Become the Key to Our Success
Family Community Center Project
The Salvation Army
of Carson City & Douglas County
Dear Friends, The Salvation Army began serving in Carson City, Douglas County and the surrounding community in 1983, and has long been recognized for the quality of its humanitarian services to the less fortunate. The local Army, just like we do in the rest of the world, is offering a hand up—not just a handout. If there is one thing we have in our community, it’s potential. Fourteen percent of the population of Carson City, and eight percent of Douglas County, lives below the poverty line*, and many more are experiencing food and housing instability. Through our current programs, we serve an average of 250 people per day. Most important among these are morning latchkey programs for children at three at-risk schools, the Dream Big after school program, Family Services, which assists an average of 12 families per day with a variety of emergency needs such as food, clothing, rent and utilities, and a full church program. In a recent community needs assessment study conducted by the Army, it was found that one of the most pressing needs was to expand our facilities to help address the ever-present demands for more and better emergency assistance services, the need for structured programs for young people and the need for wellsupervised transitional housing. We have entered into a contract to lease with an option to purchase an 8,200-square-foot building located at 911 East 2nd Street. It is our plan to add a 2,500-square-foot multipurpose room to this building—giving us 10,750 square feet. This will become our Family Community Center, housing all of the Army’s programs in Carson City, Douglas County and surrounding communities. The new facility will allow the Army to more than double its capacity to serve, as well as streamlining our entire constellation of programs. Many new and expanded programs can now be considered. It is only through your support that we will be able to reach our potential by purchasing the building and making the necessary additions.
Please join with the officers, staff, board members and volunteers of The Salvation Army in support of this exciting project for our community. You are the key. Sincerely,
Mark & Leslie Cyr, Captains The Salvation Army of Carson City & Douglas County
*Via US Census Bureau
Problem While we already serve an average of 250 people in need per day, we could do so much more for our community. We have not had the capacity to reach our full potential.
Solution Our solution is to purchase our leased 8,200-square-foot building and add another 2,500 square feet for a 10,750square-foot Family Community Center.
The new facility will allow us to more than double our service capacity in Carson City and Douglas County, as well as streamlining our entire constellation of programs. You can help make the new Family Community Center a reality.
Red Shield Society
In addition to knowing that you have contributed to The Salvation Army’s increased capacity to serve, the Red Shield Society also includes other amenities. By pledging an annual gift and becoming a member of the Red Shield Society, you’ll receive special updates as well as the opportunity to join our Wall of Heroes.
Wall of Heroes
Become a key part of our mission by pledging an annual gift and joining our Red Shield Society.
William Booth Society ($5,000 or higher) Name on William Booth Plaque on the Wall of Heroes Receive William Booth Society Plaque Recognition on Red Shield Society web page and at an annual event Society breakfast and speaker series Quarterly “Day of Service” opportunities Private tour of facilities Receive E-newsletter
Shield Ambassador ($2,500 - $4,999) Name on Foundation Brick in gold on the Wall of Heroes Receive Shield Ambassador Plaque Society breakfast and speaker series Quarterly “Day of Service” opportunities Private tour of facilities Receive E-newsletter
Leadership Circle ($1,000 - $2,499) Name on Foundation Brick in silver on the Wall of Heroes Receive Annual Leadership Circle Certificate Quarterly “Day of Service” opportunities Private tour of facilities Receive E-newsletter
Circle of Compassion ($500 - $999) Name listed on the Circle of Compassion display on the Wall of Heroes Receive Annual Circle of Compassion Certificate Private tour of facilities Receive E-newsletter
Gift Planning Gift Planning offers a wonderful opportunity to invest in The Salvation Army of Carson City & Douglas County. Through thoughtful gifts made with careful planning, you can help both now and in the future! Consider the following possibilities.
Charitable Lead Trust
You can fund a Charitable Lead Trust which will immediately provide payments at a set percentage of the trust (which you determine) to The Salvation Army Capital Expansion. These payments will continue for a set period of time established by you. After that period of time the funds remaining in the Trust will either come back to you or be passed to family members, which would usually be children. Wonderful tax benefits are available through this gift.
Named Endowment
The Salvation Army’s very popular Named Endowment program that will make distributions to The Salvation Army of Carson City into perpetuity. The payments can begin right away and help us very much in this campaign. You can even add to the Endowment and monitor its growth and activity. What a wonderful gift this is and will bring years of satisfaction to you and your family.
Charitable IRA Rollover Gift
For those individuals 70 1/2 years or older you can do a direct transfer to The Salvation Army from your IRA. This transfer can meet your required minimum distribution and not be subject to taxes which could help keep you in a lower tax bracket. Your plan administrator must transfer the funds outright to The Salvation Army. There is no charitable deduction. Your transfer amount will be applied immediately for the benefit of our Capital Campaign here in Carson City. Please contact us for details.
Gifts from Your Will of Revocable Living Trust
This is the easiest planned gift to make. You can name The Salvation Army of Carson City as a beneficiary in your Will or Living Trust. Please contact us for the proper language and designation along with our Federal ID number. When these gifts come, they can help in the all-important ongoing expenses of our new facility. Keep in mind the benefit of naming a charity as beneficiary of your IRA - the charity will not pay taxes on the withdrawals. An individual could be subject to a high tax rate on the same asset.
For more information please contact Mitch McConkey, Gift Planning Director, at 888-214-8229
Family Community Center
Naming Opportunities While shaping our community with your generous gift, receive permanent recognition—or choose to honor a family member or friend.
Name the Facility
Name the Chapel
Name the Christmas Program
Name the Youth Hall
Name the Food Pantry
Name the Kitchen
Name the Corps Officer Offices (2)
$25,000 each
Name an Office (3)
$25,000 each
Name the Board Room Name an Activity Room (3)
$25,000 $15,000 each
Name the Nursery
Gifts may be pledged over five tax years.
“The Salvation Army has been a blessing to my family. I don’t know what we would do without the many different types of help they have provided for us. The Army literally changed my life! ”
Caring for Our Youth Our Summer Day Camp is available for the working poor to have a safe and positive place for their children, ages 5-12, during the summer break. We provide nine weeks of activities, including field trips, gardening, a Christian chapel, crafts and games, plus healthy lunch and snacks. Additionally, each summer we send over 50 at-risk children for a week of summer camp to Camp Del Oro near Nevada City, California. Our Dream Big After-School Programs are designed to assist in developing individuality and potential through working with program leaders and other children. Lessons are given in the Bible, art, music, cooking, gardening and many other educational subjects. Our Morning Latchkey Program’s mission is to provide a safe environment for children K-5 who, due to parents’ work schedules, or other life challenges, need a before-school program. This program specializes in developmental skills, self-esteem and positive behaviors that aid children in making healthy choices.
Homelessness Prevention The Salvation Army serving Carson City and Douglas County works in collaboration with our local school district to procure temporary housing (as available) for families in need. When we have a referral from the school district, we work with the family to help them get into temporary housing, and make a plan to keep them off the streets permanently. Rental assistance is available to help keep a family, veteran, disabled person or senior citizen from being evicted from their current place of residence. This program is meant to keep people in need from becoming homeless. All of these programs have requirements that help people in our community become less dependent and more self-reliant. We want to give all of our clients a hand up, not a handout.
Emergency Disaster Services As one of the nation’s major emergency relief organizations, The Salvation Army recognizes the critical importance of being prepared for natural and man-made disasters. Therefore, we take steps to ensure our own ability to respond quickly and efficiently to a disaster. Our Emergency Disaster Services focuses on: emergency preparedness, immediate emergency response, long-term disaster recovery, and spiritual and emotional care. Additionally, The Salvation Army of Carson City is the home of an emergency response vehicle, or canteen. With this canteen we have a team ready to respond to emergencies and provide meals as well as pastoral care.
Serving Families in Crisis Our Family Services office assists an average of 2,000 individuals and families monthly with a variety of tools to help meet their needs. At times, unexpected expenses can put people in jeopardy of losing their home or going hungry. We help meet many of these basic needs with our community of donors, partners and volunteers who make this mission possible. Services include: • Emergency food boxes • Weekly Fresh Foods program • Rental and utility assistance
• Clothing and furniture • Back to school supplies • Thanksgiving and Christmas assistance
The purchase and expansion of the Family Community Center will be made possible only through community support. We are deeply grateful to all who choose to support our mission. You truly are the key to our success.
Campaign Leaders
Court Cardinal Honorary Campaign Chairman
Larry Goodnight Campaign Chairman
Mark Cyr Corps Officer
Leslie Cyr Corps Officer
Corps Leaders
Capital Campaign Leadership Karen Beckerbauer Tom Britanik Court Cardinal Tom Conlin John Copoloulos Bob Crowell Valerie Dockery
Kenny Furlong Larry Goodnight Diane Heet Stan Jones Lee Kennedy Michael Kubrich Nick Marano
Bill Miles P.K. O’Neill Mary Jane Ostrander Donna Ruiz Steve Thaler
Advisory Board Karen Beckerbauer Tom Britanik Court Cardinal
Tom Conlin Valerie Dockery Diane Heet
Michael Kubrich Mary Jane Ostrander Steve Thaler
Thank You for becoming a key part of our success!
Contact us with questions or make your contribution today. Your support unlocks our potential.
Family Community Center Project Make Your Contribution To make a credit card contribution to our project, visit Checks may be made out to The Salvation Army Carson City and mailed to: P.O. Box 956 . Carson City, NV. 89702 Contacts • • • •
Captain Mark Cyr, Corps Officer: 775-721-6900 Donna Ruiz, Senior Donor Relations Director: 775-342-7523 Mitch McConkey, Gift Planning Director: 888-214-8829 Christie Contreras, Office Coordinator: 775-350-5190
The Salvation Army
of Carson City & Douglas County 911 E. 2nd Street . Carson City, Nevada 89701 (775) 887-9120