Let Us Pray To The Lord! For The Health & Salvation Of: Pdn. Michael, Dka. Leslie, Ksenia, Maria, Ann, Richard, Mary, Marie, Joan, John, Pauline, Maryann, Jan, Charles, Nadia, Mary, Irene, Joseph, Theodore, Lynne, Martha, George, Sergius, Michael, Mark Newly Departed: Dorcas Serpikov, Woldegabreal Mehari, Fekadu Tesfa - All Prayer Requests Remain On The List For 40 Days, Unless Otherwise Specified.-
This Week’s Services & Events – Join us! Today, Sun., May 31st (Holy Pentecost) Fast-Free Week Church School ---- 9:00am Hours ---- 9:45am Divine Liturgy ---- 10:00am Coffee Hour ---- After the Divine Liturgy each week, join us! The Altar Society is hosting a Hot Dog Sale to raise funds for Orthodox Study Bibles for our students going off to college. Please give generously. Vespers & Kneeling Prayers (Pentecost)
---- 5:00pm
Opening up our parish to a variety of health-related activities offers us opportunities to invite the surrounding community in. We will all have the chance to be involved in various ways and to make the most of these and other opportunities. More information will be coming soon!
Church School Surveys All parents of Church School aged children are asked to complete a questionnaire and return it to Fr. John by June 21st. This is to help us plan for the 2015/16 Church School year. If you have not received the questionnaire, please speak with Fr. John.
Upcoming Events – Save The Dates! Sat., June 13 – Diocesan Christian Education Conference th
For more information, please see the flyer in the narthex or speak with Mat. Andrea.
Tue., June 2nd REGENERATIONS (For Those 55 And Up)
---- 1:00pm
Sat., June 6th Vespers & Confessions ---- 5:00pm *Confessions are heard each week following evening services or by appointment.
Sun., June 7
Faithful Families Eating Smart Moving More Our parish has just been awarded an $8,000 grant to partner with the community by offering classes for healthy eating and fitness to our parishioners and the surrounding area. We were also awarded $1,000 to fund a new community garden.
Church School (Last Day!) ---- 9:00am Hours ---- 9:45am Divine Liturgy ---- 10:00am Parish Social at the Picnic Grounds – Following today’s services. Skalangya – Pszczuk Wedding ---- 3:00pm - Everyone is invited to the wedding, guests to the reception are by invitation only.
Parish Service Project – June Support International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) in their efforts to care for those in devastating situations, such as victims in Nepal or the tornadoes in Oklahoma. Join us in preparing simple care kits to be shipped out at the end of June. Kits, complete with step-bystep instructions, are available in the narthex. Worship. Fellowship. Education. Service. Outreach. Evangelism.
Sun., June 20th – Father’s Day Photo All of the gentlemen of our parish, young and old, are invited to be part of a commemorative photograph following the Divine Liturgy this day.
Wed., July 1st – Healing Service (Saints Cosmas & Damian) A healing service will be offered this evening at 6:30pm. Invite all those you know who are in need of healing, whether physical, mental, or spiritual.
Centennial Celebration News As a reminder, Friday, June 5th is the deadline for those who wish to attend the St. Vladimir Centennial Banquet on July 11th. Due to the very involved nature of the day’s festivities and the amount of work that needs to be done to bring everything together, there will not be any extension of this deadline. RSVP’s and monies should be received at the rectory by June 5th. In preparation for our parish’s Centennial celebration (July 10—12), everyone is invited to join in for various activities throughout the month. Let’s use this momentous occasion in the life of the parish to come together, tackle the big things, and make God’s house and property reflective of His glorious love for us!
Did You Know…??? The celebration of Holy Pentecost is one of the 12 Great Feasts of the Church. On this day, for the first time since Holy Week, we again kneel before God’s glorious power and resume
the prayer “O Heavenly King…” in our prayer and worship at home and in church. We never fast during the following week, known as the “Week of the Holy Spirit.”
May 31st, 2015 Holy Pentecost
Sophia – Wisdom From The Saints
Stay Connected!
"'And my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.' My friends, consider the greatness of this solemn feast that commemorates God's coming as a guest into our hearts! If some rich and influential friend were to come to your home, you would promptly put it all in order for fear something there might offend your friend's eyes when he came in. Let all of us then who are preparing our inner homes for God cleanse them of anything our wrongdoing has brought into them." - St. Gregory Dialogos, on Pentecost (6th Century)
To join our mailing list, please contact: Admin@SaintVladimir.org or 609.393.1234. Learn even more online: www.saintvladimir.org, www.nynjnoca.org, www.oca.org or follow
us on:
Love being with each other! Love being with the Lord! Love sharing God’s love!
Weekly Offering Last Sunday’s Attendance: 38 Last Sunday’s General Fund Offering: $943.00 Weekly General Fund Goal: $3,003.35 (The goal meets our annual budget.)
Welcome! If this is your first time with us, be sure to sign the guest register in the entranceway then join us next door for light food & hearty fellowship! Birthdays, Names’ days, and Anniversaries will be celebrated in Daria Hall following the Divine Liturgy.
Seeking, Knowing, and Living God’s Will Rev. Fr. John Diamantis, Parish Priest 812 Grand Street, Trenton, NJ 08610 609.393.1234 FrJohnDiamantis@gmail.com SaintVladimir.org