President’s Council Richard M. Newton Rita Ryan Wenger Joseph B. Baratta, M.D., FACS Anthony Origlieri, M.D. Richard Wisolmerski Michael J. Castaldi Louis Quaglia John Yashulewicz Michele M. Howe-O’Malley, D.O. Michael A. Raimonde Peter Kenny 1976 Catherine C. Randazzo David G. McIntee, CPA, CVA President’s Circle Aldo Rubano Joanne L. Smith Richard C. Gallagher Lilia Sadoux William F. Sues, Jr. President’s Council John J. Schaefer, Jr. Maureen B. Tart-Bezer David C. Descalzi Richard G. Simmons Dean’s Society Mary E. Kane Kathleen E. Skrupskis Jude Anne Carluccio, Esq. Margaret E. Kenny Karen Gorman Thompson Janette Rizk Caulfield Paul S. Sefjack Alejandrina Torrens John M. Forrest Henry Varacchi Dean’s Society Barbara Lumpuy Haines Hon. Thomas R. Vena Robert W. Duffy, Jr. Pavo Society Michael L. Vicoli Kevin V. Mahoney Kenneth F.X. Albers, Jr. Rosalyn Waters-Maxwell Robert C. Wagner Janice Regina Arnold Magdalena Wiltz, M.D. Pavo Society Rolanda Azic Michele Zingara-Crotty John M. Avagliano Mary Ann Bonilla, M.D. Edward J. Baggs 1975 Mary Beth Baker Boyle Deborah A. Bello, Esq. Robert M. Cabana Founder’s Society Rudolph Bruno, CPA Anthony J. Calabrese Robert A. Cutro Michael Campanelli Anthony L. Capawana Kathleen M. McKenna, Esq. John V. Carney Charles F. Carpenter Joseph A. Vallerini Robert C. Cole Elizabeth McGovern Cronen Catherine Amoroso Wickiewicz Ellen Comey Janice Iuliano Cucco President’s Cabinet Henry J. Dabrowski, Jr., CPA Charlene De Martino J. Paul Schaetzle John F. Dalton III William J. Debiec President’s Council Mark E. Dawson Thomas R. Emerson Michael Caulfield Florida Greco D’Elia James A. Failace Robert Donnelly Donna R. DiNardo Gary V. Ferrari William J. Hill John J. Doolan Manfred Foge Marcus P. Porcelli, M.D. Joseph M. Frodella Michael A. Fondacaro Dean’s Society John M. Furka William T. Gajdzisz Michael P. Boyle, Ph.D. John P. Gallagher, M.D. William R. Glendenning John I. Ciuppa Marianne Gallo Rosemary Sweeney Richard J. Ensor, Esq. Joe Gibson Gousman, Esq. David W. Finn, M.D. Brian E. Gorman Joseph D. Greco, Jr., Esq. Sharon V. Greene, M.D. Edward J. Grace Joseph Guarracino Michael C. Hellriegel Robert W. Harley Eileen P. Heagen Hon. Richard T. Nieto Patricia Flock Hilliard Nilda C. Hernandez William T. Hilliard, Esq. Margaret T. Horan Pavo Society Christopher M. Howard, Esq. Toni-Dara Infante Peter T. Albietz Deborah J. Jindela George Kallert Theresa Mas Alvarez Pamela Cashill Kiss Lizabeth S. Konopka Peter F. Bitwinski David Kreutter, Ph.D. Richard B. Koski Sylvia Bozoyan Karole Johnston Kreutter, Ph.D. Ronald A. Kucenski Thomas J. Butler John V. Laffan Jean Lee Kathleen Reilly Cabana Jeffrey Lahm Michael B. Lee Jacqueline A. Cicchetti Marie Laski Robert Lillis Michael R. Condon, Ph.D. John P. Lewis ’84 Charles Matthews Donald Cozine Anthony Luzzi Michael G. McGuinness Gregory Cucco Henry K. Matak Andrew J. Meyer Arlene F. Cunningham Dennis McGlinchy Pamela T. Miller, Esq. Robert Dachille Patrick W. McGovern, Esq. Marianne Mahoney Neissany Dorothy D’Angelo-Amabile John J. McGuire Ana Diaz Noa Ernesto Garcia Carolyn Merkovsky Joseph A. Noa Paul A. Gerber Margaret P. Mitrane John P. Ostynski Theresa Lehto Gerber Andrew D. Onacilla Margaret McHugh Hagen John M. Palumbo Kathryn Lynch Peiser Michele Barrington Hopkins Michael Pocelinko Jean Marie Pelkowski Juan M. Jimenez Hon. Joan M. Quigley Allen V. Pisani William H. Johnston Randolph M. Riotto Anna Foddai Pocelinko Suzanne Karkut John Signorello Marian Hornung Quaglia Joseph J. Silva Robert G. Kelly



Bruce H. Stanwood Kathleen Linden Stanwood Kenneth Sugrue Joseph M. Szewczuk Mark E. Szycher Vera Taylor Anthony Tortorella Lorraine D. Walsh Carolyn Weisbrod Raymond White

1978 President’s Circle Richard J. Bender Virginia Forrester Bender, Ph.D. President’s Council Dominick S. Cinelli Elaine Fedak Dean’s Society Patrick F. Callahan III Marie A. Giangolano, Esq. Eugene A. Johnson, Jr. Paul L. Shahbazian Debra O’Connell Wagner Pavo Society Andrea Kelly Albers Michael L. Ammerman Lu Ann Constantino Aversa Michael A. Aversa, CPA Raymond R. Berger John J. Cadamatre Robert P. Cerutti Susan Chakey Robert J. Colacurcio Antoinette G. Costa-Zaeh, M.D. Jane M. Kennedy Coutts Vincent M. Cronen Joseph M. Davella Annette Pandolfo DeLuca John J. Dinan Jose I. Fernandez Anthony B. Gentle Cathy D’Alessandro Giancaspro Valerie Grazul Carl E. Jablonski Maureen Keenan Ann Woch Kerda Antoinette Mezzina Koski John J. Longa Paul P. Malecki Richard McCoid Samuel Miller Charles L. Miracola Eileen O’Connor Videtti Ellen J. Palumbo Christopher Pasinski Jose A. Perez Michael Pidich James A. Porcelli Joseph P. Reo William L. Roberts Frank M. Rosner Paul W. Sieber, Esq. Henry A. Smith John A. Tyrrell, D.O. Gregory Weidner Rosemary Wieczorek, M.D.

1979 Magis Society Michael T. Kahrer Francis A. McGrail President’s Cabinet Frank A. D’Amelio Carmel Zampaglione D’Amelio President’s Circle Albert W. Dreisbach III, M.D. President’s Council Terri J. Driscoll Mary Cristantiello Jain Jose A. Juri Ada M. Marin, M.D. Dean’s Society Anna Origlieri Cicirelli, Ed.D. Carmel Galasso

John C. Holoduek, Sr. Theresa Sneyers Shahbazian Kathleen S. Shaver Sharon Reilly Tobin Pavo Society Maurizio M. Agresta, Esq. John E. Baratta, M.D. James F. Begans Delores H. Brown Richard N. Campisano, Esq. Beth M. Castiglia Richard P. Cevasco, Ed.D. Mary Meola Churgin Donna Urban Donaleski Eileen M. Finnegan Carrie Toscano Gennuso Deborah Sheehy Glendenning Sharon Goldstein Eunice Nerbak Hudzik Ruth Krebs Jablonski Rosemary Michalowski Joannidis Robert W. Kelly Michael R. Krolik Rosemarie Mannine Johnna G. Mantineo, D.O. Robert A. Meadus, CIA Vicente Medina, Ph.D. Edward J. Moskal Denise Donovan Mulkern Gerald Spatola O’Connor Thomas M. Olson, Esq. Karen L. Omilian, D.O. Anthony J. Reale Robert K. Reddington Ann Rogalski Regina Francione Terriogo Karen A. Vogelstein Marguerite Walsh Brenda R. Wenning Gilda M. Whipp Denise K. Zevallos

1980 President’s Cabinet Joseph P. Blauvelt President’s Circle Susan Sochinski Martinez President’s Council Ray Menendez, CPA Louis R. Ruvolo ’08 Dean’s Society Bernard W. Cicirelli, Jr. Eugene O. Flinn Pavo Society Gary J. Altomara Laurence Ambrose, M.D. Kevin Begley Michael J. Blasiak Michael F. Calandrillo John Campanioni John P. Carroll Sean M. Connelly, Esq. Carol A. Czajkowski Thomas W. D’Alessio Trudy Bedka Delmonte Lisa Descalzi Lilia Gonzalez Diaz Renee Dombrowski Faithfull Linda Kolodziej Fortus Lynne Anne Foxen Joseph Glembocki Bob Guthrie Leo R. Handerhan, Jr., D.D.S. Franklyn D. Hemmings Michael Iannacone Diane Shoup Julius John J. Julius Joanne Kaiser-Smith, D.O. Marilyn Sluka Kelly Robert Kerber John Lello Peter Lensky Julia F. Lomba Denise M. Mammolito, M.D.

Adele Polli Mase William G. McDevitt, Jr. Delores Melvin Cynthia A. Mulligan, Psy.D. Patrick Nalbach Norach Rodriguez Orrico Dorothy A. Paolucci Julia M. Pate Joseph C. Piperato John J. Plesniarski, CPA Michael F. Polise, M.D. Barbara Gonzalez Potts Reinier Potts Bart Quentzel, Esq. Linda Roselle Janet Bodnar Saltarelli Robert T. Saltarelli Rita A. Serock Jane Vargas William S. Vasvary William W. Waldy, Jr. Linda Sosulski Zindle

1981 President’s Cabinet Donna Falconcino Blauvelt President’s Circle Ann M. Bleach President’s Council Frank Garcia Francisco J. Varela Dean’s Society Jay P. Baratta Gary R. Buesser David P. Caulfield Claire DiDomenico Lisa R. Lattuca, Ph.D. Maryellen Lavin, Ph.D. James F. Leen Pavo Society Edward T. Blicharz Mary J. Carille Frank Colucci John G. Colucci, D.M.D. Michele Coniglio Patrick DeCotiis Patrick J. DiSanto Vivian G. Dupree Brian E. Early Valerie Koerber Egan Maureen F. Finnegan Donald Gurry Zenobia S. Harris Judith C. Keilp, Esq. Noreen Kearns Laplaski John M. Lillis Jose Luis Lopez William Mateo William A. McGowan Greg Melofchik Michael J. Muller, Esq. John A. Mustillo Bernadette Haggerty Olson Anthony J. Orrico, D.M.D. Katarina Sag Prais Jerrilyn Oliva Raczynski James G. Rizzo Anthony O. Ruggieri Omayra Sanabria Michael P. Scanlon Thomas Joseph Scollan III Nina Seelbinder Susan M. Suros Michael F. Szalecki, CPA Beth Tormey Vivian Vazquez Verhelle Joanne Desantis Vernon Doris Wojciechowski

1982 Founder’s Society Bartholomew Erbach President’s Cabinet Lucy M. Sardella-Lawrence

Dr. Theresa Zesiewicz-Staffetti, M.D. President’s Council Martin J. Boyle Marilyn Grebin Dean’s Society Dore Ann Celentano Baratta Kevin M. Schaffert Pavo Society Ellen Gerweck Amon Odalys Arencibia Elia Biancardi Elizabeth James Blumetti Jay D. Bovasso Patricia Ann Burke Kevin P. Burkly Denise Carbone Caulfield Robert Coghlan Ann Marie Colasurdo Diana Mazza Curtis Mark C. Curtis, Esq. Mary Ellen Frank DeCotiis Alfredo Delcastillo Lucille A. Dinan Vincent J. Donatacci Lt. Col. Thomas I. Fitzpatrick, USA (Ret.) Milagros R. Garcia-Sobryan MaryJo Nitting Griese Katherine Dziewic Hixson Patricia A. Howlett Janice P. Kidney Anita Shields Kinsella Brian McCarthy, Ph.D. Victor Paparazzo Toni A. Petrozelli-Demaria Jeffrey Procanik William Roman Debra Marra Rucki Emily T. Ruffing Joseph Sandford Denise A. Schroepfer Mark E. Severino Saul R. Umanzor Amita Vadlamudi Colleen Walsh Robert G. Weinel Thomas Wurst Mary Zerbo

1983 President’s Circle Kevin P. Guckian Mark G. Kahrer Glenn Lockwood President’s Council Fred Nitting, Jr., CPA Anne M. Ronan, Esq. Dean’s Society Catherine M. Carnevale John P. Krotulis, CPA Pavo Society Guy V. Amoresano, Esq. Marie E. Berge Enid Bickram MaryAnne T. Brauner Barbara A. Capozzi Donna Schmitt Chambers Elaine Mauro Cigolini Diana M. Corcoran Madeleine L. Coyra Joanna Lewandoski Crosby Eileen D’Alessio Debra Dimoplon Matthew Doherty George L Fumero Gerard T. Glynn Neldan Jurjevic Donald Kameno Thomas E. Kilkenny, M.D. Walter G. Lezynski Richard J. Macon George J. Madden William R. Marshall

Patrick J. McNamara, Jr. Joseph A. Michalik Gines Milara Barbara Grabowski Perz Regina Plesniarski Anna Ricciardelli Ermina Gonzalez Santaguida Keith Scala Vincent Sciancalepore Michael S. Shuhala, Esq. Ted A. Vittas Maria Waszczynsky Yvonne W. Watkins John W. Westervelt Mark D. Wintjen

1984 President’s Council Annette Radoslovich Corbin Stephen M. Kozuch, Esq. Michelle Incognito Nitting Dean’s Society Maria D’Martino MBA ’90, MA Ed ’98 Kathleen Gillespie Krotulis Andrew J. Lenza Catherine M. McCabe Susan Costello Nelson Pavo Society Rosemary Lombardo Chiricolo Kathleen M. Craffey Tinamarie M. Ferrara Alfred M. Fiume, D.M.D. Ann Marie Gillespie Edward J. Halter Marilyn D. Hart Dennis J. Hayden George J. Horan Michael T. Kearns, Esq. Karen A. Kelly JoAnne Luccarelli Maureen M. Lyons-Brennan Annamarie Malachi Louis Marchese Frank Martineau Mary E. McCarthy Marie S. Melli Irene Tsamutalis Moreira Robert A. Oberkehr Maureen E. O’Brien Colleen T. O’Dea Barbara A. Przekop Gina M. Reo Jewel R. Shivers Mark Smith Vera Colangelo Westervelt Ellen McAlary Wisolmerski Peter Zanone

1985 Magis Society Jorge B. Gomez Dean’s Society Shawn M. Doherty Ann Marie Conheeney Forrest Hernan L. Medina Pavo Society Jorge Bello Doreen Catanio-Doyle, CPA Anne Cerchio Elizabeth M. Chanfrau Carmine Conti Lt. Col. Robert E. Downes Michael D. Falduto Joseph F Gerdes Eric J. Hulsen Anna Cerbone Keegan Geraldine S. Kern Barbara Matuszek Marchitto James N. Menendez Michael Meyers Susan Preziosa Catherine Pugliese-Sivo Wayne R. Ricigliano Michael P. Rossano

Wilfred S. Royer, Ph.D. Thomas J. Sivo Robert J. Suchocki, Sr. Kathleen Tomney Jude G. Tummillo Idalina Valente

1986 Magis Society Eleni Pashalidis Gomez President’s Cabinet Toni Ann Turco President’s Circle Noreen D. Heath-Beaman, CPA President’s Council Kathleen M. Cehelsky, Esq. Dean’s Society Orlando M. Esposito Patricia Deley Kilkenny Patricia H. Kontje Jeff L’Hote Pavo Society Carol L. Berthold Stephen T. Cappitelli Michael J. Corsi, CPA Donald A. Delgrosso Mary Gibney Doherty Sandra Dran Susan Flannery Christopher J. Gill Ann M. Gurney Yvonne Hogan Michael T. Kozar Anthony J. Marchitto Edward Mascher Robin A. Newman, Esq. Mary Lou Obermayer Curt J. Philipczak, CPA Lisa Scalia Lisa A. Szalankiewicz Belkys B. Tejedor Debra A. Tyler Joanne Wagner

1987 President’s Circle Cosmo Vacca ’04 President’s Council Eileen M. Lynch Dean’s Society Patricia A. Berry Pavo Society Carolyn Penaskovic Bauer Kerry A. McGovern Brennan Mary A. Carroll, R.N. Sarah Higgins Colgan Charlotte E. Fallon Peter G. Farrell, Esq. Michael A. Gabel, CPA Mary Rita Gannon Lisa M. Gizzi Garza Elizabeth M. Henry Patricia Mezzina Hulsen Gerardette A. Iovino ’95 John T. Irvine Gerard P. Jablonski Aline A. Lauzon Colleen A. McCrea Joan M. McDonough Michael J. McGinn Lauren A. Meadus Joseph J. Mernar Anthony Robiolio Roman A. Sukiennik Colleen Rush Szefinski Chris E. Vericker Marta Costanzo Youth

1988 President’s Council Maryanne Armelino Menendez Dean’s Society Anthony R. Romano




Pavo Society Anita R. Alexander Judith T. Bozza G. Jean Braden Junita E. Brodie Elizabeth D’Elia Bruno Barbara Lillis DeMarco Gina Fortunato-Gehan Gail P. Godesky Michelle Gallagher Harrigan Timothy P. Harrigan Suzanne Dewhurst Honan Karen Forrester Larkin Maureen P. Lyons Ann L. McEvily Brenda S. Payne Christopher Pelletier Dawn M. Signorile Thomas Valente Dauphine A. Williams

1989 President’s Circle Stephen V. Falanga, Esq. Eileen T. Smyth Pavo Society Regina Daibes Arfuso Kevin N. Buterbaugh, Ph.D. Louis F. Carreiro Eileen McGarvey Gill Robert D. Hofmann Barbara Ann Jordan-Smith Nancy Lanfrank Jan J. Marose-Swiszcz Maryann E. Mattessich John M. McDevitt Gail E. Neilan Kirk C. Nelson Irene Zapisek Saxe Lionel Q. Suarez

1990 Founder’s Society Margaret Conway Erbach President’s Circle Michael P. McGrath Dean’s Society Lucia M. Passante Pavo Society Kenneth P. Comandatore Marc J. Crawford Ralph H. De la Cruz Timothy A. Gallagher Michael A. Iannaccone Cheryl Barrett Jablonski Linda A. Jurusz John S. Kinsella Michael F. Lattmann Kathleen Lillis Magnus Michael F. McDowell David Morano Jacqueline Jankowski O’Shaughnessy, Ph.D. Michael J. Samra, Sr. Arthur J. Scrivani, Jr. Delpha M. Snow Scott E. Tuzzo

1991 Magis Society Elizabeth Viray Santos Robb Santos President’s Circle William T. Price III Fausto Rotundo, CPA President’s Council Kenneth Moore Rose R. Perry Dean’s Society Thomas F. Blunda Matthew J. McNeilly Pavo Society Joseph J. Barbieri David A. Bryngil 30

Milton A. Fuentes, Psy.D. Daniel S. Konieczko Roslyn Lieberman Felicitas D. Nagayo Liz O’Connor Michael E. O’Shaughnessy, Jr. Mirtha Perez Rebull Dorothy H. Stahl Tom J. Zimmermann

1992 Magis Society Anthony O. Pergola, Esq. President’s Council John W. Gogarty Dean’s Society Jane F. Durkin Pavo Society Patricia A. Antonellis, R.N. Mary Mahon Carfagno Peter G. Carfagno Marc A. Cosgrove Gloria C. Delfico Mary Ellen DeMartini Kathryn A. DiGiovanni Dennis A. Drake II Kathleen Owings Kaderabek Sean M. Kane, Esq. Karen Campbell Mahoney, Esq. Renee Miller Anna M. Neves Laura Diana Pekata Edward F. Schneider Urmil S. Shah Corey Edward Taylor Jean M. Vitti Carol A. Weatherall

1993 President’s Council Helen E. Carroll Dean’s Society Mary DiNardo Pavo Society Anna Evangelista Buchsbaum Margaret McGarvey Czarkowski Anna DiMeo Jennifer M. Dunn Susan Schlatmann Harris Karina I. Maleski Jerry Milsap Jill Serafin Pineiro John Corry Short Danielle Toglia

1994 Magis Society Maureen Lemke Pergola Pavo Society Daniel L. Buchsbaum Patricia A. Byrnes-Seneca Christine Pane Diaz Henrietta T. Dwyer ’06 Jennifer Petriello Eng Elcy T. Mathew

1995 President’s Council Mary M. Lowenburg Ryba Dean’s Society Jean Gardner O’Rourke Pavo Society Jennifer R. Aitken Terry J Gray Michael D. Horrigan Laura Ingrassia Leslie A. McHale Anthony M. Noone Richard T. Ranft Debra T. Sopelsa Maria D. Tamburro Thomas N. Tamburro Josephine Tighe David R. Tomkins Natalane Williams



Dean’s Society Mary Laracy McCabe ’99 Pavo Society Rosemary E. Ampuero Anna R. Andriola Merrian A Bianculli Paul J. Brignola, Jr. Irene Cannizzaro Florentina Edelmann Patricia C. Fromholtz Clare Gorek Marianne Hans Barbara W. Isenberg Patrice D. Murtha Jack A. Palazzo Joseph T. Pergola Cheryl M. Reed

Young Alumni President’s Council James P. Conway Christina Fullam Jose L. Lopez, Ph.D. Joshua A. Schrier, Ph.D. Pavo Society William A. Calise Anna Czuprynski Roberta De Marchi Michael F. Greco Mark Kucharski Vanessa C. Lontoc Linda R. Maslanka-Duffy Janet McClouden Robert L. Ruple, Jr. Joshua R. Snyder Judith Story Jack Truehaft, Jr. Jeanette M. Wilmanski

1997 President’s Circle Justin D. McKeon President’s Council Crystal L. Howard John T. Sullivan, Esq. Dean’s Society Brian McCabe ’04 Pavo Society Michael M. Abatemarco, Esq. Jennifer K. Crowley Antonio De Bellonia Christian Garing Fadia Joseph Julie Schaffert Mule Daksha Patel Jaime A. Reyes Jayne T. Rizzo

1998 President’s Council Ashling Lyons Ehrhardt Lauren Policastro Sullivan Dean’s Society Christopher P. Harrison Pavo Society Rose Marie A. Bauer Estelle Bryk Robert Censullo Nila T. De La Rosa Dennis C. Degnan, Ed.D. Alina M. Diaz Lynette C. Downey Alex Drummond Ross Errazo Irene Goudelis Eileen A. Hannaford Ogonna Orjiekwe, D.M.D. John Sica Capt. Stephen K. Trynosky, Jr., USA Michael J. Wirth, CPA John L. Wiseburn Michele Zuber

1999 Dean’s Society Loraine Kolibas Buitrago Mark A. Buitrago, CPA Paul A. Laracy, Esq. Pavo Society Constance R. Abate Jennifer A. Angeles Willola M. Ashley Richard A. Bielen Catherine Cassidy Vinod K. Kachroo Matthew B. Klarmann ’04 Sandrine C. Lejeune-Kravitz Joanne D. Nebab Shannon Sullivan Pullaro Richard J. Raschdorf Sean Torpey Ingrid M. Torres

2001 Young Alumni President’s Council Francis M. Drummond ’03 John P. Nelson, Jr. Pavo Society Andrew Bugliaro Arlene Alegre Chin Barbara A. Dolan Jose C. Felix Anthony J. Galindo Victor M. Gonzalez, Esq. Macsu A. Hill Malikah T. Hines Lisa M. Jones Michelle M. Juarbe Patricia Orlak Doris Santiago, R.N. Diana P. Sardella Budd J. Scheffler Robert Schumeyer Cynthia Sonzogni Charles Voorhees Donna Wittek

2002 Young Alumni President’s Council Steven Llanes Ereni A. Roess Pavo Society Terrence A. Benton Doris Bresnowitz Roderick H. Brown Anna M. Buontempo, Esq. Joseph Carvajal Josephine L. Cipriano ’06 Nicholas A. D’Amore Catherine M. Garbarini Robert J. Graham Frank J. Infante Brian M. Keenan Robert L. Kravitz Mark C. Navarro Alberto C. Nunes Mark A. Saad

2003 Young Alumni President’s Council Robert M. Carney, Sr. ’08 Pavo Society Maria D. Aala Melissa S. Campoverde Joan M. Carpenter Alex Gonzalez John J. Hallanan III Robert Heske Monica A. Ivankovic Victoria Kitsakis Caroline Kornutik Charles S. Lassiter James E. Meehan Stephen J. Michlik James F. Milon Kathleen M. O’Dougherty Joseph P. Shea

Michael Simone Alice M. Terrell Frederick P. Veltri Nicole E. Washington Alexander P. Wender Anthony D. Zitz

2004 Young Alumni President’s Council Timothy Brennan John R. Hack Christopher Henry Pavo Society Muhammad Ashraf Alex W. Bogaenko Edward T. Gale Belinda E. Mays-Stokes Katherine McCormack Thomas R. Papaleo Colleen D. Smith

2005 Young Alumni President’s Council Anonymous Leah M. Leto Pavo Society Patricia J. August Blair Y. Bailey Jenny Buontempo Leah E. Capece, Esq. Lawrence J. Castrovinci, Jr. Richard R. Corbett Andrea M. Freeman Christen M. Furka Keri C. Orange Diana Ragusa Clayton C. Staton Wanda R. Stevenson James C. Stokes Christopher Tacopino

2006 Young Alumni President’s Council Michael J. Bruno Rose Marie Cunningham Donna A. Furina Aimee D. Raganit Rabia Sattaur Pavo Society Melba G. Blanco Diane C. Di Staulo Raymond E. Downs Nikos Eleftherakos Peter D. Ilich Christopher J. Kresge Vincent Lee Stephanie A. Panzariello Joseph J. Pavlica, Jr. Winifred A. Sanchez Kunal Seojatan ’09 Christine Zappella Simone Susan J. Tegtmeier

2007 Young Alumni President’s Council Niekel Griffith Niurka E. Mederos Billy Joe L. Mercado Joseph V. Mulvanerton Pavo Society Nora J. Connolly Leo J. Dandes John W. Durando Brian A. Gajewski Jose A. Gallego Tiffany Hammonds Viergela Jerome Martin Nikolov Richard Roman Joseph K. Szaro

2008 Young Alumni President’s Council Nicholas W. Barcheski Geoffrey Daly Colleen A. Dziedzic

BOARD OF TRUSTEES Kathleen M. McKenna, Esq. ’75, Chairman Joseph P. Parkes, S.J., Vice Chair Susan U. Bredehoft ’74 Thomas D. Carver, Esq. ’58, H ’08 Bernard W. Cicirelli, Jr. ’80 Annette D. Corbin ’84 Eugene J. Cornacchia, Ph.D., ex officio William J. Cozine ’60 James J. Daly, Esq. ’59 Alfa Melesse Demmellash H ’10


Robert J. Goldstein ’60, ’06 Gary Michael Gurtler, S.J. James F. Keenan, S.J., H ’06 Robert G. Lahita, M.D., Ph.D. ’67 Thomas P. Mac Mahon ’68 Raymond C. Maguire, M.D. ’58 M. Brian Maher HA ’07 Michael Massey ’10 Francis A. McGrail ’79 Pamela T. Miller, Esq. ’77

J. Donald Monan, S.J. Fred Nitting, Jr., CPA ’83 Joseph A. Panepinto, Esq. ’66 Sharon A. Pastore ’73 Anthony O. Pergola, Esq. ’92 Robert E. Reiser, S.J. Madeline L. Romeu, O.D., F.A.A.O. ’74 Ralph R. Russo ’70 Peter G. Stewart, Esq. ’63 Vincent Sullivan, S.J.

Toni Ann Turco ’86 Kathleen A. Tyrrell, Esq. ’73 Elnardo Webster, Ed.D. ’69 Trustees Emeriti John Murray ’57, H ’02 Patricia Q. Sheehan H ’77 Francis G. Ziegler ’63


Alissa R. Giordano-Di Scala Kaloyan N. Hristov Jeffrey W. Kane Vladimir D. Kostadinov John P. Mannion Tosin Oyekunle Robert A. Raffaele Kamen Z. Stoykov Carol M. Tyler Pavo Society Brian Bodnar Maria M. Castro

Joseph K. Cheung Boryana Dimitrova Joseph A. Galbo Michael T. Garvey Daniel L. Gubelli Emily Haynam Sandra D. Horvat Enuma E. Menkiti Dianne Militano Blanca D. Quinde Susana Roman Karen J. Taglieri

Michael J. Vallejo

2009 Young Alumni President’s Council Rory C. Dahill Lisa M. Flick Conrad P. Habijan Katrina S. Luckenbach Jennifer S. Savoca Rachel A. Slaiman Katherine A. Swierad

Pavo Society Sobakin O. Akinronbi Sheron D. Eng Poonam B. Kapadia Martin Knezevic Susan Mascolo Deirdre Power Daniel C. Van Horn

2010 Senior Class Gift Class of 2010 Jenny E. Campbell

Kaitlin Ensor Mark Harrington Jacob Hayden Jennifer M. Johnson Michael C. Massey Jonathan Matamoros Allison Reddington Lucas Simko-Bednarski Jacqueline Simone Sonia Singh † Denotes Deceased

COLLEGE COMMUNITY & FRIENDS COLLEGE COMMUNITY Magis Society The Jesuits of Saint Peter’s College President’s Cabinet Anonymous Eugene & AnnMarie Cornacchia Eileen L. Poiani, Ph.D. Marylou Yam, Ph.D. President’s Circle Guy A. Abrahamson Virginia Forrester Bender, Ph.D. ’78 Aldo J. Martinez, Esq. ’77 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Simone, Jr. President’s Council Jenny E. Campbell ’10 Robert M. Carney, Sr. ’03, ’08 Michael A. Fazio Henry F. Harty, Jr., Ed.D. ’61 Joyce M. Henson, Ph.D. William A. Knapp, Jr. ’68 Bernard F. McNeilly ’60 Catherine M. Mernar Kenneth Payne Louis R. Ruvolo ’80, ’08 Dean’s Society Anna Origlieri Cicirelli, Ed.D. ’79 Ana M. Cravo Mary DiNardo ’93 James M. Kiernan ’60 Jerome G. Kotch ’69 Jose L. Lopez, Ph.D. ’00 Gloria Mercurio Anthony P. Sciarrillo, Ed.D. Pavo Society Paul W. Almonte Robert J. Armbruster ’63 Edward J. Baggs ’76 Sissy Berberick Ronald Becker ’73 Edson Black Patricia A. Blanco Joseph W. Brauner, Ph.D. Jamie Bredehoft Junita E. Brodie ’88 Kathleen Brough, CPA Maryann J. Bruno David A. Bryngil ’91 Lori A. Buza Robert C. Christie ’71 Karen D. Connolly

John E. Dabney II ’72 Nila T. De La Rosa ’98 Richard E. Del Boccio ’61 Joseph A. DeSciscio ’67 Diane C. Di Staulo ’06 Kathryn A. DiGiovanni ’92 Harold J. Doherty ’63 Jennifer M. Dunn ’93 Elaine Esposito Crescenzo G. Fonzo Matthew V. Fung, Ph.D. Donna A. Furina ’06 Joe Giglio Alissa R. Giordano-Di Scala ’08 John E. Hammett III, Ed.D. John J. Hampton, Ph.D. Marianne Hans ’96 Monica A. Ivankovic ’03 Fadia Joseph ’97 Elizabeth A. Kane Mary Kinahan-Ockay Robert L. Kravitz ’02 Sarah Lacz Leah M. Leto ’05 Herman Lieberman Consuelo A. Lorenzo Meredith MacDonald Lorraine McConnell Frank McCue Irene C. McEachen, Ed.D. Mark Medina Peter J. Midgley Jeffrey Monacelli Sharon T. Morrissey Edward J. Moskal ’79 Marianne Mahoney Neissany ’77 David Orenstein Robert J. Pagano ’75 Anna Stephanou Panayiotou ’72 Lauren Pantano Terence Peavy Claudia Pope-Bayne Geraldine H. Price Shannon Sullivan Pullaro ’99 Sheila J. Rabin, Ph.D. Raymond R. Rainville Patricia A. Redden, Ph.D. Gina M. Reo ’84 Wilfred S. Royer, Ph.D. ’85 Sally V. Sancho Doris Santiago, R.N. ’01 Joan Zadrozny Shields ’75, MA Ed ’83

Walter Dukiet Marilyn Haggerty Kristen O’Grady Colin Rigby, Family & Friends Mrs. Joseph F. Spaltro President’s Council Anonymous Robert Auletta Chris Boehmcke James Bondra Kevin Cahill, M.D. Anne Cehelsky Barbara A. Chryst HA ’99 Mary Higgins Clark H ’93 Carolann Clynes Mrs. Richard F. Connors Benjamin & Barbara Denihan George A. Dunn, Jr. FRIENDS Adrian M. Foley, Jr., Esq., H ’96 1872 Society Maiya Furgason Anthony V. Bastardi & Marilyn P. Bastardi Patricia K. Griffin-Koch Hon. Frank J. Guarini H ’94 Etoile R. Heavey Mrs. James S. Lyons Founder’s Society Rocco J. Marano, Esq. Alice S. Bolger Mrs. William P. Maresca Mrs. Albert W. Dreisbach, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Martalus Joan Fiumefreddo Robert I. Miskell Alice M. Hagan Mrs. Thomas G. Moran Mary Lou Jaroschak † Maureen F. Murray M. Brian Maher HA ’07 Anthony M. Natelli Mary Morrison Sean M. Pattwell Magis Society Hermann K. Platt, Ph.D. The Cornerford Family Michelle & Steven Powell Francis & Maura Comerford Thomas Powell Kevin A. Cummings Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Sakata Barbara E. Henderson Susan M. Scerbo Laura & James Hirschmann Thomas P. Sculco Jacqueline Sferra Rada John Shea Susan M. Russo Jacqueline Simone Andrea M. Ziegler Edward J. Smith President’s Cabinet Mary Warlikowski Christy K. Burke Dean’s Society Mrs. James A. Cardiello Stephen Aluotto Andrew Conrad, Ph.D. Mr. & Mrs. David A. Herbst Mrs. Robert M. Cassidy Michael J. Comerford Robert L. Marcalus H ’96, HA ’06 Virginia H. Moriarty John J. Cryan Gail A. DiNapoli Carolyn Murray David Dines, M.D. Deborah & Frank Powell Ann Doyle Caroline H. Rozzi Joseph H. Feinberg, M.D. Anne D. Whalen Mr. & Mrs. John J. Ferguson President’s Circle Ellen Hearn Short ’76 Diane E. Snyder, Ph.D. ’73 Anna M. Stacey Catherine Surdovel, Ed.D. ’69 David Surratt Colleen Rush Szefinski ’87 Richard M. J. Thurston, Ph.D. Anthony Tortorella ’77 Ann Tritak, Ed.D., R.N. Ruth Vazquez Valery Vyatkin Ronald D. Waack ’65 John M. Walsh, Ph.D. ’68 Lois A. Williams Jeanette M. Wilmanski, Ph.D. ’00 WeiDong Zhu, Ph.D.

Bernard M. Flynn & Ann M. Flynn Carol Forte Hon. Marie L. Garibaldi H ’93 Lowell Harwood Frank & Pauline Lang Margaret B. Laracy Katrina Llanes Patrick F. McCormack Carmela Migliorino Mrs. Guy Natelli Charles & Eugenia O’Shea Catherine-Marie & Todd Pettengill Mr. & Mrs. Scott W. Reynolds Mary Ruth Ring Andres Sardinas Kenneth J. Schultz Mrs. Stephen L. Strong Mrs. John L. Tierney Mark A. Tomasik Josef Tuazon Pavo Society Howard M. Aison Douglas & Mary Allvine Marco & Evelyn Alvarado Albina Andrisani Dorothy & Edward Archambault Sandra Ayala Maria Bachynsky Louis Baduini Mrs. Ernest J. Baker Mark Baratta Edward J. Barboni Susan J. Barone Lileth A. Basteani Drew J. Bauman, Esq. Ruth G. Bedford Gerry Bellotti Carmencita Bengzon Donald & Denise Berberich William Bergstrom Judith R. Berkowitz William A. Bernardo Thomas & Hannah Betts Thomas & Cheryl Bishop Anthony Bissell Carol Blazejowski Francis J. Blee Mr. & Mrs. John P. Blessington Thomas R. Block Mafalda Bludgus Genevieve Borawski 31

COLLEGE COMMUNITY AND FRIENDS Thomas P. Bouma Robert L. Boyle Floyd & Helen Bragg Roger A. Brandell Caryl & Howard Bremer Dr. John Brodsky Jennifer & Michael Brower John Brown Mark & Margaret Buckley Robert & Veronica Buob Francis A. Burhman Mrs. Burke Richard & Joan Burt Brad Butash Marior Butler Mr. & Mrs. Daniel W. Byles Virgilio & Nery Cabello Charlotte A. Cafone Lisa S. Cahill, Ph.D. & Lawrence R. Cahill, Esq. Ana B. Calcodo Mrs. Gerald F. Callahan, Jr. Audrey Calligy Doris F. Campbell Jose Cano Virginia Caparro-Handley Michael A. Capuano Aaron & Patti Ann Carbone Frederick & Genevieve Carey William & Diane Carey Mr. & Mrs. Frank Carnevale Dr. & Mrs. William T. Carrington, Jr. Lucy Case Michael J. Cassista John V. Caulfield Linda Chagaris Peter D. Christopoulos & Cheryl Christopoulos Joseph Chuman John & Sandra Cicero Mrs. Gregory P. Cinnella Margaret Clancy Mary Jane B. Clark Arlene Clarke Christine G. Clarke Thomas Cleary Edward & Janet Collins Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Collinson Thomas & Donna Colloton Marian Conover Margaret & Richard Copeman Ronald Cordero Maria A. Correia Daniel & Joanne Corsaro Anthony J. Costantini Mrs. William D. Costigan, Sr. Mrs. Dennis M. Coughlin James & Sarah Courtney Gary & Donna Covington William Cowper Mrs. James J. Craffey, Jr. Alyson & Douglas Craig Dr. & Mrs. Richard D. Cummings Ouida & Terrence Curry Barbara Dachowski Dominick D’Agosta Jane & John Dalton Elizabeth Danese Mr. & Mrs. John J. Darocki Edward J. De Fazio, Esq. Mrs. Louis G. De Lia Mrs. Chris Degheri Maryann Deleo Mr. & Mrs. Anthony DelFino Anthony & Karen Delle Donne Samuel R. DeLuca, Esq. Douglas A. DeMeo Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. DeMeo Robert Dennis Grace Depompo Roger & Irene DeVos Katherine R. Dick Elaine & Michael Digiacinto Mr. & Mrs. James J. Dillon James Divine & Garnett Nichols 32


Pasquale G. D’Martino Bishop Thomas Donato Mrs. John P. Donohue Gerard & Carol Donovan George J. Duke Jonathan S. Dunberg George P. Dunn Elaine Dwyre Jo-Anne Edwing Kelly Eisenhauer-Marotti Edward Eltzholtz Karen Ernst Beth Ettensohn Eric & Aileen Ettensohn Frank R. Ettensohn Carlton J. Evans Mary Evans Thomas A. Evans Jane F. Fair Virgilio Fajardo Eileen Falanga-Corcoran Eleanor Fazzi Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Fernandez Steven & Maureen Ferraro Debra Ferrigno Kimberly M. Field Ralph & Matilda Fields Fiolek Family Jeffrey L. Fitzgerald Michael Fitzpatrick George E. Frakes James B. Frakes Liz Frakes Gregory & Debra Freeman Bridget H. Furrevig Sebastian & Helen Gaeta Johanna Galasso Peter Gallagher Felix & Lourdes Garcia Frank & Mari Garcia Gertrude & Rudolf Gassner Mr. & Mrs. Glenn E. Gaston William Gaughan Sally & Thomas Gehl Robert & Jane Gerken Charles Germain Annie Giambalvo Peter & Ruth Gibbs Robert Gibson Lylliam Gil Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth G. Gill Patrick J. Gilmore Gene & Judy Giuriceo Mrs. Philip M. Gogarty Yvette Goldman Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Gonnello Reinaldo & Liduvina Gonzalez Ricardo J. Gonzalez Donald & Dorothy Gordon Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gorman Francis Grant Guy J. Graziano, Sr. Carroll A. Grece Dianne M. Green Robert A. Green Ann Griffin Mr. & Mrs. Clarence H. Griffin Richard & Sheryl Guss Mr. & Mrs. John J. Gutch Charles Gwinnett Jacqueline & Paul Hanway Martin W. Hargrave Gail Harrington Rhoda Harris Diane C. Hartmann Linda Hartsox Thomas Hayden Nancy Healey George & Mariette Heavey Jean & Thomas Herrington Mr. & Mrs. John P. Hester Charles M. Heverly Jeanne Hofmann Steven Hofmann ShaVonne Honor

Mary Horgan Richard Horigan Edgar Hoyos Jean Hulse-Hayman B F. Hyduke & Dorothy Hyduke Elizabeth V. Iderstine Thomas F. Igoe Jacqueline & Roy Imhoff Elizabeth Ives Patricia E. Jago Ann James Jose Jimenez Denise M. Johnson Jennifer M. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Jones Anne D. Joseph Andrew & Marcia Kalfas Frank Kane Mrs. Patrick E. Kane Mark Kapfer Luz Kaulfers Kenneth Keegan James F. Keenan, S.J., H ’06 John P. Keilp Louise Kelleher Delano Kimbrough Donald W. Kimmick, Ph.D. Audrey M. Kirchgessner Mary Ann Sullivan Kofoed Lorraine Koll Amelia J. Koster J M. Kozik Kenneth J. Kuk Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth F. Kunzman Barbarann & Dennis Kwasnik Loretta & Salvatore La Corte Frank & Mary Lacava Silvio Laccetti Lance R. Lacey Phyllis Lager Enid LaGesse Katherine & Lawrence Lang Carolyn Taby Larkins Kenneth & Susan Leifer Edward & Jami Levy Pod Alex & Jesa Llanera Anna M. Lonnborg Cynthia & Leonard Lovullo Kevin & Margaret Lynch Barbara & Patrick Lynch William M. Lynch Joseph & Marybeth Macaluso David & Ellen Mactas Mrs. Thomas P. Mahon J. J. Malone Howard Maltzman Neal Manchester Dean & Wendy Mancini Anna L. Manfredi Matthew Mangan Thomas & Wanda Mangan Ms. Patricia E. Manning Antonio & Maria Marmora Jordanne Martin Norma Martin Ramon Martinez Ralph & Emily Martino Robert Marx, M.D. Jonathan Matamoros John & Marjory Mazziotta John & Carol Mc Gee Mary S. McConville Sr. Alice K. McCoy, O.P., H ’88 Helen McCrory Brian & Lucille McCue Sr. Maeve McDermott H ’95 Andrea McDonagh Michael & Ann McGann Charlotte A. McGlinchy John McGlinchy Elizabeth McGovern Marie T. McKellar Mrs. Joseph E. McMahon Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. McMenamy Meghan C. McMenamy

Michael & Rosa Meehan Eileen & William Merkent Frank & Susan Migliorino Claudia L. Morales Eileen Moran Anthony & Maureen Morisano Barry & Noreen Moross Anna E. Morris James & Susan Mulders Eileen H. Murphy Anne & Thomas Murray William & Kathryn Murtha Mrs. George E. Myer Philip Myers John Nagle Patricia U. Ndubueze Mrs. Charles O. Nelson Mrs. Joseph M. Nestor Arthur F. Newcombe Aud & Helge Nordtveit Dorothy & James Norton Thomas & Sally O’Brien Helen C. O’Connell Heather O’Kieffe Lelie Olson & Mark Olson Mrs. Thomas M. O’Mara Milagras Ortiz Marilyn A. Outwater Sharon Paolo Joseph P. Parkes, S.J. Melinda & Scott Parsons Helen Paster Irene Paster John Payuno Edward & Mary Louise Pearce Jeffrey & Rose Pearson James A. Pegolotti, Ph.D. Frederick Pellon Margaret Pellon James & Donna Perez George & Gail Perrotta Rudy Persaud Michael & Elizabeth Peters Candy Petzold James F. Phair Craig & Cheryl Phillips Jerry & Ruth Piscitelli Gregory T. Policano Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Power Patricia Prentice Albert & Joan Previte Anthony & Virginia Previte Joseph & Gail Previte Peter J. Previte Mark & Kathleen Price Norman Price Mr. & Mrs. William T. Price, Jr. Alicia Principe Lucille Priolo Ursula Quinn Mary R. Randal Harry Randall, Jr. Henry & Joan Rauch Mary Readdy Douglas A. Reagan Mr. & Mrs. John Reeves Harold & Virginia Reid John J. Reilly, Jr. John & Deborah Reilly Mary E. Reilly Robert E. Reiser, S.J. Edward Reiss Paul & Beverly Reiter Frank Reitter John E. Restrepo Elizabeth Reyes Barbara Reynolds Lorette T. Richer Sonia C. Rincon Angel A. Rivera Carlos Robalino Charles & Jane Rolph Gloria M. Rorro William & Mary Rossy Elden Roush

Louis A. Ruberton, Jr. Thomas Ruehle Mr. & Mrs. James F. Ryan, Jr. Patricia M. Rygiel Giusto & Matilde Saliceti Stacee Samuel Brianne Sardoni Mrs. James X. Sattely George & Margaret Schaberg Bob & Patricia Schieffer Jean E. Schmidt Charles B. Schroeder June C. Schwenn Richard L. Seltzer, Esq. Luiz G. Serra Arenas Nicholas Setteducato Kenneth & Susan Shevlin Robert Siegel John & Linda Sikorski Alfred & Roslynn Silverman Ellen Simko Robert & Daile Singletary Mary Sive Richard Skribner Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Ronald Smith Steven E. Smith Carol & Joseph Solanto Diane & Donald Sommerville Tracy L. Soriano Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Spratt Mr. & Mrs. William A. Stein Steven Stenavage Bradley J. Stockwell Christopher J. Stokes Jay Stolz Laura V. Strickler Mrs. Dennis J. Sullivan, Jr. Judith A. Sullivan Alan Sumigray Floy M. Sumigray George & Catherine Sundstrom Stephanie T. Talbot-Hudson Paul & Lorraine Talbott Chris J. Tarjani Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Taub Patricia R. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Edward D. Teddy Rosario Testa Jeffrey & Cathleen Teveloff Carol L. Theobalds Herbert & Jean Thomas Clarence Thompson Kathleen M. Thompson Joseph Tintle Mark & Deborah Tobiassen Kathleen Toomey Ben & Paula Torre Edwin Torres Ellen Trencher Patrick & Billie Trill Lee Tross James Tucker Maria Valerio Kenneth R. Van Pelt & Susan E. Van Pelt Marie Varley Carla & Karl Vogel Irene & William Vonroth Gerd Wagner Anne P. Wallace Cathy Walsh James V. Walsh Mrs. Francis C. Walter Marilyn S. Warwick Carolyn Weaver Leo Weisheit John & Geraldine Welch Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Wengerter William R. West Charles & Nancy Wolfson Barbara Wood Richard A. Yanulaitis Mr. & Mrs. Jung Whan You Robert & Joann Zettel † Denotes Deceased

Rendering of planned Student Center

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“It’s important for us to give back. Our Saint Peter’s education gave us a foundation for a life and a career. We believe in the mission of the College and in opening up more opportunities for students who are just like we were—the first in our family to attend college.” OFfice of college Communications

Saint Peter’s College

We’re invested.

Mark Kahrer ’83

Co-chair of The Saint Peter Fund

Michael Kahrer ’79 Co-chair of The Saint Peter Fund

To make a gift to The Saint Peter Fund, please contact Claudia Pope-Bayne, director of annual giving, at (201) 761-6111 or or visit

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