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Pathway to STEM Designation
online credits from colleges will not be listed on the Saint Viator transcript, do not count in your Saint Viator GPA, and will need to be sent to colleges separately.
The STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) designated curriculum is designed for those students who are considering a college major in one of these fields. The students will supplement their college preparatory coursework with an emphasis on STEMdesignated classes and experiences. A student may opt into the program in freshman or sophomore year. Upon successful completion, they will receive a designation on their transcript and recognition with a cord at graduation.
Requirements for STEM Designation
• Minimum of 2 STEM courses per year (Math, Science, and approved
Computer Technology classes) with a minimum grade in each STEM class of 85% in regular and 80% in honors classes (unweighted) • Maintain a cumulative weighted GPA of 85% or above • One full year of an approved computer technology class • Successful completion of at least one Advanced Placement math or science class • Completion of four approved STEM experiences • Digital portfolio of experiences
0510 Algebra 1 0513 Algebra 1 Honors 0512 Algebra 1/Geometry Honors 0521 Geometry 0524 Geometry Honors
0532 Algebra 2/Trigonometry 0533 Algebra 2/Trigonometry Honors
0541 Pre-Calculus 0542 Pre-Calculus Honors 0554 Multivariable Calculus 0543 Pre-Calculus Topics 0550 AP Calculus AB 0551 AP Calculus BC 0554 Multivariable Calculus 0553 AP Statistics 0552 AP Computer Science Principles 0555 AP Computer Science A
0272 Mobile Apps Programming I 0277 Python: Coding through Graphics 0552 AP Computer Science Principles 0555 AP Computer Science Principals A
0712 Biology Lab 0714 Biology Lab Honors
0722 Chemistry Lab 0723 Chemistry Lab Honors
0745 Physics Lab 0746 Physics Lab Honors 0705 Earth Science 0730 Environmental Science I 0731 Environmental Science II 0750 Anatomy
0727 AP Chemistry Lab 0716 AP Biology Lab 0747 AP Physics C Lab