The Singapore Buddha Sasana Society (Sakya Tenphel Ling) 新加坡佛学研究会 (释迦寺) Tel: 65813902 SakyaTenphelLing.org Facebook.com/Sakyapa
29th Jan 2012 (Sunday) 1.00PM-2.30PM 一月二十九日(星期日) 下午:一点至两点半 (Mahayana Chanting) EIGHTY-EIGHT BUDDHAS CONFESSION PRAYER
八十八佛八十八佛- 礼佛大忏悔文
All are welcome to join us in 88 Buddhas Confession Prayer for world peace, prosperity, happiness, wisdom and blessings & overcome all obstacles and misfortune. All merits are dedicated to all sentient beings.
诚邀各界人士加入念诵、皈依、忏悔、发愿!众生安乐,福慧双增,消 灾解厄,国运昌盛,为祈求世界和平。功德回向十方法界一切众。 灾解厄,国运昌盛,为祈求世界和平。功德回向十方法界一切众 。