Troparion – Tone 2 (Resurrection) When Thou didst descend to death, O Life Immortal, Thou didst slay hell with the splendor of Thy Godhead. And when from the depths Thou raised the dead, all the powers of heaven cried out://“O Giver of life, Christ our God, glory to Thee!”
Troparion – Tone 2 (Forefathers) Through faith Thou didst justify the Forefathers, betrothing through them the Church of the gentiles. These saints exult in glory, for from their seed came forth a glorious fruit: she who bore Thee without seed.// So by their prayers, O Christ God, have mercy on us!
Kontakion -- Tone 6 (Forefathers) You did not worship the graven image, O thrice-blessed ones, but armed with the immaterial Essence of God, you were glorified in a trial by fire. From the midst of unbearable flames you called on God, crying: “Hasten, O compassionate One! Speedily come to our aid,//for Thou art merciful and able to do as Thou dost will!”
Mon. Dec. 15th ---- Panahida (Alexander Kush) ---- 7:00pm Tue. Dec. 16th ---- Funeral (Alexander Kush) ---- 10:00am th Wed., Dec. 17 ---Choir Rehearsal ---7:00pm Sat., Dec. 20th ---*Vespers ---5:00pm *Fr. John hears confessions after evening services or by appointment. Sun. Dec. 21st ---- Matins & Church School ---- 9:00am ---Divine Liturgy ---10:00am ---- Choir Rehearsal ---- (During Coffee Hour)
The deadline for Anchor House contributions is next Sunday! The Ministry Corner – December’s Featured Service Project Anchor House – Christmas Wish List
Blessed art Thou, O Lord God of our fathers, and praised and glorified is Thy name forever! (Song of the three Holy Children, v. 3) verse: For Thou art just in all that Thou hast done for us! (v. 4)
Again this year, our parish is glad to support Anchor House! It’s simple, here’s how: Take a tag from the tree in the narthex, drop off your tagged and wrapped gifts (Please, each no more than $20) to the box in the church’s entranceway. If you prefer to donate money, please see Mat. Andrea who will keep a record of funds and purchase gifts on your behalf. Anchor House gifts will be delivered Dec. 21st following the Divine Liturgy by absolutely everyone who would like to come along! Anchor House is a non-profit which serves underprivileged, runaway, and foster youth of the Trenton area. For more information, please see the flyers in the narthex or speak with Fr. John or Mat. Andrea.
Epistle - Colossians 3:4-11; Gospel - Luke 14:16-24
Worship, Fellowship, Education, Service, Outreach, & Evangelism.
Prokeimenon – Tone 4 (Song of the Fathers)
Upcoming Events The Service Schedule for the Nativity of our Lord is as follows:
Communion Hymns Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise Him in the highest! (Ps 148:1) Rejoice in the Lord, O ye righteous; praise befits the just! (Ps 32:1)
Wed., Dec. 24th – (STRICT FAST) Thur., Dec. 25th
Let Us Pray To The Lord! For The Health & Salvation Of: Pdn. Michael, Dka. Leslie, Ksenia, Maria, Ann, Olga, Richard, Mary, Marie, Joan, John, Pauline, Maryann, Jan, Natasha, Charles, Nadia, Mary, Irene, Joseph, Zinna, Theodore, Paul, Lynne, Newly Departed: Nadia Danilenko, Alexander Kush (All Prayer Requests Remain On The List For 40 Days, Unless Otherwise Specified) Love being with each other! Love being with the Lord! Love sharing God’s love!
This Week’s Services & Events Today, Sun., Dec. 14th
---- Matins & Church School ---- 9:00am Divine Liturgy ----
All parish activities should include these core Christian values:
Coffee Hour follows the Divine Liturgy each Sunday, join us! ---- Choir Rehearsal ---- Following Coffee Hour
---- Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil ----10:00am ---- Compline & Matins ---- 6:30pm ---- Divine Liturgy ---- 10:00am
Did You Know…??? The Nativity Fast begins each year on November 15 th and ends with the partaking of the Holy Eucharist on Christmas morning (Dec. 25 th). During this period fish is permitted on Saturdays and Sundays but we are to abstain from all other animal and dairy products throughout. As with all fasting periods, we are reminded to offer our confessions during this season. Please note, confessions will not be heard Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.
Sophia – Wisdom of the Saints "Four periods [of the year] have been set aside as times of abstinence, so that over the course of the year we might recognize that we are constantly in need of purification, and that amid life’s distractions, we should always strive by means of fasting and acts of charity to extirpate sin, sin which is multiplied in our transitory flesh and in our impure desires." –St. Leo of Rome (5 th Century)
Coffee Hour Schedule
Coffee Hour hosts are needed every week. If you would like to host coffee hour, please sign up outside the kitchen or speak with Melody Stavisky.
Weekly Offering
Last Sunday’s Attendance: 52 Last Sunday’s General Fund Offering: $1,961.00 Weekly General Fund Goal: $3,322.26 (The goal meets our annual budget.)
T.A.G. …You’re It!
How often do you consider the Talents And Gifts (TAGs) God has given you? Perhaps you can speak an encouraging word, share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with your neighbor, beautify the church grounds, offer a ride to services and activities, or pray for this community. Whatever your gifts, be sure to use them for the Lord, they are His gifts to you, after all. Now, go TAG someone!
Welcome! If this is your first time with us, be sure to sign the guest register in the entranceway then join us next door for light food & hearty fellowship! Birthdays, Names’ days, and Anniversaries will be celebrated in Daria Hall following the Divine Liturgy. Common names’ days celebrated this week include: Daniel (Dec. 17th), Sebastian (Dec. 18th), John (of
Kronstadt, Dec. 20th).
Seeking, Knowing, and Living God’s Will
Rev. Fr. John Diamantis, Parish Priest 812 Grand Street, Trenton, NJ 08610 609.393.1234
December 14th, 2014 Sunday of the Forefathers Stay Connected! To join our mailing list, please contact: or 609.393.1234. Learn even more online:,, or follow
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