How To Create A Vision, Goals and Purpose For Your Life

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How To Create A Vision, Goals and Purpose For Your Life ThemeGrill

October 22, 2018

I would like to share with you a simple guide on and How To Create A Vision, Goals and Purpose For Your Life. In life what matters most is not what you have achieved but what you become and the lives you have impacted. Having a vision is what makes life more exciting and worthwhile. If you do not plan for your life, then you are planning to fail.

Freedom lifestyle

Purpose, vision, and goals are three distinct terms that look similar but are different practically

When it comes to creating a life plan, you can break it down into three areas: Vision, goals, and purpose

Vision: Vision is the destination that one visualizes and wants to achieve.The clearer you are about your vision, the greater the impact. As the Bible says, “Without a vision, people perish.” My ultimate vision is to be a person who improves the quality of people’s lives worldwide by fulfilling my purpose in life by giving, multiplying, using my talents to impact millions of people around the world through my blog and articles. I am a web philanthropist.


Your vision should aim to answer questions like: What life do you want to have lived at age 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 and 80? 1/6

What kinds of people do you want to be surrounded by? What do you believe you’re capable of in life? What are the greatest things you could accomplish, given the right conditions? What do you wish you could change about the world? What could you contribute to the world that would make you feel proud and content? When you die, what would you want people to say and remember about you?

Goals: Goals are the things you do to move towards achieving your vision. It is a specific target you want to achieve. These are the daily, monthly or yearly actions you execute.


Purpose: The reason for which something is done or created. The reason for your vision. For example,” the purpose of this blog is to help you draft a vision for your life” Why do you do what you do? Here is a snapshot of my purpose: “My ultimate purpose in life is to humbly serve God by being obedient to all his commands and continue his mission of creation and love, helping the less privileged and proving knowledge to those who lack it.” Write your purpose down, and read it out loud every day, as part of your morning ritual.

These seven points will outline a simple strategy on how to create a vision, purpose & goals for your life 1.

Physical body

This represents how you feel and look? Remember, beauty lies on the inside not on the outside. Let your reason be for comfort and not for beauty. For example, I want to have peak levels of energy, I want to live to be 100 years old, I want to drop 4 pounds in two days etc. 2/6


2. Mind and Emotions Your mind determines your behavior. Get rid of negative beliefs and start thinking positively daily. Try something like – Read the book of Proverbs at least once a week to get wisdom – Listen to an inspirational video or audio like The Secret – Law Of Attraction FULL every morning or so to help boost your morals



3. Relationships True love and passion are irreplaceable. Relationships amplify your experience in life. Who will you share your life with? Write down daily goals like I will call my parents at least twice a week I will tell my wife that I love her daily 3/6

I will spend every weekend with my kids


4. Career/Business This is more of like your mission in life. Ideally, you want to make sure that your career fulfills you and helps support your vision. What kind of lifestyle do you want? What kind of business do I want? Where will I be in 5 years in my career, for example, start an online business in five years time


5. Finances Money is a part of life. Make sure that you have a plan for that. What would you do with your money? Would you give it away, build houses, buy nice cars, etc.?


6. Social Life (Family, Friends, Fun) Not many people think about it, but it is so important Go on epic trips together, 4/6

share more, communicate more often, help each other more often, etc. Your family is where you will find the biggest source of love.


7. Spiritual Life In the words of Wayne Dyer, “We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” There are a lot of challenges in life. If you can become more conscious and have faith in a higher purpose, it will enrich your life in ways that are indescribable. These are the steps that will make your vision a reality by practicing the above steps on how to create a vision, purpose & goals for your life.


Initially, people get excited about starting a business, but overtime, they lose some passion around it. You can break down the vision, purpose & goals in different areas of your business – marketing, team, product development, finances, accounting, etc. Believe in yourself and take massive action. Remember procrastination is the evil germ of total failure. Draft a plan for your life right away and start living a freedom lifestyle. Do you want to learn how to create a morning ritual and master your life? CLICK HERE to join this course, Morning Ritual Mastery! For those who want to LEARN MORE feel free to click Share Tweet Share



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