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Troparion – Tone 3 (Resurrection) Let the heavens rejoice! Let the earth be glad! For the Lord has shown strength with His arm. He has trampled down death by death. He has become the first born of the dead. He has delivered us from the depths of hell, and has granted to the world great mercy. Troparion – Tone 8 (Sash Of The Theotokos) Ever Virgin Theotokos, protectress of mankind, you have given your people a powerful legacy: the robe and sash of your most honored body which remained incorrupt throughout your seedless childbearing; for through you time and nature are renewed. Therefore we implore you: “Grant peace to your people and to our souls great mercy!” Kontakion – Tone 3 (Resurrection) On this day You rose from the tomb, O Merciful One, leading us from the gates of death. On this day Adam exults as Eve rejoices; with the Prophets and Patriarchs they unceasingly praise the divine majesty of Your power. Kontakion – Tone 4 (Sash Of The Theotokos) Today your flock celebrates the enshrinement of your precious sash, and it earnestly cries out to you: “Rejoice, O Virgin, boast of all Christians!” Prokeimenon – Tone 3 Sing praises to our God, sing praises! Sing praises to our King, sing praises! (Ps. 47:6) verse: Clap your hands, all peoples! Shout to God with loud songs of joy! (Ps. 47:1) Epistle - 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 Gospel - Matthew 19:16-26 Communion Hymn Praise the Lord from the heavens! Praise Him in the highest! (Ps 148:1) Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

Celebrate With Our Parish Family! Visiting? Be sure to sign the guest register in the entranceway then join us next door for light food & hearty fellowship! Birthdays, Names’ days, and Anniversaries will be celebrated in Daria Hall following the Divine Liturgy. Common names’ days celebrated this week include: Mary (Placing of the Theootkos’ Sash) Aug. 31, Elizabeth (Sep. 5), Michael (Archangel) Sep. 6

Parish Stewards – Good & Faithful Servants Stewardship is a Christian’s small but important way of saying “Thank You, Lord!” by caring for and giving back those things entrusted him by God. It encompasses time, treasure, and talent. How are you a “good and faithful servant” (Matt. 25:21) for this parish family? Last Sunday’s Attendance: 48 Last Sunday’s General Fund Offering: $2,618.00 Weekly General Fund Goal: $3,322.26 (The goal meets our proposed annual budget.)

Weekly amount needed per person to meet the parish budget if our attendance is: 30 people: $110.74/person 40 people: $83.06/person 50 people: $66.45/person 60 people: $55.37/person 70 people: $47.46/person 80 people: $41.53/person 90 people: $36.91/person 100 people: $33.22/person

Coffee Hour Schedule Coffee Hour hosts are needed throughout the summer. If you would like to host coffee hour, please sign up outside the kitchen or speak with Melody Stavisky.

This Week’s Services & Events Ongoing - Support The Rescue Mission of Trenton… Drop off gently used clothes to the box in Daria Hall. 25% of Trentonians live in poverty!

Today, Sunday, August 31st - Hours 8:45am; Divine Liturgy 9:00am. -- Metamorphosis Book Order Deadline -- Church School Registration Deadline

Monday, September 1st – Molieben/Service of Thanks (Church New Year) 10:00am September 3rd and 4th – Diocesan Clergy Conference Fr. John will be available for emergencies only on these dates. 347-624-0480

Saturday, September 6th – Vespers 5:00pm (Followed By Confessions)* *Fr. John hears confessions following evening services or by appointment.

Sunday, September 7th – Matins 9:00am; Divine Liturgy 10:00am - The Rite of Forgiveness will be held immediately following the Divine Liturgy this day.

Upcoming Events—Save The Dates! Parish Health & Revitalization – Friday, September 12th Fr. Jonathan Ivanov, the Diocesan Director of Missions and Evangelism, will be with us to offer a presentation on Church Health & Growth from 7:30-8:30pm. Anybody and everybody who would like to help make this parish healthier or assist in growth is invited to attend.

Church School – Sunday, September 14th Church School begins Sunday, September 14th. Please speak with Melody Stavisky to enroll your child or see Fr. John for questions. The enrollment deadline is. TODAY11

College Student Sunday – Sunday, September 14th Each year on the Sunday closest to the Elevation of the Cross, the National Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF) promotes “College Student Sunday.” On this day, everyone is asked to identify a college student and get them to church with you, inviting them to make your parish their “home away from home” during their years away at college.

Metamorphosis ~ Journey From Creation To Salvation Have you ever wondered why we cross ourselves the way we do, why Pascha is celebrated at midnight, or what it means to be an Orthodox Christian? These and many other topics will be covered through Metamorphosis, a 10-week adult course coming this September. The book order deadline is TODAY! More details are available in the narthex.

Diocesan Assembly Representative If any parishioner in good standing is interested in representing this parish at the diocesan assembly, please notify Fr. John in writing by October 1st. The assembly will be November 11th and 12th at Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church; Endicott, NY.

Let Us Pray To The Lord! For The Health & Salvation Of: Pdn. Michael, Rdr. Anthony, Dka. Leslie, Ksenia, Maria, Ann, Alexander, Olga, Richard, Mary, Marie, Joan, John, John, Pauline, Maryann, Jan, Eve, Natasha, Charles, Nadia, Mary, Irene, Joseph, Zinna, Theodore, Paul Newly Departed: Olga Kasmer (All Prayer Requests Remain On The List For 40 Days, Unless Otherwise Specified)

Stay Connected! To be added to the parish e-mail and mailing list, please contact Elizabeth Sohler, Administrative Assistant at: redfern6@verizon.net or the Parish Office at: 609-393-1234. Visit our parish website www.saintvladimir.org and the diocesan website www.nynjnoca.org.

August 31, 2014 Hieromartyr Cyprian The Placing of Theotokos’ Sash

St. Vladimir Orthodox Church Rev. Fr. John Diamantis, Parish Priest V. Rev. Fr. Paul Shafran, Pastor Emeritus 812 Grand Street Trenton, NJ 08610 SaintVladimir.org 609.393.1234 FrJohnDiamantis@gmail.com

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