Troparion – Tone 5 (Resurrection)
This Week’s Services & Events
Let us, the faithful, praise and worship the Word, co-eternal with the Father and the Spirit, born for our salvation from the Virgin; for He willed to be lifted up on the Cross in the flesh, to endure death, and to raise the dead//by His glorious Resurrection.
Troparion – Tone 2 (Sunday of Orthodoxy) We venerate Thy most pure image, O Good One; and ask forgiveness of our transgressions, O Christ our God. Of Thy good will Thou wast pleased to ascend the Cross in the flesh and deliver Thy creatures from bondage to the Enemy. Therefore with thankfulness we cry aloud to Thee: Thou hast filled all with joy, O our Savior,//for Thou alone hast come to save the world. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Kontakion – Tone 8 (Sunday of Orthodoxy) No one could describe the Word of the Father; but when He took flesh from thee, O Theotokos, He accepted to be described, and restored the fallen image to its former state by uniting it to divine beauty.//We confess and proclaim our salvation in words and images.
Prokeimenon – Tone 4 (Song of the Fathers) Blessed art Thou, O Lord God of our fathers, and praised and glorified is Thy name forever! (Song of the three Holy Children, v. 3) verse: For Thou art just in all that Thou hast done for us! (v. 4)
Epistle – Hebrews 11:24-26, 32-12:2
Gospel – John 1:43-51
Instead of “It is truly meet … ,” we sing: All of creation rejoices in thee, O Full of Grace: the assembly of Angels and the race of men. O sanctified temple and spiritual paradise, the glory of virgins, from whom God was incarnate and became a Child: our God before the ages. He made thy body into a throne, and thy womb He made more spacious than the heavens. All of creation rejoices in thee, O Full of Grace.//Glory to thee!
Love being with each other! Love being with the Lord! Love sharing God’s love!
Let Us Pray To The Lord! For The Health & Salvation Of: Pdn. Michael, Dka. Leslie, Ksenia, Maria, Ann, Richard, Mary, Marie, Joan, John, Pauline, Maryann, Jan, Natasha, Charles, Nadia, Mary, Irene, Joseph, Theodore, Lynne, Martha, Dorothy, George Newly Departed: Olga Jakub, Zinna Kusnirik, Lovey Kulick -All Prayer Requests Remain On The List For 40 Days, Unless Otherwise Specified.-
Today, Sun., Mar. 1
---- Church School ---- 9:00am ---- Hours ---- 9:45am ---- Divine Liturgy ---- 10:00am ---- The Altar Society will meet following today’s services. ------- Mission Vespers 170 Lexington Ave., Passaic, NJ ---- 5:00pm Tue., Mar. 3rd ---- REGENERATIONS! ---- 1:00pm th Wed., Mar. 4 ---- Pre-Sanctified Liturgy ---- 6:30pm (Potluck Dinner Following) th Fri., Mar., 6 ---- Pre-Sanctified Liturgy ---- 10:00am ---- Akathist to the Theotokos ---- 6:30pm Sat., Mar., 7th ---- Divine Liturgy (Soul Saturday) ----10:00am ----*Vespers & Confessions ---- 5:00pm *Confessions are heard following evening services or by appointment. Sun. Mar., 8th ---- Church School ---- 9:00am ---- Hours ---- 9:45am ---- Divine Liturgy ---- 10:00am ---- Mission Vespers: St. Gregory Palamas, Glen Gardner ---- 5:00pm
The Ministry Corner – March’s Featured Service Project The Parish Food Pantry - Throughout March, everyone is invited to bring nonperishable food items for the food pantry in Daria Hall. Donations should be deposited in the brown bags in the narthex.
Remember, our parish activities should always include these core Christian values: Worship, Fellowship, Education, Service, Outreach, & Evangelism.
Upcoming Events Arch-pastoral Visit - Wednesday, March 11th His Grace, Bishop MICHAEL will lead us in prayer during the pre-sanctified liturgy this evening at 6:30. Please see Mat. Andrea to coordinate for the potluck meal afterwards.
About The Great Lenten Fast The Great Lenten Fast begins in full this year on Monday, Feb. 23 rd and ends after we receive the Holy Eucharist on Holy Pascha (This year, April 12 th). The Church presents us this season as an opportunity to renew our relationships with God and one another. We do this by offering our confessions (more than once is okay!) and keeping the fast as prescribed by the Church for 2,000 years. During this time animal products, including those containing eggs, milk, or any meat should not be consumed. To supplement our diet, the Church offers us increased opportunities to pray -both at home and collectively.
St. John Chrysostom writes: For the value of fasting consists not in abstinence from food, but in withdrawing from sinful practices; since he who limits his fasting only to an abstinence from meats, is one who especially disparages it. Do you fast? Give me proof of it by your works! Is it said by what kind of works? If you see a poor man, take pity on him! If you see an enemy, be reconciled to him! If you see a friend gaining honor, envy him not! If you see a handsome woman, pass her by! For let not the mouth only fast, but also the eye, and the ear, and the feet, and the hands, and all the members of our bodies. Let the hands fast, by being pure from rapine and avarice. Let the feet fast, by ceasing from running to the unlawful spectacles. Let the eyes fast, being taught never to fix themselves rudely upon handsome countenances, or to busy themselves with strange beauties. For looking is the food of the eyes, but if this be such as is unlawful or forbidden, it mars the fast; and upsets the whole safety of the soul; but if it be lawful and safe, it adorns fasting. For it would be among things the most absurd to abstain from lawful food because of the fast, but with the eyes to touch even what is forbidden. Do you not eat flesh? Feed not upon lasciviousness by means of the eyes. Let the ear fast also. The fasting of the ear consists in refusing to receive evil speakings and calumnies. ‘You shall not receive a false report,’ it says. Let the mouth too fast from disgraceful speeches and railing. For what does it profit if we abstain from birds and fishes; and yet bite and devour our brethren? The evil speaker eats the flesh of his brother, and bites the body of his neighbor. Because of this Paul utters the fearful saying, ‘If you bite and devour one another, take heed that you be not consumed one of another.’ [Galatians 5:15] + St. John Chrysostom, On the Statues, Homily 3 (4th Century) Please see Fr. John for questions about the fast.
Weekly Offering Last Sunday’s Attendance: 12 Last Sunday’s General Fund Offering: $1,284.00 Weekly General Fund Goal: $3,003.35 (The goal meets our annual budget.)
If this is your first time with us, be sure to sign the guest register in the entranceway then join us next door for light food & hearty fellowship! Birthdays, Names’ days, and Anniversaries will be celebrated in Daria Hall following the Divine Liturgy.
Seeking, Knowing, and Living God’s Will
Rev. Fr. John Diamantis, Parish Priest 812 Grand Street, Trenton, NJ 08610 609.393.1234
March 1st, 2015 Sunday of Orthodoxy Venerable Eudoxia Stay Connected! To join our mailing list, please contact: or 609.393.1234. Learn even more online:,, or follow
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