Weekly Bulletin - Feb. 15, 2015

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Troparion – Tone 3 (Resurrection)

This Week’s Services & Events

Let the heavens rejoice! Let the earth be glad! For the Lord has shown strength with His arm. He has trampled down death by death. He has become the first born of the dead. He has delivered us from the depths of hell, and has granted to the world//great mercy.

Troparion – Tone 8 (St. Vladimir) O Holy Prince Vladimir, you were like a merchant in search of fine pearls. By sending servants to Constantinople for the Orthodox Faith, you found Christ, the priceless Pearl. He appointed you to be another Paul, washing away in baptism your physical and spiritual blindness. We celebrate your memory, asking you to pray for all suffering Christians of Russia //and for us, your spiritual children. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit!

Kontakion – Tone 8 (St. Vladimir) O Most-glorious Vladimir, in your old age you imitated the great apostle Paul: he abandoned childish things, while you forsook the idolatry of your youth. Together with him you reached the fullness of Divine Wisdom: you were adorned with the purity of Holy Baptism. //Now as you stand before Christ our Savior, pray that all Orthodox Christians may be saved. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Kontakion – Tone 1

(The Last Judgment)

When Thou, O God, shalt come to earth with glory, all things shall tremble, and the river of fire shall flow before Thy judgment seat; the books shall be opened, and the hidden things disclosed; then deliver me from the unquenchable fire,// and make me worthy to stand at Thy right hand, O Righteous Judge!

Epistle – 1 Cor. 8:8-9:2

Gospel – Matt. 25:31-46

Prokeimenon – Tone 3 Great is our Lord, and abundant in power, His understanding is beyond measure. (Ps 147:5) verse: Praise the Lord! For it is good to sing praises to our God! (Ps 147:1)

Love being with each other! Love being with the Lord! Love sharing God’s love!

Let Us Pray To The Lord! For The Health & Salvation Of: Pdn. Michael, Dka. Leslie, Ksenia, Maria, Ann, Richard, Mary, Marie, Joan, John, Pauline, Maryann, Jan, Natasha, Charles, Nadia, Mary, Irene, Joseph, Theodore, Lynne, Martha, Dorothy, George Newly Departed: Olga Jakub, Zinna Kusnirik -All Prayer Requests Remain On The List For 40 Days, Unless Otherwise Specified.-

Today, Sun., Feb. 15


---- Church School ---- 9:00am ---- Hours ---- 9:45am ---- Divine Liturgy ---- 10:00am Thur., Feb. 19th ---- Reading of Pslams ---- 6:00pm ---- Panahida (Zinna Kusnirik) ---- 7:00pm Fri., Feb. 20th ---- Funeral Service (Zinna Kusnirik) ---- 10:00am Sat., Feb. 21st ----*Vespers & Confessions ---- 5:00pm Panahida ---- Raltisa Tepavitcharov ---- 6:00pm *Confessions are heard following evening services or by appointment. Sun. Feb. 22nd ---- Church School ---- 9:00am ---- Hours ---- 9:45am ---- Divine Liturgy ---- 10:00am ---- Forgiveness Vespers ---- 5:00pm

The Ministry Corner – February’s Featured Service Project The Parish Food Pantry - Throughout February, everyone is invited to bring nonperishable food items for the food pantry in Daria Hall. Donations should be deposited in the brown bags in the narthex.

Remember, our parish activities should always include these core Christian values: Worship, Fellowship, Education, Service, Outreach, & Evangelism.

Congratulations! “Many Years!” to all of our newly elected parish council members! Our new parish council has six total members: Herman Meyer – Warden, Anne Cheslock – Assistant Warden, Paula Koerte – Secretary, Ludwig Koerte – Treasurer, Melody Stavisky – Financial Secretary, and Nadja Nowicki.

Special Presentation At the conclusion of today’s Divine Liturgy a special presentation will be made by Kyra Laushell for Covenant House. Please stay to hear the good work Kyra and Eli are doing with this fine organization, and to find out how we can help them out!

Upcoming Events Church School Service Project - Saturday, Feb. 28th As part of the annual curriculum, our Church School will visit Hamilton Continuing Care, a local nursing home, to spend time with residents-- even some of our own! We will meet at the nursing home at 3:15 and visit until 4:30, then returning to church for Vespers at 5pm. Those who plan to participate are asked to sign the sheet in the narthex.

Potluck Dinners! - Beginning March 4th

Starting Wednesday, March 4th everyone is invited to break the day-long fast together with a potluck dinner to be held in Daria Hall following the Pre-Sanctified Liturgy throughout Lent. Bring a dish, bring a friend, and bring an appetite!

Did You Know…??? Meatfare Sunday (today) is the last day for meat products until after the Divine Liturgy of Holy Pascha! The Great Fast of lent begins in full next Monday, 2/23, at which time we will abstain from all animal products. Please see Fr. John for questions about the fast.

Rev. Fr. John Diamantis, Parish Priest 812 Grand Street, Trenton, NJ 08610 609.393.1234 FrJohnDiamantis@gmail.com SaintVladimir.org

Mon., Feb. 16th

February 15th, 2015 Sunday of the Last Judgment Meatfare Sunday

Tue., Feb. 17th

Stay Connected!

Home Blessings – This Week’s Schedule 6-9pm – Cheslock 10am-2pm – Sohler 6pm-9pm – Laushell Wed., Feb. 18th 10am- 2pm - Lutz; 6pm-9pm - Sandra Hunchar, Platova Sat., Feb. 21st 10am -- 2pm: Stepanoff

Weekly Offering Last Sunday’s Attendance: 43 Last Sunday’s General Fund Offering: $1,504.00 Weekly General Fund Goal: $3,003.35 (The goal meets our annual budget.)


If this is your first time with us, be sure to sign the guest register in the entranceway then join us next door for light food & hearty fellowship! Birthdays, Names’ days, and Anniversaries will be celebrated in Daria Hall following the Divine Liturgy.

Seeking, Knowing, and Living God’s Will

To join our mailing list, please contact: Admin@SaintVladimir.org or 609.393.1234. Learn even more online: www.saintvladimir.org, www.nynjnoca.org, www.oca.org or follow

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