Ilan Job Experience

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Your astrology. There are many different areas to focus on. This is what spoke to me first, having to do with your Destiny. You are abolutley destined to pursue Mysticism, but there are obstacles on your Path. You keep moving forward, conquering each obstacle you encounter. You persevere. But, as you've seen, some of the difficulties are not easily resolved, but seem to be ongoing. THAT is what your Spiritual Development is about... it's not the end result but the Journey that is meaningful, of value, and will bring you tremendous Benefits. (Some of this has been told to you before, but I am reading the chart as a whole, and so the information is spoken of again to put things in context.) Your life mission... it seems that is Past Lives you were more Pragmatic - a Rabbi rather than a Kabbalist. Part of the dilemma, the nature of the obastacles you encounter, is due to the transition, in this lifetime, from a Rabbinical identity to a Mystic. It's possible that in Past Lives you had the austerity and rigidness of a Rabbi. At the end of the life you suddenly realized the Value of the Kabbalah and Mysticism. It was calling to you, and you've been born into this lifetime to pursue that. But, your Soul seems to have had lifetimes of the myopic vision of a Rabbi, and as your Soul embraces this new Path their are Adjustments to be made. Things do not flow smoothely. The difficulites in you life at this time are a trial, a challenge. The Job Experience happens and the task is to endure the hardships while being Conscious that it is due to God's Will. And the most important thing to do is Love God through all you are enduing. This Experience is for the Development of your Soul. While there are hardships to endure, it is a gift ... remaining faithful to HaShem, sitll loving God through it all. This has to do with all that has been going on for you - your marrige, your family relationships, work. It is a true struggle for you - walled in, outlets blocked, obstacles to endure by the difficulties in your daily life. But, your endurance through these experiences transcends the situation. Your Mission is to keep moving forward, despite teh hardships. It is a true tikkun for your Soul... evolving and enduring many things that are the nature of the Mystic. In your Astrology is the marker that is the path of the Mystic. You are enduring the hardships that Mystics endure, often through choice. In your case, you have not chosen this, but it is happening to you. Three areas that Mystics need to deal with are Relationships with family, Experiences with earning a livelihood and Obedience. I have seen that the people who have this configuation, who I know, do not have an issue with Obedience. The people I attract all are quite independent, and follow their own voice. BUT, they all seem to have problems with Relationships and Work. You have had a period where these were not issues but now turmoil has occurred. It has steadily increased. That is shown by the unfolding nature of current planetary acitivity on your birth chat. So there is a dual situation going on - the Job Experience and the Trials that Mystics endure. Some choice to leave society - they don't work and they don't get married. They deprive themselves of these experience, making the pursuit of the Spiritual primary, the focus of their lives. You have married, and had a job, yet now you are being forced to experiece some of the hardships and

deprivations of the Mystic. Have faith. Again, realize that this is both preordained and that it is God's Will. Understand, again, that it is the Journey that brings the realizations. Your Soul knows, feels this, is evovling. Your Soul is fulfilling its Mission as you go through all these Experiences. Your Soul is reaping tremendous benefits. On the earthly plan there is instability but in the Spirutal realm there is Accomplishment.

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