2 minute read
IDear Alumni, Friends, and Families, t is a season of renewal at Saint Vincent College! Our students and faculty have returned from spring break energized and ready to face the final stretch of the academic year. I also write this message during the season of Lent, which is a time of spiritual renewal. God’s mercies are renewed every morning (Lam 3:22-23). Renewal is also a particular theme of the Sustainability pillar of our Strategic Plan 2021-2026 and our work at Saint Vincent College to care for one another by caring for the world around us.
In this issue of 1846, you will read about collaborative research in the wetlands, fields, and woods of our campus and at the Winne Palmer Nature Reserve. You’ll read about alumni making their marks in broadcasting, film, data science, medicine, and military service. You’ll learn about a dynamic group of freshman leaders answering a call to service, and you’ll also explore the legacy of Latrobe’s favorite neighbor 20 years after the launch of the Fred Rogers Institute at Saint Vincent College.
Over this spring break, I joined Dr. Jeff Mallory, Dr. Dana Winters, Father Francois Diouf, and five students on a life-changing and renewing visit to the Abbey of Keur Moussa near Dakar, Senegal, which was led by Father Francois, a monk of Keur Moussa, who now serves as Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs at Saint Vincent College. Abbot Olivier and the community welcomed us and provided generous hospitality. We saw many parts of this beautiful country and participated in the prayer, work, and music of the monks (in August 2022, The New Yorker magazine published an article about the Abbey and its music, “The Monks Who Took the Kora to Church.” I recommend it for your reading). Throughout the trip, our group learned much about sustainability through the monks’ efforts in their region.
We are honored to partner with the Abbey of Keur Moussa and many other Benedictine monastic communities throughout the world—and we are excited to be welcoming some Senegalese students in the fall 2023 class.
In addition to the trip to Senegal, our students and faculty visited many areas of our world over spring break: Italy, Germany, Guatemala, England, and Ireland. We look forward to sharing more about our trip to Senegal and other spring break trips in our summer issue.
The story of Saint Vincent College continues, and the spirit of renewal is in the air.
Looking Forward,
Visit us on the web at 1846.stvincent.edu
Saint Vincent Magazine (United States Postal Service
Publication Number USPS 5144-8000) is published by Saint Vincent College, Latrobe, Pennsylvania, for alumni, parents and friends. Third-class postage paid at Latrobe, Pennsylvania. Postmaster: Send address changes to the Alumni Office, Saint Vincent College, 300 Fraser Purchase Road, Latrobe, PA 15650-2690.
Saint Vincent College reserves the right to accept or decline submissions of both information and photos for use in the Saint Vincent Magazine, based on content, quality, timeliness and suitability, at the discretion of the editor. Saint Vincent College subscribes to a policy of equal opportunity in the classroom, workplace and programs, and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, age, veteran status, national origin, marital status, genetic history or disability. To learn more, visit: http://www.stvincent.edu/LegalInformation/.
2 News Briefs
13 From the Archives 20 Office Space
30 Class Notes
32 By the Numbers
Check out the next installment of 1846: The Podcast featuring Dr. Dana Winters, C’06, Executive Director of the Fred Rogers Institute
Campus spring scene illustration by designer Ellie Powell, highlighting the Saint Vincent Basilica.