Saint Peter's College Annual Report 2008-09

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Saint Peter’s College

Annual Report 2008-2009


David Surrey, Ph.D., chairman, Department of Sociology and Urban Studies, reflects on the rich experience of teaching at Saint Peter’s College. In an upper level class on ethnicity and race, we were discussing cycles of poverty. Maryanne, from a private school in New York City, suggested that women on public assistance should be sterilized after their second child. Bilah, from an urban public school in New Jersey, raised his hand and said, “Excuse me, that would mean I would not be here. Is that what you mean?” Most of the other students hit the floor, but then we had a nice discussion. After class, I saw Bilah and Maryanne having coffee and laughing. Now, Bilah is teaching high school in Newark, and Maryanne is in graduate school for social work. They remain Facebook friends. They are our students. How many of the women reading went to Catholic school? How many of you did the skirt thing at the end of the day, raising it as you were dismissed? Last year at 3:00 p.m. every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, three Muslim female students put on their burkhas hijab before going outside to be escorted home by their brothers. Likewise, three years ago I had a Muslim student who came to class covered every day for all four years. The day after graduation I saw her and she wasn’t wearing a head scarf. Being a Jewish anthropologist, I asked her, “What’s up?” She laughed and said, “Oh, that was to keep the boys away until I got into medical school. I am in now, so I don’t need it anymore.” More stereotypes bite the dust. They are our students. Given the fact that my 22-year-old son is the only person in his generation that is not geographically challenged, I opened an introduction to sociology class with a challenge to name the eight states that border my home state, Missouri. My student Kris raised his hand, and for the first time I heard someone tick off the states. Turns out Kris was a Presidential Scholar, also from Missouri, who is now doing graduate work in Oxford. In his four years here, he managed to play football, teach physics and French in Africa, research artificial intelligence in California and do cell research. He is one of our students. The public policy program, for returning adults who are community activists, is now over 30 years old at Saint Peter’s. Adults give up their families, evenings and weekends to get the bachelor’s degree that eluded them in the past. This year, the program has four seniors—real seniors—including one who is 79 years old. These are our students. My family and I have a number of students come to our home for Thanksgiving and for Passover. Last year, a freshman from Nepal asked, “Is that a piano?” We said, “Yeah.” He said, “May I try it? I taught myself on the computer but have never touched a piano.” He then played beautifully. I asked if he was kidding. He said he never kids. I kind of hoped he was kidding—now I want a refund on my son’s lessons. He, too, is one of our students. Each of these students at one point told me the same thing about their experiences at Saint Peter’s. What they value the most about their college education is that we have a community where people can grow and learn from each other, while still meeting high academic standards. That is really what we give our students. What other campuses have Indo/Pak clubs or Israeli/Palestinian dinners? What other college could sustain a public policy program for so long? What other college would send so many of its undergraduates to West Virginia and Honduras to do volunteer work or its graduates to work in the Jesuits Volunteers, Peace Corps and Teach for America? Our students put deep meaning into the phrase "life long learning for the service of others." They cannot leave Saint Peter’s without it. But we remain a college whose students feel the effects of the faltering economy more than most. Many come from families who have been swept into poverty and others from families who are trying to decide if they can still afford a private university. Yet we had the highest rate of returning students this year than we have witnessed in several years. That is why what you have been giving to the college is so important. From Kris, now in Oxford, to Bilah, teaching in Newark, what you do makes it possible for our students to continue through graduation. Every student mentioned above, and hundreds—no, thousands more—have benefitted from your generosity. And they know it and are grateful. And we, as faculty, are equally grateful. Lou Gehrig was in the news this year while Derek Jeter broke his hits record. He said he was the luckiest man on earth for doing what he did. But Lou lied. We, the faculty at Saint Peter’s, are the luckiest people on earth for having students who bring gifts from all corners of the earth and treasures from all social classes. You have made that possible and, like our students, we are grateful.

FROM THE PRESIDENT & CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD THE POWER OF PROVIDENCE Sometimes amazing things emerge from difficult times.

Eugene J. Cornacchia, Ph.D. President

Kathleen M. McKenna, Esq. ’75 Chairman of the Board

While this past year has certainly been one of the most challenging in recent memory, faith in Jesuit education and its mission of transforming lives has brought Saint Peter’s College to an exciting new era of possibility. We continue to build support for the College’s first student center, a signature facility that will be the new centerpiece of a vibrant, city campus. Saint Peter’s introduced four innovative degree programs and concentrations that will create exceptional professional opportunities for students and communities. Two new Centers of Excellence—the Center for Microplasma Science and Technology (CMST) and the Practical Application of Research in Science Education (PARSE)—are going to be regional and national resources for teaching, learning and research. In keeping with our mission to be “Men and Women for Others” Saint Peter’s donated more than 15,000 hours of service in 2008–2009 and partnered with 48 service agencies throughout Hudson County and greater New Jersey. Perhaps our proudest and most gratifying accomplishment in 2008– 2009 underscores our longstanding mission of educating students, many who are still the first in their families to attend college. As many of you saw in a broadcast on CBS Evening News with Katie Couric earlier this year, more than 120 of our students facing financial hardship required additional assistance to remain at Saint Peter’s. While we tightened our belts on campus, our loyal alumni, Trustees, Regents and friends rallied, and incredibly, in the midst of one of the worst economic downturns, giving rose 22 percent. You came through for us. Thank you for your steadfast belief in Saint Peter’s College. You are helping us to create new possibilities for current and future generations of students who are eternally grateful for your generosity.

Eugene J. Cornacchia, Ph.D. President

Kathleen M. McKenna, Esq. ’75 Chairman of the Board


ADVANCEMENT Total Giving (Cash) Annual Fund – Unrestricted Annual Fund – Annual Scholarships Annual Fund – Gifts in Kind Campaign Priorities Capital Endowment Other Restricted Giving

$ 1,359,780 $ 445,996 $ 82,113 $ 1,901,901 $ 76,200 $ 1,097,981 $ 830,736



Sources of Support .40% 3.12% 21.15%

17.82% 20.76%



2.68% ■ Trustees ■ Alumni (excluding

alumni Trustees and Regents)

14% Percentage increase in total giving over the previous fiscal year. $4,181,711 was raised in Fiscal Year 2006–2007.


■ Foundations (private

and family) ■ Corporations and Organizations

■ ■ ■ ■

Regents Friends Estates Parents




Total number of donors.

Total amount raised during the 37th Annual Regents Business Symposium, a record high.

Total number of 10-year consecutive donors.

563 Total number of new donors to the Annual Fund.

Michael Beschloss, best-selling author and NBC News Presidential Historian, was the keynote speaker.

981 Those whose gift in Fiscal Year 2008–2009 was greater than their last gift to Saint Peter’s College.


5-Year Growth

Breaking Ground

6,000,000 5,794,707

5,000,000 4,755,212 4,581,324


4,161,711 3,991,951




0 2004-05






Saint Peter’s College President Victor R. Yanitelli, S.J., and Bishop John J. Dougherty of the Archdiocese of Newark lead the groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of the Theresa and Edward O’Toole Library. The library has provided information and services for over forty years in order to ensure that all members of the College community have access to the resources and technology they need to foster a lifetime of independent learning.

Increase in total giving over previous Fiscal Year.

$11.7 million


Amount secured in cash and pledges toward the College’s capital campaign during Fiscal Year 2008–2009. Saint Peter’s remains in the silent phase of this multi-year, transformational initiative. The focus of the campaign is the construction of a multi-level student center on the College’s East Campus.

Number of students who received scholarships from donor-named scholarship funds in Fiscal Year 2008–2009.

$23.5 million Total amount secured to date for the College’s capital campaign.

First Saint Peter’s College Reunion Gala held at the new Westin Hotel in Jersey City.

Corporate Citizen The first Saint Peter’s College Corporate Citizen Award was bestowed upon Public Service Enterprise Group (PSE&G) at Hearts & Minds: The Saint Peter’s College Annual Scholarship Dinner in April 2009. Also honored were Francis G. Ziegler ’63 (Loyalty to Alma Mater) and Hon. Frank Guarini H ’94 (Service to Community). 3


$1,705,934 Estimated earnings of students who gained employment or internships through the Center for Experiential Learning and Career Services. More than 196 students were employed by 153 companies, including Bank of New York Mellon, Columbia Records, Credit Suisse, Johnson & Johnson and the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey, among others.

With a $2 million federal grant to establish the nation’s first and only center for microplasma research, the College is garnering a national and international reputation for research in this emerging science.


— Total fall enrollment. 2

New Programs New degree programs and concentrations were launched in Fiscal Year 2008–2009. • Five-year dual degree with UMDNJ—a B.S. in physics (Saint Peter’s College) and a B.S. in electrical engineering (UMDNJ) • Six-year combined degree with Seton Hall University—a B.S. in psychology or B.A. in sociology (Saint Peter’s College) and a master’s in occupational therapy (Seton Hall University) • Minor in Africana studies • Concentration in special education in the Master of Education program



Nursing Number of full-time professors of which seven percent are members of the Society of Jesus.

15:1 Student-to-faculty ratio

147 Number of students enrolled in the Saint Peter’s College Honors Program. The Honors Program provides students of exceptional academic talent and intellectual curiosity with the opportunity to pursue their studies in greater depth, breadth and intensity.

t. 2,436 undergraduates. 675 graduate students.

World War II was met by an accelerated course of preinduction collegiate training which prepared more than 1,000 students for service with the Armed Forces. Alumni servicemen numbered approximately 1,600, of whom 30 made the supreme sacrifice. The laboratory and instructional facilities of the College were utilized from 1944 to 1946 by more than 300 student nurses enrolled in the United States Nurses’ Cadet Corps, for whom course-affiliation at Saint Peter’s was provided by six metropolitan hospitals. – Saint Peter’s College Annual Catalog 1946-1947


More than $2.5 million

Total degrees conferred.

Total grant funding for academic and faculty projects including grants from: $2 million – Department of Defense; Establishment of the Center for Microplasma Science and Technology (CMST) $200,000 – Gladys Brooks Foundation $144,100 – William E. Simon Foundation $128,000 – Anonymous private foundation; Creation of the College’s PARSE Institute (Practical Application of Research in Science Education) $75,000 – George I. Alden Trust $30,000 – American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund $25,000 – Schumann Fund for New Jersey 5 $5,000 – Jesuit Network for Equitable Excellence (JNNE)


Earth Day The College’s Hospitality Services hosted a Planet Earth Lunch on April 22, 2009 in celebration of Earth Day. The lunch’s goal was to educate customers on ways to reduce the use of valuable resources. Initiatives included: • Tray Free Dining: Food waste from the day before was weighed and recorded. On Earth Day, no trays were used to show how much food is typically wasted in one day. • Energy Reduction Lights: The lights were turned off to save electricity. • Menu: The menu consisted of cold food rather than the usual hot food to reduce the amount of electricity used. • Paperless Advertising: Cafeteria menus and other advertising were displayed on chalkboards.

656 Number of service learning hours completed through collaboration with faculty in theology and communication during the academic year.

15,000 Global Outreach Honduras May 19–June 2, 2009: Students traveled to El Progresso and Guaymas, Honduras for a service and immersion trip.

Environment Saint Peter’s College received a 2009 Kresge Fellowship Award. A total of 15 fellowships were presented by Second Nature to advance campus green building at under-resourced institutions. The College selected Virginia Bender, special assistant to the president for institutional planning, to represent the school in this fellowship opportunity.




Not an Option

CROP Walk for Hunger

In November 2008, six Saint Peter’s students attended the Ignatian Family Teach-In, an annual gathering of Jesuit students that serves to educate participants in issues of social justice and to honor the El Salvador martyrs and the thousands of others killed by repressive regimes in the region. This was Saint Peter’s eighth year of attendance. A video produced by Vice President for Mission and Ministry Rev. Michael J. Braden, S.J., Not an Option, recounts the experience of the Saint Peter’s students who say they were all inspired to connect faith to action. To view the video online, visit

“Go Forth and Set the World on Fire!”

– Saint Ignatius Loyola


More than pounds of food collected for the hungry.

On November 17, 1979, when the first annual Church World Service CROP Walk was initiated, more than 250 members of the Saint Peter’s College community signed on. Organized on campus by the late Fr. Joseph Kelly, S.J., who was serving as the director of campus ministry, this interfaith hunger-education and fundraising event has supported grassroots, hunger-fighting development efforts around the world for three decades.

Number of service hours completed in 2008–2009. Saint Peter’s College worked with the following agencies: • A. Harry Moore School • ABC Elementary School • American Cancer Association • American Red Cross • ASPIRA, Inc of N.J. • Big Brothers/Big Sisters of America • Boys and Girls Club, Hoboken, N.J. • Boys and Girls Club, Jersey City, N.J. • Catholic Charities USA • Christ Hospital Mentoring Program

• Harbor View Health Care • Head Start/Jersey City Child • Church World Services: CROP Development Centers Walk • Hoboken Shelter • Community Food Bank of N.J. • Hudson Cradle • Covenant House • Jersey Cares, Newark, N.J. • Creech Community Development • Jersey City Medical Center • Cusack Care Center • Jersey City Parks Department • Elizabeth Coalition for the • Jubilee Center Homeless • Kids First! Mentoring Program • First Friends – IRATE • Learning Community Charter • Good Counsel Home, Staten School Island, N.Y. • Lupus Foundation of America • Good Shepherd Academy Inc. N.J. Chapter • Growing Angels Day Care • March of Dimes • Habitat for Humanity • New City Kids Church

• The Nurturing Place Jersey City, N.J. • Partners in Prevention • Primary Prep • Project Home • Resurrection School • Saint Dominick’s Academy • Saint Vincent’s Academy • St. Aloysius Food Pantry • St. Aloysius School • St. Lucy’s Shelter • St. Patrick’s School • St. Paul’s Lutheran Church • Vista Nursing Home • Women Rising 7


Initially formed by a group of students as an athletics booster club for Saint Peter’s College, Peacock Nation has emerged to become a membership-based giving society. Thanks to Peacock Nation, implementation of several new in-game promotions and theme games, including Hawaiian Night, White Out and Pink Zone, have helped support the teams.


The graduation rate of Saint Peter’s College student-athletes which is five percent higher than the NCAA graduation rate of 86%.

Saint Peter’s placed


student-athletes on

Men’s & Women’s Basketball

Indoor and Outdoor Track & Field

The teams earned first round byes in the MAAC Championship Tournament —an accomplishment that hasn’t happened since 1999.

The Peacocks excelled at the MAAC Championships. In the indoor and outdoor competitions, the men’s and women’s teams finished second and third respectively.


REWIND Joining Forces

Number of student-athletes who were on the Athletic Director’s Academic Honor Roll by having a minimum 3.3 GPA. Saint Peter’s began the Honor Roll to help promote academic achievement among the student-athletes and teams.

150 Modeling the NCAAs CHAMPS/Life Skills program’s commitment to service learning projects and outreach, student-athletes across the department participated in a combined effort of more than 150 community service hours.

Saint Peter’s College and St. Peter’s Prep were originally housed in the same building, and were not separately incorporated until February 1955. Because there was no distinction between the two schools, the athletic teams played a schedule that combined both local high schools and colleges.

es on the MAAC Academic Honor Roll.

Center Court For the first time, women’s volleyball matches were relocated to the center court in the Yanitelli Recreation Life Center.

Yanitelli Women’s Web site Recreation Tennis Life & Track Center Sound systems were installed in the gym and pool. The pool also saw the installation of a new scoreboard.

The women’s tennis and women’s track teams each received NCAA Public Recognition Awards for their outstanding Academic Progress Reports (APRs).

Several upgrades to the Athletics Web site have been made, including online fundraising, online merchandise store and improved content, including increased audio streaming, live stats and the “Postcards from the Road” feature where student-athletes document their athletic experiences.


HONOR ROLL OF DONORS LEADERSHIP GIVING 1872 Society (Gifts of $100,000 or more) Gladys Brooks Foundation James J. Daly, Esq. ’59 Thomas W. Duncan ’65 Estate of Robert C. Langley ’49 The Thomas & Sarah Mac Mahon Family Charitable Foundation Thomas P. Mac Mahon ’68 William J. Marino ’66 Martinson Family Foundation McKeen Fund William E. Simon Foundation Estate of Agnes Troiano

Founder’s Society (Gifts of $25,000 or more) George I. Alden Trust American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund Estate of Grace M. Barry Estate of Helen L. Barry Carol B. Bastek, Ed.D. ’70 David D. Bender Capital One Bank Daniel M. Collins ’60 Annette Radoslovich Corbin ’84 William J. Cozine ’60 Bartholomew Erbach ’82 & Margaret Conway Erbach ’90 Erbach Communications Group ExxonMobil Foundation Estate of Robert Giroux H ’01 Charles A. Fiumefreddo ’55 The Frank J. Guarini Foundation Hon. Frank J. Guarini H ’94 Alice M. & Francis X. Hagan ’51

KEY 1872 Society: $100,000 or more Founder’s Society: $25,000 – $99,999 Magis Society: $10,000 – $24,999 President’s Cabinet: $5,000 – $9,999 President’s Circle: $2,500 – $4,999 President’s Council: $1,000 – $2,499 Dean’s Society: $500 – $999 Pavo Society: $1 – $499 H Denotes honorary degree recipient HA Denotes Honorary Alumnus/a Award recipient † Denotes deceased


Joyce M. Henson, Ph.D. Independent College Fund of New Jersey Johnson & Johnson Loyola Foundation M. Brian Maher, HA ’07 Kathleen M. McKenna, Esq. ’75 & Joseph A. Vallerini ’75 Estate of Louis Mihalovic The Morrison Family Foundation Mary Morrison John P. Murray ’57, H ’02 James J. O’Brien ’64 The Provident Bank Foundation PSEG Foundation Public Service Electric and Gas Company The Schumann Fund for New Jersey Russell N. Stern ’70 Bernard W. Walsh ’64 The Whelan Foundation, Inc. Thomas V. Whelan ’68

Sodality of the Children of Mary of St. Teresa Peter G. Stewart, Esq. ’63 Robert L. Tortoriello, Esq. ’71 Kathleen Gilvey Tyrrell, Esq. ’73 & James E. Tyrrell, Jr., Esq. Charles J. Vickers ’47 & Anne B. Vickers Francis G. Ziegler ’63

Virginia H. Moriarty David O’Dowd Sharon A. Pastore ’73 Pfizer Inc. Barbara Buchala Pieroni ’70 & Joseph P. Pieroni ’68 William J. Powers ’59 Garry A. Prime ’65 Procter & Gamble Fund President’s Cabinet Caroline H. & Marshall V. Rozzi ’67 (Gifts of $5,000 or more) Susan M. & Ralph R. Russo ’70 Academy Services, Inc. Sandler O’Neill & Partners, LP Aetna Foundation, Inc. Elizabeth Viray Santos ’91 & Kenneth F. X. Albers ’49, H ’90 Robb Santos ’91 John Aresta Schering-Plough Foundation AT&T Foundation Matching Gift Program Patrick E. Scura ’66 Joseph P. Blauvelt ’80 & James R. Sullivan, D.D.S. ’55 Donna M. Blauvelt ’81 John M. Tassillo, CPA ’60 Estate of Loretta Briody Frank J. Tricarico ’58 Joseph J. Brogan ’60 Frank Tricarico Scholarship Fund Thomas W. Burke ’60 Joseph J. Vecchione ’59 Patrick J. Cassidy, Ph.D. ’61 Bettina Weary Ph.D. Charitable Trust CNA Marylou Yam, Ph.D. Magis Society Lawrence R. Codey, Esq. ’66 Dr. Theresa Zesiewicz-Staffetti, M.D. ’82 (Gifts of $10,000 or more) John G. Collins ’58, H ’97 President’s Circle Amper Investment Banking Columbia Bank (Gifts of $2,500 or more) Anonymous (2) William Componovo ’63 Severino J. Ambrosio, M.D. ’50 BD Connell Foley LLP Arturi, D’argeio, Guaglardi & Meliti, LLP The Board of Regents of Saint Andrew Conrad, Ph.D. Bank of America Foundation Peter’s College Eugene & AnnMarie Cornacchia C. R. Bard Foundation, Inc. Joseph M. Bredehoft, Esq. ’74 & Kevin A. Cummings & Barnes and Noble College Susan U. Bredehoft ’74 Patricia McQuillan Cummings ’77 Booksellers, Inc. Estate of William E. Brothers ’42 George M. De Luca ’74 Richard J. Bender ’78 & Mrs. James A. Cardiello John T. DePalma ’53 Virginia Forrester Bender, Ph.D. ’78 The CIT Group Foundation, Inc. DeWitt Stern Imperatore, Ltd. Alice S. & Edward M. Bolger, Ph.D. ’59 Joseph F. Coleman ’73 Hon. Joseph V. Doria, Jr. ’68 Ray Brown, Esq. ’59 Donald R. Conway, Esq. ’55 Joseph V. Doria Scholarship Fund Inc. Robert W. Buesser ’55 Robert J. DiNicola ’69 Joseph M. Dunn, Sr. ’69 Joseph V. Burakevich, Ph.D. ’60 James F. Donohue, M.D. ’65 Ernst & Young Foundation Vincent P. Butler, Jr., M.D. ’49 Maj. Gen. George R. Fay, USAR ’70 JDJ Falconcino-Blauvelt Charitable Thomas J. Carey ’58 Fidelity Investments Foundation Thomas D. Carver, Esq. ’58, H ’08 Barbara E. Henderson Richard C. Gallagher ’76 William J. Caufield ’60 Estate of Elizabeth Howard Henson Goldstein Family Foundation Joanne Konicki Ceimo ’71 Laura and James Hirschmann Robert J. Goldstein ’60 & Anna Origlieri Cicirelli, Ed.D. ’79 & The Horizon Foundation for New Jersey Marion I. Goldstein Bernard W. Cicirelli, Jr. ’80 Walter J. Hyjek ’61 Edwin I. Gorski, Esq. ’59 CIGNA HealthCare The Jesuits of Saint Peter’s College E.J. Grassmann Trust Hon. Marilyn C. Clark ’72 Johnson & Johnson Joseph R. Gromek ’68 Construction Technology Corporation Peter S. Johnson ’64 William H. Hannon Foundation Culinary Ventures Vending Michael T. Kahrer ’79 Mr. & Mrs. David A. Herbst Carmel Zampaglione D’Amelio ’79 & KPMG Foundation Gary S. Horan, FACHE ’70 Frank A. D’Amelio ’79 Raymond C. Maguire, M.D. ’58 Horizon Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Deloitte Foundation Charles P. Mayer ’69 New Jersey John F. Donahue ’60 Francis A. McGrail ’79 Eugene A. Johnson, Jr. ’78 George J. Duva ’68 David G. McIntee, CPA, CVA ’77 Robert L. Kaiser ’64 Michael F. Filosa, Ph.D. ’53 Estate of Esther L. Meeres Richard P. Libretti ’65 Patrick J. Finnegan ’70 Estate of Francis G. Monahan James J. Loughlin ’64 Mrs. William J. Forrester, Sr. New Jersey SEEDS, Inc. Lowenstein Sandler, PC Julie Delaney Fristensky ’73 & Northfield Bank Foundation Robert L. Marcalus, H ’96, HA ’06 Warren C. Fristensky ’74 Joseph A. Panepinto, Esq. ’66 Aldo J. Martinez, Esq. ’77 & Gabelli Asset Management, Inc. Patton Boggs LLP Susan Sochinski Martinez ’80 Marilda L. Gandara, Esq. ’72 Anthony O. Pergola, Esq. ’92 & Patricia McGeough McGovern ’71 & Frank Garcia ’81 Maureen L. Pergola ’94 Paul J. McGovern ’68 Paul G. Gillease ’57 C.C. Polychronis Foundation Walter Meany Landscaping LLC GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Marc & Kathleen Polychronis The Merck Company Foundation R. J. Goldstein & Associates William T. Quinn Michael R. Milano ’74, ’91 Robert P. Groesbeck ’61 Richard A. Rendich Educational Fund Susan P. Mitchell-Abbate ’72 George P. Gurdak ’74 & Norman and Bettina Roberts Thomas J. Moorehead, Ph.D. ’69 Madeline L. Romeu, O.D., F.A.A.O. ’74 Foundation, Inc. The Edmond N. & Virginia H. Moriarty Marilyn Haggerty Joan K. Schultz, CPA ’71 Foundation

“We have had the rare privilege at Saint Peter’s, a Jesuit liberal arts college, to be exposed to something that is greater than our future careers, than our temporal aspirations, than the businesses we will build and the clients we will find.” – Davide DePierro ’09 (Valedictory Address, May 17, 2009)

Hartford Foundation for Public Giving Bernard M. Hartnett, Jr., Esq. ’51 Peter C. Hearne ’57 Hudson City Savings Bank William R. Jacobi ’74 Thomas J. Jordan ’63 Mark G. Kahrer ’83 James F. Keenan, S.J., H ’06 James R. Kelly, Ph.D. ’60 Ron Kelly ’60 B. Melvin Kiernan, Ph.D. ’57 Francis J. Kilkenny ’60 William A. Knapp, Jr. ’68 Theodore E. Kwiatkowski, D.M.D. ’70 & Theresa Gutch Kwiatkowski ’72 Robert G. Lahita, M.D., Ph.D. ’67 Lindabury McCormick Estabrook & Cooper Glenn Lockwood ’83 Joseph T. Lynyak III ’73 Madison Consulting Group Dennis R. McCarthy ’64 Joseph F. X. McCarthy, Ph.D. ’42 Michael P. McGrath ’90 Michael F. McManus ’72 C. Thomas Meisse ’66 James W. Meister ’63 Merck Partnership for Giving Hubert J. Moran ’67 Michael V. Morelli, D.D.S. ’43 Ronald J. Morrissey, Ph.D. ’56 Fred W. Musch ’70 Lawrence A. Musella ’48 The New York Times Company Foundation Kristen O’Grady Thomas F. O’Reilly ’69 Pfizer Foundation William T. Price III ’91 John F. X. Prout ’69 The Prudential Foundation Joseph P. Riccardo ’67 Colin Rigby, Family & Friends Elizabeth Rigby Fausto Rotundo, CPA ’91 Lucy M. Sardella-Lawrence ’82 Frank A. Scerbo, Esq. ’71 & Susan M. Scerbo Herbert J. Schneider, Esq. ’59 Patricia Q. Sheehan H ’77 Single Step Foundation Inc. Society of the Sacred Heart Sodexo Campus Services Mrs. Joseph F. Spaltro State Farm Companies Foundation Summit Security Services, Inc. Mary E. Tierney ’67 Toni Ann Turco ’86

TwoFour Consulting UBS Financial Services Inc. United Way of Greater Waterbury University of San Francisco UPS Foundation for Independent Higher Education Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program John F. Varley ’50 Angelo A. Vigna ’63 Theresa A. Walls, D.O. ’71 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. John B. Wilson, Esq. ’70 & Joyce Bergamini Wilson ’71

President’s Council (Gifts of $1,000 or more) Anthony J. Alberino ’62 William J. Allingham, Esq. ’54 Alpha Sigma Nu John A. Anderson ’74, ’93 Gregory R. Arnold ’74 Harry J. Arnold, Jr., Esq. ’62 Peter S. Babits ’69 Theodore Bajo, Esq. ’66 The Bank of New York Mellon Dore Ann Celentano Baratta ’82 & Jay P. Baratta ’81 Joseph B. Baratta, M.D., FACS ’77 Joseph N. Barbera ’66 Richard P. Barnitt, Sr. ’60 Thomas J. Basile ’64 Hon. William J. Bate ’55 Deborah A. Bello, Esq. ’76 John J. Bergin ’54 Victor A. Bergwall ’54 Bernard J. Berry, Jr., Esq. ’67 & Marion Williams Berry ’69 Stephen A. Bezer ’77 & Maureen B. Tart-Bezer ’77 Chris Boehmcke Lawrence P.J. Bonaguidi Foundation Martin J. Boyle ’82 Edward A. Boyno, Ph.D. ’66 William & Helen Braddock Donald E. Bradley ’56 Lawrence P. Brady, Jr., Esq. ’61 Robert E. Brandell ’53 Kevin P. Brennan Vincent F. Brennan ’61 Paul J. Brignola, Sr. ’68 Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation Thomas L. Brundage ’71 Anne E. Butler ’69 Lisa Mahlebjian Buzzard ’79 Thomas E. Byrne, Jr. ’51 Cambridge Capital Corp. C. Mark Campbell ’72

Charles T. Carney ’56 Thomas J. Casaburo ’61 Randi Larsen Casey ’85 Michael J. Castaldi ’77 Michael Caulfield ’75 Anne Cehelsky Kathleen M. Cehelsky, Esq. ’86 Louis E. Cella ’54 ChevronTexaco Corp. Chubb & Son Inc. Bernard W. Cicirelli, Sr. ’55 Frank A. Ciesla, Esq. ’63 CIT Group Foundation Inc. Mary Higgins Clark H ’93 Bernard W. Colaianni ’48 Comcast Corporation Rev. Thomas P. Conheeney ’48 Robert C. Conlon, Esq. ’61 Mrs. Richard F. Connors Thomas F. Conway, Jr. ’66 John E. Corrigan ’55 Michael E. Cozine, Esq. ’56 Suzanne Cozine, CPA ’84 J. Fletcher Creamer Foundation Kevin F. Cunniff ’61 Dyan C. & Robert A. Cutro ’75 Zusette & Robert F. Dato, Esq. ’61 Joseph C. DeFazio, Esq. ’73 Elizabeth A. Demetrician ’99 Brian Dempsey ’69 Richard A. Derrig, Ph.D. ’62 David C. Descalzi ’76 Patrick A. Diassi, Ph.D. ’46 Julia M. DiGioia, M.D. ’73 Mary DiNardo ’93 Thomas M. Dinneen ’64 Martin J. Dolan III ’69 Robert J. Donato ’65 Richard K. Donnelly ’67 Robert Donnelly ’75 William W. Dornburgh ’54 Albert W. Dreisbach III, M.D. ’79 Terri J. Driscoll ’79 James F. Dronzek, Esq. ’71 Duke Farms Foundation Patricia Duncan ’70 & Richard M. Sostowski, M.D. ’69 George A. Dunn, Jr. Thomas E. Dyer, M.D. ’53 Richard R. Eger ’71 Ashling Lyons Ehrhardt ’98 Eisner LLP Arthur W. Ellermann ’58 John D. Emerick ’54 Enterprise Rent-A-Car Joseph D. Evangelista ’72 James J. Everett ’61

Stephen V. Falanga, Esq. ’89 & Peggy Falanga Thomas M. Farley ’55 James R. Fay ’59 Michael A. FazioEdward C. Fedak, Esq. ’69 & Elaine Fedak ’78 Mr. & Mrs. John J. Ferguson Melville P. Fickas ’71 Eugene O. Flinn ’80 Bernard M. Flynn & Ann M. Flynn Eileen P. Flynn, Ph.D. James H. Freis, Esq. ’66 Maria Amato Fricke ’74 Maiya Furgason George T. Furst, Ph.D. ’68 FYI Technology Solutions John F. Galbraith ’65 Peter J. Gallagher ’50 Thomas J. Gallagher ’47 Mrs. T. Edward Gavin Gemini Restoration, Inc. Angelo Genova Genova, Burns & Vernoia Frank V. Geremia ’62 Rev. John J. Gildea ’61 James J. Giordano, Ph.D., MPH ’81 Giordano, Halleran & Ciesla Robert J. Giugliano, Ph.D. ’64 John W. Gogarty ’92 Goldman, Sachs & Co. Philip P. Graye, Jr., D.D.S. ’56 Marilyn Grebin ’82 Walter J. Greenhalgh, Esq. ’71 Patrick J. Griffin, Ph.D. ’71 John J. Gualtieri, Ph.D. ’70 Kevin P. Guckian ’83 Joseph J. Guerra ’57 Anton W. Guitano ’71 Raymond G. Hallock ’65 Carol A. Harnett ’80 Martin J. Hart ’51 Henry F. Harty, Jr., Ed.D. ’61 Hartz Mountain Industries, Inc. Lowell Harwood Paul F. Healey ’74 James B. Heaney ’62 Noreen D. Heath-Beaman, CPA ’86 Stephen A. Hennesey ’58 John F. Henning ’59 John T. Herrmann ’66 Thomas D. Hoffman, Esq., Ph.D. ’62 Frank W. Hogan, Jr. ’71 Hooker and Holcombe, Inc. Crystal L. Howard ’97 Michele M. Howe-O’Malley, D.O. ’77 Eileen W. Huelbig ’81 & Roy E. Huelbig ’81 11

LEADERSHIP GIVING John C. Hughes ’72 Investors Savings Bank Michael J. Izzo, Jr., Esq. ’66 Fred J. Jacques, Jr. ’70 Jersey Eagle Sales Company John A. Jung, Jr., Ph.D. ’60 Jose A. Juri ’79 JustGive Mary E. Kane ’76 Terence L. Kelleher, Esq. ’68 Margaret E. Kenny ’76 & Peter Kenny ’77 Loren E. King ’66 Robert J. Kinsey ’56 Isabelle L. Kirchner † Robert F. Klein ’52 Stephen M. Kozuch, Esq. ’84 KPMG LLP Tom Kramer ’52 Eleanor Kreta ’64 Ernest N. Landy, M.D. ’51 Louis J. Larca, M.D. ’69 & Marianne Zozom Larca ’71 Joseph P. LaSala, Esq. ’69 Ronald J. Lenahan ’57 Liberty Savings Federal Credit Union Antonio S. Limbardo ’63 Charles M. Lizza, Esq. ’77 Thomas M. Luddy ’74 Martin P. Lydon ’63 Arthur D. Lyons ’59 Joseph J. MacDougall ’51 James F. Mahon ’43 Kevin V. Mahoney ’76 Nadia E. Makar ’69 Peter P. Malecki ’70 Mandel, Fekete & Bloom, CPA’s Rocco J. Marano, Esq. Thomas L. March, M.D. ’53 Mrs. William P. Maresca Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Martalus Robert T. Martin ’72 Kenneth J. Mathews ’60 Edward J. McCrossin III, Esq. ’68 William G. McDevitt, Jr. ’80 Richard C. McDonnell, Esq. ’59 Thomas J. McDonnell ’61 James F. McGlinchy ’73 & Joanne Burke McGlinchy ’73 Arthur H. McGuire ’69 Robert D. McKay, M.D. ’68 John J. McKeon, M.D. ’68 Bernard F. McNeilly ’60

Continued Donald J. McSparran ’60 Joseph E. McVeigh ’53 Thomas F. McVeigh ’60 William J. Mealia ’60 Michael A. Meese, M.D. ’80 Billy Joe L. Mercado ’07 Cecilia Ann Michalik ’73 Joseph A. Michalik ’83 Roger E. Miller ’56 Judith M. Mills, Ph.D. Mike Molino ’61 Lois M. Molitoris ’07 William T. Monahan ’69 Monumental Baptist Church Kenneth Moore ’91 Joseph V. Mulvanerton ’07 Frank J. Murphy, Jr., Esq. ’69 Carolyn Murray Maureen F. Murray Music Festivals Anthony M. Natelli Nativity Mission Center Catherine A. Nealon ’73 Frank P. Neglia ’59 Mrs. Charles O. Nelson New Jersey Business Magazine New Jersey Resources Company New York Stock Exchange Foundation John P. Nickerson ’55 Frederick W. Nitting, Jr., CPA ’83 & Michelle Incognito Nitting ’84 North Jersey Media Group Northwestern Mutual Foundation Richard M. Nugent, Esq. ’92 Richard J. O’Brien ’60 Thomas J. O’Brien ’67 J. Kenneth O’Connor, Esq. ’50 Eugene M. O’Hara John B. O’Hara, Jr. ’51 Sara Oswald ’71 Hubert J. O’Toole ’55 Walter J. Palasits ’53 Frank E. Pannone Lewis G. Pascalli, Jr., Esq. ’64 Richard T. Pederson, M.D. ’69 James S. Perry ’70 & Rose R. Perry ’91 Edward J. Pfister ’57 Catherine Volkmar Phalen ’73 Stanley R. Plust ’73 Eileen L. Poiani, Ph.D. Edmund M. Polonitza ’64 Marcus P. Porcelli, M.D. ’75

The Port Authority of NY & NJ Prosper F. Prybor ’59 Bernard F. Puy ’60 Eileen Campbell Rath ’79 John J. Reck ’62 Robert F. Reddington, Sr. ’62 Arthur M. Reilly, Esq. ’41 † Marianne Reilly Sandra Longo Reilly ’86, ’93 Msgr. William J. Reilly ’59 Research Foundation of Columbia Hospital Edward W. Reuter ’64 Mr. & Mrs. Scott W. Reynolds Mary Alice Costello Rippe ’74 Anne M. Ronan, Esq. ’83 Roof Deck, Inc. Michael L. Rose ’60 Carmen L. Ross ’58 Thomas D. Ruane, Esq. ’72 R. James Ruscick ’94 Francis T. Rush, Ph.D. ’53 Louis R. Ruvolo ’80, ’08 Patrick J. Ryan ’72 Mary M. Lowenburg Ryba ’95 Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Sakata J. Paul Schaetzle ’75 Thomas A. Schember ’59 John F. Schmidt ’69 Mrs. Roland Seidler, Jr. Martin E. Sexton ’58 James W. Shea, Esq. ’57 Kenneth J. Sheedy ’67 Joel E. Sherlock, M.D. ’59 The Sherwin-Williams Company Joan Zadrozny Shields ’75, MA Ed ’83 Thomas F. Slattery ’56 Eileen T. Smyth ’89 Anthony J. Sogluizzo ’61 William J. Spataro ’61 Rev. Eugene P. Squeo, Esq. ’65 Hon. Reginald Stanton ’56, H ’03 Fred A. Stickel ’43

Karen Fristensky Stroever ’71 John T. Sullivan, Esq. ’97 & Lauren Policastro Sullivan ’98 Donald Tashner ’68 Tax Executives Institute Inc. Thomas J. Tierney ’51 Ronald W. Tobin, Ph.D. ’57 Eugene C. Tolomeo, D.D.S. ’43 Henry A. Tully ’70 & Joan Balmer Tully ’72 Andrew T. Turrisi III, M.D. ’70 UBS Foundation USA Cosmo Vacca ’87, ’04 James D. Van Blarcom ’65 Francisco J. Varela ’81 Lt. Col. Frank L. Varsolona, USA (Ret.) ’70 Verizon Matthew C. Vinci ’53 Wachovia Bank, NA Dennis R. Walsh ’66 Patrick J. Walsh, Jr. ’57 † Mrs. Patrick J. Walsh, Jr. Martin T. Walsh ’60 Brendan & Miriam Ward William J. Ward, Esq. ’67 John J. Warlikowski ’57 Elnardo J. Webster ’69 Robert B. Webster, CPA ’71 Joseph H. Weitze ’50 Frederick J. Wethly ’54 Anne D. & Thomas J. Whalen, Esq. ’60 Catherine Amoroso Wickiewicz ’75 & Thomas L. Wickiewicz, M.D. ’72 Joseph A. Wisneski ’67 William F. Wisneski ’73 Eileen Gallagher Witkowski ’73 Mary Weldon Yannuzzi ’70 & Raymond A. Yannuzzi, D.A. ’70 Robert J. Zoccoli ’74 † Denotes Deceased

ESTATE GIFTS Estate of Grace M. Barry Estate of Helen L. Barry Estate of Loretta Briody Estate of William E. Brothers ’42 Estate of Robert Giroux H ’01 Estate of Elizabeth Howard Henson

Estate of Robert C. Langley ’49 Estate of Esther L. Meeres Estate of Louis Mihalovic Estate of Francis G. Monahan Estate of Agnes Troiano Bettina Weary Ph.D. Charitable Trust

YOUNG ALUMNI PRESIDENT’S COUNCIL The Young Alumni President’s Council was established in the 1996 – 1997 Fiscal Year to encourage leadership support from Saint Peter’s College alumni who graduated within the last 10 years. The College would like to thank the members of the Young Alumni President’s Council for their outstanding commitment to Saint Peter’s future: 1999-2002: $500 or more; 2003 & 2004: $250 or more; 2005 & 2006: $125 or more; 2007 & 2008: $50 or more. Elizabeth A. Demetrician ’99 Paul A. Laracy, Esq. ’99 James P. Conway ’00 Jose L. Lopez, Ph.D. ’00 Joshua A. Schrier, Ph.D. ’00 Michael M. Andrulis ’02 Robert M. Carney, Sr. ’03 John R. Hack ’04 12

Leah M. Leto ’05 Joseph P. Masterson ’05 Rabia Sattaur ’06 Susan J. Tegtmeier ’06 Colin F. Hanley ’07 Billy Joe L. Mercado ’07 Lois M. Molitoris ’07 Joseph V. Mulvanerton ’07

Martin Nikolov ’07 Miguel A. Saez ’07 Frank Salvano ’07 Eric J. Watson ’07 Elicia M. Beharry ’08 Gabriel E. Chelala ’08 Boryana Dimitrova ’08 Jeffrey W. Kane ’08

Christos A. Mergoupis ’08 Roseanne Moy ’08 Emily S. Quirch ’08 Robert A. Raffaele ’08 Maria L. A. Sarmiento ’08 James Servos ’08 Kamen Z. Stoykov ’08

THE PAVONIA HERITAGE SOCIETY Estate of Thomas E. Adams Alfred Owen Aldridge † Estate of Louis Allisson Severino J. Ambrosio, M.D. ’50 Daniel Angione ’81 Estate of Dorothy M. Armbruster Paul Armellino ’73 Estate of Alexandria Arrigotti Estate of Msgr. Alois Auth Peter S. Babits ’69 Louis F. Barbaro, Esq. ’67 August W. Barberi, CPA ’53 Andrew M. Barrett ’64 Estate of Grace M. Barry Estate of Helen L. Barry Richard C. Barry, M.D. ’67 † Murry P. Berger John J. Bergin ’54 Bernard J. Berry, Jr., Esq. ’67 Eugene G. Bezgela ’44 † Robert M. Black, CLU ’75 Estate of Alice E. Bleda The Victor A. Blenkle Charitable Remainder Trust Robert J. Bogdanowicz ’77 Estate of Mary R. Boylan Susan U. Bredehoft ’74 William J. Brennan III † Estate of Loretta Briody William E. Brothers ’42 † Benjamin S. Bucca † Peter Buchanan ’76 Estate of Patrick Burke Walter Burke ’59 † Anne E. Butler ’69 Vincent P. Butler, Jr., M.D. ’49 Hon. Henry J. Byrne ’55 † William T. Byrne ’63 Joseph P. Calello ’77 † Charles J. Capaccio ’74 Louis A. Cappadona, Esq. ’61 Mrs. James A. Cardiello Thomas D. Carver, Esq. ’58, H ’08 Estate of Mary Joan Cashin Josefine M. Castan Frederick G. Chiccone ’66 Bernard W. Cicirelli, Jr. ’80 Estate of Kathryn M. Cleary Robert B. Cobban ’54 Estate of Mary E. Cofield Emma Colageo ’82 James L. Collins ’58 John G. Collins ’58, H ’97 Donald R. Conway, Esq. ’55 Angelo J. Coppolino ’74 Annette Radoslovich Corbin ’84 Joseph P. Coughlin ’60 Michael F. Dacey ’66 Estate of Josephine Daly Paul J. Darmanin, Jr. ’69 Estate of Eleanor J. Dawkins Pasquale DeAngelis ’78 Joseph C. DeFazio, Esq. ’73 Estate of Joseph Delaney Timothy J. Delaney ’49 † John T. DePalma ’53 Edward J. DePascale, Esq. ’70 David C. Descalzi ’76 Estate of Eleanor E. Deschner, Ph.D. Estate of Marguerite P. Dolan Joseph D. Donnelly, Esq. ’68

Thomas H. Donnelly, Ph.D. William W. Dornburgh ’54 Thomas F. Dowd, Esq. ’66 Estate of Robert Dowling G. Robert Doyle ’69 Daniel J. Driscoll ’34 † Michele F. Dullea ’71 Estate of James D. Dunn Michael J. Eadicicco ’85 Felix F. Eberhart ’36 † James J. Egan ’68 Bartholomew Erbach ’82 John L. Farrell, Jr. ’50 Estate of Isidore Feldman Thomas P. Finnerty ’56 † Cyril E. Fitzpatrick ’56 † Richard J. Flanagan † Adrian M. Foley, Jr., Esq. Warren C. Fristensky ’74 Estate of Frederic J. Fuller Dennis M. Gaito ’70 Gerald J. Galdieri ’65 Hon. John A. Garbarino ’39 † Joan K. Gavin † Estate of Irene G. Geiger Lena Genser, H ’81 † Mr. & Mrs. John J. Gerard Paul G. Gillease ’57 Robert Giroux, H ’01 † Blanche Gornitsky † Estate of Genevieve A. Greenwood Patrick J. Griffin, Ph.D. ’71 John F. Grisoni ’62 Margaret McHugh Hagen ’75 Estate of F. Hagovsky Estate of Ethel Halliwell Nancy Stegmann Harisiades ’81 Anne Jordan Hart † Bernard M. Hartnett, Jr., Esq. ’51 William J. Healy ’67 Bernard C. Heckman ’92 † Elizabeth Howard Henson † Joyce M. Henson, Ph.D. John T. Herrmann ’66 John C. Hoffman ’67 Lawrence Hogan ’79 † C. Richard Hollenbach ’53 Kenneth S. Houghton ’62 Mrs. Edwin M. Hughes Estate of Henry R. Hulse Fred J. Jacques, Jr. ’70 Estate of Helen D. Johnson Herbert R. Jordan ’48 † Estate of Loretta E. Jordan Daniel V. Joyce ’79 John A. Jung, Jr., Ph.D. ’60 Joseph Kahn † Michael T. Kahrer ’79 David F. Kane ’36 † Judith C. Keilp, Esq. ’81 Francis T. Keimig ’66 John V. Kelly ’51 Donald Kennedy, Jr. ’59 Christine Kibildis ’67 † Estate of Rose Mary Kidd John P. Kilinski ’55 Estate of George G. Kipke Fred L. Koehler, Jr. ’52 Bill Koenig ’54 Catherine Kopley, Esq. ’70 Eleanor Kreta ’64

Theodore E. Kwiatkowski, D.M.D. ’70 Theresa Gutch Kwiatkowski ’72 Kyak Family Trust Robert C. Langley ’49 † David G. LaPointe, M.D. ’61 † Joseph P. LaSala, Esq. ’69 Estate of Aaron Last George F. Lawaich, Jr. ’69 Estate of Joseph P. Lee Milton F. Lewis † Estate of Hortense Libman Margaretmary Lockwood ’77 † Francis J. Lucitt ’43 † Philip A. Lundell, Jr. ’80 Thomas P. Mac Mahon ’68 Joseph J. MacDougall ’51 Ruth A. Madden ’80 † William E. Magner ’72 Raymond C. Maguire, M.D. ’58 Mary Ellen Maloney ’75 Joseph A. Manfredi James J. Mani ’70 William J. Marino ’66 Estate of Maria Marnell John V. Marra, Jr. ’68 Michael Martucci, Jr. ’80 † Kenneth J. Mathews ’60 Edward J. McCrossin III, Esq. ’68 John J. McElvogue ’54 Charles A. McGee ’70 James J. McGrath ’53 † Estate of Frances McIntyre James E. McKearney, Jr. ’58 Richard J. McLoughlin ’60 † Joseph E. McMahon ’50 † William V. McMahon ’53 † Kenneth D. McPherson, Esq. ’56 Peter J. McVeigh ’53 † Mrs. Peter J. McVeigh William J. Mealia ’60 Noel M. Meaney ’72 Estate of Esther L. Meeres James W. Meister ’63 Charles A. Meloy † Andrew J. Meyer ’77 Cecilia Ann Michalik ’73 Joseph A. Michalik ’83 Estate of Louis Mihalovic Michael R. Milano ’74, ’91 Frank P. Milone, M.D. ’53 Ethel Mladjen † Estate of Francis G. Monahan Bernard C. Moore, CPA ’67 John F. Morgan ’71 Kevin P. Moriarty ’67 Richard T. Morrissey, Esq. ’71 Eugene O. Moynihan ’52 Estate of M. Mulligan John P. Murray ’57, H ’02 William J. Murray ’52 † Fred W. Musch ’70 Priscilla Myers William J. Nagel, M.D. ’69 John D. Napoli, M.D. ’70 Vincent R. Nardone ’60 † Anthony M. Natelli, Sr. ’57 † Georgine Natelli, Esq. ’76 Mrs. Ernest W. Neubig † John P. Nickerson ’55 Brian P. Nolan ’86, ’06 Peter J. Norton, Esq. ’62

Estate of Irene O’Brien William E. O’Brien ’66 Eugene P. O’Connell, Esq. ’70 Brian P. O’Connor, Ph.D. ’65 Rev. Philip J. O’Farrell ’35 † Estate of Ohlmuller Family Hubert J. O’Toole ’55 Valerie L. Petro ’96 † Estate of Louise Petrocci Robert J. Pflug, Esq. ’43 † Robert C. Phelan ’36 † Mario A. Picinich ’68 Eileen L. Poiani, Ph.D. Alfred A. Poletti ’51 † Mary Jean M. Potenzone, Esq. ’71 Charles E. Potter ’66 John J. Quirke ’60 Marion Holley Quirke ’61 Estate of Filomena Racioppi Jacqueline Sferra Rada Estate of Casimir Rakowski Catherine C. Randazzo ’74 John J. Reck ’62 Charles F. X. Reilly ’34 † Frank B. Reilly, Jr., Esq. ’67 Estate of Susan Reilly G. Thomas Reynolds, Jr., Ph.D. † William R. Reytar ’37 † John A. Ridley, Esq. ’65 Estate of David Rodnon Marshall V. Rozzi ’67 Thomas D. Ruane, Esq. ’72 Joseph A. Rulli ’69 John J. Saueracker ’52 Harold L. Scales, M.D. ’40 † William E. Schirger, Esq. ’58 Joan K. Schultz, CPA ’71 Patricia Q. Sheehan H ’77 Thomas E. Sheehan ’69 John P. Sheridan, Jr., Esq. ’64 Hon. Peter G. Sheridan, U.S.D.J. ’72 William Sinclair Anne K. Sinnott Estate of Maurice C. Sisk David J. Smith ’47 † Ellen J. Smith ’73 † George F. Smith, M.D. ’49 Richard G. Smith, Ph.D. ’67 Estate of J. Lucid Snee Estate of Dr. Joseph F. Spaltro ’56 David M. Spillane ’50 Estate of Grace B. Spinelli Ward A. Spooner, Ph.D. ’64 † Mary Anne Staffeldt, Ph.D. ’70 Most Rev. Martin W. Stanton ’19 † Peter G. Stewart, Esq. ’63 Lucille Stoebling † Stephen G. Sudovar ’68 Dennis J. Sullivan, Jr. ’53 Janet Seaman Sullivan ’73 Edward J. Sutor ’72 John P. Szlasa ’58 Robert R. Tarantula ’73 Anthony P. Terracciano ’60 Mary E. Tierney ’67 Raymond M. Tierney, Jr., Esq. HA ’98 William P. Tracey ’53 † Charles F. Trapp, CPA ’71 Carroll Treacy ’62 Estate of Agnes Troiano Richard G. Turner ’66 13

THE PAVONIA HERITAGE SOCIETY John F. Varley ’50 Harold J. Vitting ’58 Charles E. Waldron ’54 Theresa A. Walls, D.O. ’71 Bernard W. Walsh ’64 Mabel H. Ward †


Jesse J. Watkins Bettina Weary Ph.D. Charitable Trust Joseph H. Weitze ’50 Dr. Thomas J. White ’20 † Walter J. Wilkes ’74 George C. Willenborg, D.D.S. ’55

John B. Wilson, Esq. ’70 Joyce Bergamini Wilson ’71 William F. Wisneski ’73 Albert O. Wlecke, Ph.D. ’57 † Frank S. Woodruff ’65 Estate of Helen M. Yudd

Andrea M. Ziegler Francis G. Ziegler ’63

Edward J. Heavey, S.J. H ’04 Memorial Scholarship A.O.H. Division 1 Hudson County Susan M. Arnone ’74 Susan J. Barone Drew J. Bauman, Esq. Maurice J. Betts ’01, ’03 Donna Falconcino Blauvelt ’81 & Joseph P. Blauvelt ’80 Frank M. Bolen Howard & Caryl Bremer Michael & Jennifer Brower Michael M. Brown ’56 Donald Bunda, Esq. ’74 & Mary Ann Mangan Bunda ’76 Lisa Mahlebjian Buzzard ’79 Jean Chinni ’71 Barbara A. Chryst, HA ’99 Kristin J. Connolly ’85 Doris S. Conomos ’75, MA Ed ’81 Anthony J. Costantini Mrs. James J. Craffey, Jr. James J. Craffey, Jr. ’51 † Frederick R. Cranwell, HA ’08 Carl F. Cricco James Crisafulli Michael P. Cunningham ’96 Kenneth Del Percio Gail A. & Mario J. DiNapoli ’57 Mary DiNardo ’93 David & Kathy Driscoll Walter & Vivian Drozd Henry & Patricia Durand Stephen P. Ellerman ’74 Jane F. Fair JDJ Falconcino-Blauvelt Charitable Foundation Gloria G. Felder ’74 Kimberly M. Field James G. V. Fitzgerald ’56 James A. Fitzsimmons Flag Wharf Inc. Kate Flannery George E. Flimlin, Jr. ’74 Stephen & Denise Fogarty Franciscan Sisters of St. Elizabeth Carmel Galasso ’79 John H. Gavin ’62 & Suzanne Jacques Gavin Annie Giambalvo Ann Marie Gillespie ’84

Gary P. Green The Frank J. Guarini Foundation Hon. Frank J. Guarini H ’94 Mr. & Mrs. John J. Gutch Pauline N. Heaney ’02, ’06 & Thomas J. Heaney ’04 George & Mariette Heavey Joyce M. Henson, Ph.D. Joan Holzschuh ’78 Robert J. Horan ’80 Eunice Nerbak Hudzik ’79 Independent College Fund of New Jersey Jag Realty Group, Ltd. Juan M. Jimenez ’75 Thomas Kalman James F. Keenan, S.J., H ’06 Kelaher, Garvey, Ballou, Van Dyke & Rogalski B. Melvin Kiernan, Ph.D. ’57 Robert John Kresofsky Dennis & Barbarann Kwasnik Theodore E. Kwiatkowski, D.M.D. ’70 & Theresa Gutch Kwiatkowski ’72 Mary Lane Lane ’72 Richard P. Libretti ’65 James J. Loughlin ’64 Joseph & Ursula Maher Joseph Malloy ’77 Anthony J. Marchitto ’86 & Barbara Matuszek Marchitto ’85 G. A. Marzolla Joel & Lois Maturi Brian McCabe ’97, ’04 & Mary E. McCabe ’96, ’99 Mary S. McConville Mrs. Joseph E. McMahon Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference, Inc. Cecilia Ann Michalik ’73 Geraldine Adele Michalik, Ph.D. ’71 Joseph A. Michalik ’83 Thomas Michnewicz William J. Montanaro Julie Schaffert Mule ’97 Rev. Daniel W. Murphy Mary Ann Murphy, Esq. ’75 John M. Murray, D.M.D. ’71 John P. Murray ’57, H ’02 Catherine A. Nealon ’73 The New York Province of the Society of Jesus

†Denotes Deceased

ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIPS/AWARDS Alpha Sigma Nu Scholarship Award Alpha Sigma Nu C.R. Bard Nursing Scholarship C.R. Bard Foundation, Inc. Barnes and Noble Textbook Scholarship Barnes and Noble College Booksellers, Inc. BD Scholarship BD Independent College Fund of New Jersey CIT Group Scholarship The CIT Group Foundation, Inc. Patrick R. Clynes Scholarship Michael R. Milano ’74, ’91 Dennis M. Moulton ’68 John F. X. Prout ’69 Kevin F. Cunniff ’61 Annual Scholarship Kevin F. Cunniff ’61 Glenn D. Cunningham Scholarship Award Joseph A. Panepinto, Esq. ’66 Robert F. Dato, Esq. ’61 Annual Scholarship Zusette Dato Donato Family Scholarship Robert J. Donato ’65 Dr. Joseph V. Doria Scholarship Hon. Joseph V. Doria, Jr. ’68 Joseph V. Doria Scholarship Fund Inc. Independent College Fund of New Jersey Joseph V. Doria, Jr. Community Service Scholarship Hon. Joseph V. Doria, Jr. ’68 Joseph V. Doria Scholarship Fund Inc. Independent College Fund of New Jersey Englewood Cliffs Scholarship Mary A. Carroll, R.N. ’87 Hwa K. Choi ’06 Mark V. Curcio ’82 Mary Rita Gannon ’87

Sandra D. Horvat ’08 Danielle Macchia ’02 Dianne Militano ’08 Lois M. Molitoris ’07 Cathleen A. Murray ’08 New Jersey SEEDS, Inc. Ramiro T. Ramos ’00 General Scholarship Dore Ann Celentano Baratta ’82 & Jay P. Baratta ’81 Patricia A. Blanco Lois D. Borroum Jenny E. Campbell Ana M. Cravo Noel D. Diaz Wilton Fontenette Thomas J. Gallagher ’47 Maria L. Graziano Edward Hanley Joyce M. Henson, Ph.D. Josephine Lee Thomas & Juliana Leigh Colleen Miller Roy Penchansky ’56 Geraldine H. Price Mr. & Mrs. William T. Price, Jr. William T. Quinn Amira A. Roess ’99 Ereni A. Roess ’02 Anne C. Rosario Jane M. Ruddock ’69 R. Bruce Ryan ’72 Miguel A. Saez ’07 Rosemary Servidio David S. Surrey, Ph.D. Rosemary Wieczorek, M.D. ’78 WeiDong Zhu Linda Sosulski Zindle ’80 The James J. Giordano, Ph.D. ’81 Scholarship for the Study of Bioethics James J. Giordano, Ph.D., MPH ’81 Jack Haggerty ’57 Memorial Scholarship Marilyn Haggerty William H. Hannon Scholarship William H. Hannon Foundation Mr. & Mrs. David A. Herbst

SAINT PETER’S COLLEGE JESUIT COMMUNITY Anthony S. Aracich, S.J. Michael Braden, S.J. John M. Buckley, S.J. Mark T. DeStephano, S.J. J. Juan Diaz Vilar, S.J. Charles A. Gallagher, S.J. 14

Robert E. Kennedy, S.J. T. Patrick Lynch, S.J. Donal T. MacVeigh, S.J. Oscar G. Magnan, S.J. Edmund W. Majewski, S.J. Michel Marcil, S.J.

Robert E. McCarty, S.J. William A. McKenna, S.J. Daniel O’Brien, S.J. Peter F. O’Brien, S.J. Joseph Papaj, S.J. John P. Ruane, S.J.

Jose-Luis S. Salazar, S.J. Raymond A. Schroth, S.J. Thomas L. Sheridan, S.J. David X. Stump, S.J. John F. Wrynn, S.J.

“Because of the generosity of others, I am able to continue my pursuit of happiness: to meet my goal of being the first in my family to graduate from college.” – Rodneisha McCathern ’12

ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIPS/AWARDS James P. O’Brien ’60 Richard J. O’Brien ’60 Gerald Spatola O’Connor ’79 Raymond V. O’Connor Eileen O’Connor Videtti ’78 Francis Orlando Marilyn A. Outwater Eileen L. Poiani, Ph.D. Sharon A. Quinn, Esq. ’73 Ursula Quinn Denise F. Quinn-Hesse ’75 Sandra Longo Reilly ’86, ’93 Katherine M. Restaino, Ph.D. Edward W. Reuter ’64 James F. Rich ’71 Mary Alice Costello Rippe ’74 Joan H. Roberts ’69 J P. Robinson Alan V. Russotto ’83 & Helen Leahy Russotto ’83 Louis R. Ruvolo ’80, ’08 Mr. & Mrs. James F. Ryan, Jr. Janet R. & Joseph D. Salerno ’62 Rosemary Servidio Patricia Q. Sheehan H ’77 Joan Zadrozny Shields ’75, MA Ed ’83 Salvatore P. Sommella Arthur & Lisa Springer Mr. & Mrs. William A. Stein Strasser & Associates, P.C. Charles F. Trapp, CPA ’71 Matthew C. Vinci ’53 Carol A. Weatherall ’92 Thomas P. Weatherall ’91 John F. Weiss ’73 & Suzanne Finn Weiss ’73 Anne D. & Thomas J. Whalen, Esq. ’60 Fredric & Monica Wheeler John B. Wilson, Esq. ’70 & Joyce Bergamini Wilson ’71 Kathleen Winfield Greer Henderson ’54 Memorial Scholarship Barbara E. Henderson The Inkwell Communications Scholarship Kristen O’Grady Eugene A. Johnson, Esq. Annual Scholarship Eugene A. Johnson, Jr. ’78 Joseph A. Kelly, S.J. H ’05 Memorial Scholarship John J. Adams, Jr. ’71 & Maryellen Dolan Adams ’73 William R. Armbruster ’71 Peter S. Babits ’69 Mrs. Ernest J. Baker


Drew J. Bauman, Esq. Gerry Bellotti & Joan Marie Black Bellotti ’69 Donna Falconcino Blauvelt ’81 & Joseph P. Blauvelt ’80 Anne E. Butler ’69 Barbara A. Chryst, HA ’99 Mary Higgins Clark, H ’93 Clear Channel Spectacolor Jeanne Christie Colford ’73 & Joseph E. Colford III, Ph.D. ’72 James J. Daly, Esq. ’59 Richard J. Ensor, Esq. ’75 Bartholomew Erbach ’82 & Margaret Conway Erbach ’90 Erbach Communications Group JDJ Falconcino-Blauvelt Charitable Foundation James G. V. Fitzgerald ’56 George E. Flimlin, Jr. ’74 Carmel Galasso ’79 Joseph R. Gromek ’68 Joyce M. Henson, Ph.D. Independent College Fund of New Jersey JustGive B. Melvin Kiernan, Ph.D. ’57 William A. Knapp, Jr. ’68 Robert Lake ’69 Pete & Christina Lekkas Rosemary Martinson McKeen Fund Cecilia Ann Michalik ’73 Geraldine Adele Michalik, Ph.D. ’71 Joseph A. Michalik ’83 Joseph A. O’Hare, S.J. Eileen L. Poiani, Ph.D. Denise F. Quinn-Hesse ’75 Sandra Longo Reilly ’86, ’93 Edward W. Reuter ’64 Gloria M. Rorro & Joseph S. Rorro ’55 Francis T. Rush, Ph.D. ’53 Louis R. Ruvolo ’80, ’08 Joshua A. Schrier, Ph.D. ’00 Rosemary Servidio Joan Zadrozny Shields ’75, MA Ed ’83 William A. Stein Francisco J. Varela ’81 Marie Varley Thomas P. Weatherall ’91 John F. Weiss ’73 & Suzanne Finn Weiss ’73 John B. Wilson, Esq. ’70 & Joyce Bergamini Wilson ’71 KPMG Edward Mahoney Award KPMG LLP

The Dorothie M. McDonnell Memorial Scholarship Richard C. McDonnell, Esq. ’59 Thomas J. McDonnell ’61 Aidan C. McMullen, S.J. Scholarship Benjamin & Nancy Bramham Anne E. Butler ’69 Julie Delaney Fristensky ’73 & Warren C. Fristensky ’74 Michael E. Murphy Eleanor Rinaldi Dr. Theresa Zesiewicz-Staffetti, M.D. ’82 The Aidan C. McMullen, S.J. Memorial Fund for Excellence in Business Law Lori A. Buza Esther Meeres Annual Scholarship Estate of Esther L. Meeres Men’s Basketball Summer School Scholarship The Thomas & Sarah Mac Mahon Family Charitable Foundation Thomas P. Mac Mahon ’68 Thomas E. Mitchell Scholarship Award Susan P. Mitchell-Abbate ’72 William J. Mulcahy, S.J. Scholarship Loyola Foundation James G. Murray ’59 Memorial Scholarship Carolyn Murray The Elizabeth R. Nelson, Ph.D. Fund for Excellence in English Award Mr. & Mrs. John P. Nelson The Northfield Bank Foundation Scholarship Northfield Bank Foundation Novartis Science Scholarship Independent College Fund of New Jersey Novartis Pharmaceuticals Hugo F. Poiani Memorial Scholarship Crescenzo G. Fonzo Independent College Fund of New Jersey Linda A. Jurusz ’90 Eileen L. Poiani, Ph.D. Joan Zadrozny Shields ’75, MA Ed ’83 John B. Wilson, Esq. ’70 & Joyce Bergamini Wilson ’71

C.C. Polychronis Foundation Scholarship C.C. Polychronis Foundation Marc & Kathleen Polychronis Jane Moulton Reuter Needy Student Fund Mary DiNardo ’93 Anthony J. Marinello, Esq. ’70 & Mary Ann Lauria Marinello ’71 Edward W. Reuter ’64 Ann Tritak, Ed.D., R.N. Norman & Bettina Roberts Foundation Scholarship Norman and Bettina Roberts Foundation, Inc. David G. McIntee, CPA, CVA ’77 Patricia Q. Sheehan H ’77 Scholarship The Board of Regents of Saint Peter’s College Henry A. Shields Memorial Scholarship Fund Joan Zadrozny Shields ’75, MA Ed ’83 Dr. Joseph F. Spaltro Scholarship Mrs. Joseph F. Spaltro The Tax Executives Institute, Inc. Scholarship Tax Executives Institute, Inc. The Teresian Scholarship Sodality of the Children of Mary of St. Teresa The Margaret Mullins Tortoriello Prize Fund Kathleen Gilvey Tyrrell, Esq. ’73 & James E. Tyrrell, Jr., Esq. Frank J. Tricarico Scholarship Independent College Fund of New Jersey Frank J. Tricarico ’58 Frank Tricarico Scholarship Fund UPS Scholarship Independent College Fund of New Jersey UPS Foundation for Independent Higher Education Vivian Award Frederick P. Bonato, Ph.D. Dr. Bettina Weary Annual Scholarship Bettina Weary Ph.D. Charitable Trust Joseph H. Weitze Scholarship Joseph H. Weitze ’50


CORPORATIONS, FOUNDATIONS, ORGANIZATIONS & MATCHING GIFTS A.O.H. Division 1 Hudson County Academy Services, Inc. Aetna Foundation, Inc. Alcoa Foundation George I. Alden Trust Allied Irish Bank Allstate Insurance Co. Alpha Sigma Nu Altria Group, Inc. American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund American International Group, Inc. Amper Investment Banking Amsterdam Mohawks Anonymous Anthos USA, Inc. AON Foundation Arturi, D’argeio, Guaglardi & Meliti, LLP ASL Interpreter Referral Service, Inc. AT&T Foundation Matching Gift Program Atlantic Health Jets Training Center Bank of America Foundation The Bank of New York Mellon C. R. Bard Foundation, Inc. Barnes and Noble College Booksellers, Inc. BASF Corp. BD Bears & Eagles Riverfront Stadium Beta Beta Beta Biological Honor Society Betz, Rossi, Bellinger & Stewart Family Funeral Homes, Inc. Lawrence P.J. Bonaguidi Foundation Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation Brooklyn Cyclones Baseball Club Gladys Brooks Foundation Cambridge Capital Corp. Capital One Bank Centre ChevronTexaco Corp. Chubb & Son Inc. Church & Dwight Co., Inc. Ciba Foundation Inc. CIGNA HealthCare The CIT Group Foundation, Inc. CITGO Petroleum Corporation Clear Channel Spectacolor CNA Colgate-Palmolive Company College Womens Club of Montclair Collins Building Services Columbia Bank Comcast Corporation Connell Foley LLP ConocoPhillips Consolidated Edison Company of New York Construction Technology Corporation Cranesville Block Co., Inc. J. Fletcher Creamer Foundation Culinary Ventures Vending Cytec Industries, Inc. Deloitte Foundation DeWitt Stern Imperatore, Ltd. Joseph V. Doria Scholarship Fund Inc.


The Dow Chemical Company Foundation Duke Farms Foundation The Dun & Bradstreet Foundation Eisner LLP Electrical Contractor, Inc. Enterprise Rent-A-Car Erbach Communications Group Ernst & Young Foundation Evonik RohMax USA, Inc. ExxonMobil Foundation Gerald Falivene Contracting Fidelity Investments First Data Corp. Flag Wharf Inc. Flo-Tech Follett Corporation Fort Plain - Baseball Boosters Franciscan Sisters of St. Elizabeth FYI Technology Solutions Gabelli Asset Management, Inc. GannettMatch Gap Foundation Gap Giving Program Gemini Restoration, Inc. Genova, Burns & Vernoia Giordano, Halleran & Ciesla GlaxoSmithKline Foundation GLOBAL Reinsurance Corp. Goldman, Sachs & Co. R. J. Goldstein & Associates Golf Links Ltd. Golf Performance Center, LLC E.J. Grassmann Trust William H. Hannon Foundation Hanson & Ryan, Inc. Hartford Foundation for Public Giving Hartz Mountain Industries, Inc. Hooker and Holcombe, Inc. Horizon Blue Cross/Blue Shield of New Jersey The Horizon Foundation for New Jersey HSBC Community & Philanthropic Services Hudson City Savings Bank Humana Foundation Hunter Douglas Inc. IBM Corp. Independent College Fund of New Jersey Inkwell Communications International Paper Company Foundation Investors Savings Bank ISO Insurance Services Office, Inc. Jag Realty Group, Ltd. Jencks Sign Corp. Jersey Eagle Sales Company The Jesuits of Saint Peter’s College Johnson & Johnson JustGive Kelaher, Garvey, Ballou, Van Dyke & Rogalski Kimberly-Clark Corporation KJM Construction Management, Inc. KPMG Foundation KPMG LLP Kraft Leitner, Tort & DeFazio, PC

LexisNexis Matthew Bender Liberty Savings Federal Credit Union Lindabury McCormick Estabrook & Cooper Lowenstein Sandler, PC Loyola Foundation Madison Consulting Group The Main Street America Group Mandel, Fekete & Bloom, CPA’s Martinson Family Foundation MasterCard International Matching Gift McKeen Fund Walter Meany Landscaping LLC Mechanical Drafting Systems Inc. Mercedes-Benz USA, LLC Merchants Automotive Group The Merck Company Foundation Merck Partnership for Giving The Meridian Partners, Inc. Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation, Inc. MetLife Foundation Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference, Inc. Metrovest Equities, Inc. Montclair State University Monumental Baptist Church Morgan Stanley Murray-Weigel Hall Music Festivals My Sister’s Keeper Inc. National Italian American Foundation Nativity Mission Center New Jersey Business Magazine New Jersey Devils New Jersey Resources Company New Jersey SEEDS, Inc. New York Life Foundation New York Life Insurance Company The New York Province of the Society of Jesus New York Stock Exchange Foundation The New York Times Company Foundation North Jersey Media Group Northfield Bank Foundation Northwestern Mutual Foundation Novartis Pharmaceuticals Offshore Pools Edward Paster Excavating Inc. Patton Boggs LLP Pennoni Associates Inc. Pfizer Foundation Pfizer Inc. Pharmacia & Upjohn Inc. Philips Electronics, N.A., Corp. C.C. Polychronis Foundation The Port Authority of NY & NJ Prima Vera, Inc. Procter & Gamble Fund Prospect Street Administrators The Provident Bank The Provident Bank Foundation The Prudential Foundation PSEG Foundation Public Service Electric and Gas Company Quest Diagnostics

Red Bull New York, Inc. Richard A. Rendich Educational Fund Research Foundation of Columbia Hospital Norman and Bettina Roberts Foundation, Inc. Roche Roof Deck, Inc. Frank J. Ryan Saint Peter’s Preparatory School Saint-Gobain Corporation Sandler O’Neill & Partners, LP Schering-Plough Foundation The Schumann Fund for New Jersey Schumann Hanlon, LLC Schwab Charitable Fund Science Applications International Corp. Scripps Howard Foundation Shanahan, Inc. Sharp Electronics Corporation Shell Oil Co. Foundation Shepley Bulfinch Richardson & Abbott The Sherwin-Williams Company William E. Simon Foundation Single Step Foundation Inc. Society of the Sacred Heart Sodality of the Children of Mary of St. Teresa Sodexo Campus Services Source Media Sprint Foundation State Farm Companies Foundation Staten Island Yankees Strasser & Associates, P.C. Summit Security Services, Inc. Tax Executives Institute, Inc. Third Base Sports & Trophies, Inc. Time-Warner, Inc. Frank Tricarico Scholarship Fund TwoFour Consulting UBS Financial Services Inc. UBS Foundation USA Unilever United States Foundation, Inc. United Way of Greater Waterbury United Way of Hudson County United Way of Monmouth County University of San Francisco The UPS Foundation UPS Foundation for Independent Higher Education Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Vanguard Group Inc. Verizon Victorian Society in America Wachovia Bank, NA Walsh & Son, LLC H.O. West Foundation White Horse Enterprises, LLC John Wiley & Sons, Inc. The Williams Companies, Inc. The Xerox Foundation Zach’s Transportation Inc.

ENDOWMENTS & ENDOWMENT GIVING Fred & Alexandria Arrigotti Endowed Scholarship Michael S. Azarow ’76 Endowed Scholarship Independent College Fund of New Jersey John B. Wilson, Esq. ’70 & Joyce Bergamini Wilson ’71 Bastek Endowed Scholarship Independent College Fund of New Jersey Hubert J. Moran ’67 John B. Wilson, Esq. ’70 & Joyce Bergamini Wilson ’71 Dr. James V. Bastek Honors Program Endowment Michael & Antonia Bielen Scholarship Dr. Edward & Alice Bolger Scholarship Fund Alice S. & Edward M. Bolger, Ph.D. ’59 Anthony F. Dorrzapf, Jr. ’59 Richard V. Bonomo Endowment Bowe Scholarship Rev. Edward W. Brande, S.J. ’52 Endowment Daniel S. Konieczko ’91 Joan Zadrozny Shields ’75, MA Ed ’83 Gladys Brooks Endowment Gladys Brooks Nursing Endowed Scholarship Gladys Brooks Foundation James J. Daly, Esq. ’59 McKeen Fund Walter H. Burke ’59 Endowed Scholarship James A. Cardiello Memorial Scholarship Mrs. James A. Cardiello Class of ’40 Endowment Class of 1955 Memorial Scholarship Daniel A. Degnan, S.J. Endowed Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dolan Elaine Dwyre Bernard M. Flynn & Ann M. Flynn Mary Degnan Flynn Edward G. Foley Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gorman Independent College Fund of New Jersey Mr. & Mrs. Adam Kastin Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Regan John J. Reilly, Jr. John B. Wilson, Esq. ’70 & Joyce Bergamini Wilson ’71 Eleanor E. Deschner, Ph.D. Endowment Julia & Sam C. DiFeo Endowed Scholarship Donnelly Family Endowed Scholarship

Donohue Family Endowed Scholarship James F. Donohue, M.D. ’65 Albert W. Dreisbach, Jr. ’63 Endowed Scholarship Duncan Family Endowed Scholarship Thomas W. Duncan ’65 John P. Fahy Endowed Scholarship Charles A. & Joan Fiumefreddo Endowed Scholarship Charles A. Fiumefreddo ’55 & Joan Fiumefreddo Richard J. Flanagan Endowed Scholarship Fleet Bancorp Endowed Scholarship William J. Forrester ’80 Endowed Scholarship Fund Arthur C. Bender, S.J. Richard J. Bender ’78 & Virginia Forrester Bender, Ph.D. ’78 Mrs. William J. Forrester, Sr. Karen Forrester Larkin ’88 Kevin M. Larkin ’86 Fristensky Endowment Robert I. Gannon, S.J./Class of 1936 Endowed Scholarship Blanche & Max Gornitsky Scholarship E.J. Grassmann Trust Endowment E.J. Grassmann Trust Guarini Institute for Governmental and Public Affairs Thomas J. Gumina ’58 Endowed Scholarship Laura and James Hirschmann Alice M. & Francis X. Hagan Endowed Scholarship Alice M. & Francis X. Hagan ’51 James A. Hamill Scholarship Lawrence P.J. Bonaguidi Foundation Arthur H. McGuire ’69 Hearst Endowed Scholarship Fund Cornelius Heeney Memorial Scholarship Charles E. Heidt Endowment Martin F. Henneberry, S.J. Scholarship Joan Zadrozny Shields ’75, MA Ed ’83 Margaret C. Hill Scholarship George J. Hilsdorf, S.J. Endowment Fund Robert F. Klein ’52 Hyjek Family Endowed Scholarship Walter J. Hyjek ’61 Italian Community Center Endowed Scholarship SPC Jesuit Community Scholarship Rev. Martin Joseph Jordan Scholarship

Kaiser Family Endowed Scholarship Robert L. Kaiser ’64 Mary Lou Kelly Fund Elizabeth J. Feehan James R. Kelly, Ph.D. ’60 Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Sakata George Kenny, S.J. Fund John Kenny ’61 Endowed Memorial Scholarship James J. Daly, Esq. ’59 McKeen Fund Susan Kirk ’74 Memorial Endowment Grace A. Egan ’74 George E. Flimlin, Jr. ’74 Patricia H. Kontje ’86 KPMG Professorship James J. Loughlin ’64 David G. LaPointe ’61 Endowed Scholarship Edmund A. Lewis Endowed Scholarship Robert J. MacMurray, M.D. Endowed Scholarship Nicholas Marcalus Endowed Scholarship Charles and Joanne McCarthy Endowed Scholarship Dr. & Mrs. Benjamin A. Michalik Endowed Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Frank Carnevale Catherine M. Carnevale ’83 Randi Larsen Casey ’85 Independent College Fund of New Jersey Jerome G. Kotch ’69 Cecilia Ann Michalik ’73 Geraldine Adele Michalik, Ph.D. ’71 Joseph A. Michalik ’83 Noreen Carnevale Monks ’89 Joan Zadrozny Shields ’75, MA Ed ’83 Vivian Vazquez Verhelle ’81 John B. Wilson, Esq. ’70 & Joyce Bergamini Wilson ’71 Laurence D. Miniter ’59 Endowed Scholarship Morrison Family Endowment The Morrison Family Foundation Mary Morrison Newcombe-Ruscick Family Endowment Patrick J. O’Connor, Sr. Endowed Scholarship Hubert J. O’Toole ’55 Endowed Scholarship Theresa & Edward O’Toole Endowed Scholarship Rev. Harold J. Parsons Endowed Scholarship Michael V. Morelli, D.D.S. ’43

Provident Savings Bank Endowment The Provident Bank Foundation R. Rush Rankin Endowed Scholarship Alwyn E. Remmele ’70 Endowed Scholarship Richard A. Rendich Endowment/Rendich Trust Endowed Scholarship Richard A. Rendich Educational Fund Jane Moulton Reuter Memorial Endowed Scholarship Randi Larsen Casey ’85 Grace A. Egan ’74 Jane F. Fair George E. Flimlin, Jr. ’74 Crescenzo G. Fonzo Independent College Fund of New Jersey Dennis M. Moulton ’68 Hon. Edward T. O’Connor, Jr. ’64 Joan Zadrozny Shields ’75, MA Ed ’83 Thomas P. Weatherall ’91 John B. Wilson, Esq. ’70 & Joyce Bergamini Wilson ’71 Peter J. Riccardo Endowed Scholarship Steven J. Rosen, Ph.D. Endowed Scholarship Caroline H. & Marshall V. Rozzi Endowed Scholarship Caroline H. & Marshall V. Rozzi ’67 Joseph & Elinor Ruffing Endowed Scholarship Ralph R. & Susan M. Russo Endowed Scholarship Joseph & Janet Salerno Endowed Scholarship The Scerbo & Aloi Family Endowed Scholarship Frank A. Scerbo, Esq. ’71 & Susan M. Scerbo Herbert J. Schneider ’59 Endowed Scholarship Herbert J. Schneider, Esq. ’59 Joseph E. Schuh, S.J. Endowed Professorship Francis T. Schultz, Sr. Memorial Scholarship Joan K. Schultz, CPA ’71 Shanahan Endowment Joseph F. Sullivan ’52 Endowed Scholarship Joseph J. Vecchione ’59 Mark A. Sullivan Scholarship Fund John Tagliabue Award for Excellence in Journalism Louis V. & Agnes P. Troiano Memorial Endowed Scholarship Estate of Agnes Troiano Joseph E. Turco Endowed Scholarship 17

ENDOWMENTS & ENDOWMENT GIVING John & Mabel Ward Endowed Scholarship


Albert O. Wlecke Endowment

James Wood Scholarship Endowment

Joseph Yewaisis Endowed Scholarship

HONOR/MEMORIAL CONTRIBUTIONS In Memory of Elizabeth & Joseph Ackaway Elaine Esposito In Memory of Mac Arnold Eleanor Rinaldi In Memory of Michael S. Azarow ’76 Independent College Fund of New Jersey John B. Wilson, Esq. ’70 & Joyce Bergamini Wilson ’71 In Memory of Alexander Balmain Daniel M. Collins ’60 In Memory of John H. Barry ’34 Estate of Grace M. Barry Estate of Helen L. Barry Estate of Loretta Briody In Memory of James V. Bastek, M.D. ’67 Independent College Fund of New Jersey Hubert J. Moran ’67 John B. Wilson, Esq. ’70 & Joyce Bergamini Wilson ’71 In Memory of Michael Beirne, USAR (Ret) ’59 Frank C. Rubino ’59 In Memory of Rev. Edward W. Brande, S.J. ’52 Daniel S. Konieczko ’91 Joan Zadrozny Shields ’75, MA Ed ’83 In Memory of Jack Brennan Joyce M. Henson, Ph.D. In Memory of Joyce Brown and Michalina Brown Ana M. Cravo In Honor of Michael M. Brown ’56 being named the 2009 Hibernian of the Year Ana M. Cravo In Honor of Francis P. Canavan, S.J. Daniel M. Collins ’60 In Memory of Richard J. Canavan ’59 Roberta Nolan Canavan In Memory of James A. Cardiello ’36 Mrs. James A. Cardiello In Memory of Robert M. Cassidy ’40 Mrs. Robert M. Cassidy In Memory of Gregory P. Cinnella ’51 Mrs. Gregory P. Cinnella In Memory of Patrick R. Clynes Michael R. Milano ’74, ’91 Dennis M. Moulton ’68 John F. X. Prout ’69 In Memory of Roger L. Cooney ’54 Mrs. Francis C. Walter 18

In Memory of Eugene Cornacchia, Sr. Ana M. Cravo Joyce M. Henson, Ph.D. In Memory of Dennis Coughlin ’55 Mrs. Dennis M. Coughlin In Honor of Frederick R. Cranwell HA ’08 Sandra Longo Reilly ’86, ’93 In Memory of Betty Cvek Joyce M. Henson, Ph.D. In Memory of Rev. Daniel A. Degnan, S.J. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dolan Elaine Dwyre Bernard M. Flynn & Ann M. Flynn Mary Degnan Flynn Edward G. Foley Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gorman Independent College Fund of New Jersey Mr. & Mrs. Adam Kastin Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Regan John J. Reilly, Jr. John B. Wilson, Esq. ’70 & Joyce Bergamini Wilson ’71 In Memory of John P. Deley ’55 Mrs. John P. Deley Patricia Deley Kilkenny ’86 John Rudolph In Memory of Rev. Philip Dobson, S.J. Estate of Francis G. Monahan In Memory of Jerome A. Dolan, M.D. ’44 Mary A. Mullowney ’71 In Honor of Carmella Grace Drennen Dianne M. Green In Memory of Robert Dukiet Drew J. Bauman, Esq. Barbara A. Chryst, HA ’99 In Memory of William L. Flock, Psy.D., J.D. ’70 John J. Gualtieri, Ph.D. ’70 In Memory of William J. Forrester, Jr. ’80 Arthur C. Bender, S.J. Richard J. Bender ’78 & Virginia Forrester Bender, Ph.D. ’78 Mrs. William J. Forrester, Sr. Karen Forrester Larkin ’88 Kevin M. Larkin ’86 In Memory of Philip M. Gogarty ’56 John W. Gogarty ’92 In Memory of William A. Grady New York Life Insurance Company

In Memory of Jasha Green Dianne M. Green Donald Kaus In Memory of John R. Haggerty ’57 Marilyn Haggerty In Memory of James A. Hamill ’73 Lawrence P.J. Bonaguidi Foundation Arthur H. McGuire ’69 In Memory of George A. Hassan ’69 Julian Emilio De Lia, M.D. ’68 In Memory of Timothy C. Hearne ’39 United Way of Monmouth County In Memory of Edward J. Heavey, S.J., HA ’04 A.O.H Division 1 Hudson County Susan M. Arnone ’74 Susan J. Barone Drew J. Bauman, Esq. Maurice J. Betts ’01, ’03 Donna Falconcino Blauvelt ’81 & Joseph P. Blauvelt ’80 Frank M. Bolen Howard & Caryl Bremer Michael & Jennifer Brower Michael M. Brown ’56 Donald Bunda, Esq. ’74 & Mary Ann Mangan Bunda ’76 Lisa Mahlebjian Buzzard ’79 Jean Chinni ’71 Barbara A. Chryst, HA ’99 Kristin J. Connolly ’85 Doris S. Conomos ’75, MA Ed ’81 Anthony J. Costantini Mrs. James J. Craffey, Jr. James J. Craffey, Jr. ’51 † Frederick R. Cranwell, HA ’08 Carl F. Cricco James Crisafulli Michael P. Cunningham ’96 Kenneth Del Percio Gail A. & Mario J. DiNapoli ’57 Mary DiNardo ’93 David & Kathy Driscoll Walter & Vivian Drozd Henry & Patricia Durand Stephen P. Ellerman ’74 Jane F. Fair JDJ Falconcino-Blauvelt Charitable Foundation Gloria G. Felder ’74 Kimberly M. Field James G. V. Fitzgerald ’56 James A. Fitzsimmons Flag Wharf Inc. Kate Flannery George E. Flimlin, Jr. ’74 Stephen & Denise Fogarty Franciscan Sisters of St. Elizabeth Carmel Galasso ’79 John H. Gavin ’62 & Suzanne Jacques Gavin Annie Giambalvo

Ann Marie Gillespie ’84 Gary P. Green The Frank J. Guarini Foundation Hon. Frank J. Guarini Mr. & Mrs. John J. Gutch Pauline N. Heaney ’02, ’06 & Thomas J. Heaney ’04 George & Mariette Heavey Joyce M. Henson, Ph.D. Joan Holzschuh ’78 Robert J. Horan ’80 Eunice Nerbak Hudzik ’79 Independent College Fund of New Jersey Jag Realty Group, Ltd. Juan M. Jimenez ’75 Thomas Kalman James F. Keenan, S.J., H ’06 Kelaher, Garvey, Ballou, Van Dyke & Rogalski B. Melvin Kiernan, Ph.D. ’57 Robert John Kresofsky Dennis & Barbarann Kwasnik Theodore E. Kwiatkowski, D.M.D. ’70 & Theresa Gutch Kwiatkowski ’72 Mary Lane Lane ’72 Richard P. Libretti ’65 James J. Loughlin ’64 Joseph & Ursula Maher Joseph Malloy ’77 Anthony J. Marchitto ’86 & Barbara Matuszek Marchitto ’85 G. A. Marzolla Joel & Lois Maturi Brian McCabe ’97, ’04 & Mary E. McCabe ’96, ’99 Mary S. McConville Mrs. Joseph E. McMahon Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference, Inc. Cecilia Ann Michalik ’73 Geraldine Adele Michalik, Ph.D. ’71 Joseph A. Michalik ’83 Thomas Michnewicz William J. Montanaro Julie Schaffert Mule ’97 Rev. Daniel W. Murphy Mary Ann Murphy, Esq. ’75 John M. Murray, D.M.D. ’71 John P. Murray ’57, H ’02 Catherine A. Nealon ’73 The New York Province of the Society of Jesus James P. O’Brien ’60 Richard J. O’Brien ’60 Gerald Spatola O’Connor ’79 Raymond V. O’Connor Eileen O’Connor Videtti ’78 Francis Orlando Marilyn A. Outwater Eileen L. Poiani, Ph.D. Sharon A. Quinn, Esq. ’73 Ursula Quinn Denise F. Quinn-Hesse ’75 Sandra Longo Reilly ’86, ’93

“The Jesuit mission of teaching the “whole” person is what drew me to Saint Peter’s College. As a journalism professor, that mission is part of my curriculum. I try to teach my students that it takes more than just being a good writer or reporter; a good journalist also cares about their story and serves as the voice for those who do not have one.” – Ernabel Demillo, lecturer, Department of Communication

HONOR/MEMORIAL CONTRIBUTIONS Katherine M. Restaino, Ph.D. Edward W. Reuter ’64 James F. Rich ’71 Mary Alice Costello Rippe ’74 Joan H. Roberts ’69 J P. Robinson Alan V. Russotto ’83 & Helen Leahy Russotto ’83 Louis R. Ruvolo ’80, ’08 Mr. & Mrs. James F. Ryan, Jr. Janet R. & Joseph D. Salerno ’62 Rosemary Servidio Patricia Q. Sheehan H ’77 Joan Zadrozny Shields ’75, MA Ed ’83 Salvatore P. Sommella Arthur & Lisa Springer Mr. & Mrs. William A. Stein Strasser & Associates, P.C. Charles F. Trapp, CPA ’71 Matthew C. Vinci ’53 Carol A. Weatherall ’92 Thomas P. Weatherall ’91 John F. Weiss ’73 & Suzanne Finn Weiss ’73 Anne D. & Thomas J. Whalen, Esq. ’60 Fredric & Monica Wheeler John B. Wilson, Esq. ’70 & Joyce Bergamini Wilson ’71 Kathleen Winfield In Memory of Mary Heavey Sharon A. Pastore ’73 In Memory of Greer F. Henderson ’54 Barbara E. Henderson In Memory of Martin F. Henneberry, S.J. Joan Zadrozny Shields ’75, MA Ed ’83 In Memory of George J. Hilsdorf, S.J. ’36 Carol A. Harnett ’80 In Memory of Albert A. Holstein, D.D.S. ’39 Barbara A. Chryst, HA ’99 Robyn & Jonathon Holstein-Glass Nora O. Jeannier Micheal Kane & Nancy L. Rowe-Kane In Memory of Rev. Joseph A. Kelly, S.J., HA ’05 John J. Adams, Jr. ’71 & Maryellen Dolan Adams ’73 William R. Armbruster ’71 Peter S. Babits ’69 Mrs. Ernest J. Baker Drew J. Bauman, Esq. Gerry Bellotti & Joan Marie Black Bellotti ’69 Donna Falconcino Blauvelt ’81 & Joseph P. Blauvelt ’80 Anne E. Butler ’69


Barbara A. Chryst, HA ’99 Mary Higgins Clark, H ’93 Clear Channel Spectacolor Jeanne Christie Colford ’73 & Joseph E. Colford III, Ph.D. ’72 James J. Daly, Esq. ’59 Richard J. Ensor, Esq. ’75 Bartholomew Erbach ’82 & Margaret Conway Erbach ’90 Erbach Communications Group JDJ Falconcino-Blauvelt Charitable Foundation James G. V. Fitzgerald ’56 George E. Flimlin, Jr. ’74 Carmel Galasso ’79 Joseph R. Gromek ’68 Joyce M. Henson, Ph.D. Independent College Fund of New Jersey JustGive B. Melvin Kiernan, Ph.D. ’57 William A. Knapp, Jr. ’68 Robert Lake ’69 Pete & Christina Lekkas Rosemary Martinson McKeen Fund Cecilia Ann Michalik ’73 Geraldine Adele Michalik, Ph.D. ’71 Joseph A. Michalik ’83 Joseph A. O’Hare, S.J. Eileen L. Poiani, Ph.D. Denise F. Quinn-Hesse ’75 Sandra Longo Reilly ’86, ’93 Katherine M. Restaino, Ph.D. Edward W. Reuter ’64 Gloria M. Rorro & Joseph S. Rorro ’55 Francis T. Rush, Ph.D. ’53 Louis R. Ruvolo ’80, ’08 Joshua A. Schrier, Ph.D. ’00 Rosemary Servidio Joan Zadrozny Shields ’75, MA Ed ’83 William A. Stein Francisco J. Varela ’81 Marie Varley Thomas P. Weatherall ’91 John F. Weiss ’73 & Suzanne Finn Weiss ’73 John B. Wilson, Esq. ’70 & Joyce Bergamini Wilson ’71 In Memory of Mary Lou Kelly Elizabeth J. Feehan James R. Kelly, Ph.D. ’60 Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Sakata In Memory of Susan Kirk ’74 Grace A. Egan ’74 George E. Flimlin, Jr. ’74 Patricia H. Kontje ’86

In Honor of Thomas Kramer ’52 Rosemary Servidio In Memory of Terry Lawdan Eileen L. Poiani, Ph.D. In Memory of Po Lee, Ph.D. Josephine Lee Rosemary Wieczorek, M.D. ’78 In Memory of James N. Loughran, S.J. Francis A. Burhman Rosemarie & Joseph Cortazzo Mr. & Mrs. John J. Ferguson Independent College Fund of New Jersey Joseph & Patricia Quercia Louis A. Ruberton, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Sakata Rosemary Servidio Joan Zadrozny Shields ’75, MA Ed ’83 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Spratt John B. Wilson, Esq. ’70 & Joyce Bergamini Wilson ’71 In Memory of Dr. Boshra H. Makar Nadia E. Makar ’69 In Memory of James E. Maloney ’55 Mrs. James E. Maloney In Honor and Memory of Karl F. Marx ’68 Elizabeth C. Marx Lissy Sauberlich and Family In Memory of Vita Matteo Joyce M. Henson, Ph.D. In Memory of Valerie F. Mauceri, Esq. ’70 John J. Gualtieri, Ph.D. ’70 In Memory of Rev. Martin F. McCormick, O.P. ’50 Col. James G. McCormick, USMC (Ret.) ’52 In Memory of James McDonough ’60 John Azzariti In Memory of Joseph E. McMahon ’50 Mrs. Joseph E. McMahon In Memory of Rev. Aidan C. McMullen, S.J. Benjamin & Nancy Bramham Anne E. Butler ’69 Lori A. Buza Julie Delaney Fristensky ’73 & Warren C. Fristensky ’74 Michael E. Murphy Eleanor Rinaldi Dr. Theresa Zesiewicz-Staffetti, M.D. ’82

In Memory of Richard T. McNally ’50 Mrs. Richard T. McNally In Memory of Sean C. Merkent William & Eileen Merkent In Honor of The Michalik Family Recognition at the 2008 Distinguished Alumni Awards Randi Larsen Casey ’85 In Memory of Benjamin A. Michalik, Ph.D. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Carnevale Catherine M. Carnevale ’83 Randi Larsen Casey ’85 Independent College Fund of New Jersey Jerome G. Kotch ’69 Cecilia Ann Michalik ’73 Geraldine Adele Michalik, Ph.D. ’71 Joseph A. Michalik ’83 Noreen Carnevale Monks ’89 Joan Zadrozny Shields ’75, MA Ed ’83 Vivian Vazquez Verhelle ’81 John B. Wilson, Esq. ’70 & Joyce Bergamini Wilson ’71 In Memory of Edmond N. Moriarty, Jr. ’51 The Edmond N. & Virginia H. Moriarty Foundation Virginia H. Moriarty In Memory of John J. Morrison ’54 The Morrison Family Foundation Mary Morrison In Memory of James Moulton Grace A. Egan ’74 Dennis M. Moulton ’68 Edward W. Reuter ’64 In Memory of James G. Murray ’59 Antonio S. Limbardo ’63 Carolyn Murray In Memory of Guy Natelli ’50 Mrs. Guy Natelli In Memory of Charles O. Nelson ’40 Mrs. Charles O. Nelson In Memory of Howard W. Nugent Thomas F. Igoe In Memory of Agata Geta O’Connor Eileen L. Poiani, Ph.D. In Memory of Cornelius J. O’Neill, Jr. ’40 Mrs. Cornelius J. O’Neill


HONOR/MEMORIAL CONTRIBUTIONS In Memory of George O’Rourke Drew J. Bauman, Esq. In Honor of Joseph A. Panepinto, Esq. ’66 John Aresta In Memory of Ada Marie Payne Joyce M. Henson, Ph.D. In Memory of Capt. James F. Phair ’38 James F. Phair In Memory of Ciro Picarelli Joyce M. Henson, Ph.D. In Honor of Jerry Podell’s 80th Birthday Dianne M. Green In Memory of Hugo F. Poiani Crescenzo G. Fonzo Independent College Fund of New Jersey Linda A. Jurusz ’90 Eileen L. Poiani, Ph.D. Joan Zadrozny Shields ’75, MA Ed ’83 John B. Wilson, Esq. ’70 & Joyce Bergamini Wilson ’71 In Memory of Jean R. Quinn William T. Quinn


In Memory of Arthur F. Readdy, Jr. ’49 Richard E. Readdy ’59 In Memory of Jane Moulton Reuter ’72 Randi Larsen Casey ’85 Mary DiNardo ’93 Grace A. Egan ’74 Jane F. Fair George E. Flimlin, Jr. ’74 Crescenzo G. Fonzo Independent College Fund of New Jersey Randi Larsen Casey ’85 Anthony J. Marinello, Esq. ’70 & Mary Ann Lauria Marinello ’71 Dennis M. Moulton ’68 Hon. Edward T. O’Connor, Jr. ’64 Edward W. Reuter ’64 Joan Zadrozny Shields ’75, MA Ed ’83 Ann Tritak, Ed.D., R.N. Thomas P. Weatherall ’91 John B. Wilson, Esq. ’70 & Joyce Bergamini Wilson ’71 In Memory of Robert I. Ricci ’70 College Womens Club of Montclair Loretta A. Finn Ronald & Florence Gatti

THE INDEPENDENT COLLEGE FUND OF NEW JERSEY Saint Peter’s College continues to benefit from generous corporate, foundation and individual support given through the Independent College Fund of New Jersey (ICFNJ). Begun in 1953, the Fund makes a single, united annual request to corporations, foundations and individuals on behalf of the 14 member colleges. For 56 years, the Fund has continued to secure financial support for the State’s independent colleges and to promote a greater understanding of the importance of maintaining the opportunity for choice between public and private education. ICFNJ represents all of the State’s fully accredited, privately controlled colleges and universities, except those that are engaged primarily in religious studies. The following donors contributed to the Fund in Fiscal Year 2008–2009. Most gifts are allocated by formula although a number are designated to specific institutions. C.R. Bard Foundation, Inc. BD Thomas D. Carver, Esq. ’58, H ’08 William J. Cozine ’60 Kevin A. Cummings & Patricia McQuillan Cummings ’77 Carmel Zampaglione D’Amelio ’79 & Frank A. D’Amelio ’79 Hon. Joseph V. Doria, Jr. ’68 Joseph V. Doria Scholarship Fund Inc. Independent College Fund of New Jersey


KPMG Foundation Glenn Lockwood ’83 Novartis Pharmaceuticals Pfizer Foundation Pfizer, Inc. Rita A. Serock ’80 Frank J. Tricarico ’58 Frank Tricarico Scholarship Fund UPS Foundation for Independent Higher Education John B. Wilson, Esq. ’70 & Joyce Bergamini Wilson ’71

Peter C. Guasti & Lillian Guasti Janet Hall Margaret T. Hall Elizabeth Holland Chauncey Lehmann Christine M. Lewandoski ’71 Donald Shachat Victorian Society in America Lea Vitello William F. Wisneski ’73 In Memory of Steven J. Rosen, Ph.D. Joan Zadrozny Shields ’75, MA Ed ’83 In Memory of George H. Royal Dianne M. Green In Memory of Henry A. Shields, Jr. ’57 Margaret Anne Carpen ’98 Joan Zadrozny Shields ’75, MA Ed ’83 In Memory of Charles R. Smith, Ph.D. ’56 Mrs. Charles R. Smith In Honor of Chris Spencer’s 50th Birthday Dianne M. Green In Memory of George M. Sullivan ’64 Mary Ann Sullivan Kofoed

In Honor of Palmer C. Sze, Ph.D. Daniel M. Collins ’60 In Memory of John L. Tierney, Esq. ’54 Mrs. John L. Tierney In Memory of Ana Tigeleiro Ana M. Cravo In Memory of Ana Torres Joyce M. Henson, Ph.D. In Memory of Margaret Mullins Tortoriello Kathleen Gilvey Tyrrell, Esq. ’73 & James E. Tyrrell, Jr., Esq. In Memory of Francis C. Walter ’37 Mrs. Francis C. Walter In Memory of Gerard D. Williams ’59 James R. Mindnich ’59 In Memory of Helen Zampella Anthony J. Marinello, Esq. ’70 & Mary Ann Marinello ’71 In Honor of Alexa Zuroff’s High School Graduation Dianne M. Green


Amount Received


Golden Peacocks $404,266 35.3% 1959 379,572 50.5% 1964 107,739 26.3% 1969 74,320 21.5% 1974 54,725 15.1% 1979 38,219 12.6% 1984 34,609 6.9% 1989 5,220 5.2% 1994 13,113 3.4% 1999 3,680 5.3% 2004 981 3.0% __________________________________ Total



GIFTS BY CLASS 1936 Pavo Society Joseph R. Connelly, M.D.

1937 Dean’s Society Daniel J. Boyle Pavo Society Vincent G. Daniel

1938 Dean’s Society Cmdr. Thomas P. Connell, USN (Ret.) Pavo Society Edmond J. McDonnell, M.D. Carmine Q. Tarantino John M. Wozniak

1939 Dean’s Society Dominic J. Barilla Pavo Society Joseph F. Artusio, M.D. Andre J. De Bethune, Ph.D. Eugene C. Keegan, Esq †

1940 Pavo Society Eugene J. Eichenberg, Esq. Sheldon F. Eldridge Arthur F. Monteverde

1941 President’s Council Arthur M. Reilly, Esq. † Dean’s Society John L. Botti, Esq. Thomas A. Flaherty Sidney Schultz, M.D. Pavo Society John J. Foley John J. McCarthy, Esq. John J. O’Connor Chester R. Rydwin, M.D. Herbert G. Sauer Leon A. Zucker

Walter E. Corrigan, M.D. Anthony R. Cosgrove Francis H. Darragh, M.D. John T. Markey, Jr. John F. Miller

1944 Pavo Society Irwin M. Schultz, M.D.

1945 Pavo Society James J. Fischer, S.J. John J. Loughlin Vincent P. Ralph Harvey C. Zymet, D.D.S.

1946 President’s Council Patrick A. Diassi, Ph.D. Pavo Society Joseph C. Tucci

1947 Magis Society Charles J. Vickers President’s Council Thomas J. Gallagher Pavo Society Gabriel A. Amatucci John J. Daub, Jr., D.D.S. John J. Massarelli, M.D. Francis J. McGuire Raymond J. Murphy James J. O’Connor William T. O’Connor, M.D. Arthur D. Robiolio


Magis Society Estate of William E. Brothers President’s Circle Joseph F. X. McCarthy, Ph.D. Dean’s Society James T. Buckley, Jr., Esq. Pavo Society Thomas J. Muldoon Joseph A. Puglisi

President’s Circle Lawrence A. Musella President’s Council Bernard W. Colaianni Rev. Thomas P. Conheeney Dean’s Society John J. Giuliano Pavo Society Donald F. Alfano † F. William Bailey Patrick C. Duffy Robert P. Fajardo Timothy F. Murphy, Jr. George B. Pepper David Schneider, M.D. Jerome Stern John S. Stine, CFA H. Robert Westerman, Ph.D. Rev. Joseph F. Wiseman



President’s Circle Michael V. Morelli, D.D.S. President’s Council James F. Mahon Fred A. Stickel Eugene C. Tolomeo, D.D.S. Pavo Society Edwin A. Angeloro, D.D.S. Peter B. Beronio, D.P.M. John A. Botti Evis J. Coda, M.D.

President’s Cabinet Kenneth F. X. Albers H ’90 President’s Circle Vincent P. Butler, Jr., M.D. Dean’s Society Louis M. Kseniak Pavo Society John J. Alber, Jr. John G. Aslanian Joseph P. Bradley George Caldes


David I. Canavan, M.D. James J. Chapman Joseph P. Henry Joseph A. Kohanski Frank A. Lorenzo Francis X. Mara William P. Mastrolia Robert A. McGuinness Louis J. Parisi Joseph A. Pope Ferdinand P. Rescigno, M.D. Joseph F. Scott George F. Smith, M.D. Henry V. Topoleski Joseph C. Volpe James D. Williams, Ph.D.

1950 President’s Circle Severino J. Ambrosio, M.D. John F. Varley President’s Council Peter J. Gallagher J. Kenneth O’Connor, Esq. Joseph H. Weitze Dean’s Society James M. Stine John C. Wiegartner Pavo Society Richard M. Bagley Salvatore A. Barone James V. Brophy John L. Buckley Jr., Esq. James M. Caulfield, Ed.D. Thomas J. Corrigan George J. Cosmoglos George J. Couchman James S. Cramer, Esq. F. Michael DiMartini William F. Duncanson, Esq. Thomas J. Fallon John L. Farrell, Jr. Michael F. Feeney William M. Frank Fred P. Galea John J. Gaynor Harold A. Glanz J. Richard Greene Thomas J. Kelly John A. Klobus Robert A. Mangine Leonard L Matarazzo George I. McCusker William P. McDermott Harold T. McGovern, Esq. James F. McGrath John E. Mintz Gabriel M. Mulcahy, M.D. James F. Mullaney, Esq. William P. O’Donnell, Sr. Daniel P. O’Neill Col. Vincent J. Pross, Jr., USMC (Ret.) Joseph F. Purcell Leo J. Reilly Arthur A. Ross Paul A. Samperi Joseph E. Scuro David M. Spillane Daniel F. Sullivan Walter J. Sullivan

John E. Sundman James J. Tunny John H. Turner William T. Valente James A. Ward Harold Weinstein Richard H. Yanni

1951 Founder’s Society Francis X. Hagan President’s Circle Bernard M. Hartnett, Jr., Esq. President’s Council Thomas E. Byrne, Jr. Martin J. Hart Ernest N. Landy, M.D. Joseph J. MacDougall John B. O’Hara, Jr. Thomas J. Tierney Dean’s Society Leo J. Benjamin CFP Arthur E. Monahan, Jr. Joseph B. Murphy Pavo Society Alexander F. Auchus Bertrand F. Barry, Sr. Edouard P. Beaugard, M.D. Martin J. Borelli Stephen F. Braun Charles W. Carhart, Jr. Leonard L. Ciaccio, Ph.D. James W. Cox, Ph.D. James J. Craffey, Jr. † Frank L. Critelli Joseph E. Debold James W. Downes Charles T. Dunn James D. English R. Emmet Fagan William H. Fechtmann Thomas M. Flaherty James C. Gannon Bernard Gorovitz Edward V. Grady, Sr. Benjamin L. Haefeli Alfred J. Jago Thomas F. Kelleher John V. Kelly Robert T. Kiley Albert W. Kramer Michael A. Lopiano, M.D. James F. McGlinchy James E. Mulvaney, Esq. Francis X. O’Connor, CPA Francis G. Orrico Alfred A. Poletti † Max F. Rast, M.D. Charles E. Rauh Stuart E. Renner, CPA Edward Rooney Hon. Joseph T. Ryan Anthony J. Scelsa William C. Schreck Robert J. Smith Hon. Robert J. Stolarik Richard T. Sullivan Russell J. Tagliareni Joseph R. Vivo James J. Woods 21



1952 President’s Council Robert F. Klein Tom Kramer Dean’s Society Col. James G. McCormick, USMC (Ret.) John J. Ryan Pavo Society Michael R. Balsamo, M.D. Robert J. Brady, Esq. Carmine A. Cappuccio Joseph M. Cooney Joseph A. Corbo, D.D.S. Franklyn L. Cutrone Herbert B. Danielsen Gerald J. Degnan Michael T. Dwyer, Jr. George Eckert, Jr. Austin F. Fitzgerald Richard P. Gallagher, Sr. John J. Galvin Kenneth R. Gardner John J. Gargana, Jr. James V. Gaudiosi Thomas Golder Albert D. Green James J. Hasson, Esq. Renato V. Iacobucci Erling Ketsaa, Jr. Thomas F. King John P. Lesica William F. Mackey, Jr. John J. McArtney † D. Andrew Monticelli, D.D.S. Donald A. Nolan James F. O’Hare George Pollack James D. Quinn William J. Quinn Vincent F. Rush John B. Ryan John J. Saueracker Terrence P. Sawey Gerald A. Siesfeld Louis Snyder Ernest E. Wagner G. Allan Wellbrock

1953 President’s Cabinet John T. DePalma President’s Circle Michael F. Filosa, Ph.D. President’s Council Robert E. Brandell Thomas E. Dyer, M.D. Thomas L. March, M.D. Joseph E. McVeigh Walter J. Palasits Francis T. Rush, Ph.D. Matthew C. Vinci Dean’s Society Martin T. Durkin Sr., Esq. Robert J. Fabiny, Ph.D., M.D. Charles F. X. Poggi Philip J. Weiler, Jr. Pavo Society James Anderson August W. Barberi, CPA Rev. Mr. John W. Czarnecki † 22

Charles P. Daly † Carl DeGisi Edward A. Dunleavy James M. Flood Albert A. Garofalo John A. Gleavy Kenneth W. Hancock C. Richard Hollenbach Bill Kehoe Francis X. Kelly Hugh P. Lee Frank P. Milone, M.D. Robert G. O’Brien, Esq. David J. O’Keeffe, Ph.D. John Pasquali Michael J. Ryan, Esq. Ernest X. Scerbo Harold N. Smith Myron S. Soled, M.D. Dennis J. Sullivan, Jr. Joseph L. Tramutola, Esq. Peter E. Warshaw † Gerard P. Watson, Esq.

1954 President’s Council William J. Allingham, Esq. John J. Bergin Victor A. Bergwall Louis E. Cella William W. Dornburgh John D. Emerick Frederick J. Wethly Dean’s Society William T. Ard Robert F. Reiser Pavo Society Harold W. Anton, Jr. Robert S. Benintendi, M.D. Howard J. Brede Bill Carducci, Jr. Ronald J. Carlucci, M.D. Thomas J. Chiaramonte John J. Cina John E. Conway Michael J. D’Amato Costantino T. Donato Henry J. Dotson, Jr. George M. Driscoll Edward J. Englisby, Jr. George A. Fasciano Henry T. Fitzgerald James E. Fitzmaurice Donald B. Fraser, Ph.D. James R. Heaney, Esq. Armas H. Hendela Frank V. Hermo David M. Holly Edward F. Kenny, Ph.D. Rev. John J. Lester Eugene F. Lippi James H. Lyons Gerald A. Malia, Esq. Lewis J. Marola, M.D. James J. Marquardt Edwin L. McGovern Thomas P. McGuinness J. Thomas McKnight, M.D. Bernard A. McLaughlin John F. McNeil Donald J. Michels, Ph.D.

Joseph E. Niedermeyer Warren C. Nolan Louis F. Parker John H. Pearson George J. Piasecki Charles P. Pratofiorito, Ed.D. William F. Price, Sr. Frank R. Sanok Vincent J. Saunders Marvin H. Schultz Louis N. Scotti, M.D. Frank J. Supple Edward J. Taylor Michael R. Torre, D.D.S. Charles E. Waldron Alphonse I. Warczakowski

1955 Founder’s Society Charles A. Fiumefreddo Magis Society Donald R. Conway, Esq. President’s Cabinet James R. Sullivan, D.D.S. President’s Circle Robert W. Buesser President’s Council Hon. William J. Bate Bernard W. Cicirelli, Sr. John E. Corrigan Thomas M. Farley John P. Nickerson Hubert J. O’Toole Dean’s Society Sherman J. Bligh Joseph S. Rorro Pavo Society Walter E Andrews, Jr. Sam M. Arnett Michael F. Ball, M.D. Arthur A. Brennan, Esq. Donald A. Bulwicz John Cap, Jr. John E. Ciano, Jr. Lee L. Clark Barry J. Collins John H. Connolly William L. Coyle Frank DeRosa John J. Glynn, CPA Charles F. Godino, Ph.D. Salvatore T. Guidone Charles E. Haight, Jr. Albert Haussener Edward F. Heuston, Ph.D. Joseph C. Kashickey Joseph A. Kelly, M.D. John P. Kilinski Lawrence C. Kohler Robert K. Kramer Edward E. Lojewski Thomas R. Lyons Joseph D. McGovern Vincent K. McGrath Jeremiah B. McKenna, Esq. Francis J. Morris James J. Mulholland John F. O’Hare Frank J. Pandolfo Charles L. Prothero

William J. Rollins Richard A. Rutkowski Woolsey E. Serven Kenneth G. Slavin Daniel A. Spina Donald E. Sullivan James D. Sullivan Edmond J. Thompson Benjamin A. Winters, Ph.D.

1956 President’s Circle Ronald J. Morrissey, Ph.D. President’s Council Donald E. Bradley Charles T. Carney Michael E. Cozine, Esq. Philip P. Graye, Jr., D.D.S. Robert J. Kinsey Roger E. Miller Thomas F. Slattery Hon. Reginald Stanton, H ’03 Dean’s Society William J. Kowalczyk, CPA Francis J. Liccardo John A. Marino Benson J. O’Grady Pavo Society Mark A. Aragona Rudolph F. Beisser John H. Borrmann Robert C. Brandt Michael M. Brown Dominic R. Caliendo Albert Calvo John F. Cancalosi, CPA Joseph P. Cohen Walter B. Connolly Angelo J. Cozzarelli Frederick R. Cranwell, HA ’08 Edward J. Donovan George J. Donovan John F. Erath, Ph.D. John J. Falco James G. V. Fitzgerald Edward J. Flynn Joseph A. Foran Joseph C. Frisina Vincent M. Gallagher Robert P. Gough John B. Gray, Jr. Martin C. Harmon, Jr. Dennis J. Hayes James J. Horan August A. Hund Bernard J. Jennings John M. Kashickey, Jr. William J. Keyes Joseph L. Konzelman, D.D.S. Edward W. Landgren Frank Lorello Thomas F. MacNamara Joseph R. Macon Laurence E. MacPhee, Ph.D. Paul J. Magala, Jr. John P. Maher, M.D. James V. Mahoney Jr., Ph.D. Leo L. McKernan John F. Meade Vincent E. Morrone Hugh J. Mullin

John J. Mylott Tomas A. O’Boyle, M.D. George R. Pabst Lester T. Pacca Roy Penchansky Albert Pizzale Gerald L. Rogut Kerry M. Rohan Peter M. Salandra James J. Scazzaro Ernest J. Scheidemann Wendel J. Schmitt Walter F Skerrett, Jr. Charles R. Smith Thomas F. Tansey, Esq. Joseph Terzini Michael R. Usarzewicz Louis S. Vaiti Joseph Walkes Francis X. Walsh

1957 Founder’s Society John P. Murray H ’02 President’s Circle Paul G. Gillease Peter C. Hearne B. Melvin Kiernan, Ph.D. President’s Council Joseph J. Guerra Ronald J. Lenahan Edward J. Pfister James W. Shea, Esq. Ronald W. Tobin, Ph.D. Patrick J. Walsh, Jr. † John J. Warlikowski Dean’s Society Arthur J. Dunne James J. Finnerty, Jr., Esq. Gregory F. Pearson George I. Salerno, M.D. Raymond G. Weeks Pavo Society Joseph R. Aievoli Robert J. Aikens Michael K. Ball Leo P. Bergin Adolph N. Berman John W. Burke Patrick J. Burke Raymond J. Campion Philip P. Coady George I. Collins John M. Corcoran, CPA Thomas E. Cross III John E. Culla Theodore J. Dachowski Joseph P. Daly, Jr. Mario J. DiNapoli Victor A. Donofrio Roman Ferencevych Anna T. Fitzgerald Patrick F. Fitzmaurice William J. Goss Richard B. Grace Mortimer J. Harvey Timothy F. Harvey Paul J. Josenhans, Esq. Michael J. Kane Richard W. Keller


Patrick C. Lee, Ph.D. Charles J. Lyons, Ph.D. Anthony R. Maio Roger M. Maloney Edward J. McFadden John J. McGuire, VMD James E. McKearney, Jr. Richard E. Merkovsky Edward P. Mernar David C. Molta Leonard A. Mudry Dennis F. Murphy William H. Myers Michael F. O’Mahony Jose Luis Rementeria, M.D. Mr. Robert J. Robertory John E. Schmid Frank X. Scott Arthur M. Smith Robert A. Stefan Benedict F. Trigani Robert C. Walsh, Sr. Joseph P. Watters

Magis Society Raymond C. Maguire, M.D. President’s Cabinet John G. Collins H ’97 Frank J. Tricarico President’s Circle Thomas J. Carey Thomas D. Carver, Esq. H ’08 President’s Council Arthur W. Ellermann Stephen A. Hennesey Carmen L. Ross Martin E. Sexton Dean’s Society Frank A. McConville Dominick A. Prezzano Leonard J. Schneider David L. Schreck Harold J. Vitting Pavo Society Charles J. Anton, Jr. Lorraine Babian Backus Raymond E. Bammer, Jr. Francis L. Biegen William E. Bielenda Michael Buono James P. Byrne Michael T. Capobianco George J. Caranasos, M.D. Robert M. Carducci, M.D John L. Donnelly William C. Donohue Frank G. Duffy James J. Dugan, Jr. Denis P. Farley Gerald J. Fitzgerald Thomas J. Flood Anthony R. Gabriele, M.D. Peter Gallagher Richard H. Healy LTC George P. Hutnan, USA (Ret.) Edwin C. Kaiser William J. Kellett Thomas P. Kennedy Thomas D. Kiernan John J. Kotowski

1872 Society James J. Daly, Esq. President’s Cabinet Edwin I. Gorski, Esq. William J. Powers Joseph J. Vecchione President’s Circle Edward M. Bolger, Ph.D. Ray Brown, Esq. Herbert J. Schneider, Esq. President’s Council James R. Fay John F. Henning Arthur D. Lyons Richard C. McDonnell, Esq. Frank P. Neglia Prosper F. Prybor Msgr. William J. Reilly Thomas A. Schember Joel E. Sherlock, M.D. Dean’s Society Charles A. Colombo Arthur J. Dickman George A. Dougherty Joseph P. Fitzgerald, USA (Ret.) Martin D. Gallagher Robert Goode, M.D. Robert B. Haggerty, Esq. James W. Harris Charles F. Lein, Jr. Christopher F. Morgan Vincent J. Quagliana Michael J. Siciliano, Ph.D. Richard B. Talty Pavo Society Rene J. Ackerman Cyrus J. Amato, D.D.S. James B. Behan, USA (Ret.) Michael J. Beirne, USAR (Ret.) † Thomas F. Bejgrowicz, M.D. Edward P. Blicharz Rudolph R. Boesch James W. Brown Damiano A. Buffa, M.D. Roger J. Burns

Harold C. Lang Donald C. March Robert M. Mathews Edward J. McCormick James J. McDonough Peter K. Mills, Ed.D. William Moser Alice M. Egan O’Shea Robert E. Parella, Esq. Thomas A. Parkes Joe Percevault Frank A. Pesile † Hon. James J. Petrella Joseph F. Piserchia Thomas M. Powanda Norman E. Rudolph, M.D. William L. Sexton Thomas J. Sullivan, Esq. Vincent T. Sutera Nicholas Tauro, Sr. Robert T. Tolle Joseph W. Willis


John A. Capo Frank A. Cerelli James P. Clark Edward Corton Thomas J. Cusker Gerard B. Davis Rudolph A. Demant Mauro A. DeRosa John P. Donohue John P. Doran, Esq. Anthony F. Dorrzapf, Jr. Rev. Msgr. Vincent J. Doyle Thomas A. Dwyer Fred C. Edwing Joseph Ellis, Ed.D. Alan G. Fitzpatrick Bertrand M. Flynn David J. Funsch Frank J. Gianattasio James R. Gillespie John M. Golaszewski Stanley A. Herb, Jr. George R. Irwin John A. Keelen James P. Kilcullen Richard W. Kracht, Esq. † Leonard J. Lapadula Robert J. Mahoney Vincent C. Manganiello, M.D. Robert J. Manning Andrew J. Matthews James M. Matthews Bernard J. McGovern John J. McGuire William J. McKeever Charles K. McMahon James R. Mindnich Louis R. Molinelli Leopold A. Monaco William J. Monahan, Jr. Charles T. Moore John Morano William J. Muldoon Salvatore R. Nigro Edward G. Orzepowski William J. O’Shea Vincent H. Petti, Jr. Ronald J. Pozzi Edward J. Quirk Msgr. John A. Radano Joseph Rafferty Richard E. Readdy Bernard J. Rogers Frank C. Rubino Francis D. Ryan Robert T. Savasta William A. Schneider Vincent N. Scuro John J. Sivo Robert J. Stanley, M.D. Walter J. Sutkowski Joseph D. Thomas Bill Tighe Leonard J. Tomasik John C. Tuffy David R. Waldron Nicholas J. Willson, M.D. E. Norman Wilson, Jr., Esq. Thomas R. Zarzecki, Sr. Herbert Zweig 23

GIFTS BY CLASS 1960 Founder’s Society Daniel M. Collins William J. Cozine President’s Cabinet Joseph J. Brogan Thomas W. Burke Robert J. Goldstein John M. Tassillo, CPA President’s Circle Joseph V. Burakevich, Ph.D. William J. Caufield John F. Donahue James R. Kelly, Ph.D. Ron Kelly Francis J. Kilkenny President’s Council Richard P. Barnitt, Sr. John A. Jung, Jr., Ph.D. Kenneth J. Mathews Bernard F. McNeilly Donald J. McSparran Thomas F. McVeigh William J. Mealia Richard J. O’Brien Bernard F. Puy Michael L. Rose Martin T. Walsh Thomas J. Whalen, Esq. Dean’s Society Eugene C. Boyle Conrad L. Romanick Pavo Society William J. Beatty † Alexander J. Bott John N. Castellucci, M.D. Michael F. Cocca John M. Corbliss George Cronin Thomas J. Curtin Anthony R. Cusumano Thomas M. DeSando Charles J. Ferrara Donald G. Gerlich Franklin D. Gregory Michael J. Guerra Joseph P. Gulbin Lawrence Hauerstein Donald F. Haugh Thomas E. Healey Paul J. Heaney John F. Jeszensky Dr. Robert G. Johnson Gustav S. Kane James P. Keeney Michael J. Kennedy, Jr. James M. Kiernan John P. Kip Louis J. Klein John H. Kouvel Edward R. Krasiewski Anthony F. La Femina Carl C. Larsen James J. Magee Robert J. Materna John E. McCarthy Matthew T. McClane Francis M. McInerney, Jr. Neil McNulty 24

Continued Nicholas J. Miller James P. O’Brien Charles P. O’Farrell III, Ph.D. Thomas F. O’Hare, Jr. Edward M. Phillips William J. Plastine William F. Richardson Gerald T. Ryan John N. Santillo Francis C. Scala Paul C. Schroeder, Ph.D. James P. Seymour, Sr. Thomas W. Sharlow, Sr., Esq. James C. Shy, Esq. Joseph M. Silvestri, Esq. John F. Spellman Peter M. Sullivan, Ph.D. Richard C. Theuer Richard F. Xavier

1961 Magis Society Walter J. Hyjek President’s Cabinet Patrick J. Cassidy, Ph.D. President’s Circle Robert P. Groesbeck President’s Council Lawrence P. Brady, Jr., Esq. Vincent F. Brennan Thomas J. Casaburo Robert C. Conlon, Esq. Kevin F. Cunniff Robert F. Dato, Esq. James J. Everett Rev. John J. Gildea Henry F. Harty, Jr., Ed.D. Thomas J. McDonnell Mike Molino Anthony J. Sogluizzo William J. Spataro Dean’s Society Frank F. Cappelli, M.D. Phillip J. Catanzaro, M.D. Robert P. Santangelo, M.D. Pavo Society Patrick F. Aluotto Robert E. Atzingen Charles T. Barthel, Jr. Richard A. Bianchi Edward J. Borrone, Esq. George A. Brincka Edwin R. Buchanan George W. Canellis, Esq. Joseph G. Caruso Hon. Thomas E. Clancy, A.L.J. Michael C. Clements Gerard S. Cogan Hon. Patrick D. Conaghan William P. Condon Vincent J. Curtis Hon. Michael J. Degnan Sal DiGiovanni John A. Dillon, Jr. Leonard A. Dwarica, Esq. John Eugene, Esq. William C. Fahey, Esq. † Ray Ganim Richard A. Garcia Robert L. Grady, Sr.

George E. Greenwald Joseph R. Guarino William H. Haemmerle Theodore J. Heiart William J. Henderson John L. Hogan Douglas J. Hollywood Anthony J. Jaswinski Kenneth W. Johnson Peter J. Kalinowski Charles L. Kohler Edward F. P. Lane John A. Lenox John J. Maier John P. Malloy Edward J. Malone Thomas C. McCrohan Daniel A. McGonigle Edward L. Merrell, Jr. Joseph A. Messina, M.D. Joe Millichap Vincent W. Moran Albert E. Mullin, Jr. Hubert A. Murray Louis M. Ocone Peter J. Palmadesso, Ph.D. Hon. Robert C. Pollock, Jr. Frank J. Powell, Sr. Tony Procanik Tom Quinn Clement J. Reck Thomas A. Reitemeyer, CPA Charles A Ribaudo Peter R. Rogina Robert M. Rokose Gary E. Ruoff, M.D. Louis J. Sauchelli Donald W. Schlicher Vincent P. Sgro Michael J. Sheyker John R. Sliwicki, Jr., CPA Arthur W. Smith Michael F. Smith Walter C. Smith Frank J Spano, Jr. David M. Stevens Joseph E. Stevens Dominick M. Vallese Paul F. Vinger, M.D. George E. Wenz, Esq.

1962 President’s Council Anthony J. Alberino Harry J. Arnold, Jr., Esq. Richard A. Derrig, Ph.D. Frank V. Geremia James B. Heaney Thomas D. Hoffman, Esq., Ph.D. John J. Reck Robert F. Reddington, Sr. Dean’s Society Brian J. Callaghan Robert J. Castle John H. Gavin Frank R. Machuga James S. Reddy Joseph D. Salerno George L. Schneider, Esq. John A. Sena James T. Whalen

Alfred H. Zywicki Pavo Society George W. Armbruster Frank V. Barrella Richard F. Berk Cornelius Boylan Frank A. Brescia Eugene C. Buckley, Ph.D. Phillip J. Campana, Ph.D. Edward M. Casey, Jr. John J. Charles Paul T. Conway Thomas J. Davine Mauro De Bari, CPA Ed Delaney John J. DePierro, Jr. Edward G. Dzienis, Jr. Robert J. Eccleston Cosmo F. Ferrara, Ed.D. William P. Ferry Rev. D. Michael Flynn, S.J. George F. Goertz Michael L. Grabler, Esq. John F. Grisoni Edward L. Hannon Peter S. Hoffmann Richard W. Hooker John M. Katko, D.D.S. A. John Kearney William Kistulinec John A Konczal, Sr. George R. Krone Michael R. Lapetina Michael P. Locascio Lawrence J. Magliocca Joseph J. Mangelli Louis J. Marsico Brian McCarthy Richard P. McConville John P. McHale James T. Messano John P. Murray Anthony S. Neusch Peter J. Norton, Esq. David J. O’Connell, Ph.D. Paul G. O’Rourke, CPA Ralph Francis Perullo Alfred F. Peruzzi John W. Petrozzi, M.D. Edward J. Plaza, Esq. John J. Pra John M. Ragazzo, Sr. Raymond M. Ralph, Ph.D. John G. Rentko Anthony Roda, Ph.D. Joseph C. Rosinski Edward P. Rumain William J. Rustia Richard C. Rygiel Edward G. Sheridan William M. Tilt Joseph J. Vervier Emile M. Vitella Henry O. Wefing, Jr. James J. Williams, Jr. Warren H. Woods

1963 Magis Society Peter G. Stewart, Esq. Francis G. Ziegler

President’s Cabinet William Componovo President’s Circle Thomas J. Jordan James W. Meister Angelo A. Vigna President’s Council Frank A. Ciesla, Esq. Antonio S. Limbardo Martin P. Lydon Dean’s Society Robert J. Armbruster Edward H. Cichurski, CPA George K. Degnon Robert J. Duda John D. Koblan William E. McAlvanah, Esq. Thomas W. McKinley, CPA William R. Thomas Bernard A. Whalen Pavo Society Robert V. Bellacosa Peter J. Bernich, CPA Raymond J. Bielicki Robert C. Bongiovanni Stephen J. Borusovic Daniel A. Bozza Joseph D. Buonadies Donald T. Burns Jack C. Bury Gary M. Cademartori James P. Cassidy Edward T. Ciliberti Ronald G. Collins, Esq. John P. Connolly Vincent A. Corsaro William P. Crutchlow, M.D. William J. Dennehy Raymond J. Doles Col. Neil D. Doran, USA (Ret.) Gerry Duffy William J. Duffy Edward B. English Gregory T. Farmer, Esq. John F. Feind Peter J. Finnerty Arthur Fishelman Thomas W. Floyd James W. Gahan David J. Gallagher Joseph A. Grillo William J. Haggerty Thomas F. Hanrahan Dominick J. Hart, Ph.D. Richard P. Imbruce, Ph.D. William E. Kaffka Richard M. Kaner Francis X. Ketterer John C. Kilcullen Charles A. Kouvel Donald Kraft Robert P. Lavach Theodore J. Leitereg, Ph.D. Richard W. Loeffler Thomas Logio, M.D. Robert E. McCabe John F. McGlynn, Esq. Bernice Dippel McGonigle Mark E. McGovern, M.D. Eugene V. Moller

Patrick J. Monahan, Jr. David J. Morris Ronald L. Oswald Saverio V. Palmieri John S. Petronick Paul J. Petruska, M.D. Robert A. Piasecki Frank M. Pope John M. Quevedo, Jr. Joseph M. Rabbia Jesse J. Radvansky Edward Ratazzi, Jr. Agostino V. Rottino Robert E. Scully Andrew M. Smakula Anita Boylan Spellman Leo F. Tymon, Jr. James H. Walsh Robert J. Walsh James R. Wells John P. Welter Edward T. Wojslawowicz

1964 Founder’s Society James J. O’Brien Bernard W. Walsh Magis Society Peter S. Johnson President’s Cabinet Robert L. Kaiser James J. Loughlin President’s Circle Dennis R. McCarthy President’s Council Thomas J. Basile Thomas M. Dinneen Robert J. Giugliano, Ph.D. Eleanor Kreta Lewis G. Pascalli, Jr., Esq. Edmund M. Polonitza Edward W. Reuter Dean’s Society Robert M. Cashill Most Rev. John W. Flesey, STD, DD James V. Galiano, Jr. Hon. Edward T. O’Connor, Jr. William E. O’Dowd Daniel E. Toomey, Esq. Pavo Society Col. James F. Bald, Jr., USA (Ret.) James P. Barry Sigmund J. Bienkowski Hon. Peter F. Boggia Walter E. Bonowicz John F. Bowman, Jr. Donald J. Brennan Michael J. Brennan Robert W. Brodbeck Edward C. Burns John J. Calamari Richard J. Carew Robert L. Cerciello, M.D. David F. Coleman William W. Corson John B. Daly Cosimo P. Dibartolo Michael Dimitrelis Charles P. Dolan

Barry J. Dugan Richard W. Eastman, Jr. Raymond P. Farley Robert D. Finnegan Patrick R. Forte Lawrence J. Grady, Jr., Esq. Robert T. Guellich, CPA Charles J. Heitzmann George E. Hunter, Ph.D. Michael S. Jakubowski, M.D. Thomas J. Jennings Michael J. Keane, Ph.D. James P. Kelly, Jr. Thomas J. Kennedy Clifford R. Lauterhahn Richard A. Leister, Ph.D. William A. Lindsay Edward R. Maguire M. James McLaughlin George A. Meluso Joseph F. Monti C. J. Moore, D.D.S. Thomas H. Mullin Stephen L. Murphy Patrick J. Nestor John B. Opitz James F. Parry Edward J. Petrella, M.D. Charles Pietrangelo Christopher W. Preuster Salvatore Prisco, Ph.D. John L. Rosta Arthur J. Smith Gerald G. Vernice John B. Wefing, Esq. Manlio M. Yozzo Fernando E. Zegri, Jr.

1965 1872 Society Thomas W. Duncan Magis Society James F. Donohue, M.D. President’s Cabinet Richard P. Libretti Garry A. Prime President’s Council Robert J. Donato John F. Galbraith Raymond G. Hallock Rev. Eugene P. Squeo, Esq. James D. Van Blarcom Dean’s Society Robert T. Cabezas James P. Crane, Ph.D. Frank A. DeCicco, M.D. John P. Lau, Sr. Thomas P. Mahon William A. Marion, Jr., Ph.D. Gerard J. Roerty Bill Sellitti Pavo Society Paul G. Bach John F. Britanak Robert A. Bronovicki George P. Bull James A. Burger Joseph H. Burns, Esq. Ralph T. Calderaro Robert J. Catanzaro

Peter J. Coughlin Frederick S. Crisafulli, M.D. Thomas V. Curtin, CPA Frank X. Derwin, Esq. Robert C. Doherty, Esq. Richard H. Escobales, Jr. Gerald J. Galdieri Donald J. Gallo, Esq. Peter J. Griffin Bob Hugelmeyer Joseph C. Imhof John A. Kayiatos Timothy C. Kehoe John J. Koprowski J. Brian Kuebler William J. Lau Gerard F. Limone Joseph A. Lopomo Paul A. Marsh Richard L. McCloud Robert C. McCready Paul A. McGee, M.D. Francis X. McGorry Patrick A. McGuire Thomas J. McLaughlin, M.D., Ph.D. Robert E. Meehan, Jr. Salvatore J. Milano, Sr. Ronald J. Olasin John V. Orrick Robert F. Orsetti Louis J. Panepinto Dennis J. Piatkowski Robert A. Pisani Edward D. Ruch, Jr., Ph.D. Robert M. Russo Ronald J. Sabatini John P. Scanlon Kevin M. Tansey Ronald D. Waack John M. West Richard T. Williams Frank S. Woodruff Gerard E. Zimmer

1966 1872 Society William J. Marino Magis Society Joseph A. Panepinto, Esq. President’s Cabinet Lawrence R. Codey, Esq. Patrick E. Scura President’s Circle C. Thomas Meisse President’s Council Theodore Bajo, Esq. Joseph N. Barbera Edward A. Boyno, Ph.D. Thomas F. Conway, Jr. James H. Freis, Esq. John T. Herrmann Michael J. Izzo, Jr., Esq. Loren E. King Dennis R. Walsh Dean’s Society Martin P. Feeney Terence J. Kennedy Hon. John F. O’Halloran Gabriel J. Pompeo Stanley M. Zaborowski, M.D. 25



Pavo Society Daniel F. Aherne William G. Byrne, Jr. Matthew Carcich Daniel A. Carey James R. Clark Vincent J. Core Edward T. Corrigan, Esq. Thomas J. Coyle Vincent J. Dell’Orto, Ph.D. Joseph J. DeLuca Edward T. Devlin Joseph J. Dioguardi George M. Dooris, Ph.D. Thomas J. Drew Alan Farber, D.P.M. Kenneth S. Fekete, Sr. James T. Foran, Esq. Michael J. Hasuly Florence E. Hayes James F. Hughes, CPA Robert L. Jarecki, Sr. Robert J. Kempton, Ph.D. John M. Kopcak Michael J. Kosc Gregory M. La Gana, M.D. Anthony A. Lenza Richard A. Marino John Marmora Richard Maschal George R. Matash, CPA Walter P. Matkowski Michael D. McDonnell Raymond P. McKernan Charles R. Meehan, Jr. Rev. Ward P. Moore Anthony M. Morro Robert J. Myers Joseph W. Nevatinski Charles J. Nietsche Patrick A. O’Hare, Esq. Ronald J. Palmieri, M.D. Raymond J. Plodkowski Thomas J. Polk Thomas F. Powell Paul A. Roskos Charles S. Shiverick Maj. Richard J. Singler, Jr., USA (Ret.) Joseph J. Switzer, Esq. Hon. Fred J. Theemling, Jr. Richard G. Turner Robert A. Williams

1967 President’s Cabinet Marshall V. Rozzi President’s Circle Robert G. Lahita, M.D., Ph.D. Hubert J. Moran Joseph P. Riccardo Mary E. Tierney President’s Council Bernard J. Berry, Jr., Esq. Richard K. Donnelly Thomas J. O’Brien Kenneth J. Sheedy William J. Ward, Esq. Joseph A. Wisneski Dean’s Society Michael J. Calderaro 26

Paul V. D’Ascensio John J. Halpin, M.D. John C. Hoffman Anthony P. Meli, Jr. Charles J. O’Rourke Pavo Society Joseph C. Armbruster Louis F. Barbaro, Esq. Michael A. Berkowitz Walter C. Bissett John J. Bonder Joseph J. Bulman John F. Byrnes, Ph.D. Richard M. Cardillo Robert J. Cavanagh Fred J. Ciociola Richard W. D’Andrea James R. Davidson Joseph A. DeSciscio Thomas A. Desmond Mario C. Di Iorio Robert J. Dobis Frederick W. Ducca, Ph.D. Martin F. Dunne, Esq. Stephen C. Emmerth Frank H. Felice Charles M. Ferrara, D.D.S. Richard E. Finch Nicholas M. Fugaro Richard M. Geffken Robert C. Greis Paul J. Hanak, Esq. Martin G. Heagen William H. Hill Michael Hopkins Robert J. Hopkins Gregory S. Hrebiniak, Esq. Richard W. Jacobs Richard Josefowicz William J. Keller John J. Kennedy, Esq. John F. Knutowicz Anthony G. LeFante, CPA John H. Lindstrom William R. Lund Henry F. Mackiewicz Joseph V. McCarthy, MA Ed ’95 Vincent J. McFadden Gregory J. Miller Marco I. Minervini, CPA Kevin P. Moriarty John J. Murphy, M.D. Alfred J. Nadler John J. Nolan Timothy B. O’Connor Hon. John A. O’Shaughnessy Thomas J. O’Shaughnessy Richard J. Pastush Ronald S. Plutnicki, M.D. Jeannette M. Podgorski Thomas D. Quinn John A. Quirin Jane E. Reddy Dennis J. Santomauro Steven A. Schlachter, M.D. David J. Seeley Thomas J. Smith J. Brian Sokolik, Esq. Gerald J. Stanig Thomas J. Szott

John Tagliabue Walter L. Topolewski John A. Wagner Robert G. Wickiewicz, M.D. Kenneth W. Wind

1968 1872 Society Thomas P. Mac Mahon Founder’s Society Thomas V. Whelan President’s Cabinet Hon. Joseph V. Doria, Jr. Joseph R. Gromek Paul J. McGovern Joseph P. Pieroni President’s Circle George J. Duva William A. Knapp, Jr. President’s Council Paul J. Brignola, Sr. George T. Furst, Ph.D. Terence L. Kelleher, Esq. Edward J. McCrossin III, Esq. Robert D. McKay, M.D. John J. McKeon, M.D. Donald Tashner Dean’s Society Thomas E. Butler James J. Egan Martin J. Hart Richard C. Hellwig, M.D. James T. Leman Sebastian A. Mazzotta, M.D. Thomas M. Molino Dennis M. Moulton Rev. Brendan H. Quinn Thomas F. Rochford Pavo Society Norus Achmetov Dennis J. Acinapura Peter J. Arney William S. Babics William F. Bailey, Ph.D. Bernard J. Bastek James P. Belz, CPA Joseph J. Blicharz Christopher A. Bogart, Jr. Robert A. Bonardi Robert M. Bordone David L. Bourgoin, Esq. John E. Butler, M.D. Paul V. Cahn Don D. Carlucci, Esq. Thomas J. Carroll Ronald R. Castaldo Ralph D. Cicirelli Michael D. Cole James E. Colligan III Catherine G. Condon Robert F. Corso Joseph Costello Constance Flesey Coyle Kevin F. Cuddihy Paul P. Cusano, M.D. John F. Daly Joseph A. De Angelo Julian Emilio De Lia, M.D. Richard L. Desalvo James J. Dowd, Ph.D.

John N. Doyle James Creighton Drury Gerald J. Eak, Esq. Hon. Joseph A. Egan, Jr. Wanda Festini-Iqbal, Ph.D. Thomas F. Fiore Michael Fitzgerald David M. Flynn Carl R. Furrevig Manuel Garraton, Jr., M.D. Michael J. Graboski Victor Gromosaik Donald W. Harold William M. Hayevy Joseph R. Horling, Jr. Carol Ann Hunterton Stephen C. Jacobsen Chester Kaminski James P. Kelly, Jr. Karen A. Kopcak Walter L. Kudlacik Fred Lau William T. Lissenden Richard A. Luc Martin J. Maguire Robert Marmora Karl F. Marx James D. Matthews Joseph T. Mauthe Thomas J. McCormick Lillian M. McGee Gerald P. McKeon, Jr. John M. Meekins, Esq. Thomas J. Melville, Jr. Ronald P. Monteverde Kevin E. Mooney John E. O’Connell, Esq. Robert D. O’Connor Peter J. Orrico Rene J. Perdreaux Mario A. Picinich Michael J. Pillo Jeffrey P. Quirk John D. Rafferty Robert W. Richards George W. Rommel Bernard J. Ruddock Michael J. Shannon Thomas M. Shea David J. Smith Paul W. Switaj, CPA Barbara Moraghan Tansey Michael J. Vastola David R. Wall, Esq.

1969 Magis Society Robert J. DiNicola Charles P. Mayer President’s Cabinet Joseph M. Dunn, Sr. Thomas J. Moorehead, Ph.D. President’s Circle Thomas F. O’Reilly John F. X. Prout President’s Council Peter S. Babits Marion Williams Berry Anne E. Butler Brian Dempsey

Martin J. Dolan III Edward C. Fedak, Esq. Louis J. Larca, M.D. Joseph P. LaSala, Esq. Nadia E. Makar Arthur H. McGuire William T. Monahan Frank J. Murphy, Jr., Esq. Richard T. Pederson, M.D. John F. Schmidt Richard M. Sostowski, M.D. Elnardo J. Webster Dean’s Society Joseph A. Beggans Daniel A. Crifo Nicholas A. D’Apolito, CPA Jerome G. Kotch Lincoln L. Manzi, M.D. William J. Nagel, M.D. Pavo Society Milan S. Andrus, M.D. Joseph A. Apicella, Esq. Joseph O. Arata Harold J. Augliera Dianne M. Babics Joseph A. Barresi, M.D. Joan Marie Black Bellotti Robert Betz Dominick V. Bonanno Ronald M. Brzenk, Ph.D. Patrick A. Cacacie, LCSW Hon. Kevin G. Callahan Robert M. Caputo Raoul C. Cordeaux Brian J. Cunningham James P. De Noble Robert A. De Noble Arthur M. DeGiovine Joseph Degnan Ronald D. DeMiglio Francis X. Dolan Arthur H. Dorland G. Robert Doyle John F. Doyle Mark H. Drew Raymond J. Frech, Jr. John R. Gancar Joseph A. Gervasi, Esq. Jeffrey J. Gimpel William J. Hall John B. Hennessy Robert C. Hinkle Charles J. Hollenbeck, Esq. Kenneth P. Hyle Theodore Jakubowski, Ed.D. Robert V. Johnston Marina Mirabito Kerber Robert Lake Raymond G. Lovey Joseph W. Luciano Joseph V. Malinowski Robert J. Manning Michael J. Marose Frank A. Massaro, Sr. James F. Muller John R. Murray Lawrence J. Musella Robert E. Nadler F. Peter Nicholson, M.D. Jan M. Niemiec, Ph.D. Steve Pandolfo

Eugene T. Paolino, Esq. Joseph S. Pawelczyk Jerome R. Peters Robert A. Portadin, M.D. Peter P. Price, M.D. Joseph L. Raffetto, M.D. Mayer Riff Patrick M. Roache, Jr. Joan H. Roberts Joseph R. Rosa, Jr. Jane M. Ruddock John M. Rusnak Thomas Russoniello Richard Secare William F. Sette Thomas E. Sheehan Catherine Surdovel, Ed.D. William A. Tracy, Sr. William R. Twyman, Sr. Norman E. Walker John F. Wascoe Gary M. Weaver Dennis E. Weisbrod Susan Caverly Whitcraft Walter F. Wilk George Witterschein Anthony W. Zarejko

1970 Founder’s Society Carol B. Bastek, Ed.D. Russell N. Stern Magis Society Maj. Gen. George R. Fay, USAR President’s Cabinet Gary S. Horan, FACHE ’70 Barbara Buchala Pieroni Ralph R. Russo President’s Circle Patrick J. Finnegan Theodore E. Kwiatkowski, D.M.D. Fred W. Musch John B. Wilson, Esq. President’s Council Patricia Duncan John J. Gualtieri, Ph.D. Fred J. Jacques, Jr. Peter P. Malecki James S. Perry Henry A. Tully Andrew T. Turrisi III, M.D. Lt. Col. Frank L. Varsolona, USA (Ret.) Mary Weldon Yannuzzi Raymond A. Yannuzzi, D.A. Dean’s Society Mary Bhagavatula Thomas G. Casper Hon. Patricia Del Bueno Cleary, JSC Susan V. Everett Donald R. Ginty Edward H. McKenna Fred W. Musch Matthew J. Swajkowski Robert V. Yanashusky Pavo Society Matthew F. Ahearn Aldo P. Antola Saradj Avaregan Arthur E. Balsamo, Esq. Edward T. Bartley, Jr.

Jayne Fowler Baumann William Benowitz Raymond W. Berberich Gregory Bialy Frank Bulzis Daniel J. Buongiorno Walter D. Carroll Kathleen Kelly Cash Gail Gilroy Castaldo Phyllis Amoroso Cicirelli Michael J. Condosta, CPA Sheila Stoebling Cortelyou Robert J. Crerand Patricia Bald Crifo Paul B. Crowley, D.M.D. Daniel Czernikowski Linda Castrianni DeMiglio Edward J. DePascale, Esq. Nancy Seyfried Devaney Kathleen McGuirk Diffley Maureen F. Donelan William M. Doyle Patricia Gallo Emanuele Dennis J. Enright James J. Feehan, Sr. James J. Finley, Ph.D. Louis A. Fucito Richard Gillio Robert W. Grize Dennis L. Guyre Steven B. Harz, Esq. Susan A. Hayes F. Judith Hepworth, Esq. Mary Gillen Howlett John J. Janasie, Esq. Walter S. Jaronski, Ph.D. Margaret Farley Kilkenny Raymond V. Kilkenny Peter A. Klein Roger Kuchar John R. Kutney Arlene M. Labudzki Catherine Chiola Lissenden John F. Littlefield, Ph.D. Miriam T. Lyons James T. Mai V. James Mann, Esq. Joseph A. Maresca Anthony J. Marinello, Esq. Alice M. McKenna Jerome P. Menkhaus, S.J. Ann-Marie Nazzaro, Ph.D. William J. Milczarski, Ph.D. Terrence H. Miller Robert H. Molloy Jeanne Basile Nelson Mary Ann Olsen, Esq. Darleen Kwiatkowski Pawelczyk John G. Pawlyk Michael J. Piorkowski John F. Pojedinec, M.D. Eileen Walsh Polazzi Arlene Vogler Price Kathy Bald Raschke Al Scerbo Eugene E. Scheurer John V. Scott Hollis M. Singler Joseph J. Spano Albert T. Spiegel Maria Vlahos Stamas

Carl J. Steidel John Sterni Roman M. Stienss George M. Telepun Robert J. Terranova Joseph G. Traynor Joanne C. Van Dorn-Prestia Ninfa Benigno Verpent Thomas S. Waclawik Peter J. Wevurski Amelia M. Yazbek Phillip J Yutko Robert E. Zeman

1971 Magis Society Joan K. Schultz, CPA Robert L. Tortoriello, Esq. President’s Cabinet Patricia McGeough McGovern President’s Circle Joanne Konicki Ceimo Frank A. Scerbo, Esq. Theresa A. Walls, D.O. President’s Council Thomas L Brundage James F. Dronzek, Esq. Richard R. Eger Melville P. Fickas Walter J. Greenhalgh, Esq. Patrick J. Griffin, Ph.D. Anton W. Guitano Frank W. Hogan, Jr. Marianne Zozom Larca Sara Oswald Karen Fristensky Stroever Robert B. Webster, CPA Dean’s Society William R. Armbruster Jay Buckley, Ph.D. Michele F. Dullea Vincent J. Frees John A. Grierden, D.M.D. Judith Allegro Grierden, D.M.D. Mary Ann Molinari Richard T. Morrissey, Esq. Therese M. Saulnier Kathleen H. Sullivan, Ph.D. Pavo Society Virginia Casey Ackerman John J. Adams, Jr. Robert J. Andrews, Ed.D. Lois Heeney Bajor Michael V. Barbetta Walter G. Barr, M.D. Mary N. Barravecchia William C. Bastan, Ph.D. Kathleen O’Brien Beggans Thomas J. Belton Patricia Diehl Boland James P.W. Bolden Michael J. Brandli Theresa Sues Brandli Janet W Brewer James Brophy Doreen Kallighan Bulzis Joseph A. Cantelmo Richard J. Caporusso Frank X. Cardiello, Esq. William F. Carroll 27



George P. Castellitto, Ph.D. Jean Chinni John P. Chipko John V. Cinciarelli Joseph M. Clifford Kathleen Fitzgerald Cocca Maryrose Carew Coiner, Ph.D. Robert P. Corbisiero Jesus N. Cruz Louis C. Dodge Carol Lenihan Domanski Elizabeth Dougherty, D.M.D. John Egan Ingrid M. Farrell Alfredo F. Fernandez, M.D. Darlene Amico Fisher James M. Flynn Christine Caplick Fogler Vincent A. Fusco, CPA Irene Psak Giameo Joseph A. Giammarella Stephen J. Giedosh, Sr., Ph.D. Ronald Goppold, M.D. Kenneth Hamilton, Ph.D. Neal J. Hancock James F. Hanley Bernard W. Harris Kevin M. Heaney, D.D.S. Thomas D. Higgins Robert Hynes Zlata Janegova Andrew J. Jaz Steven N. Kaplan Diane Dabrowski Korey J. Mark Korey Christine Perkowski Kruk Christine M. Lewandoski Gregory T. Loftus Martin J. Mackin Anita C. Malnig Mary Ann Lauria Marinello Kevin T. McGorry John J. McRae, Jr. Geraldine Adele Michalik, Ph.D. Cosmo A. Mongiello John F. Morgan George V. Moskal Mary A. Mullowney Margaret A. Murphy John M. Murray, D.M.D. Nona Masiello O’Connell Mary Colford Palecek Stephen P. Palecek Elaine Ciarkowski Petsu Elaine Picollo Rapp Fred Reinl James F. Rich Ronald S. Rock George G. Russo Carl J. Salerno Therese A. Sansone Michael Serpico Alvin Shiggs Lance S. Silvestris Jo-Ann Krill Soroczynski John A. Stockman Victor B. Studna, Jr. John T. Talbot Mary A. Tavares Sutula, D.M.D. Charles F. Trapp, CPA Mary Ann Bakarich Travis 28

Mary K. Whelan Anthony P. Yudd, M.D. Jacalyn Bopf Yudd

1972 President’s Cabinet Susan P. Mitchell-Abbate President’s Circle Hon. Marilyn C. Clark Marilda L. Gandara, Esq. Theresa Gutch Kwiatkowski Michael F. McManus President’s Council C. Mark Campbell Joseph D. Evangelista John C. Hughes Robert T. Martin Thomas D. Ruane, Esq. Patrick J. Ryan Joan Balmer Tully Thomas L. Wickiewicz, M.D. Dean’s Society Diane M. Acosta Noreen Hanbury DeBlasio Paul A. Foddai, M.D. L. Keith Madison, M.D. Florence F. McAlvanah R. Bruce Ryan Pavo Society Jean Grupp Baggs Michael J. Balduino George F. Barnes, Jr. Emmett F. Barrett Gerald Bielen Alice Bozoyan William F. Byrne David A. Cace, CPA Debra Ellen Cerruti Brian T. Codd Joseph E. Colford III, Ph.D. Thomas J. Conway, Jr. Rosemarie Petrocci Cordeaux William D. Cummings Roman Czajkowsky John E. Dabney II Owen F. Daly Anthony P. D’Andrea Alan J. D’Angelo Vincent P. De Gennaro, M.D. Thomas G. DeLuca, Esq. Emil P. Dochych Matthew A. Donohue Kevin J. Duncan Catherine L. Dunn, M.D. John R. Farrell, Jr., Ph.D. Walter Figiel Roseline Sellari Flynn Jose M. Gallo Patricia A. Gongla, Ph.D. Thomas E. Grant † Thomas M. Hamilton Margaret Mary Hennessy Gerard W. Hughes Patrick E. Kaminski Carol Wago Kelly Barbara A. Keshishian Maurice A. King Lynn E. Kodrich Teresa De Bartolo Kramer Joseph Kulik

Michael G. Lacinak Mary Lane Lane John P. Marmo Michael Mastropasqua Mary Ann McGuigan Richard Michalowski, Jr. Linda Jannuzzi Mitchell Dennis J. Murphy Richard G. Muzikar Thomas A. Newton Charlotte Politowski North Robert P. O’Connor John D. Oddo, Ph.D. Anna Stephanou Panayiotou Edward Pankowski Thaddeus R. Paprocki, M.D. Anthony C. Pasquale Col. Peter J. Podbielski, USA Col. Albert J. Porto, USA Michael Prendergast Sonia Echavarria Prendergast Ronald P. Prezioso Kathy Reed Robert L. Ricciardi Joseph T. Romano Bernie Schumacher Arthur W. Schwank Hon. Peter G. Sheridan, U.S.D.J. Michael F. Sinisi Arlene A. Smith Geraldine Stangl Dennis Sullivan Mark C. Sutich Carol Mascher Talbot Quinton C. Van Wynen, Jr. William M. Vasil John Wagner, Jr. Dennis Warnke

1973 Magis Society Joseph F. Coleman Kathleen Gilvey Tyrrell, Esq. President’s Cabinet Sharon A. Pastore President’s Circle Julie Delaney Fristensky Joseph T. Lynyak III President’s Council Joseph C. DeFazio, Esq. Julia M. DiGioia, M.D. James F. McGlinchy Joanne Burke McGlinchy Cecilia Ann Michalik Catherine A. Nealon Catherine Volkmar Phalen Stanley R. Plust William F. Wisneski Eileen Gallagher Witkowski Dean’s Society Ellen A. Albert Thomas J. Connolly, D.D.S. Paul R. Klepacz Robert E. Lee, Jr. Marylee Hamilton Madison Robert C. Novy, Esq. John O. O’Keefe John T. Puglisi Gerald A. Tobin, Esq. John F. Weiss Suzanne Finn Weiss

Pavo Society Maryellen Dolan Adams Lawrence A. Armenti, M.D. Robert W. Barkovitz James Bilotta Denise Carbone Braak Anthony J. Cacace Maureen E. Caprio Joseph A. Carluccio, M.D. Michael J. Celentano Joseph M. Cervalli Veronica Halaburda Cervalli Philip J. Ciriello, CPA John P. Cohen Francis X. Colford, CPA Jeanne Christie Colford Kevin J. Conochan Joseph E. Cooney Michael J. Derelanko, Ph.D. Benito H. Diaz, Esq. William J. DiCorcia Robert J. Diesner Joseph DiStaulo, CPA Helen Rogers Donovan Kevin J. Downes Dennis T. Dran Ronald Du Bois Bernadette A. Duncan, Esq. Gladys Chu Eng William J. Fechtmann, CPA Nancy Cosentino Finelli Jane Barrows Finley Ronald E. Ford Jeanne Neary Freitag Theodore Garelick Timothy Gearity Roger Gengaro Valerie Gray, Esq. Joseph T. Grossi, Jr. John Francis Hamill, Jr. Linda Germano Hamill Mariana Hamparian Cynthia Tosatto Harris Edward J. Hayden Dennis W. Healey Mary Seitz Jantas Frank D. Karkut Leo M. Kelly Elizabeth Barrett Kline Mary Kritsas Robert Larkins Louis A. LaRocca John L. Lenahan, D.M.D. Kenneth J. Mahon Virginia Murphy Mahr Roger F. Martoken Mary C. Massa, M.D. Joseph A. Mateo Peter Mattiace Paul A. McAndrew Kate McCann McDonald, M.D. Nicholas J. Mellie Daniel J. Millard Elizabeth Rooney Murphy Peter Nalbach John P. Navarro Frank V. O’Connell Beth Stevens O’Connor Peter M. Pizza John J. Pron Sharon A. Quinn, Esq.

Deborah Waldy Ricciardi Reinerio V. Rodriguez Peggy Londrigan Scott Michael A. Scura, Ph.D. Michael Siderias Salvatore J. Simone James F. Skiba, Sr. Diane E. Snyder, Ph.D. Ethel Koutzoulis Soterakis Louis V. Spagnoletti, M.D. Jerrold G. Starr Janet Seaman Sullivan Robert M. Thompson, M.D. Vito Uva Gerard A. Varley, CPA Richard Verbel Thomas M. Wisniewski Robert J. Woods Monte M. Zucker Henry A. Zulauf, Jr.

1974 Magis Society Joseph M. Bredehoft, Esq. Susan U. Bredehoft President’s Cabinet George M. De Luca Michael R. Milano ’91 President’s Circle Warren C. Fristensky George P. Gurdak William R. Jacobi Madeline L. Romeu, O.D., F.A.A.O. President’s Council John A. Anderson Gregory R. Arnold Maria Amato Fricke Paul F. Healey Thomas M. Luddy Mary Alice Costello Rippe Robert J. Zoccoli Dean’s Society George E. Flimlin, Jr. Daniel J. Sullivan Pavo Society Leonard P. Alfano Antonio Alosco, D.P.M. George J. Anderson, Jr. Susan M. Arnone William Balduino Raymond Barto, Esq. Frank A. Biancola, Esq. Mary Reddington Blaney Barbara Thorry Borrelli Carmine J. Borrelli Peter F. Bozza Gerard Bruno Donald Bunda, Esq. John W. Carroll, Esq. James A. Charles, M.D. Thomas G. Chiccone, M.D. Barbara Bennett Chipko Stephen J. Chopek Michael A. Colicchio Christopher M. Comer, Ph.D. Thomas J. Conti Thomas S. Cosma, Esq. Marta S. De Armas Marie DeMartino DeLorenzi Michael DiFiore, CPA

Arlene Roberts Dodge Grace A. Egan Stephen P. Ellerman Joseph A. Fazio Gloria G. Felder Andrew T. Filak, Jr. Dorothy A. Finkel-Laverty Margaret Heavey FitzGerald Catherine A. Foddai, Esq. Michael W. Galasso Ledis Franciskovic Gazic Clare Corbett Goscienski, MA Ed ’06 Joseph T. Goscienski Theresa Girardi Hamilton Stephen J. Holinka Patricia Presa Horan William R. Horan Jack Hyland Arline P. Innis Fred Kerber John Kirby Howard R. Knapp Joseph J. Kollar, Jr. Albert A. Kowalski, M.D. Thomas E. Laird Henrietta Fuardo Mahon Marjorie G. McCormack Joseph P. Merlino, M.D. John Mitrik James E. Murphy Stephen J. Napolitano Richard M. Newton Joseph F. Nostrame Anthony Origlieri, M.D. Matthew Percontino Rita Larkey Prezioso Louis Quaglia Michael A. Raimonde Catherine C. Randazzo Aldo Rubano Richard G. Simmons Kathleen E. Skrupskis Robert J. Stratton Robert Stutz Anthony J. Taylor Karen Gorman Thompson Arnold M. Tindale Alejandrina Torrens Thomas J. Tracy Henry Varacchi Hon. Thomas R. Vena Michael L. Vicoli Maryann Costello Visocchi Gary F. Vitale Rosalyn Waters-Maxwell Kenneth E. Williams Magdalena Wiltz, M.D. Loretta Donohue Woods

1975 Founder’s Society Kathleen M. McKenna, Esq. Joseph A. Vallerini President’s Council Michael Caulfield Robert A. Cutro Robert Donnelly Marcus P. Porcelli, M.D. J. Paul Schaetzle Joan Zadrozny Shields, MA Ed ’83 Catherine Amoroso Wickiewicz

Dean’s Society John I. Ciuppa Richard J. Ensor, Esq. Margaret McHugh Hagen William J. Hill Pavo Society Leroy Abner Peter L. Aragona, Esq. Walter R. Atterbury, CLU Michael P. Boyle, Ph.D. Sylvia Bozoyan Adelina Calabro Brennan Anthony M. Bruno Thomas J. Butler Cataldo Cacace, M.D. Jacqueline A. Cicchetti Christine M. Codd Michael R. Condon, Ph.D. Doris S. Conomos, MA Ed ’81 Irene M. Crum Gregory Cucco Arlene F. Cunningham Robert W. D’Achille Richard C. Delaney Ernesto Garcia Paul A. Gerber Theresa Lehto Gerber Michael C. Hellriegel James P. Holian Michele Barrington Hopkins Juan M. Jimenez William H. Johnston Lynn A. Lagomarsino Martha A. Larkins Thomas F. Laveglio Margaret Schak Lemaire John M. Lisa, CPA Joe Lombardo Sabato J. Lombardo, M.D. Susan Servello Macchiarola David J. McCarthy James T. McCue Brian P. McDonald Annette Robarge McNutt Mary Ann Jackson Morrone Mary Ann Murphy, Esq. Mary Ellen Nicola Donna T. O’Driscoll Robert J. Pagano Thomas C. Palumbo Denise F. Quinn-Hesse Gary J. Rich, Sr. Donald L. Ridley Elizabeth A. Roedell Katherine Resch Rotondi Matthew M. Schrier, D.C. Louis Stancampiano Tania Vaile Steven A. Vargo Patricia M. Wadleigh Rita Ryan Wenger Levy Williams Richard Wisolmerski John Yashulewicz

1976 President’s Cabinet Richard C. Gallagher President’s Council Deborah A. Bello, Esq.

David C. Descalzi Mary E. Kane Margaret E. Kenny Kevin V. Mahoney Dean’s Society Edward J. Baggs Albert E. Cruz, Esq. Maria T. Sgambellone Pavo Society John M. Avagliano Rudolph Bruno, CPA Mary Ann Mangan Bunda Loretta Cerullo Robert C. Cole Henry J. Dabrowski, Jr., CPA Donna R. DiNardo Robert W. Duffy, Jr. Peter J. Fontana Joseph M. Frodella John M. Furka John P. Gallagher, M.D. Marianne Gallo Frank Giaccio Francis J. Giantomasi, Esq. Joe Gibson Edward J. Grace Robert W. Harley Christopher M. Howard, Esq. Deborah J. Jindela Pathanee Jirayupat Denis P. Keegan David Kreutter, Ph.D. Karole Johnston Kreutter, Ph.D. Jeffrey Lahm Marie Laski John P. Lewis Michael P. Londrigan Anthony Luzzi Henry K. Matak Dennis McGlinchy Carolyn Merkovsky Gale A. Miller Margaret P. Mitrane Mark E. Morchel, Esq. Andrew D. Onacilla Thomas R. Palczewski Kathryn Lynch Peiser Jean Marie Pelkowski Allen V. Pisani Anna Foddai Pocelinko Marian Hornung Quaglia William F. Regan Judith Valente Reynard Dennis E. Rhodes Mark A. Rizzo Robert R. Ross Barbara A. Schwab, Esq. Ellen Hearn Short Stephen T. Skordinski Deborah K. Smarth Margarita Sori, Ph.D. Michael D. Sullivan, CPA George E. Thompson Anne M. Tighe, R.N. Jose A. Vazquez Michael P. Wladich, Jr. Joan A. Yasnikowski




1977 Magis Society David G. McIntee, CPA, CVA ’77 President’s Cabinet Patricia McQuillan Cummings Aldo J. Martinez, Esq. President’s Council Joseph B. Baratta, M.D., FACS Stephen A. Bezer Michael J. Castaldi Michele M. Howe-O’Malley, D.O. Peter Kenny Charles M. Lizza, Esq. Maureen B. Tart-Bezer Dean’s Society Jude Anne Carluccio, Esq. Janette Rizk Caulfield James A. Clarke, M.D. John M. Forrest David G. McIntee, CPA, CVA Joseph M. Szewczuk Pavo Society Deborah Accetta Kenneth F.X. Albers, Jr. Rolanda Azic Mary Beth Baker Boyle Anthony L. Capawana Charles F. Carpenter Robert J. Conroy, Esq. Elizabeth McGovern Cronen Janice Iuliano Cucco Susan Reddington Davis William J. Debiec Paul F. Diverio Patricia A. Dorn James A. Failace George A. Fernandez Gary V. Ferrari Joseph B. Flynn Manfred Foge Loretta P. Fulton William T. Gajdzisz Cornelius J. Gallagher Alfred J. Gillio Rosemary Sweeney Gousman, Esq. Joseph D. Greco, Jr., Esq. Barbara Lumpuy Haines Marianthi Handras Grace DiGioia Hassid Eileen P. Heagen Thomas M. Hill Edward A. Hiott Margaret T. Horan Joanne J. Hynes Toni-Dara Infante Lizabeth S. Konopka Richard B. Koski Theresa J. Kubinski Ronald A. Kucenski James A. Laria, CPA Jean Lee Michael B. Lee Robert Lillis Joseph Malloy Stephen A. McGuire Andrew J. Meyer John H. Murphy Marianne Mahoney Neissany Ana Diaz Noa Joseph A. Noa 30

John P. Ostynski Michael Pocelinko William Przygocki Alana Meadus Ryan Martha Weiss Sivertson James J. Skinner Francis J. Soltis, Esq. Maurice J. Spagnoletti Janet Gal Stoll Paul M. Swibinski Mark E. Szycher Vera Taylor Ronald R. Theobald Lynne Cicirelli Thomasey Anthony Tortorella Carolyn Weisbrod Raymond White

1978 President’s Cabinet Eugene A. Johnson, Jr. President’s Circle Richard J. Bender Virginia Forrester Bender, Ph.D. Elaine Fedak Dean’s Society Dominick S. Cinelli Paul L. Shahbazian Pavo Society Andrea Kelly Albers Michael L. Ammerman Lu Ann Constantino Aversa Michael A. Aversa, CPA Raymond R. Berger Patrick F. Callahan III Robert P. Cerutti John T.M. Chester George J. Christopher Robert J. Colacurcio Carol A. Collins Andreas D. Comodromos, CPA Antoinette G. Costa-Zaeh, M.D. Jane M. Kennedy Coutts Justine Uva Crismale Vincent M. Cronen Annette Pandolfo DeLuca Jose I. Fernandez Joan Holzschuh Carl E. Jablonski Patricia Jordan Maureen Keenan Ann Woch Kerda Antoinette Mezzina Koski Joseph A. Lizza, CPA Sophia G. Lynch Paul P. Malecki Thomas V. Masko, Sr. John Joseph Miele Samuel Miller Charles L. Miracola Eileen O’Connor Videtti Ellen J. Palumbo Jose A. Perez James A. Porcelli Raymond P. Reddington, Esq. Joseph P. Reo Stephen F. Riordan Frank M. Rosner Margaret M. Seiz Diane Sieczkowsk Smith Henry A. Smith

Mary A. Tierney John A. Tyrrell, D.O. Edward Walker Gregory Weidner Rosemary Wieczorek, M.D.

1979 Magis Society Michael T. Kahrer Francis A. McGrail President’s Circle Anna Origlieri Cicirelli, Ed.D. Carmel Zampaglione D’Amelio Frank A. D’Amelio President’s Council Lisa Mahlebjian Buzzard Albert W. Dreisbach III, M.D. Terri J. Driscoll Jose A. Juri Eileen Campbell Rath Dean’s Society Carmel Galasso Mary Cristantiello Jain Theresa Sneyers Shahbazian Pavo Society Maurizio M. Agresta, Esq. Frances D. Aragona James F. Begans Raymond Bellino Delores H. Brown Beth M. Castiglia Richard P. Cevasco, Ed.D. Rosemary Magaldi Chester Leonard Den Bleyker, D.P.M. Donna Urban Donaleski Eileen M. Finnegan Joseph P. Garlinsky Carrie Toscano Gennuso Eunice Nerbak Hudzik Ruth Krebs Jablonski Rosemary Michalowski Joannidis Daniel V. Joyce Rita K. Kazmierski Robert W. Kelly Michael R. Krolik Rosemarie Mannine Ada M. Marin, M.D. Antoinette Apolito Marmora, CPA Robert A. Meadus, CIA Edward J. Moskal Gerald Spatola O’Connor Timothy M. O’Halloran Thomas M. Olson, Esq. Karen L. Omilian, D.O. Anthony Onorato, D.C. Jean Picca Rant Anthony J. Reale Robert K. Reddington Elaine Draucik Ricchiuto Steven R. Ricchiuto Joann Riccio Lorraine Riotto, M.D. Ann Rogalski Kathleen S. Shaver Kathleen Clossey Spinelli Regina Francione Terriogo Sharon Reilly Tobin Brenda R. Wenning Gilda M. Whipp Frank Wieczorek Denise K. Zevallos

1980 President’s Cabinet Joseph P. Blauvelt Susan Sochinski Martinez President’s Circle Bernard W. Cicirelli, Jr. President’s Council Eugene O. Flinn Carol A. Harnett William G. McDevitt, Jr. Michael A. Meese, M.D. Louis R. Ruvolo ’08 Dean’s Society Leo R. Handerhan, Jr., D.D.S. Ray Menendez, CPA Dehlia I. Sunshine Pavo Society Roy Aksdal Laurence Ambrose, M.D. Clarissa Austero Kevin Begley Bernice Bell Michael J. Blasiak John G. Butler, Esq. Michael F. Calandrillo John Campanioni Jo-Ann T. Carricarte John P. Carroll Josephine G. Cupo Carol A. Czajkowski Gregory Della Pia Trudy Bedka Delmonte Lisa Descalzi Renee Dombrowski Faithfull Thomas Finch Linda Kolodziej Fortus Rosemary M. Frank Patricia Garcia Joseph Glembocki Franklyn D. Hemmings Robert J. Horan Michael Iannacone Marilyn Sluka Kelly Robert Kerber Alvin B. Kravitz John Lello Peter Lensky Julia F. Lomba Denise M. Mammolito, M.D. Thomas Markowski Adele Polli Mase Delores Melvin Cynthia A. Mulligan, Psy.D. Alice Novitt-Botte, D.M.D. Norach Rodriguez Orrico Dorothy A. Paolucci Julia M. Pate George Philbert Joseph C. Piperato John J. Plesniarski, CPA Barbara Gonzalez Potts Reinier Potts Giancarlo Prezioso Walter F. Rant II Rita A. Serock Jane Vargas William S. Vasvary Janet L. Walczyk William W. Waldy, Jr. Linda Sosulski Zindle

1981 President’s Cabinet Donna Falconcino Blauvelt President’s Circle Frank Garcia President’s Council Jay P. Baratta James J. Giordano, Ph.D., MPH Eileen Whalen Huelbig Roy E. Huelbig Francisco J. Varela Dean’s Society Michele Coniglio Vivian G. Dupree Mary Ellen Lavin, Ph.D. James F. Leen Pavo Society Benjamin D. Ascone Marilyn Stein Ascone Robert C. Bender John V. Bosso, M.D. Bruno Brancatella Mary J. Carille Maria T. Castrogiovanni David P. Caulfield Rose Cofone Madeline Colangelo Frank Colucci John G. Colucci, D.M.D. Mary B. Cranwell Patrick DeCotiis Barbara Turso Dembowski, Esq. Kenneth Dembowski Claire DiDomenico Patrick J. DiSanto Elizabeth Magee Doren Brian E. Early Eileen Egan Valerie Koerber Egan Maureen F. Finnegan Coleen J. Gallagher Donald Gurry Zenobia S. Harris Laura J. Johnson Judity C. Keilp, Esq. Noreen Kearns Laplaski Lisa R. Lattuca, Ph.D. John M. Lillis Jose Luis Lopez Mary Ann Ludwig Martin Mahler William Mateo Greg Melofchik Marisa Migliozzi Alicia I. Mojena Nelson Mojena Evelyn Montalvo-Stanton, M.D. Michael J. Muller, Esq. John A. Mustillo Bernadette Haggerty Olson Anthony J. Orrico, D.M.D. Katarina Sag Prais Janice Prontnicki, M.D. Jerrilyn Oliva Raczynski James G. Rizzo Anthony O. Ruggieri Mark A. Santangelo, CPA Michael P. Scanlon Nina Seelbinder Susan M. Suros

Michael F. Szalecki, CPA Beth Tormey Joseph E. Turkoc Eric C. Turner Vivian Vazquez Verhelle William Weber Doris Wojciechowski


President’s Circle Mark G. Kahrer Glenn Lockwood President’s Council Kevin P. Guckian Joseph A. Michalik 1982 Frederick W. Nitting, Jr., CPA Anne M. Ronan, Esq. Founder’s Society Bartholomew Erbach Dean’s Society Janet M. Fechtmann President’s Cabinet Catherine J. Flynn, Esq. Dr. Theresa Zesiewicz-Staffetti, M.D. John P. Krotulis, CPA President’s Circle Pavo Society Lucy M. Sardella-Lawrence Elizabeth A. Altamura President’s Council Dana England Bellino Dore Ann Celentano Baratta Marie E. Berge Martin J. Boyle Enid Bickram Marilyn Grebin Cheryl D. Bishop Pavo Society MaryAnne T. Brauner Ellen Gerweck Amon Catherine M. Carnevale Elizabeth James Blumetti Donna Schmitt Chambers Patricia Ann Burke Elaine Mauro Cigolini Kevin P. Burkly Thomas A. Connors, CPA Denise Carbone Caulfield Diana M. Corcoran Robert Coghlan Joanna Lewandoski Crosby Mark V. Curcio Joseph R Frank Diana Mazza Curtis Gerard T. Glynn Mark C. Curtis, Esq. Carl R. Gonzalez Mary Ellen Frank DeCotiis George W Ippolito James Degnan Donald Kameno Alfredo Delcastillo Thomas E. Kilkenny, M.D. Vincent J. Donatacci Daryl Delgaizo Levy Michael A. Donatelli Walter G. Lezynski Helen Shirley Fein Richard J. Macon Lt. Col. Thomas I. Fitzpatrick, USA (Ret.) William R. Marshall Alessandro Gajano Patrick J. McNamara, Jr. Milagros R. Garcia-Sobryan Steven G. McNutt Mark Granata, D.P.M. Gines Milara Katherine Dziewic Hixson Eni Moscatelli Kim Rozgonyi Hodder Kathleen Peist Janice P. Kidney Barbara Grabowski Perz Anita Shields Kinsella Regina Plesniarski Richard L. Kuklinski Lawrence A. Quarino, Ph.D. Robert M. McAdam, Esq. Thomas D. Roth, Jr. Brian McCarthy, Ph.D. Michael F. Russo, Esq. Susan Mackiewicz Mitchell Alan V. Russotto Jon P. Murray Helen Leahy Russotto Victor Paparazzo Ermina Gonzalez Santaguida Maria Pepe, CPA Keith Scala Toni A. Petrozelli-Demaria Vincent Sciancalepore Suzanne Mabille Prezioso Kathleen T. Smith Brian G. Regan Peter A. Vardakis Janice McManus Regan Ted A. Vittas William Roman 1984 Debra Marra Rucki Emily T. Ruffing Founder’s Society Joseph Sandford Annette Radoslovich Corbin Kevin M. Schaffert President’s Council Denise A. Schroepfer Suzanne Cozine, CPA Mark E. Severino Stephen M. Kozuch, Esq. Joyce Southwick Michelle Incognito Nitting Romana Teitelbaum Dean’s Society Dominick Joseph Truglio, Jr. Maria D’Martino, MBA ’90, MA Ed ’98 Saul R. Umanzor Kathleen Gillespie Krotulis Amita Vadlamudi Pavo Society Robert G. Weinel Elizabeth Varrichio Bender Thomas Wurst Moira H. Brady Mary Zerbo Rosemary Lombardo Chiricolo

Judith Garcia Cohen Kathleen M. Craffey Charles D. Curtis Ann Marie Gillespie Michael Granelli Edward J. Halter George J. Horan Elizabeth W. Howard Karen A. Kelly JoAnne Luccarelli Maureen M. Lyons-Brennan Annamarie Malachi Louis Marchese Eileen Markenstein Frank Martineau John P. Mayer, CPA Veronica Kain Mazzaccaro Marie S. Melli Irene Tsamutalis Moreira Susan Costello Nelson Robert A. Oberkehr Maureen E. O’Brien Colleen T. O’Dea Barbara A. Przekop Denise Tonzola Quarino Benny A. Recine Gina M. Reo Ellen McAlary Wisolmerski

1985 President’s Council Randi Larsen Casey Dean’s Society Ann Marie Conheeney Forrest Pavo Society Jorge Bello Anne Cerchio Kristin J. Connolly Louis J. Conte, M.D. Michael J. Donato, Jr., D.M.D. Michael D. Falduto Eric J. Hulsen Anna Cerbone Keegan Geraldine S. Kern Mary Anne Landi Barbara Matuszek Marchitto Michael H. McCloskey James N. Menendez Irene M. Pisciotta Catherine Pugliese-Sivo Daniel Quinn Wilfred S. Royer, Ph.D. Thomas J. Sivo Thomas C. Steffens Robert J. Suchocki, Sr. Kathleen Tomney William Towns Jude G. Tummillo Idalina Valente David Weaver

1986 President’s Circle Toni Ann Turco President’s Council Kathleen M. Cehelsky, Esq. Noreen D. Heath-Beaman, CPA Sandra Longo Reilly, MA Ed ’93 Dean’s Society Jeff L’Hote 31



Pavo Society Laura K. Andersen Angela Gillio Barth Joyce A. Behlmer Carol L. Berthold Karen Bizzaro, R.N. Irene Da Cunha Blair Stephen T. Cappitelli Michael J. Corsi, CPA John Degraaf Joseph Delboccio Michelle M. Dempsey Sandra Dran Orlando M. Esposito Alma Flick Christopher J. Gill Ann M. Gurney Patricia Deley Kilkenny Patricia H. Kontje Michael T. Kozar Kevin M. Larkin Anthony J. Marchitto Daniel P. McGuire Patricia Maguire Monaghan Robin A. Newman, Esq. Mary Lou Obermayer Karen A. Pacheco Curt J. Philipczak, CPA David M. Scuro Francelina Lopes Steffens Elena L. Araujo Such Belkys B. Tejedor Debra A. Tyler

1987 President’s Council Cosmo Vacca ’04 Dean’s Society Patricia A. Berry Pavo Society Carolyn Penaskovic Bauer Peter J. Bennett Mary A. Carroll, R.N. Sarah Higgins Colgan Barbara A. Cope Lisa A. Curcio Charlotte E. Fallon Mary Rita Gannon Lisa M. Gizzi Garza Cynthia Milane Huhn Patricia Mezzina Hulsen Gerardette A. Iovino John T. Irvine Henry J. Jedziniak Loretta M. Major Marianna McCarthy Colleen A. McCrea Joan M. McDonough Michael J. McGinn Joseph J. Mernar Gisela Mockler Patricia M. Pedersen Anthony Robiolio Roman A. Sukiennik Lupo A. Vaccarella Chris E. Vericker Marta Costanzo Youth Anita Zampino

1988 32

Dean’s Society Maryanne Armelino Menendez

Thomas M. Moran Pavo Society G. Jean Braden Junita E. Brodie Elizabeth D’Elia Bruno Yngrid Carpio John C. Caulfield, Esq. Kevin W. Dahill Gina Fortunato-Gehan Marlene Lara Hendrian Karen Forrester Larkin Ann L. McEvily Maryellen Scott Moran Christopher Pelletier Anne Barrett Russo Thomas Russo, Esq. Carol Scalzo Angela Scarpa, Ph.D. Luigi W. Scelza Marisa Tartaglia Watrall Thomas Valente Dauphine A. Williams

1989 President’s Council Stephen V. Falanga, Esq. Eileen T. Smyth Pavo Society Kevin N. Buterbaugh, Ph.D. Diane De Geoso Cantwell Juanita Michelle Foreman Robert F. Gerdes Eileen McGarvey Gill Barbara Ann Jordan-Smith Nancy Lanfrank Jan J. Marose-Swiszcz Maryann E. Mattessich Noreen Carnevale Monks Gail E. Neilan Kirk C. Nelson John E. Paglione Lisa M. Parr Albert Rodriguez Irene Zapisek Saxe Mark Singer Marie E. Stringile, Ph.D. Lionel Q. Suarez Ramon O. Veloz

1990 Founder’s Society Margaret Conway Erbach President’s Circle Michael P. McGrath Pavo Society Robert M. Argen Timothy A. Gallagher Michael A. Iannaccone Linda A. Jurusz John S. Kinsella Michael F. Lattmann Kathleen Lillis Magnus David Morano Lucia M. Passante Michael J. Samra, Sr. Arthur J. Scrivani, Jr. Scott E. Tuzzo

1991 President’s Cabinet Elizabeth Viray Santos Robb Santos

President’s Circle William T. Price III Fausto Rotundo, CPA President’s Council Kenneth Moore Rose R. Perry Dean’s Society Matthew J. McNeilly Thomas P. Weatherall Pavo Society Thomas F. Blunda David A. Bryngil Jeffrey A. Dupree Joanne E. Gifford Daniel S. Konieczko Roslyn Lieberman Dora Lourenco McNeilly Felicitas D. Nagayo Liz O’Connor Geraldine Perez Tony Pradhan Dorothy H. Stahl Vanessa H. Stephenson Tom J. Zimmermann

1992 Magis Society Anthony O. Pergola, Esq. President’s Council John W. Gogarty Richard M. Nugent, Esq. Dean’s Society Mary Mahon Carfagno Peter G. Carfagno Jane F. Durkin Pavo Society Patricia A. Antonellis, R.N. Eamon A. Beltran Mary Ellen DeMartini Dennis A. Drake II Anna Ines Gonzalez Kathleen Owings Kaderabek Sean M. Kane, Esq. Karen Campbell Mahoney, Esq. Ana M. Martinez Anna M. Neves Laura Diana Pekata Edward F. Schneider Urmil S. Shah Miguel M. Valdivia Jean M. Vitti Carol A. Weatherall

1993 President’s Council Mary DiNardo Dean’s Society Helen E. Carroll Pavo Society Anna Evangelista Buchsbaum Joseph M. Castellano Derick J. Christian, M.D. Margaret McGarvey Czarkowski Anna DiMeo Lisa Hughes Drury John P. Gervato Michael G. Granelli Susan Schlatmann Harris Ellen M. Kramer Michael J. Lillis

Karina I. Maleski Lillian Puk Mendibles Jerry Milsap Jill Serafin Pineiro Adriana Restrepo Janneth I. Salazar Danielle Toglia Fay A. Welcome

1994 Magis Society Maureen Lemke Pergola President’s Council R. James Ruscick Dean’s Society Jonathan C. O’Donnell Kevin T. O’Rourke Pavo Society Daniel L. Buchsbaum Patricia L. Byrnes Patricia A. Byrnes-Seneca Christine Pane Diaz Jennifer Petriello Eng Richard C. Foreman David R. Golebieski ’04 Deana Guden Pagnozzi La Toro P. Yates

1995 President’s Council Mary M. Lowenburg Ryba Dean’s Society Jean Gardner O’Rourke Pavo Society Laura Alexander Eileen Bautista Clarissa Brown Rose Costello Timothy N. Dillard Michael D. Horrigan Danielle C. Kishkill Barbara A. Lon Edward Mathews Leslie A. McHale Anthony M. Noone Indresh A. Patel Richard T. Ranft Vincent Santa Maria, Ph.D. Sean Scanlon Rev. James F. Spera Josephine Tighe David R. Tomkins Marlene S. Veselsky Natalane Williams

1996 Dean’s Society Joseph E. Holleran Jack A. Palazzo Joseph T. Pergola Pavo Society Rosemary E. Ampuero Anna R. Andriola Merrian A Bianculli Kathleen B. Campbell, RN, CPAN Janet M. Collins Michael P. Cunningham Daniel J. Daly, Jr. Monica Ceklosky Gildea Clare Gorek Lisa R. Gresham

Louise O’Neill Hayes Barbara W. Isenberg George Khoury Mary Laracy McCabe Patrice D. Murtha Mary C. Paiva

1997 President’s Council Crystal L. Howard John T. Sullivan, Esq. Pavo Society Michael M. Abatemarco, Esq. Nancy Marie Benecki Jennifer K. Crowley Antonio De Bellonia Carmelita Sendin Estavillo, Ph.D. Anthony C. Hallinger Fadia Joseph Susan M. Markenstein, Esq. Brian McCabe Jessica Juarbe McCarthy Timothy F. McCarthy Justin D. McKeon Julie Schaffert Mule Daksha Patel Jaime A. Reyes Jayne T. Rizzo

1998 President’s Council Ashling Lyons Ehrhardt Lauren Policastro Sullivan Pavo Society Rose Marie A. Bauer Estelle Bryk Margaret Anne Carpen Robert Censullo Dennis C. Degnan, Ed.D. Lynette C. Downey Alex Drummond Jean-Marie Gorski Timothy R. Hall Matthew E. Hanley Eileen A. Hannaford Christopher P. Harrison Christopher D. Isinta Bin Lu Ogonna Orjiekwe, D.M.D. John Sica Capt. Stephen K. Trynosky, Jr., USA Kenneth P. Tyburczy

1999 Young Alumni President’s Council Elizabeth A. Demetrician Paul A. Laracy, Esq. Pavo Society Constance R. Abate Mary L. Agudo-Quinone Jennifer A. Angeles Donovan W. Bedward Richard A. Bielen Mark A. Buitrago, CPA Jenefer Campbell Catherine Cassidy Martin J. Cormier Jorge R. De Armas James C. DeAngelo Carmen C. Faber Sandrine C. Lejeune-Kravitz

Evelyn Leon Robert J. Petrarca Richard J. Raschdorf Amira A. Roess Casey Strange Verce Tolomanoska Sean Torpey Erik C. Tsou

2000 Young Alumni President’s Council James P. Conway Jose L. Lopez, Ph.D. Joshua A. Schrier, Ph.D. Pavo Society William A. Calise Ruth V. Catabran Katy Klenk-Theroux Deborah A. Lombardi Susan A. McCue Margarita A. Moreno Adrianna R. Nesbitt Susan Johnson Patikowski Ramiro T. Ramos John C. Spear Margaret M. Wisnoski

2001 Pavo Society Arlene C. Alegre Krzysztof Augustynowicz Maurice J. Betts Francis M. Drummond Capt. Christian M. Fierabend, USA Mary McDermott Fierabend Melissa Porter Gallagher Loma P. Granelli Susanne Healy Macsu A. Hill Malikah T. Hines Lisa M. Jones Michelle M. Juarbe Joseph R. Kober Darren A. Petersen Diana P. Sardella David M. Smith

2002 Young Alumni President’s Council Michael M. Andrulis Pavo Society Terrence A. Benton David R. Brown Anna M. Buontempo, Esq. Josephine L. Cipriano Nicholas A. D’Amore Richard P. Diaz Roberto E. DiIorio Samantha M. Dublin Ian T. Gallagher Catherine M. Garbarini Pablo Garrido Pauline N. Heaney Frank J. Infante Brian M. Keenan Robert L. Kravitz Stephen Kriso Steven Llanes Danielle MacchiaLinda C. McAteer Mark C. Navarro Alberto C. Nunes

Jennifer J. Ragsdale Erika Mancebo Ribeiro Ereni A. Roess Mark A. Saad

2003 Young Alumni President’s Council Robert M. Carney, Sr. Pavo Society Maria D. Aala Patricia Ahearn John M. Bang Joan M. Carpenter Alex Gonzalez John J. Hallanan III Monica A. Ivankovic Victoria Kitsakis Alvaro M. Loureiro James E. Meehan James F. Milon Kathleen M. O’Dougherty Gennaro Pica Christopher B. Sandiford Joseph P. Shea Michael Simone Frederick P. Veltri Alexander P. Wender

2006 Young Alumni President’s Council Melba G. Blanco Rabia Sattaur Susan J. Tegtmeier Pavo Society Melba G. Blanco Michael N. Bress Michael J. Bruno Hwa K. Choi Rose Marie Cunningham John C. Ditinyak Nikos Eleftherakos D. Marie Franco Peter D. Ilich Aileen M. Krebs Christopher J. Kresge Joseph J. Pavlica, Jr. Reena S. Pawar John M. Robinson IV Christine Zappella Simone Karina Sosa Mukta P. Varsani


Young Alumni President’s Council John R. Hack Pavo Society Monica Abraham Sonya C. Allen Edward T. Gale Richard Garcia Marcia Gaskins-Slueu Laura Hauser Thomas J. Heaney Barbara A. Langon Patrick J. Maher Angel L. Martinez Katherine McCormack Darryl H. Scott Serina M. Alfano Signorello Sylvia Siler Colleen D. Smith

Young Alumni President’s Council Colin F. Hanley Billy Joe L. Mercado Lois M. Molitoris Joseph V. Mulvanerton Martin Nikolov Miguel A. Saez Frank Salvano Eric J. Watson Pavo Society Nora J. Connolly Leo J. Dandes John W. Durando Jose A. Gallego Carmen V. Genao William M. Gleeson Viergela Jerome Steven M. Marusic Victor Emmanuel A. Padriga, Jr. Frances Pellerito Giselle M. Salandy



Young Alumni President’s Council Anonymous Leah M. Leto Joseph P. Masterson Pavo Society Mark G. Arnowitz Patricia J. August Kevin Callaghan Leah E. Capece Andre Corona Andrea M. Freeman Joseph T. Liggio Maryanne Mattson Michael Settembrino Clayton C. Staton James C. Stokes Jamie B. Summers Christopher Tacopino Arnold B. Williams

Young Alumni President’s Council Elicia M. Beharry Gabriel E. Chelala Boryana Dimitrova Jeffrey W. Kane Christos A. Mergoupis Roseanne Moy Emily S. Quirch Robert A. Raffaele Maria L. A. Sarmiento James Servos Kamen Z. Stoykov Pavo Society Joseph K. Cheung Aditi Chopra Cheryl O. Cuento Geoffrey Daly Joseph A. Galbo Alissa R. Giordano Daniel L. Gubelli Sandra D. Horvat Madeline Madden





George Martinez Enuma E. Menkiti Dianne Militano Peter D. Miranda Cathleen A. Murray Murundi S. Onkaramurthy Gary Seneca Karen Singh Devin Williams

2009 Senior Class Gift

Edna M. Brown Sinclair P. Ceasar, Jr. Rory C. Dahill Jeffrey T. Dalrymple Sheron D. Eng Stephanie Galvis Conrad P. Habijan Joshua Hill Joann Howell Poonam B. Kapadia Chelsea L. Kilway

Katrina S. Luckenbach Goritsa N. Marova Terrance J. McCue Cherylann Munoz Adrian A. Ortega Shannon N. Porch Luis H. Pulido Jonathan A. Raditch Naemany E. Saldivar Gabriella V. Sciavicco Daniel K. Shea

Kristina M. Sheftall Laura M. Slaiman Rachel A. Slaiman Katherine G. Sura Matthew V. Swajkowski Christopher M. Wall Cortney Wise-Connor Mark M. Wong † Denotes Deceased

COLLEGE COMMUNITY & FRIENDS COLLEGE COMMUNITY Founder’s Society Joyce M. Henson, Ph.D. Magis Society The Jesuits of Saint Peter’s College President’s Cabinet Eugene & AnnMarie Cornacchia The Jesuits of Saint Peter’s College Marylou Yam, Ph.D. President’s Circle Virginia Forrester Bender, Ph.D. ’78 Anna Origlieri Cicirelli, Ed.D. ’79 William A. Knapp, Jr. ’68 President’s Council Kevin P. Brennan Mary DiNardo ’93 Michael A. Fazio Eileen P. Flynn, Ph.D. Bernard F. McNeilly ’60 Lois M. Molitoris ’07 Eileen L. Poiani, Ph.D. Louis R. Ruvolo ’80, ’08 Joan Zadrozny Shields ’75, MA Ed ’83 Dean’s Society Robert J. Armbruster ’63 Jenny E. Campbell Jerome G. Kotch ’69 Margaret B. Laracy Jose L. Lopez, Ph.D. ’00 Kenneth Payne Dr. Anthony P. Sciarrillo Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Simone, Jr. David S. Surrey, Ph.D. Pavo Society Patricia A. Blanco Frederick P. Bonato, Ph.D. Lois D. Borroum Joseph W. Brauner, Ph.D. Jamie Bredehoft Kathleen Brough, CPA David A. Bryngil ’91 Lori A. Buza David A. Cace, CPA ’72 Mary E. Carroll Robert J. Catanzaro ’65 Ana M. Cravo John E. Dabney II ’72 Kevin W. Dahill ’88 Myrna DeLaCruz Douglas A. DeMeo Joseph A. DeSciscio ’67 Noel D. Diaz 34

Elaine Esposito Wilton Fontenette Crescenzo G. Fonzo Patrick R. Forte ’64 Joe Giglio Alissa R. Giordano ’08 Maria L. Graziano Edward Gyuro Mr. & Mrs. Christopher G. Halma John E. Hammett III, Ed.D. John J. Hampton, Ph.D. Edward Hanley Monica A. Ivankovic ’03 Fadia Joseph ’97 James M. Kiernan ’60 Anne Kneuer Robert L. Kravitz ’02 Sarah Lacz Leah M. Leto ’05 Herman Lieberman Edward Mathews ’95 Thomas Matteo Maryanne Mattson Lorraine McConnell Irene C. McEachen, Ed.D. Gloria Mercurio Catherine M. Mernar Peter J. Midgley Mildred A. Mihlon Edward J. Moskal ’79 Marianne Mahoney Neissany ’77 Lisa A. O’Neill, Ph.D. Robert J. Pagano ’75 Anna Stephanou Panayiotou ’72 Shannon N. Porch ’09 Geraldine H. Price Patricia A. Redden, Ph.D. Anne C. Rosario Wilfred S. Royer, Ph.D. ’85 Miguel A. Saez ’07 Sally V. Sancho Ellen Hearn Short ’76 Meyer Silver Salvatore J. Simone ’73 Steven E. Smith Diane E. Snyder, Ph.D. ’73 William A. Stein Catherine Surdovel, Ed.D. ’69 Anthony Tortorella ’77 Ann Tritak, Ed.D., R.N. Mukta P. Varsani ’06 Ronald D. Waack ’65 Carolyn Weaver John F. Wrynn, S.J.

WeiDong Zhu

FRIENDS Founder’s Society David D. Bender Hon. Frank J. Guarini H ’94 Alice M. Hagan M. Brian Maher HA ’07 Mary Morrison Magis Society Mrs. James A. Cardiello Barbara E. Henderson Laura & James Hirschmann Marc & Kathleen Polychronis William T. Quinn James E. Tyrrell, Jr., Esq. President’s Cabinet John Aresta Andrew Conrad, Ph.D. Kevin A. Cummings Marion I. Goldstein Mr. & Mrs. David A. Herbst Robert L. Marcalus, H ’96, HA ’06 Virginia H. Moriarty David O’Dowd Caroline H. Rozzi Susan M. Russo President’s Circle Alice S. Bolger Mrs. William J. Forrester, Sr. Marilyn Haggerty James F. Keenan, S.J., H ’06 Kristen O’Grady Colin Rigby, Family & Friends Susan M. Scerbo Patricia Q. Sheehan H ’77 Mrs. Joseph F. Spaltro President’s Council Chris Boehmcke William & Helen Braddock Anne Cehelsky Mary Higgins Clark H ’93 Mrs. Richard F. Connors Dyan C. Cutro Zusette Dato George A. Dunn, Jr. Peggy Falanga Mr. & Mrs. John J. Ferguson Bernard M. Flynn & Ann M. Flynn Maiya Furgason Mrs. T. Edward Gavin Angelo Genova Lowell Harwood

Isabelle L. Kirchner † Rocco J. Marano, Esq. Mrs. William P. Maresca Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Martalus Judith M. Mills, Ph.D. Carolyn Murray Maureen F. Murray Anthony M. Natelli Mrs. Charles O. Nelson Eugene M. O’Hara Frank E. Pannone Marianne Reilly Mr. & Mrs. Scott W. Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Sakata Mrs. Roland Seidler, Jr. Mrs. Patrick J. Walsh, Jr. Brendan & Miriam Ward Anne D. Whalen Dean’s Society Arthur C. Bender, S.J. Robert L. Boyle Kathleen Brady Carl F. Cricco Mr. & Mrs. Dolan Mr. & Mrs. F. Gerard Drummond Adrian M. Foley, Jr., Esq. Hon. Marie L. Garibaldi H ’93 Suzanne J. Gavin Mrs. Richard T. McNally Mrs. Guy Natelli Mr. & Mrs. John P. Nelson Kathleen O’Donnell Mrs. Aloysius F. Ring, Jr. Gloria M. Rorro Janet R. Salerno Kevin Snowden Mark A. Tomasik Pavo Society Michael J. Acocella William Q. Ahearn Howard M. Aison Charles Alberto III & Maria Alberto Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Alexander Loretta Alfano Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Alfieri Ivelisse Alvarez Robert S. Anasiewicz James & Sherry Andrews Marie A. Andriano Albina Andrisani Vital & Rosemarie Anilus Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Anton, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Archer, Jr. Denise Attarian John Azzariti Mrs. Ernest J. Baker Mrs. John M. Banas-Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Bang Vita Baratta Judith A. Barbito Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Barcadepone Susan J. Barone Richard J. Bartnik John T. Battistessa Drew J. Bauman, Esq. Elise & Paul Bayse Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bayse Mrs. John W. Behnken Ray Bellino Gerry Bellotti Guichard Belton Donald & Denise Berberich William A. Bernardo Melanie Bishop Christopher & Karen Biskup Karen M. Blaser Francis J. Blee Michael Blee Mr. & Mrs. John P. Blessington Frank M. Bolen Josephine Bonomo Hon. & Mrs. William L. Boyan Mr. & Mrs. Terence F. Brady Benjamin & Nancy Bramham Vincent & Anne Brana Howard & Caryl Bremer Michael & Jennifer Brower Frances A. Bryngil Keith Buchanan W.R. Buchanan William & Barbara Buckley James B. Burch & Therese Burch Francis A. Burhman John Burke & Sharon Burke Lisa S. Cahill, Ph.D. & Lawrence R. Cahill, Esq. Cynthia N. Calderon Audrey Calligy Doris F. Campbell Wayne & Sharon Campbell Roberta Nolan Canavan Arthur Candelaria Jose Cano John C. Capron & Diane F. Capron Diane Carlson Mr. & Mrs. Frank Carnevale Dr. & Mrs. William T. Carrington, Jr. Edwin A. Case Lucy Case William Casey Mrs. Robert M. Cassidy Mr. & Mrs. Jose Castillo Frank Castrogiovanni Mrs. Gilbert T. Cawley Kacy Centi Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Chambers Omair Chaudhry Barbara A. Chryst, HA ’99 Mrs. Gregory P. Cinnella Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Ciuffini Nancy Class Kathryn L. Cobb

Jacqueline Colbert Leo Collins Marian & Stephen Conk Nancy Connor Jesus Coronado Maria A. Correia Maria Correira Rosemarie & Joseph Cortazzo Victor Cosme Jack & Laraine Costa Anthony J. Costantini Margaret M. Costello Martin W. Costello Mrs. William D. Costigan, Sr. Mrs. Dennis M. Coughlin Mary Coughlin Mrs. James J. Craffey, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Craven Peter J. Cresci James Crisafulli Mrs. Hugh R. Crosson Raquel Cubano Mrs. Robert B. Cullimore Mr. & Mrs. James P. Cunningham Mrs. John W. Czarnecki Frank & Donna Dandrea Juliette Daniels-Overby Jose A. Davila Mr. & Mrs. Edmond Day Ruth De La Cruz Antonio De la Fuente Bernard L. Decristofaro Kenneth Del Percio Stan T. Dela Paz Maryann Deleo Mrs. John P. Deley Dr. & Mrs. William J. DeLiberis Karen Delle Donne Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Delnero, Sr. Justina Delpolito Hugh J. Dempsey Robert & Linda Dennis Neil A. DeSena Jim & Michele Destefano Roger & Irene DeVos Mr. & Mrs. Douglas C. DeWolfe Franklin Diaz Juan Diaz Rose M. Diblasi Mr. & Mrs. James J. Dillon Gail A. DiNapoli Marion E. Dittrick Pasquale G. D’Martino Sean Doheny Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dolan Steven Dondarski Thomas H. Donnelly, Ph.D. Mrs. John P. Donohue Laurence & Mary Downes Amorelle Doyle David & Kathy Driscoll Walter & Vivian Drozd Mrs. John J. Dubon Mrs. Robert W. Duffy, Sr. George J. Duke Henry & Patricia Durand Glenn Duross & Susan K. Duross Roseann Duross Elaine Dwyre Mr. & Mrs. Darius J. Dziedzic

Stephen & Ann Ennis Mr. & Mrs. Hermito Esperanzate Robert Espinosa George P. Evanovich, Ed.D. Mrs. William C. Fahey Jane F. Fair Virgilio Fajardo Eileen Falanga-Corcoran Doris C. Falloon Kathy A. Farrell Elizabeth J. Feehan Herta B. Feely Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Fernandez Mary E. Ferrari Richard & Celayne Ferrari Steven & Maureen Ferraro Mr. & Mrs. John Ferroni Albert E. Fershing Mrs. Werner B. Fiebel Kimberly M. Field Loretta A. Finn Mrs. Alexander V. Finn Brian & Kathleen Fitzpatrick Michael Fitzpatrick James A. Fitzsimmons Kate Flannery Mary Degnan Flynn Stephen & Denise Fogarty Edward G. Foley Nicholas & Joann Fortunato George E. Frakes Jacquelyn A. Gale Mr. & Mrs. John B. Garbowski Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Garvey Ronald & Florence Gatti Annie Giambalvo Peter & Ruth Gibbs Peter Gil & Patricia A. Gil Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth G. Gill Mr. & Mrs. Michael Giordano Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Gonnello Ricardo J. Gonzalez Barbara Gorman Emily & Keith Gorman Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gorman Gregoria Gramatica Mrs. Thomas E. Grant Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Grant Mr. Frank Grassi Guy J. Graziano, Sr. Dianne M. Green Gary P. Green Robert A. Green William J. Gruner & Kathleen F. Gruner Peter C. Guasti & Lillian Guasti George & Mary Guerin Mr. & Mrs. John J. Gutch Patrick J. Haack Janet Hall Margaret T. Hall Christopher G. Halma James & Virginia Harden Martin W. Hargrave Julie M. Harris Edward A. Hartmann John & Stephanie Hartmann Cecelia Harvey Thomas Hayden Lynn Hayes Marc Hayward

Hon. & Mrs. Jerramiah T. Healy George & Mariette Heavey Rose M. Heck James & Debra Hefferan Charles & Barbara Heffernan Joel R. Heller Patricia Henderson-Kusen Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hennessy John & Anne Herring Ms. Elizabeth Holland Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Holowienka Robyn & Jonathon Holstein-Glass Mr. & Mrs. Boleslaw Hornik John & Barbara Hrankiwskyj Mr. & Mrs. Ian Hudson Mrs. George J. Hughes Stephen Hughes B F. Hyduke & Dorothy Hyduke Mr. & Mrs. Arthur A. Hynes Thomas F. Igoe Elizabeth Ives Ralph Jackson Patricia E. Jago Paula Jaye Nora O. Jeannier George & Lucinda Jeffers Jose Jimenez Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Jones Thomas Kalman Micheal Kane & Nancy L. Rowe-Kane Mrs. Patrick E. Kane Mr. & Mrs. Adam Kastin Anthony & Monica Kaszuba Luz Kaulfers Mrs. Edward T. Kellaher Elizabeth A. Kelly Mrs. Charlene A. Kennedy Alberto & Eva Kercado Jeffrey Kestler Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Kilway Donald W. Kimmick, Ph.D. Mr. & Mrs. John Kincaid John Kochupurackal Joan Koebel Mary Ann Sullivan Kofoed Mrs. Edward J. Koropsak Amelia J. Koster Mrs. Richard W. Kracht Robert John Kresofsky Robert & Sandra Kugler Kenneth J. Kuk Dennis & Barbarann Kwasnik Michael & Barbara La Cava Lance R. Lacey Carolyn Taby Larkins Mr. & Mrs. Holger A. Larsen Michelle Lavell Josephine Lee Chauncey Lehmann Kenneth & Susan Leifer Thomas & Juliana Leigh Pete & Christina Lekkas Mrs. James Lenahan III John Leonard Eric A. Lewis Mrs. Albert J. Lipovsky Katrina Llanes Mr. & Mrs. Oswald Llanes K. Heineman Locovare 35

COLLEGE COMMUNITY & FRIENDS Gesuele J. Lodato, Esq. & Mary D. Barrington Anna M. Lonnborg Michael Lonnborg Mr. & Mrs. Luis Lopez Mercedes Del Rosario Lopez Shemala Lovell Mr. & Mrs. James M. Lubin Arnold Lubrano Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Luckenbach Joan Lupardo Kevin & Margaret Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Lyons Joseph & Ursula Maher Joanne Maillaro Peter & Anna Malinowski Mrs. James E. Maloney Anna L. Manfredi John & Angela Marano Gloria Marinaro Matthew Marinaro & Jacqueline M. Marinaro Robert & Christine Marinaro Rosemarie Marinaro Peter & Antonia Marini Neri P. Mark F. C. Markel Mrs. John J. Markey John & Margaret Martinez Rosemary Martinson Elizabeth C. Marx G. A. Marzolla Joel & Lois Maturi Charles Maurer John & Carol Mc Gee Mr. John J. McArtney Nancey McAuley Rita McCabe Mrs. John J. McCoid Mary S. McConville Helen McCrory Michael McGonigle & Tricia McGonigle Stephanie McGuire Joan M. McGurty Bernard C. McIntee Marilyn McKnight W. E. McLawhorn Janice McLear Elizabeth Fay McMahon Mary McMahon Mrs. Joseph E. McMahon Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. McMenamy Harry J. McNally & Michele A. McNally Richard E. Melli Erin P. Melody Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo G. Mercado Mr. & Mrs. James D. Merce William & Eileen Merkent Charles H. Messina Thomas Michnewicz Carmela Migliorino Teresa P. Migliorino Colleen Miller Mr. & Mrs. Conrad R. Mitchell Peter & Marie Mitesser Scott & Sandra Mizenko Frank R. Moceri & Rosemarie Moceri James P. Monroe & Rose Mary Monroe William J. Montanaro Luis & Zoila Montes 36


Julianito A. Moraleda & Edna Moraleda, M.D. Kevin Moran Mr. & Mrs. Henry Moy Maryellen Mullee Williams O. Munozlizama Rev. Daniel W. Murphy G. T. Murphy James H. Murphy III Michael E. Murphy Michael & Kathryn Murphy William & Kathryn Murtha Mrs. George E. Myer John & Marcelline Nardo Douglas Nasta Joan Nasta Patricia U. Ndubueze Dorothy Neidert Charles & Carol Neidlinger Mrs. Joseph M. Nestor Suy V. Nguyen Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Noonan Aud & Helge Nordtveit Thomas M. Obdyke & Maureen M. Obdyke Thomas & Sally O’Brien Raymond V. O’Connor Michael H. Odenthal Michael J. O’Donnell Mrs. Donald F. O’Gorman Joseph A. O’Hare, S.J. Mr. & Mrs. Derick E. Okvist Edward & Donna Oleksy Lelie Olson & Mark Olson Mrs. Thomas M. O’Mara Mrs. Cornelius J. O’Neill Francis Orlando Brian E. O’Sullivan Patricia Otivich Marilyn A. Outwater Rosa C. Ozuna Mr. & Mrs. Piotr Pac Barbara Paladino & Frank Paladino Marissa H. Panganiban Virginia M. Pankowski Patricia Panzarino Dominick Paone & Betty A. Paone Samuel Paone & Judith Paone Christopher & Joan Papa Joseph P. Parkes, S.J. Tod & Peggie Parrott Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Pavlica Joseph Pavlics James & Kimberly Pawlowicz Dario Pedrotti James A. Pegolotti, Ph.D. Barbara Pennipede David & Gloria Perez Rene R. Perez Mrs. Frank A. Pesile James F. Phair Craig & Cheryl Phillips Michael M. Piasecki Mr. & Mrs. Paulo A. Pimentel Gladys P. Pinck John & Pamela Ploski Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Poalucci Gregory T. Policano Joelleh Polite Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Power Valentin Pretell

Anne T. Preziosa Mr. & Mrs. William T. Price, Jr. Alicia Principe Robert & Doreen Prindle Joseph & Patricia Quercia Ursula Quinn John Rachek Mr. & Mrs. Albert Raditch John R. Raslowsky II Mr. & Mrs. John Reeves Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Regan John J. Reilly, Jr. John & Deborah Reilly Robert E. Reiser, S.J. Katherine M. Restaino, Ph.D. Kastriot Rezaj Ronald & Madeline Ribaudo Eleanor Rinaldi Ramona Rivera Carlos Robalino J P. Robinson John M. Robinson III Edwin Rolon Harold & Nancy Ross Mrs. Donald J. Ross Louis A. Ruberton, Jr. John Rudolph Margaret & Joseph Ruggeri Gene & Kathleen Ruiz Mr. & Mrs. James F. Ryan, Jr. Wilner G. Saint Paul Sallee Richard P. Sallee Roswell Sanford Laura Santiago Patricia Sanz Mrs. James X. Sattely Lissy Sauberlich and Family Marta Sawczuk Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Scanzille Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Scelfo Joseph Scerbo Mrs. Jean E. Schmidt William J. Schmidt † Loren F. Schmidtberger, Ph.D. Mary P. Schmidtberger Eugene Servidio Richard Servidio Rosemary Servidio Mr. & Mrs. Pasquale Settembrino Donald Shachat Mrs. Thomas R. Shanley, Sr. Joseph & Mary Shatas Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Shea Robert Siegel Ellen Simko Hector Simon Janice M. Simone & Dominick V. Simone Mrs. Sive John Smethers Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Ronald Smith Mrs. John H. Smith Mrs. Charles R. Smith Marianne Sokolnicki-Mackey Salvatore P. Sommella Patricia Spataro Elan Spence Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Spratt Arthur & Lisa Springer

Mrs. William A. Stein R. Jay Stipes & Karen B. Stipes Bradley J. Stockwell Christopher J. Stokes Mary M. Strang Stephen L. Strong Mrs. Dennis J. Sullivan, Jr. John F. Sullivan † Linda A. Sullivan Alan Sumigray Floy M. Sumigray Villardo Suppa & Pauline Suppa Mrs. George Switlyk Mr. & Mrs. Carmine A. Tango Robert & Noreen Tarwacki Ronald & Pamela Teachey Ann L. Terantino Laura F. Thomas Mrs. John L. Tierney Marian Tobin Maryann Tracy-Ammirati & Joseph Ammirati David Trill Patrick & Billie Trill Thomas Trill Mr. & Mrs. Stephen K. Trynosky Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Y. Tsou Kathleen T. Usher Kenneth R. Van Pelt Susan E. Van Pelt Marie Varley Mr. & Mrs. Rafael Velez Mr. & Mrs. Alfonso Veltri David Vezeris Lynda Villamarin Michael J. Vipiani Prudence K. Vipiani Lea Vitello Jacqueline C. Wager Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wall Cathy Walsh Thomas C. Walsh & Denise Q. Walsh Mrs. Francis C. Walter Geraldine Waters John Way Fredric & Monica Wheeler Kathleen Winfield Sandra Wisdom Pei S. Wong Elia Wood Sheila A. Woolson Richard A. Yanulaitis Mr. & Mrs. Jung Whan You Joseph Zullo Jr. † Denotes Deceased

Saint Peter’s College


ADMINISTRATION Eugene J. Cornacchia, Ph.D. President Virginia Bender, Ph.D. ’78 Special Assistant to the President for Institutional Planning Rev. Michael L. Braden, S.J. Vice President for Mission and Ministry Michael A. Fazio, M.B.A. Vice President for Advancement Kenneth Payne, M.P.A. Vice President for Finance and Business Terence Peavy, M.S. Vice President for Enrollment Management and Marketing Eileen L. Poiani, Ph.D. Vice President for Student Affairs Marylou Yam, Ph.D. Vice President for Academic Affairs Editor Lorraine McConnell Executive Director of College Communications Design Services Erbach Communications Group Contributors & Editorial Assistance Jamie Bredehoft Ana M. Cravo Daniel Drutz Michele Lacey ’00 Leah Leto ’05 Robert Pagano ’75 Katie Reilly Photography Gene Shaw Catherine Mernar

Great care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the Annual Report. In the event of an error, we extend our apologies and encourage readers to contact the College so that we may correct our records. Please contact Robert Pagano at 201-761-6106 or Thank you. Saint Peter’s College Annual Report is printed on an elemental chlorine-free paper containing 50 percent recycled content with 25 percent post-consumer waste. This is a Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified paper.

Kathleen M. McKenna, Esq. ’75, Chairman Susan U. Bredehoft ’74 Thomas D. Carver, Esq. ’58, H ’08 Bernard W. Cicirelli, Jr. ’80 Annette D. Corbin ’84 Eugene J. Cornacchia, Ph.D., ex officio William J. Cozine ’60 James J. Daly, Esq. ’59 Christopher DePizzo ’09 Hon. Joseph V. Doria, Jr. ’68 Robert J. Goldstein ’60, ’06 James F. Keenan, S.J., H ’06 Robert G. Lahita, M.D., Ph.D. ’67 Thomas P. Mac Mahon ’68 Raymond C. Maguire, M.D. ’58 M. Brian Maher HA ’07 Francis A. McGrail ’79 Pamela T. Miller, Esq. ’77 Joseph A. Panepinto, Esq. ’66 Joseph P. Parkes, S.J. Sharon A. Pastore ’73 Anthony O. Pergola, Esq. ’92 Robert E. Reiser, S.J. Madeline L. Romeu, O.D., F.A.A.O. ’74 Ralph R. Russo ’70 Peter G. Stewart, Esq. ’63 John T. Sullivan, Esq. ’97 Toni Ann Turco ’86 Kathleen A. Tyrrell, Esq. ’73 Elnardo Webster, Ed.D. ’69 John Wrynn, S.J.

Trustees Emeriti John Murray ’57, H ’02 Patricia Q. Sheehan H ’77 Francis G. Ziegler ’63

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