WHAT IS CHROME’S INCOGNITO MODE saintsabovetechnology.com/home/what-is-chromes-incognito-mode Saint Emmalex
August 29, 2018
By Saint emmalex @Stemmalex In December 2008, the internet welcomed Google’s Incognito Mode, a privacy option for Chrome Browser, with open arms. This feature (partially) conceals your internet activity, browsing history and the websites you visit at a time when many of us considered getting caught visiting BBC sites……Ok, let’s be frank: porn. This isn’t exactly the case. To use it, you’ll need Google Chrome installed, open Chrome and simply press CTRLSHIFT-N on your keyboard to launch it. In fact, hiding your browsing habits was hardly the reason a crack team of at Google made Incognito Mode. One of the people who built it, Google’s Vice President of Chrome, Darin Fisher provided a firsthand take on how people should be using it, and what people shouldn’t be expecting it to do for them. Incognito Mode will not help you watch porn at work...
What does Incognito Mode do? Although Incognito Mode has earned a reputation for helping people shield prying eyes from seeing whatever it is they don’t want to be caught having looked at, its origins are far from illicit. Though, as Fisher describes it, the scenario Google envisioned involves a boyfriend searching for engagement rings who doesn’t want his soon-to-be-fiancée — with whom he shares a computer — to get any hint that he’s about to propose. Fisher describes incognito Mode as “destructive” because it prevents your browser from taking advantage of historical data (e.g., cookies) to power future searches, and causes it to slow down. 1/3
Incognito Mode stops your browser saving information about what you do online to your computer. For instance, any websites you visit while in Incognito Mode won’t show up in your browsing history. According to Fisher, Incognito Mode primary intention was to make it more convenient for people who share computers to do so without mucking up their devices with another user’s cookies – cookies are the temporary or permanent files stored on your computer by websites. They help websites keep track of your visits and activity. Many people find this useful because they can store passwords on frequently used sites, or simply so they know what they have visited or downloaded. Under normal circumstances, cookies cannot transfer viruses or malware to your computer. However, some viruses and malware may be disguised as cookies. It also won’t save any site data – for instance, if you’re logged into a website, you’ll be logged out in incognito mode. Information won’t be stored for later use in web forms that you fill in If you want to search for something on the internet, but don’t want websites to constantly serve you ads for that product in the future, Incognito Mode will prevent those sites from knowing you were interested in an item.
What doesn’t Incognito Mode hide? When you use Incognito Mode, your browsing history does not get recorded to the physical device you’re using. That doesn’t mean all of what you do is necessarily invisible.That’s because if you browse an insecure site (one without an “https”) people who are on the same network as you could peek at what you’re doing, and see the sites you’re seeing. Incognito Mode was not designed to protect your privacy. In fact, Fisher explained that the team agonized over what to call Incognito Mode it in the beginning, intentionally steering away from including “privacy” in the name, because it didn’t want to oversell its ability. Anyone on your Wi-Fi network could potentially use special spy software to view what you’re browsing, regardless of Incognito Mode. It’s entirely possible that your employer logs every website you visit while at work. Your internet service provider (BT, Virgin, AT&T and so on) will also be able to see what you’re doing online. The websites you’re using will also be able to track that you’re online on their page, too. For instance, Google will know where you’re browsing from, and what you’re looking at. So when you log into Facebook in Incognito Mode, details about what you do on the site will be recorded – just the same as if you were using it in a normal web browser. THE BOTTOM LINE IS, BE VIGILANT AND KEEP YOUR BROWSER UPDATED 2/3
While Fisher didn’t give a take on how best to browse without leaving any trace, he maintains that the best way to protect yourself and your privacy is to make sure you’re using a modern browser and keeping it updated.The Chrome team is constantly monitoring threats and bugs, and ensures its updates include patches and fixes . References: JOE MCGAULEY senior writer for Thrillist(https://www.thrillist.com/entertainment/nation/what-is-incognito-mode-googlechrome) Sean Keach, Digital Technology and Science Editor (https://www.thesun.co.uk/tech/6519834/google-incognito-browsing-history-secret/) Saint Emmalex is an Enthusiastic Blogger passionable about helping people live a safe and profitable internet lifestyle. Follow him @Stemmalex.( Website: http://thesfm.com/Emmale45?t=blog-workfromhome-post ) Share Tweet Share