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Dear Alumni and Friends of Saint Vincent,

Our priority is for our students and their lives ahead! Archabbot Boniface Wimmer gave us the mission, and we carry it forward. These students will have successful careers and meaningful lives.


Rooted in tradition and guided by our Catholic faith and Intellectual Tradition, Saint Vincent College is committed to having a lifelong impact on our students, alumni, and our friends who walk with us. So, we are pleased to offer this annual report with a summary of our finances and student enrollment.

We are now in year number two of our five-year Strategic Plan. Progress continues along all four pillars of Mission Integration, Academic Excellence, Student Success, and Sustainability. The Strategic Plan is posted on our website, stvincent.edu, and can be found by scanning the QR code below. Our Round Table of Scholars gives insight into the scholarship, research, and teaching of our faculty. These 13 faculty hold prestigious endowed positions awarded to them because of the excellent contributions they have made and continue to make to academia. These endowed chairs provide additional resources for them to do good work that might not otherwise be possible. This report represents just a small sampling of the many developments taking place everyday at Saint Vincent College. Through your gifts and support, our students are the beneficiaries of a world-class education, taught by excellent faculty—the same faculty who are also likely to be mentoring and tutoring these students one-on-one. In these last few years when people have become more disconnected, at Saint Vincent, our students become more connected to faculty, mentors, friends, ... and the world!

On behalf of our Board of Directors, faculty, staff, students, and monastic community, thank you for your continued care and support.

Looking forward,

Rev. Paul Taylor, O.S.B. President, Saint Vincent College

Scan to read our Strategic Plan at www.stvincent.edu/strategicplan

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