Inventions That Changed The World

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Look around you ,you are surrounded by objects that might seem ordinary, but everything around you is unique in its own sense and has a story to tell. This book is for all the curious minds interested in those stories. It’s because these individuals and many others like them asked questions about why things were the way they were that they stumbled onto or created something new. Keep in mind no discovery or invention can be achieved by one single person, there are a lot of people involved but we only remember the names of those who had the breakthrough. Here we will go through a few inventions without which our lives would have surely been different.


Who Invented the Camera? Photography was a very gradual invention which took centuries to develop.It was a journey with numerous landmarks in its path.



ets start from where it all

photograph using a light sensitive

began.The first idea of a

material he developed through his

camera.Camera works on the basic concept that if you have a hole in

knowledge of chemistry. It was after the death of Joseph

the wall of a dark room,the light

in 1833 that his understudy Louis

passes through the hole creates a

Daguerre who was a French

projection which retains color and

artist, who, took the idea forward

perspective but is inverted.This

to develop the first ever camera

came to be known as “Camera

for public use.He called it the

Obscura”. This technique of pinhole

Daguerreotype. Daguerreotypes

philosophy is mentioned in the

were very expensive, so only the

writings of Chinese philosopher

wealthy could afford to have their

Mozi in around 400 BC.

portrait taken. Even though the

In the 15th century famous painter

portrait was the most popular

Leonardo Davinci used the pinhole

subject, the daguerreotype

camera to trace out details for his

was used to record many other

sketches. Painters like Rembrandt

images such as topographic and

and Carvaggio used the Camera

documentary subjects, antiquities,

Obscura techniques for their

still lives, natural phenomena and

paintings in the 1700s.It was in

remarkable events.

1826 that French inventor Joseph

Each daguerreotype is a

Nicéphore Niépce (Lets just call

remarkably detailed, one-of-a-kind

him Joseph for the ease of it!)

photographic image on a highly

took first ever photograph with a

polished, silver-plated sheet of

technique called Heliography. It

copper, sensitized with iodine

took him 8 hours to develop the

vapors, exposed in a large box



camera, developed in mercury

After Daguerre, it was George

fumes, and stabilized (or fixed) with

Eastman who introduced the

salt water. Although Daguerre was

photographic film in 1884.This was

required to reveal, demonstrate,

the start of amateur photography,

and publish detailed instructions

it significantly reduced the size

for the process, he wisely retained

of the camera and made it far

the patent on the equipment

more accessible. He founded his

necessary to practice the new art.

company which came to be known

From the moment of its birth,

as Kodak.In 1888, he launched the

photography had a dual character

first Kodak camera (a few years

as a medium of artistic expression

later, he amended the company

and as a powerful scientific tool

name to Eastman Kodak).

and Daguerre promoted his

The company slogan was “You

invention on both fronts. On March

press the button, we do the rest,”

8, 1839, Daguerre’s laboratory

which meant the camera was sent

burned to the ground in a fire

in to the company after the 100

accident, destroying the inventor’s

exposures on the roll of film had

written records and the bulk of his

been used; they developed it and

early experimental works.

sent it back to the customer. In

1889, Eastman hired a chemist to

Eastman again though who

develop a type of flexible film that

introduced the first colour film for

could be more easily inserted into

the masses in 1935.

cameras. Thomas Edison adapted

Once photo sensitive chips were

the film for use in the motion-

developed, the chemical process

picture camera he was developing,

of creating pictures became

further propelling the success

obsolete. Through decades of

of Eastman’s company. The

innovation in SLRs and DSLRs to

Brownie camera was launched

mobile phone cameras, we finally

in 1900 to target new hobbyist

come to present day where we

photographers with its $1 price tag.

have front cameras more powerful

Eastman’s innovations started the

than anything that existed back

amateur photography craze that is

then. One must keep in mind

still going strong today.

though it was because of the

After that the first colour

Camera Obscura that we have this

photograph came around 1861,

technology today. It is because

a man named Thomas Sutton

someone observed light through a

combined three images he took

small hole centuries ago that you

with red, blue and green filters

can take so many selfies under a

to make the photograph, it was


a picture of a bow. It was Kodak


Who Invented the Telegraph? Many inventors tried and worked on the telegraph but the first practical instrument that could send telegraph using electricity successfully was designed by Samuel F. B. Morse.


hatsapp, Messenger, texts-


practical instrument that could

Instant communication,

send telegraph using electricity

so convenient right? today we

successfully was designed by

have the capabilities to connect

him. Before Morse’s invention, in

all across the globe through texts

1792 an optical telegraph line was

, audios and videos in less than a

developed in France by Claude

second with ease. But have you

Chappe(The ‘Ch’ is pronounced

wondered of a time when these

as ‘Sh’ for reasons beyond me) His

technologies did not exist? About

signal system consisted of three

how we evolved from using birds

simple signal elements i.e. a beam

as messengers to mobile phones?

and two arms. Chappe was able to

Letters can be considered as the

produce the entire alphabet with

obvious step in this direction,

jus these three elements.With the

with postal services dating back

help of twenty two signal towers

to ancient Egyptian Era. The

the system could be used to send

first electronic message service

a message across a distance of

though was the game changer and

270 Kms.

that is what a telegraph was. A telegraph by definition is a

After the optical telegraph came the magnetic needle

system for transmitting messages

telegraph in the 1830s.Developed

from a distance along a wire by

by two Englishman Cooke and

creating signals by making and

Wheatstone, Although not the first

breaking an electrical connection.

magnetic needle telegraph, it was

Samuel F. B. Morse invented the

the first telegraph system to be put

first telegraph in 1837. Before

to commercial service. The device

Morse many inventors tried and

was used in the railways and

worked on the same but the first

consisted of five magnetic needles



which deflected as they received

The device he developed used an

electrical currents. The needles

electric circuit, an overhead wire

were placed in a diamond shaped

and Earth as another conductor to

box with all the letters mapped

complete the circuit. A marker was

out at specific positions. The

moved to produce written code on

deflections pointed out the letters

a piece of paper using pulses of

thus mapping out the words.

current to deflect electromagnet-

Samuel Morse was a professor

this was Morse code. The code

of art and design at New York

consisted of simple dots and

University in 1835. He became

dashes in which Morse was able to

interested in telegraphic device

include the entire English alphabet

in 1832 and started working on it.

and numerals. Three spaces were

For the same he took technical

inserted between letters and

assistance from Leonard Gale, a

numerals to indicate where a word

chemistry professor and monetary

stopped and the next started. For

support from Alfred Vail.

one more year the machine was

worked on to emboss the paper

printed on the tape but in the U. S.

with dots and dashes and then

the trained operator transmitted

the public demonstration was

message by sending it through

conducted in 1838. After five years

keys and receiving by ears at the

telegraph lines were constructed.

speed of 40 to 50 words a minute.

And the first telegraphic message

Telegraphs might be obsolete

was “What Hath God wrought?�

today with the huge presence

A complete line was officially

of wireless networks but they

inaugurated on May 24, 1844. The

were the first step towards

first transcontinental telegraph line

telecommunication at a global

was built by the Western Union

scale. They are the reason we

along the railroads in 1851.

can send numerous messages

For economic reasons, the Post

wherever and whenever we want

and Telegraph department

to and share our thoughts and

intervened in 1881 and it was in

ideas. With technology growing

1943 that the Post and Telegraph

one can now even tell if you saw

department and the Western

the message and did not reply to

Union joined hands. Originally

it, If only Morse had that sort of

the telegraphic message was



Who Invented the Bulb? Historians agree that Thomas Edison was not the inventor of the electric light bulb, but he did produce the first commercially viable one


istorians agree that Thomas


immobile source of lighting which

Edison was not the inventor

produced extreme heat and

of the electric light bulb, but he

required a well established supply

did produce the first commercially


viable one. Earlier light bulbs were

Thomas Edison’s serious

experimented with as far back as

incandescent light bulb research

1802 and there were 23 others who

began in 1878, filing his first patent

had invented light bulbs, some of

later that year ”Improvement In

whom were still working on them

Electric Lights” in October 1878.

at the time of Edison’s work. One

Three factors in combination

of them was William Murdoch

are generally recognized as

who brought the gas light to

contributing to Edison’s success

commercial use. A gas produced

i.e.a durable incandescent

by burning coal was captured in air

material, elimination of air from

tight vessels and supplied across

the bulb-a better vacuum and

homes through pipe lines.The

a filament material of high

advantages of gas light over oil


lamps and candles and by the 19th

His early experiments involved

century gas lights were used for

the fabrication and testing of many

street lights and factories.The only

different metal filaments, including

drawback was that the light itself

platinum. Platinum was very

was not that bright.Electricity was

difficult to work with, and prone

introduced during the same time

to being weakened by heating

as gas lights and soon electric

and oxygen attack.In addition,

bulbs took over.The problem

platinum was expensive, and too

was that gas lights provided an

low in resistance; which would



require heavy copper conductors

light bulb so it became impractical

in Edison’s electric distribution

for actual use.(Later Swan joined

system he was designing to supply

hands with Edison as his electric

commercial installations of his

distribution system expanded)

bulbs. This system would later

Edison then resorted to a carbon-

become the model for our modern

based, high-resistance, filament.

electric utility power distribution

One year later in October 1879

system of today.Another European

Edison successfully tested a

inventor Joseph Swan filed the

filament that burned for 13.5 hours.

patent for electric light bulb the

Continuing to improve his design,

same year as Edison,Although he

by November 1879, he filed for a

cauld not come up with a filament

U.S. patent for an electric lamp

to increase the burn time of his

using “a carbon filament or strip

bulb so that it could be put to

coiled and connected to platina

commercial use.Also he had not

contact wires�.

designed the fixtures to place the

The filament was made from a

piece of carbonized thread.

that he absorbed knowledge

By New Year’s he was

from a lot of inventors working in

demonstrating lamps using

the field before he came up with

carbonized cardboard filaments

the electric light bulb. Electric

to large crowds at the Menlo

lights became cheap, safe,

Park laboratory. It was not until

and convenient to use and the

several months after the patent

public and commercial concerns

was granted that Edison and his

installed them in rapidly increasing

team discovered that a carbonized

numbers. The rest is history.

bamboo filament could last over 1200 hours. A year later, Edison began manufacturing commercial lamps using carbonized Japanese bamboo as filaments. Throughout his career, Edison worked on many improvements to his signature invention, an invention that literally changed the way we live after dark. He admitted


Who Invented the Airplane? The invention of Airplanes is also a very debatable topic with historians arguing over different inventors.


lying is something that


sponges. As it could destroy the

gets everyone excited, it is

balloon, one of the flight member

something we dream about,

took off his coat to stop the fire.

soaring through the winds like

The problem with these balloon

birds in the sky. Given today’s

was that it could not be guided

technology it is quite possible but

to a specific destination. With

what about the first time man left

more research and time invested

earth to join the clouds?

in the concept of flying in the air,

Well before we got the airplane

gliders were invented. This non

we got the hot air balloon. Joseph

motorized flying mechanism was

and Michel Montgolfier (two

better than the hot air balloon.

French brothers) were the first

Earliest glider that could really fly

to take flight on 21 November

was developed by George Cayel.

1783 in a giant hot air balloon

And in 1843, William Henson

which they called the Montgolfier

made the plans for model plane

balloon. They flew aloft about

which unfortunately proved to

910m above Paris for a distance of

be a disappointment for him. And

nine kilometres. After 25 minutes,

soon after, his friend named John

the machine landed between

Stingfellow designed a plane with

the windmills, outside the city.

the same model and succeeded.

Enough fuel remained on board

This plane managed to fly but did

at the end of the flight to have

not stay in the air for a long time.

allowed the balloon to fly four to

It was almost a century later that

five times as far. However, the fire

the Wright brothers took flight.

was destroying the balloon fabric

Between this period there were

and had to be controlled with

numerous flight attempts made all


across the globe, both successful

Kitty Hawk as their proving ground

and unsuccessful. But why do we

because of the constant wind that

remember the Wright’s then?

added lift to their craft.

To understand that we need to


They observed that you on a

understand what the Wright’s

bicycle you need to lean on one

achieved? An airplane is defined

side to turn, this was missing from

as a vehicle that’s manned,

all the flight attempts made before

powered heavier than air (so not

them and that is exactly what they

a balloon), take off and land on

wanted to achieve. They did so by

its own power and is controllable

observing birds on how birds could

across all three axis. This last

tilt their wings to control direction

thing is what distinguishes the

of their flight. One day Wilbur had

Wrights. The brothers began their

tube of cardboard in his hands, he

experimentation in flight in 1896

held it between his thumbs and

at their bicycle shop in Dayton,

fingers, and he observed how he

Ohio. They selected the beach at

could twist it and change its shape.

The brothers decided if they could

enough and powerful enough

give this twist to the wings it would

for their needs. So they designed

work for them. They called this

and built their own. All of their

twist wing warping which basically

hard work, experimentation and

meant they would temporarily let

innovation came together in

one wing gather more air under it

December as they took to the sky

than the other one and that would

and forever changed the course of

help their airplane take-off.


In 1902 the brothers worked out

On December 17, 1903, Orville

all the mechanisms on a gliWder

Wright piloted the first powered

and took it to a place where the

airplane 20 feet above a wind-

wind was great and there was a lot

swept beach in North Carolina.

of sand for cushioning (Kitty Hawk,

The flight lasted 12 seconds and

North Carolina) and tested out

covered 120 feet. Three more

wing warping. They made more

flights were made that day with

than 700 successful flights. After

Orville’s Brother Wilbur piloting the

having perfected glided flight, the

record flight lasting 59 seconds

next step was to move to powered

over a distance of 852 feet.

flight. No automobile manufacturer could supply an engine both light


Who Invented the Transistor? This might be the most complicated invention to explain, but it is also the most crucial invetion of our times.


ncluding transistors here might


the processing for the electronics.

seem odd but that is mainly

They were bulb like structures

because we are not aware of the

with positive and negative

impact of this invention. Transistors

terminals which processed all

are without a doubt the greatest

the information in an electronic

invention of this century and have

device (mainly telephones and

shaped the modern society as we

computers). The problem with

know it.

vacuum tubes was that they were

So what is it? What does it do? It

expensive, consumed a lot of

might be hard to understand but

power, gave off too much heat,

bear with me. So every device

and were unreliable, causing a

around you that does any form

great deal of maintenance.

of data transfer or computing,

Also they heated up quite a lot so

from mobile phones to tablets to

it needed proper cooling space

television to computers. All these

and ventilation systems. This is why

devices function on a simple

we had computers which were

language of binaries, i.e. ones and

the size of a room as it required a

zeros, to process this information

lot of vacuum tubes which in turn

we need a transistor. All our

required a lot of space.

electronic devices today have

So in the mid 1940s a team

thousands of transistors which

of scientists working for Bell

have now become microscopic

Telephone Labs (Alexander

in size. But let’s not jump ahead

Graham Bell ring a bell?) in Murray

of ourselves, let’s start from the

Hill, New Jersey, were working

beginning. So before transistors

to discover a device to replace

we had vacuum tubes to do all

the then present vacuum tube


technology. The scientists that


Their invention got little attention

were responsible for the 1947

at the time, either in the popular

invention of the transistor were:

press or in industry. But Shockley

John Bardeen, Walter Brattain,

saw its potential. He left Bell Labs

and William Shockley. Shockley

to found Shockley Semiconductor

was the head of transistor

in Palo Alto, California. He hired

research for Bell labs, Bardeen

superb engineers and physicists,

had a Ph.D. in mathematics and

but, according to physical

physics and was a specialist in the

chemist Harry Sello, Shockley’s

electron conducting properties

personality drove out eight of

of semiconductors. Let’s just say

his best and brightest. Those

he was good with physics for the

“traitorous eight” who left Shockley

ease of it. Brattain was an expert in

founded a new company called

the nature of the atomic structure

Fairchild Semiconductor. Bob

of solids at their surface level and

Noyce and Gordon Moore, two

solid-state physics, again good

of the eight, went on to form Intel

with chemistry.

Corporation (Yes, the company

that manufactures processors

Medal of Freedom.

for most of the electronics in the

So it was these semiconductors

market today). They co-invented

that allowed us to carry such

the integrated circuit. Today, Intel

complex calculating devices like

produces billions of transistors

mobile phones in our pockets. A

daily on its integrated circuits, yet

device which has become a basic

Bardeen, Brattain, and Shockley

necessity for many, something we

earned very little money from their

carry around all the time and feel

research. Nonetheless, Shockley’s

handicapped without one. Given

company was the beginning of

the amount of hard work that went

Silicon Valley.

into it it’s only apt that we make

Their original patent name for

good use of the technology.

the transistor was: Semiconductor amplifier; Three-electrode circuit element utilizing semiconductive materials. In 1956, the group was awarded the Noble Prize in Physics for their invention of the transistor. In 1977, John Bardeen was awarded the Presidential


Camera • • (The Invention of Photography, Its History)


Telegraph • Samuel Morse The Telegraph(Documetry) • articles-and-essays/invention-of-the-telegraph/ Bulb • The Invention Of The Light Bulb, Its History Airplane • Transistor • The Transistor: a 1953 documentary • Transistors - The Invention That Changed The World, Real Engineering

Illustrations and content by Saiyam Marwah Graphic Design

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