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Honor Roll of Investors - Alumni
With sincere gratitude, we acknowledge the generosity of our alumni who made an investment in Saint Viator High School from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020. The following lists include total annual giving by our generous alumni donors. (The contributions of alumni from Saint Viator and Sacred Heart of Mary are listed by class.)
SVHS 1964
Michael H. Minton Robert Saigh Robert L. Shanley II
Total Contributions: $3,685.00 SVHS 1965
Gregory E. Carlson Jan M. Christenson Ralph J. Elwart Jr. Frederick J. Emig Michael L. Hardy Charles J. Heinrich James R. Kostek Michael J. Massey Edward T. Odmark Gregory A. Wos
Total Contributions: $15,100.00 SVHS 1966
Thomas Cunningham Bill J. Demmert David W. Erbach Lawrence R. Forsberg Major General David C. Harris, USA, Ret. Vincent M. Lane John V. Lavigne Robert C. Lund Daniel G. Meyer James M. Mueller Thomas J. Pilat Richard A. Rinn, CSV John R. Ronge Lee Scherkenbach John F. Steinmiller Michael H. Weidner
Total Contributions: $20,709.50 SHM 1967
Madonna McMahon Briscoe Kathleen A. Allen Johnson Kathleen T. McLaughlin Margaret Weber Morrisey Carole A. Hardy Wilder
Total Contributions: $425.00
SVHS 1967
Carl M. Barsanti Gregory T. Bielawski James E. Dahl Robert W. Eichhorn Robert C. Horrell John R. Littwin Thomas M. McAvoy James P. Moran Timothy J. Plesko John F. Saelens Francis G. Shaw George R. Steiner Jr. Christopher C. Tietze H. James Vandenbergh Jr.
Total Contributions: $26,790.00 SHM 1968
Susan M. Henn Linda J. Jack Brighid A. Kelly Nancy S. Klein Klingberg Suzanne M. Pasquale Kroupa Linda M. Reimann McGary Mary T. Schafer
Total Contributions: $1,800.00 SVHS 1968
James W. Atkinson Jr. William P. Balaz Jr. Stephen C. Bogaerts Robert J. Bunting Barry J. Carlson Richard D. Fedor Mark C. Haemker Daniel E. Klingberg Rick Kowall William M. Kushner Randy P. Lanctot John P. McNamara Thomas P. O’Hara Kenneth J. Sophie Jr. John G. Wendell William J. Yaeger Jr.
Total Contributions: $2,925.00 SHM 1969
Mary C. Cunningham Aylward Mary Jo Bohr Deborah Slack Boyd Kathleen P. Falardeau Brandwein Karen Koehl Butzen Debra Aylward Callahan Kathleen McGrath Cuny Mariangela Rocca Dahl Therese K. Kuhn Falardeau Carol A. Gabrielsen Beverly R. Glowacki Margaret M. Mueller Glueck Deborah Lytle Greenlee Jennifer Gresey Grey Mary Hofmann Hall Janine Fenzel Hanigan Ellen O’Neil Harris Barbara J. Schwarz Hellem Jane S. Schaer Ipsen Brigid Jensen Anna M. Klein Johnson Linda Faflik Karlovitz Christine L. Yaeger Liekar Pamela Miseska Lucas Monica K. Martin Margaret Stanton McBride Catherine B. McGuire Kathleen A. McNamara Karen Keck Meek Marcia J. Waxstein Moore Diane S. Revnes Moore Patricia M. Jage Muir Alexis Crawford Pasquier Carolyn J. Marks Peter Mary J. Ludwig Peterson Mary L. Philbin Christine J. Pilat Colleen M. Reardon Mary Beth Griffin Riley Susan McGrath Sangston Kathleen Donahue Scheffers Mary D. Davis Schoneman Mary J. Galdoni Schram Mary C. Byrne Schumacher Martha DiMuzio Soltwisch Janet M. Stephen Mary L. Strub Katherine N. Barnes Swift Lynnda Dietz Upton Susan Jeuck Waldbuesser
Total Contributions: $6,210.00 SVHS 1969
Richard Adamson Thomas Anstett Richard G. Aylward Michael R. Bosshart Mark R. Botterman John Brawley William F. Broeren Timothy J. Burke Robert W. Cole Michael J. Cooper Thomas D. Corr Terrence J. Cuny, USMC, Ret. George Diezel Michael R. Dom Michael J. Drnec Sr. David J. Erfort Kenneth H. Erickson Jr. Michael P. Farrell John R. Forsberg II John R. Graf William D. Griffin James D. Hillenmayer James P. Hynes Kevin D. Kain Alan E. Kanabay
William R. Krewer Mark S. Kushner John A. LaMonica Jr. Stephen F. Lane James P. Lutiger Daniel P. Maguire William J. McCaffrey James V. McDonough Thomas M. McNulty Chris E. Mijal David C. Muir James Nichols Daniel S. O’Keefe Mark Obuchowski Thomas J. Rodell Conrad S. Rubinkowski Daniel R. Schoepke Robert D. Siffermann Thomas J. Smedinghoff John R. Stuckel Neal J. Tarpey Edward H. Vallely Paul A. VandenDolder Gerard F. Walters Francis W. Wcislo Joan E. Romeo Weidner
Total Contributions: $25,429.00 SHM 1970
Claire A. Caldini Barbara A. Madden Calton Kathryn S. Schafer Costello Mary G. Kane Lisbeth A. Kelly K. Valerie Conley Kneesel Karen R. Kosinski O’Neil Maryann May Radowski Teresa L. Skeehan Stewart
Total Contributions: $9,210.00 SVHS 1970
Robert J. Carroll Jr. John W. Cavers Terrence J. Cullen Dennis J. Felke James P. Hora Geoffrey W. Kinka Robert D. Kneesel Michael J. Lins Edward J. McHugh Robert E. McMahon J. Barry O’Neil Stephen M. Smith John A. Vandenbergh Mario D. Vitale Thomas D. Wall Martin R. Willow John P. Wynn
Total Contributions: $21,000.00 SHM 1971
Joan M. Kreiner Burny Margaret E. Gosch Adrienne L. Rubinkowski Margaret M. Siffermann Teske
Total Contributions: $2,125.00 SVHS 1971
Mark F. Deger William L. Dougherty Eugene E. Dougherty Jr. Francis X. Fenton Jr. John L. Fox Mark J. Franzen Thomas J. Gallagher William Geiser William M. Hake William A. Hartung Kevin J. Kavanagh Kevin T. King Joseph B. Kurczodyna Barry E. McEneely James W. McEnerney Jr. Gregory R. Ostermann Stephen E. Schlickman Thomas A. Schultz James A. Skarzynski James G. Smedinghoff Thomas L. Smith
Total Contributions: $4,822.50 SHM 1972
Vicky G. Goulet Cupelli Jean Sophie Hake M. Elizabeth Kane Shandley
Total Contributions: $1,375.00 SVHS 1972
John S. Benway James W. Crnich Mark E. Hoppe Kevin Kenning Thomas A. King Timothy McDonald Thomas P. Noonan Harry Poulos Jr. James G. Sweeney Michael G. Wullaert Paul R. Zimmerman
Total Contributions: $27,913.80 SHM 1973
Judeth A. Spellman Mary W. Waddick Stephenson Mary Beth Paige Voigts
Total Contributions: $270.00
SVHS 1973
James T. Bristol III Richard A. Broeren Jr. Mark P. Carroll Thomas L. Chapman Sr. Timothy J. Deger Michael J. Dwyer William G. Ellsworth Robert E. Foster Neil T. Humphrey John F. Kane Jr. Casey M. Klingberg Kenneth P. Smith James F. Solari
Total Contributions: $4,365.00 SVHS 1974
Gary P. Czeropski Christopher L. Deger Thomas W. Flynn Terence M. Keehan
Total Contributions: $1,125.00 SHM 1975
Annette M. Loiacono Cerami Dianna L. DeLord Ehrenfried Susan D. Frank Jordan Kathryn A. Augustin LaMantia Barbara A. Langhenry Mimi Hopkinson Lappin Mary Schlickman Rogozinski Hilary M. Ward Schnadt
Total Contributions: $6,025.00 SVHS 1975
Michael H. Fitton Jerome S. Hanner Matthew J. Hower Terence A. Jordan Brian P. King Victor A. LaMantia Edward J. Rogozinski Jr. Richard D. Zak
Total Contributions: $2,920.00 SHM 1976
Kathleen M. Collins Patricia D. Lydon
Total Contributions: $415.00
SVHS 1976
James R. Fruchterman James M. Kane Jr. John G. Langhenry III Michael J. O’Shea Wayne P. Spychala
Total Contributions: $3,275.00 SHM 1977
Laura J. Langlotz Anderson Jean C. Rapala Kathleen M. Kenney Supplitt
Total Contributions: $550.00
SVHS 1977
Paul H. Anderson Michael S. Andresen Jerome F. Cataldo Jerome P. Cunningham Michael P. Doherty J. Gordon Kaiser Mark T. Langhenry Kerry M. Lavelle James F. Mitchell Kevin G. Powers Patrick J. Scullion Timothy G. Shevlin Daniel L. Twarog
Total Contributions: $24,590.00
Eileen M. Meyer Susan M. Skarzynski Nolan Beth E. Zander O’Neill
Total Contributions: $800.00
SVHS 1978
Jonathan D. Bobruk Riccardo A. DiMonte Daniel A. Docel Steven F. Murray Richard L. Perry Jr.
Total Contributions: $800.00
SHM 1979
Barbara Greco Abell Laura L. Barrett Jean A. Ryan Carlquist Deborah L. Mazurek Cepla Patricia Chapleau DeJuilio Christine A. Efken Anne E. Marchese Griffith Kathleen Lim Henson Rosemarie K. Kraft Keane Jane B. Broeren Lambesis Paula D. Mazeski Maloney Jeanne M. Stubing McAleer Regina E. Maude McCarthy Patricia A. McElroy Maureen P. Meersman Therese A. Clifford Michels Joan M. Moore Maureen Forsythe Mueller Catherine M. Chernesky Raney Sarah Burke Rogozinski Patricia A. Gallagher Ruleau Patricia J. Simmerman Mary Kay Cannistra Steward Lynne A. Toomey Traci Elizabeth B. Beauvais Walberg
Total Contributions: $4,376.00 SVHS 1979
Anonymous Ricardo J. Anesi James E. Banaszak Alan E. Cepla Robert J. Dalton Anthony D. Falduto Richard B. Faul Joseph A. Hafenscher Michael P. McDonald Jr. Michael J. McMahon James Mertes Timothy J. Notaro Bernard J. O’Neill Scott T. Origer Steven R. Peshek Bryan R. Rapala Neal F. Spellman Andrew E. Squire Michael J. Svec Gregg P. Sweeney
Total Contributions: $925,257.21
Daniel L. Costello II William A. Dahlborn III Stephen G. Dress Michael R. Hogan James T. Link Timothy B. Morrissey Kyle P. Neilson
Total Contributions: $2,555.00 SHM 1981
Julie A. Foreman Cleary Julie M. Brehm Crawford Diane T. Schoen Petrovich Cathleen A. Notaro Walsh
Total Contributions: $4,994.50 SVHS 1981
Jeremy A. Abbs James W. Boler Martin G. Dooley John F. Hilbing John M. Joyce Bradley J. Kay James T. Kohn John E. Kolassa Thomas F. O’Brien Jr. Peter F. Walsh
Total Contributions: $55,564.50 SHM 1982
Margaret A. Leahy Andress Kelly A. Burke Angela K. Duke Sally O. Origer Joyce Karen A. Neugebauer Yaeger
Total Contributions: $4,700.00 SVHS 1982
Michael J. Boler Mark R. Borrelli William M. Cavanagh Sr. Raymond F. Chiostri Jr. Kevin W. Forsythe Brian J. Krause Thomas R. Kurfess John G. Mooney Michael D. Mueller David W. Rooney
Total Contributions: $19,485.00 SHM 1983
Jenny A. Baur Bahr Nancy J. Frugo Buehrer Suzanne E. Collins Daugherty Kathleen Egan Madaras
Total Contributions: $525.00
SVHS 1983
Anthony P. Anesi Mary Kelly Finnegan Cavanagh Robert A. Daugherty Jr. Todd J. Ehlman Thomas J. Halpin Christopher R. Jarosz John M. Loske
Total Contributions: $2,425.00
Julia A. Hower Carens Suzanne M. Oskorep Horvath
Total Contributions: $2,100.00 SVHS 1984
Matthew J. Boler James P. DeMunno David F. Horvath Sr. Stephen G. Kurfess Philip M. McGuire Timothy I. McNamara Jr.
Total Contributions: $15,315.00 SHM 1985
Susan M. Farrell Amy Moren Kenesey Stacey Collignon Niezyniecki
Total Contributions: $5,115.00 SVHS 1985
Arthur A. Gasey Joseph R. Jarosz Timothy J. Kenesey Michael J. Kolassa John K. Laughlin Daniel C. Mollsen Mark P. Spanier William F. Stanczak Orrin E. Wolf
Total Contributions: $26,690.00 SHM 1986
Joan M. Schoessling Hegberg Sheila M. Culm Klostermann Teresa L. Murnane Marchiori MarySue Reeves Karen M. Farrell Regan Jennifer L. Urso Taylor Susan T. Neugebauer Wittich
Total Contributions: $3,066.00 SVHS 1986
Peter C. Freund Chris J. Gerosa Thomas W. Hegberg Andrew J. Kelleher Jr. James R. Klimas Mark A. McDonnell Edward J. Pelican
Total Contributions: $10,850.00 SHM 1987
Kathryn S. Beckman Dossett Lisa C. Smith Fulton Melissa M. Miller Ruth Rhonda S. Starr
Total Contributions: $1,370.00 SVHS 1987
Michael M. DeBartolo Jeffery A. Hartgen David P. O’Grady Ronald M. Rygiel
Total Contributions: $1,270.00
Desiree D. DiFiore Doland Matthew J. Murphy Thomas J. O’Neill Andrew J. Stoy Edward J. Stygar III Theresa L. Majka Verback
Total Contributions: $17,540.00
SVHS 1989
Jennifer Bonifacic Anderson Kenneth J. Anderson Timothy J. Bachara Laura J. Positano Bernstein Kathleen A. Adler Boland Kraig M. Bonder Brian J. Chudik Diana T. Sauriol Clawson Leonard P. Cuttone Eric S. Dahlberg Nicole M. Tamraz Daniels Joseph A. Ferrazza Patricia M. Mannina Flood Kathleen B. Barrett Ford Christopher D. Hession Chris E. Huntzinger Rebecca E. Helmer Jacob R. Michael Kenney Agnes L. Taylor Knott Brian D. Lynch Jonas C. Marcocchio Matthew C. Mason Paul W. McAndrews Robert M. McMahon Suzanne M. Motto Steven T. Notaro Robert J. Peabody Ann M. Buonincontro Perez Mary Kate DeVaney Phillips Suzanne M. Wold Reeg Thomas R. Reeg Janet M. Neumann Reich Eileen M. Carroll Runte Suzanne E. Stachler Mario J. Starr Sheila L. McNally Stygar Richard T. Ulbrich III Sheila G. Galvez Ulbrich Sandra L. Metz Wolan
Total Contributions: $23,580.00
SVHS 1990
Anonymous Kelly A. Howland Austing Bradley T. Bullock Stephen P. Carroll Kerry L. Lemke Conneely F. Michael Covey III Kathleen A. Farrell Perreault C. Joshua Silva Scott G. Smoron Nina W. Wasyliw Khazen
Total Contributions: $26,531.50
Rocco Armocida Daniel J. Benassi Brian P. Goss Sr. Christina M. LaMotte Sorota Christian L. Marquez Mark R. Nissen Kerry K. Paulsen Caroline B. Avell Starr Dominic R. Starr Bridget M. Liszka Ziebka
Total Contributions: $13,085.00
SVHS 1992
Andrew J. Callaci Matthew C. Green Alexander W. Jochaniewicz Frances M. Capizzi Jordan John C. Klopp Justin E. Manley Maureen K. Henning Martin Bridget E. Lynch Snyders Maria L. Cinefro Yonkus Andrew D. Yonkus
Total Contributions: $5,290.00
SVHS 1993
Rebecca M. Bruckert Peter Konopka David R. Trenda Joseph V. Villinski
Total Contributions: $2,500.00
SVHS 1994
Melissa A. Biancalana Boelens Gianna L. Cinefro Giuliani Brian C. Kopp Rita M. Walsh Kopp Elizabeth J. Bowes Lewis Michael J. Manno Marisa G. Greco Volpe
Total Contributions: $905.00
SVHS 1995
Maureen T. Flood Callero Thomas A. Cattapan Julie B. Bravieri Chirinos Nicholas S. Murray Carolyn M. Trenda
Total Contributions: $2,300.00
SVHS 1996
Anonymous Jason A. V. Blum Katherine Snarski Blum Brian P. Clarke David J. Fernandez Jr.
Total Contributions: $890.00
Nicolas A. Espinosa Steven K. Godek Nicholas E. Papanicholas Jr.
Total Contributions: $5,350.00
SVHS 1998
Kathryn M. Smith Metz Joseph J. Papanicholas
Total Contributions: $5,150.00
SVHS 1999
Ryan L. Andrews Lauren R. Ritt Aplington Milo E. Barrera Paul H. Becker Margaret E. Paxson Bleeker Louis C. Capizzi William J. Cavers Kristen J. Gleich Collins James A. Costello Nada Cuvalo Matthew R. Decancq James J. Dowd Jason R. Glass Ian M. Gut Lisa K. Hendrickson Timothy P. Hennig Theresa M. Lowe Kaluzny Erin E. King Hall Jason J. Kuffel Mario A. LaMacchia Patrick S. McGough Anthony V. Navarro Victoria S. Lamick Spivak Cristina M. Villarreal Cristina M. Walters Brittany A. Scurto Youngblood
Total Contributions: $3,735.00
SVHS 2000
Megan E. Connolly Briggs Jennifer R. Culhane Paul R. Daday Jennifer L. Ansani Kottra Iwona M. Sykala Malley Kurtis Paprocki
Total Contributions: $685.00
SVHS 2001
Justin G. Funk Courtney C. Krupa
Total Contributions: $2,233.03
SVHS 2002
Christopher A. Paolelli
Total Contributions: $100.00
Gina Papanicholas Bertolini Nicholas Bertolini Christopher Gunn Court Harris Joseph G. Leisten Jr. James M. Rabb IV Maria Zivoli
Total Contributions: $6,715.00
SVHS 2004
James A. DeBlasio III Katharine R. Garbarek Katie M. Kautz Mary E. McAvoy Staar Kate C. Zydlo
Total Contributions: $585.00
SVHS 2005
Celine M. Fitzgerald John O. Leahy Kathleen S. Corrigan Lynde Ryan M. Mroz
Total Contributions: $2,405.00
SVHS 2006
Michael V. Cirone Robert P. Joyce Casey P. Lynde Mary J. Scotillo
Total Contributions: $652.50
SVHS 2007
Cassandra L. Bremer Griffith Daniel R. Wallace
Total Contributions: $140.00
SVHS 2008
Elise D. Cataldo Cirone Matthew V. Crandall Patrick K. Gaeger Michael W. Landuyt Jaclyn R. Sima Landuyt Kristen M. Guth Lesniak Patrick J. Magee Emily G. Corrigan O’Malley Matthew P. O’Malley James R. Platania Jr. Johnathan J. Stringfellow Arielle J. Zakos
Total Contributions: $1,702.50
SVHS 2009
Tyler J. Anderson Brett A. Biondi Samantha D. Conway Mario L. Cuttone Kevin P. Darling Joseph E. Dougherty Sofie M. Martin Dzik Sarah E. Faerber Michael M. Fleming Lauren N. Wolf Heitman Katherine M. Kern Molly E. Farwell Liddell Lindsey K. Peters Gail M. Simpson Elyse A. Slezak Emily C. Spahn Alexandria C. Tonigan Matthew J. Vitale Michelle M. Warnimont Anne M. Yoder
Total Contributions: $1,960.00
SVHS 2010
Anonymous Matthew G. Barry Joseph M. Carlson Maureen E. Lamick Sarah M. Liedlich Jennifer T. Michalik William C. Mitchell Steven J. Patzke Nicole C. Schneider Daniel H. Stringfellow
Total Contributions: $11,145.00
SVHS 2011
Brian C. Hansen Timothy J. Hogaboom Julie P. Sweeney Allison R. Vitale Kenneth J. Wienckowski
Total Contributions: $500.00
SVHS 2012
Thomas F. Aichele John M. Corrigan Samuel A. Mesi Kevin F. Patzke Robert F. Schmidt Jr.
Total Contributions: $2,790.00
SVHS 2013
Stephen F. Bonica Kendall M. Lavelle Emma M. Liedlich Erin M. Murphy James E. Murphy III Orrin B. Wolf
Total Contributions: $1,685.00
SVHS 2014
Kristen A. Abrahamson Joseph M. Adams Jennifer A. Brandt Theresa A. Caputo Samuel J. Deihs Nicholas E. Desmond Colleen M. Drolet Erin E. Fabbri Joseph M. Faerber Nicholas D. Grundtvig Lauren N. Guske Andrew S. Hansen Kaley P. Joyce David J. Kellner Paige E. Kelly Catherine R. Lauerman Sara M. Lopez Thomas W. Martin Gina M. Mastrodomenico Megan K. McCollum Sean L. McDermott Kevin P. McMahon Megan M. Mueller Karol J. Nowak Connor H. Purk Cathryn Rooney Kathryn A. Schening Andrew T. Smith Breanna L. St. Pierre Benjamin L. Wilder Laura L. Williams Nicholas A. Winter Ethan D. Wolf Molly C. Ziegler
Total Contributions: $2,875.00
SVHS 2015
Anonymous Christopher R. Beiersdorf Matthew T. Darling Krystal M. Harris Michaela M. O’Neill Joseph M. Orecchio
Total Contributions: $1,060.00
SVHS 2016
Amanda R. Javers Andrew Liedlich Sarah A. Toomey Zachary C. Wolf
Total Contributions: $155.00
SVHS 2017
Total Contributions: $5,000.00
SVHS 2018
Eleanore M. Kelleher Rebecca A. Wolf
Total Contributions: $45.00
SVHS 2019
Ricky L. Lambert