BIM Architect

Milan, Italy
+39 351 5715614
I m a senior BIM Technician, and a certified Autodesk professional, with expertise in using advanced BIM techniques to improve project efficiency My architecture background and extensive experience in diverse teams ensure I uphold high standards, manage BIM protocols in AEC, and promote collaboration using Revit and BIM coordination
BIM Specialist
E45 S.r.l.
Design & model BIM drawings, audit models
schematic design
BIM Specialist
Studio Ravegnani Architetto | Milan, IT
Technical BIM drawings, clash detection
Architectural Assistant
Alex Poulsen Arkitekter A/S | Copenhagen, DK
Design assistant, documenter, visualisation
Architectural Assistant
Armanshahr Consulting Engineers Co.
Construction details, BIM collaborator
Architectural Assistant
Armanshahr Consulting Engineers Co.
Design phase I technical drawings construction inspection presentations
Architectural Drafter - Architectural Assistant
Artabin Architectural and Urbanism
Consulting Engineers
Assist and design projects, 2D drawings, 3D models and rendering
M Sc in Architecture for The Sustainability Design
Politecnico di Torino | Turin, IT
Final grade: 103 (out of 110)
B Sc in Applied Science Architecture
Kowsar Institute of Higher Education
Final grade: 17 49 (out of 20)
A S in Architectural Drawing - Architecture
Enghelab-e Eslami Technical College
Final grade: 16 32 (out of 20)
Autodesk Certified Professional in Revit for Architectural Design
World Architecture Community Winner of the 43rd cycle of World Architecture Community in the student category, as the project A Layer Beyond ' .
Language Other
Italian Basic
Persian Native
Adaptability Goal-directed Time management
New Hospital of Cesena
Healthcare - New Build
Office - Transformation
Room for The Water
Low-Cost Housing - New Build
Urban Design - Transformation and New Build
Lungo La Strada
Multi Functional Area Development - Transformation
Various Professional Projects
New Hospital of Cesena
Arch. Ravegnani Studio. Cesena, Italy
Responsibilities: BIM Specialist, optimizing the model and families in exteriors, schedules, clash detection
Keywords: BIM, healthcare, exteriors

The proposed hospital in Cesena, Italy lays in a surface of 88,000 km² with an approximate dimension of 150m per 160m. Within the BIM workflow of the project, it consists of three main buildings and to simplify addressing building elements and models, a unique coding system was defined refering the project code, decipline, model type, and the building.
Naming protocol as followed by BEP

LOD 400 BIM Model


Roof daylight model information

Customising family parameters
Clash detection in


2. Scossalina alluminio preverniciato grigio chiaro
8. Serramenti alluminio - colore bianco
41. Pannello sandwich
L.0 +0.00
L.1 +5.55
L.2 +10.75
4. Schermatura acustica - acciaio zincato preverniciato grigio chiaro
Pannelli fonoassorbenti
Pannello sandwich grecato
4. Schermatura acustica - acciaio zincato preverniciato grigio chiaro
69. Calcestruzzo prefabbricato
Alex Poulsen Arkitekter A/S
Transformation of an old industrial unit into an open office complex. Copenhagen, Denmark
Responsibilities: Design options (1st floor Storrum), BIM collaboration, visualisation, preparing phase 1
drawings Trifolium
Keywords: Transformation, sustainable interventions, public space, offices
Trifolium is 13,000 km² commercial leasehold in Copenhagen's south harbour, wellknown as the oldest and the largest dairy in Copenhagen. The building is currently undergoing a long series of sustainable interventions in the form of restoration and transformation of the building's interior. The aim is to transform the building's halls and other rooms into good and flexible commercial tenancies.

2nd oor, Mezzanin
Podie med siddepladsViroc panel Grey CZ
Inddækning i malet mdf
Bordplade i malet mdf
Vægskinne, galvaniseret
Fladstål 50x10mm
Trappetrine og stål lkonstruktion Udnkles samarbejde med smed
Shelf detail
Staircase detail
Scan to watch the video!
Covering in painted mdf
Table top in painted mdf
Galvanised wall rail
Stair treads and steel construction, developed in collaboration with a blacksmith
Flat steel size 50x100 mm
Metal structure
Podium with seating
Viroc panel Gray CZ

2nd oor, Mezzanin

1st oor - Storrum
Kryds ner Isolering Lydregel
Room for The Water
Artabin, architecture design development (competition)
Scarcity architecture. Beira, Mozambique
Responsibilities: Construction process and detail studies, environmental studies
Keywords: Scarcity, low-cost housing, construction process, design development

Concept Development

1. Context
4. Housing
5. Transition
6. Fencing
2. Green Infrastructure
3. Accessibility

concrete footing 2. 2m concrete foundation wall 3. 50cm granular base 4. 30cm concrete slab 5. concrete pillar 6. concrete beam 7. wooden floor joist 8. bolted connection to beam 9. secondary timber beam 10. plywood 11. polished earth floor
earth brick 13. wooden windows
clay plaster
metal plate 16. metal hanger 17. mat shader
18. steel truss
19. 5cm strawboard insulation
20. steel frame
21. corrugated iron sheet
22. gutter
23. water tank
24. metal bracket connection for expansion

Armanshahr, Urban development proposal (competition)
Urban design and programming. Grenoble, France
Responsibilities: Developing buildings and model, preparing urban drawings, stakeholders contact

The idea is to create a loop for green path to connect the important neighborhoods, Ecoloop can provide the possibility of being eco-district because it acts as "all in one" infrastructures of ecosystem that can be considered as the source point for sustainable development.

Keywords: Urban design, environmental sustainability, biophilia, participatory design

Ecoloop elementsEcoLoop Master Plan

Block A: Social housing + Energy planet
Block B: Social housing
Block D: Public space
Block C: Social housing
Flubert district in Grenoble

Design area: 24,900 m2
Building area: 12,700 m2
Public space area: 12,900 m2
Dwellings provided: 250

Section C-C
Waste to Energy Planet
Block A & B: Social housing + Energy planet

Lungo La Strada, Multi Functional Area Development
By Marazzato Soluzioni Ambientali
Regeneration of a truck collection area. Stroppiana, Italy
Responsibilities: Concept development, intervention studies, drawings enhancement, visualising
Keywords: Transformation, sustainable interventions, exhibition, outdoor space

Design Adaptability

Scan to view transformation process

Ground Floor Plan - Phase 2 (public showroom)
Various Professional Projects
Marel - Renovation (Office)
Alex Poulsen Arkitekter A/S
Sustainable Intervention of a convention centre. Copenhagen, Denmark
Keywords: Rendering, architectural design, sustainable intervention, interior design, visualisation
Responsibilities: Preparing architectural diagrams, drawings, 3d and visualisation
Existing building Future (expanded intervention)

Ground floor
1st floor
Cisco - Renovation (Office)
e45 S.r.l.
Renovation of the Cisco office. Milan, Italy
Keywords: Technical drawings, architectural schematic presentation
Responsibilities: Assisting in drafting technical plans, preparing schematic visualisation
Partitions tracing plan
Schematic 3d plans