3 minute read


The only reason a person has the power to be a prophet, a pastor, or stand in any other office is because he wears the mantle of that office. God has placed that mantle on him, and if he is totally honest with himself and with you, he will admit it. It isn't his good looks that are getting him by!

When I go to a church to hold a meeting, people may think that I have a strong anointing. Yes, I take time to pray, make myself available to God, and put my flesh down. But I know that when that mantle comes on me, the anointing is in the mantle, not in me. That takes the attention away from me.


This ministry is very important to me, and it is very important to God. I'm halfway through my life, and my time is getting more and more valuable, the closer I get to my allotted age. I could just run down a prayer line, quickly touching people, but I want to do things that produce.

It's More Than a Good Time

I don't want to lay hands on people just to have a Holy Ghost nightclub, where people fall over, laugh, and have a good time.

After such services people will say, "Didn't we have a good time last night? Everyone fell on top of each other, and it was just so funny —why, the preacher told 10 jokes!"

I'd like to ask them, "Did anyone get saved? Did anyone get set free?"

That's what we're after. There is much more involved in meetings than simply having a good time. There are people in my meetings who could die with the sickness and disease they have unless they receive divine healing! That is why we must be so sensitive to the Holy Ghost.

When a man of God lays hands on you, don't just look at him; you need to see Jesus, just as if you were touching the hem of His mantle.

And when they lay hands on you, you must say, "It's finished; it's done! Amen, I believe it! That's it; I'm healed"—whether or not you

Faith That Makes a Demand on the Anointing

have a manifestation. It doesn't matter if you have a manifestation.

I've known people who didn't feel a thing after prayer, but when they got home and went to bed, they could feel that anointing come upon them, and suddenly whatever they were suffering from left them.

We're too influenced by our five senses when it comes to divine healing. We say, "Hands were laid on me, that anointing went into me, but it still hurts."

Determined To Get a Miracle

You've got to have the same determination that was exhibited by the Shunammite woman, blind Bartimaeus, and the woman with the issue of blood. As we brought out in this book, there was just something about it—they were determined to get the miracle they sought from the prophet. They weren't going to go home without it!

As a matter of fact, the woman with the issue of blood was considered unclean, and had the crowd known of her condition, she would have been stoned to death! You talk about laying your life on the line! But she didn't have anything to lose; if she didn't get her healing, she was going to die anyway.

The anointing first came upon me in 1971 while I was attending the Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship world convention in Denver, Colorado. It went into my right hand.

The Anointing Increases

Through the years, it has gotten stronger. Then, in 1978, Brother Kenneth E. Hagin put his arms around me during a meeting, and something else was transmitted from his prophetic mantle to mine. That's how you can increase your anointing—by being around other anointed people.

As you get more light on the subject, your faith will rise, and the anointing on you will get even stronger. So operate in faith and look to Jesus.

A man once asked me, "Where do you get all that stuff you preach?"

I said, "Don't tell anyone, but I get it from the Holy Ghost."

He knew I'm not a slick man. You see, I only have an eighth grade education, and I like to joke that the only reason I got that far is because I bribed the teacher! I'm not that smart, and I can't rely on my education, so I have to rely on God.

Some people have the natural ability to be a public speaker. Believe me, I don't. But I'd rather have the anointing on me and slur my words than be an eloquent speaker without the anointing.

For additional copies, please write to: Ed Dufresne Ministries P. O. Box 186 Temecula, CA 92593

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