The Great Naga Puja Day 17th February 2012
龙供大法会 2 月 17 日举行
Naga 龙王坛城
Naga Wealth Vase 龙王宝瓶
We will be organizing a Naga Puja of Wealth, Prosperity, and Health on the only GREAT Naga day of the month, 17th February 2012 on a Friday morning. It has been said that when the water environment gets polluted by human beings, the Nagas will be affected and thereby cause obstacles such as illnesses, skin diseases, obscuration to humans. Thus by offering the Naga wealth vase (which contains specially blessed naga mantra, medicine herbs etc) to the Nagas at sea, one will be purified of all obstacles relating to illnesses, skin diseases, health problems; destroys all curses; and it can even help you attract extreme good fortune. Do participate by offering this powerful Naga Wealth Vase on that day and also make a trip at sea for the offering. We will perform this Puja on Naga Day. Getting the right conditions by performing the Puja on naga’s day will arouse the Nagas! Participants must be VEGETARIAN and make offerings including clean and beautiful wealth vases. This will enhance the effectiveness of the Puja.
本中心也将于该月的唯一龙供日 2012 年 2 月 17 日(星期五早上)举办殊胜的龙供法 龙供法 会,以此总结萨迦佛学院的弘法行程。据说,龙王龙族十分爱干净,当它们居住的环境 受到人类污染时,会给人类带来灾祸和障碍如疾病、皮肤病、健康问题等等。若您能于 龙供日当天向龙王龙族献供龙王宝瓶 献供龙王宝瓶,并乘船出海作供养,有助于帮您消灾解难、遣除 献供龙王宝瓶 所有疾病、皮肤病等障碍,摧毁一切巫蛊诅咒之祸,还可以为您招财纳宝。我们将于龙 我们将于龙 供日举行此法会. 供日举行此法会 . 在正确的因缘条件下,于龙供日修此法会,将能唤醒龙王龙族,令其 欢喜。 参加者必须茹素,并以恭敬心献供,包括供养干净庄严的宝瓶。此有助强化法 会的效益。本中心将举办大型的龙供法会 本中心将举办大型的龙供法会(所有萨迦佛学院的到访僧众将一同参与) 本中心将举办大型的龙供法会 Please register at the Office
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