Weekly Bulletin - Feb. 1, 2015

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Today, Sun., Feb. 1st

Troparion – Tone 1 (Resurrection) When the stone had been sealed by the Jews; While the soldiers were guarding Thy Most-Pure Body; Thou didst rise on the Third Day, O Savior, Granting Life to the World. The Powers of Heaven therefore cried out to Thee, O Giver of Life: “Glory to Thy Resurrection, O Christ! Glory to Thy Kingdom! //Glory to Thy Dispensation, O Thou Who lovest Mankind.”

Troparion – Tone 1 (Forefeast) The celestial choir of heavenly Angels bends down to the earth and sees the First-born of all creation being carried into the Temple as a babe by a Mother who has not known man, and in amazement they sing along with us// a hymn of the forefeast.

Troparion – Tone 8 (St. Vladimir) O Holy Prince Vladimir, you were like a merchant in search of fine pearls. By sending servants to Constantinople for the Orthodox Faith, you found Christ, the priceless Pearl. He appointed you to be another Paul, washing away in baptism your physical and spiritual blindness. We celebrate your memory, asking you to pray for all suffering Christians of Russia //and for us, your spiritual children. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit!

Kontakion – Tone 1 (Resurrection) As God, Thou didst rise from the tomb in glory, Raising the World with Thyself. Human nature praises Thee as God, for Death has vanished! Adam exults, O Master! Eve rejoices, for she is freed from bondage, and cries out to Thee: //“Thou art the Giver of Resurrection to all, O Christ!” Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

The Ministry Corner – February’s Featured Service Project The Parish Food Pantry - Throughout February, everyone is invited to bring nonperishable food items for the food pantry in Daria Hall. Donations should be deposited in the brown bags in the narthex.

Remember, our parish activities should always include these core Christian values: Worship, Fellowship, Education, Service, Outreach, & Evangelism.

Kontakion – Tone 6 (Forefeast) The Word unseen with the Father, now is seen in the flesh, ineffably born of the Virgin, and is given into the arms of the priest and Elder.//Let us worship Him, our True God.

Epistle – 2 Tim. 3:10-15

---- Church School ---- 9:00am ---- Hours ---- 9:45am ---- Divine Liturgy ---- 10:00am ---- Vespers (Entrance of the Lord into the Temple) ---- 5:00pm -The Blessing of Candles will take place during this service. Mon., Feb. 2nd ---- Divine Liturgy (Meeting of the Lord) ---- 10:00am Tue., Feb. 3rd ---- REGENERATIONS! (55+ Ministry)---- 1:00pm - Meets in Daria Hall the First Tuesday of each month at 1pm. Wed., Feb. 4th ---- Centennial Committee ---- 7:00pm Sat., Feb. 7th ----*Vespers & Confessions ---- 5:00pm *Confessions are heard following evening services or by appointment. th Sun. Feb. 8 ---- Church School ---- 9:00am ---- Divine Liturgy ---- 10:00am The Annual Meeting will be held following the Divine Liturgy this day.

Gospel – Luke 18:10-14

Support St. Andrew’s Camp! For the next few weeks our parish will be taking a special collection to fund scholarships for campers to attend St. Andrew’s Camp this summer. Just $300 covers room, board, and a memorable camp experience for a camper aged 7 +. Please give generously!

Prokeimenon – Tone 1

New Ministries!

Let Thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us as we have set our hope on Thee! Verse: Rejoice in the Lord, O ye righteous, praise befits the just!

Love being with each other! Love being with the Lord! Love sharing God’s love!

Let Us Pray To The Lord! For The Health & Salvation Of: Pdn. Michael, Dka. Leslie, Ksenia, Maria, Ann, Richard, Mary, Marie, Joan, John, Pauline, Maryann, Jan, Natasha, Charles, Nadia, Mary, Irene, Joseph, Zinna, Theodore, Lynne, Martha, Dorothy, George Newly Departed: Olga Jakub -All Prayer Requests Remain On The List For 40 Days, Unless Otherwise Specified.-

This Week’s Services & Events

M.O.P.S. – Coming Feb. 10


Mothers of Pre-Schoolers (M.O.P.S.) is a national non-profit organization. There is no cost to attend and all mothers of pre-schoolers are invited to meet together to laugh, cry and embrace the journey of motherhood. Children are welcome. M.O.P.S. meets at Daria Hall the 2 nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at 9:30am. Be sure to spread the word! See Matushka Andrea for more information.

Upcoming Events Altar Servers Retreat – February 6-8th The annual Altar Servers Retreat will once again be held at St. Basil’s Academy in Garrison, NY. The retreat is open to servers of all ages and is free of charge. Pre-registration is required. Those interested in attending should speak with Fr. John.

Church School Service Project - Saturday, Feb. 28th

As part of the annual curriculum, our Church School will visit Hamilton Continuing Care, a local nursing home, to spend time with residents-- even some of our own! We will meet at the nursing home at 3:15 and visit until 4:30, then returning to church for Vespers at 5pm. Those who plan to participate are asked to sign the sheet in the narthex.

Home Blessings – This Week’s Schedule Tue., Feb. 3rd 10am-2pm: Kavchok, Olhovsky (Jan/Olga) Thur., Feb. 5th 10am-2pm: Kuzmicz 6-9pm: Nowicki Sat., Feb. 7th 6-9: Kovalev, Tesfhune, Yunus

FrJohnDiamantis@gmail.com SaintVladimir.org

February 1st, 2015 Sunday of the Publican & Pharisee Forefeast of the Meeting of the Lord Stay Connected! To join our mailing list, please contact: Admin@SaintVladimir.org or 609.393.1234. Learn even more online: www.saintvladimir.org, www.nynjnoca.org, www.oca.org or follow

Weekly Offering Last Sunday’s Attendance: 56 Last Sunday’s General Fund Offering: $2,491.00 Weekly General Fund Goal: $3,322.26 (The goal meets our annual budget.)


If this is your first time with us, be sure to sign the guest register in the entranceway then join us next door for light food & hearty fellowship! Birthdays, Names’ days, and Anniversaries will be celebrated in Daria Hall following the Divine Liturgy. Common names’ days celebrated this week include: Anna (Feb. 3rd).

Seeking, Knowing, and Living God’s Will Rev. Fr. John Diamantis, Parish Priest 812 Grand Street, Trenton, NJ 08610 609.393.1234

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