October 4, 2018
Effective ways on how to stop procrastination now and start doing. This is painful and we need strategies on how to stop procrastination now rather than in the future.
It’s the end of the day, week or month, time flies and you are WORRIED why you haven’t accomplished the tasks you planned.
Workload stress
What is procrastination? Procrastination is the habit of delaying an important task, usually by focusing on less urgent and easier activities. It is different from laziness, which is the unwillingness to act.
Why is Procrastination dangerous? Procrastination can cause depression, make less effective, disrupt teamwork, job loss and even destroy your career. So, it’s crucial “disease” According to researcher and speaker Piers Steel, 95 percent of us procrastinate to some degree. “I will describe it as an illness far worse than Cancer that causes a good person to be ineffective and to remain in a continuous state of poverty and low productivity” ——Saint Emmalex.
How do I Overcome procrastination and start doing? Procrastination is can be overcome with ease as compared to other destructive habits. 1/4
To start with, for those who believe in God, pray and ask Him to deliver you and give you strength to fight. The first step to treating procrastination is to know if you’re doing it. Then, identify the reasons behind your behavior and use these effective strategies below to overcome procrastination.
1 – Detect whether you are procrastinating or not: The first step to a solution is by finding the problem. If you’re delaying an important task for a good reason, then you aren’t necessarily procrastinating. However, the following points mean you are procrastinating; Doing more low-priority tasks. Leaving important Items undone for a very long time. Read emails or messages over and over without taking an action Starting a high-priority task and then go off to something less important. Leaving important tasks on your list and doing another vital task, not on your list. Waiting for the right time or mode to execute a task.
Step 2: Detect why you procrastinate: You need to understand why you procrastinate before you can tackle it. Not knowing that it is a bad decision. you find it boring or unpleasant? Poor organization Perhaps you have doubts and are worried about failing Difficulty in distinguishing important task from the least important ones
Solution for boring, unpleasant and doubtful tasks 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Believe procrastination can be overcome. Forgive yourself for procrastinating in the past. Force yourself to start acting rather than avoiding. Promise and reward yourself for completed task daily. Ask someone to check up on you. Execute your task as you go, avoid shifting task forward. Minimize distractions like social media and television while you work by completely closing Facebook or turning off the TV. 2/4
Solutions for those who are disorganized: Finally, if you find it hard to make decisions, take a look at a range ofdecision-making tools to help you to develop your decision-making skills. 1. Write a To-Do List first thing in the morning; From personal experience, this is the most effective strategy on how to stop procrastinating and be effective in anything you do. 1. This prevents forgetting important tasks. 1. Prioritize your To-Do List using Eisenhower’s Urgent/Important Principle 2. Tackle the hardest tasks at your peak times 3. Get those tasks that you find unpleasant but are more important out of the way first before those that are pleasant and least important 4. Find the time in the day when To-Do list you’re most effective, and do the tasks that you find most difficult at these times. 5. Set yourself specific deadlines to complete tasks 6. Use task- and time-management apps such as Trello and Toggl. 7. Review your to-do list at the end of the day and prepare for the next day.
Task Review
Take away Points Procrastination affects all forms of life including; individuals who aspire to start a low cost and profitable online business and become independent, those who want to earn an extra income on the internet, those who just want to learn how to live a lifestyle of freedom and become 3/4
independent. For me SFM are the best Mentors when it comes to a productive lifestyle and I am a byproduct of their inspiration and training.
I am learning how to use the internet to help others solve their problems and achieve their goals in life. If you want to be like me or Meet My Mentors , Join the BEST community and learn, not only how to stop procrastinating now but also how to live a life of freedom. Learn More
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