Silicon Drift Detectors for Synchrotron Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy (SDD for EDXRF) Presentation by Dr. Saleh Qutaishat Petra University Amman – Jordan Presented at the ninth SESAME users’ meeting, 12-14 November, Days Inn Hotel, Amman, Jordan
Introduction Detector description and its principle of operation Detector module. Detector Features and its Performance EDXRF of Fe 55 Spectrum Summary and Concluding Remarks. References Video Clip on SDD applications
Fig. 1. 1) X-ray absorption Energy of an incident X-ray photon is absorbed by a core-level electron then the electron is ejected from the atom as a Photo-electron. 2) X-ray Fluorescence Higher energy core electron fills an empty electron level , and x-ray of fixed energy is emitted.
2) X-ray Fluorescence Higher energy core electron fills an empty electron level , and an x-ray of fixed energy is emitted
Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of X-ray detection and signal processing
Fig. 3. Schematic diagram of the SDD. In the detector’s core; incident X-ray interacts with n-Silicon and produces electron-hole pairs. The number of electrons produced are proportional to the energy of the interacting X-ray photon. The electrons move fast towards the anode under the influence of an electric field parallel to the surface of the detector. The anode is connected to the gate of an integrated Field Effect Transistor (FET). Once the electrons reach the anode they produce an electric current signal The SDD was invented by E. Gatti and P. Rehak in 1983.
Fig. 4. Animation of interaction of X-ray photons with SDD producing electron-hole pairs. Then the electrons are drifted until they reach the anode of the detector.
Fig. 5. Detector Module; a thermoelectrically cooled Silicon Drift Detector (SDD). Also mounted on the 2-stage cooler are the input FET and a novel feedback circuit. These components are kept at approximately -55 째C, and are monitored by an internal temperature sensor. The hermetic TO-8 package of the detector has a light tight, vacuum tight thin Beryllium window to enable soft x-ray detection.
Fig. 6. Block diagram of the SDD module with Peltier cooler and related electronics of (EDXRF) spectroscopy.
Fig. 7. Silicon Drift Detectors (SDD)
Detector Features and its performance HIGH COUNT RATE - 500,000 CPS 125 eV FWHM Resolution @ 5.9 keV High Peak-to-Background Ratio - 8200:1 Up to 80mm2 active area X 500 Âľm thikness Multilayer Collimator No Liquid Nitrogen
Fig. 8. Efficiency versus energy graph of Silicon Drift Detector (SDD).
Fig. 9. Schematic diagram of a Synchrotron. SDD is installed at the end station of X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) beam line BL6b
Fig. 10. Characteristic peaks in Spectrum of Fe55 X-ray source taken by using SDD
Silicon Drift Detector application Video clip 1
Silicon drift Detector application Video clip 2
Fig. 11. Video clips for the X-MAX Drift Detector (SDD) from Oxford Instruments mounted on a Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) and used for elements identification and mapping.
Summary: A Silicon Drift Detector (SDD) was presented. The detector structure and its working principle were explained. The detector is cooled by a Peltier cooling element giving it a great advantage over liquid Nitrogen cooled detectors. The detection system has a high energy resolution due to the low output capacitance of the SDD and the integration of the FET on the detector. Energy resolution of the system is 125 eV FWHM at 5.9 KeV Fe KÎą. Due to its short time shaping signal SDD has a high count rate of 500,000 counts per second. SDDs are famous in being used in Synchrotron energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) spectroscopy and in portable XRF analysis devices.
Concluding Remarks: The key advantage of the SDD is that it has much lower capacitance than a conventional SiLi detectors of the same area, therefore reducing electronic noise at short shaping times. For X-ray spectroscopy, an SDD has better energy resolution while operating at much higher count rates than a conventional semiconductor. The SDD uses a special electrode structure to guide the electrons to a very small, low capacitance anode.
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