Understanding the Importance of the “Three Red Deity” The Sakya Tradition, the holder of the Buddha’s teaching in Tibet through the FatherSon Lineage has innumerable practices of Sutras and Tantras including Profound Instructions and Teachings, is as vast and as profound as an ocean. Among this, the most profound and sacred teachings are the “Thirteen Golden Dharmas. Within the “Thirteen Golden Dharmas” is the Teaching of the “Three Red Deity” which is most popularly known as accomplishing the common attainments directly and the uncommon attainment indirectly.
Origin: This teaching of the “Three Red Deity” originated from three great Tantras, is as follows: The Deity Kurukulle is originated from the “Root Text of Hevajra Tantra” and “The Two Commentaries: Vajra Panjara and Samputa”. The Deity “Great Red Ganapati” is originated from the “Tantra of Vajra Daka” and “Takkiraja” is originated from the “Shri Chakrasamvara Tantra”. These three deities comes under the deities of accomplishing Power Activities among the Four Activities, and therefore they are combined together in order to bring very successful and powerful results to actualize beings’ wishes.
Benefits that are bought down through the great Sakya Master Lineage Through the practice of the Three Red Deity of “Mar Po Kor Soom”, past great Masters of the Sakyapa’s lineage had attracted, subdued and put into services innumerable wrathful and powerful humans and non-humans beings and lead them all to the Path of Liberation. Because of this, the “Three Red Deity” become the favorable conditions for the Great Sakyapa Masters to benefit the sentient beings and spread the flawless Dharma in China, Tibet, Mongolia and other countries and finally globally. The Great Masters like Ngorchhen Kunga Zangpo, Tsarchhen Dorje Chang and countless other ancient masters, in order to spread the Buddha Dharma for the sole welfare of all sentient beings, took the three red deity as their “yidam” and propitiated and practiced the teaching, traditionally undertook all the ritual, fire puja and other activities. This time His Emimence Ratna Vajra Rinpoche and His Entourage are propitiating the Three Red Deity on 13 June2013 a very auspicious day of the powerful red deity Ganapati. We welcome all to attend and receive this blessing of wealth, obstacle clearing and harmony for a successful and happy living.
A reason of being most important teaching of Sakyapa tradition The practice of the “Three Red Deity” comes from a very superior and unbroken lineage of the Sakya running until now. Through this excellent and uninterrupted lineage it has immeasurable qualities and practicing it diligently one will the attain the common and
uncommon siddhis, and those who devotedly propitiate it will receive enormous blessing and actualizing its benefits. The reason behind being most important and authentic practice of Sakyapa is that only Sakyapa holds the common and uncommon profound teaching and instruction of the “Three Red Deity” in completeness. We welcome all to attend this Puja of “The Three Red Diety” by Our Sakya Master His Eminence Khondoong Ratna Vajra Sakya Rinpoche on 13 June 2013, a very auspicious Thursday specifically chosen by His Eminence during our Precious Lam Dre Event and within the month of the Vesak .
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