5 Jewelry Photography Secrets Tips You Never Knew
Photo plays a deciding factor in the business. It is a great way of showcasing product to a huge number of audiences. With the rapid growing of E-commerce business Photo has becomes the key Element. Especially, when it comes about Jewelry photography, you can’t afford to make any single mistake in jewelry Photo that can disturb it viewers. People who are jewelry Photographer or linked with Jewelry Business can enhance their knowledge with 5 Jewelry Photography Tips that only a few people know. By executing these tips you can influence your business in a positive way. What is the delay then? Without making any more delay, let’s jump into the main content. 01.Use A Macro Lens It doesn’t matter which device you are using DSLR or Mirrorless, don’t take photos without using external lens. Typically most of the Camera's default lenses are not perfect for Photography. Purchase an external macro lens which is tagged as Macro and the focal length should be closer to 60mm.
It will give you some additional advantages that an ordinary default Lens can’t provide what so ever. A macro lens with 60m focal length will make the jewelry object acceptable to see. Suggested for you transparent background remove If you don’t have any problem with budget you should choose a lens that can supply 1:1 representation of the object. 02.Do the lighting properly This is a mandatory rule to follow. Lighting is crucial in Jewelry Photography. Proper lighting is must needed to ensure good jewelry photography. Here not misjudge that I am indicating Camera Flash, instead of that try to manage external lighting source. My recommendation is to use at least two lighting source, one for the left side and another one for the right side. Have a look at p hotoshop clipping path service 03.Set the Correct Aperture and Make the whole object clear This is one of the most important factors that you should keep in mind. It’s better to select a large aperture. You also have to ensure that the whole object is visible properly. Don’t make any portion of the jewelry product blur. That is distracting to see. Never attempt these types of mistakes in your business field. Don’t make wrong decision about aperture. Don’t be fool by using a short range aperture to get brighter look. Yes, you will get a bright Photo but that doesn’t mean that you are going to get attractive photo. Cause, it will make your depth of field shorter. That can cause blurriness of the jewelry. 04.Use White Background If you are tensed about picking the right background, just forget it. You should use white background instead. There is another attractive way of getting white background. You can take background removal service to remove the background from the jewelry Photo. 05.Retouch the Photo
Don’t make mistake by overlooking this step. In jewelry photography, you need to hit each and every objective to make the image more attractive. That’s why post processing is compulsory for jewelry photos. Retouching will fill all of your objective. But as a photographer, it's really tough to manage time for retouching. No problem dear. I have a solution for you. You can take jewelry photo retouching service for your photography and business. That’s it for today. Implement these golden jewelry photography tips in your jewelry photography and online business and take full advantage. Cheers buddy.