Saint Peter's University Fall 2017 Magazine

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Legacies f lock to Saint Peter’s


FALL 2017


Growing Our Peacock Family



Mural for West Side Avenue The façade of Rankin Hall has been transformed into an outdoor exhibit space. This past summer, world-renowned Italian street artist Peeta created a large mural on an outer wall of the building that houses the Saint Peter’s University Department of Fine Arts. The goal: to inspire students and the community with the original art. Known for his larger-than-life, 3-D murals, Peeta said the abstract mural titled, “Thinking Outside the Box,” fits the streetscape well. “The intent of the work is to match the environment. I hope that it’s inspiring to students and people who walk by.” The project is the latest in a series of murals curated by the Jersey City Mural Arts Program, a Mayor’s Office initiative funded by an anti-graffiti Clean Communities grant.

Welcome Home It’s hard to believe that a decade has

the fond Peacock remembrances of

passed since my inauguration as the 22nd

parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles.

president of Saint Peter’s University. Ten

During their own college search, they

years ago, a dedicated team set out to

discovered the enduring appeal of a

craft a strategic plan to guide the growth

university community that depends on

of this university. The results have been

the involvement, mutual respect and

nothing short of remarkable—beautiful

commitment of each and every individual.

new facilities, advanced technologies and

In this issue, you’ll meet six legacies who

enhanced opportunities for scholarship

share why they chose to continue their

and research.

family tradition at The Jesuit University

Word of our accomplishments has spread. At a time when many small,

This magazine also welcomes a famil-

liberal arts institutions in the Northeast

iar face home to Saint Peter’s: Frederick

are struggling, the University has enjoyed

Bonato, Ph.D., the University’s new provost

a five-year upward enrollment trajectory.

and vice president for academic affairs,

Working within our Jesuit mission, we

discusses his return and the family spirit

have elevated Saint Peter’s reputation. Our

that defines Saint Peter’s.

promise as a university continues to grow,

As a university community, we’re be-

with the addition of leading academic

ginning to write the next chapter of Saint

programs and services.

Peter’s story. There is much to celebrate,

Yet, those accomplishments are only

and even more on our horizon. With a new

half of our success. The heart and soul of

five-year strategic plan—and a healthy

this university has always been cura per-

dose of peacock pride—we will continue

sonalis. When they first arrive on campus,

to strengthen Saint Peter’s as a leading

prospective students meet our friendly

university in the timeless educational

student ambassadors and faculty, and im-

tradition of Saint Ignatius Loyola.

mediately feel like they’ve come home. It’s an intangible quality that speaks to the unique character of this university. As you’ll read in our cover story, that sense of homecoming is sparking a new

To view the completed mural, visit

of New Jersey.

generation of legacy students at Saint Peter’s. They’ve grown up listening to

Eugene J. Cornacchia, Ph.D. President

Saint Peter’s University




Are you a Peacock Legacy? Please share your story with us via #peacocklegacies or contact the Office of Alumni Engagement at

HOW TO REACH US Alumni News & Notes Email: Office of Alumni Engagement 2641 John F. Kennedy Boulevard Jersey City, NJ 07306

FEATURES 11. 16. 18. 20.

Growing Our Peacock Family 10 Minutes with...Frederick Bonato, Ph.D. Decade of Progress New Grant Builds Stronger Families

Letter to the Editor Email: Editor, Saint Peter’s University 2641 John F. Kennedy Boulevard Jersey City, NJ 07306 Telephone: (201) 761-6239 Fax: (201) 761-6241

DEPARTMENTS 3. 22. 24. 32.

University News Peacock U Class News & Notes Last Take

ADMINISTRATION Eugene J. Cornacchia, Ph.D. President Virginia Bender, Ph.D. ’78 Special Assistant to the President for Institutional Planning Frederick Bonato, Ph.D. Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Rev. Rocco Danzi, S.J. Vice President for Mission and Ministry Jeffrey Handler, M.A. Vice President for Enrollment Management and Marketing


Fall 2017

On the cover: Family tree of six Saint Peter’s University legacies.


Leah Leto, M.Ed. ’05 Vice President for Advancement and External Affairs

Anthony Skevakis, Ed.D. Vice President for Student Life and Development

FALL 2017 SAINT PETER’S UNIVERSITY Volume 37, Number 1 Mary Kinahan-Ockay Editor Sarah Lacz, M.B.A. ’11 Sarah Malinowski Ferrary Executive Director of University Photography Communications Michael Marmora Saint Peter’s University Archives Editorial & Design Services Erbach Communications Group

Hector Paredes, M.B.A. ’07 Interim Vice President for Finance and Business

Contributors & Editorial Assistance Angeline Boyer, M.B.A. ’15 AnnMarie Gervasio

Eileen Poiani, Ph.D. HA ’17 Special Assistant to the President

Miloš Topi´c, MSIS, M.B.A. Vice President for Information Technology and Operations

Saint Peter’s University is printed on FSC certified paper containing 10% post-consumer waste and was manufactured using 100% Green-e certified renewable energy.



Seismic Shift:

Enrollment Grows 20 Percent Enrollment at Saint Peter’s University is growing, and its trajectory is impressive. For the five years beginning in fall 2012, the University’s undergraduate head count jumped 15.3 percent.

five years ago, they set out to build an admission model that

At the same time, new graduate programs have further

forts on Saint Peter’s core markets in New Jersey and at

boosted total enrollment to a 20 percent overall growth.

speaks to a new generation of applicants and their parents, who seek top academics, marketable skills and a strong return on investment, all at an affordable price. Refocusing their efCatholic schools in the Northeast, they sought to shift the

Increasingly, prospective students and their families are

University’s culture to engage faculty and administrators

recognizing the quality and value of a Saint Peter’s education.

more directly in the admission effort. Cura personalis marks

The significant boost places Saint Peter’s in an enviable

every step of the process, from a prospect’s first inquiry to

position, bucking a national trend of declining enrollment

enrollment. “This is a story about how the whole University—

among liberal arts colleges and universities, particularly in

admission and faculty—came together,” Handler said.

the Northeast and Midwest. “Our enrollment growth over

Today, with student debt in the national spotlight, the

the past five years is an anomaly among small, liberal arts

University takes extra care in compiling an affordability plan

institutions in the Northeast,” said Elizabeth Sullivan, M.S.,

for each family. Handler explained that, since students and

associate vice president for enrollment management/dean of

parents are attuned to the return on their investment in higher

undergraduate admission.

education, the Center for Career Engagement and Experiential

When Sullivan and Jeffrey Handler, M.A., vice president for enrollment management and marketing, arrived on campus

Learning (CEEL) is a major force in the admission effort. Handler Continued on next page

Saint Peter’s University




Continued from previous page

8th tells families, “Saint Peter’s provides a private education at almost the same cost as a public university.” Retention of day session freshmen has also risen with enrollment, partly because admission counselors focus more closely on identifying students who are a good

in the nation

University Ranks for Upward Mobility

Saint Peter’s University has been ranked eighth in

incomes. Saint Peter’s ranked 54th among all

the nation for upward mobility among 578 selec-

institutions included in the report.

tive private colleges in a study by The Equality of Opportunity Project published in The New York

commitment to improving the economic

Times. In addition, the report named the Univer-

status of its graduates, according to Eugene

sity first in the Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference

J. Cornacchia, Ph.D., Saint Peter’s University

(MAAC) and second in New Jersey.

president. “Saint Peter’s takes great pride in the

Called “Mobility Report Cards: The Role of

in accessibility, but in outcomes. It is inspiring to

determined mobility rates for 2,137 colleges and

know that we are not only preparing our students

universities across the country by comparing

to succeed after graduation, but are paving the

the earnings of graduates with their parents’

path to success for future generations.”

University also has stepped support it provides to help students succeed. While Saint Peter’s has become more selective in recent years—the average GPA of incoming students is now between 3.3 and 3.4—it remains firmly committed to its Jesuit mission to serve promising low-income or first-generation students. Ultimately, achieving the right fit is critical, according to Sullivan. “If Saint Peter’s isn’t the right fit, students are not going to stay and graduate. The successful continuation of our students is a very important part of our story.”


Fall 2017

data that demonstrates we are leading, not only

Colleges in Intergenerational Mobility,” the study

match for Saint Peter’s. The up the academic and social

The recognition underscores the University’s

SHRIVER SPEAKS AT COMMENCEMENT Special Olympics Chairman Timothy P. Shriver, Ph.D. H ’17 addressed a record number of graduates at commencement in May. Shriver was awarded a Doctor of Humane Letters, honoris causa, 50 years after Saint Peter’s University honored his father, Hon. R. Sargent Shriver H ’67, and his uncle, Hon. Edward M. Kennedy H ’67. During the ceremony, Rev. Robert Kennedy, S.J. H ’17, Saint Peter’s professor emeritus of theology and a Zen master, also received an honorary degree. More than 800 graduates were awarded diplomas at the University’s 126th commencement.

SUMMER OF STEM An important component of SURGE is providing research opportunities for students from local high schools. Over the summer, 15 such students studied environmental issues and sustainability at Saint Peter’s through SURGE. The rising juniors and seniors learned about scientific data collection and analysis, investigated water pollution and renewable energy solutions and visited Genesis Farm in Blairstown, where they studied sustainable farming and helped to harvest wheat. “We exposed them to a wide variety of experiences in a relatively short period of time,” explained Jeanette Wilmanski, Ph.D. ’00, assistant professor of biology. “It was pretty intense.”

NEW GRANT SPURS STEM MOMENTUM Saint Peter’s reputation as an incubator for STEM

identify, recruit and train at least 25 Noyce Scholars,

excellence continues to grow, with a new $1.4 million

who will earn their teaching certification. Noyce

National Science Foundation grant to strengthen

Scholars will receive scholarships and stipends, and

K–12 teaching in science, technology, engineering

in return, agree to teach for two years in a high-need

and math. The new five-year award through the

school for each year of funding.

Robert Noyce Teaching Scholarship Program builds

Last fall’s SURGE (STEM Undergraduate Retention

on the momentum started last fall, when the

Graduation and Empowerment) grant funded a

University earned a $3.9 million grant—the largest

new state-of-the-art STEM Engagement Center in

in Saint Peter’s history—from the U.S. Department of

Pope Hall that opened last spring to promote more

Education to enhance STEM facilities and learning.

opportunities for scholarship, research and high-

The combined $5.3 million in federal grants elevates the University to new prominence in the effort to educate the next generation of leaders in STEM fields. “The two grants will help leverage Saint Peter’s as a

impact learning. Virginia Bender, Ph.D. ’78, special assistant to the president for institutional planning, predicts the newest grant will deepen the synergy among faculty,

top choice for students who are interested in majoring

especially within STEM studies and the Caulfield

in a STEM field,” said Maryellen Hamilton, Ph.D.,

School of Education. The grant co-directors are

professor and chair of the Department of Psychology.

John E. Hammett III, Ed.D., professor and chair of the

The five-year Noyce grant seeks to address a critical

Department of Mathematics, Yosra Badiei, assistant

shortage of qualified teachers, particularly in science

professor of chemistry, and James J. Clayton, Ed.D,

and math, in high-need school districts. INVEST

assistant professor of education. “This is a wonderful

(Investing Through Noyce in Vocations to Engage in

way for this school to partner with our STEM

STEM Teaching) will prepare talented STEM majors to

programs. Many of the goals are mutually inclusive

teach in underserved school districts. Saint Peter’s will

across both schools.”

Saint Peter’s University




Breaking Out Meet two Saint Peter’s University students who stepped outside their comfort zones through competitive internships in journalism and international law. FIRST STOP: SAINT PETER’S The Guarini Institute for Government and Leadership at Saint Peter’s University was the first stop on U.S. Senator Cory Booker’s “2017 Jersey Summer Road Trip,” the legislator’s annual tour of the state’s 21 counties. In a discussion moderated by Max Pizzaro, co-founder of Insider NJ, Senator Booker presented his views on healthcare in New Jersey, the criminal justice system and the media. He emphasized the importance of elected officials creating bipartisan solutions to national concerns. Founded in 1994, the Guarini Institute provides a nonpartisan forum for discussion of important public policy issues.


INSTITUTE for Government and Leadership at Saint Peter’s University


Fall 2017

IRYNA CHORNIY ’19 MAJOR: POLITICAL SCIENCE Chorniy earned a scholarship to study and work in China through Global Maximum Educational Opportunities, Inc. (g-MEO). She gained valuable career experience and cultural insight working for DeHeng Law Offices, one of China’s leading legal practices: “Every single person whom I met at DeHeng taught me something and contributed to my overall experience in China in a positive way. Every day, I was challenged and learned something new. This internship has helped me to grow as a person, learn about the differences between American and Chinese law and push myself outside my comfort zone.”


Iryna Chorniy ’19 in Chinese costume

Robles was selected for a Knight CUNYJ Summer Internship, funded through the Knight Foundation. She studied under top journalists in New York for eight weeks and interned at The Marshall Project, a Pulitzer Prize-winning nonprofit that covers the criminal justice system: “At the end of the program, we were required to submit a multimedia project, which we had been working on for the entire summer. I wrote my piece on solitary confinement for death row inmates; it ended up being published by The Marshall Project.”

Gabriella Robles ’18

NOBLE PEACOCKS Ten Saint Peter’s University students were inducted into the Most Noble Order of the Peacock (MNOP) at the 2017 Michaelmas Convocation, held September 27. Members of MNOP, the University’s most prestigious honor society, hold the highest grade point averages in the senior class. Based on the medieval tradition of convening the faculty and students at the start of the term, Michaelmas celebrates the feast of the archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. Inducted into MNOP this year were Eliany Pedraza ’18, Gabriele Bandelli ’18, Christian Resurreccion ’18, Thomas Calloni ’18, Christopher Micak ’18, Natzuki Pozo ’18, Nicholas Brown ’18, Celina Marzullo ’18, Marvin Guevane ’18 and Felicia Firmin ’18. Steven Llanes, Esq. ’02, attorney, (L to R): Celina Marzullo ’18, Lowenstein Sandler LLP and member of the Alumni Board, delivered Thomas Calloni ’18, Natzuki Pozo ’18 and Felicia Firmin ’18 the address at the convocation.

GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY Saint Peter’s students shine in Goldman Sachs Program problem-solving. As the program progressed, they also received valuable career advice, attended executive presentations and met with senior business leaders at Goldman Sachs. One of four area educational institutions selected by the firm to participate, Saint Peter’s has been invited to take part in the collaborative again this academic year. Taina Cutler ’14, senior career coach with the Saint Peter’s Center for Career Engagement and Experiential Learning (CEEL), said that, while the collaborative is not an internship program, it has helped to

The Saint Peter’s team in the Goldman Sachs College Collaborative Program.

strengthen the University’s relationship with

• Bill Gates predicted the rise of social media, smartphones and networking sites like LinkedIn in his book, Business @ the Speed of Thought.

Goldman Sachs, which has had a corporate presence on the Jersey City waterfront since 2004. “This was a

Ten Saint Peter’s University students honed their

great opportunity because of the exposure our

business and networking skills during the spring

students get. Goldman Sachs is seeking employees

semester through the Goldman Sachs College

with diverse talents. Now, they know our students

Collaborative Program, an intensive leadership

much better. They have seen our students’ drive and

training opportunity. Mentored by the University’s

potential, and they were impressed.”

School of Business faculty and Goldman Sachs executives, the students analyzed a real-world case study on Amazon, recommending solutions on issues ranging from human resources and competition to vendor relationships, pricing and new product development. James Conti ’93, a managing director of the firm,

“ In trying to raise the profile of Saint Peter’s at Goldman Sachs, we wanted to get the students thinking in bigger terms and not limit themselves.”

• Dial-up internet, VCRs and beepers were all the rage.

mentored the students from alma mater during the program, along with David Watson ’14, financial

Saint Peter’s reputation is growing at firms along

• Paypal was voted one of the worst business ideas of the year.

analyst. Conti said his colleagues were wowed by

the Jersey City waterfront, including Goldman Sachs.

the professionalism of the Saint Peter’s team and

While they didn’t participate in the collaborative,

a new product they devised for an Amazon Prime-

two recent graduates—Ana Paula Coello ’17 and

type service targeted to college students living in

Paul Schifilliti ’17—received offers from the financial

residence halls. The students made a convincing case

services firm. That’s a relationship Conti hopes

for their product at a presentation to a mock board of

will grow as companies discover that Saint Peter’s

directors comprised of Goldman Sachs professionals.

graduates are well educated and ready to hit the

“I was pleasantly surprised at the Saint Peter’s

ground running. The collaborative provided benefits to

students’ level of engagement and how interested

both the students and Goldman Sachs, he added. “In

and motivated they were,” Conti said, adding that the

trying to raise the profile of Saint Peter’s at Goldman

product they proposed was “just fantastic.”

Sachs, we wanted to get the students thinking

Working on campus under the direction of

BEFORE THE MILLENNIUM Many members of the Saint Peter’s University Class of 2021 were born in 1999. In the months before Y2K:

• Saint Peter’s University dedicated Millennium Hall, its fourth residence hall.

in bigger terms and not limit themselves,” Conti

Raymond T. Butkus, M.B.A., lecturer in the School

explained. “Working with them, I also benefitted from

of Business, Saint Peter’s students earned course

the fresh outlook they put on things. It was a win-win

credits and a stipend while developing important

for everybody.”

skills in teamwork, communication and advanced

Saint Peter’s University






MEDIA Spotlight

WALKING IN JESUS’ FOOTSTEPS Director of Campus Ministry Christine Boyle had the unique opportunity to visit the Holy Land on a pilgrimage led by Rev. James Martin, S.J., bestselling author and editor at large of America magazine. She was one of four Jesuit educators on the tour, which explored the land of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection, from February 24 through March 5. Fr. Martin chronicled the journey in daily videos featuring the thoughts of pilgrims as they walked in the footsteps of Jesus. At the Basilica of the Annunciation—built on the site believed to be the Virgin Mary’s childhood home, where the angel Gabriel appeared to foretell Jesus’ birth—Boyle reflected on her own relationship with Mary. “This is a holy place where faith meets reality in my relationship with Mary. She’s been with me in the toughest of times, always giving me the guidance, the strength and the courage to say yes.” Watch the day two video spotlighting her experiences at 8

Fall 2017

Eugene J. Cornacchia, Ph.D., president of Saint Peter’s University, discussed the state of higher education on State of Affairs with Steve Adubato, broadcast on NJTV, Thirteen and other news stations in July.

Saint Peter’s faculty and administrators made noteworthy appearances in national media and news outlets throughout the metropolitan region.

of what our is a hallmark am re D an ic er spired my “The Am d it is what in an r, fo ds an to countr y st untless others arents and co dp an ide gr , pr er ke th fa . I ta rsue a life here pu d an ing te ra ad ig le imm ing a t Peter’s is play in Sa at th ct fa in the ing it.” role in uphold D. ornacchia, Ph. —Eugene J. C versity ni int Peter’s U President, Sa , August 1 HUFFPOST

William Gutsch Jr., Ph.D. ’67, distinguished professor emeritus of the College of Arts and Sciences, appeared on News12 New Jersey on August 14 to discuss ways to view the August 21 total solar eclipse. He was also interviewed by print and broadcast journalists across the nation in the months prior to the historic eclipse.


Associate Professor and Chair of Health and Physical Education Stephanie Bryan, Ph.D., right, discussed effective and fun ways to keep kids healthy on Life & Living with Joanna Gagis, the NJTV lifestyle program, which aired in July. Dr. Bryan also spoke about the University’s involvement in the Jersey City HealthyCommunity50 challenge.

“Open Questions About the New Tappan Zee/Mario Cuomo Bridge,” was an op-ed penned for the New York Daily News by Philip Plotch, Ph.D., assistant professor and director of the Master of Public Administration program. The author of Politics Across the Hudson: The Tappan Zee Megaproject, Dr. Plotch was also interviewed by WNYC on August 24, the day of the bridge’s ceremonial ribbon cutting.

In an appearance on Caucus: New Jersey with Steve Adubato, Associate Director of Campus Ministry for Community Service Erich Sekel explained how an initiative like the Saint Peter’s University Campus Kitchen addresses food insecurity in local communities. The program was broadcast on September 2.

DR. SCHMIDTBERGER PENS MEMOIR Loren Schmidtberger, Ph.D., professor emeritus of English, explores his early years on a Kansas farm during the Dust Bowl era in The Beginner’s Cow: Memories of a Volga German from Kansas (Truman State University Press, 2016). Through a series of essays marked with wit and clarity, the memoir follows Dr. Schmidtberger’s journey Loren Schmidtberger, Ph.D. from a Midwestern farm—where he was assigned a gentle “beginners” cow to learn milking—to urban Jersey City and Saint Peter’s University, where he taught for more than 50 years. “Times were tough in America, in general, because the Great Depression began in 1929, but Kansas and other states, like Oklahoma, were particularly hit because the dust storms also came about,” Dr. Schmidtberger recently told a reporter. “People who have read The Grapes of Wrath or have seen the movie know a little bit about that era.” NEW IN PRINT The Economy of Ethnic Cleansing (Cambridge University Press, 2017), a new book by History Department Chair David W. Gerlach, Ph.D., explores the economic implications of the expulsion of nearly three million Germanspeaking residents of the German-Czech borderlands following World War II. On David Gerlach, Ph.D. the surface, nationalist hatred and mob violence drove the outward migration of Sudeten Germans, leading to thousands of deaths. Yet, an undercurrent of greed and hunger for property and power, as well as economic necessity, led to the simultaneous influx of nearly two million re-settlers. New this fall, Dr. Gerlach’s book examines how these factors within post-war Central and Eastern Europe shaped the region and facilitated the Communist Party’s rise to power.

Saint Peter’s University



Prominent Community Partnerships

Erich Sekel, associate director of campus ministry for community service, was interviewed by the media at the opening of the expansion of The Campus Kitchen.


the basement now has dedicated spaces for nonper-

has expanded its scope

ishable food items, clothing, toiletries and household

of services, thanks to

goods. “This raises the dignity level of our clients,”

renovations recently

said Sekel, noting that the additional square footage

completed to the base-

also paves the way to promote Earth-friendly practic-

ment of St. Aedan’s: The

es, such as distribution of unopened hotel soaps that

Saint Peter’s University Church. The improvements

are often discarded. “There’s now a greater element

have paved the way for a second food preparation

of sustainability. We can take and redistribute things

area, as well as the new Saint Peter’s U. Food Pantry

that people would normally throw out.”

and Clothes Closet. With the opening of these two

The improvements were funded through grants

new services, Saint Peter’s is the only institution in the

from the William E. Simon Foundation and the

nation to operate a campus kitchen alongside a food

Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities, as well as

pantry and clothes closet that are open to the public.

alumni and other donors. A refrigerated van also was

An opening for the new facility was held Septem-

donated to The Campus Kitchen recently. Read about

ber 12. Freshened up with new sheetrock and paint,

the gift on page 21.

ADDING UP OUR IMPACT According to the newly released Community Impact Report, the economic output of Saint Peter’s University added $393 million to the local and state economy in 2016–2017, a figure that stems from the University’s position as a top 20 employer in Jersey City and its direct and indirect spending. The report also highlights other facts and data points that underscore Saint Peter’s longstanding status as an anchor for Jersey City and the surrounding region. The report is part of a larger initiative to enhance engagement with a growing city and raise awareness of the University. A social media campaign promoting various opportunities for community members to connect with Saint Peter’s will kick off later this fall. To view a copy of the report, visit 10

Winter Fall 2017 2017

HELLO, NEIGHBORS! The sixth annual All About Downtown Street Fair provided a perfect backdrop for the community to become better acquainted with Saint Peter’s University. The September 16 event brought thousands to Jersey City’s downtown for a day filled with great food, entertainment, shopping and, of course, learning more about Saint Peter’s. The University sponsored a booth to showcase the academic, athletic and cultural contributions Peacocks make to the city and surrounding areas. Admission information was also available, presenting the many undergraduate, master’s and doctoral programs offered by the Jesuit institution. The annual street fair is just one of many ways Saint Peter’s makes a positive impact on the city. The University has participated in the Historic Downtown Jersey City Farmer’s Market, while students and alumni complete frequent service projects benefiting local neighborhoods.



Meet six Saint Peter’s students, along with the moms, dads and grandparents who inspired them to attend The Jesuit University of New Jersey.

Meet six current students, along with the moms, dads and grandparents who inspired them to choose Saint Peter’s University.

Saint Peter’s University


#peacocklegacies Following in her Parents’ Footsteps Saint Peter’s University certainly runs in the Doria family. Not only is Joseph V. Doria Jr., Ed.D. ’68 an alumnus, but Dr. Doria has worked at the University for much of his career, and his wife, Maribeth, also took classes at Saint Peter’s. Still, when it came time for their daughter, Margaret ’21, to choose a college, Saint Peter’s wasn’t a sure thing. “I wanted to stay close to home, so I looked at schools around the area,” acknowledged the recent Marist High School graduate, who also considered Jesuit institutions such as The University of Scranton and Le Moyne College. “I knew that I wanted to continue my Catholic education.” As she explored her options, the Bayonne resident soon learned that her ideal choice lay just beyond the borders of her hometown. Margaret was drawn to Saint Peter’s smaller size and the personal attention professors give to students. The recipient of a Girl Scout Gold Award—the highest honor awarded by the Girl Scouts of the United States of America—Margaret commutes to the University and remains active in her community. While at Marist, Margaret and her classmates talked “almost every day” about student debt, opening their laptops together at lunch to research scholarship options. She’s grateful that the University offers generous aid to qualified legacies, as well as children of employees. So are her parents. “Young people today graduate and have significant debt,” said Dr. Doria, dean of the University’s Caulfield School of Education. “It’s a real burden on them. They can’t begin to live their lives.” As she went through the admission process, Margaret’s parents spoke with her about the financial implications of her decision, as well as the personal attention she’d receive at Saint Peter’s. “Marist is not a big school, and Margaret always had teachers who were interested in what and how she was doing,” Dr. Doria explained. “In big college classes, professors can’t have a relationship with students. That’s extremely important.” At Peacock Prep Day over the summer, Margaret met a lot of new friends. She also had the opportunity to witness firsthand the one-on-one interaction between faculty and students. “I liked that the classrooms were not too big. There was a lot of one-on-one connection between teachers and students. You can tell that the teachers really do care.”

Joseph Doria Jr., Ed.D. ’68 >



Like Mother, Like Son

< Debra Cerruti ’72 to pursue his studies. “That really helped me to choose Saint Peter’s,” he recalled, adding that the University provided him with the best financial aid package. Willem’s mom, Debra Cerruti ’72, first visited Saint Peter’s as a high school junior to act in a play on campus. So, when it came time to choose a college, it was a no-brainer for her. “I had friends there and Saint Peter’s had the theater and the Glee Club,” said Cerruti, who majored in French. Today, she is still involved at the University and performs on occasion with the Glee Club. She said the school’s “personal touch” is something she will never forget. Her son has also benefited from the attention Saint Peter’s provides to every student. When he first arrived at the University,

When it came time for Willem Jorgensen ’19 to choose a college, Saint Peter’s University was at the top of his list. His family has a long and proud Peacock tradition. His mother and her siblings all attended Saint Peter’s, and his grandmother, Doris Cerruti, worked in the human resources office for 30 years. Another deciding factor was the Ignatian Academic Scholar-

Willem was a business major, although he dreamed of pursuing an engineering degree. WeiDong Zhu, Ph.D., chair of applied science and technology, advised him to major in physics as a basis for a future career in engineering. Cerruti said, “That’s the way Saint Peter’s has always been. If you step up to the plate and speak up, you will be taken care of.”

ship he earned, providing him with a solid financial foundation

Second-Gen Leader

< Maria (Lansang) Bustamante ’91 small community she encountered. Earning a Presidential Scholarship, including a housing grant, also made a tremendous impact on her decision. Her father, Leopoldo Bustamante Jr. ’93, said, “I was pleasantly surprised that Anica showed interest in my alma mater.” The marketing major is an extremely active student leader. From the start, she has had a work-study job with the Office of Advancement and External Affairs, where she has honed her career skills interacting with alumni. She is also a Pavo Society student ambassador, providing tours of the campus to incoming students and other visitors. During her junior year, Anica was selected to participate in the highly competitive Goldman Sachs College Collaborative Program (see page 7), and has earned admission to several honor societies.

The word “legacy” has several meanings, and Anica Bustamante ’18 has lived her college years embracing all of them. Her parents both graduated from Saint Peter’s, so that automatically makes her a legacy. But, to her, there’s much more to the title. “It’s also the impact you make on campus and how it reflects your parents. I think I’ve done the best job of keeping both of my parents’ legacies.” When she first toured Saint Peter’s, Anica loved the

Following in the footsteps of her mother, Anica was recently inducted into the Order of the Cross Keys. Recalling her own induction into the prestigious honor society, Maria (Lansang) Bustamante ’91 said, “Being able to share this honor with my daughter was a truly special moment and just another reason why I’m glad she attends Saint Peter’s.”

< Leopoldo Bustamante Jr. ’93

Saint Peter’s University


#peacocklegacies Hometown Advantage Like many teenagers, Julien Panepinto ’21 cast a wide net when he started his college search. Universities in San Francisco and St. Louis were on the table. But then, the lifelong Jersey City resident did some Internet research and discovered a top computer science program in his own backyard. “Saint Peter’s has a really great cyber security program. I thought about it and decided that I wanted to stay local, closer to my family and near New York City.” Growing up, Julien heard lots of stories about Saint Peter’s University from his grandfather, Joseph A. Panepinto, Esq. ’66, as well as his uncle, Gerald Taufield ’96, and second cousin, Gerard Pizzillo, Esq. ’04. Despite strong family connections with the University, Julien based his final decision on the caliber of the academic programs at Saint Peter’s. Now a resident student, the close-knit atmosphere on campus helped to seal the deal. The University honors qualified children and grandchildren of graduates like Julien, who continue the Peacock tradition, with the Saint Peter’s University Legacy Award, which provides up to $17,000 annually. While his grandfather was delighted with Julien’s choice, he didn’t voice his opinion as the young man considered his options. “I hung back. He wanted a Jesuit institution, and I’m happy he chose Saint Peter’s,” said Panepinto, CEO and president of Panepinto Properties Inc. “I think it’s important for young adults to make their own decisions.” As a member of the Board of Trustees, Panepinto has witnessed many of the changes the University has undergone since his days as a Saint Peter’s student: the addition of residence halls, expansion of the campus and innovative academic programs. “I’m very pleased with the progress the University has made. The 21st century has really been a time for Saint Peter’s to grow as a university.” During his search, Julien ranked continuing the Jesuit education he had begun at Saint Peter’s Preparatory School high on his list. Now, he plans to become active in campus ministry activities. “In high school, we helped the homeless, and we had retreats to get more in depth with our faith. I like helping others in the community. The Jesuit ideal of being men and women for others has really stuck with me.”

Joseph Panepinto, Esq. ’66 >



Three Generations of Peacocks

< Henry Harty Jr., Ed.D. ’61

With both grandfathers, his late mother, Sharon (Harty) Basile ’87, and several aunts and uncles all alumni of Saint Peter’s, it seemed inevitable that Joe Basile ’19 would become a Peacock, too. Instead, he took a circuitous route to the campus so many in his family have called home. As a freshman, Joe studied at Champlain College in Vermont, but transferred to Saint Peter’s for the University’s excellent communication and journalism programs. In addition, he found financial stability through the Saint Peter’s University Legacy Award for students with alumni parents and grandparents. It turned out to be a great decision. “The first thing that caught my eye was the radio station,” said Joe, now program director at WSPR, the University’s streaming radio station. “I also joined the Knights of Columbus and reconnected with my religion.” Joe’s grandfather, Henry F. Harty Jr., Ed.D. ’61, is a professor emeritus of education at the University, and still supervises student teachers. His other grandfather, Thomas J. Basile ’64, is a longtime Saint Peter’s donor and helped connect Big Brothers Big Sisters of Essex, Hudson & Union Counties with the University. Both agree that their grandson made a wise choice. “The environment is diverse and will serve him well in the future,” said Basile, while Dr. Harty added,

< Sharon (Harty) Basile ’87 “The people at the University are very special and committed to the mission to educate the whole person.” The Jesuit mission has already impacted Joe. “It’s a close-knit campus where mostly everyone knows each other. It’s the whole lesson Fr. Rocco Danzi tells us: embrace one another because that’s what the Jesuits would want.”

< Thomas Basile ’64

The Perfect Storm Many factors converged to solidify the decision of Mikaela Rosenthal ’21 to attend Saint Peter’s University: great academics, dedicated faculty, proximity to Manhattan and the University’s reputation for innovative programs. The daughter of Bruce B. Rosenthal, M.B.A., Ph.D., Saint Peter’s KPMG Founding Dean of the School of Business, recalled, “My dad spoke so highly of Saint Peter’s, and when I visited campus, there seemed to be a great learning environment.” Mikaela also knew that a reciprocal tuition agreement between Saint Peter’s and 26 other Jesuit colleges and universities for the children of faculty and other employees meant significant financial support at any of the institutions. She considered a number of Jesuit universities before naming Saint Peter’s as her top choice. Joining the Saint Peter’s faculty in 2016, Dr. Rosenthal found himself working with top-rate professors who are personally invested in student success. “What I’m seeing here

< Bruce Rosenthal, M.B.A., Ph.D. and daughter. In fact, Mikaela is particularly interested in exploring the intersection of business and the arts. An accomplished dancer, she studies acting in New York and

is really spectacular,” he told Mikaela after watching Saint Peter’s

found after an Accepted Student Day that her acting class is a

business students shine in unique professional opportunities like

quick commute from Saint Peter’s campus.

the Goldman Sachs College Collaborative Program (see page 7)

Today, Dr. Rosenthal is pleased that Saint Peter’s met so many

and Ignite Institute’s Shark Tank Pitch competition. The

of Mikaela’s academic goals, while providing generous financial

University’s openness to innovation also impressed the father

support. “It all came together in a perfect storm,” he said.

Saint Peter’s University




Frederick Bonato, Ph.D.

‘It Feels Very Right to Be Back’

It’s been a happy homecoming for Frederick Bonato, Ph.D., who returned to Saint Peter’s University as provost and vice president for academic affairs in August. A noted psychology professor and researcher, Dr. Bonato held a variety of positions at Saint Peter’s for 17 years. A few days into the new post, he discussed changes at the University, his approach to academic affairs and his deep appreciation for a faculty that brings the Jesuit educational mission to life. How does it feel to be back at Saint Peter’s?

Your return follows a nearly five-year stint as associate

This is my fourth day and I have to say it’s even better

provost for academic affairs at Montclair State

than I expected. I can’t tell you how humbling it is to

University. What changes at Saint Peter’s have impressed

see so many people I knew during my time as a faculty

you the most?

member. One of the reasons I wanted to come back to

I’d been back to Saint Peter’s a few times for events

Saint Peter’s was because, quite frankly, I missed the

and was happy to see that each time, there was a sig-

mission and the people who make that mission happen.

nificant improvement. The Mac Mahon Student Center

It feels very right to be back.

was almost complete when I left in 2012. Now, to walk into that beautiful building and see the students who all appreciate it, that’s a big thing. The School of Business


Fall 2017

and the Caulfield School of Education have their own

What do you think about Pathways to Distinction, the

spaces and look very impressive.

University’s current strategic plan?

Aside from the buildings, the whole structure

It is a natural extension of the previous strategic

of the University has changed. We have separate

plan, VISION 2015. This plan takes everything a step

schools for business, nursing and education and a

further and moving toward excellence is always a

College of Arts and Sciences and School of Profes-

good thing. The recent federal grants for STEM are

sional and Continuing Studies. This is a university

really nice to see. It’s a national concern and it’s great

structure. It will take some time to grow into it, but

we have the capacity to address it.

that’s what universities are, a collection of colleges

One emphasis of Pathways to Distinction is excel-

and schools. The goal is to get them to work together

lence in teaching and learning, something that

and maintain a strong sense of one team.

affects all parts of academic life at the University.

How would you describe your primary role as provost and vice president for academic affairs?

This includes increasing strength in humanities and liberal arts in creative and innovative ways.

The primary role of the provost is, in my opinion,

Speaking of scholarship, you co-authored a book with

a supportive one, and I do subscribe to the servant

former NASA astronaut William Thornton. How did that

leader model. In this role, I work for the entire Univer-

come about?

sity, so I can’t put one individual or department ahead

It grew out of my work in motion sickness. I’m

of another. But I do have to advocate—and I gladly

editor of the journal Aerospace Medicine and Human Per-

will—for the faculty. They are the ones on the front

formance. One day, an editorial board member called

lines with the students most of the time. They need to

and said, “There’s this guy, Bill Thornton, who says

be supported and heard and they need an advocate.

he’s solved the problem of space motion sickness.” I

Faculty certainly have that in their department chairs

was very skeptical, but when I got in touch with Bill,

and deans, but I have to be the one who works with all

his ideas were really sound. We worked on an article

of them, so we can best serve our students.

together sometime after and it started a friendship.

Do you think this role has evolved in the last decade? I think the role of chief academic officer has evolved nationwide, because the higher education environment has evolved. There are definitely more challenges. Provosts need to know a lot more about budgets,

The book began as a NASA-commissioned handbook, but grew into something more theoretical. The Human Body and Weightlessness: Operational Effects, Problems and Countermeasures will be published by Springer later this year. It was a lot of work, but very gratifying.

for example. That’s just critical. They need to know a

Will you continue your writing and research?

lot more about assisting in fundraising when needed,

My first and foremost priority is this job: provost. But

and they need to be on top of the constant change in

I think it’s a good thing for the chief academic officer

instructional technology and where the trends are. It’s

to keep a foot in this world. I write a lot

just amazing how fast that changes.

faster now.

On the flip side, I want to say that I do believe that a provost, especially at an institution like Saint Peter’s, needs to make sure that the core of who we are never changes. The Jesuit mission and values of Saint Peter’s make us special and distinct and that’s what we have to keep. Sustaining that core and, at the same time, adapting to a rapidly changing world, is a balancing act.

THINKING ABOUT SPACE TRAVEL? Commercial space flight is on the horizon. A recent study authored by researchers at The University of Texas Medical Branch, with Frederick Bonato, Ph.D., and Professor of Psychology Andrea Bubka, Ph.D., of Saint Peter’s University, investigated the effects travelers will likely experience on the journey. The researchers simulated space flight on 160 subjects in a centrifuge used to train pilots and astronauts. The study was conducted at the National Aerospace Training and Research Center and funded by a grant from the Federal Aviation Administration. The team’s initial findings were published earlier this year. The takeaway: “Training matters,” said Dr. Bonato, noting that subjects who underwent the most training were less anxious and experienced less motion sickness than those who received minimal training. “That should tell you that people should not be put in a spacecraft without some serious experience in a centrifuge.”

Frederick Bonato, Ph.D., is provost and vice president for academic affairs. He has published extensively on aeromedical topics such as motion sickness, space motion sickness and commercial space flight. A fellow of the Eastern Psychological Association and the Aerospace Medical Association, he was elected to the International Academy of Aviation and Space Medicine in 2015. Dr. Bonato is past president of the Eastern Psychological Association.

What will you be focusing on during the semester and academic year? I will do a lot of listening, learning more about our strengths and areas that may require attention. I look forward to helping with new programs that will serve

Saint Peter’s University appreciates the leadership provided by John Walsh, Ph.D. ’68, who served as interim vice president for academic affairs during the transition.

our current and future students.

Saint Peter’s University


Decade of Progress


Advancing Academic Excellence The School of Nursing is established. Over the next decade, Saint Peter’s expands its undergraduate and graduate programs, initiates its first doctoral programs and

“I have no doubt that this is Saint Peter’s century,” said Eugene J. Cornacchia, Ph.D., in his inaugural address as the 22nd University president on October 20, 2007. With those words, The Jesuit University of New Jersey ushered in a decade of extraordinary growth and progress unlike any in its history. In recognition of Dr. Cornacchia’s milestone anniversary, Saint Peter’s University magazine highlights 10 years of exemplary leadership.

establishes the School of Business and the Caulfield School of Education.


Embracing Green Initiatives Two years after Dr. Cornacchia signed the American College and University Presidents’ Climate Commitment, all electricity generated for the Jersey City campus is powered by 100 percent renewable energy. Under the president’s leadership, a multitude of initiatives are instituted and the University earns national recognition for its green practices.


Becoming a University


Mac Mahon Student Center Opens Following 17 months of

Saint Peter’s is elevated

construction, the Mac Mahon

to university status,

Student Center opens. The

an achievement that

centerpiece of Students at the

recognizes its growth and

Center, the $35 million multi-

evolution from liberal arts

purpose facility is the central

undergraduate college

hub for socialization, reflection,

to master’s and doctoral

collaboration and other

degree-granting institution.

activities among members of the University community.


Second Strategic Plan Introduced


8th in the Nation The University announces a

Pathways to Distinction, the second strategic plan developed during

$1 million gift from the Give

Dr. Cornacchia’s administration, is introduced. The five-year plan

Something Back scholarship program

builds on progress attained and five core strengths: Excellence in

that will fund a cohort of promising New

Teaching and Learning, Unique University Assets and Experiences,

Jersey students to attend Saint Peter’s at no cost. Under Dr.

Effective Resources to Support Student Success, Global Knowledge

Cornacchia’s leadership, the University prioritized affordability

and Engagement and Prominent Community Partnerships.

and, in 2017, was ranked eighth in the nation for the upward mobility of graduates, according to The Equality of Opportunity Project, published in The New York Times.


Fall 2017



The Carnegie Foundation designates Saint Peter’s a

VISION 2015, the strategic plan to

Community Engaged Institution for its outreach and

build capacity, transform the Jersey

partnership with nonprofit agencies. The University goes on

City campus and strengthen Jesuit

to earn national distinction for service from the Carnegie

mission and identity, is unveiled.

Foundation in subsequent years and the President’s Higher

This blueprint will successfully

Education Honor Roll in four categories in 2014

chart the growth and transforma-

and 2015.

tion of Saint Peter’s over the next

Community Partnerships Grow

New Strategic Plan

six years.


Campus Transformation Begins The official launch of Students at the Center: The Campaign for Saint Peter’s University is celebrated. The news comes on the heels of the

Vision 2 015

announcement that Saint Peter’s has assumed responsibility for all operations of the historic St. Aedan’s Church, which is now known as St. Aedan’s: The Saint Peter’s University Church.


Largest Campaign in Saint Peter’s History Students at the Center reaches its conclusion with a final tally of $64.7 million raised, the largest and most successful capital campaign in Saint Peter’s history. Exceeding the goal of $62 million, gifts to the Campaign represented nearly 50 percent of all monies raised in the University’s 143-year history.


$5.3 million in STEM grants With a $3.9 million grant from the U.S. Department of


Leadership for Jesuit Colleges and Universities

Education, the University builds a STEM Engagement

The decade of progress experienced by Saint

Center, one component of an ambitious SURGE

Peter’s is now a model for a range of higher

(STEM Undergraduate Retention Graduation and

education issues. In July 2017, Dr. Cornacchia

Empowerment) initiative. Several months later,

shared insights and best practices at The

Saint Peter’s is awarded a $1.4 million grant from the

Jesuit Leadership Seminar held at Loyola

National Science Foundation, Robert Noyce Teacher

University Chicago. Presented by the

Scholarship Program, bringing a total investment

AJCU (Association of Jesuit Colleges and

of $5.3 million to strengthen the pipeline of STEM

Universities), the important

graduates and respond to the need for K–12 STEM

forum provides fresh

teachers in high-need districts.

perspectives on key questions facing Ignatian leaders.

New Grant Builds Stronger Families

Saint Peter’s University is teaming up with two Jersey City nonprofits to improve educational and job opportunities for 50 local families. The goal: to equip families with the language skills and vocational training necessary to achieve financial stability and a healthy home environment. A new grant through the Pascal Sykes Foundation’s Strengthening

jobs, adult participants are building the workforce skills and

Families Initiative is funding the effort called Families for Literacy.

disposition needed to secure jobs and remain employed.

The $350,000 grant is renewable for five years. The three-pronged

Meanwhile, New City Kids offers extensive academic and

approach will establish stability for families through intensive

social support, as well as enrichment activities, for Families for

courses in English language and vocational instruction for adults,

Literacy youth participants, building on successful programs

while providing the academic and social support children need

the organization runs for children and teens. Saint Peter’s has

to succeed in school and later, in college and the workforce.

worked closely with New City Kids in the past, providing student

The comprehensive program dovetails with the foundation’s

volunteers, faculty expertise and access to The Theresa and

mission to fund integrated services promoting the well-being

Edward O’Toole Library for youth participants and professionals

of intergenerational families, particularly those facing income

from the nonprofit. Today, a number of New City Kids alumni are


currently enrolled at the University.

This fall, Saint Peter’s began the first of six 15-week English

Scott Stoddart, Ph.D., dean of the University’s College of

as a Second Language (ESL) courses for parents and caregivers

Arts and Sciences, noted that the partnership embodies Saint

of program participants at the University’s Center for English

Peter’s Jesuit mission to improve the local community through

Language Acquisition and Culture (CELAC). Adults further practice

educational and workforce opportunities. “Since its founding in

their English proficiency through ongoing conversation groups, as

1872, Saint Peter’s University has been dedicated to educating

well as frequent access to computers at CELAC.

deserving students who may not have had many advantages in

The grant pairs Saint Peter’s with New City Kids and Starting

their lives,” Dr. Stoddart said. “This program is consistent with the

Points Inc., both located in Jersey City. Starting Points Inc.

University’s longstanding support to students and their families,

conducts the career component of the program. Through

particularly those in middle and high school for whom college

vocational training and placements in internships and permanent

may seem out of reach.”


Fall 2017


These Wheels Are Putting a Dent in Hunger With the gift of a refrigerated van, The Campus Kitchen can repurpose more meals for more people. The purchase of a refrigerated van for The Campus

waste. A signature program of the Joseph A. Kelly

Kitchen has made an immediate and profound impact

Office of Campus Ministry, the initiative has grown

on the effort to alleviate food insecurity in Jersey City.

thanks to student involvement and the generosity

In the days before dedicated transport, collecting

of alumni and friends. Sekel cites a host of recent

food donations from sites in downtown Jersey City or

improvements, from expanded food preparation

the surrounding area involved a mad dash back to Saint

work spaces to high quality freezers, that boosted the

Peter’s University in order to preserve the meals The

community service program’s ability to repurpose

Campus Kitchen redistributes to low-income fami-

meals quickly and efficiently.

lies and homeless shelters. “Now, we can collect food

“We have received so much help from alumni,”

donations from multiple sites and pick up more food

he said. “The Campus Kitchen is where it is now be-

than ever before,” said Erich Sekel, associate director of

cause people bought in to what we’re doing and

campus ministry for community service.

supported it.”

In fact, shortly after the refrigerated van arrived, Sekel was able to transport a donation of 36 trays of food from Goldman Sachs on the Jersey City waterfront. Then, he headed to Hoboken University Medical Center

Interested in supporting The Campus Kitchen? Please contact Linda S. Moore, J.D., director of leadership giving, at (201) 761-6128 or

for another contribution from its provider of food services, Sodexo.

“Now we can collect food donations from multiple sites and pick up more food than ever before.” Sekel says a donation of this magnitude wouldn’t have fit in the truck he’s used for the last three years. “We would have had to turn the food down,” he said, noting that the 36 trays from Goldman Sachs alone could feed between 400 and 500 people. “One meal is an instant help now, but you don’t know what that does to a person’s heart,” said Fausto Rotundo, CPA ’91, a member of the Board of Trustees, who made a generous gift that made the purchase of the refrigerated van possible. The van has been named “Vito” in memory of Rotundo’s late father, Vittorio Rotundo. “Erich is passionate about helping people, and I was so impressed. I knew my gift would make an impact.” Since its inception in 2014, The Campus Kitchen has served more than 36,000 meals and saved over 39,000 pounds of food that would have otherwise gone to

University President Eugene Cornacchia, Ph.D., and Associate Director of Campus Ministry for Community Service Erich Sekel with Board of Trustee member Fausto Rotundo, CPA ’91 and his wife, Christine

Saint Peter’s University


Peacocks celebrate their 2017 CIT championship.

HEADED TO THE PROS Three Peacocks have inked contracts to play professional basketball this season. Last year’s leading scorer and rebounder, Quadir Welton ’17, will play for Košarkaški klub Dynamic (KK Dynamic) basketball club in Belgrade, Serbia. In addition, Elias Desport ’16, who played in Portugal last season, has signed on for the 2017–2018 season with the Surrey Scorchers of the United Kingdom’s British Basketball League. Finally, Trevis Wyche ’17, a standout on last year’s team, will play for Michelin Etha Engomis Nicosia in Cyprus.

National Stage The Peacocks’ big win in the

Idowu ’19 and Nnamdi Enechionyia ’18, to step up and

Postseason Tournament (CIT) last spring still has

fill the gap left by departing players. “We lost five major

men’s basketball Coach John Dunne beaming. For the

contributors, but I’m very optimistic because we have a

2017–2018 season, he’s betting that the national title

lot of returning talent. A few of our guys have all-league

will ignite a healthy dose of Peacock pride that powers

potential,” he said.

this year’s squad through some tough opponents. “When you can validate your season and hard work with a national championship, it motivates you to be

record—tied for the second-most wins in a single sea-

just as good—if not better—moving forward,” the

son by a Peacock team. The winning spree drew enthu-

veteran coach said. “It put us on a national level and

siastic hometown crowds to The Rev. Victor R. Yanitelli,

has generated an interest in the University and in

S.J., Recreational Life Center.

men’s basketball.” With the postseason championship under their belt, the Peacocks will turn up the heat for the 2017–2018 season, appearing in the Hall of Fame Tip-Off Tournament at Mohegan Sun Arena in Connecticut on November 18 and 19, a berth triggered by the CIT win. But first, the Peacocks will face strong contenders La Salle pus-round games Dunne is counting on to sharpen the

The CIT championship changes the recruitment

team’s chemistry and toughness. That becomes critical

landscape, the veteran coach said. “It definitely has an

later in the season, when perennial rival Seton Hall Uni-

effect. This puts us on a national level, and makes the

versity returns to the schedule.

conversations easier with potential student-athletes.

Building on last season’s momentum, Dunne will

Fall 2017

“When you can validate your season and hard work with a national championship, it motivates you to be just as good—if not better—moving forward.”

University and Northwestern University in two cam-

look to senior guard Nick Griffin ’18, as well as Samuel


During regular season play last year, Saint Peter’s won 11 of their last 12 games, earning a 23–13 overall

Anytime you can tell a recruit that you have a national championship under your belt, it opens their eyes.”



FELT NAMED DIRECTOR OF ATHLETICS Saint Peter’s University recently appointed Bryan Felt as the ninth director of athletics in Peacock history. Felt brings deep experience in both athletics administration and fundraising to the University,

Director of Athletics Bryan Felt

which has sharpened its focus on strengthening athletics. “The growth of our athletics program is a major area of focus for the University and Bryan Felt’s experience in this area makes him the ideal candidate to help lead us into this next chapter,” said Eugene J. Cornacchia, Ph.D., Saint Peter’s University president. Felt most recently served as senior associate athletic director of Seton Hall University. While he was executive director of the Pirate Blue Athletic Fund, athletic fundraising reached record totals and the athletic department completed two capital campaigns totaling $40 million. Now, he looks to put that expertise to work for Saint Peter’s. “I am extremely eager to work with the Saint Peter’s community to reach new heights for the Peacocks,” Felt said. “I look forward to helping our studentathletes attain their goals on the field of play and in the classroom.”

PEACOCKS WELCOME NEW VOLLEYBALL COACH New Saint Peter’s University women’s volleyball coach Amable Martinez, M.Ed. ’12 has big plans: “The vision for the program is to eventually compete for a spot in the MAAC Tournament and beyond.” An experienced high school and college coach, Martinez was three-time head coach of the New Jersey State All-Star Game on the high school level. Last spring, he helped to lead the No. 3 nationally ranked Stevens Institute of Technology Volleyball coach men’s volleyball squad to the Division III NCAA Tournament semifinal. Amable Martinez, M.Ed. ’12

HEADING FORE IRELAND Standout golfer Dominic Diaz ’17 didn’t put away his clubs after graduation. He’s spending the current academic year in Ireland studying, golfing and serving as a role model through a Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference (MAAC) Victory Scholarship. Offered in partnership with the Sport Changes Life Foundation and the Rory Foundation, the Victory Scholarship is awarded annually to American student-athletes who mentor Irish youth to empower them to use sport as the catalyst to drive change in their lives. A member of three MAAC championship teams at Saint Peter’s, Diaz made three NCAA Tournament appearances as a Peacock. Last year, he served as team captain and earned a spot on the MAAC AllAcademic Team.

ALUMNI ARE VIPS Attending a Peacock home basketball game this season? Stop by the hospitality table for a warm welcome and some Saint Peter’s University mementos. The tradition began last season and will continue this year. “It’s our way of saying ‘welcome home’ to alumni,” explained Claudia Pope-Bayne, M.A. ’16, associate director of alumni engagement. “It provides a more engaging home presence, and is a great opportunity to reconnect.” The home opener for men’s basketball is November 29, when the CIT champions meet Fairleigh Dickinson University. For the complete schedule, visit The Saint Peter’s Peacock welcomes alumni at home basketball games.

Dominic Diaz ’17

Saint Peter’s University



& Notes

Have you… • Landed your first job?

Send us your news!

• Retired from your last job? • Met the love of your life? • Celebrated a milestone anniversary? • Welcomed a child? • Welcomed a grandchild? • Reminisced with friends from Saint Peter’s? • Received a promotion or honor? Saint Peter’s University welcomes any and all news about your career, education, family life and reconnecting with other alumni. Submit a note via email to or send to: Office of Alumni Engagement, 2641 John F. Kennedy Boulevard, Jersey City, NJ 07306.

1950 After a career in advertising, George McCusker retired in 1993. For the past 23 years, McCusker has embarked on a new journey in pottery. It has allowed him to make new friends, develop new interests and expand his horizons. His only regret when mixing chemicals for glaze finishes is that he didn’t take additional courses in chemistry instead of English literature.

1952 Dick Gallagher Sr. celebrated 65 years of marriage to his wife, Marjorie. They have three children and four grandchildren. For fun, he is a substitute teacher at a private prep school.

1955 Tom Farley is part of a monthly three-person “Strum & Sing” group at the Wyckoff, N.J., YMCA. They play ukuleles featuring a wide variety


Fall 2017

of popular songs and encourage the audience to sing along. Jim Lacey, Ph.D., published a new novel, The Zazan Puzzle: A Jackson/Ryan Mystery (Create Space Independent Publishing Platform, 2016), in which former Navy pilot and recently recruited federal agent Jenny Jackson finds herself a pawn in the investigation of a puzzle involving an assassination plot at Wyndham University’s graduation exercises. Smuggling aboard an attack submarine, intrigue at the American embassy in Switzerland and murder in a Manhattan art gallery are all woven into the riveting tale. It is currently available for purchase on Amazon. After more than 50 years as a lawyer, Joe Glavin, Esq., has turned to writing fiction. He recently published Two Simple Murders (AuthorHouse, 2015) and has several more in the works. Robert Kramer was a winner of the 2016 Loose Moose Poetry

Contest. Works by the winners of the national contest were included in Absoloose: A choice collection of fresh poetry (Loose Moose Publishing, 2016), available on Amazon. He had previously been nominated for the prestigious Pushcart Prize in the fields of poetry and criticism.

1957 Donald Nowacki was recently appointed to the Board of Directors of the Military Officers Association of America Redwood Empire Chapter. Peter Mills, Ed.D., spent most of his career as a teacher and administrator at Nova University. In retirement, he travels with his wife, Pam, across the continent to visit friends and relatives. Dan George was a Naval officer for four years before becoming a funeral director for 40 years. Though he never passed the Saint Peter’s Glee Club tryouts, George is part of the Barbershop Harmony Society, performing everywhere from Carnegie Hall to California. Phil Coady and his wife, Betty 2. Anne, will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary in 2018, when two grandchildren will be completing college, one at Seattle University and the other at Michigan State University. This will add to the family’s ever-growing number of college graduates, from Duke and George Washington universities to Arizona and the University of Southern California. Coady had a 30-year career in the U.S. Coast Guard with service in Vietnam and many other places. The granddaughter of Paul Gillease won the National Equestrian Championship two years ago. She recently gave Gillease’s wife a coffee mug on which was inscribed World’s Greatest GreatGrandmother. This was her way of announcing that she was pregnant

and that the Gilleases would enter a new chapter of their lives. George Nagel, who earned a B.S. in accounting, joined Equitable Life as a management trainee, got into computers and took early retirement as vice president of internal audit in 1990 after 33 years. He moved to Marietta, Ga., where he still resides. He is an avid golfer, with three children and two grandchildren. Gene Kray, Ed.D., writes that he and his wife have four grandchildren, Kevin, Lisa, Paul and Alex, in various stages of completion of advanced degrees in either business or mathematics at top-notch schools. The business of his family is clearly business! The Encyclopædia Britannica solicited two entries on the 17th century French dramatists Jean Racine and Molière from Ron Tobin, Ph.D. Both appeared online in late 2016.

1958 Denis Farley, a lifelong sailor, has been sailing competitively for the better part of 67 years, winning hundreds of trophies. He has been a national champion and has won district championships in a Thistle and a Lightning. He has won regattas in nine different classes, as well as the Monmouth Boat Club (MBC) Frostbite championship 14 times, the last when he was 80 years old. He is currently a United States sailing-certified instructor and the supervisor of the MBC Adult Sailing Program. Donald Williamson, Esq., published his memoir, Confrontations: No Challenge Too Tough (Page Publishing, Inc., 2017). The book is available in retail book stores and digitally.

1959 Raymond “Rick” Ronan and his wife, Alice, celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary in March. Msgr. John Radano was recently the recipient of a Festschrift in his honor. The book is titled Towards Unity: Ecumenical Dialogue 500 Years after the Reformation by Cardinal Walter Kasper (Paulist Press, 2017).

1960 Vincent Pantozzi is proud to honor his dad, a distinguished veteran of World War I, at the Veterans Day parade in Jersey City this year to mark the centennial of the war. Pantozzi has conducted arduous research, spanning some 40 years, to reveal his father’s amazing record of continuous, compound gallant actions in five

historic U.S. battles, regardless of early wounds.

The company was founded in 1870 in Jersey City.

Broadway Branch of the Staten Island YMCA.

Charlie Burke won three first place medals in a basketball shooting contest at Pasadena City College. He got 23 out of 25 free throws, nine out of 18 three-point shots and six baskets from seven different spots in 60 seconds in a “Hot Shot” competition.



Salvatore Prisco, Ph.D., and his wife, Dorothy, celebrated their 50th anniversary in July at the Pierre Hotel in New York City. The couple are retired academics in higher education residing in Long Valley, N.J., not too far from their grandchildren in Pennsylvania.

Rick Geffken and George Severini have released their latest book, Lost Amusement Parks of the North Jersey Shore (Arcadia Publishing, 2017), which brings together rarely seen images from the Library of Congress, local historical societies and private collections to document how the Jersey Shore became the most famous vacation and recreational destination in the coastal United States.

1961 Bill Henderson and his wife, Maureen, celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary on July 1 in Hawaii.

1962 Friends for more than 30 years, Mike Locascio and Jim Egan ’68 have merged their insurance agencies and now work together at Nelson & Ward in Springfield, N.J.

Ken Dinolfo volunteered this summer for Shore Dreams for Kids at Barnegat Bay in Seaside Heights. Along with other volunteers, he shared his love of the water by taking children with disabilities on a boat ride through the bay.


Ken Sheedy and his wife, Joan, celebrated their 50th anniversary this year by taking their daughters, spouses and grandchildren on a 10-day tour of Ireland.

Robert Williams was named Adult Volunteer of the Year by the

Welcome Home, Golden Peacocks! The Class of 1967 came home to Saint Peter’s University to celebrate the 50th anniversary of their graduation at Alumni Weekend on September 24 and 25. Golden Peacocks from as far away as Hawaii flocked to Jersey City to tour campus, attend a luncheon hosted by President Eugene J. Cornacchia, Ph.D. and reminisce at a dinner dance in their honor. Golden Peacocks from the 1950s and 1960s joined the Class of 1967 for Mass and brunch the following day.





1. Classmates share a toast at the dinner dance 2. Nick Fugaro ’67 and Hap Moran ’67 reminisce 3. Dick Finch ’67 4. Lilian and John McDonnell ’67 dance the night away 5. The Class of 1967


Saint Peter’s University



& Notes

Alumni in Service Saint Peter’s University will #NeverForget all that was lost on 9/11. Alumni, students, faculty and staff came together in honor of the National Day of Service and

William J. Lorenzo received the Golden Eagle Award from Warren County Community College in May 2015 in recognition of outstanding service and commitment to the students of the College.

outstanding service in bringing law-related and violence prevention education to the public, increasing awareness and appreciation for the law and enhancing the image of lawyers and the judiciary in the community.



The Milwaukee Academy of Medicine’s Distinguished Achievement Award was given this year to Julian E. De Lia, M.D. Dr. De Lia was named by his peers as one of the pioneers of maternal-fetal surgery and was recognized by both the March of Dimes and Wisconsin Association of Perinatal Care for his 30-plus-year effort to reverse the high mortality and rate of brain damage seen in babies affected by twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS). In 1988, he developed and performed, for the first time, intrauterine placenta laser surgery for TTTS, an operation that is now performed throughout the world.

John B. Wilson, Esq., was appointed acting chairman of the New Jersey Alliance for Action by the Board of Directors. He was also selected as a recipient of the NJBIZ ICON Honors award, which recognizes New Jersey business leaders over age 60.

Remembrance and volunteered their time in The Campus Kitchen at Saint Peter’s University.


2. 3.


Bill and Dianne Babics ’69 celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in June. Insider NJ named Joseph V. Doria Jr., Ed.D., the state’s seventh most influential policymaker in its special edition, “Insider 100 Policymakers.” Dean of the Saint Peter’s University Caulfield School of Education, Dr. Doria is former speaker of the New Jersey General Assembly and served as commissioner of the Department of Community Affairs.

1969 5. 1. Fred Jacques Jr. ’70 making meatballs 2. Vice President of Mission and Ministry Rev. Rocco Danzi, S.J., and President Eugene Cornacchia, Ph.D., worked with Leo Flores ’18 and Vanessa Lontoc ’00 3. Mary Quinn ’72 and Patricia Perea ’19 4. Scott Donovan, assistant director of annual giving, and Karen Hackett, senior alumni engagement officer 5. A group of alumni, staff and students volunteered at The Campus Kitchen


Fall 2017

Joseph P. LaSala, Esq., has been selected to receive the 2017 Medal of Honor, the highest and most esteemed award presented by the New Jersey State Bar Foundation. The Medal of Honor recognizes professional excellence in law, service to the profession, dedication to improving the justice system,

Arlene Labudzki and Kathy (McGuirk) Diffley reconnected in September 2016 at a celebration marking the 50th anniversary of women in the day session of Saint Peter’s. This led to a joint trip to Alaska, where they enjoyed a cruise along the Inside Passage and a land tour including Denali National Park. Paul Crowley, D.M.D., was selected as the grand marshal for the 14th annual Sussex County Saint Patrick’s Day Parade, held in March in Newton, N.J. A retired dentist and former mayor, he has been involved with the parade since its inception in 2004.

1972 Thomas Wickiewicz, M.D., was inducted into the American Orthopedic Society for Sports Medicine’s (AOSSM) Hall of Fame at the AOSSM annual meeting in Toronto in July. This recognition is one of the highest honors given to an AOSSM member. Brian Bovasso is a volunteer and recently elected president of the Ocean County Historical Society in Toms River. The society features a Victorian museum and research center offering tours, special exhibits,

publications, historical presentations and a comprehensive genealogical, photo and data collection.

1973 James G. McGuinness, M.D., has been a volunteer at the Parker Family Health Center since 2009 and was recently named its medical director. The center treats Monmouth County residents who do not have medical insurance and operates with funding from donations and grants.

1974 John Anderson has accepted the position of interim head of school at Mater Dei Prep in Middletown, N.J., for the 2017–2018 school year. He is also vice president of the New Brunswick City Council. Charlie Dullea and his wife, Jane, have both recently retired and moved to Spring Lake Heights, N.J. They are now the proud grandparents of their first grandchild, Emma Michele Dullea, born in March.

1975 Richard Ensor, Esq., was recently appointed to the advisory board of the Sports Law & Business Program at Arizona State’s Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law. Ensor, who is commissioner of the MAAC, was also elected treasurer of the Sports Lawyers Association at the annual meeting in April, and was appointed to the Women’s Basketball Coaches Association (WBCA) Executive Committee as part of a new three-year term with the WBCA. Patrick Driscoll, R.Ph., and Lorraine (Zolnowski) Driscoll, M.D. ’76 celebrated their 40th anniversary in August. They met in the physics lab in 1974 and were married by one of their chemistry teachers, Rev. John St. George, S.J., in the Saint Peter’s University chapel. After graduation, Lorraine became

a medical doctor and Pat became a pharmacist. The Driscolls have three children and continue to live happily ever after. Marcus Porcelli, M.D., has been named a 2017 Top Doctor in Somerset, N.J. A hematologist at the Center for Hematology & Oncology, he is affiliated with Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital and Saint Peter’s University Hospital. Top Doctor Awards is dedicated to selecting and honoring those healthcare practitioners who have demonstrated clinical excellence while delivering the highest standards of patient care. Dr. Porcelli has been in practice for more than 35 years.

Summer Gathering On August 17, alumni gathered at Spring Lake Golf Club in Spring Lake, N.J., to learn about the next chapter in the growth and development of Saint Peter’s University. The event was graciously hosted by Ellen and Jim O’Brien ’64. The pinnacle of the successful event was an update from University President Eugene J. Cornacchia, Ph.D., who emphasized the progress the University has made in the past 10 years since his inauguration. To end the night and to reiterate the impact of gifts on the University, Patrick Farrell ’19, political science major, shared his story.

Dennis Danilewicz recently started his own public speaking business. His latest talk is on dealing with generational differences in the workplace, with a particular emphasis on the perspective of baby boomers.

1976 George Grimm wrote a book about the Emile Francis-era New York Rangers titled We Did Everything But Win, released by Skyhorse Publishing this fall. Michael Londrigan was promoted to vice president for academic affairs at LIM College in January. The promotion recognizes his numerous contributions to the college. He has a nearly 30-year career in the apparel industry, with a focus on retail, wholesale and textiles, in addition to many years of college-level teaching experience.



3. 1. Ellen and Jim O’Brien ’64, Eugene Cornacchia, Ph.D., and AnnMarie Cornacchia 2. Patrick Farrell ’19 3. Dave Virag, CPA ’74 and Frank Colford, CPA ’73 4. Cathy Nealon ’73, Mike Milano ’74 and William McAlvanah, Esq. ’63

1979 Gerard J. “Jerry” Cotter is now executive vice president for Chimes International Limited for the District of Columbia. In his new role, he is responsible for all programs and services, funding, program development and quality assurance for Chimes DC, one of the


Saint Peter’s University



& Notes

nation’s largest employers of people with disabilities.

1980 Adela (Valcarcel) Wilson graduated from Montclair State University with a master’s degree in child advocacy during commencement exercises on May 22 at the New Jersey Performing Arts Center in Newark. She has worked for the New Jersey Department of Children and Families, Division of Child Protection & Permanency, since 1982 and is currently a supervising family service specialist.

1983 Mark Kahrer was appointed vice president of regulatory affairs of New Jersey Natural Gas (NJNG) in May. He will oversee NJNG’s regulatory strategy.

1984 Eufemia “Maria” (Arreaga) Solorzano has been appointed CEO and president of Liberty Savings Federal Credit Union. She

began her career as a filing clerk and worked in various roles over the years, including on the teller platform, in the back office and in accounting.

1985 David Weaver has been appointed executive vice president and chief financial officer of Wedbush Securities. In his new roles, Weaver will have responsibility for financial accounting, securities processing operations and internal audit and controls. Hernan Medina is among the first recipients of the Certified Specialist in Predictive Analytics (CSPA) credential awarded by The CAS Institute. Jill Rowland and her company, A+ Personnel, are celebrating their 30th anniversary in the staffing industry.

1986 Douglas Falduto and Megan (Harty) Falduto ’87 celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on July 25.

1987 Gary Gemignani was appointed executive vice president and chief financial officer of Synergy Pharmaceuticals in April. His career in healthcare spans more than three decades, including senior management positions at several pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical companies.

1990 James Peko of Grant Thornton LLP has been elected to the Board of Directors of the American Bankruptcy Institute and will serve a term of three years on the 60-member board.

1992 Tom Monnerat joined AXA in February as regional vice president for 401(k) plans in the eastern region.

1994 Eugene Batelli, D.P.M., was featured in USA Today regarding a successful ankle transplant surgery he performed. Dr. Batelli is a surgical

podiatrist with Metropolitan Ankle & Foot Care in Totowa. While far less common than hip and knee replacements, ankle replacements are slowly beginning to yield better results.

1995 Jennifer Aitken was inducted as president of the Rotary Club of Jersey City.

2004 Deirdre MacNamara performed her original solo show, DREAMSICLE, in August at The PIT (Peoples Improv Theatre) in New York. The play is a funny collection of stories about the different, and mostly quite regrettable, actions that have brought her to where she is now. Through bad jobs (like being a Twinkie in supermarkets in Newark) and questionable romances (a lawyer with some addiction issues) to stepping up during the serious illness of a dear friend, for better or worse, it’s definitely been interesting.

Brothers Forever Frank Varela ’81, Barry Lafer ’69, Michael Serpico ’77 and more than 50 brothers from Pi Lambda Tau (PLT) fraternity and their guests gathered this summer at Monmouth Park Racetrack for their first organized reunion since 1983. Brothers in attendance ranged in graduating classes from 1969 to 1987, and some traveled from North Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee and Jersey City to attend the event. Varela said, “All in attendance brought their fond memories of PLT and Saint Peter’s, reminiscences of brothers lost, countless items

Above: The Pi Lambda Tau reunion at Monmouth Park Racetrack; Right: PLT brothers at Saint Peter’s in 1969

of memorabilia and a renewed sense of brotherhood and belonging. Some brothers who hadn’t seen each other in 30 to 40 years sat down like they were in the Hudson Room conversing as if they last spoke just yesterday. It was truly an awesome and awe-inspiring day.”


Fall 2017

REQUIRED NCAA DISCLOSURE On February 2, 2016, the NCAA Division I Committee on Infractions (“COI”) released a Public Infractions Report regarding violations of NCAA rules in Saint Peter’s University’s men’s and women’s swimming programs. This infractions case was resolved through the summary disposition process, a cooperative effort that did not

Charles M. Lizza, Esq. ’77

Robert B. Lorfink ’93

Jamie M. Bredehoft Jenkins, M.B.A. ’12

necessitate a COI hearing. Saint Peter’s and the COI agreed that Level II violations of NCAA rules occurred in the University’s swimming

Four Elected to Serve as Trustees and Regents

programs, primarily during one academic year. Specifically: (1) In the 2013–14 academic year, four student-athletes

Attorney Charles M. Lizza, Esq. ’77 has accepted a position on the

received participation expenses while ineligible, and two

Saint Peter’s University Board of Trustees, while Robert B. Lorfink

of those student-athletes practiced or competed while

’93 and Jamie M. Bredehoft Jenkins, M.B.A. ’12 will serve on the

ineligible. (2) During the 2011–12 through 2013–14 academic

University’s Board of Regents.

years, at least three student-athletes practiced with non-

A partner with Saul Ewing Arnstein & Lehr LLP in Newark, Lizza

university teams coached by the then head swimming

is chair of the firm’s intellectual property litigation practice, vice

coach. (3) In the 2013–14 academic year, the then head

chair of the litigation department and co-chair of the life sci-

swimming coach arranged for seven student-athletes to

ences practice. He has also been active in public service, chairing

submit lifeguard work-study hours at the University’s

the New Jersey Supreme Court’s Committee on the Unauthorized

aquatics center for which there were no records of the

Practice of Law and serving as a member of the court’s Profes-

student-athletes actually working.

sional Responsibility Rules Committee.

Additionally, the COI found that the then head swimming

Lorfink, global chief financial officer of DAS Holdings Inc., previ-

coach violated NCAA ethical conduct rules by intentionally

ously served as president and chief operating officer of Ketchum,

committing some of the above-listed violations and by

a leading DAS public relations agency. During his tenure, Ketchum

failing to fully cooperate in the investigation of the case.

rose to prominence as the world’s fourth-ranked PR firm. Lorfink

This is the first instance of significant violations of

played a key role in several client relationships at Ketchum, and

NCAA rules at Saint Peter’s, and the University regrets that

was instrumental in the firm’s organic and acquisitive growth.

the violations occurred. It is important to note that the

Jenkins is the corporate communications lead of strategic

violations were limited to one program during primarily

investments at KPMG, supporting internal and external communi-

one academic year. The University discovered the issues,

cations for the firm’s innovation group. Previ-

reported them to the NCAA, and then worked closely with

ously, she worked at Saint Peter’s University

the NCAA to conduct the follow-up investigation. The COI

as director of annual giving, and developed

and the NCAA staff stated their appreciation for Saint

fundraising strategies for Students at the Center:

Peter’s cooperation throughout the process.

The Campaign for Saint Peter’s University.

As a result of the above-listed violations, the COI and

Recent graduate, Aicha Elola ’17, was se-

the University agreed to penalties that include public

lected to serve a one-year term on the Board of Trustees.

reprimand and censure for the university, two years of

Aicha Elola ’17

probation beginning February 2, 2016, vacation of records in which student-athletes participated while ineligible, and

HONORARY TERESIANS The Sodality of the Children of Mary of St. Teresa has inducted Saint Peter’s administrators (left) Ana Cravo, CFRE, director of annual giving, and Eileen Poiani, Ph.D. HA ’17, special assistant to the president, as honorary members.

a $5,000 fine. Additionally, the then head swimming coach received a five-year “show-cause order” from the COI. A complete copy of the COI’s Public Infractions Report can be found at the following link: saintpeterspeacocks. com/general/2015-16/NCAAPublicInfractionsReport.

Saint Peter’s University




2011 Desirae Mobley-Antwi retired from Newark Public Schools in 2016. She has a new grandson, DeOnte Mobley.

2012 Suendus Abbasi has landed a new job as an executive sales administrator at eShopWorld, a growing e-commerce company with offices in Dublin, Singapore and the United States. John Charles Holoduek Jr. graduated with his Master of Arts in teaching from Rutgers UniversityNewark in May.

2013 Alessandra Santamaria, M.D., recently graduated from St. George’s University School of Medicine and plans to specialize in psychiatry.

2017 Tasheena Moise was hired as a credit risk officer at AIG after graduating in May with a M.B.A. in risk management.

Engagements Jilmarie Pagano ’10 was recently engaged to Thomas MacDermant. Allyson Fernandez ’12 became engaged to James Blauvelt while traveling in Jackson Hole, Wyo.

Marriages Paula Pando, Ed.D. ’03, former director of campus activities from 1994 to 2000, married Eric Saari on June 24 at home surrounded by family and close friends. Paula is the senior vice president for educational services at Hudson County Community College.


Fall 2017

Nancy (Ward) Espinosa ’03 married Michael Espinosa in April 2016. Rachel Slaiman ’09 and John Payumo ’11 were married on July 8 at Our Lady of Mercy Roman Catholic Church in Jersey City.

Births Joseph Karowski ’72 became a great-grandfather to Joshua Rae Vidal, born in February, weighing 6 lbs. 13 oz. and measuring 20 inches. Julie (Delaney) Fristensky ’73 and Warren Fristensky ’74 welcomed a granddaughter, Julia Park Guszcza, in February. Donna (Pica) Derise ’73 and Tom Derise ’74 are happy to announce the birth of their first grandchild, Cecily Rose, on July 26 in Morristown. Cecily, her mom, Gina, and her dad, Patrick, are all doing well. Francis Drummond ’01 and Kelly (Rivetti) Drummond ’02 announced the birth of their daughter, Kiara. Dave Tango ’02 and his wife welcomed their second son, Lucas Vincenzo, in March. John J. Hallanan III ’03 and his wife, Elizabeth, welcomed a daughter, Maeve, in December 2016. Evgeniya “Jenny” Pavlova Miller, Ph.D. ’08 and her husband, Matthew, celebrated the arrival of their son, Morgan Liam, in February.

AFFECTIONATE SOUL FOR OTHERS Joseph A. Coyle ’77 always seemed to be in the right place at the right time on the Saint Peter’s University campus. Just ask any Saint Peter’s student who parked in an illegal spot. While the situation might call for a ticket or tow, Coyle, the assistant director of campus safety, preferred to discuss the situation one-on-one. “I can show you where to put your car,” he once told a student. “I wanted to talk to you first and see if we could figure this out together.” Coyle, who passed away suddenly at age 65 on July 6, was the very embodiment of cura personalis. “Joe was so connected to the Saint Peter’s community,” said Vice President for Mission and Ministry Rev. Rocco Danzi, S.J., who officiated Coyle’s funeral Mass. “He really identified himself as a father and took on a role that spilled out beyond his immediate family.” Born in Jersey City, Coyle served the Jersey City Police Department with distinction for 28 years. He retired as sergeant in 2007 and took up the post at alma mater shortly thereafter. His many virtues—patience, generosity, unconditional support and a special talent for putting people at ease—made him a respected and beloved member of the University community, especially among students. The Saint Peter’s community remembered Coyle at the Mass of the Holy Spirit on September 13 and planted a tree in his honor on campus. “He saw every student as a person and was very present for them,” said Fr. Danzi. “Sometimes that involved counseling, sometimes it involved discipline. But it was always from a space and place of love and concern.” Coyle’s presence was especially felt in The Rev. Victor R. Yanitelli, S.J., Recreational Life Center, where he lent great support to student-athletes and Peacock teams. “He was great with student-athletes because he understood and was sensitive to the pressures of balancing school and athletics,” said Fr. Danzi. “Joe was just a very affectionate soul for others.” Coyle was a longtime resident of Kearny, N.J. His wife, Madonna Mailly Coyle, son, Kevin Coyle, daughter, Elaina Raum, grandchildren and many other family members survive him.

Requiescant in Pace Saint Peter’s University wishes to extend its prayers and condolences to the families of alumni, members of the University community and friends who have passed away.

VOICE OF PEACOCK BASKETBALL Rev. John M. Buckley, S.J., passed away on April 19 at MurrayWeigel Hall in Bronx, N.Y., at the age of 91. Professor emeritus of theology at Saint Peter’s University, Fr. Buckley is remembered by alumni for his keen mind, his fondness for song and an abiding love for the University and its students. He entered the Society of Jesus in 1943, pronouncing his final vows in 1960. After teaching at Canisius College and Fordham University, in 1962 he joined the faculty at Saint Peter’s, where he taught for the next 48 years. During his tenure at Saint Peter’s, Fr. Buckley forged friendships with many students that endured years after graduation. Early in his formation, he developed an appreciation for Jesuit ministries abroad, studying and/or teaching in Belgium, Paris and Nigeria. Often, Fr. Buckley traveled to Nigeria to teach novices in the West African nation. Fr. Buckley’s resonant voice was a mainstay at Saint Peter’s basketball games. Generations of fans remember the Jesuit’s lively commentary at Peacock home contests in The Rev. Victor R. Yanitelli, S.J., Recreational Life Center, with his good friend, the late Rev. T. Patrick Lynch, S.J., serving as timekeeper. The University recognized Fr. Buckley’s dedication to the Peacocks by inducting him into its Athletics Hall of Fame in 1997. A born singer, Fr. Buckley performed as a child with a school of liturgical music that specialized in Gregorian chants, his longtime friend, Rev. Thomas Sheridan, S.J., said in his homily at Fr. Buckley’s funeral Mass. Despite battling a serious illness, Fr. Buckley burst into song at Easter Sunday Mass in April, just three days before passing away. Fr. Sheridan recalled, “We heard a low voice singing along. It was Jack, of course.”

Helen A. Amerman John S. Baguchinsky ’71 Timothy E. Barry ’69 David R. Biondi, Esq. ’62 John F. Blue ’75 Maureen C. Bordiuk George R. Bremer ’51 James W. Brown, Ph.D. ’59 Rev. John M. Buckley, S.J. Robert W. Buesser ’55 William J. Burgess ’49 Thomas E. Byrne Jr. ’51 John A. Byrnes ’55 Richard R. Carroll, Ph.D. ’60 John N. Castellucci, M.D. ’60 James M. Caulfield, Ed.D. ’50 Joseph J. Cieri ’57 Franklin P. Clayton ’70 William E. Cole-Kiernan, Ph.D. Robert M. Companick, LPA ’70 Walter T. Coon, M.D. ’53 Joseph A. Coyle ’77 Daniel A. Crifo ’69 Vincent G. Daniel ’37 Antonio C. DaSilva ’76 Dorothy E. Doles Stephen D. Doyle Joseph P. Dunne ’69 Edward Dyjeczynski ’56 Annette (Picciurro) Falkowski ’72 John P. Falvey ’56 Cosmo F. Ferrara, Ed.D. ’62 Thomas A. Flaherty ’41 James M. Flood ’53 Timothy Fowlkes ’05 Stanley H. Fryczynski H ’83 Eileen K. Gage, R.N., Ed.D. Peter J. Gallagher ’50 Peter F. Gallagher ’58 Hugh P. Gardner ’69 John F. Gormley ’72 Kareem A. Gorrick ’12 Exilda Groux Salvatore T. Guidone ’55 Carl J. Guzzo, M.D. ’43 Robert B. Haggerty, Esq. ’59 Robert J. Hanna ’55 John J. Hurley Jr. ’69

Lubomir Jawny, M.D. ’58 Paul J. Josenhans, Esq. ’57 Thomas D. Kiernan ’58 John Kilinski ’73 Joseph F. Kinney ’56 Leroy M. Konzelman, Ph.D. ’58 Stephen M. Kozuch, Esq. ’84 Stanley Kuleszynski ’73 Joel J. Lafrano ’74 Walter J. Long ’52 Patrick A. Lyons, Esq. ’55 Roger M. Maloney ’58 James J. Markham, Esq. ’67 Louis J. Marsico ’62 Ronald R. Matulewicz ’69 Edward J. McFadden ’58 Paul W. McGinley ’60 Joseph P. McGovern ’58 Kenneth J. McKelvey ’71 Karen M. Michane ’73 Rev. J. Donald Monan, S.J. Philip P. Mooney, Ph.D. Robert T. Natoli ’55 Michael D. O’Brien ’95 Marie O’Connell Patricia A. Pusateri Wesley J. Reason ’90 Francis X. Riegler ’52 Arthur D. Robiolio ’47 Carmen L. Ross ’58 Vincent P. Rubino ’72 Francis X. Scerbo Robert J. Sherry ’60 Gerald A. Siesfeld ’52 Frank J. Spano Jr. ’61 Andrew Stampelos Kostas Stampelos ’02 John P. Teevan Jr., CPA ’62 Joseph D. Thomas ’59 Lawrence R. Tormey ’55 George L. Vogt ’63 Robert W. Waldron ’51 David R. Waldron ’59 Anne D. Whalen Rev. Joseph F. Wiseman ’48 Richard F. Wraback Alfred H. Zywicki ’62

Saint Peter’s University



Take & Notes

Seeking Inspiration The statue of Saint Ignatius Loyola seated in Panepinto Plaza outside the Mac Mahon Student Center has certainly inspired plenty of student selfies since its dedication in 2014. The sculpture of the founder of the Society of Jesus is also a good spot for reflection and contemplation.

32 32 Fall Fall2015 2017

Pilgrimage to France:

In the Footsteps of Saint Ignatius and Companions June 18–28, 2018

Joining a pilgrimage with Saint Peter’s University is more than a trip abroad. It is a transformative and profoundly moving experience. Pilgrimage to France: In the Footsteps of Saint Ignatius and Companions, June 18–28, 2018, is an opportunity to trace the early movements of Jesuits and religious figures in Paris, Paray le Monial, Lyon, Lourdes and other destinations that have influenced the Ignatian values and spirituality we live today. It follows Saint Peter’s pilgrimages to Spain (2015) and Italy (2016) that explored the early formation of the Society of Jesus. France was the next, natural choice because once the vision for the Society of Jesus was established, “France was really important to the growth of the Society and its mission,” said Vice President for Mission and Ministry Rev. Rocco Danzi, S.J., who will serve as spiritual guide. President Eugene J. Cornacchia, Ph.D., and his wife, AnnMarie, will be fellow companions on the 11-day pilgrimage that includes many religious and spiritual sites, but also museums, cultural attractions, a visit to a winery and phenomenal French cuisine. Fr. Danzi summed up the itinerary this way: “We are going to pray, play and build a community of solidarity and inspiration together.” The cost is $2,999 per person based on double occupancy. The cost including airfare is $3,999 per person.

To learn more, visit

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increase in enrollment in the past five years

increase in for-credit internships since last year



of freshmen will be the first generation in their families to complete college

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of undergraduates conduct research with a faculty member compared to 21% at peer institutions


of students receive financial aid

Together, we will.

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